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Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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Everything posted by Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  1. Ariel gave a smirk when she heard Rook's question and responded in a slightly condescending tone: "What did you expect a walk in the park. I am Aincrad's finest tailor. If it would be easy for somebody to be my apprentice, every aspiring tailor newb would be knocking on my front door. And I personally don't want that." her tone was a bit harsh but necessary, she didn't want to get too close while fighting alongside him. Memories from recent events were still vivid in her mind and she didn't want to lose control like that while with another player, again...or get even close to that state. "
  2. Name: Garnet Gloves Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 13461 Roll: 12 (11+1 needle) Item Type: Hand Wraps Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +3 Unarmed Damage Description: They are a pair of gloves used for unarmed combat colored in Garnet red.
  3. Daily Attempt#7 23/03/2014 After the initial ups and downs the blond manage to focus a bit and make a pretty good item, not the best she could make but still she could sell it without a problem. After putting it in the display she turns to her workstation and sees the red item she made for Skylar. "I have to pack these up since I won't have time to give it to him right now." she said to Kimba while wrapping the item and putting it in a azure box, writing a note with the name Skylar on top and placing it on the desk in front of the counter. Her companion stayed back there to be sure nobody
  4. Daily Attempt#6 23/03/2014 This time she didn't hear the players in her shop, it seems they might have noticed that she was focusing and needed some silence..or simply they've runned out of conversation topics. Either way it was enough of a time for Ariel to make a rare item that she went and put in the front display. [Rare Item: 5 EXP]
  5. Daily Attempt#5 23/03/2014 All this talking made her become a bit distracted...The blond tried to focus on finishing the item but in the end she'd made another useless piece of trash that found it's way to the fireplace. She'd throw it from her workstation over all those people and manage to hit the chimney with a bull's eye. She let out a chuckle then pulled out another material from the stock. ID: 12462 CD:1 [Epic fail: 1 EXP]
  6. Daily Attempt#4 23/03/2014 She looked at Xanatos..."Did I say 400? I was thinking about something else but you indeed have a good eye. While the rest of the plushies are of Uncommon quality..that 'Mouse' is a rare item..it had a pair named 'Kitty' of the same quality but I gave it to a friend a while ago. A rare item here costs 800 col or 6 materials, for everyone except for my guild members." she then turns her attention towards Hikoru who watched her work...she didn't mind him but thought it would be a shame to let him leave her shop empty handed so she picked a one of the Leopard plush
  7. Kimba happily accepted Rook to scratch her ear since Ariel wouldn't do that...not even once but she understand the blond's circumstances and didn't complain but it was nice to have somebody do it. She started purring like a kitten while adopting a more comfortable position. Ariel looked at the guy with a satisfied smile: "I'll take you the same way my teacher took me. Curious enough I found myself walking into a tailor's shop at the first floor by random, some would say 'fate' had something to do with it but I'm not a big fan of that word. I for one believe it's up to a person to decide the w
  8. Daily Attempt#3 23/03/2014 As the day wasn't busy enough a new client made his way through the cold of the 4th shop, reaching her shop. It was somebody she remembered from a while ago..and he was right the blond didn't knew his name so she decided to raise her eyes from her work and properly introduce herself. " nice to meet you Xanatos, my name is Kayla Ariel D'Sole. Yes it's my name IRL but I think I can trust all 3 of you with that little secret *chuckle*. IDK if Azide made you aware but I have a understanding with Square One since it was formed and the S1 members get a free custom ite
  9. She looked at the guy, on closer inspection he appeared to be around her age, good. Ariel was not in the mood to deal with spoiled kids, seeing as he showed the decency to introduce himself, the blond returned it by saying "My name is Ariel and yes I made it since this is my tailor shop. That article in particular was made a day ago like those." Then points to a black girl's school uniform with her shops logo, a black skirt and 3 plushies that were more like small weapon accessories(like the things that hang on phones or school bags). She cleared her throat while continuing : "And SHE won'
  10. After entering the shop, Ariel let Kimba do as she pleased while she headed to the counter and arrange some stuff below it. Kimba ignored her as she went in front of the chimney fire and tried to take a nap. Her plans were foiled when the cub heard the already familiar sound of the entrance bells so she stood up and went to investigate, taking a few sniffs she noticed that the air held a unfamiliar smell so she went towards the source. It was a the same guy they spotted earlier, sitting alone on that rock. Upon hearing the bells Ariel rose from beneath the counter and took a look at her po
  11. BAM! You thought Ariel was a hero-like character and nice all the time? you where wrong!... this could be seen in Ariel's Solo Parties or certained fights with other players.

    1. Kiru


      Kiru was born that wayyy

    2. Rook


      Although Rook comes off confident he knows his limits. That being said If he gets levels like kiru or keith he may not have limits anymore

    3. Skylar


      The more nervous he gets the more nicer Skylar becomes.

