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Freyd's Evaluations

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Shades of the Gemini [Addon]
Cost: 10 SP

Requirements: Disguise [Extra] Skill (must be active)

Restriction: User cannot benefit from, or inflict, any returned damage enhancements or item effects based on an attackers dice roll [Thorns, Immolation, Aura].  This restriction does not affect the Parry skill or its mods/addons.

Effect: Disguise effects become a constant, passive, critical hits made against you only occur on a BD: 10, or BD:9-10 if the attacker has focus.  Additional narrative effects as noted below.

Description: Gleaned from extensive study of the Gemini, the Player learns to modify his own appearance and grant limited autonomy to their shadow, imbuing it with instruction and enabling it to appear as a duplicate that can act independently.  This shade can also divide itself into multiple further copies.  While not able to attack in any way, these duplicitous shadows serve as ongoing distractions during combat and carry potential for a broad variety of clandestine purposes. Narratively, the player can change his or her appearance at will: including voice, gender, gear worn and held, height and build. In addition, this can conceal the users cursor from view.

Edited by Freyd
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3 hours ago, Freyd said:

Shades of the Gemini [Addon]
Cost: 10 SP

Requirements: Disguise [Extra] Skill (must be active)

Restriction: User cannot benefit from, or inflict, any returned damage enhancements or item effects based on an attackers dice roll [Thorns, Immolation, Aura].  This restriction does not affect the Parry skill or its mods/addons.

Effect: Disguise effects become a constant, passive, critical hits made against you only occur on a BD: 10, or BD:9-10 if the attacker has focus.  Additional narrative effects as noted below.

Description: Gleaned from extensive study of the Gemini, the Player learns to modify his own appearance and grant limited autonomy to their shadow, imbuing it with instruction and enabling it to appear as a duplicate that can act independently.  This shade can also divide itself into multiple further copies.  While not able to attack in any way, these duplicitous shadows serve as ongoing distractions during combat and carry potential for a broad variety of clandestine purposes. Narratively, the player can change his or her appearance at will: including voice, gender, gear worn and held, height and build. In addition, this can conceal the users cursor from view or alter its colour.

It has been done

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  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

Distilling into Mystic Essences: 223303, 223381


Item #3 Distilling into Mystic Essence [223303]

Name: tbd +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223297, 223298, 223299
Roll Result: 13, 6, 8 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, Taunt, PVO/Blight
Description: tbd
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 217889b

Re-roll +1: [Taunt] ID #223300 | LD: 2 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Keen] ID #223301 | LD: 12 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Para] ID #223302 | LD: 15 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #223303 | LD: 3 - becomes [PVO/Blight] - (BD 10, CD 11+1=12 | Unique)

Item #15 - Distilling into Mystic Essence [223381]

Name: tbd +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223381, 223382, 223383
Roll Result: 13*, 14, 12 (*Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: VO/Env(O), Bleed 2, ACC
Description: tbd
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 214980e

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #223384 | LD: 16 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #223385 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #223386 | LD: 17 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #223387 | LD: 8 - becomes [Bleed] - (No Unique)



Item #1 - KEEP 

Name:  Icingdeath +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  223283, 223284, 223285
Roll Result: 8, 8, 17 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Straight Sword)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, Frostbite
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 213804a

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #223286| LD: 5 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Taunt] ID #223287| LD: 11 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Para] ID #223288| LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #223289| LD: 19 - becomes [Frostbite/Static] - (BD 10, CD 7+1=8 | Unique)

Item #6 - KEEP

Name: Muramasa's Legacy +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223318, 223319, 223320
Roll Result: 14, 2, 8 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Taunt, Para, Fallen
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 217986b

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #223321 | LD: 9 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Para] ID #223322 | LD: 4 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Keen] ID #223323 | LD: 11 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [Para] ID #223324| LD: 5 - becomes [Holy/Fallen] - (BD 10, CD 7+1=8 | Unique)

Item #9 - KEEP

Name: For Wulfrin (Part 2) +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223339 (free unique), 223340, 223341
Roll Result: 14, 11, 3 (Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Straight Sword)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: AA, Para, Bleed
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 220389a (one guaranteed unique enhancement)

Re-roll +1: [Keen] ID #223342 | LD: 13 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Para] ID #223343 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #223344 | LD: 1 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [Keen] ID #223345 | LD: 11 - becomes [Bleed] - (No Unique)

Item #17 - KEEP

Name: For Wulfrin (Part 3) +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223395, 223396, 223397
Roll Result: 7*, 4, 16  (*Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Straight Sword)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Freeze. Taunt, Para
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 214981b

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #223398 | LD: 9 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Para] ID #223399 | LD: 4 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Keen] ID #223400 | LD: 5 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [Keen] ID #223401 | LD: 9 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)

Item #19 - KEEP

Name: For Wulfrin (Part 4) +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223409, 223410, 223411
Roll Result: 13, 6, 8 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Straight Sword)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Para, Bleed, Freeze
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 214460

Re-roll +1: [Taunt] ID #223412 | LD: 7 - becomes [Freeze/Burn] - (BD 10, CD 9+1=10 | Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Bleed] ID #223413 | LD: 14 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #223414 | LD: 8 - becomes [Bleed] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [Bleed] ID #223415 | LD: 9 - becomes [Bleed] - (No Unique)

Fusion #1 (cost: 1 gleaming scale): 



Icingdeath +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Frostbite | Bleed 2
Acquisition ID: 213804a | Roll ID:  223283, 223284, 223285 | Reroll IDs: 223286, 223287, 223288, 223289
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.


For Wulfrin (Part 2) +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | AA | Para | Bleed
Acquisition ID: 220389a | Roll ID: 223339, 223340, 223341 | Reroll IDs: 223342, 223343, 233344, 233345
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.

To create:

Icingdeath +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Frostbite | AA | Bleed
Fusion ID: 223475
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.

Fusion #2 (cost: 1 gleaming scale): 



For Wulfrin (Part 3) +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Freeze | Taunt | Para
Acquisition ID: 214981b| Roll ID: 223395, 223396, 223397 | Reroll IDs: 223398, 223399, 223400, 223401
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.


For Wulfrin (Part 4) +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Freeze | Bleed | Para
Acquisition ID: 214460 | Roll ID: 223409, 223410, 223411 | Reroll IDs: 223412, 223413, 223414, 223415
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.

To Create:

For Wulfrin (Part 4) +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Freeze 2 | Para
Fusion ID: 223476
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.

Upgrade to Demonic (Cost: 1 Demonic Shard):


Icingdeath +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (SS) | Frostbite | AA | Bleed 2
Fusion ID: 223475
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.

Fusion #3 (Cost 1 demonic shard, 1 gleaming scale):



Icingdeath +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (SS) | Frostbite | AA | Bleed 2
Fusion ID: 223475
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.


For Wulfrin (Part 4) +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Freeze 2 | Para
Fusion ID: 223476
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.

To Create:

Icingdeath +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (SS) | Frostbite | AA | Freeze 2
Fusion ID: 223477
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.

Total Cost: 3 gleaming scales, 2 demonic shards

Edited by Freyd
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Posted (edited)



Item #1 - KEEP

Name: For Katoka (Part 1)
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223478, 223479
Roll Result: 7, 9 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Holy, Para 2 
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=681025
Acquisition ID: 215466b

Item #2 - KEEP

Name: For Katoka (Part 2)
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223480, 223481
Roll Result: 19, 14 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Fallen, ACC 2
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=681025
Acquisition ID: 215466c

Fusion #1 (Cost 1 gleaming scale)



Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Taunt | Para | Fallen
Acquisition ID: 217986b | Roll IDs: 223318, 223319, 223320 | Reroll IDs: 223321, 223322, 223323, 223324
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.


For Katoka (Part 2) | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | ACC 2 | Fallen
Acquisition ID: 215466c | Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223480, 223481
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.

