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Freyd's Evaluations

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Shades of the Gemini [Addon]
Cost: 10 SP

Requirements: Disguise [Extra] Skill (must be active)

Restriction: User cannot benefit from, or inflict, any returned damage enhancements or item effects based on an attackers dice roll [Thorns, Immolation, Aura].  This restriction does not affect the Parry skill or its mods/addons.

Effect: Disguise effects become a constant, passive, critical hits made against you only occur on a BD: 10, or BD:9-10 if the attacker has focus.  Additional narrative effects as noted below.

Description: Gleaned from extensive study of the Gemini, the Player learns to modify his own appearance and grant limited autonomy to their shadow, imbuing it with instruction and enabling it to appear as a duplicate that can act independently.  This shade can also divide itself into multiple further copies.  While not able to attack in any way, these duplicitous shadows serve as ongoing distractions during combat and carry potential for a broad variety of clandestine purposes. Narratively, the player can change his or her appearance at will: including voice, gender, gear worn and held, height and build. In addition, this can conceal the users cursor from view.

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3 hours ago, Freyd said:

Shades of the Gemini [Addon]
Cost: 10 SP

Requirements: Disguise [Extra] Skill (must be active)

Restriction: User cannot benefit from, or inflict, any returned damage enhancements or item effects based on an attackers dice roll [Thorns, Immolation, Aura].  This restriction does not affect the Parry skill or its mods/addons.

Effect: Disguise effects become a constant, passive, critical hits made against you only occur on a BD: 10, or BD:9-10 if the attacker has focus.  Additional narrative effects as noted below.

Description: Gleaned from extensive study of the Gemini, the Player learns to modify his own appearance and grant limited autonomy to their shadow, imbuing it with instruction and enabling it to appear as a duplicate that can act independently.  This shade can also divide itself into multiple further copies.  While not able to attack in any way, these duplicitous shadows serve as ongoing distractions during combat and carry potential for a broad variety of clandestine purposes. Narratively, the player can change his or her appearance at will: including voice, gender, gear worn and held, height and build. In addition, this can conceal the users cursor from view or alter its colour.

It has been done

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Distilling into Mystic Essences: 223303, 223381


Item #3 Distilling into Mystic Essence [223303]

Name: tbd +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223297, 223298, 223299
Roll Result: 13, 6, 8 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, Taunt, PVO/Blight
Description: tbd
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 217889b

Re-roll +1: [Taunt] ID #223300 | LD: 2 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Keen] ID #223301 | LD: 12 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Para] ID #223302 | LD: 15 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #223303 | LD: 3 - becomes [PVO/Blight] - (BD 10, CD 11+1=12 | Unique)

Item #15 - Distilling into Mystic Essence [223381]

Name: tbd +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223381, 223382, 223383
Roll Result: 13*, 14, 12 (*Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: VO/Env(O), Bleed 2, ACC
Description: tbd
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 214980e

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #223384 | LD: 16 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #223385 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #223386 | LD: 17 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #223387 | LD: 8 - becomes [Bleed] - (No Unique)



Item #1 - KEEP 

Name:  Icingdeath +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  223283, 223284, 223285
Roll Result: 8, 8, 17 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Straight Sword)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, Frostbite
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 213804a

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #223286| LD: 5 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Taunt] ID #223287| LD: 11 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Para] ID #223288| LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #223289| LD: 19 - becomes [Frostbite/Static] - (BD 10, CD 7+1=8 | Unique)

Item #6 - KEEP

Name: Muramasa's Legacy +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223318, 223319, 223320
Roll Result: 14, 2, 8 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Taunt, Para, Fallen
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 217986b

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #223321 | LD: 9 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Para] ID #223322 | LD: 4 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Keen] ID #223323 | LD: 11 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [Para] ID #223324| LD: 5 - becomes [Holy/Fallen] - (BD 10, CD 7+1=8 | Unique)

Item #9 - KEEP

Name: For Wulfrin (Part 2) +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223339 (free unique), 223340, 223341
Roll Result: 14, 11, 3 (Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Straight Sword)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: AA, Para, Bleed
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 220389a (one guaranteed unique enhancement)

Re-roll +1: [Keen] ID #223342 | LD: 13 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Para] ID #223343 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #223344 | LD: 1 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [Keen] ID #223345 | LD: 11 - becomes [Bleed] - (No Unique)

