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Exellance Elexirium [F1-Alchemist rank 10] OPEN!

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Zandra was so excited to start brewing today. She have been our for materials for who nows how long now. But after her ice-cold farming she had bunkered up so it would last for four days hopefully. The floor boss-battle is approaching so Zandra thougth she would get some party heal crystals. One of the most important things was to keep everyone alive. Combined with her training in first aid she will be what you call a healer in other games. She had got some orders from Zelrius for the upcoming battle. As soon as she had gathered ten party healing crystals she would start focusing on that. She once again placed five crystals on the bench in front of her with one red mushroom beside each one. With her hammer and nail she slowly turned the rough crystals into perfect square ones. When all of them was done she placed one mushroom on each one. The crystals started to suck the healing power out from the mushroom and into itself, refining it to be able to be used by humans.She let the different ingredients fuse with each other during half an hour, the she removed the mushrooms and threw them into the trash. When she inspected the crystals she saw that she should have waited longer. Two of them would only work as refreshing crystals. But three was usable, maybe weak, but usable. When she had put the crystals in her inventory she felt a wonderful feeling flowing thru her body.''Whoa, what was that?'' a screen poped up and said she had increased her alchemist rank to 5.''Yay, halfway to grandmaster. In ranks thou, not in effort.''She cleaned the bench with a smile on her face.

ID: 31228 CD: 10 Uncommon item -1 Material +3 EXP

ID: 31229 CD: 9 Uncommon item -1 Material +3 EXP

ID: 31230 CD: 10 Uncommon item -1 Material +3 EXP

ID: 31231 CD: 7 Good item -1 Material +2 EXP

ID: 31232 CD: 7 Good item -1 Material +2 EXP


HP recovery crystal (15 HP) x 3

Good item x 2

+13 EXP

-5 Material

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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A brief stint of mindless wandering had brought Takao to a peculiar looking cart, decorated with various items he believed to be of some relevance to alchemy. "Perfect," he thought. "I can try 'n see if I can stock up there." He approached the mobile lab and momentarily examined the contents before readjusting his attention. "Uh, hiya!" he said, a slight wave of his hand accompanying his chosen words of greeting. "I'm looking to get stocked up some stuff for the upcoming boss fight. D'you think you could help me out?" His right hand raised to rub the back of his head before continuing. "It's kind of a big order, but I can pay with materials or col ahead'a time."

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"Welcome to my mobile lab and shop. I take on any order, only difference about how much is how long time it will take to complete it. Im always in need of more materials, and you can see prices here."she said cheerfully and pointed on a sign with the relevant prices. Zandra smiled at the man infront of her."So, what do you have in mind?"she puts her elbows on the workbench and let her rest in her hands while waiting for an answer.

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Takao inclined his head slightly in greeting as she greeted him, then followed her point to the list of prices. He examined the list briefly before turning his attention back to her as he straightened his back again. "Well, I was hoping to get two health recovery crystals, a damage increase crystal, and a teleport crystal. I'd like for the damage increase and health recovery crystals to be perfect quality, but if you happen to make any lesser quality ones, I'd buy those too."

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"Hmm... four perfect items." She changed into a standing position, put her left elbow in her right hand and scratched her chin with her right hand while thinkg and looking in the air."Hmm. That would be about 16 materials plus  any possible extras."half to herself half to her customer."It should be done in about a week. Can go quicker, can go longer."

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Takao shifted his weight from one leg to the other as she glanced off into the air in thought. He nodded in agreement with her math. "The boss fight's in about two weeks from now, so that sounds good to me." he said with a warm smile. "I can pay for the four crystals now if you want, and then I'll pay for any extras when I come to pick them up. How's that sound?"

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''It would be great if you could pay now, so I have some extra if I would run out of materials before your order is complete.'' Zandra started to sort the tools and materials so it would be easier to start when she was gonna begin with the order.''You place the materials there and I will PM you when the order is completed.''

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He nodded his head again and delved into the confines of his inventory while she began to sort out the tools of her trade. After a short while, he set sixteen materials relevant to alchemy, all of varying quality, onto her cart and raised his hand. "They'll probably end up saving my butt, so I really appreciate this. Thanks a bunch!" he said, waving slightly as he turned and headed off.