To Create:

Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Para | Fallen 2
Fusion ID: 223482
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.

Fusion #2 (Cost 1 gleaming scale)



Cut of the Pure North Wind +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Holy | Freeze | ACC
Acquisition ID 200123b | Roll ID: 202145, 202146, 202147 | Reroll IDs: 202148, 202149, 202150, 202151
A sliver of frosty northern winds manifest as a silver blade that is frigid to the touch and impervious to any attempts to mar its white blade


For Katoka (Part 1) | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Holy | Para 2
Acquisition ID: 215466b | Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223478, 223479
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.

To Create:

Cut of the Pure North Wind +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Holy 2 | Freeze
Fusion ID: 223483
A sliver of frosty northern winds manifest as a silver blade that is frigid to the touch and impervious to any attempts to mar its white blade

Upgrade: Cost 1 demonic shard


Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana) | Para 2 | Fallen 2 
Fusion ID: 223482
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.

Fusion #3: Cost 1 demonic shard, 1 gleaming scale



Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana) | Para 2 | Fallen 2 
Fusion ID: 223482
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.


Cut of the Pure North Wind +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Holy 2 | Freeze
Fusion ID: 223483
A sliver of frosty northern winds manifest as a silver blade that is frigid to the touch and impervious to any attempts to mar its white blade

To Create:

Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana) | Holy 2 | Fallen 2 
Fusion ID: 223484
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.

Total Cost: 3 gleaming scale, 2 demonic shard

Edited by Freyd
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/1/2024 at 7:18 PM, Freyd said:

Distilling into Mystic Essences: 223303, 223381

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

Fusion #1 (cost: 1 gleaming scale): 

  Reveal hidden contents

Fusion #2 (cost: 1 gleaming scale): 

  Reveal hidden contents

Upgrade to Demonic (Cost: 1 Demonic Shard):

  Reveal hidden contents

Fusion #3 (Cost 1 demonic shard, 1 gleaming scale):

  Reveal hidden contents

Total Cost: 3 gleaming scales, 2 demonic shards


On 6/2/2024 at 6:27 AM, Freyd said:


  Hide contents

Item #1 - KEEP

Name: For Katoka (Part 1)
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223478, 223479
Roll Result: 7, 9 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Holy, Para 2 
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=681025
Acquisition ID: 215466b

Item #2 - KEEP

Name: For Katoka (Part 2)
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223480, 223481
Roll Result: 19, 14 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Fallen, ACC 2
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=681025
Acquisition ID: 215466c

Fusion #1 (Cost 1 gleaming scale)

  Hide contents


Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Taunt | Para | Fallen
Acquisition ID: 217986b | Roll IDs: 223318, 223319, 223320 | Reroll IDs: 223321, 223322, 223323, 223324
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.


For Katoka (Part 2) | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | ACC 2 | Fallen
Acquisition ID: 215466c | Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223480, 223481
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.

To Create:

Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Para | Fallen 2
Fusion ID: 223482
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.

Fusion #2 (Cost 1 gleaming scale)

  Reveal hidden contents

Upgrade: Cost 1 demonic shard

  Reveal hidden contents

Fusion #3: Cost 1 demonic shard, 1 gleaming scale

  Reveal hidden contents

Total Cost: 3 gleaming scale, 2 demonic shard

Both approved!

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Beckon the Void                    

Each creature casts its semblance onto the world; a penumbral portal granting back door access to their soul for those who know how to access it. With the strongest resolve, and affinity to the amorphous void, one can draw upon such powers to reach within and turn any darkness found inside out, literally.  Enhancing the shadow manipulation effects of the Shades of the Gemini custom skill, wielding this sword art temporarily transforms a target's own shadow into a tangible threat, turning it upon its caster. Feasting on hate and spiritual bile, the shadow enhances the player's assault by manifesting and turning the darkest aspects of the target's nature against them, like a serpent devouring its own tail. 

20x  AOE Base            

+3x  (Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.  This CSA may not be used to unlock use of itself)
+1x | EQUIP | Must have the Disguise extra skill active during the thread
+2x | NICHE | Must have the Shades of the Gemini Custom Skill active            
-2x | MENACE | +1 Hatred Generated from Successful Attack
+0x | FUELED BY HATE | Can consume the hate of its targets. Increase the damage multiplier of this sword art by 1 for every 2 points of hate consumed. Targets lose any hate consumed. Can choose from hate directed against anyone, but only one source of hate per target. Cannot reduce a target's hate below 0.
-1x | CONSUMPTION | Each target slain by this sword art increases the player's EN regeneration on the next round by [tier].  
-2x | FRACTURE | Targets hit by this sword art have any active mitigation reduction effects doubled and their duration refreshed
Result:    x21

Cost: 22 EN (including shift cost), +2 per target hit, + FUELED BY HATE    

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Melt the following items down to create 3x Mystic Essence:


Lightning Rod (T3 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Keen 1, ACC 1, Static 1)
Acquisition ID [181935c] | Roll ID:  185631, 185632, 185633
A smooth, milled six-foot long rod of solid brass that builds up a charge just by whirling about in the air, then effectively delivering blows that can take the spark out of any opponent while delivering them a new one.

Keening Algernon (T3 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Keen 1, Bleed 1, Freeze 1)
Acquisition ID [177161a] | Roll ID:  184593, 184594, 184595
A long shard of worked white metal rimed with frost that perpetually gives off a slight fog.

Keening Algernon (T3 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Keen 1, Freeze 1, Bleed 1)
Acquisition ID [181907c] | Roll ID:  185610, 185611, 185612
A long shard of worked white metal rimed with frost that perpetually gives off a slight fog.

Fuse the following items (Cost: 1 gleaming shard)


Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - ACC 1, Abs.Acc., Burn 1
Acquisition ID [198512c] | Roll ID:  200716, 200717, 200718 | Reroll IDs: 200720, 200721, 200722, 200723
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.

Stunning Conclusion +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Keen 1, Para 1, Phase
Acquisition ID [199109a] | Roll ID: 200786, 200787, 200788 | Reroll IDs: 200789, 200790, 200791, 700792
A strangely shaped bludgeoning tool that oddly resembles a question mark.

To create:

Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - ACC 1, Abs.Acc., Phase
Fusion ID: 224207
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.

Fuse the following items (Cost: 1 gleaming shard)


Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - ACC 1, Abs.Acc., Phase
Fusion ID: 224207
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.

Inquisitor's Staff +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Bleed 1, Para 1, Holy 1
Acquisition ID [199109b] | Roll ID: 200793, 200794, 200795 | Reroll IDs: 200796, 200797, 200798, 200799
A decorative white walking stick wreathed with arcane runes.

To create:

Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Abs.Acc., Phase, Holy 1
Fusion ID: 224208
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.

Upgrade the following item to demonic quality (Cost: 1 demonic shard), spend 3 Mystic Essence from above to select Holy.

Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Abs.Acc., Phase, Holy 1
Fusion ID: 224208
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.


Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Demonic Weapon (WH) - Abs.Acc., Phase, Holy 2
Fusion ID: 224208
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.

Edited by Freyd
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8 minutes ago, Freyd said:

Melt the following items down to create 3x Mystic Essence:

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Lightning Rod (T3 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Keen 1, ACC 1, Static 1)
Acquisition ID [181935c] | Roll ID:  185631, 185632, 185633
A smooth, milled six-foot long rod of solid brass that builds up a charge just by whirling about in the air, then effectively delivering blows that can take the spark out of any opponent while delivering them a new one.

Keening Algernon (T3 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Keen 1, Bleed 1, Freeze 1)
Acquisition ID [177161a] | Roll ID:  184593, 184594, 184595
A long shard of worked white metal rimed with frost that perpetually gives off a slight fog.

