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Posts posted by Celeste

  1. Post Counter: 5

    OOC EN REGEN [2/3]

    A turn and eye of the settlement as she left Taft at her back, another down and no direction left but her own ambitions. But first a test against the fights she'd start against. Celeste wanted to see just how far she'd come, and there was no better than way then being right in the thick of it. A tussle of the grass beneath her feet in slight shakes and crunches. A ring of a bell behind her, the populous seeking salvation but Celeste found it a different meaning. The clock had just struck twelve, and a new day was about to begin. A stumble as her toe catches something beneath her, slowing her advance. "Piece of." Celeste quips out as she takes a jerking glance down in ire. A single extended handle, a worn dagger that had stood the test of time amicably. A reach down and a wrap of her fingers around its grip, she disturbs and plucks it clean.

    ID# 182849 results: Loot: 19, Success!
    +1 T2 Material Obtained!

  2. Celeste lunges upward and impacts the ground with another broad stroke, that screams through the air. The very cleave causes the air to crackle and burn away beneath its energy. A single connection on each causes them to detonate in fractals of blue. A tap of her heels as she lands, they had been laid to waste in mere seconds. A flood of prompts follows suit, a little trickle of her energy coming back. She eyes the gage and of course, it was damn near empty again. "This shit again?" Celeste remarks at the fact that combat had only lasted barely a heartbeat, and now she needed to burn another 15 minutes twidling her damn thumbs. Her choice in weapon, effective but hell if it wasn't so damn taxing she couldn't swing it like two times before she was completely tapped. It was annoying, the girl was constantly hindered by its presence.

    Ordinal Cleave [x8], -12 EN (8 + 4 [2 Targets Struck]), Concentration Activated {+1 Accuracy), Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182832 results: Battle: 2+3+1=6, Hit vs. Sahagan #1 dealing 10x8=80 DMG
    ID# 182833 results: Battle: 3+3+1=7, Hit vs. Sahagan #2 dealing 10x8=80 DMG

    Loot Rolls:
    ID# 182834 results: Craft: 2, Loot: 16
    ID# 182835 results: Craft: 6, Loot: 3

    Celeste | HP:221/300 | EN:7/30 | DMG:10 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Sahagan #1 | HP:80/160 | DMG:45
    Sahagan #2 | HP:80/160 | DMG:45

    Total Loot:
    7*T2 Materials
    T2 Rare Trinket #182817a
    T2 Perfect Armor/Shield #182820a
    T2 Perfect Trinket #182820b
    T2 Rare Consumable #182834a
    T2 Rare Weapon #182834b

  3. Rushing right into it, leaping into the newly spawned group as they assail her with those barbed weapons. She pays back the damage 4 fold, dumping them off in an echo outward in a glide of crimson. They falter and fly from the origin of her swing, a rip of the axe up with a metallic clank as she's buried in the red light that was once their flesh. "That's more like it!" Celeste barks out at the damage sustained, loving the exchange as her crimson painted metal whirs and vibrates in her clutches. With a shift of her feet and a twist of her torso, she braces to follow suit. A burning fire held to its edge, parading off the wedged edge in tethers like seaweed beneath a tide. Not holding anything back she takes to a sprint, chasing down her struck opponents as they were still grinding to a halt like fish out of water.

    Ordinal Cleave [x8], -12 EN (8 + 4 [2 Targets Struck])

    ID# 182830 results: Battle: 8+3=11, Hit vs. Sahagan #1 dealing 10x8=80 DMG
    MOB: 7-1=6, Hit vs. Celeste dealing 45-18=27 DMG

    ID# 182831 results: Battle: 3+3=6, Hit vs. Sahagan #2 dealing 10x8=80 DMG
    MOB: 7-1=6, Hit vs. Celeste dealing 45-18=27 DMG

    Celeste | HP:221/300 | EN:18/30 | DMG:10 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Sahagan #1 | HP:80/160 | DMG:45
    Sahagan #2 | HP:80/160 | DMG:45

  4. Celeste Moves to Floor 11
    Post Counter: 4

    OOC EN REGEN [1/3]

    A flash of the warp gate as she enters the city of Taft, leaping clean of the pad and moving through the thoroughfare. A nice cluttering of NPC and player alike were held in windows that took the place. Late at night like this, it was no oddity that they had all since retired into buildings. She was the only one out it seemed. It was of no surprise that she had the field to herself as well. A swelling clattering of ant like humanoid things wandered around in the twilight. Celeste moves to draw her axe in excitement before an insistent buzzer halts her attempt. Seems she was still tapped out of stamina, so for now she would have to just watch them and wait to start kicking their respective teeth in. Even more boring waiting Celeste, don't worry honey you'll get used to it. Maybe not, hot blooded check it and see.

