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Posts posted by Celeste

  1. Concentration CD [2/3]

    Celeste switches her grip and rakes the weapon back in another burning trail, drawing through the air another blinding red glare. It connects and cuts clean through the specters form, causing its body to spray like mist before taking shape again. It appears as though nothing had been done at all, which despite her misunderstanding the girl assumed it would do nothing. The creature swells and reaches out finally laying hands on Celeste. In a brief instant Celeste feels a chill run down her spine, the woman's hands burned in numbing cold as they reached for her face. A skip of her HP down quite considerably in that small number of seconds before she tears away from its clutches. She builds some distance with a bite of her lip, a wince of her eye and a peel of her cleaver to neutral. It burns with her intent to kill, to put this damn thing down before it could fondle her again.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182970 results: Battle: 3+3=6, Hit vs. Blonde Specter dealing 9x6=54 DMG
    MOB: 9, Minor Critical vs. Celeste dealing 40-18=22 DMG

    Celeste | HP:157/260 | EN:14/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Blonde Specter | HP:54/162 | DMG:39

  2. Post Counter: 20

    OOC EN REGEN [2/3], +10 HP

    Ignoring them as she did her best to ring around the forest back toward the primary settlement. Celeste was done here, she had enough coin lining her pockets to afford a room for another night. She was saving for a house but she wasn't about to buy some pathetic tiny little cot. The girl wanted something that would beguile those that looked upon it, not some run-down shack. A quick glance at her surroundings as she took them in one last time before clearing the gate made of makeshift rods and panels of wood. "Need some better defenses." Celeste quipped as she ushered past, moving through the littered and abustle town. Right through the crowd, she cuts, irritating some as she hops to the gate. Upon its platform, the girl mutters a few words and the whole thing builds a blue glow beneath her feet. It activates, sending a sudden flash of that same energy in a pillar and when it fades the girl was nowhere to be seen.

    ID# 182945 results: Loot: 2, Failure!

    Quest Complete: 
    3*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 1 Quest Reward)
    8964*Col (400 Thread Closure, 8064 Dropped, 500 Quest Reward)
    4*T1 Materials (Quest Reward)

    12*T2 Materials (4 Gathered, 8 Dropped)
    Antidote [T1/Uncommon/Potion] (Unused)
    Venom Vial [T1/Unique/Potion] 10/4 DoT
    T2 Perfect Weapon #182924a
    T2 Rare Armor/Shield #182925a
    T2 Rare Trinket #182933a
    T2 Rare Trinket #182934a
    T2 Rare Trinket #182942a
    T2 Rare Consumable #182943a
    T2 Rare Weapon #182943b

  3. Post Counter: 19

    OOC EN REGEN [1/3], +10 HP

    A spin of that gruesome weapon up to the sounds of a dwindling energy pool, it flashing an outline of green in heartbeat-like pulses from the left corner of her peripheral. The girl dismisses her tool, moving toward the breaking of the canopy above. A bit of that same string had caught to the back of her heel, it appeared that one was attempting to cacoon her from behind. A reach down and a pluck of that strand, she grabs a nearby stick and winds it up around it to keep it from her skin. "Damned things, thanks for the silk I guess." Celeste remarks finally clearing the coverage out of the darkness, back into the birth of the floor on the south side. There were a few players here, nothing major to note about them: wielding wooden shields and rather plain looking weapons and leather armor. They seemed drastically underprepared outside of numbers.

    ID# 182944 results: Loot: 18, Success!
    +1 T2 Materials Obtained

  4. Post Counter: 18

    The edge of her axe turns, as she shifts stances and drops the wedge shaped tool back in reverse. This one catches far more cleanly, plunging into the side of the one on her immediate right. A flash of green light, as it skitters through the first opening it like a can with a pull tab. That silk spider explodes immediately from the damage it had sustained, drawing it into the negative instantly. The other catches the head in its side, cutting two of its right legs off that jerk and twist as a reflex as they hit the soil. They disperse as Celeste ushers close and places her foot on the things eyes covering it. Like a ripcord the girl pulls back, tearing one more leg off in the process as she divides the thing with the twist. It expires, detonates, and disperses. Celeste had won the exchange, asserting her dominance in her bloodthirsty way.

