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Everything posted by Mari

  1. Will return early next week, after the weekend I have had severe personal issues this past month and am looking forward to coming back in full swing.

    1. Calrex


      Take as much time as you need Mari! Looking forward to seeing you back! :)

    2. Azrael


      I'm sorry you're having problems! I hope they all get sorted out.

    3. Dervish


      I look forward officially meeting you XD

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  2. Will return early next week missed you all

  3. Mari


    Denied. Please read through the Journal Guide located in the journal thread. Finish editing your journal and then PM me when you are done. do not reply to this topic saying you are done. You need the following -An image - must write in height and not leave it blank - An about me that has at least 1-2 paragraphs 3 virtues each having 3 lines of description 3 flaws each having 3 lines of description
  4. Denied: Please insert an image, then PM me so I can re-evaluate your journal.
  5. Mari

    Snow's Journal

    Approved however I strongly suggest using an animated style picture for your DP as those are the rules; not a image of a figurine.
  6. Mari


    Approved. -Please do not spam your journal with unnecessary replies in future -
  7. Mari

    Corvus's File Log

    Denied: Please use an image in your journal of your character. once you have added an image to your journal and DP please PM me and I can re evaluate the journal. -Mari
  8. Sorry for the haphazard absences, real life is taking a big toll on me

  9. Just finished 10 hour day, need sleep then other 10 hour day then finally a break

    1. Mari


      Sorry I cannot take care of anything till then

    2. Azrael


      Oh my gosh! Hang in there!

    3. Klick


      MARI... your alive...


  10. ID: 14856 CD: 3 28 Materials remaining Mari's eyes watered from the smoke; and her ears were ringing from the loud bang. There was no way she could work in this condition. She grimaced, as she continued to attempt to wave the smoke away and out of her face. She stood up, collecting the crystal she had crafted, and headed over to the locked cabinet. Placing it safely away. She headed to the front of her tent, and opened up the two large flaps, hoping to encourage the smoke to leave her little tent.
  11. ID: 14855 CD: 2 29 Materials remaining Mari sighed, giving a yawn. It was very late; and she was tired. Mari still rarely got any sleep. Lately, she was lucky if she managed to sleep at all. The last time she had slept well was about a week ago, when Daeron paid an unexpected visit. It was odd, how she managed to gain a decent sleep with him around. Perhaps the two had more in common than Mari first thought. It seemed as though Mari's weariness was affecting her crafting abilities, for what she was working on, exploded; with a loud BANG, Mari coughed, waving the smoke away from her
  12. ID: 14854 CD: 11 30 Materials remaining. Now that Mari had finished a uncommon Recovery Crystal she decided to move on up, and work on a Rare ranked one; they did after all; heal a hefty 10 HP. She made quick work of it, Recovery Crystals were an item she crafted all the time. Clear spring water; a special sap, roots from a river weed...all items with healing properties. Mari was a devious character, cold and harsh - it was almost ironic that her most crafted item was one with positive, healing values.
  13. ID: 14852 CD: 8 31 Materials remaining. After cleaning the mess up from her previous failure Mari got to crafting once again; setting up the crystal canister to create a simple recovery crystal, as Mari was somewhat rusty with her crafting she didn't want to risk wasting the more useful materials, so for now she decided to craft an uncommon recovery crystal. To replace the one that the other player had just bought. She was successful in her craft. She gave a curt nod as she placed it to the side, satisfied with her work.
  14. ID:14851 CD: 4 32 Materials remaining. Mari went straight onto crafting her next piece, however- she hadn't properly cleaned out the Crystal Canister from her previous craft. As it turns out, attempting to craft a recovery crystal right after a damage increase crystal- without cleaning...leads to a big, oily, smelly mess. That is exactly what Mari had. She grimaced as she picked up the Oily Rock, placing it to the side. She would one day, attempt to salvage it for materials, but that day was not today.
  15. Mari gave him a curt nod and a short wave: "As long as you got the cash, I don't care what you do; or what you ask for. Want a potion to send you to sleep, you got it sweetheart; a potion to make someone love you for a few hours? I can do that too." She gave him a wry grin. "Col makes the world go round. See ya around." And with that, she turned to her crafting table; deciding to finish just a few crafts today; some were better than none. ID 14848 CD: 12 33 Materials remaining. Mari didn't care if the other player was still there or not; she was going to craft up a few items; it was go
  16. Mari raised a brow as a player with dark hair walked in, it was difficult to determine time on this floor; one would have to look at their clock. It was late, quite late. It was unusual for Mari to have visitors, let alone those who were so low levelled on floor 10; then again it seemed as though her store was one of the only active Alchemic stores. More business for her. Cold, blue eyes watched as the man shuffled around her store, before requesting a Recovery Crystal I. Mari glanced up at him. "400 Col." She said simply, holding out her hand awaiting payment, the other hand was placed on
  17. ACCEPTED (However reference to you being a beta tester was removed; only the first few people who joined can have this. Thus your character is not a beta tester)
  18. Please use the correct format for craft evaluations. This includes your current rank. Please repost with the correct format so I can check your crafts with what is available within your current crafting rank.
  19. ID:14758 CD:8 34 Materials Remaining Mari knew that the boss battle was delayed, she decided however; to continue forward - making a Recovery Crystal. Fully aware that Azide had plenty, she had to assume that they would primarially go out to members within his guild. She didn't want to have to rely on his healing items, instead deciding that she would use her own. Daeron after all, was also quite well prepared. It would seem the entire battle would go smoothly. She made quick work of the craft, placing it to the side along with the truth serum. "2 down, 4 to go..." She muttered.
  20. ID:14756 CD:7 34 Materials Remaining Mari took the Col from the two patrons, and gave them a small wave goodbye as they both in turn, departed her store. She sighed as she looked at her dwindling stock. She had been very lazy with her crafts lately. Perhaps she should get in contact with Calrex and organize him to do another material run for her. Mari cracked her fingers, then her neck, giving a heavy sigh. She had 35 Materials, and 6 crafting attempts for the day. Surely...surely she would be able to make something of use. Since Mari was out of truth Serum she decided to whip u
  21. I have so much GM work to do I am feeling completely inundated. I need to take a break from it and at least try to get one RP post out! ahahaha

    1. Mari


      ahaha its all good

    2. XWuZHeAR


      So we all on bored for a hot spring OP?

    3. Rusty


      Nope, I don't like to be burned alive.

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  22. Denied: please read the Journal guidelines. You need at least two lines of text for all vices and virtues. Please edit these and PM me when complete
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