    ID# 182824 results: Loot: 9, Failure!

  5. OOC EN REGEN Triggered: Full EN Restore!, +10 HP, Concentration Refreshed

    Taking a mental recount of what she'd earned so far, she moves around menus and checks her gained resources still highlighted with a blue Look at this shit marker which was typical in these sort of games. Through the opacity of her screen, Celeste spots something sitting at her side. "Huh." Celeste offers in a bit of confusion, go figure she'd almost sit on something. It was some weird old dusty looking book. "Hmm, wonder if I can sell it?" The red head quips eying its cover and brushing off some pond scum, the thing was still damp but could probably be dried out. A harsh squeal as a response to her peeling it up, as if the object held some sort of system trigger. A rising pair of fish dudes, uh Sahagian yeah those. Aquatic accented hooks in their hands, harpoons, and long fins held to their spine that follows down a long tail.

    ID# 182823 results: Loot: 18, Success!
    +1 T2 Material Obtained!

  6. OOC EN REGEN [2/3], +10 HP, Concentration CD [2/3]

    The trees began to thin out, as she found a much larger pool of this algae filled crap that littered the place. Long cat tails bunched near its parameter, perhaps it was deep enough to hold fish or some crap. Celeste eyed the water, simply out of curiosity with an intense stare as her eyes narrowed. The girl was hesitant to believe that the bear or whatever could be here, but maybe some fish monsters or something loomed below these waves. A slight orange sky was beginning to build above her, signifying dwindling sunlight. Celeste shrugs, finding a drypoint and planting her ass against one rotted out and moss covered willow tree. No use running around completely tapped, this was a fair enough spot to rest and maybe she could coax out something to hit once she could take a swing. A soft exhale from the girl as she takes a load off.

    ID# 182822 results: Loot: 12, Failure!

  7. OOC EN REGEN [1/3], +10 HP, Concentration CD [1/3]

    A shift of her arms forces the cleaver to be stored away, she knew that she needed to take the cardinal mandated break period. Her stamina was still way too paltry for her tastes, combat never lasting more than a few brief seconds then taking minutes for her to do it again. Through the semi-familiar scenery of floor 12, she slides further out from the walls of the settlement. Leaving the safe zone behind as her heels connect with varied ponds and pools of water in sloshy slaps. The last time she was here she got attacked by a fuckin' ghost, fun but not quite rewarding enough. She'd use this time between to pick out another target. Who knew what else was present on this floor, maybe she'd find whatever made those claw marks on the trees. Surely that thing would put up a fight right? The thought was intriguing and she struggled to not rush ahead.

    ID# 182821 results: Loot: 6, Failure!

  8. Releasing the spear and clutching her axe with both hands, she had the opponent right where she wanted her. Dumping the full force of her billhook into the creature's waist causes it to fall limp. The top half still held the lance, a widening eye showing that it was surprised by the girl's tenacity as it was reduced to nothing. The carcass vanishes as Celeste rips clean the polearm tossing it with a spray crimson, into a pool of water before it vanishes as well. "That it, pathetic." Celeste quips to the destroyed beast, a ring of her health beginning to trickle back in with combat finished. A nice yield, and a tapped out energy. It was what she was beginning to learn as an actuality, that she'd be emptied out on the regular after every fight. But it was all too fun tearing things to pieces like she was starting to become capable of doing.