Keening Algernon (T3 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Keen 1, Freeze 1, Bleed 1)
Acquisition ID [181907c] | Roll ID:  185610, 185611, 185612
A long shard of worked white metal rimed with frost that perpetually gives off a slight fog.

Fuse the following items (Cost: 1 gleaming shard)

  Hide contents

Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - ACC 1, Abs.Acc., Burn 1
Acquisition ID [198512c] | Roll ID:  200716, 200717, 200718 | Reroll IDs: 200720, 200721, 200722, 200723
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.

Stunning Conclusion +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Keen 1, Para 1, Phase
Acquisition ID [199109a] | Roll ID: 200786, 200787, 200788 | Reroll IDs: 200789, 200790, 200791, 700792
A strangely shaped bludgeoning tool that oddly resembles a question mark.

To create:

Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - ACC 1, Abs.Acc., Phase
Fusion ID: 224207
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.

Fuse the following items (Cost: 1 gleaming shard)

  Hide contents

Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - ACC 1, Abs.Acc., Phase
Fusion ID: 224207
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.

Inquisitor's Staff +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Bleed 1, Para 1, Holy 1
Acquisition ID [199109b] | Roll ID: 200793, 200794, 200795 | Reroll IDs: 200796, 200797, 200798, 200799
A decorative white walking stick wreathed with arcane runes.

To create:

Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Abs.Acc., Phase, Holy 1
Fusion ID: 224208
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.

Upgrade the following item to demonic quality (Cost: 1 demonic shard), spend 3 Mystic Essence from above to select Holy.

Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (WH) - Abs.Acc., Phase, Holy 1
Fusion ID: 224208
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.


Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Demonic Weapon (WH) - Abs.Acc., Phase, Holy 2
Fusion ID: 224208
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.


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Posted (edited)

Rank 5 Appraiser (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day)
+1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale
+2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day)
+2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day)
+1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16)
Crafting Respite | Dragon's Breath | 174612




5x T4 Perfect Items (@3040 col) = 15,200 col
2x T4 Perfect consumables (@1440 col) = 2,880 col
6x T4 Rare Items (@2080 col) = 12,480 col
4x T4 Rare consumables (@1120 col) = 4,480 col

Total Cost: 35,040 col due to banker


5x T4 Perfect Items (@1900 col) = 9500 col
4x T4 Rare Items (@1400 col) = 5600 col

Total Value of Junking: 15,100 col

Net Cost to Banker:  19,940 col 

Appraisal Rolls

3x T4 Unid. Perfect Weapon# (223742, 223742-1, 223745)


Item #1  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 224338, 224339, 224340
Roll Result: 2, 8, 19 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Taunt/Keen, Bleed/Paralyze, Damage/Accuracy
Acquisition ID: 223742

Item #2  -JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 224341, 224342, 224343
Roll Result: 7, 11, 10 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed/Paralyze, Bleed/Paralyze, Bleed/Paralyze
Acquisition ID: 223742-1

Item #3  -JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224344, 224345, 224346
Roll Result: 15, 14, 11 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Damage/Accuracy, Damage/Accuracy, Bleed/Paralyze
Acquisition ID: 223745

2x T4 Unid. Perfect Armor/Shield# (223726, 223745)


Item #4  -JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224347, 224348, 224349
Roll Result: 8, 13, 16 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (Cloth)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Risky/Light Momentum, Regen/Recovery, Loot Die
Acquisition ID: 223726

Item #5  -JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224350, 224351, 224352
Roll Result: 14, 15, 12 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (Cloth)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Regen/Recovery, Regen/Recovery, Regen/Recovery
Acquisition ID: 223745

2x T4 Unid. Perfect Consumable# (223745, 223745-1)


Item #6  - KEEP

Name: Mega-Duper Anti-Everything Sauce
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224353
Roll Result: 1 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Consumable (Salve)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Antidote III
Description: A small container of golden coloured goo that soothes the nostrils, mind, and provides a panacea of any ailment. Smells like angel farts.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223745

Item #7  - KEEP

Name: Pure Unadulterated Rage
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224354
Roll Result: 13 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Consumable (Meal)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation III
Description: If you're angry enough, nothing can get through to affect you.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223745-1

5x T4 Unid. Rare Weapon# (223724, 223724-1, 223728, 223728-1, 223742)


Item #8 - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224355, 224356
Roll Result: 12, 1 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Bleed/Paralyze, Taunt/Keen
Acquisition ID: 223724

Item #9 - KEEP

Name: Indiscretion
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224357, 224358
Roll Result: 2, 18 (Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Paralytic Venom (Offensive), Accuracy
Description: Closer to the size of a wakizashi, this diminutive katana has a habit of making appearances where it shouldn't.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223724-1

Item #10 - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224359, 224360
Roll Result: 19, 17 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Damage/Accuracy, Damage/Accuracy
Acquisition ID: 223728

Item #11 JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224361, 224362
Roll Result: 8, 14 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Bleed/Paralyze, Damage/Accuracy
Acquisition ID: 223728-1

Item #12 JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224363, 224364
Roll Result: 10, 7 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Bleed/Paralyze, Bleed/Paralyze
Acquisition ID: 223742

1x T4 Unid. Rare Armor/Shield #223726


Item #13 - KEEP

Name: Aphrodite's Panties
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224365, 224366
Roll Result: 12, 19 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Rare Armor (Cloth)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Recovery, Holy Blessing
Description: Ever fresh and ready for whatever might come next.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223726

4x T4 Unid. Rare Consumables# (223724, 223724-1, 223728, 223728-1)


Item #14 - KEEP

Name: Concentrated Joy
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224367
Roll Result: 17 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Consumable (Snacks)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Vitality II
Description: Sickly-sweet sticks of super-sappy happy goodness that just makes everything better.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223724

Item #15 

Name: Red Velvet Meringue
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224368
Roll Result: 12 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Consumable (Snack)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Evasion II
Description: A super-rich, chocolatey treat that spreads warmth and comfort within anyone who eats it, taking them to their emotional happy place and rendering them untouchable to lesser slights.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223724-1

Item #16 

Name: Scroogey Snacks
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224369
Roll Result: 8 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Consumable (Snacks)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Prosperity II
Description: Small tasty treats that resemble dog biscuits at first glance, but are shaped like a duck’s head with a top hat.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223728

Item #17 

Name: Red Velvet Meringue
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224370
Roll Result: 12 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Consumable (Snacks)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Evasion II
Description: A super-rich, chocolatey treat that spreads warmth and comfort within anyone who eats it, taking them to their emotional happy place and rendering them untouchable to lesser slights.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223728-1


Edited by Freyd
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/6/2024 at 6:35 PM, Freyd said:

Rank 5 Appraiser (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day)
+1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale
+2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day)
+2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day)
+1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16)
Crafting Respite | Dragon's Breath | 174612




5x T4 Perfect Items (@3040 col) = 15,200 col
2x T4 Perfect consumables (@1440 col) = 2,880 col
6x T4 Rare Items (@2080 col) = 12,480 col
4x T4 Rare consumables (@1120 col) = 4,480 col

Total Cost: 35,040 col due to banker


5x T4 Perfect Items (@1900 col) = 9500 col
4x T4 Rare Items (@1400 col) = 5600 col

Total Value of Junking: 15,100 col

Net Cost to Banker:  19,940 col 

Appraisal Rolls

3x T4 Unid. Perfect Weapon# (223742, 223742-1, 223745)

  Hide contents

Item #1  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 224338, 224339, 224340
Roll Result: 2, 8, 19 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Taunt/Keen, Bleed/Paralyze, Damage/Accuracy
Acquisition ID: 223742

Item #2  -JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 224341, 224342, 224343
Roll Result: 7, 11, 10 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed/Paralyze, Bleed/Paralyze, Bleed/Paralyze
Acquisition ID: 223742-1

