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Posts posted by Celeste

  1. As soon as the gate would allow her to step off she does, looking around a murky-looking bog. The city was almost under a layer of water, various gondolas passing through troughs of water that divided it. Heading out the gate as quickly as she could, she looked for the first thing she could hit. A red named creature, with the body of a man but the head of a cobra. "You!" Celeste barked out at it causing it to turn to face her. Without warning, she blasts it in the neck with that huge letter opener of hers. It rebuttals sticking her with a long spear, but she was already in a frenzy. The damage had been dealt but she was paying so little attention to the slowly draining bar she simply rips clean the cleaver, drawing a trail as she does. It hums with more power, she grits her teeth and her eyes dance with a slight gloss.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN, Concentration Activated (+1 Accuracy), Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182757 results: Battle: 10, Major Critical vs. Snek Dude dealing 11x6=66 DMG and applying [BLD:12/2]
    Snek Dude sustains 12 via BLD
    MOB: 9, Minor Critical vs. Celeste dealing 40-18=22 DMG

    Celeste | HP:169/260 | EN:20/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Snek Dude | HP:82/162 | DMG:39 [BLD:12/1]

  2. OOC EN Regen Triggered: Full EN Restore, +10 HP

    Celeste was sure as shit wasn't going to give up now after all she'd been through. The gate was moving to meet her, but she stumbles on something as she walks. "what?" The redhead instantly perks up with her axe held in defense, ready to squish some little bastard if she had to. Jutting from the tan grains was a single rod of silver. Leaning down and wrapping her fingers around it, it was hot to the touch. As expected of something left abandoned in a giant oven. Peeling it free revealed a spyglass with no lens, abandoned here out in the wastes by who knew what. Probably some player had since forgotten it out here and it decayed with time, but maybe it could be of some use for the metal. A flash deposits it away. Through the gate, the girl ushers, turning the quest into the board and hoping to the pad with a bit more fervor. "Back to it, I still got daylight to burn. Floor 12 Lazaro"

    ID# 182756 results: Loot: 19, Success!
    +1 T1 Material Obtained!

    Celeste Moves to Floor 12

  3. OOC EN Regen: [2/3], +10 HP

    Even still she managed to take it down, alone. That was cause for pride, and it was odd that something so much stronger than what she had faced appeared on such a lower floor. She began to question just how much difficulty was not tied to what floor you were on. The basic crap seemed to grow little by little, but something like the sand shark seemed drastically stronger than what she faced on floor 16. Dragging her feet as her energy began to trickle back in, drawing grooves in the sand beneath them. A soft sigh as she raised her head and eyed the settlement from a distance it was still a ways off. It was obscured and distorted by the waves of heat that rolled across the rolling dunes, making the vision muggy. She perseveres and every few steps is a bit stronger than the last one gaining an actual movement than a drag.

    ID# 182755 results: Loot: 3, Failure!

  4. OOC EN Regen: [1/3], +10 HP

    A few minutes later she eventually begins to move, dragging her grim weapon from the puddle that was Zuggtmoy as it poured off of the steel in a sticky red liquid. She tosses the head behind her own, resting it there as it ran along her right shoulder. A soft exhale as she looks at the creature and mutters. "Come on." limply to it. It swells and begins to bubble as it ushered toward her legs and starts to disappear into her clothes. A few steps toward the town of Fortaleza albeit slowly, the girl was still pretty tapped. She'd nailed down the quest but hell if it wasn't a bit of a whole ordeal to overtake it. That shark was a bit of a doosh, wasn't like the others where it was immediately clear where the hostile was. Nope, this one surprised attacked her and did some considerable damage.

    ID# 182754 results: Loot: 4, Failure!

  5. Concentration Refreshed!

    A dump of the weapon down with a carnivorous tear that connects slightly off-center in its jaw. The amberish maroon liquid of her familiar worming it's way out like nightcrawlers in the rain. It begins to bend and peel away at the wound as Celeste takes another swing. Like splitting wood she heaves over and over, each removal casting a blood like trail of red energy. The attacks were relentless, filled with fury and each seemed more gruesome than the last. High pitched whirs augment them and beat like a drum with each trigger. Eventually, the creature falls silent. But even still Celeste continues to pound away in a rage, after it disperses she continues to slam her axe at the ground where it fell until her energy was spent. Blood repaid in full. A heavy pant as she collapses from the fully emptied out stamina pool, as the puddle of red of her familiar left behind starts to ooze around her.