    Torque Wave [x5], -5 EN, Concentration Activated {+1 Accuracy), Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182819 results: Battle: 3+3+1=7, Hit vs. Snake Woman dealing 10x5=50 DMG

    Loot Roll:
    ID# 182820 results: Craft: 5, Loot: 20

    Celeste | HP:245/300 | EN:7/30 | DMG:10 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Snake Woman | HP:48/160 | DMG:45

    Total Loot:
    4*T2 Materials
    T2 Rare Trinket #182817a
    T2 Perfect Armor/Shield #182820a
    T2 Perfect Trinket #182820b

  9. Concentration Refreshed!

    The spear in her arm punctures and widens the wound as she forces it through herself, moving closer to the wielder of the skewer. Celeste wanted to close the gap, and with the weapon already held in her shoulder, it wouldn't be moving easily. A spray of red from her back as she rides down the line that connected them both, a sinister scowl and unsettling smile plastered to her face. Celeste was becoming accustomed to just how much punishment she could take and how much she could abuse that health pool, making the choice to sustain damage on purpose to trap her enemy was a gambit and made her blood pump. The notification sound of her taking damage kept on ringing, as she drug her own skin down the length of the rod. It would all be over, and like this, the target could hardly put up any resistance as it hissed.

    Torque Wave [x5], -5 EN

    ID# 182818 results: Battle: 1
    MOB: 9, Minor Critical vs. Celeste dealing 46-18=28 DMG

    Celeste | HP:245/300 | EN:6/30 | DMG:10 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Snake Woman | HP:48/160 | DMG:45

  10. Concentration CD [2/3]

    Another swing slices the male in two halves, who flounders and drops. It explodes into data, the female of the two seems horrified and becomes more aggressive out of nowhere it seemed. But it was her lover just struck down by the red headed girl. With anger, the thing leaps and dumps a spear through Celeste's left shoulder which was exposed. It punches through clean despite the woman's armor. Celeste recoils and latches her hand around the shaft piercing her frame, offering a chilled smile to the opponent. This was what she was after, these heated exchanges where shit got interesting. If they died with no resistance it was hardly any fun. A high pitch whir of her billhook shows her intention to follow up and claim this one's head as well. A push of her frame forward, digging it even further and widening that hole just that much more.

    Trample Act [x6], -8 EN (6 + 2 [1 Targets Struck])

    ID# 182815 results: Battle: 5+3=8, Hit vs. Snake Man dealing 10x6=60 DMG
    ID# 182816 results: Battle: 1, Critical Miss vs. Snake Woman!
    MOB: 8-1=7, Hit vs. Celeste dealing 45-18=27 DMG

    Loot Roll:
    ID# 182817 results: Craft: 8, Loot: 7

    Celeste | HP:273/300 | EN:7/30 | DMG:10 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Snake Man | HP:60/160 | DMG:45 [BLD:12/1]
    Snake Woman | HP:48/160 | DMG:45

    Total Loot:
    2*T2 Materials
    T2 Rare Trinket #182817a

  11. Celeste Moves to Floor 12

    Concentration CD [1/3]

    Back to the familiar bog that was Floor 12, the town of Lazaro and its strange highways of water. Boats bouncing around in the afternoon sun, tapping softly against some of the stone that anchored them. Celeste hops from the gate and moves out into the main section of the floor, there wasn't much to be had in the way of riches within the safe zone. Nope, she'd need to bash in some more snake people, or some other crap if she wanted something to line her pockets. Celeste was no stranger to combat and was even less a stranger to violence to get what she wanted. A peel of her hands up and a burn of red takes the steel. One broad stroke catches two as soon as they realize she was there, an echo from the blow rings out like thunder off the walls of the city like the crack of a whip.

    Ordinal Cleave [x8], -12 EN (8 + 4 [2 Targets Struck])

    ID# 182813 results: Battle: 9, Minor Critical [+1 DMG] vs. Snake Man dealing 11x8=88 DMG and applying BLD 12/2
    MOB: 6-1=5, Missed vs. Celeste!

    ID# 182814 results: Battle: 9, Minor Critical [+1 DMG] vs. Snake Woman dealing 11x8=88 DMG and applying BLD 12/2
    MOB: 6-1=5, Missed vs. Celeste!

