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Tristan Delaney

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About Tristan Delaney

  • Birthday 12/22/1995

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    United Kingdom, UK
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    Roller derby, Fencing, cycling, Medieval combat reenactment, videogaming, software development, reading manga, boozing, loving my partner & listening to music.
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  1. This trivia thing is almost as catchy as the "10 minutes in X and chill" joke.

    So have some trivia with me. In the Aincrad story universe, who aside from Heathcliff has used their account to get abnormally high powers?

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    2. Red_Rose


      @Kalesh I can accept that. So then the first player to use their acct to get abnormally high power would have been Asuna in her breaking heathcliffs paralysis. I will stand by the argument that as an AI Yui won't count. And that her power, summoning the sword to delete the boss was well within her own capabilities as an admin. And we know that she had admin privileges simply because Kirito asked her in the start of the ALO story line if she still had Admin access like before.

      Asuna did use her own will to overcome the restrictions put in place by the system. Kirito followed shortly their after when he refused to die even after his health dropped to Zero, allowing him to kill (And one can only assume scare the hell out of) Heathcliff.

      Meant to say GM

    3. Kalesh


      Fair enough, I guess the real answer is in Tristan's hands then :P I can see it potentially being Asuna, but I can definitely agree with Kirito straight up refusing to die. Up until that point the process has been pretty instantaneous. Both surprised Heathcliff, but he did comment that stuff like that is bound to happen from time to time in Asuna's case.

    4. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      You're all wrong! I never said strict canon, just the Aincrad world. Spin off stories may be included.

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