    Smash [x2], -2 EN

    ID# 182747 results: Battle: 6+3=9, Hit vs. Sand Shark dealing 9x2=18 DMG

    Celeste | HP:161/260 | EN:13/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Sand Shark | HP:15/125 | DMG:50

  6. Concentration CD [2/3]

    Ripping clean that axe as the jagged teeth dig into her back, Although she had freed her movement, those serrated edges were still puncturing her spine and every move she made cut the gashes just that much wider. She didn't give a flying fuck. A spray of red as she reinforces the earlier wound with a pound of the wedged steel where she assumed was the same spot. "Zuggtmoy, choke this bastard!" Celeste barks out forcing the familiar to manifest in a spray. It begins to pour down the monster's gullet and expand. The monster heaves and begins to gag, its air being cut off by the gelatinous shape. It was beginning to inflate like a balloon from the inside. Its jaw loosens and the girl finally free unhooks herself from the daggers in her back, slinking and leaping off of its tongue. A vibrant and violent shake of the billhook in her grasp, she was about to exact pain

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182746 results: Battle: 3+3=6, Hit vs. Sand Shark dealing 9x6=54 DMG
    MOB: 10, Major Critical vs. Celeste dealing 52-18=34 DMG

    Celeste | HP:161/260 | EN:14/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Sand Shark | HP:15/125 | DMG:50

  7. Concentration CD [1/3]

    A snap of that jaw shut causes even more damage to the girl, she was in quite the pickle being stuck in the mouth of a huge thing. As she fights back against the ever-tightening mouth of the shark Celeste rips free her trapped left arm against teeth. It leaves a raked set of lines on her peach skin as she peels up her right leg and begins to push it apart. "Fuck you!" The girl screams as she dumps the axes head into the belly of the creature. She then begins to peel her axe upward and carve away at its underside, drawing a red line down its base. The thing was durable and continues to thrash about and swallow her whole. Her billhook was on fire as red ichor began to pour down the lips of the creature, doing its best to slow the ever-crushing beartrap that held the crimson tide by the waist.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182745 results: Battle: 3+3=6, Hit vs. Sand Shark dealing 9x6=54 DMG
    MOB: 9, Minor Critical vs. Celeste dealing 51-18=33 DMG

    Celeste | HP:195/260 | EN:19/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Sand Shark | HP:69 (NICE)/125 | DMG:50

  8. With expedited retreat as soon as she had that gilded line that leads her to the quest, she was out that gate with a hasted walk. Like a soccer mom looking to get a fit rear end, she was blinding through the sands following the given breadcrumb trail. It soon widens to a huge glowing circle: An area. A rumble from below causes Celeste to fall on her ass as the very place she stood became almost a hole. She clambered to right herself as a pair of jagged teeth appear near the ring of the newly formed hole. It clenches shut and deals some considerable damage. Celeste barks and yelps, balling one hand into a fist and punching a now visible nose. It does not release her and she is ripped back and forth aggressively. "God damn piece of..." mumble mumble "What kinda steamy hot pile of horse-" mumble, spoken as she is buried and unearthed in different places being dragged beneath the sands.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN, Concentration Activated (+1 Accuracy), Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182744 results: Battle: 1, Critical Miss vs. Sand Shark
    MOB: 7-1=6, Hit vs. Celeste dealing 50-18=32 DMG

    Celeste | HP:228/260 | EN:24/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Sand Shark | HP:125/125 | DMG:50

  9. Ushering through the sands with a few higher level players sitting there having a conversation and lollygagging around. Seemed they had their own thing they were doing, which was a strange change of pace. Most of the time it was basically nobody but her and a few NPC's that just bounced off of walls and seemed to repeatedly enter and exit doors. It was a way to enforce some semblance of reality, but Celeste was curious if they were actually doing anything or just walking inside and standing there for a couple of minutes before popping back out. To the quest board as she pondered this weird concept, scrolling through the list and picking the one she sought. It was doable and the girl loved the thought of getting even more powerful. A ring of the board as it shuts, filling a vague description on the right side of her screen right below the minimap. It was time to get started and go beat up a shark.