    Celeste | HP:300/300 | EN:14/30 | DMG:10 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Snake Man | HP:60/160 | DMG:45 [BLD:12/1]
    Snake Woman | HP:60/160 | DMG:45 [BLD:12/1]

  12. Post Counter: 3

    It simply could not, Celeste had cut something vital in her previous attack. It was trying but kept fumbling and falling back to the ground. A heavy pant and a snarl as it struggled to defend itself from the girl. "Pathetic, this was all you had to show. All you could muster. Waste of my time." Celeste muttered as she looked down on it, placing a booted heel into its side and knocking it over. A rip of her guillotine above her head. "Then time to die, No use hanging around with this crap any longer. See ya, nothing personal." A solid slam causes the trees to stir, sleeping birds fleeing the place out of fear. Ushering clean of the canopy and back to Gatsby, she receives her reward but it was nothing immaculate. Nothing extraordinary that she pays a second glance. The last tutorial quest is finally done, now was just getting to the fun part.

    Torque Wave [x5], -5 EN

    ID# 182811 results: Battle: 10, Major Critical [+2 DMG] vs. Venom Snapper dealing 14x5=70 DMG

    Celeste | HP:300/300 | EN:10/30 | DMG:12 | MIT:8 | EVA:1 | ACC:5 | BLD:12

    Venom Snapper | HP:54/150 | DMG:35(50) | EVA:1 | TXC-VNM (9-10) 10/3

  13. Post Counter: 2

    Right into the fray, catching a pack just starting to rise and howl. A single ferocious swing causes a chain detonation of all of the alpha's kin in one broad stroke. The snapper recoils and falls to the floor, unable to defend itself against the girl's attack. "That it!?" Celeste barks out in a goad, she was expecting something serious when it was claimed there would be some serious confrontation. It seems that Gatsby was mistaken. "Get up." The red headed girl yelped at the only remaining beast who could do little against her assault. His entire pack wiped out in a single swing, this was a pathetic show of something that was supposed to be interesting. They couldn't stand up to the girl, which although the overpowering was delightful she wanted just a bit more resistance. A drop of the head of her billhook to a tuft of dust, it's heavy top thunking to the floor.

    Ordinal Cleave [x8], -16 EN (8 + 8 {4 Targets Struck})

    ID# 182806 results: Battle: 7+5=12, Hit vs. Wolf #1 dealing 12x8=96 DMG
    ID# 182807 results: Battle: 7+5=12, Hit vs. Wolf #2 dealing 12x8=96 DMG
    ID# 182808 results: Battle: 7+5=12, Hit vs. Wolf #3 dealing 12x8=96 DMG
    ID# 182809 results: Battle: 4+5-1=8, Hit vs. Venom Snapper dealing 12x8=96 DMG

    ID# 182810 results: MOB: 5-1=4, Missed vs. Celeste!

    Celeste | HP:300/300 | EN:14/30 | DMG:12 | MIT:8 | EVA:1 | ACC:5 | BLD:12

    Wolf #1 | HP:40/40 | DMG:25
    Wolf #2 | HP:40/40 | DMG:25
    Wolf #3 | HP:40/40 | DMG:25

    Venom Snapper | HP:54/150 | DMG:35(50) | EVA:1 | TXC-VNM (9-10) 10/3
    Feral Strike: Every time a <<Wolf>> is slain, <<Venom Snapper>>’s next attack becomes AoE. This ability can stack (if 2 wolves die at the same time, <<Venom Snapper>>’s next 2 attacks become AoE). “Venomous Bite” can still trigger on AoE attacks.

  14. Post Counter: 1

    A simple twist of her frame as she scoured away in the twilight, looking earnestly at a slip of paper in her grasp. One left given by a man named Gatsby. As she walks rather aimlessly for a good hour, she stumbles across the NPC in question. A dark-skinned fellow, with a distraught look upon his face. Something about his family, something about his caravan. Her ears perk up when he mentions a reward. "Yeah yeah, buddy. I'll spank your wolves or whatever. Just shut up." Celeste shuts him down and begins to usher herself deeper into the floor. To the side of her screen, Venomous Warg appears there, drawing a gilded line from her compass out to the north. "Slay Venom Snapper." She reads it back with her peripheral with a smile. No tricks, no gathering a stick or some shit beforehand. Just pure combat and bloodshed. This was more her speed.

