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Everything posted by Freyd

  1. "Pin it against that corner. Take away its mobility!" Aus moved instantly, despite having lost the thread of the combat to date. His leader's orders were all he needed: tactics and direction with intent. Hulking in his blackened steel armor, the man swung and slashed for effect, rather than damage. One of the weaver's own webbed platforms stretched overhead to prevent its own easy escape. "Oh no you don't." A quick smash and shove from his shield kept in hemmed in despite the mob's apparent awareness of its predicament. "Not sure how long I can keep it here," Aus replie
  2. "It likes to play in the shadows, does it?" Glancing at the orange slash on his leg, Freyd could already see the wound closing as his healing skills kicked in. Chimes from the webbing became a cacophony as their assailant skittered across and above them seeking advantage of its own, but it had gotten its freebie and revealed itself in the process. The Whispers features seemed to retreat into the shadows of his own cowl, eyes concealed in its darkness while he peered through it - through shadow. "There you are." Resembling some demonic giant spider, the maze weaver had moved to s
  3. Purchasing 4 of the the following items: Water Canister (x3) | [400col] Grants +(5 *Tier) health regeneration while out of combat. Effect lasts for one thread. Total Cost: 1600 col
  4. Fortunately, Freyd's tracking skills still functioned within the maze, albeit to a more limited degree. Reports received by O&I contained a name, which proved enough to find the poor fellow's whereabouts even if their condition was far from hospitable. "Did this idiot actually come here willingly?" Aus' sarcasm was on point. Every inch of wall and floor was covered in thick, luminescent webbing, even extending to form layered platforms and an unofficial ceiling overhead. Freyd was already wondering whether they might be used to reach and traverse the labyrinth atop its own partiti
  5. A 'scree' to rupture eardrums; or it would have been if he'd actually had any to burst. Katoka's high pitch squeal would have scared off every fishing within a league, save one, as it turned out. As the spiffy blonde samurai leaped lightning fast into the air, the boat's balance shifted instantly in response to the suddenly absent weight. Freyd's eyes barely had time to widen before joining the mass of his flailing arms and shadows tumbling backwards into the drink. Some cursing might have been involved, but was drowned out by inelegant splashing and the roar of an injured mob whose cinema
  6. "It took quite some time to run through the previous stock." Leaning over the collected products in the display case, Freyd was careful not to touch. He'd witnessed the compound's effects many times, to the extreme detriment of the recipients. Priorities were shifting. Roles and systems had to adapt accordingly. A waving hand adjusted ownership. Transaction complete. The commitment was made and new path chosen. Who would have ever guessed? "Thank you, Bistro, for always being prepared." Unorthodox words from the calculating mob murdering machine. "Take care of yourself." A stran
  7. "How long?" "Six hours." Spoken with utmost pessimism, Aus' sizable, armored form made it clear that already considered the missing players to be gonners. "Mobs don't often take prisoners, certain specific quests aside. I guess it takes up too much RAM, or something." Gruesome, but also not wrong. Freyd flipped a short stick of white chalk into the air, catching it deftly on its descent and stuffing the thing into one of his seemingly infinite pockets. The labyrinth on twenty five was notoriously fickle to those plumbing its depths. Even the strongest and most experienced players ra
  8. "Subtle," came Freyd's deadpan reply in response to his towering friend's acrobatic arrival. He'd actually expected him to bowl over a dozen NPC's like some cataclysmic orbital strike at a carefully arrayed set of pins. Oscar wasn't exactly hard to miss, whether in a crowd, stuffing his gob gob full of free samples, leaping ridiculously from low level rooftops. The Whisper had learned his own gymnastic shenanigans from the best, after all. "And, also, yes it has." Distracted and now keenly alert to the potential of a fresh threat or mystery, Freyd 'Spidey' senses had triggered at overh
  9. Keeping half an eye on their green-haired companion, Freyd sensed her resurgent anxiety. Was it the open water? Maybe she'd had a bad experience with sea life in her youth? "There's so many fish!", he heard her say, wonder glossing over her worries as features softened with delight. Thank goodness. She'd come so far in facing her fears. Sparing a moment to gaze upon the sparkling kaleidoscope of coral ablaze beneath them Freyd's own amazement eased his own perpetual tension, already relaxed by the gift of an unexpected getaway. His instincts had screamed that it was too good
  10. Barter and trade, the appraiser's best arsenal at work and invaluable when it came to equipping the rank and file to face whatever manner of enemy Cardinal bent their way at its master's whim. Freyd has been seeking building materials of late, for a private project near and dear to his heart - plying his chosen trade for less martial or clandestine purposes. It felt good to step away from seemingly perpetual conflict. Others had the right of it: make time for the things that matter lest no more of it remain. Fate never tells you how much you have left on your fuse before you blow. So, odd
  11. Skill(s) Being Dropped: Light Armor (R5) Mod(s)/Addon(s)/Shift(s) Being Dropped: Meticulous mod, Resolve addon, Ferocity addon SP Incurred Towards Limit: 34 (excludes Meticulous and Resolve) SP Refunded: 44 Cost: 44,000 col (Fee sent to Banker)
  12. A gentle knock at the door followed by polite pause led to the entry of a familiar yet notably different fellow by his bearing. Freyd had been through a lot lately, and it was showing. That alone was significant for someone normally so unabashedly reserved. Carefully removing his footwear to prevent soiling the shop floor, he offered a casual bow and quiet greeting. "I need these stitched into something more potent and reliable, Setsuna, and you've always proven meticulous and exceptional in your work. Could you spare the time to fuse them together for me?" Sliding a note on the counter