    Ordinal Cleave [x8], -12 EN (8 + 4 {2 Targets Struck})

    ID# 182940 results: Battle: 8+5=13, Hit vs. Silk Weaver #1 dealing 12x8=96 DMG
    ID# 182941 results: Battle: 3+5=8, Hit vs. Silk Weaver #2 dealing 12x8=96 DMG

    Loot Rolls:
    ID# 182942 results: Craft: 2, Loot: 15
    ID# 182943 results: Craft: 2, Loot: 16

    Celeste | HP:208/300 | EN:7/30 | DMG:12 | MIT:8 | EVA:1 | ACC:5 | BLD:12

    Silk Weaver #1 | HP:68/192 | DMG:45 [BLD 12/1]
    Silk Weaver #2 | HP:96/192 | DMG:45

    Total Loot:
    11*T2 Materials
    T2 Perfect Weapon #182924a
    T2 Rare Armor/Shield #182925a
    T2 Rare Trinket #182933a
    T2 Rare Trinket #182934a
    T2 Rare Trinket #182942a
    T2 Rare Consumable #182943a
    T2 Rare Weapon #182943b

  5. Post Counter: 17

    The thing lunges down upon her, she sustains some heavy damage as pincers dig into her chest. Leaving two mirrored red punctures across her belly, the one place her armor failed to cover. Celeste folds her legs up as another drops from above answering the commotion. She uses her feet to kick it up off of her, grimacing from the weight as she pushed whatever she had into it. Her hands at her sides she tumbles backward and connects with a tree behind her, ripping up her axe out of the ether. "Think your funny?" Celeste barks out in anger, blazing one crimson trail through the lot like a reaper in the fields. A single outstretched leg is cut off clean, the one beside it gets three eyes sheered clean off of its blackened hairy face. They scream out and recoil, lifting their front legs and backing up. The girl lunges forward with a flick of her wrists.

    Ordinal Cleave [x8], -12 EN (8 + 4 {2 Targets Struck})

    ID# 182938 results: Battle: 10, Major Critical vs. Silk Weaver #1 dealing 14x8=112 DMG and applying [BLD 12/2]
    MOB: 9, Minor Critical vs. Celeste dealing 46-8=38 DMG

    ID# 182939 results: Battle: 7+5=12, Hit vs. Silk Weaver #2 dealing 12x8=96 DMG
    MOB: 7-1=6, Hit vs. Celeste dealing 45-8=37 DMG

    Celeste | HP:208/300 | EN:18/30 | DMG:12 | MIT:8 | EVA:1 | ACC:5 | BLD:12

    Silk Weaver #1 | HP:68/192 | DMG:45 [BLD 12/1]
    Silk Weaver #2 | HP:96/192 | DMG:45

  6. Post Counter: 16

    OOC EN REGEN Triggered: Full EN Restore! +10 HP

    As Celeste reached for it, the string stuck to her hand. She removed the hilt of the dagger she'd found earlier, ushering it toward the crap. Using it as a spindle she began to twine it off of herself before she found herself in a predicament. Being hogtied in a weird forest by some metal silly string wasn't on her agenda today. It balls up around the object, forming a nice size clump that glimmered. It was webbing pulled straight, the fact just dawned on the red-headed girl. She eyed up toward the tree it was held in. A section of eyes in an amalgamation, burning red brightly enough that she could see it through the darkness. Celeste had just unknowingly ripped some cable out of a spider's backside, and it was pissed. Its maw opens and offers a vile hiss, unclear what it appeared as in its concealment in the shade.

    ID# 182937 results: Loot: 6, Failure!

  7. Post Counter: 15

    OOC EN REGEN [2/3], +10 HP

    Into the trees of the perimeter, it was almost a perfect mirror of the north side. With a raise of her hands, she latches tightly around some of the huge leaves and handles them off to her side, slipping through the divide she had made. Made of some thin like rods of wood, the same kind old time parents would make kids pick out before swatting their asses with them. They fold down and as soon as she releases them, they spring back as if nothing had happened. The line was slightly thicker on this half, going for a good twenty or so feet. The whole path between was dark, as the canopy above blotted out the sun for all but small streams of light. Hung to the side of a tree as she meandered by and happened to catch only by accident. A single silver cord hung from the tree above.