    Celeste | HP:260/260 | EN:26/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12


    Celeste - The Crimson Tide
    Level: 13
    HP: 260/260
    EN: 26/26

    Damage: 9
    Mitigation: 18
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Adrenaline Billhook [T1/2HBA/Perfect] - Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Red Woven Wave - Stampede [T1/Light Armor/Perfect]: Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Platinum Buckle [T1/Trinket/Perfect]: Accuracy 3

    Two Handed Battle Axe [Rank 3]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Fighter (R1)
    Meditation (Untrained)

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Raspberry Smoothie [T1/Dessert/Perfect] - Loot Dice 3 *1
    Immolation [T1/Unique] - Thorns 10*1


  10. Concentration Refreshed!

    Another brutal cleave from the girl sees this large monkey painted into a pile, crimson light washing over the girl in an instant with ease. There was nothing left to fight, and the daylight was coming to an end. Celeste makes a move toward floor 4's settlement to make an expeditious retreat. She had earned more than enough to make ends meet, and was rather exhausted. There was always tomorrow. As she hopped up onto the platform and performing a final check of what it was she had reaped. It was quite a number, and with a nod she ushers it closed. "Thats good enough, Floor 1, Town of beginnings." She remarks in a way that forces the gate to come online. A ring of cyan begins with flaring runes, and like a cannon it detonates. Sending her down to get some shut eye and begin again once the sun rose again. A girl and her grind.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182739 results: Battle: 4+3=7, Hit vs. Greatest Ape dealing 9x6=54 DMG

    Loot Roll:
    ID# 182740 results: Craft: 2, Loot: 1

    Celeste | HP:221/260 | EN:9/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Greatest Ape | HP:54/162 | DMG:39

    Quest Complete:
    4*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 2 Quest Reward)
    2992*Col (400 Thread Closure, 2592 Dropped)
    10*T2 Materials
    T2 Rare Trinket #182420a
    T2 Rare Consumable #182428a
    T2 Rare Weapon #182428b

  11. Concentration CD [2/3]

    Recoiling once it had realized what had happened, outrage with a mix of concern. Balling up the left hand in an attempt at defense, a rocketing fist the size of a train. Celeste leaps as it plows into the ground, a dishevelling of soil. Her boots connect with fur, a slide, and a drop of her knee against it as she moves toward its inner armpit. A metallic bitchslap, slamming an axe like a bat just below its eye with enough power behind it to cause its head to turn. "For something so big, you sure are easy to predict." Celeste yelped as she dangled from the handle dragging a huge tear down past its mouth and chin before it came loose. Like a zipper undone, as its head corrects you could see some of its teeth where it was textured, else exposed framework. It flapped like a flag in the wind.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182738 results: Battle: 6+3=8, Hit vs. Greatest Ape dealing 9x6=54 DMG
    MOB: 5-1=4, Missed vs. Celeste

    Celeste | HP:221/260 | EN:14/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Greatest Ape | HP:54/162 | DMG:39

  12. Concentration CD [1/3]

    The large primate balls that hand into a fist, and storms down with it like a hammer to put an end to the player who was still partially prone. Celeste drops and rolls, narrowly avoiding the incoming blow, spinning up to her feet and carrying with her a high pitch whir. Like a blender, she twirls before dumping the head into the creature's massive right wrist. It digs in and she drops burrowing a hole with a crunch. A vault over as she uses the new opening, she drags it across the top half of its arm. It was agile as crap for her level, an ode to the girls risk it all mentality. Once she finds outside its huge arm span she tears away the newly sliced half circle around the hand that had struck her. A spray in red in all directions as a reaction, that fist would no longer be of any use as it dangled limply.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182737 results: Battle: 2+3=5, Missed vs. Greatest Ape!
    MOB: 5-1=4, Missed vs. Celeste

    Celeste | HP:221/260 | EN:19/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Greatest Ape | HP:108/162 | DMG:39