Item #3  -JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224344, 224345, 224346
Roll Result: 15, 14, 11 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Damage/Accuracy, Damage/Accuracy, Bleed/Paralyze
Acquisition ID: 223745

2x T4 Unid. Perfect Armor/Shield# (223726, 223745)

  Hide contents

Item #4  -JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224347, 224348, 224349
Roll Result: 8, 13, 16 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (Cloth)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Risky/Light Momentum, Regen/Recovery, Loot Die
Acquisition ID: 223726

Item #5  -JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224350, 224351, 224352
Roll Result: 14, 15, 12 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (Cloth)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Regen/Recovery, Regen/Recovery, Regen/Recovery
Acquisition ID: 223745

2x T4 Unid. Perfect Consumable# (223745, 223745-1)

  Hide contents

Item #6  - KEEP

Name: Mega-Duper Anti-Everything Sauce
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224353
Roll Result: 1 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Consumable (Salve)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Antidote III
Description: A small container of golden coloured goo that soothes the nostrils, mind, and provides a panacea of any ailment. Smells like angel farts.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223745

Item #7  - KEEP

Name: Pure Unadulterated Rage
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224354
Roll Result: 13 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Consumable (Meal)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation III
Description: If you're angry enough, nothing can get through to affect you.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223745-1

5x T4 Unid. Rare Weapon# (223724, 223724-1, 223728, 223728-1, 223742)

  Hide contents

Item #8 - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224355, 224356
Roll Result: 12, 1 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Bleed/Paralyze, Taunt/Keen
Acquisition ID: 223724

Item #9 - KEEP

Name: Indiscretion
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224357, 224358
Roll Result: 2, 18 (Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Paralytic Venom (Offensive), Accuracy
Description: Closer to the size of a wakizashi, this diminutive katana has a habit of making appearances where it shouldn't.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223724-1

Item #10 - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224359, 224360
Roll Result: 19, 17 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Damage/Accuracy, Damage/Accuracy
Acquisition ID: 223728

Item #11 JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224361, 224362
Roll Result: 8, 14 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Bleed/Paralyze, Damage/Accuracy
Acquisition ID: 223728-1

Item #12 JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224363, 224364
Roll Result: 10, 7 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Bleed/Paralyze, Bleed/Paralyze
Acquisition ID: 223742

1x T4 Unid. Rare Armor/Shield #223726

  Hide contents

Item #13 - KEEP

Name: Aphrodite's Panties
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224365, 224366
Roll Result: 12, 19 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Rare Armor (Cloth)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Recovery, Holy Blessing
Description: Ever fresh and ready for whatever might come next.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223726

4x T4 Unid. Rare Consumables# (223724, 223724-1, 223728, 223728-1)

  Hide contents

Item #14 - KEEP

Name: Concentrated Joy
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224367
Roll Result: 17 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Consumable (Snacks)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Vitality II
Description: Sickly-sweet sticks of super-sappy happy goodness that just makes everything better.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223724

Item #15 

Name: Red Velvet Meringue
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224368
Roll Result: 12 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Consumable (Snack)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Evasion II
Description: A super-rich, chocolatey treat that spreads warmth and comfort within anyone who eats it, taking them to their emotional happy place and rendering them untouchable to lesser slights.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223724-1

Item #16 

Name: Scroogey Snacks
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224369
Roll Result: 8 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Consumable (Snacks)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Prosperity II
Description: Small tasty treats that resemble dog biscuits at first glance, but are shaped like a duck’s head with a top hat.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223728

Item #17 

Name: Red Velvet Meringue
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  224370
Roll Result: 12 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Consumable (Snacks)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Rare
Enhancements: Evasion II
Description: A super-rich, chocolatey treat that spreads warmth and comfort within anyone who eats it, taking them to their emotional happy place and rendering them untouchable to lesser slights.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=683364
Acquisition ID: 223728-1



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Posted (edited)

Melt down the following items into 6 mystic essences:


Fireweave Gloves +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - ACC 2, Burn 1)
Acquisition ID [198573c] | Roll ID: 213605, 213606, 213607 | Reroll IDs: 213608, 213609, 213610, 213611
Sooty black gauntlets that blaze into open flame when triggered.

Fireweave Gloves +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - Para, ACC, Burn 1)
Acquisition ID [201035a] | Roll ID: 214181, 214182, 214183 | Reroll IDs: 214184, 214185, 214186, 214187
Sooty black gauntlets that blaze into open flame when triggered.

Chaos Vector +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - ACC 2, Blight)
Acquisition ID [201048c] | Roll ID: 214223, 214224, 214225 | Reroll IDs: 214226, 214227, 214228, 214229
Thick blackish-green hand wraps worn with age and decay.

Dire Contradictions +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - Freeze, Burn, ACC)
Acquisition ID [201056b] | Roll ID: 214252, 214253, 214254 | Reroll IDs: 214255, 214256, 214257, 214258
A pair of identical black gloves with opposing motifs: the left embroidered with a coiling blue dragon and the right with a red."

Blasted Bits of Blight +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - Blight, Bleed, ACC)
Acquisition ID [198468b] | Roll ID:  202229, 202230, 202231 | Reroll IDs: 202232, 202233, 202234, 202235
A pair of rusty brass knuckles that pack one hell of a punch.

Base item


Sanctified Wraps of Righteous Punishment +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - ACC, Holy, Envenom (Off))
Acquisition ID [201029b] | Roll ID: 213714, 213715, 213716 | Reroll IDs: 213717, 213718, 213719, 213720
Fragile linen wraps soaked in the waters of the blessed pools in a long-since ruined sanctum.

Reroll #5 (16,000 col), spend 3 mystic essence from above to add PHASE
Spend 1 demonic shard to upgrade to demonic quality.  Spending three more mystic essence from above to add ABS.ACC.

To produce:


Sanctified Wraps of Righteous Punishment +5 (T4 Demonic Weapon (MA) - AA, Holy I, Phase, Envenom (Off) I
Acquisition ID [201029b] | Roll ID: 213714, 213715, 213716 | Reroll IDs: 213717, 213718, 213719, 213720
Fragile linen wraps soaked in the waters of the blessed pools in a long-since ruined sanctum.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684551

Total cost: 1 demonic shard and 16,000 col

Edited by Freyd
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1 hour ago, Freyd said:

Melt down the following items into 6 mystic essences:

  Hide contents

Fireweave Gloves +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - ACC 2, Burn 1)
Acquisition ID [198573c] | Roll ID: 213605, 213606, 213607 | Reroll IDs: 213608, 213609, 213610, 213611
Sooty black gauntlets that blaze into open flame when triggered.

Fireweave Gloves +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - Para, ACC, Burn 1)
Acquisition ID [201035a] | Roll ID: 214181, 214182, 214183 | Reroll IDs: 214184, 214185, 214186, 214187
Sooty black gauntlets that blaze into open flame when triggered.

Chaos Vector +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - ACC 2, Blight)
Acquisition ID [201048c] | Roll ID: 214223, 214224, 214225 | Reroll IDs: 214226, 214227, 214228, 214229
Thick blackish-green hand wraps worn with age and decay.

Dire Contradictions +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - Freeze, Burn, ACC)
Acquisition ID [201056b] | Roll ID: 214252, 214253, 214254 | Reroll IDs: 214255, 214256, 214257, 214258
A pair of identical black gloves with opposing motifs: the left embroidered with a coiling blue dragon and the right with a red."

Blasted Bits of Blight +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - Blight, Bleed, ACC)
Acquisition ID [198468b] | Roll ID:  202229, 202230, 202231 | Reroll IDs: 202232, 202233, 202234, 202235
A pair of rusty brass knuckles that pack one hell of a punch.