-16 Materials

Edited by Takao
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So today is the first day as a rank five alchemist. Now would she be able make six crafting attempts. Perfect, then I should have the oreders done in no time. She started by placing all ingredients on the workbench. Thats when she saw it. Her cart is ti small now. She must get a real shop, like everyone else. Well, guess it will have to work for today. She decided to start with the telportation crystal order. She had herd the recipie some where, but she couldnt remember if it was iron-oak leaf or regular oak leafs. She had one of each so it was just to try out. She had herd that those are slow on asorbing, so it would take at least two hours for them. Then what should her other crystals be. She had a request about damage mitigation crystal and have never tried it before, antidote she havent tried as well. She took a orange sunflower for one of them and a blue mushroom cutted into pieces for the other one. She placed the ingredients on the six crystal she had refined while thinking about what ingredients to use. All of them was square with knife-sharp edges. After half an hour she removed the sunflower and mushroom pieces and threw them in the garbage. The two antidote tries turned out in one that would work, thou very weak, but better then nothing, and the other would only hide the pain but not any damage take, a painkiller in crystal form. Her damage mitigations turned out in one that was almost perfect, would increase your thoughness pretty much. The other one would work as well, but only to protect from such as rose-thorns and bruises. The two teleportation tries was both a complete success as well as a disaster. The oak leaf had no effect at all, she couldnt even reset it to salvage the crystal. But the iron-oak turned out perfect. Her first teleportation-crystal.

She took a step back. ''A good days work.'' then she cleaned the bench and pulled the cart back into the shadows.

ID: 31508 CD: 10 Rare item -1 Material +5 EXP

ID: 31509 CD: 6 Good item -1 Material +2 EXP

ID: 31510 CD: 12 Perfect item -1 Material +8 EXP

ID: 31511 CD: 4 Bad item LD: 9 No salvage -1 Material +1 EXP

ID: 31512 CD: 8 Uncommon item -1 Material +3 EXP

ID: 31513 CD: 5 Good item -1 Material +2 EXP


Good item x 2

Uncommon item x 1

Rare item x 1

Perfect item x 1

-6 Materials

+22 EXP


Name: Crystal of the mighty winged reptile

Your Profession: Alchemist

Your Rank: 5

ID: 31510

Roll: 12

Item Type: Object change crystal

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: Teleport

Description: When using this, a spirit from the mighty winged reptile takes you back to closest warp-gate. The crystal itself is coloured ice-blur in a square-shape. Inside it looks like a moving dragon-wing.



Name: Ice elemental weak protection

Your Profession: Alchemist

Your Rank: 5

ID: 31512

Roll: 8

Item Type: Status update crystal

Quality: Uncommon

Enhancements: Damage mitigation 1 slot

Description: When you use this crystal, your skin gets a scale pattern over all your body. When you beeing hit, it both reduce damage taken but also eases the pain a little bit.



Name: Ice elemental medium protection

Your Profession: Alchemist

Your Rank: 5

ID: 31508

Roll: 10

Item Type: Status update crystal

Quality: Rare

Enhancements: Damage mitigation 2 slot

Description: When you use this crystal, your skin gets a scale pattern over all your body. When you beeing hit, it both reduce damage taken but also reduces the pain felt from the hit.

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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Zandra have been way to inactive when it came to crafting crystals and brewing potions. She have got an order from Takao. He even payed in advance so she had plenty of materials. A few days ago she made the teleportartion crystal, and she had a perfect damage increasing in her inventory that she planned to sell. So then its just two perfect health crystals she needs to complete his order.''Well, time to get to work.''She bagun with placing six crystals on the workbench.''I realy get to move to the shop Ive reserved at floor four. I guess I'll have to do three at a time.''she putted back three of the crystals. Now it was time for the ingredients. She searched thru her stock and found three red mushrooms. She placed one on each crystal and waited for the power to be sucked into the crystal. Suddenly she herd something behind her. When she turned around to see what it was she accidentaly pushed down two of the crystals thaat shattered when they hitted the gound.''Oh crap!''she checked the last one and it seemed it was unharmed.