  13. A rumble in the field of weapons, like a herd of elephants it draws her attention and forces her to pause. A much larger ape, with a pounding fist as it hoots and hollers traversing the location. Insert the destroying of whatever army used to hold those stick spears. Celeste rips her arms back and appears her billhook, without warning or any sort of pause to think about her action before she took it. She cold clocks the thing with the head, right upside the head. A split second, it turns and glares at her with a head that easily outpaced her entire frame. "Hi." Celeste quips right before she's slammed into the dirt with a slap like a flying insect. The ape lifts its hand to see what remained of the girl. A crumbling lumps of dirt as it moved free a furred hand. Celeste coughs and peels her face out of the soil. "Asshole..." Celeste mutters out with another cough.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN, Concentration Activated (+1 Accuracy), Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182736 results: Battle: 3+3+1=7, Hit vs. Greatest Ape dealing 9x6=54 DMG
    MOB: 10, Major Critical vs. Celeste dealing 41-18=23 DMG

    Celeste | HP:221/260 | EN:20/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Greatest Ape | HP:108/162 | DMG:39

  14. OOC EN Regen Triggered: Full EN Restore!, +10 HP

    Dumping the thing in the pile with all the rest, she peers toward the peak of the mountain. A reddish glow at the stem of a huge column of black smoke and ash, it was active. Celeste wondered if there was ever an instance of it actually erupting, imagining all the little people in the barbarian village freaking out and praying to fake gods as they scattered like mice. It was a humorous idea. She smirks. "Like that'll happen, but hell I'd pay to see it." A familiar chime, that little queue that it was time to start enjoying the game again. Celeste shifts around 180 and begins to head back through the forest, hoping to get in a tussle in its confines. She was a bit eager to find one of these pointy stick-wielding tribal dorks and see what he had on tap, she'd love to womp something with some ability to defend itself other than a sucker-punching primate.

    ID# 182431 results: Loot: 2, Failure!

  15. OOC EN Regen [2/3], +10 HP

    Celeste lets her hand slide off of the thing as she moves to dive in deeper, aiming to get to the base of the mountain. The line begins to grow denser as she travels into it, the vegetation surely affected by the richness of the soil at the base. Celeste starts to notice more and more sharpened sticks as if there was some sort of fight that had happened here. Whatever humanoids were here, they were probably at ends with the apes and whatever else was within this volcanic jungle. Any hesitation the girl may have had, any concerns died once she saw the bits of sharpened twigs that were playing the part of these things weapons. They could probably barely pierce her leather armor with this pathetic dribble, they should invest in something with a bit more bite in its edge. The girl didn't realize that in video game mechanics, sticks were basically cannons.

    ID# 182430 results: Loot: 5, Failure!

  16. OOC EN Regen [1/3], +10 HP

    Dipping deeper into the forest to see what it had to offer, it was as thick as it stunk of sulfur. The volcano above must have got stuck on the trees, the ash forever tainting them with that scent. Celeste started to spot more and more totems littered throughout the place as she pressed inside. Moving close to one and eyeing it more closely, a skull upon a sharpened stick. Various animal hides wrapped around a horizontal stick, that had been bound to the central column with a bit of sinew since dried. She reaches out and grabs the piece faking arm. Wobbling it a bit shows that it was actually on there pretty good. "How do you do." Celeste joked, realizing this must have meant there was some kind of humanoid style enemy in here instead of just apes. "Must be some tribal dorks, like the bone in nose types like the settlement."

    ID# 182429 results: Loot: 1, Failure!

  17. Concentration Refreshed!

    Celeste ushered the point of her handle out to her right side and tightened her hand around its pommel. The axe head engulfs in crimson as she slowly shifts her left to it. A drop of the thing like a hammer, a guillotine cuts clean through its defenses letting them flop to the floor. A spray of red buries Celeste behind its curtain, its opacity completely causing her to vanish for a moment. Then it disperses, carrying with it the diseased as the system began its respawning process. There was something so exquisite about those little moments before they realize it was over, being enveloped in the data that was once their physical form. The prompts flood the side of her screen again, another lovely addition to her wallet as the icing on that cake. Lifting her axe and tossing it on her right shoulder, just a little more for the road.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182427 results: Battle: 4+3=7, Hit vs. Cheapskate Ape dealing 9x6=54 DMG