Base item

  Hide contents

Sanctified Wraps of Righteous Punishment +4 (T4 Perfect Weapon (MA) - ACC, Holy, Envenom (Off))
Acquisition ID [201029b] | Roll ID: 213714, 213715, 213716 | Reroll IDs: 213717, 213718, 213719, 213720
Fragile linen wraps soaked in the waters of the blessed pools in a long-since ruined sanctum.

Reroll #5 (16,000 col), spend 3 mystic essence from above to add PHASE
Spend 1 demonic shard to upgrade to demonic quality.  Spending three more mystic essence from above to add ABS.ACC.

To produce:

  Hide contents

Sanctified Wraps of Righteous Punishment +5 (T4 Demonic Weapon (MA) - AA, Holy I, Phase, Envenom (Off) I
Acquisition ID [201029b] | Roll ID: 213714, 213715, 213716 | Reroll IDs: 213717, 213718, 213719, 213720
Fragile linen wraps soaked in the waters of the blessed pools in a long-since ruined sanctum.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684551

Total cost: 1 demonic shard and 16,000 col


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Posted (edited)

Step 1: Item Evals:

Rank 5 Appraiser (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day)
+1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale
+2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day)
+2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day)
+1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16)


13x T4 Perfect Items (@3040 col) = 39,520 col
13x Reroll #1 (@1000 col) = 13,000 col 
13x Reroll #2 (@2000 col) = 26,000 col 
13x Reroll #13(@4000 col) = 52,000 col

Total Cost: 130,520 col


10x T4 Perfect Item (@1900) = 19,000 col
Convert 4 uniques into Mystic Essence

Total Value of Junking: 19,000 col

Net Cost to Banker:  111,520 col 


Item #1: - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227093, 227094, 227095
Roll Result: 19, 3, 14 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Description: xxx
Acquisition ID: 215465b

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #227102 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #227103 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #227104 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #2: - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227105, 227106, 227107
Roll Result: 20, 9, 1 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Description: xxx
Acquisition ID: 215465c

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #227108 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #227109 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #227110 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #3: - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227111. 227112, 227113
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Description: xxx
Acquisition ID: 215474a

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #227114 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #227115 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #227116 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)


Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227117, 227118, 227119
Roll Result: 15, 20, 9 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Freeze I, Envenom (Off) I, Taunt
Description: xxx
Acquisition ID: 215474b

Re-roll +1: [Para] ID #227120 | LD: 10 - becomes [Freeze] - (BD 10 | CD 10 = Unique!)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #227121 | LD: 14 - becomes [VO/ENV-O] - (BD 10 | CD 12 = Unique!)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #227122 | LD: 2 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)


Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227123, 227124, 227125
Roll Result: 12, 5, 18 (2x Uniques)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements:  Envenom (Off) I, Static I, Para I
Description: xxx
Acquisition ID: 215474c

Re-roll +1: [Taunt] ID #227126 | LD: 7 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Para] ID #227127 | LD: 6 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Keen] ID #227128 | LD: 13 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)

Item #6: - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227129, 227130, 227131
Roll Result: 12, 8, 19 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Description: xxx
Acquisition ID: 215477b

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #227132 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #227133 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #227134 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #7: - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227138, 227139, 227140
Roll Result: 6, 15, 14 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Description: xxx
Acquisition ID: 215477c

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #227141 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #227142 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #227143 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #8: - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227144, 227145, 227146
Roll Result: 15, 19, 12 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Description: xxx
Acquisition ID: 215479a

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #227 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #227 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique) - incorrectly labeled item as 215477a in roller
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #227 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique) - incorrectly labeled item as 215477a in roller

Item #9: - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227150, 227151, 227153
Roll Result: 3, 17, 6 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Description: xxx
Acquisition ID: 215479b

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #227155 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #227156 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #227157 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #10: - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227158, 227159, 227160
Roll Result: 16, 10, 13 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Description: xxx
Acquisition ID: 215479c

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #227161 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #227162 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #227163 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #11: - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227164, 227165, 227166
Roll Result: 2, 18, 14 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Description: xxx
Acquisition ID: 215483b

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #227167 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #227168 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #227169 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #12: - KEEP

Name: Veritas
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227170, 227171, 227172 (last two rolls incorrectly labeled as item 215474a instead of 215484a, because tired)
Roll Result: 7, 8, 17 (Unique!)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed I, Burn I, AA
Description: A black blade forged from shards of shadowsteel scraped from the walls of floor twenty-five's labyrinth at great personal cost, then purified by the priests of Ogo'mathas before being annealed in the waters of the Stygian River.  Its dark touch is said to bring all secrets to light.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39252-f02-sp-overspawn-point-alpha/?do=findComment&comment=674640
Acquisition ID: 215484a

Re-roll +1: [Para] ID #227173 | LD: 5 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Taunt] ID #227174 | LD: 11 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Para] ID #227175 | LD: 13 - becomes [Bld] - (No Unique)

Item #13: - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  227176, 227177, 227178
Roll Result: 11, 11, 6 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Description: xxx
Acquisition ID: 215484b

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #227179 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #227180 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #227181 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Step 2: Reroll #3 on the following item (use 3x Mystic Essence to replace Para with Paralytic Venom (Offensive)


Hatred as Valor +2 (T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) - VO, ACC, Para)
Acquisition ID [193650c] | Roll ID: 200190, 200191, 200192* | Reroll IDs: 200193, 200194
A gleaming, polish steel blade with black guard and hilt, the wrappings on the latter monogrammed with the last ten names to have appeared on the Monument of Life.


Hatred as Valor +3 (T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) - VO I, ACC, PVO I)
Acquisition ID [193650c] | Roll ID: 200190, 200191, 200192* | Reroll IDs: 200193, 200194
A gleaming, polish steel blade with black guard and hilt, the wrappings on the latter monogrammed with the last ten names to have appeared on the Monument of Life.

Cost: 4000 col

Step 3: Fuse Veritas with Hatred Valor +3 to produce:

Item #12: - KEEP

Veritas | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | AA, PVO I, VO I
Fusion ID: 227185
A black blade forged from shards of shadowsteel scraped from the walls of floor twenty-five's labyrinth at great personal cost, then purified by the priests of Ogo'mathas before being annealed in the waters of the Stygian River.  Its dark touch is said to bring all secrets to light.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684850

Cost: 1 gleaming scale

Step 4: Upgrade Veritas to demonic quality

Veritas | T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana) | AA, PVO I, VO I, Taunt
Fusion ID: 227185
A black blade forged from shards of shadowsteel scraped from the walls of floor twenty-five's labyrinth at great personal cost, then purified by the priests of Ogo'mathas before being annealed in the waters of the Stygian River.  Its dark touch is said to bring all secrets to light.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684850

Cost: 1 demonic shard


Total Cost: 115,520 col, 1 gleaming scale, 1 demonic shard

Unspent: 1 mystic Essence (tagged 227186)

Edited by Freyd
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On 8/19/2024 at 5:55 PM, Freyd said:

Step 1: Item Evals:

Rank 5 Appraiser (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day)
+1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale
+2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day)
+2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day)
+1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16)


13x T4 Perfect Items (@3040 col) = 39,520 col
13x Reroll #1 (@1000 col) = 13,000 col 
13x Reroll #2 (@2000 col) = 26,000 col 
13x Reroll #13(@4000 col) = 52,000 col

Total Cost: 130,520 col


10x T4 Perfect Item (@1900) = 19,000 col
Convert 4 uniques into Mystic Essence

Total Value of Junking: 19,000 col

Net Cost to Banker:  111,520 col 

  Reveal hidden contents

Step 2: Reroll #3 on the following item (use 3x Mystic Essence to replace Para with Paralytic Venom (Offensive)

  Reveal hidden contents

Cost: 4000 col

Step 3: Fuse Veritas with Hatred Valor +3 to produce:

Item #12: - KEEP

Veritas | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | AA, PVO I, VO I
Fusion ID: 227185
A black blade forged from shards of shadowsteel scraped from the walls of floor twenty-five's labyrinth at great personal cost, then purified by the priests of Ogo'mathas before being annealed in the waters of the Stygian River.  Its dark touch is said to bring all secrets to light.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684850

Cost: 1 gleaming scale

Step 4: Upgrade Veritas to demonic quality

Veritas | T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana) | AA, PVO I, VO I, Taunt
Fusion ID: 227185
A black blade forged from shards of shadowsteel scraped from the walls of floor twenty-five's labyrinth at great personal cost, then purified by the priests of Ogo'mathas before being annealed in the waters of the Stygian River.  Its dark touch is said to bring all secrets to light.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=684850

Cost: 1 demonic shard


Total Cost: 115,520 col, 1 gleaming scale, 1 demonic shard

Unspent: 1 mystic Essence (tagged 227186)


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

As per ticket 0036:

[x16] Beckon the Void | AOE SHATTER | MENACE | FRACTURE | NICHE (Shades of Gemini) | (16 + 2 * targets EN) | A multi-target sword art that can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll. Successful attacks made using this sword art generate an additional +1 Hatred and apply or refresh a stack of [Shatter] to that enemy for 3 turns. [Shatter] is a debuff that can stack up to a cap of 3, taking immediate effect on the attack it was applied on. Each stack of [Shatter] removes -20 MIT from an enemy, down to 0, if it has MIT. When calculating damage, double all present mitigation reductions before damage calculation (Shatter, Break, etc.)

Each creature casts its semblance onto the world; a penumbral portal granting back door access to their soul for those who know how to access it. With the strongest resolve, and affinity to the amorphous void, one can draw upon such powers to reach within and turn any darkness found inside out, literally.  Enhancing the shadow manipulation effects of the Shades of the Gemini custom skill, wielding this sword art temporarily transforms a target's own shadow into a tangible threat, turning it upon its caster. Feasting on hate and spiritual bile, the shadow enhances the player's assault by manifesting and turning the darkest aspects of the target's nature against them, like a serpent devouring its own tail. 

x20 | AoE | This Sword Art requires a AoE Shift
+3x | CD9 AVAIL. |  Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.  This CSA may not be used to unlock use of itself
+1x | NICHE | Must have the Shades of the Gemini Custom Skill active
-2x | MENACE | +1 Hatred Generated from Successful Attack
-4x | SHATTER(AOE) | Successful attacks from this sword art apply shatter, or refresh existing shatter effects present on the targets.
-2x | FRACTURE | Targets hit by this sword art have any active mitigation reduction effects are doubled during damage calculation


Edited by Freyd
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7 minutes ago, Freyd said:

As per ticket 0036:

[x16] Beckon the Void | AOE SHATTER | MENACE | FRACTURE | NICHE (Shades of Gemini) | (16 + 2 * targets EN) | A multi-target sword art that can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll. Successful attacks made using this sword art generate an additional +1 Hatred and apply or refresh a stack of [Shatter] to that enemy for 3 turns. [Shatter] is a debuff that can stack up to a cap of 3, taking immediate effect on the attack it was applied on. Each stack of [Shatter] removes -20 MIT from an enemy, down to 0, if it has MIT. When calculating damage, double all present mitigation reductions before damage calculation (Shatter, Break, etc.)

Each creature casts its semblance onto the world; a penumbral portal granting back door access to their soul for those who know how to access it. With the strongest resolve, and affinity to the amorphous void, one can draw upon such powers to reach within and turn any darkness found inside out, literally.  Enhancing the shadow manipulation effects of the Shades of the Gemini custom skill, wielding this sword art temporarily transforms a target's own shadow into a tangible threat, turning it upon its caster. Feasting on hate and spiritual bile, the shadow enhances the player's assault by manifesting and turning the darkest aspects of the target's nature against them, like a serpent devouring its own tail. 

x20 | AoE | This Sword Art requires a AoE Shift
+3x | CD9 AVAIL. |  Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.  This CSA may not be used to unlock use of itself
+1x | NICHE | Must have the Shades of the Gemini Custom Skill active
-2x | MENACE | +1 Hatred Generated from Successful Attack
-4x | SHATTER(AOE) | Successful attacks from this sword art apply shatter, or refresh existing shatter effects present on the targets.
-2x | FRACTURE | Targets hit by this sword art have any active mitigation reduction effects are doubled during damage calculation



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  • 3 weeks later...

Big feels go with this one.

1. Applying Free Skill Respec from Paragon level 25.

2. Applying Cluster of Stars [ID 202751b] to change Samael’s Pride from handwraps to Katana, then appl Nametag [202753b] to change Samael’s Pride description from:

Samael’s Pride (T4 Demonic Weapon (MA, Crafted) – Fallen 2, Holy 2)
Acquisition ID [167646c] | Roll ID: 168850, 168851, 168852

Between all good and evil, or light and dark, there is a line drawn by the pride of Samael, the fallen angel. It is a line from which said pride fervently hungers to stray and yet paradoxically seeks to sustain. Now a pair of supple gloves appearing to be made of pure void, barely contained by the thinnest of holy seals, anyone wearing them bears that same burden and the consequences that inevitably follow. Once a blade, it drank of malevolent Shadow and Orgoth the champion, deepening its darkness and resilient light in equal measure. Those events dulled its edge, yet increased its inner turmoil. Reforged by Griswold, Samael's Pride was tempered by consumption of another similar weapon and re-balanced. Over time, it has nibbled at the very fabric of the Whisper who bore it and fed it so many, many things, to the point that they risk subsuming one another.

Just holding this weapon causes the bearer to feel an unparalleled burden of death and ruthless momentum buoyed by an ineffable and enduring aspect of hope. The gloves weigh as much as light and nothingness, all at once, yet the force of its impact as a weapon is akin to the destructive energies of a supernova compressing into gravitic singularity. Dreams and nightmares follow, in equal measure, each seeking to feed an insatiable moral question which can only be sated by the souls and mobs the weapon will devour, their pixelated remains being sucked into the weapon upon the target's demise.


Samael’s Pride (T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana, Crafted) – Fallen 2, Holy 2)
Acquisition ID [167646c] | Roll ID: 168850, 168851, 168852

Between all good and evil, light and dark, there is a line drawn by the pride of Samael, the fallen angel. It is a line from which said hubris fervently hungers to stray and yet paradoxically seeks to sustain. The weapon has changed forms many times. Once a bastard blade, it drank of malevolent Shadow and Orgoth the champion, deepening its darkness and resilient light in equal measure. Those events dulled its edge, yet increased its inner turmoil. Reforged by Griswold, it became a blunt object hammering lost fate into new direction.  Over time, it nibbled at the very essence of the Whisper who bore it and fed it so many, many things, to the point that all risked subsuming one another, and themselves.

Purified in the crucible of anguish and introspection, tempered by lessons of empathy and the inner beauty of a Rose, the blade no longer has true substance.  It has become an idea, cast into the void and given shape by the precepts of honor, its merits to be earned and wielded to noble purpose.  Just holding it causes the bearer to feel an unparalleled burden of death and ruthless momentum buoyed by an ineffable and enduring aspect of hope, placing them squarely on pride’s line.  The sword weighs like nothing and everything all at once, awkward to wield without iron-willed discipline.  Yet, the force of its impact is unmatched. Dreams and nightmares follow in its wake.  It is a  penance, accepted with guilt and regret by its bearer, yet claimed because the line must never be permitted to falter.

Edited by Freyd
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1 minute ago, Freyd said:

Big feels go with this one.