    Celeste Consumes: Crème Brûlée [T1/Dessert/Rare] - Accuracy 2, Breakfast Fry  [T1/Meal/Rare] - Protein 2

    Celeste | HP:300/300 | EN:30/30 | DMG:12 | MIT:8 | EVA:1 | ACC:5 | BLD:12


    Celeste - The Crimson Tide
    Level: 15
    HP: 300/300
    EN: 30/30

    Damage: 12
    Mitigation: 8
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 5

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Adrenaline Billhook [T1/2HBA/Perfect] - Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Red Woven Wave - Stampede [T1/Light Armor/Perfect]: Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Platinum Buckle [T1/Trinket/Perfect]: Accuracy 3

    Two Handed Battle Axe [Rank 4]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Fighter (R1)
    Meditation (Untrained)

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Raspberry Smoothie [T1/Dessert/Perfect] - Loot Dice 3 *1
    Immolation [T1/Unique] - Thorns 10*1


  15. In a blinding tear of her axe, she lops clean the head off of the sword-fish as it floundered against the side of the boat. With quick thinking as the carcass threatened to slink off the side back into the lake, Celeste grabs a handful of scales and a single flipper and handles it into the tiny vessel. The whole thing shifts and begins to rock under the weight. Ol' Pete offers a heavy smile, not only had the thing been caught but his boat had sustained no damage. A pleasant change of pace to the usual. 15 minutes later they reach and toss anchor, Celeste was the first off with a skip. "Look here you!" Ol' Pete barks in jest, making her turn before shoving a meal into her hands. "Good goin' ya creatin, make yourself scarce!" he waves her away, with a grin on his face eyeing the huge corpse that would be good eatin'

    Torque Wave [x5], -5 EN, Concentration Activated {+1 Accuracy), Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182805 results: Battle: 7+3+1=11, Hit vs. Sword-Fish dealing 10x5=50 DMG

    Celeste | HP:300/300 | EN:25/30 | DMG:10 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Sword-Fish | HP:35/35 | DMG:(50/5)

  16. The boat sways as Ol' Pete continues to paddle further on the lake, a uneasy silence between them both as it traveled. Eyeballing the rather out of place pole held limply in her left hand. A shift causes her hair to pour across her left shoulder as she gets up from the lean on the boats rim. A jerk sends the hook and sinker to the waves, never thought that she'd be the type to fish. As it would seem, a lot of quests required her to use skills she never wished to just to complete them. That was the nature of the game, but Celeste just wanted to hit things. Why she had to beat around the subject with weird mechanics was beyond her. A soft sigh as it plops into the waves and begins to sink. Mere seconds pass as the line whispers away, the line going deeper and deeper. Before the rod bends in half under duress. Celeste perks up in an instant and latches her right above her left. It was heavy.

    ID# 182804 results: Craft: 7 (Swordfish Caught!)

    Celeste | HP:300/300 | EN:30/30 | DMG:10 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12


    Celeste - The Crimson Tide
    Level: 15
    HP: 300/300
    EN: 30/30

    Damage: 10
    Mitigation: 18
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Adrenaline Billhook [T1/2HBA/Perfect] - Damage 2, Bleed 1
    Armor: Red Woven Wave - Stampede [T1/Light Armor/Perfect]: Mitigation 2, Evasion 1
    Misc: Platinum Buckle [T1/Trinket/Perfect]: Accuracy 3

    Two Handed Battle Axe [Rank 4]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Fighter (R1)
    Meditation (Untrained)

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Raspberry Smoothie [T1/Dessert/Perfect] - Loot Dice 3 *1
    Immolation [T1/Unique] - Thorns 10*1


  17. 0700d9bbd8819ce5767a8842f4d79b1b.thumb.jpg.9f77dd80ba1c71050272203ae4cf1c4c.jpg

    A small building purchased by the crimson tide, located in Larissa on the west side of the floor. Once you enter the building your sights are instantly bombarded with a yard sell like appearance clusterfuck of every weird and obtuse object Celeste has ever found. The savvy sort may find something interesting in this pile of crap, dust beginning to form on some. The girl clearly has no interest in figuring out what half the shit really is. The whole place smells of a weird mixture of every floor in one huge melding pot. There may even be something living in the nooks and crannies between all the junk.