    ID# 182936 results: Loot: 20, Success!
    +1 T2 Material Obtained!

  8. Post Counter: 14

    OOC EN REGEN [1/3], +10 HP

    It splits through clean and the second one fades on the nonexistent wind, flickering away into the chamber to which it would respawn and return. But for now, they wouldn't be stopping Celeste from moving for a while. A forced dispersal of her axe so she had free hands, she eyed the place and then the small spattering of drool that was still working to burn at the dirt. "It's caustic." Celeste has the epiphany finally piecing at least this together, understanding that these things were probably the culprits. Was good enough for her, but silently cursed in her head. She was hoping it was some big ass pinata that she could smash to pieces and see what fell out afterward. Not some bugs, that although had some valuables paled in comparison to some big fat loot boy. Heading further south, seeing if she could stumble upon anything that she could shove in her pocket while she waited.

    ID# 182935 results: Loot: 13, Failure!

  9. Post Counter: 13

    They rush her down, and Celeste backpedals as soon as some of that ooze finds her right foot. A flourish peels her arms up as she kicks back, a glare of red of fleeting discharged light. Her axe produced she cleaves connecting to the one on her immediate right. It finds purchase and clips clean through the carapace causing it to shatter and reveal the steaming hot vapor and the wireframe beneath its manifested body. Passing through that target directly into the adjacent beast it gets caught in the second as the momentum slows. The first drops immediately as Celeste uses her right boot in a kick, ripping her weapon clean in a ruthless fashion. A drop of the head in a quick spin around behind her brings it over her head. She leans into the blow and dumps it down splitting its skull like a log on a stump.

    Ordinal Cleave [x8], -12 EN (8 + 4 {2 Targets Struck})

    ID# 182931 results: Battle: 6+5=11, Hit vs. Antlion Grinder #1 dealing 12x8=96 DMG
    ID# 182932 results: Battle: 2+5=7, Hit vs. Antlion Grinder #2 dealing 12x8=96 DMG

    Loot Rolls:
    ID# 182933 results: Craft: 6, Loot: 9
    ID# 182934 results: Craft: 8, Loot: 8

    Celeste | HP:253/300 | EN:7/30 | DMG:12 | MIT:8 | EVA:1 | ACC:5 | BLD:12

    Antlion Grinder #1 | HP:96/192 | DMG:45
    Antlion Grinder #2 | HP:96/192 | DMG:45

    Total Loot:
    8*T2 Materials
    T2 Perfect Weapon #182924a
    T2 Rare Armor/Shield #182925a
    T2 Rare Trinket #182933a
    T2 Rare Trinket #182934a

  10. Post Counter: 12

    Breaking through the foliage in an instant causes Celeste to move on the defensive. A chattering mandible on front of a rather large ant, not quite as humanoid as the things the girl had seen earlier. A deep brown with almost a reddish tint, a hard shell with two long tether like feelers that protrudes out of an oval-like head. They came in a pair, two pairs of multifaceted eyes like black pearls stair back at the girl. Celeste had stumbled upon a place they were terraforming to create a new hive, and now they saw her as an obstacle that would have to be removed. Unfortunately for them, the girl wasn't about to be made to go anywhere. The pincers on the front of their frame widen dropping some ooze, tapping in that vapor like dust and causing it to steam. Acidic, the reason why this place was so eroded. 

    Ordinal Cleave [x8], -12 EN (8 + 4 {2 Targets Struck})

    ID# 182929 results: Battle: 3+5=8, Hit vs. Antlion Grinder #1 dealing 12x8=96 DMG
    MOB: 9, Minor Critical [+2 DMG] vs Celeste dealing 46-8=38 DMG

    ID# 182930 results: Battle: 3+5=8, Hit vs. Antlion Grinder #2 dealing 12x8=96 DMG
    MOB: 5-1=4, Missed vs. Celeste!