ID:31826 CD: 2 Fail -1 Material +1 EXP

ID: 31827 CD: 3 Fail -1 Material +1 EXP

ID: 31828 CD: 10 Rare item -1 Material +5 EXP

ID: 31829 CD: 11 Rare item -1 Material +5 EXP

ID: 31830 CD: 2 Fail -1 Material +1 EXP

ID: 31831 CD: 3 Fail -1 Material +1 EXP

2 x HP recovery crystal +20 HP

-6 Materials

+14 EXP

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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Time for another crafting day. Zandra prudly took forth the materials from her brand new material bag. The bag wasnt only used for carying the materials in, it was also good looking. But most fantastic thing with it is that, the materials in it never becomes old or lose quality. Well, not never. But it surely takes longer time then if they was gonna be in her inventory. Well, time to craft some useful crystals for the aproaching boss-battle. She placed six crystals on the workbench, once again relaise she MUST take her time and move up to floor four where her shop was waiting for her to be decorated and filled with some love. Beside each crystal she putted a red mushroom. Today she was gonna complete Takaos order, thou she still needed two perfect health recovery more. She cutted the mushrooms into pieces and placed them in different shapes on each crystal. She wanted to try something new. On the first one she made the shape of a dragon, on the second a bird, on the third a sword, on the fourth a flower, on the fifth a bottle and on the last, but not least, she carefully putted the pieces to be in the shape of a heart. She let the crystals suck in the power from the mushrooms. When Zandra was gonna remove the empty mushroom there wasnt any there. The piseces had been sucked in as well. Time examine them. The one with a sword was completly ruined, it had a brown tone and stank like something the cat had draged in. The dragon, bird and flower had turned out good, but they wouldnt be of any uise in the boss-fight. The bottle and heart thou, they was almost of perfect quiality.''Well, I was close today. Hopefully it will go even better tomorrow.'' she putted back all stuff on the places they belong and left the cart for the day.

ID: 32039 CD: 4+1=5 Good item -1 Material +2 EXP

ID: 32040 CD: 4+1=5 Good item -1 Material +2 EXP

ID: 32041 CD: 10+1=11 Rare item -1 Material +5 EXP

ID: 32042 CD: 5+1=6 Good item -1 Material +2 EXP

ID: 32043 CD: 1 Critical failure -1 Material +1 EXP

ID: 9+1=10 Rare item -1 Material +5 EXP


-6 Material

+17 EXP

Good item x 3

Medium HP recovery crystal x 2

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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 I walked up to the alchemist stand recommended by Piera and saw a girl with black hair trying her hand at making potions. I think she was doing ok mainly because i have no idea how making potions work in the first place. Hey someone said you'd be able to make me this potion? nothing too major just a simple damage modifier i need for a quest. I said as i took out the order form and placed it on the cart. 

Name: [Trill kill]
Your Profession: Alchemist
Your Rank: 
ID: [Leave blank]
Roll: [Leave blank]
Item Type: [Potion]
Quality: [Perfect]
Enhancements: [+3 damage]
Description: [If you can make it taste like strawberries that be pretty wizard]

I can pay for this in col. I told the girl as I sat down on a bench by the cart. 

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Zandra saw young boy walking towards her just as she was gonna start with her daily crafts.''Hi, can I help you?'' the boy asked if she would make him a potion for a quest.''Well, of course. Just fill in an order. Since there is a boss fight approaching Im gonna prorities order from participants. But when those are completed, I will start with yours.'' she smiled at him while recieving the order.

Now it was time to complete those orders. She placed six crystals on the bench. Today Takaos order was gonna become complete, she was certain of that. She took forth six clusters of red berries, she havent seen anyone like them in the real world so this was a risky try. She putted them in her mortar and crushed them to a something remembering of jam. She brushed the mass over the crystals. It was looking beutiful when it was sucked into the crystal. She waited for half an hour. When shechecked them they was a little sticky. She washed off the remaingin jam with some water. Time to examine them. Everyone of them turned out to be a sccuess. Thou two of them wouldnt be of any use in battle, they was just powerful enough to cure a bruuise. Then two perfect and two that was almost perfect. The order completed, she ent a PM to Takao that his crystals was ready for pickup.

ID: 32487 CD: 5+1=6 Good item -1 Material +2 EXP

ID: 32488 CD: 11+1=12 Perfect item -1 Material +8 EXP

ID: 32489 CD: 12+1=13 Perfect item -1 Material +8 EXP

ID: 32490 CD: 6+1=7 Good item -1 Material +2 EXP

ID: 32491 CD: 9+1=10 Rare item -1 Material +5 EXP

ID: 32492 CD: 9+1=10 Rare item -1 Material +5 EXP


-6 Material

+2 Perfect items

+2 Rare items

+2 Good items

+30 EXP

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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Ssendom opens the doors to a peculiar looking Alchemist shop. He had noticed in the town upon the third floor a notice sign that stated those who were going into the Floor Boss Fight, 3 free potions. He had a note written for the potion-master from his Co-Commandant of Azure Brigade Zelrius whom was also participating in the boss fight. As he walked up to the desk, he gave a polite bow and wrote down on an order sheet exactly what he required from her and an appreciation for her doing as such. He also wrote in the footnote if she can make more crystals we'd pay for such.

Ssendom - 

Damage Potion Perfect

x2 Mass HP Recovery Crystals

Zelrius -

x3 Mass HP Recovery Crystals


And any more Mass Hp Recovery Crystals will be compensated for if can be made for Zelrius and Ssendom.