    Tier 1:
    T1 Perfect Consumable #181101b - 600 Col
    T1 Perfect Consumable #181101c - 600 Col
    T1 Perfect Consumable #181497a - 600 Col
    T1 Perfect Consumable #181517a - 600 Col
    T1 Perfect Trinket #181458b - 600 Col
    T1 Rare Armor/Shield #181452b - 1485 Col
    T1 Rare Consumable #181108a - 450 Col
    T1 Rare Consumable #181452a - 450 Col
    T1 Rare Trinket #181075a - 675 Col
    T1 Rare Trinket #181119a - 675 Col
    T1 Rare Trinket #181129a - 675 Col
    T1 Rare Trinket #181497b - 675 Col
    T1 Rare Trinket #181517b - 675 Col
    T1 Uncommon Consumable #181727a - 50 Col

    Tier 2:
    T2 Perfect Armor/Shield #182820a - 7750 Col
    T2 Perfect Consumable #182413a - 1200 Col
    T2 Perfect Trinket #182820b - 1200 Col
    T2 Perfect Weapon #182391a - 3300 Col
    T2 Perfect Weapon #182924a - 3300 Col
    T2 Rare Armor/Shield #182380a - 3300 Col
    T2 Rare Armor/Shield #182404b - 3300 Col
    T2 Rare Armor/Shield #182925a - 3300 Col
    T2 Rare Consumable #182404a - 1000 Col
    T2 Rare Consumable #182834a - 1000 Col
    T2 Rare Consumable #182943a - 1000 Col
    T2 Rare Trinket #182371a - 1325 Col
    T2 Rare Trinket #182396a- 1325 Col
    T2 Rare Trinket #182413b- 1325 Col
    T2 Rare Trinket #182817a - 1325 Col
    T2 Rare Trinket #182933a - 1325 Col
    T2 Rare Trinket #182934a - 1325 Col
    T2 Rare Trinket #182942a - 1325 Col
    T2 Rare Weapon #182834b - 3300 Col
    T2 Rare Weapon #182943b - 3300 Col

    Tier 3:
    T3 Perfect Consumable #184335a - 1500 Col
    T3 Perfect Consumable #185368a - 1500 Col
    T3 Perfect Consumable #185816a - 1500 Col
    T3 Perfect Weapon #185808a - 4450 Col
    T3 Perfect Weapon #186127a - 4450 Col
    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #185370b - 4950 Col
    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #186005a - 4950 Col
    T3 Rare Armor/Shield #186115b - 4950 Col
    T3 Rare Consumable #185370a - 1125 Col
    T3 Rare Consumable #186092a - 1125 Col
    T3 Rare Consumable #186115a - 1125 Col
    T3 Rare Trinket #184334a - 1975 Col
    T3 Rare Trinket #184335b - 1975 Col
    T3 Rare Trinket #185368b - 1975 Col
    T3 Rare Trinket #185369a - 1975 Col
    T3 Rare Trinket #185815a - 1975 Col
    T3 Rare Trinket #185816b - 1975 Col
    T3 Rare Trinket #185909a - 1975 Col
    T3 Rare Trinket #185987a - 1975 Col
    T3 Rare Trinket #185988a - 1975 Col
    T3 Rare Trinket #186113a - 1975 Col
    T3 Rare Trinket #186114a - 1975 Col
    T3 Rare Trinket #186125a - 1975 Col
    T3 Rare Weapon #183500a - 4950 Col
    T3 Rare Weapon #183502a - 4950 Col
    T3 Rare Weapon #184336a - 4950 Col
    T3 Rare Weapon #185806a - 4950 Col
    T3 Rare Weapon #185818a - 4950 Col
    T3 Rare Weapon #185907a - 4950 Col
    T3 Rare Weapon #186091a - 4950 Col
    T3 Rare Weapon #186092b - 4950 Col
    T3 Rare Weapon #186124a - 4950 Col
    T3 Rare Weapon #186126a - 4950 Col
    T3 Uncommon Consumable #183500b - 50 Col
    T3 Uncommon Consumable #183502b - 50 Col
    T3 Uncommon Consumable #184336b - 50 Col
    T3 Uncommon Consumable #185371a - 50 Col
    T3 Uncommon Consumable #185804a - 50 Col
    T3 Uncommon Consumable #185806b - 50 Col
    T3 Uncommon Consumable #185818b - 50 Col
    T3 Uncommon Consumable #185907b - 50 Col
    T3 Uncommon Consumable #186091b - 50 Col
    T3 Uncommon Consumable #186093a - 50 Col
    T3 Uncommon Consumable #186124b - 50 Col
    T3 Uncommon Consumable #186126b - 50 Col