  13. "Huh. Nice spot," Freyd admitted to himself aloud, having suddenly appeared at the threshold of Morningstar's stunning tropical getaway. Yet the man standing there in no way fit the standard mold of expectations for the brooding, edgelord otherwise referred to as The Whisper in Shadows. Instead, clad in little more than an open red Hawaiian shirt with white palm tree print, black shorts and a pair and well-worn sandals, it was hard to believe him to be the same person. Even the constant pallor of his skin had started to darken after several similarly relaxing forays. Who knew that he coul
  14. "Let's let the scenery provide the rainbows," Freyd countered, turning his sight towards the kaleidoscope of colours floating in the mists over the nearby waterfalls. It was as close as you could get to making such a view permanent, short of magicky system shenanigans. A vague memory intruded from a long-ago field trip to Takakkaw Falls as a child, and witnessing a similar effect first hand. "It seems to have the hang of it, I'd say." Breathing deeply, Elora could see the tension bleeding from his shoulders just by being in the place. Cares and worries piled up behind his eyes like ba
  15. "Goofy?! This is grade-A authentic imitation Hawaiian leisure wear! I even fakes Gilligan's signature on the inside of the hat myself," Freyd countered with the full force of feigned indignity. The whole getup was really just a means for him to break his own mold and step outside the edgelord vibes most frequently sent his way. Those were equally well-earned and cultivated for a purpose, to be fair. Fear of what the unhinged murder-hobo in black might do kept Firm Anima safer. That alone made it worthwhile. But even Freyd had to admit that he wasn't sure what to make of the person beh
  16. Notice sent and received. In truth, Freyd had nearly forgotten about the order, having provided the raw goods to Morningstar only to help him level his skill. It barely registered to him that he might one day get everything back to add to his seemingly endless larder of goodies. And yet, he still somehow managed to deplete its contents from time to time. Dismissed as the price of proper preparation, Freyd gratefully acknowledged and picked up the order in person, chatting briefly about recent news and adventures. "You did very well in the raid, my friend, and should be proud of that
  17. "Yes!", Elora answered whole-heartedly, "How do we start? By gathering materials? Do I need to go fetch us a hundred small stones from the river? FIVE hundred logs from the forest?" Freyd laughed heartily at her sudden zeal and drive before summoning a UI interface that looked crammed beyond what should have been overflowing. Reams of data scrolled rapidly across the screen, ignored in favour of the search function that was the only fathomable way for him to navigate the sheer amount of stuff he'd gathered over the years. Quip's thick brogue cursed at him from memory, telling him to bet
  18. Lanky frame striding slowly through an empty hall of echoes, Freyd wandered through the place as if enraptured by a dream. His mind was elsewhere, pre-occupied by a thing that should not even be possible, and yet it was. Had fate intervened? Could such things be changed? His memories suggested that they could, but they were not always the most reliable when it came to such topics. White noise scrambled the recollection, or white hair? Who could tell which was which anymore? Green had since come to prominence as a favourite colour, and with good cause. It offered hope and humanity other
  19. "Does that mean we'll be building it ourselves?", she had asked. "I just thought we'd be moving into a building that already existed -- this is a lot more exciting then!" "I guess that's really up to us," he replied with a twinkle in the bluest depths of his eyes. "Like a lot of similar games, you can buy a packaged product and just watch it manifest before your eyes. Or, we could craft it ourselves bit by bit to suit. We don't need the hew every plank or forge every nail, mind you, but the place will feel more special for each personal mark we leave upon it. And, I want it to feel s
  20. "I know a thing or two... you better believe that when the NerveGear hit the market, there were a lotta tech nerds chompin' at the bit to experiment with all sortsa things. Mostly it was fringe knowledge, and inconclusive as hell. Not a lot of it's useful t' any of us in here, either." Kyo's words perked Freyd's interest, a single brow raising to attention. "A fellow techie? Good for you. You'll likely have a good mindset for survival and learning the system. I'd done some research of my own before linking on. It helps shape your perspective on what you encounter in here, though
  21. "Heh," Freyd chuckled, scratching at the back of his cowl. "I'm not really sure, to be perfectly honest. She was just getting started in the Town of Beginning. I helped her out a bit, which became a pattern over time." Memories of endless hours spent scouring beneath rocks and foliage in search of a familiar came to mind. How many days had they spent looking for Borris, only to realize that he'd been following along behind them almost since the beginning? The little rock elemental was as unpredictable as she was. "There's no way I could have planned it, and wouldn't have the slightest c
  22. relationships partner / spouse closest friends and kindred spirits friends acquaintances others
  23. notes thread summaries (v2.6) thread summaries (v3.0) thread summaries (v3.1) Special or assumed abandoned threads Custom Skill
  24. A gap? Annoying. That was the entire sum of internal discourse that ran through Freyd's head in the aftermath of the latest raid. He'd come out fine, certainly compared to the rest of his party, but that wasn't the issue. The problem was that people were running on empty and no one had bothered to bring a Jerry can of mojo to top themselves up. Where others might have scolded their fellows for not coming prepared, Freyd placed the blame on himself. He was the tank, which was tantamount to being the squad sergeant around here. He should have checked them over and been ready to back them u
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