Item #17 - KEEP

Name: For Wulfrin (Part 3) +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223395, 223396, 223397
Roll Result: 7*, 4, 16  (*Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Straight Sword)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Freeze. Taunt, Para
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 214981b

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #223398 | LD: 9 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Para] ID #223399 | LD: 4 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Keen] ID #223400 | LD: 5 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [Keen] ID #223401 | LD: 9 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)

Item #19 - KEEP

Name: For Wulfrin (Part 4) +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223409, 223410, 223411
Roll Result: 13, 6, 8 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (Straight Sword)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Para, Bleed, Freeze
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=680961
Acquisition ID: 214460

Re-roll +1: [Taunt] ID #223412 | LD: 7 - becomes [Freeze/Burn] - (BD 10, CD 9+1=10 | Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Bleed] ID #223413 | LD: 14 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #223414 | LD: 8 - becomes [Bleed] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [Bleed] ID #223415 | LD: 9 - becomes [Bleed] - (No Unique)

Fusion #1 (cost: 1 gleaming scale): 



Icingdeath +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Frostbite | Bleed 2
Acquisition ID: 213804a | Roll ID:  223283, 223284, 223285 | Reroll IDs: 223286, 223287, 223288, 223289
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.


For Wulfrin (Part 2) +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | AA | Para | Bleed
Acquisition ID: 220389a | Roll ID: 223339, 223340, 223341 | Reroll IDs: 223342, 223343, 233344, 233345
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.

To create:

Icingdeath +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Frostbite | AA | Bleed
Fusion ID: 223475
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.

Fusion #2 (cost: 1 gleaming scale): 



For Wulfrin (Part 3) +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Freeze | Taunt | Para
Acquisition ID: 214981b| Roll ID: 223395, 223396, 223397 | Reroll IDs: 223398, 223399, 223400, 223401
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.


For Wulfrin (Part 4) +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Freeze | Bleed | Para
Acquisition ID: 214460 | Roll ID: 223409, 223410, 223411 | Reroll IDs: 223412, 223413, 223414, 223415
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.

To Create:

For Wulfrin (Part 4) +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Freeze 2 | Para
Fusion ID: 223476
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.

Upgrade to Demonic (Cost: 1 Demonic Shard):


Icingdeath +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (SS) | Frostbite | AA | Bleed 2
Fusion ID: 223475
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.

Fusion #3 (Cost 1 demonic shard, 1 gleaming scale):



Icingdeath +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (SS) | Frostbite | AA | Bleed 2
Fusion ID: 223475
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.


For Wulfrin (Part 4) +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Freeze 2 | Para
Fusion ID: 223476
Description: A proto-item to be sacrificed to fusion.

To Create:

Icingdeath +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (SS) | Frostbite | AA | Freeze 2
Fusion ID: 223477
Description: The blade of this longsword is made of silver with a diamond edge. Its blackened metallic hilt is bound with a light blue almost white leather wrapping. Its pommel resembles that of a white dragon’s head crest. Rumor has it that the blade itself was forged from parts of such a dragon, but none can confirm it.

Total Cost: 3 gleaming scales, 2 demonic shards

Edited by Freyd
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Item #1 - KEEP

Name: For Katoka (Part 1)
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223478, 223479
Roll Result: 7, 9 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Holy, Para 2 
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=681025
Acquisition ID: 215466b

Item #2 - KEEP

Name: For Katoka (Part 2)
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223480, 223481
Roll Result: 19, 14 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Fallen, ACC 2
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=681025
Acquisition ID: 215466c

Fusion #1 (Cost 1 gleaming scale)



Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Taunt | Para | Fallen
Acquisition ID: 217986b | Roll IDs: 223318, 223319, 223320 | Reroll IDs: 223321, 223322, 223323, 223324
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.


For Katoka (Part 2) | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | ACC 2 | Fallen
Acquisition ID: 215466c | Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223480, 223481
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.

To Create:

Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Para | Fallen 2
Fusion ID: 223482
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.

Fusion #2 (Cost 1 gleaming scale)



Cut of the Pure North Wind +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Holy | Freeze | ACC
Acquisition ID 200123b | Roll ID: 202145, 202146, 202147 | Reroll IDs: 202148, 202149, 202150, 202151
A sliver of frosty northern winds manifest as a silver blade that is frigid to the touch and impervious to any attempts to mar its white blade


For Katoka (Part 1) | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Holy | Para 2
Acquisition ID: 215466b | Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223478, 223479
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.

