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Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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Everything posted by Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  1. Item: Reu's Fishing Plushie Profession: Tailor Rank: High Mentor ID: 13870 Roll: 12 Item type : Plushie Quality: Perfect Enhancement: +1 Crafting Attempt Description : Basically Ariel's normal weapon accessory plushie but for a fishing rod. This one has the shape of the Colosseum for some reason.
  2. Okay new rank unlocked: High Mentor Tailor(rank 7) now to get that rapier grand mastered.

    1. Teayre


      Ariel... Don't kill him beat him up by all means but don't kill Cal!

    2. Calrex


      ^ Uh...thanks? XD

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Don't worry, you guys are part of a family now. There would be no killing amongst Brigadiers:D ...

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  3. Finding the items she was looking for the blonde waited a few minutes before coming back: 'Let Kimba evaluate him for a little more' she thought while looking at one item in particular. It evoked distant memories of her 'noob time' in SAO and the people she'd meet, one in particular that gave her that item. After a while she got tired and went through the backroom door back to the shop's main room thinking:'Ready or not here I come!' As she joined the rest, the blonde was in a happy mood as she ignored Rook and looked around the shop before asking Kimba: "So what do you think? Did he do go
  4. Name: Phoenix Eye Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 13715 Roll: 12 Item Type: Leather Armor Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +2 Savvy +1 Light Momentum Description: This scarf gives users better movement when they run, and their eyesight is revealed to have more range than the average player.
  5. Daily Attempts: 06/04/2015 As a new dine shone upon the 4th floor of the floating castle, a blonde shopkeeper enters her shop and start doing the morning routine of living the chimney fire followed by the thorough check the shop's inventory. After managing these morning errands Ariel then goes to her workbench and starts making some items. She has a good beginning followed by a decline in item quality then another rise. At the end of the day she was happy to only have lost 2 material because of [insert random reason] and craft a few good and perfect ones. #1 ID: 14276 CD: 5 (4+1)
  6. Using 3 VIP Perfect Voucher to change these: to these:
  7. Name: I <3 SAO Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 14209 Roll: 10 (9+1) Item Type: Clothing Quality: Rare Enhancements: +1 Light Momentum +1 Evasion Description: A T-shirt similar to the one tourist usually wear when ..they do their thing, taking pictures and stuff. This item has a big 'I <3 SAO' text across the chest section and even offers its user some perks that will help survive in Aincrad.
  8. Daily Attempts: 05/04/2015 And so a new day of work begins as the blond starts doing a rapid session of crafting...at first she didn't get the best results but in the end she managed to make a perfect grade item and even a couple of lower grade ones that she deemed worth selling. Now she sat at the counter lazily yawning and awaiting for any random guest and possible client. #1 ID: 14206 CD: 6 (5+1) [Good Item: 2 EXP] #2 ID: 14207 CD: 3 (2+1) LD: 11 (9+2) [bad Item: 1 EXP] (Material lost) #3 ID: 14208 CD: 1 [Epic Fail: 1 EXP] #4 ID: 14209 CD: 10 (9+1) [Rar
  9. *Sees that the 13th ep of Fate/UBW was released* Well I know what I'm going to do the next hour *rushes to see it!*

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      OMFG... seeing Saber like that..and Tohsaka's reaction to Shiro's confession !!!

