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Status Replies posted by Baldur

  1. I have defeated the boss known as level 7! Woohoo!

  2. Good Day Today: Got my Familiar, Made a Love Potion, and now I can buy some more equipment and actually start fighting! Finally!

  3. It's a beautiful day to kill some cicada monsters.

  4. Since I have the ring guess i can RP my familiar quest, as i wait for replies. Hmm what floor and animal?

  5. Since I have the ring guess i can RP my familiar quest, as i wait for replies. Hmm what floor and animal?

  6. It has been a pleasure being your GM, but effective immediately, I am no longer a part of the staff. Thank you all for the support and good times.

  7. At this point, Baldur is just upping his post count in that thread lol.

  8. I reply too fast....

  9. Alright, who infected me with the bad rice roll disease!?!

  10. And we're off! :D

  11. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

  12. i'm curious, when i get an equipment say like a pair of gloves for example that gives a +2 Accuracy, if i was to get a pair of boots that has the same thing would it stack with my gloves or is it the same way with Evasion?

  13. Idk what to spend my 12 SP on first... decisions decisions

  14. Idk what to spend my 12 SP on first... decisions decisions

  15. Remember guys. Blacksmiths make weapons and armour. Artisans make accessories.

  16. after seeing Red take the familiar quest, I suggest she name her companion Jaune Arc

  17. Do people even need an artisan? Only got one customer T_T

  18. just completed 3 rps yesterday and i still have 8 active...

  19. Im so done. Been battling the dumb wasps for 21 posts. and ive rolled under 6 on my turn 9 out of 13 times.

  20. just completed 3 rps yesterday and i still have 8 active...

  21. Would anyone mind explaining the rules of healing? Just curious about healing others. It's consensual healing? (hums the tune of a similar name)

  22. Just wait 'til my turn Asen..

  23. Asen, sorry to disappoint, but I got a 10 for my battle dice on the boss. No lip action from me today :P #KeithProblems


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