    Stored for Pricing:
    T2 Rare Trinket #182420a
    T2 Rare Consumable #182428a
    T2 Rare Weapon #182428b
    T2 Rare Trinket #182761a

    Venom Vial [T1/Unique/Potion] 10/4 DoT - 100000 Col

    T1 Materials: 270 ea, Remaining 9
    T2 Materials: 540 ea, Remaining 51
    T3 Materials: 750 ea, Remaining 96

    She doesn't ID or sell any General Stock, you want that shit she will tell you to go somewhere else. Celeste sells what she finds, unidentified. Take it or leave it.

  18. Concentration CD [1/3]

    The thing makes its first move, a flowing white dress flowed as if beneath the water it was trapped in. It flew through the air, drifting toward Celeste with outstretched hands as if an embrace. The girl had seen horror films and was going to keep this thing the hell away from her if she could help it. A slide of her feet as she lets the thing buzz past, moving to her immediate left. Grabbing tightly the axe again, it engulfs with power in a red lantern like glow. Drawing lines like tethers begin to emanate from the edge, trailing and shifting from its surface. The intention was to cut it down before it could do its spooky ghost thing, which was probably attempting to suck out her soul or some shit. Dumping a large portion of her pool into it, causes the weapon to stir and hum violently.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182767 results: Battle: 2+3=5, Missed vs. Blonde Specter
    MOB: 5-1=4, Missed vs. Celeste!

    Celeste | HP:178/260 | EN:19/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Blonde Specter | HP:108/162 | DMG:39

  19. It was as if the red-headed girl had disturbed some sort of resting place, a relic that was not meant to be messed with. The very water to which the trinket was pulled from began to show back a reflection that was not hers, showing instead: the figure of the portrait contained inside. It swells and that image removes itself from the surface. Slightly translucent Celeste could see a bit of the backdrop through it, and on impulse, the girl peels out her weapon. One broad stroke she swats the thing, causing it to howl in agony. The last thing she was expecting was to be punching the ghost of a woman whose picture she'd found only by chance. But hell thems the breaks, and Celeste wasn't going to argue with the pennies she'd found and could rub together. Allowing the cleaver to pass through clean as her right hand slips from the handle in its wide spark.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN, Concentration Activated (+1 Accuracy), Concentration CD [0/3]

    ID# 182766 results: Battle: 7+3+1=11, Hit vs. Blonde Specter dealing 9x6=54 DMG
    MOB: 2-1=1, Missed vs. Celeste!

    Celeste | HP:178/260 | EN:20/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Blonde Specter | HP:108/162 | DMG:39

  20. OOC EN Regen Triggered: Full EN Restore!, +10 HP

    That was of course unless you were a kind of cackling old geezer with a boil on your nose. That sort would have no issue living in a tree stump, surrounded by a bunch of rotting vegetation. A tiny locket beneath the water highway, she only catches but a glimpse of it out of the corner of her eye by accident and pure coincidence. A lean down desperately trying to keep her hair from connecting with it. She pushes her hand through the surface, feeling a slight current in its cold interior as she fumbles around for the obscured object. With some luck, she happens upon the cable, the dangly bit that goes around the neck. Using it as leverage Celeste fishes it free, and through chilled fingers manages it open. A worn picture of a blonde woman in white and a dark-haired male whose face has since faded out. "Mine now." The girl quips shoving it into her pocket.

    ID# 182764 results: Loot: 20, Success!
    +1 T2 Material Obtained

  21. OOC EN Regen: [2/3], +10 HP

    The girl was looking to see if she could spot the culprit, the owner of this scarring on the wood. No dice, it seemed that whatever had made them was nowhere near here anymore. Perhaps the settled city had since driven it off, can't imagine a wild bear being good to have in your backyard. Ushering further beyond, using the walkway for guidance like the wall of a maze. Into the bog, it seemed there was a lingering mist, that became thicker the deeper she went. So thick that you could probably take a knife to it and cut it, it was like a blindfold to all senses but hearing. A whiff from the girl confirms the smell, like a handful of pennies in acid or water that had sat far too long in the sun. Maybe a mixture of both. The whole place looked to be designed to be the worst place to be in.