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  12. Ariel was just returning to her shop after an errand she had to make at the first floor. "Finally home!" she said as we exited Snowfrost Village and headed towards her shop located nearby. Her trusty companion was as always, beside her, with her breath visible in the cold air that was a fundamental part of this floor she now liked to call 'home'. She took a look around the surrounding, admiring the fairy-tale like landscape, all covered in snow and Ice. She might as had seen a nearby player sitting on the rock but decided to ignore him as she made her way towards the shop. "Keep an eye on him
  13. Daily Attempt#2 23/03/2014 Hearing a familiar voice Ariel turns around, apparently forgetting that Kylar was here. But what caught her attention was Hikoru's voice as he entered her shop. She realized her display of unladylike behaviour in front of them and a small blush tinged her cheeks. She took Skylar's order form and nodded while saying: "You should hang around for a while and if I don't finish today, I'll PM you when it's done." next she directs her attention to Hikoru who was playing with Kimba. "No..no..it's nothing. Anyway, what can I help you with?" she said then taking a seat a
  14. Daily Attempt#1 23/03/2014 A new day, a new beginning?! was it...NO! for Ariel it was more like : 'A new day, a new Epic Fail!!'. Or at least that was what on her mind when she throws yet another useless item that she just made, into the burning fire of the chimney, making it even stronger. "I thought I didn't make mistakes like this anymore! What the hell is wrong with me?" she asked herself while making her way back to the workplace, blowing out steam through her nostrils like a raging bull. ID: 13313 CD: 1 [Epic Fail: 1 EXP]
  15. Name: Leopard Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 13211 Roll: 8 (7+1 needle) Item Type: Plushie Quality: Uncommon Enhancements: +1 Loot Die Description: A cute light colored, cotton filled plushie that was made to look like a large sized cat, but the plushie is small enough to be worn as a weapon accessory.It can easily be attached to the hilt of one's weapon. Some say these plushies bring good luck.
  16. Name: Dragon Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 13209 Roll: 8 (7+1 needle) Item Type: Plushie Quality: Uncommon Enhancements: +1 Loot Die Description: A cute fiery-golden colored with black spots, cotton filled plushie that was made to look like a lava dragon, small enough to be worn as a weapon accessory.It can easily be attached to the hilt of one's weapon. Some say these plushies bring good luck.
  17. Name: Phoenix Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 13208 Roll: 9 (8+1 needle) Item Type: Plushie Quality: Uncommon Enhancements: +1 Loot Die Description: A cute fiery-golden colored, cotton filled plushie that was made to look like a bird, possibly a phoenix, small enough to be worn as a weapon accessory.It can easily be attached to the hilt of one's weapon. Some say these plushies bring good luck.
  18. Name: Kuro Sailor fuku Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 13207 Roll: 10 (9+1 needle) Item Type: Clothing Quality: Rare Enhancements: +1 Savvy +1 Evasion Description: A complete girl's black colored sailor school uniform. This one in particular has embroidered on its right side pocket a 'The Lion's Den' small logo, featuring the crowned lion head. This is the regular Japanese school uniform model.
  19. Name: Evasive Feature (Women's edition) Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 13206 Roll: 11 (10+1 needle) Item Type: Clothing Quality: Rare Enhancements: +1 Savvy +1 Evasion Description: A pitch black short skirt easy to move in and with a discreet silver lining. It makes its user able to dodge attacks more easily.
  20. Name: Deception Your Profession: Tailor Your Rank: Mentor ID: 13212 Roll: 11 (10+1 needle) Item Type: Leather Armor Quality: Rare Enhancements: +2 Savvy Description: A medium size cape with a slim butterfly design on the back. The wings of the butterfly are set up to resemble feline's face baring its fangs like the natural defence system of a real butterfly.
  21. Daily Attempt#7 22/03/2014 The workday was almost ending and Ariel had time to make only one more item. She decided to end the day by making something with butterflies on it, remembering a discussion she had with her father about the natural defence system that they had developed over the years. Some species of butterflies have their wings 'painted' so that they resembles a large predator, to scare off potential attackers. [Rare Item: 5 EXP]
  22. Daily Attempt#6 22/03/2014 Continuing the plushie series, Ariel continued by thinking about the next model.. King once again popped into her head, even if she had made a kitty plushie she would make this one as a lighter color and with a bigger overall figure. She pulled out a material and started cutting it and she filled it with cotton. Once finishing the plushie she spinned it around to see if there were any defects to it, then with a pleased nod she placed it on the display case. [Uncommon Item: 3 EXP]
  23. Daily Attempt#5 22/03/2014 It was good, this feeling of being back into a steady rithm and actually doing something. Even if it wasn't a ordered item, the tailor Ariel was making items instead of watching Kimba sleep by the fireplace while waiting for the mystical being called a 'customer' to enter her shop. In any case she would hear the entrance bell if that would happen so she was more than happy to work again. ID: 13210 CD: 4 (3+1 needle) [Good Item: 2 EXP]
  24. Daily Attempt#4 22/03/2014 Examining the last item Ariel now knew from where the inspiration for it came, precisely from Raeyliff's familiar Ash, a Phoenix. She didn't saw much of Ash's burning but in normal form he looked like any other bird..well he was a bit bigger than the ordinary dove. Caught in this plushie fever she decided to make another one, inspiring from Tyger's familiar, the little coal dragon Icarus. [Uncommon Item: 3 EXP]
  25. Daily Attempt#3 22/03/2014 Motivated by her good start she took another material and started cutting it. She didn't knew exactly what she wanted to do this time: "Having nothing to do is so infuriating!" she said while thinking of a item idea. She closed her eyes in an attempt to picture something in her mind..and did so she opened her eyes and started making the item after writing down a vague description of what she thought of. In the end she made another plushie that looked like a bird, possibly a phoenix. [Uncommon Item: 3 EXP]
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