    Celeste | HP:253/300 | EN:18/30 | DMG:12 | MIT:8 | EVA:1 | ACC:5 | BLD:12

    Antlion Grinder #1 | HP:96/192 | DMG:45
    Antlion Grinder #2 | HP:96/192 | DMG:45

  11. Post Counter: 11

    OOC EN REGEN Triggered: Full EN Restore, +10 HP

    The entire place seemed completely absent of life, just dirt. A step forward of her leathered boots leaving a shaking brush behind her, she ushers up and out toward the center. The stuff beneath her feet seemed strangely soft, like a fine powder or flour. Each step casts some up in a small cloud, as she disturbs it with heavy steps. It was rather stiff and dry as well as if something had compacted it down under huge feet or maybe an enemy steamroller had driven through here. That's what it looked like, almost a manmade construction site. "Hmm." Celeste quarried out loud as she dropped her left knee to it and hunched down, placing two fingers into it. It was stiff enough that her extended fingers couldn't pierce it. "That is something." A crash nearby, just outside of the scope she could perceive, somewhere in the treeline made its presence known.

    ID# 182928 results: Loot: 3, Failure!

  12. Post Counter: 10

    OOC EN REGEN [2/3], +10 HP, Concentration Refreshed!

    Celeste was unsure why that was, making a note to check the board out. There must be some reason for this place to receive more traffic. Perhaps the spawns here were riper, just more enemies meant more loot at the end. Making a mental note at the fact, she passes clean through a slightly denser collection of shrubbery and foliage in deeper and darker green than floor 1. It widens into a clearing devoid of grass as if something here had since uprooted or pissed on it all to kill it. There were some patches of the stuff, but it was a decayed looking light tan and yellow and was spotty at best. Releasing the bit of brush she still held peeled back as she moved out of it, she places her hands to her hips and begins to take in the scenery. Celeste begins to shift her head about trying to decipher what the hell she was looking at.

    ID# 182927 results: Loot: 11, Failure!

  13. Post Counter: 9

    OOC EN REGEN [1/3], +10 HP, Concentration CD [2/3]

    Checking her inventory of all the little notifications that had happened in a blur after the weapon segments had fallen. A fair amount of rewards from the little arrows, akin to that of a full sized mob. Celeste couldn't be more pleased, assuming that they'd offer her nothing for their destruction. A welcome change of pace by comparison to the quests she'd taken prior that had given her basically nothing or clutter. It was these short jaunts out to the woods after that allowed her to purchase a room to stay in for the night, having to put bread on the table through force. A soft exhale as she began to put some distance between her and the city more, with the goal to keep some spawns to herself and avoid the common rabble the city would provide. Taft seemed much more active than other floors, with a bigger bulk of players in its walls.

    ID# 182926 results: Loot: 7, Failure!

  14. Post Counter: 8

    Concentration CD [1/3]

    Another slam of her axe sends them scattering away, not giving them the chance to make a move at her again. Celeste rips the billhook from the small crevice she'd formed beneath the pounding crash, a smattering of soil leaving the nooks and cranny it found itself lodged in. Raining down below she rubs her left against its edge to kick the last bit of grass lose. Looking down over the now dead knife pieces they disperse to a crash of light, the curse or spell they were under had since lifted. Celeste would remember that green magic, the next time something wielded something similar she'd give them a piece of her mind. The beauty of failing to kill someone with your trap is they just might find you later, and Celeste was eager to pay back the owner's hospitality with her own. An acknowledgment of the drained-out pool beating it to the punch she dismisses her axe with ease.

    Ordinal Cleave [x8], -12 EN (8 + 4 {2 Targets Struck})

    ID# 182922 results: Battle: 7+5=12, Hit vs. Edge Part #1 dealing 12x8=96 DMG!
    ID# 182923 results: Battle: 4+5=9, Hit vs. Edge Part #2 dealing 12x8=96 DMG!