    2. Calrex


      Dagnabit! Curse buffering Q_Q

    3. Calrex


      Lol I just saw it! Awww XD

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  10. Name: I <3 Aincrad Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 14111 Roll: 10 (9+1) Item Type: Quality: Rare Enhancements: +1 Light Momentum +1 Savvy Description: A T-shirt similar to the one tourist usually wear when ..they do their thing, taking pictures and stuff. This item even offers its user some perks that will help survive in Aincrad.
  11. Name: Robot Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 14090 Roll: 8 (7+1) Item Type: Quality: Uncommon Enhancements: +1 Loot Die Description: A cute gray colored, cotton filled plushie that was made to look like a old square block robot, small enough to be worn as a weapon accessory.It can easily be attached to the hilt of one's weapon. Some say these plushies bring good luck.
  12. Daily Attempt#7 03/04/2015 The sun was beginning to set as an orange tinge could be seen coloring the snow gray clouds outside. "Guess it's time to call it a day then!" said a clear crystalline voice that belonged to a blonde girl who just threw a curled ball, made from a silk-like material, into the fireplace. The white furball nearby, as awoken by those words, springed up on all 4 feet and started walking towards the door while the blonde started packing her sewing gear. ID: 14113 CD: 3 LD:17 (15+2) [bad Item: 1 EXP] (Material salvaged)
  13. Daily Attempt#6 03/04/2015 She'd place the previous item into display then take another material and start making something similar. 'Maybe I should think about relocating...' she thought while pulling a green colored material which she then started cutting and sewing. In the end sh'd make something similar to the previous item..but this time without any enhancements. ID: 14113 CD: 7 (6+1 needle) [Good Item: 2 EXP]
  14. Daily Attempt#5 03/04/2015 "So bored" remarked the blonde while taking a look at the display. It had it's share of items but still wasn't as attractive as those from the starting city. 'Maybe that's it!' she thought while taking another material piece, closing in on the workstation she started making a rather simple item..A T-shirt tourists usually wear. "It isn't that fancy but hey...at least is something different." [Rare Item: 5 EXP]
  15. Daily Attempt#4 03/04/2015 [selling Item, PM with filled order form] [Perfect Item: 8 EXP]
  16. Daily Attempt#3 03/04/2015 'Back to work then' she thought while searching for another material, After finally managing to pick one she looked to see how her companion was doing. Lately Kimba was always sleeping and Ariel was starting to get a bit worried. "I wonder if she misses the jungle?" she thought while she began cutting and sewing, slowly making another item. In the end she'd made a pretty ordinary item without something to make it seem...WOW but Ariel didn't care to much about that as she placed it in the shop display. ID: 14091 CD: 7 (6+1 needle) [Good Item: 2 EXP]
  17. Daily Attempt#2 03/04/2015 After her initial fail the blonde took another material and started working on a random item since she was once again without order but didn't want to leave the materials go to waste like that. Plus she wanted to do something to add more stock to her display. She ended up making another plushie for the collection. [Uncommon Item: 3 EXP]
  18. Daily Attempt#1 03/04/2015 "Sorry to burst your bubble X but there are plenty of guitar players in SAO" says the blonde while gently slapping the signed posters pinned on to the walls behind her, then continuing: "These guys happened to get stuck in this game as well. Just letting you know in case you want to look for somebody with similar tastes in music." She then places a azure colored box with the name Hikoru on top of the counter, before going back to work. But her attention was all around the place as she immediately cut a bit too much from the material she was working with
  19. kimba, who was sleeping near the fireplace, woke up suddenly after hearing some infernal noise that came from the counter. She let out a roar towards X then tried to go back to sleep.Ariel was in the back room rearranging material when she too heard the bell sounds: "For the love of..." she stormed out to the counter, picked up the bell and threw it into the fireplace with pinpoint accuracy. As Kimba let out a satisfied growl, the blonde directed her attention towards the one responsible for the nuisance: "X didn't expect you back so soon. Do me a favor and don't bring any more of those. I alr
  20. Name: Sasha's Fighting Spirit Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 13712 Roll: 12 Item Type: Clothing: Hand-wraps Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +3 Unarmed Damage Description: A black pair of hand wraps made out of hard weaved silk resulting in a item that has extreme hardness combined with ultra light weight. The right one has a fiery guitar embroidment on top of it.
  21. Name: Hope Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 13464 Roll: 12 (11+1 needle) Item Type: Leather Armor Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +1 Savvy +2 Evasion Description: A Black hoodie with the symbol of a cross on the back
  22. The blonde took the list, looked at it for a second then without saying anything frowned, then she crumbled it into a small ball and threw it all across the shop, it landed in the chimney's fire making it let out a couple of cracking sounds. Her trusty companion simply raised her head and yawned before going back to sleep. Ariel then turned her gaze at Rook, still frowning:" First, there is no Yang item but Yin Yang, have you heard about the two terms? They form a old chinese taoist symbol for duality, in everything: light-darkness, good-bad , alive-DEAD, black-white and so on!" she started ru
  23. Name: Hope Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 13465 Roll: 12 (11+1 needle) Item Type: Leather Armor Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +2 Evasion +1 Savvy Description: A Black hoodie with the symbol of a cross on the back
  24. Daily Attempt#7 1/04/2015 "Okay this is the final one today I'm getting pretty tired of this!" she affirmed before getting some stuffings and starting on work with the previous material that got almost destroyed. She took her time and managed to make...something, still it was a usable item so she put it in the 'low grade item' category of her display. Next closing the shop and going with Kimba somewhere else. ID: 14015 CD: 4 (3+1 needle) [Good Item: 2 EXP]
  25. Daily Attempt#6 1/04/2015 Out of the blue Ariel though of a certain combat outfit. She didn't waste time and began drawing sketches for it and decided to go with pink for this certain style. There was little difficulty in making the set as she finished relatively quick. taking a look at the finished products Ariel nods and stores the item away from the display. What is she planning to do with it? [Perfect Item: 8 EXP]
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