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Status Updates posted by Tyger

  1. Promise i'm still here, just taking a break until SAO doesn't feel like a burden. I don't wanna get burnt out.

  2. I don't really take pity for people that don't post on one account, but then will post sprees on another, and then make up excuses for not posting on their 'main' or something. Don't step into threads you can't handle, and people wouldn't be buggin' ya. -Tyger jerk wisdom

  3. Guys, watch out. I'm cooking. Baldur and I might die. But, who can seriously screw up beef stew?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crozeph


      you just have to boil it and throw in vegetables right?

    3. Tyger


      LOL! Hah! The stew wasn't 'terrible' but for a 30 minute job it wasn't bad. Baldur ate two bowls worth.

    4. Torunn


      And both of you lives??, thats amazing since you dont Even have cooking skill

    1. Reusririasuir


      NOICE! It is a classical retelling of The Wizard of Oz, or a re-imagining?

    2. Baldur


      It's kind of a prequal

    3. Tyger


      Prequel to the Wizard of Oz, it's the story of the Wicked Witch of the West

  4. I still catch myself going to do PST things, like check dice rolls or rage about people not linking their direct posts... but then I remembered. I'm not doing that right now xD Whoops

    1. Oske


      We will be awaiting your return, Tyger <3

  5. Just a heads up, guys. I stepped down from staff for a while since my schedule is getting hectic. I'll join back up after my schedule calms down. Sorry for any inconvenience and I hoped I served ya'll well~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elyth


      Thank you very much!

    3. XWuZHeAR


      Thanks tyger for all your hard work!

    4. Draterion



      We will all miss you dearly!

  6. I know I owe some people some replies, but i'm really just not feeling it today. I'll lurk, but expect replies tomorrow. I might get some tonight, but... meh. Cloud of weird funk currently.

    1. Lessa


      Oh hey, I know that cloud of weird funk well.

  7. I just wanna play Cards against Humanity T.T Q.Q

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lessa


      I can probably play a quick game in half an hour or so.

  8. GUYS! Craziest thing happened. I was walking down the hall, and I passed the bathroom and saw a sexy stranger in the mirror! Oh wait, it was just me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Piers


      I thought I was the only one!

    3. Lessa


      Hey girl hey.

    4. Baldur


      Do I need to go fight her off?!

  9. That moment you have so many extra 'Good' Items, you start crafting familiar vanity items...

  10. Friendly reminder for those doing familiar quests. Due to dice issues, When feeding a familiar, you have one chance to tame a familiar every 15 posts. Dice MUST be linked to the POST to count. The POST, not the thread. Link them posts <3

    1. XWuZHeAR


      Wait is this a new rule? Because you said I was fine just linking it to the thread the other day.

    2. Tyger


      You've already made your thread, so this rule can't really apply to you because it wouldn't be fair. It just helps minimize dice cheating if it's purely up to chance and rolled on a specific post, and tied to said post.

  11. Today has just been too much. Sorry, i'll finish all my posts and whatnot tomorrow. Going to visit hospital soon, then curl up with movie and cry on couch. Today sucked way too hard.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nemesis


      I hope you feel better soon, life sucks..

    3. Life
    4. Oikawa


      Hope you feel better sooooon!

  12. Immediate family hospitalization. Happened about 30 minutes ago. Losing my mind, currently. Site is a lovely distraction. Send good vibes, please.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Oikawa


      *Throws Love* Here take it!

    3. Azide


      Hoping for the best for you and your family, Tyger!

    4. Kiru


      *Sends all the Love Kiru can muster to Tyger* (Seriously though, sending my love as well.)

  13. Now that i'm not rolling for stupid crafts (Crappy day at the forge, thanks straight 7's and below...) NOW I roll crap tons of CD 12's. Shoot me now.

  14. I've got 2 Perfect +1 to Craft Roll Items for sale in my shop. I can make a needle for Tailors, 1,200 each. Come on down~

    1. Tyger


      Or hammer for blacksmith. 8 mats will also get you the item.

  15. Holy crap, that Boss. Pray he doesn't Crit you.

  16. Dinner secured. After dinner, wine. Let the RP night commence!

  17. Guys halp, work is boring and I Wanna be home RPing... wine and RP night! soon...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tyger


      Popping open my favorite bottle as soon as I get home

    3. Lucifer


      Baldur up all night to #GetLucky. #DaftPunk #DateNight #Dontwannawork #BangOnTheDrumsAllDay

    4. Tyger


      Hey man, sounds good to me

  18. Sorry if i'm a little on edge. Not mad at anybody, just doped up on pain meds. Tore my rotator cuff, so it hurts like a boss.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tyger


      Thanks. Hurts like nobody's business, but I can't afford the money/time needed for the surgery.

    3. Kosan


      Sorry if I sounded mad at you..

    4. Kosan


      Hope you will feel better soon..

  19. driving home! should be able to RP, Craft, and derp around in about 2 hours!

  20. Sorry. I tried to warn people. I'm kind of a blunt person. At least i'm honest, eh?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kiru


      This is why you have the best shop too!

    3. Tyger


      Hahaha, glad you like it :3

  21. GM Question. When posting items to be eval'd, do you guys prefer us put them in one post and add on as we go? Or is it better for separate posts for date stamps and what not

    1. Lessa


      How they're posted doesn't bother me! But I actually prefer that they not be posted in a quote. When we quote the quotes, the original quote is deleted. I end up just copying and reposting the whole thing. It's not the end of the world though!

    2. Tyger


      Oh really? I thought the quote would help, i'm sorry T.T I'll quit doing that from now on. It's almost like an OCD Organization thing now. But, i'll not do anything in quotes for eval, just in the shop. :)

    3. Tyger


      I just craft my max amount every day, so I fear that if I put too many in one post it hinders or makes it harder to do stuff. Trying not to be a hindrance. I can go take off the quotes, actually! Derp, editing~

  22. The amount of Uncommon Items in my shop is ridiculous right now. It's about to get worse, after this eval i'll have a bunch of uncommon weapons and stuff. Stop by if you need anything. I'm on an RNG roll.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rolland


      Should salvage a few items, might cut your sock down, or have a huge sale buy one item get one free.

    3. Azide


      The other day I missed 12 times in a row while fighting against something on its last HP. I felt like I was dying.

    4. Azide


      Now that's an RNG experience I don't want again.

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