    Loot Roll:
    ID# 182428 results: Craft: 1, Loot: 18

    Celeste | HP:214/260 | EN:9/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Cheapskate Ape | HP:54/162 | DMG:39

    Total Loot:
    8*T2 Materials
    T2 Rare Trinket #182420a
    T2 Rare Consumable #182428a
    T2 Rare Weapon #182428b

  18. Concentration CD [2/3]

    A single step toward the thing as it tried to back away, lifting its right hand in front of it in defense as it clutched the exposed part of its internal network that showed. A bit of the light shown through its fingers. "Hit me again. You were so ready a moment ago." Celeste leans foward causing it to flinch and takes a deep inhale through her nostrils. "You smell that? What is it, I can't place that scent?" The thing pulls up both hands and shields its face from the player. "Oh I know what it is..." Celeste takes two more steps closing the gap between her and this comedian. "That is feeeeaaaarr..." she drags the word out as a taunt before leaning back and offering a scorning laugh again. "Guess all that cleverness went right out the window once I cut off half your face, didn't it. Boring."

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182426 results: Battle: 1, Critical Miss vs. Cheapskate Ape!
    MOB: 6-1=5, Missed vs. Celeste

    Celeste | HP:214/260 | EN:14/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Cheapskate Ape | HP:54/162 | DMG:39

  19. Concentration CD [1/3]

    Celeste rears back and starts a downward strike, the monkey sucker punches her in the gut. Repayment for the attack that she'd just paid it. This one was a bit more of the sneaky variety. Where the other was an aggressive and predictable sort, this one was all about cheap shots. It begins to heave in excitement before Celeste repaid the chuckle with a drag of the cleaver across its face and cutting clean an ear that explodes above them. The thing clutches the lost spot, the right half of its face becoming nothing more then a sheet of red exposing the data beneath. It limps off to one side, that joy quickly fades and twists to desperation. "S'matter? Thought it was funny a moment ago. Laugh it up chuckles." Celeste spat, having her fun at its expense now. Latching low on the handle of her axe, she drops the edge down to the piecemeal grass beneath her.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182425 results: Battle: 8+3=11, Hit vs. Cheapskate Ape dealing 9x6=54 DMG
    MOB: 10, Major Critical vs. Celeste dealing 41-18=23 DMG

    Celeste | HP:214/260 | EN:15/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Cheapskate Ape | HP:54/162 | DMG:39

  20. Moving closer to the canopy at the base of the mountain, a faint yell can be heard from within its confines. That was common for these woods, but it puts Celeste on edge regardless. Mainly because she wanted in on the action. Spotting another ape not unlike the first, chewing on the edge of a single sapphire panel. "You little shit..." Celeste mutters that was by all rights hers. As she starts to chase toward it, the monkey becomes alert and perks up. A solid pitch of the very crystal it hardly knew what the hell it was beans the red head good just above her left eye. It leaves a nice triangle shaped cut with the corner that had struck her. Right through the attack, Celeste blasts it with her axe catching the crafty little jerk in the stomach. It howls being winded by the wedge of steel, dropping down and falling prone.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN, Concentration Activated (+1 Accuracy), Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182424 results: Battle: 2+3+1=6, Hit vs. Cheapskate Ape dealing 9x6=54 DMG
    MOB: 10, Major Critical vs. Celeste dealing 41-18=23 DMG

    Celeste | HP:237/260 | EN:20/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Cheapskate Ape | HP:108/162 | DMG:39

  21. OOC EN Regen Triggered: Full EN Restore!, +10 HP

    That greedy little set of eyes scour more, scenery was grand at all but she could hardly sell a memory. That crap wasn't going anywhere but these little finds could very well do so. A recall of the mushrooms that actually stood up and ran off, she'd nab the little bastards before they could. A glance around with a peeled eye offers her nothing to what she was seeking. It wasn't until her stamina boinked her on the shoulder, telling her it was ready to start swinging again that she had stopped. Undocking the axe that had been held behind her neck all this time, guess time for cramming things in her pocket was done. It was killin' time again, and those things were a giant blob of loot and rewards. Much more worth the effort then some single panel, from her experience which although short was starting to get the jist of things.

