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Axios Deminence

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Status Updates posted by Axios Deminence

  1. My friend asked me if I cry over anime. I say that I just feel empty inside, do I have no heart. My friend says I'm crying on the inside so it counts. *Ichiban no Takarmono started playing and I feel empty*

    1. Lessa


      I've cried through so many animes.

  2. My god... So my first attempt at combat I got a BD of one... The second attempt at combat the boar gets a MD of 10...

    1. Crozeph


      be it comfort or suffering don't let that roll make you hate the dice gods...they like joking around aimlessly

  3. My pyres have been sabotaged... Whoever messed with Lemon's is coming after me...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. XWuZHeAR


      You can not fix a system in which all is fair

    3. Lowenthal


      I'd like to think Calrex says that theyre 'helpful', but he's really stealing all the luck from people to absorb it and become 'perfect' Calrex

    4. Axios Deminence

      Axios Deminence

      Welp... I might join you soon Lowenthal (Lemon_Arsonist)... Welp, if the boar lands a hit on me, X_X.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  4. Need low-leveled players to train with... I don't want to join the topic with the level 20+ players that are currently at each other's throats... Just reading it makes me anxious...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Calrex


      I think you should take a swig of Mari's Calming Honey beforehand XD

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      I don't think that would voluntarily happen soon:)) can't wait to see Kiru's next reaction, now that she's fully awake.

    4. Kiru


      Heh, stormy.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  5. No one remembers me except one, and I never expected more than that.

    In reality, I'm just cleaning up this previous incarnation and finally getting him officially moved to the dead section/category.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zeke


      I thought I had remembered Axios at one point, but I was just confusing members. Hooray for Paglikha. :]

    3. Kiru


      i remember you.

    4. Paglikha


      No Kiru, you don't. I was an illusion the entire time.

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  6. Praise the dice gods! Perfect crafting item!

    1. Rusty


      Join the club.

  7. So far I've bothered to read 2 deaths. One is Mari PKing and the other is suicide via falling to death... Both RP of course.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kiru


      Definitely better than being safe all the time, that's boring.

    3. Rusty


      The more danger, the better. Especially if its possible you may be brain damaged like a fox.

    4. Kiru
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  8. So... Did we ever find out the guy who messed with the pyres?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Calrex


      XD usually I make dice god worship pyres to help everyone with their rolls, but recently it seems like they haven't been working.

    3. Leon010


      Ah...ok hope you find the culprit *walks away slowly*

    4. Kotori


      Yep... Considering I've gotten only three materials..

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  9. So... I finally got my internet fixed... Time to reply again...

  10. So... In the event of completing all of the SAO floors... What happens?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Zelrius


      We have to move faster over the Summer. I have a rigourous and almost cruel plan to get us out of Floor 20 by August if not sooner.

    3. XWuZHeAR


      I like zels plan

    4. Kiru



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  11. That awkward moment when you realized a thread was your SP and you were waiting for a reply...

    1. Azrael


      LOL. Sounds like something I would do. XD

  12. The 40 something guests that are always online... I wonder why it's always like this...

    1. Kotori


      I'm assuming some of the guests are open tabs on other people's computer. We'll never know for sure.

    2. XWuZHeAR
  13. Thrown medicine ball + head = It hurts. It's all good though.

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      no no no...= therapeutic(medicinal) head banging

  14. Time to format lots of things so it's tidier... And less sore on the eyes...

    1. Skylar


      BTW It is your turn.

    2. Axios Deminence

      Axios Deminence

      I was already posting before I did the status update. Just kept on bouncing back and forth.

    3. Jomei


      Speaking of that, are we waiting for Hunter to come back on and post before continuing? Or should I just post next?

  15. Today... We have lost a friend... Lemon... As of today, I am glad that X hasn't tampered with the worship pyres made for me yet. And now I'm going to die. We shall remember LemonArsonist. Our good friend.

    1. XWuZHeAR


      *casually tosses stolen brick in my hand*

  16. Welp... I hope my next roll doesn't screw my relationship with Rusty...

    1. Axios Deminence

      Axios Deminence

      The worship pyre worked! :D

    2. Rusty


      I'm right here.

    3. Calrex


      Hurray for worship pyres XD

  17. Welp... One fail and one critical fail... I wonder... Does Calrex still run the dice god pyre business?

  18. With finals weak coming up, I dread school more than usual.

  19. Wow... SPs are good to develop plots and give you more posts... Yet I still feel bad for making one...

    1. Calrex


      Azazel said something similar. I feel like a lot of Calrex's development is either on his own or around Teayre XD

  20. You know what? The first time I decide to RP and the dice gods hate me... Already... Time to build a worship pyre...

    1. Calrex


      Better build more than one, that way you can light them as you need themXD

    2. Axios Deminence

      Axios Deminence

      Someone better create a guild called the Dice God Worshippers whose main goal is to create worship pyres in any place in Aincrad for players who need the luck.

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