To Create:

Cut of the Pure North Wind +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Holy 2 | Freeze
Fusion ID: 223483
A sliver of frosty northern winds manifest as a silver blade that is frigid to the touch and impervious to any attempts to mar its white blade

Upgrade: Cost 1 demonic shard


Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana) | Para 2 | Fallen 2 
Fusion ID: 223482
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.

Fusion #3: Cost 1 demonic shard, 1 gleaming scale



Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana) | Para 2 | Fallen 2 
Fusion ID: 223482
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.


Cut of the Pure North Wind +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Holy 2 | Freeze
Fusion ID: 223483
A sliver of frosty northern winds manifest as a silver blade that is frigid to the touch and impervious to any attempts to mar its white blade

To Create:

Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana) | Holy 2 | Fallen 2 
Fusion ID: 223484
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.

Total Cost: 3 gleaming scale, 2 demonic shard

Edited by Freyd
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/1/2024 at 7:18 PM, Freyd said:

Distilling into Mystic Essences: 223303, 223381

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

Fusion #1 (cost: 1 gleaming scale): 

  Reveal hidden contents

Fusion #2 (cost: 1 gleaming scale): 

  Reveal hidden contents

Upgrade to Demonic (Cost: 1 Demonic Shard):

  Reveal hidden contents

Fusion #3 (Cost 1 demonic shard, 1 gleaming scale):

  Reveal hidden contents

Total Cost: 3 gleaming scales, 2 demonic shards


On 6/2/2024 at 6:27 AM, Freyd said:


  Hide contents

Item #1 - KEEP

Name: For Katoka (Part 1)
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223478, 223479
Roll Result: 7, 9 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Holy, Para 2 
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=681025
Acquisition ID: 215466b

Item #2 - KEEP

Name: For Katoka (Part 2)
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223480, 223481
Roll Result: 19, 14 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (katana)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Fallen, ACC 2
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.
Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19871-f13-appraiser-freyd-edges-open/?do=findComment&comment=681025
Acquisition ID: 215466c

Fusion #1 (Cost 1 gleaming scale)

  Hide contents


Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Taunt | Para | Fallen
Acquisition ID: 217986b | Roll IDs: 223318, 223319, 223320 | Reroll IDs: 223321, 223322, 223323, 223324
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.


For Katoka (Part 2) | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | ACC 2 | Fallen
Acquisition ID: 215466c | Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223480, 223481
Description: A proto-item to be used for item fusion.

To Create:

Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Perfect Weapon (Katana) | Para | Fallen 2
Fusion ID: 223482
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.

Fusion #2 (Cost 1 gleaming scale)

  Reveal hidden contents

Upgrade: Cost 1 demonic shard

  Reveal hidden contents

Fusion #3: Cost 1 demonic shard, 1 gleaming scale

  Reveal hidden contents

Total Cost: 3 gleaming scale, 2 demonic shard

Both approved!

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Beckon the Void                    

Each creature casts its semblance onto the world; a penumbral portal granting back door access to their soul for those who know how to access it. With the strongest resolve, and affinity to the amorphous void, one can draw upon such powers to reach within and turn any darkness found inside out, literally.  Enhancing the shadow manipulation effects of the Shades of the Gemini custom skill, wielding this sword art temporarily transforms a target's own shadow into a tangible threat, turning it upon its caster. Feasting on hate and spiritual bile, the shadow enhances the player's assault by manifesting and turning the darkest aspects of the target's nature against them, like a serpent devouring its own tail. 

20x  AOE Base            

+3x  (Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.  This CSA may not be used to unlock use of itself)
+1x | EQUIP | Must have the Disguise extra skill active during the thread
+2x | NICHE | Must have the Shades of the Gemini Custom Skill active            
-2x | MENACE | +1 Hatred Generated from Successful Attack
+0x | FUELED BY HATE | Can consume the hate of its targets. Increase the damage multiplier of this sword art by 1 for every 2 points of hate consumed. Targets lose any hate consumed. Can choose from hate directed against anyone, but only one source of hate per target. Cannot reduce a target's hate below 0.
-1x | CONSUMPTION | Each target slain by this sword art increases the player's EN regeneration on the next round by [tier].  
-2x | FRACTURE | Targets hit by this sword art have any active mitigation reduction effects doubled and their duration refreshed
Result:    x21

Cost: 22 EN (including shift cost), +2 per target hit, + FUELED BY HATE    

Edited by Freyd
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