    ID# 182423 results: Loot: 13, Failure!

  22. OOC EN Regen [2/3], +10 HP, Concentration Refreshed!

    Oddly just slightly off the first is another, and she takes a glance left and right. It struck her as bait like something had placed a trap for some unsuspecting player to wander and go 'ooh look a shiny.' But Celeste was ready to deal with that crap when it came, she wanted that loot. Moving to the next was another slab, this one was red. Rubbing it on her sleeve shows a ruby panel that matched the other. They were no thicker than a touch screen phone, about the size of a deck of cards in height and width. "Hmm, wonder what the heck they are supposed to be?" The girl's first thought was some sort of quest item, but they weren't labeled as such. "Who cares, mine now and maybe can be smashed into a ring setting." Right to the ability to sell it with this one, a raise of her palm makes them both disappear.

    ID# 182422 results: Loot: 18, Success!
    +1 T2 Material Obtained!

  23. OOC EN Regen [1/3], +10 HP, Concentration CD [2/3]

    A bit of a heavy pant from the girl, for the first time she agreed with the little ringing bell. Celeste felt pretty winded after that last fight, running on damn near empty and not just almost like before. The crimson tide swaps modes, from kill everything you can see to lets see what this place looks like. A few clicks of her heels parade across the glassed floor, noteably finding eyes on a set of woods at the base of a spire like mountain. "I take it your the volcano. Probably the reason everythings so hot." Celeste mumbled out, through stressed breaths. A glint catches her eye as she attempts to look away from the huge natural boulder. Celeste quips "What's This?" as she moves it and leans down with her left. Plucking it from the ground and brushing it with her thumb, she removes a layer of ash from an emerald in like a sheet. Like a gemstone panel.

    ID# 182421 results: Loot: 20, Success!
    +1 T2 Material Obtained

  24. Concentration CD [1/3]

    It begins to rampage toward her, using large knuckles as its front legs. It bears a jagged set of teeth, curved slightly and misshapen as it bellows out in heavy pants. Celeste does nothing more than a smile with the right corner of her mouth. It closed the distance one, two, three steps. A high pitch whir like a pull of a trigger, she pulls that weapon around so fast the light leaves a trail. It smacks into its right cheek, becoming implanted there as all forced motion simply stops. A solid thunk as it becomes lifeless, cascading and bringing the axe with it as the girl shifts slightly in a right sidestep. It grinds away at its left side, a corpse with momentum left to carry it forward. A few slow and steady steps sees a boot placed on its face, covering eyes and a solid tear back a spray of red before the frame distorts, becomes like static on a TV, and then ceases to exist.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182419 results: Battle: 6+3=9, Hit vs. Berate Ape dealing 9x6=54 DMG

    Loot Roll:
    ID# 182420 results: Craft: 11, Loot: 17

    Celeste | HP:237/260 | EN:3/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Berate Ape | HP:54/162 | DMG:39

    Total Loot:
    4*T2 Materials
    T2 Rare Trinket #182420a

  25. The girl was enjoying the throes of combat and this whole exchange, slinking beneath another haymaker by the huge primate. The air alone eluded to the force behind that punch, and she'd not let it hit her directly. Although maybe a little for the fun of it. Extending her right arm as she tore the head up and dumping it over the monkey's shoulder. The jagged point digs in just a bit before she rips it back, slicing clean a nice size chunk of its shoulder. She was really giving this thing hell, and it was beginning to weaken already. "Don't give up yet, com'on wheres that fight!" Celeste barks as she drags the head against the obsidian beneath her boots, a spray of tiny glass shavings as it does. Off and behind her, lying flat upon the ground she was raring to go again. The question was could the big boy handle it.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN, Concentration Activated (+1 Accuracy), Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182418 results: Battle: 5+3+1=9, Hit vs. Berate Ape dealing 9x6=54 DMG
    MOB: 2-1=1, Missed vs. Celeste!

    Celeste | HP:237/260 | EN:8/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Berate Ape | HP:54/162 | DMG:39

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