After Ssendom finishes writing, he places the paper and the writing utensil on the table, bows and walks away without every removing his helmet from his head.

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Nikki walked slowly up to the stand. She had heard that there was a woman here giving a 100% discount to any and all participants in the boss fight. "Hello..." She said quietly as she approached the counter. "I was hoping to place an order for the Boss fight." SHe pulled her own blue cloak tighter over her face, hopefully hiding her from view.

Nikki Styx

1x Damage Mitigation Crystal
Rare or perfect
1x Teleport Crystal
1x Healing Crystal
rare or perfect

She stood by the counter filling out a form, with her request, and then folded it carefully so that none would see her name scrawled on it. "I would appreciate your discretion in this matter" She said gently, opening up her menu, and transferring 1000 col into Zandra's account.


-Transfer 1000 Col to Zandra.

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Ariel made her way into Zandra's 'lab' for the second time. Today she didn't just randomly walked here but came with a purpose. She had received a PM that her order was ready and made her way to the 2nd floor to claim it. With these last items her final boss fight preparations were about finished. He'd packed quite the amount of items and hoped that there won't be any need to use them. She waltzed in a good mood and took a look around the display until she saw the familiar brunette clerk:

"Ah here you are, soul sister. I've received you message and came to pick the goods. I see your cart" With a couple of elegant gestures she opened the inventory and requested a trade with her. Then after some hastly done math she added a certain amount of col. "Did I get it right?" she asked with a smile.


 -1250 Col

Edited by Ariel - The Crowned Lion
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A small cart caught Teayre’s eye, she had recently signed up for the boss fight and made her way over to it. Waving a Zandra she gave a small smile. “Hey, how’s the trinket doing for you?” Looking through the list that was on the cart Teayre fills out a small sheet of paper before sliding it across the top to Zandra. “I’ll pay you for all of them, that way if I die at least you’re not put out of pocket.” Opening her inventory Teayre materialises one thousand two hundred col and hands it to Zandra. "Keep safe okay and pm me when they're ready for collection."


Teayre’s Order:

Damage Potion (T3) x 1

Damage Mitigation Potion (T3) x1

Toxic Venom Potion x 1


-1200 Col

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After last time she had got four more order. She realy have her hands full now. And one of them had with him an order from a friend as well. She better start to work to be able to finish all of them before the boss fight. Once again she placed six materials on the table. She looked in the list.''Hmm.. Ssendom, the guy with two orders was next. Oh my. Six perfect crystals, which five of them was mass heal one.'' She thougth about making some damage increase crystals as well. She devided them into two different groups of three each. The left one would become mass health and the right one damage increased. She placed clusters of reaspberrys on the left ones and blood-oak leafs on the ones to the right. She started to sorting stuffs on the shelfs while waiting for the effects to be succed into the crystals. After an hour they was done. When she was gonna inspect them she accidentaly dropped one on the floor, it exploded in hundreds of pixels.''Crap, I realy must get that shop now to have more space.'' There was one that was useless, thou she could recycle the crystal for use tomorrow. The third would increse your strength a significant amount, it turned out perfect. The fourth would increase your strength aswell, but not as much as the third. The last two turned out to be one mass heal and one bruise heal crystal.''A good days work.'' she looked into her material bag.''Oh, I need more materials soon. Guess I should look if I can borrow some from someone.'' She close the bag and pushed bag her cart in the shadows.

ID: 32668 CD: 11+1=12 Perfect item -1 Material +8 EXP

ID: 32669 CD: 2+1=3 Fail -1 Material +1 EXP

ID: 32670 CD: 12+1=13 Perfect item -1 Material +8 EXP

ID: 32671 CD: 6+1=7 Good item -1 Material +2 EXP

ID: 32672 CD: 10+1=11 Rare item -1 Material +5 EXP

ID: 32673 CD: 3+1=4 Bad item -1 Material +1 EXP LD: 16 +1 Material


-5 Materials

+25 EXP

Damage t2 x 1

Damage t3 x1

Mass HP x 1

Good item x 1

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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Ssendom strolled into Zvandra's shop feeling slightly guilty of not helping her out any when coming in the previous time to make a rather large order. Like before without saying a word and helmet visible so his face couldn't be seen, the Dreadnought stopped infront of the counter and pulled out a small bag filled with 20 materials in it. He placed it on the counter and bowed, "A token of our appreciation for your services to the Front Lines. I personally apologize for you having to do this much work for the Front Lines. As Commandant of the Azure Brigade, you may call upon if you require any services." He mentioned to her, his deep voice echoed throughout his armor. He finished bowing after he stopped talking and headed his way out the door.

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