1. Applying Free Skill Respec from Paragon level 25.

2. Applying Cluster of Stars [ID 202751b] to change Samael’s Pride from handwraps to Katana, then appl Nametag [202753b] to change Samael’s Pride description from:

Samael’s Pride (T4 Demonic Weapon (MA, Crafted) – Fallen 2, Holy 2)
Acquisition ID [167646c] | Roll ID: 168850, 168851, 168852

Between all good and evil, or light and dark, there is a line drawn by the pride of Samael, the fallen angel. It is a line from which said pride fervently hungers to stray and yet paradoxically seeks to sustain. Now a pair of supple gloves appearing to be made of pure void, barely contained by the thinnest of holy seals, anyone wearing them bears that same burden and the consequences that inevitably follow. Once a blade, it drank of malevolent Shadow and Orgoth the champion, deepening its darkness and resilient light in equal measure. Those events dulled its edge, yet increased its inner turmoil. Reforged by Griswold, Samael's Pride was tempered by consumption of another similar weapon and re-balanced. Over time, it has nibbled at the very fabric of the Whisper who bore it and fed it so many, many things, to the point that they risk subsuming one another.

Just holding this weapon causes the bearer to feel an unparalleled burden of death and ruthless momentum buoyed by an ineffable and enduring aspect of hope. The gloves weigh as much as light and nothingness, all at once, yet the force of its impact as a weapon is akin to the destructive energies of a supernova compressing into gravitic singularity. Dreams and nightmares follow, in equal measure, each seeking to feed an insatiable moral question which can only be sated by the souls and mobs the weapon will devour, their pixelated remains being sucked into the weapon upon the target's demise.


Samael’s Pride (T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana, Crafted) – Fallen 2, Holy 2)
Acquisition ID [167646c] | Roll ID: 168850, 168851, 168852

Between all good and evil, light and dark, there is a line drawn by the pride of Samael, the fallen angel. It is a line from which said hubris fervently hungers to stray and yet paradoxically seeks to sustain. The weapon has changed forms many times. Once a bastard blade, it drank of malevolent Shadow and Orgoth the champion, deepening its darkness and resilient light in equal measure. Those events dulled its edge, yet increased its inner turmoil. Reforged by Griswold, it became a blunt object hammering lost fate into new direction.  Over time, it nibbled at the very essence of the Whisper who bore it and fed it so many, many things, to the point that all risked subsuming one another, and themselves.

Purified in the crucible of anguish and introspection, tempered by lessons of empathy and the inner beauty of a Rose, the blade no longer has true substance.  It has become an idea, cast into the void and given shape by the precepts of honor, its merits to be earned and wielded to noble purpose.  Just holding it causes the bearer to feel an unparalleled burden of death and ruthless momentum buoyed by an ineffable and enduring aspect of hope, placing them squarely on pride’s line.  The sword weighs like nothing and everything all at once, awkward to wield without iron-willed discipline.  Yet, the force of its impact is unparalleled. Dreams and nightmares follow in its wake.  It is a  penance, accepted with guilt and regret by its bearer, yet claimed because the line must never be permitted to falter.



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Rank 5 Appraiser (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day)
+1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale
+2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day)
+2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day)
+1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16)
Crafting Respite | Dragon's Breath | 174618
Witch's Brew (+1 DC) | 199898-2 | https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/41037-narby-narb-narb/?do=findComment&comment=687681


26x T4 Perfect Items (@3040 col) = 79,040 col
26x 1st Rerolls (@1,000 col) = 26,000 col
26x 2nd Rerolls (@2,000 col) = 52,000 col
26x 3rd Rerolls (@4,000 col) = 104,000 col

Total Cost: 261,040 col due to banker


21x T4 Perfect Items (@1900 col) = 39,900 col

Total Value of Junking: 39,900 col

Net Cost to Banker:  221,140 col 

Appraisal Rolls


Item #1  - KEEP

Note: forgot the 'c' suffix on first three ID rolls

Name: Heaven's Rimeguard +3
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232706, 232707, 232708
Roll Result: 16, 11, 9 (Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Frost-T I | Holy Blessing I | MIT I
Description:  Pale silver plate forged using the heart of an Avalanche, and tempered in holy water from the blessed cathedral in Angel's Point.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21132-sp-26-a-sky-full-of-rats/?do=findComment&comment=644863
Acquisition ID: 201047c

Re-roll +1: [Thorns] ID #232709 | LD: 11 - becomes [Thorns/HM] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Thorns] ID #232710 | LD: 14 - becomes [HB/LMend] - (BD 10 | CD 6+1=7; Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Thorns] ID #232711 | LD: 14 - becomes [MIT/Taunt] - (No Unique)

Item #2 - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232716, 232717, 232718
Roll Result: 8, 1, 16 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21162-pp-26-pesky-nest-of-pirats/?do=findComment&comment=645769
Acquisition ID: 201047d

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232720 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232721 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232722 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #3  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232724, 232725, 232726
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 201048a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232728 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232729 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232732 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #4  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232733, 232734, 232735
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 199551a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232736 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232737 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232738 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #5  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232739, 232740, 232741
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 201671-2a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232742 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232743 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232745 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #6  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232747, 232748, 232749
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 201671-2b

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232750 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232751 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232752 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #7  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232753, 232754, 232755
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202247a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232756 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232757 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232758 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #8  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232759, 232760, 232761
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 201827a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232762 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232763 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232764 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #9  -  KEEP

Name: Stimpack Suit +3
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232766, 232768, 232769
Roll Result: 11. 4. 7 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Thorns I | Paralytic Immunity | REC I
Description: A giant assemblage of scrap metal with a healing potion strapped to the chest, along with the words: 'Good luck.'
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21162-pp-26-pesky-nest-of-pirats/?do=findComment&comment=645769
Acquisition ID: 202571a

Re-roll +1: [REC] ID #232770 | LD: 7 - becomes [Thorns/HM] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Thorns] ID #232771 | LD: 5 - becomes [BLOODCLOT/P-IMM] - (BD 10 | CD 7+1=8 | Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Thorns] ID #232772 | LD: 2 - becomes [REG/REC] - (No Unique)

Item #10  - KEEP

Name: Mobile BBQ Gundam Suit +3
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232787, 232788, 232789
Roll Result: 16, 11, 9 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Flame-A I | Thorns II
Description: You'll be the most popular kid at the next raid tailgate party.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21162-pp-26-pesky-nest-of-pirats/?do=findComment&comment=645772
Acquisition ID: 202577b

Re-roll +1: [MIT] ID #232790 | LD: 19 - becomes [Flame-A/Frost-A] - (BD 10 | CD 9+1=10 | Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Thorns] ID #232791 | LD: 13 - becomes [Thorns/HM] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Thorns] ID #232792 | LD: 10 - becomes [
Thorns/HM] - (No Unique)

Item #11  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232793, 232794, 232795
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202587b

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232796 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232797 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232798 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #12  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232799, 232800, 232801
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202595a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232802 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232803 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232804 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #13 - KEEP

Name: Kinetic Leech Suit +3
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232805, 232806, 232807
Roll Result: 8, 9, 17 (Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: VD I | HM I | REC I
Description: Imagine being wrapped in 20,000 intricate metal parts, each labeled 'IOU'
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21162-pp-26-pesky-nest-of-pirats/?do=findComment&comment=645818
Acquisition ID: 202599a

Re-roll +1: [MIT] ID #232808 | LD: 3 - becomes [REG/REC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [REC] ID #232809 | LD: 18 - becomes [MIT/Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [MIT] ID #232810 | LD: 1 - becomes [REG/REC] - (No Unique)

Item #14  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232812, 232813, 232814
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202565c

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232815 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232816 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232817 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #15  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232818, 232819, 232820
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202565d

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232821 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232822 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232823 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #16  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232824, 232825, 232826
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202566c

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232827 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232828 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232829 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #17  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232830, 232831, 232832
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202566d

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232833 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232834 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232835 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #18  - JUNK 

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232836, 232837, 232838
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202574c

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232839 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232840 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232841 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #19  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232842, 232843, 232844
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202574d