    Loot Rolls:
    ID# 182924 results: Craft: 10, Loot: 20
    ID# 182925 results: Craft: 9, Loot: 15

    Celeste | HP:261/300 | EN:7/30 | DMG:12 | MIT:8 | EVA:1 | ACC:5 | BLD:12

    Edge Part #1 | HP:96/192 | DMG:45
    Edge Part #2 | HP:96/192 | DMG:45

    Total Loot:
    6*T2 Materials
    T2 Perfect Weapon #182924a
    T2 Rare Armor/Shield #182925a

  15. Post Counter: 7

    The blade becomes alight with greenish sickly light, splitting at the center. They divide into two separate parts leaving her holding that x shape bar that held them together. Like separate throwing knives they fly at her, one she ducks with a slide of her legs open while the other slices into her left shoulder as it screams past. Itty bitty heat-seeking missiles, they redirect at her back and sweep toward her again. A lift and twist of her upper half as her cleaver is produced, drawing a long and thick red burn through the air as she slams into both with one broad stroke. They fizzle and clatter to the floor as if dropped, rolling a bit like the magic that held them aloft flickers. A burst of green like a match, they reaffirm their given life and begin to float back up with the points suddenly shifting toward the player.

    Ordinal Cleave [x8], -12 EN (8 + 4 {2 Targets Struck}), Concentration Activated (+1 Accuracy), Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182920 results: Battle: 8+5+1=14, Hit vs. Edge Part #1 dealing 12x8=96 DMG!
    MOB: 10, Major Critical [+2 DMG] vs Celeste dealing 47-8=39 DMG

    ID# 182921 results: Battle: 2+5+1=8, Hit vs. Edge Part #2 dealing 12x8=96 DMG!
    MOB: 1, Critical Miss vs. Celeste!

    Celeste | HP:261/300 | EN:18/30 | DMG:12 | MIT:8 | EVA:1 | ACC:5 | BLD:12

    Edge Part #1 | HP:96/192 | DMG:45
    Edge Part #2 | HP:96/192 | DMG:45

  16. OOC EN Regen [2/3], +10 HP, Concentration Refreshed!

    With a toss of her axe over her shoulder, that distance closed just that much more. Eyeing her from the gate were a few players, who were reluctantly backing away in floor 12's settlement. Celeste look like she had been through hell, but no worse for wear. But unknown to her there was a grim look strapped to her face, a twisted smile accented by a bright red cut across her face. It served to dishearten those who set eyes on her and move the hell out of her path as she walked through. Jumping up to the gate of the floor, a quick peruse of the eyes locked to her and enjoying the sorrowful attentions. With a lift and tap of that grim tool across her upper back, she quips out "Floor 2, Urbus." The gate below her swells with magic, and a blink of light tears her upward in an instant. All that was left was a troublesome set of wolves to spank into oblivion.

    ID# 182919 results: Loot: 7, Failure!

    Quest Complete:
    4*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 2 Quest Reward)
    1*Vitality Fish [T1/Unique/Consumable] (+2 EN per post for One Thread)
    5680*Col (400 Closure, 5280 Dropped)
    13*T2 Materials (3 Gathered, 10 Dropped)
    T2 Rare Trinket #182817a
    T2 Perfect Armor/Shield #182820a
    T2 Perfect Trinket #182820b
    T2 Rare Consumable #182834a
    T2 Rare Weapon #182834b

  17. OOC EN Regen [1/3], +10 HP, Concentration CD [2/3]

    A turn of her hips and a slight fold of her midsection, eyeing the creature's point of destruction and savoring the win. A soft exhale with drained out energy that was common for her to experience, Celeste, becoming more used to the expenditure. A rhythmic rise of her chest in inhale to stabilize it and force it to begin to equalize. Celeste unbends and ushers dangling red locks behind her shoulders with a brush of her left hand as if this was nothing more than a trivial action. "I didn't want that shit anyway. Fuck off." The woman drops as she turns on her heel, taking toward the walls of the city. She'd played long enough and that stink was getting to her, bad smells were the one thing she couldn't stand. This whole floor was riddled with filth, convinced that a place to wash up would be a stretch.

    ID# 182918 results: Loot: 6, Failure!

  18. Concentration CD [1/3]

    The beast howls and begins to rush at her, she remains with that unwavering stance. Feet between them close to near nothing in a blink of an eye. A sinister looking perk of her lips, drawing a smile with dilated eyes that would scare the faint of heart. A high pitched whir as she uses the cleaver to backhand the beast, driving that wedge like steel into its throat right between its head and right shoulder. It slumps and is kicked off to the girl's right side with a splash, the water sprays from the force as its driven into the ground beside her. A twist and drop of her black leather heel against where the axe was placed with a stomp, causing the blue scales to turn beneath it. A satisfying jerk causes a spray of red light, before the creature becomes flickering like static and pops into shards of light. Dead as a doornail.

