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Status Replies posted by Clarence

  1. can't decide if I like my new profile picture

  2. Character ships, where one can only hope!...or have their dreams crushed....

  3. Who would like to RP with me?

  4. Who would like to RP with me?

  5. I am Gin-san. You are not ready for this.

  6. Had to log in and say, I'm glad some of the "Old timers" have regained their desire to RP! Welcome back Kiru, Keith, Shanok and Nikki!

  7. Had to log in and say, I'm glad some of the "Old timers" have regained their desire to RP! Welcome back Kiru, Keith, Shanok and Nikki!

  8. Had to log in and say, I'm glad some of the "Old timers" have regained their desire to RP! Welcome back Kiru, Keith, Shanok and Nikki!

  9. T-they are back... never thought I would see the day. AINCRAD'S POWER COUPLE IS BACK!

  10. Boy things look different here...

  11. Boy things look different here...

  12. Is the Log Horizon forum kind of dead?

  13. Happy birthday to me~

  14. Keep flying higher, so that others are inspired to fly with you.

  15. Well, time to either A: RP, or B: try to find another guy on this site interested in my character... gonna be a long time >.>

  16. Well, time to either A: RP, or B: try to find another guy on this site interested in my character... gonna be a long time >.>

  17. Well, time to either A: RP, or B: try to find another guy on this site interested in my character... gonna be a long time >.>

  18. Well, time to either A: RP, or B: try to find another guy on this site interested in my character... gonna be a long time >.>

  19. ~Tries to find a cute guy who is interested in him, Fails~

  20. "Good things come to those who wait, I'll spend my life following fate and its led me here to you. When I met you I just knew."

  21. damn I still feel lazy...where are my energy candy beans when I need them

  22. ATTENTION PLAYERS WHO ARE GOING TO BE AT THE PARTY: It will Start on the 5th of January!

  23. I'm so amazing. I have by far the greatest character development in any anime ever. Clearly, extreme OPness with no explanation means that I make up for poor character foundations.

  24. Don't tell me to calm down or I'll throw a brick at your face.

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