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232869 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232870 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232874 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #20  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232874, 232875, 232876
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202576a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232877 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232878 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232879 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #21  - JUNK 

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232880, 232881, 232882
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202579a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232883 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232884 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique) - accidentally labeled as ID instead of reroll
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232885 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #22  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232886, 232887, 232888
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202582c

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232894 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232895 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232896 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #23  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232897, 232898. 232899
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202582d

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232900 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232901 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232902 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #24  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232909, 232910, 232911
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202584c

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232912 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232913 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232914 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #25  - KEEP 

Name: Grand Borealis +3
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232915, 232916, 232917
Roll Result: 17, 11, 20 (Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Frost-T I | Frost-A I | Thorns I
Description: A suite of arctic white mithril plate that chills everything it touches.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21162-pp-26-pesky-nest-of-pirats/?do=findComment&comment=645795
Acquisition ID: 202584d

Re-roll +1: [HM] ID #232918 | LD: 1 - becomes [REG/REC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [REC] ID #232919 | LD: 11 - becomes [Thorns/HM] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Thorns] ID #232920 | LD: 13 - becomes [Thorns/HM] - (No Unique)

Item #26  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232928, 232931, 232933
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 213344a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232937 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232938 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232939 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)


Edited by Freyd
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On 9/21/2024 at 12:16 PM, Freyd said:

Rank 5 Appraiser (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day)
+1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale
+2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day)
+2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day)
+1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16)
Crafting Respite | Dragon's Breath | 174618
Witch's Brew (+1 DC) | 199898-2 | https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/41037-narby-narb-narb/?do=findComment&comment=687681


26x T4 Perfect Items (@3040 col) = 79,040 col
26x 1st Rerolls (@1,000 col) = 26,000 col
26x 2nd Rerolls (@2,000 col) = 52,000 col
26x 3rd Rerolls (@4,000 col) = 104,000 col

Total Cost: 261,040 col due to banker


21x T4 Perfect Items (@1900 col) = 39,900 col

Total Value of Junking: 39,900 col

Net Cost to Banker:  221,140 col 

Appraisal Rolls

  Hide contents

Item #1  - KEEP

Note: forgot the 'c' suffix on first three ID rolls

Name: Heaven's Rimeguard +3
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232706, 232707, 232708
Roll Result: 16, 11, 9 (Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Frost-T I | Holy Blessing I | MIT I
Description:  Pale silver plate forged using the heart of an Avalanche, and tempered in holy water from the blessed cathedral in Angel's Point.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21132-sp-26-a-sky-full-of-rats/?do=findComment&comment=644863
Acquisition ID: 201047c

Re-roll +1: [Thorns] ID #232709 | LD: 11 - becomes [Thorns/HM] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Thorns] ID #232710 | LD: 14 - becomes [HB/LMend] - (BD 10 | CD 6+1=7; Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Thorns] ID #232711 | LD: 14 - becomes [MIT/Taunt] - (No Unique)

Item #2 - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232716, 232717, 232718
Roll Result: 8, 1, 16 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21162-pp-26-pesky-nest-of-pirats/?do=findComment&comment=645769
Acquisition ID: 201047d

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232720 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232721 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232722 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #3  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232724, 232725, 232726
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 201048a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232728 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232729 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232732 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #4  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232733, 232734, 232735
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 199551a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232736 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232737 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232738 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #5  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232739, 232740, 232741
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 201671-2a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232742 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232743 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232745 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #6  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232747, 232748, 232749
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 201671-2b

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232750 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232751 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232752 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #7  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232753, 232754, 232755
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202247a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232756 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232757 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232758 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #8  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232759, 232760, 232761
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 201827a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232762 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232763 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232764 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #9  -  KEEP

Name: Stimpack Suit +3
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232766, 232768, 232769
Roll Result: 11. 4. 7 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Thorns I | Paralytic Immunity | REC I
Description: A giant assemblage of scrap metal with a healing potion strapped to the chest, along with the words: 'Good luck.'
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21162-pp-26-pesky-nest-of-pirats/?do=findComment&comment=645769
Acquisition ID: 202571a

Re-roll +1: [REC] ID #232770 | LD: 7 - becomes [Thorns/HM] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Thorns] ID #232771 | LD: 5 - becomes [BLOODCLOT/P-IMM] - (BD 10 | CD 7+1=8 | Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Thorns] ID #232772 | LD: 2 - becomes [REG/REC] - (No Unique)

Item #10  - KEEP

Name: Mobile BBQ Gundam Suit +3
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232787, 232788, 232789
Roll Result: 16, 11, 9 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Flame-A I | Thorns II
Description: You'll be the most popular kid at the next raid tailgate party.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21162-pp-26-pesky-nest-of-pirats/?do=findComment&comment=645772
Acquisition ID: 202577b

Re-roll +1: [MIT] ID #232790 | LD: 19 - becomes [Flame-A/Frost-A] - (BD 10 | CD 9+1=10 | Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Thorns] ID #232791 | LD: 13 - becomes [Thorns/HM] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Thorns] ID #232792 | LD: 10 - becomes [
Thorns/HM] - (No Unique)

Item #11  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232793, 232794, 232795
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202587b

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232796 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232797 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232798 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #12  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232799, 232800, 232801
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202595a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232802 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232803 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232804 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #13 - KEEP

Name: Kinetic Leech Suit +3
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232805, 232806, 232807
Roll Result: 8, 9, 17 (Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: VD I | HM I | REC I
Description: Imagine being wrapped in 20,000 intricate metal parts, each labeled 'IOU'
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21162-pp-26-pesky-nest-of-pirats/?do=findComment&comment=645818
Acquisition ID: 202599a

Re-roll +1: [MIT] ID #232808 | LD: 3 - becomes [REG/REC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [REC] ID #232809 | LD: 18 - becomes [MIT/Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [MIT] ID #232810 | LD: 1 - becomes [REG/REC] - (No Unique)

Item #14  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232812, 232813, 232814
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202565c

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232815 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232816 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232817 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #15  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232818, 232819, 232820
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202565d

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232821 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232822 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232823 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #16  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232824, 232825, 232826
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202566c

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232827 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232828 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232829 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #17  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232830, 232831, 232832
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202566d

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232833 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232834 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232835 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #18  - JUNK 

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232836, 232837, 232838
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202574c

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232839 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232840 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232841 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #19  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232842, 232843, 232844
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202574d

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232869 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232870 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232874 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #20  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232874, 232875, 232876
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202576a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232877 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232878 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232879 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #21  - JUNK 

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232880, 232881, 232882
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202579a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232883 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232884 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique) - accidentally labeled as ID instead of reroll
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232885 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #22  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232886, 232887, 232888
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202582c

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232894 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232895 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232896 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #23  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232897, 232898. 232899
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202582d

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232900 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232901 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232902 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #24  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232909, 232910, 232911
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 202584c

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232912 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232913 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232914 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #25  - KEEP 

Name: Grand Borealis +3
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232915, 232916, 232917
Roll Result: 17, 11, 20 (Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Frost-T I | Frost-A I | Thorns I
Description: A suite of arctic white mithril plate that chills everything it touches.
Link:  https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/21162-pp-26-pesky-nest-of-pirats/?do=findComment&comment=645795
Acquisition ID: 202584d

Re-roll +1: [HM] ID #232918 | LD: 1 - becomes [REG/REC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [REC] ID #232919 | LD: 11 - becomes [Thorns/HM] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Thorns] ID #232920 | LD: 13 - becomes [Thorns/HM] - (No Unique)

Item #26  - JUNK

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 232928, 232931, 232933
Roll Result:  (No Unique)
Item Type:  Armor (heavy)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Acquisition ID: 213344a

Re-roll +1: [LD] ID #232937 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [LD] ID #232938 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [LD] ID #232939 | LD: X - becomes [X] - (No Unique)



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