    Smash [x2], -2 EN

    ID# 182873 results: Battle: 9, Minor Critical vs Sahagan #3 dealing 11x2=22 DMG

    Loot Roll:
    ID# 182874 results: Craft: 3, Loot: 4

    Celeste | HP:195/300 | EN:1/30 | DMG:10 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Sahagan #3 | HP:20/160 | DMG:45

    Total Loot:
    13*T2 Materials
    T2 Rare Trinket #182817a
    T2 Perfect Armor/Shield #182820a
    T2 Perfect Trinket #182820b
    T2 Rare Consumable #182834a
    T2 Rare Weapon #182834b

  19. With a scowl on her brow as she places down a left hand on a toothed face, using it to pick her self up. The creature stirs as she shoves the diseased carcass from the tip of her weapon, using the flat of her right black leather boot to kick it free. It detonates in blue fragments, signaling it was gone. the remaining one screams out in anguish at the fallen, causing Celeste to prime on the defensive. A scrape of her weapon in a sweeping motion cuts a grove in front of her feet. A single line drawn in the murky wet patchwork grass, as the weapon disheveled it and tosses it to her left with a spin of the axe. A dump of the head off to her left side, she holds it by the lower section of the handle with her feet close together in a rather complacent looking posture.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN, Concentration Activated (+1 Accuracy), Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182872 results: Battle: 3+3=6, Hit vs. Sahagan #3 dealing 10x6=60 DMG
    MOB: 1-1=0, Missed vs. Celeste!

    Celeste | HP:195/300 | EN:2/30 | DMG:10 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Sahagan #3 | HP:20/160 | DMG:45

  20. A quick shift of her feet, her left the dominant as she pivots her upper half. Her hair flails from the increase in speed, becoming displaced and scattered behind her shoulder. Celeste swings burning a wide glow of crimson to the tune of a high pitch whir, the air around it burning off as it permeates through it. The blow finds purchase, but to her surprise somehow the other had managed to stop her advance. Peeling back the axe with a still expiring kabob stuck to its head, she slams the dying one into the other like a makeshift club. The increase in weight proves unruly and takes her from her feet as well. A whole ass dog pile of people get flung, with a crash like a Hanna Barbara cartoon. Laying in the grouping with a look on her face that showed she was just as confused and irritated as one would expect her to be.

    Ordinal Cleave [x8], -12 EN (8 + 4 [2 Targets Struck])

    ID# 182869 results: Battle: 7+3=10, Hit vs. Sahagan #3 dealing 10x8=80 DMG
    MOB: 10, Major Critical [+2 DMG] vs. Celeste dealing 47-18=29 DMG
    ID# 182870 results: Battle: 3+3=6 Hit vs. Sahagan #4 dealing 10x8=80 DMG

    Loot Roll:
    ID# 182871 results: Craft: 6, Loot: 3

    Celeste | HP:195/300 | EN:7/30 | DMG:10 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Sahagan #3 | HP:80/160 | DMG:45
    Sahagan #4 | HP:60/160 | DMG:45 [BLD 12/1]

    Total Loot:
    11*T2 Materials
    T2 Rare Trinket #182817a
    T2 Perfect Armor/Shield #182820a
    T2 Perfect Trinket #182820b
    T2 Rare Consumable #182834a
    T2 Rare Weapon #182834b

  21. Following behind the flounder was its pursuers that it was so desperate to escape. The water's surface breaks to a splash of it airborne, causing ripples to bleed outward from the disturbance. A clattering slap along the shore, long blue tail among teal-colored scales with a slick gloss. A long seafoam green fin, with spines that divide it up down the length of its back. A grumble of "Mrglwglwlg!" as it eyes the red-headed girl with intentions to claim back its meal, a partner arises and falls soon after. A smile takes her lips and a weapon appears to quickly cast up to her side hand. A lunge in an instant collides with the first, causing it to spiral off and flap on its side, casting splashes of water from small pools. It was out for the count for a bit, as Celeste eyed the other watching for that moment to drive the wedged head into its spine.