    ID# 182763 results: Loot: 12, Failure!

  22. OOC EN Regen: [1/3], +10 HP

    A soft exhale again as she dismisses the manifested axe, storing it away in some dimensional pocket until she would need it again. Like in 5 minutes after her cardinal mandated smoke break was over. Checking out the place as she follows one of the water highways that lead out the city, she starts to follow it to see where it would lead. Through a bunch of white bark birch trees, a few odd looking claws mark present on some of them. It appeared as though the bark had been sheered off by some massive creature, there were distinguishable four lines visible on some. Maybe this floor had some native bears or something like that, a slight move of her jaw as she inspected further with a slide of her fingers against it. It was dry so it must not have been recent. Whatever it was migrated obviously, as she took a glance around.

    ID# 182762 results: Loot: 6, Failure!

  23. Concentration Refreshed!

    A solid thunk of the axe drawing a maroon crescent as it falls. The snake becomes immediately limp beneath her, all of its resistance falls. The head held aloft on a serpentine neck flops into a puddle to a spray. Celeste had taken it down, releasing her weapon and wiping a bit of dribble at the left corner of her mouth. Blood paid. Celeste takes a step off of it before it disappears, slowly reclaimed by the system that produced it. She'd fought tooth and nail again and this was hardly over yet. Not by a long shot. The girl would continue to lay waste to everything she could get away with, that was her proof of power. The girl was above the common rabble, and she'd take what was rightfully hers by force. But she expected that annoying buzzer to start to ring, too much fighting for her paltry level yet. 

    Smash [x2], -2 EN

    ID# 182760 results: Battle: 9, Minor Critical vs. Snek Dude dealing 10x2=20 DMG

    Loot Roll:
    ID# 182761 results: Craft: 11, Loot: 17

    Celeste | HP:148/260 | EN:13/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Snek Dude | HP:16/162 | DMG:39

    Total Loot:
    4*T2 Materials
    T2 Rare Trinket #182761a

  24. Concentration CD [2/3]

    Rushing forward and dumping her right foot into the chest of the creature, it uses the tiny head on a long neck to bite at her left shoulder with a snap. Celeste continues through the motion, pushing the thing to the floor and standing atop it as she decks the head from beneath. Lifting the bar of her axe up and using it as a breaker she rams it up and twists her frame, her own wireframe trickling that red color. With a lift of the axe she drops it into the left ribcage and begins to dig away. A violent dilation in an orange iris, so small and so focused on the kill. Her safety came second, she wanted more as payment for what was taken. Twisting the implanted axe she rips it out with a snap of flesh. Placing a foot against the wound to push it down further, the next swing would be higher on its frame.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182759 results: Battle: 6+3=9, Hit vs. Snek Dude dealing 9x6=54 DMG
    MOB: 8-1=7, Hit vs. Celeste dealing 39-18=21 DMG

    Celeste | HP:148/260 | EN:14/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Snek Dude | HP:16/162 | DMG:39

  25. Concentration CD [1/3]

    With carnage at her back, she makes another swipe forcing the thing to peel up a wooden shield adorning the other arm. It blocks the blow but the shield explodes into splinters, it had done its job but would hardly be performing it again. The snake creature dumps thing, it was only a handle now as it hisses in her direction. It was starting to feel the pressure, and that cold and intense stare was starting to rattle its nerves. see what I did there? Dropping the head of her billhook into a puddle with a splash, she lets out a soft exhale to reassert her dominance. The light forces the water to boil and bubble, the power causing the water to stir. The girl was becoming lost in that fury and she was savoring every little moment of it. The snake was not in the slightest, and neither was the shield.

    Crimson Blood [x6], -6 EN

    ID# 182758 results: Battle: 2+3=5, Missed vs. Snek Dude
    Snek Dude Sustains 12 via BLD, BLD Fades
    MOB: 4-1=3, Missed vs. Celeste!

    Celeste | HP:169/260 | EN:19/26 | DMG:9 | MIT:18 | EVA:1 | ACC:3 | BLD:12

    Snek Dude | HP:70/162 | DMG:39

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