    Ordinal Cleave [x8], -10 EN (8 + 2 [1 Targets Struck])

    ID# 182867 results: Battle: 2+3=5, Missed vs. Sahagan #3
    MOB: 8-1=7, Hit vs Celeste dealing 45-18=27 DMG

    ID# 182868 results: Battle: 9, Minor Critical [+1 DMG] vs. Sahagan #4 dealing 11x8=88 DMG and applying [BLD 12/2]
    MOB: 4-1=3, Missed vs Celeste

    Celeste | HP:224/300 | EN:20/30 | DMG:10 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Sahagan #3 | HP:160/160 | DMG:45
    Sahagan #4 | HP:60/160 | DMG:45 [BLD 12/1]

  22. OOC EN REGEN Triggered: Full EN Restore, +10 HP, Concentration Refreshed!

    A single fish just leaps out at her, a backhand from the girl as a form of reflex. The damn thing had scared the total shit out of her, her first instinct was to hit it. Celeste sure as hell wasn't expecting that to happen (cough neither was the writer) The girl reaches down and grabs the thing as it flounders about. With a slight lift and a slam down against the floor, it becomes limp. "Serves you right you little bastard." Celeste barks out and ushers it into her inventory, worried a bit that the thing would expire, and begin to stink up her bags. She'd have to dump it before that happened, else everything would smell like fish (giggity) a wipe of her hands on her black tights, the slimy feeling on her skin was the worst. Her hands stunk of that smell, and god forbid if she could rinse her hands in this crap. It would more than likely just make the problem worse.

    ID# 182866 results: Loot: 15, Success!
    +1 T2 Materials Obtained!

  23. OOC EN REGEN [2/3], +10 HP, Concentration CD [2/3]

    Falling out of it was a single thing like the seaweed before, and Celeste catches it on her peripheral. Kneeling down and picking it off the ground, a small green leaf. Four blossoming petals off of it, a four leaf clover. "Ha, who believes in luck anymore?" Celeste replies cynically spinning it in her fingertips as she contemplated picking one of them off and taking away its magic. A hesitance to tempt it she dismisses it with a shove of it in her left pocket. SIlently the girl hoped that maybe it would provide her some of its charms. A single step away closer to the stagnant pool of algae and filth, using a tap of her shoe to disturb its surface as she got a closer look. A dark depth glared back at her, she couldn't see the bottom through it. EIther it was super dirty or it was deep.

    ID# 182865 results: Loot: 20, Success!
    +1 T2 Materials Obtained!

  24. OOC EN REGEN [1/3], +10 HP, Concentration CD [1/3]

    Celeste sighs in disapproval as she dismisses her axe again, looking deeper at that book she had to dump. They had interrupted her from taking a closer look, which meant to her that maybe there was some reason for it. Shifting the cover open, the first page is a batch of seaweed. No wait, she peels it off the front and flicks it away with a slap in a nearby pond. It was in some weird hieroglyphic sort of language. She brushes one with her finger and it smears into a black smudge. "Sure hope that wasn't important." Celeste quips as she rubs that finger on her clothes, painted black by the ink. A fold of it shut, the girl was convinced she wouldn't understand a lick of it anyway. A lift of it aloft sends it into her inventory so she didn't need to tode the damn thing around, a glare of crimson washes like a firework.

    ID# 182854 results: Loot: 11, Failure!

  25. Post Counter: 6

    OOC EN REGEN Triggered: Full EN Restore!

    Celeste turns it over in her hand, as the main section of the blade disconnects. It falls in two but strangely the thing holds on to life, fold of her midsection has her claim the blade independently of the rest of the tool. "Wonder what's up? Can't be a player's." Celeste remarks eyeballing the edge, a blackened color metal with a signature divide between its two halves being held together with a cross pattern bar that linked them. It was a curiosity that normally a girl that wasn't too keen on the finer details couldn't help but wonder. It's not like she was doing anything for a bit so she offered herself the interest. There was strange patterning like runes down the length just behind the edge, that although starting to rust maintained a silverish gloss. Storing away the handle, and running her index and thumb down the fuller it was still rather smooth leaving some filth on her fingers.

    ID# 182853 results: Loot: 15, Success!
    +1 T2 Material Obtained!

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