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Status Updates posted by Beatbox

  1. Any tailors on right now that can do a custom order?

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      hmmm I could be swayed to craft again.

  2. That moment when you wait for people to be on to post so you extended your backstory and virtues/flaws further.

    1. Lessa


      Heck yes, character development.

  3. Happy Halloween Everyone! I hope your day will be either okay or filled with sugar ;)

  4. If I owe you posts please link the thread to me plz.

  5. Our lord and savior is back. @Erroneous

    1. Erroneous


      I never left? Literally been here all this time

  6. Wanting to fight but you don't know who to ask? Want to win Col while you are at it? I've got you covered with the second attempt hopefully will finish) at a PvP tournament! All details are in the link below: 


    Come join and battle against the others to win some prizes!

    1. Beatbox


      And yes, you may update your stats and stuff at any moment and even change if you went up in tier or not, however when it closes on Jan 7th you are stuck with the stats and stuff that you have for the tournament.

  7. For anyone that wants to, I am trying to get back into actively posting, so if you ever want to RP with me feel free to send me a message :)

    1. Baldur


      I definitely want to, just gotta finish this update :)

  8. To those linking threads to people in Discord earlier, some have received a "not my job", simply put they did not mean it and they are not PST's. For future note: Me, Takao, and the PST Team can only lock threads due to the separation of staff into teams.

    1. Beatbox


      I believe Baldur is in this mix, I am unsure.

  9. Needa Signature? Needa Cleaner Signature? I can provide. Click me.

    1. Itzal


      Clicks  :3


      Level: 57
      HP: 1,140
      Energy: 114

      DMG: 12 (base 1 damage + 6 dmg (Velnia) +5 sword skill)

      SP Available:  5

      Total SP:  257



      Grandmaster one handed straight sword (+5 DMG) <50 sp>

      Novice light armor (+3 MIT) <5 sp>

      Expert sneak and hide  (+6 sneak) <23 sp>

      Grandmaster Search and Detect  (+5 LD) <50 sp>

      Gatherer (turns each material found into the ammount of 4) <10 sp>

      Expert Picking (+3 LD when opening chests) <23 sp>

      Velnia (Rank 3 Fighter: +6 dmg) <18 sp>

      Novice Charge (+1 dmg first attack)




      Reveal (+2LD when searching for dungeons or players.  Dungeons rolled for every 15 posts rather than 20) <9 sp>

      Detect (+1 to dungeon searching, +3 to player, npc, mob searching, all player stealth bonuses are negated) <15 sp>
      Night Vision (Ignores any penalties from low light or darkness, as well as negating others stealth bonuses from it) <9 sp>

      Dismantling (+2 LD for picking chests)  <9 sp>
      Tracking: Allows the player to track another player or monster down by entering their name if the name is known to the player. This negates the targets hiding bonuses and when hunting monsters, guarantees a hit regardless of BD roll, though still requires to roll for a critical. Tracking takes a post action. <15 sp>


      Extra/locked Skills: 


      Meditation (+ 1 energy on natural 10 rolled cd)

      Survival (Ignore environmental effects and regenerate 6 instead of 3 hp per non combat turn)

      Disguise (when activated, turns Itzal into his opponent, giving him +1 BD and his opponent -1 BD during Itzal's and the opponent's turn.  can only be used every 12 turns

      Journeyman Martial Arts (+2 unarmed damage) <13 sp>


      Combat gear

      Niger Natio (3 evasion LA)

      Dragon's Soul (2 bleed 1 paralysis OHSS)

      Faithkeeper (3 Accuracy)

      Beauty Incarnated (3 Accuracy)

      Skyreach (x3 col)




  10. IS THAT @Emblem?!

    1. Morgenstern


      Speaking of which, Happy Birthday Emblem!

  11. To those that have the Enhancement Combat Craft: you are allowed one re-evaluation to change its enhancements to whatever normal enhancements you wish. And all alcoholics are to be changed to "Protein" and follow its effects.

  12. Also to those that have invalid skill slots, you are also allowed a re-evaluation to change the one or two enhancement slots that are invalid.

  13. To those that have Picking, you are allowed to get the difference in SP back to spend on other skills, BUT you cannot lose the skill. 

  14. Floor Boss will resume with old enhancements to prevent need of redoing everything.

  15. And to those that now have Invalid Vanity Potions... well, they are removed. However, you can reflavour them into allowed and legal uses.

  16. Lemon Tea is still Delish~!

  17. I've run my luck dry today... I GOT ANOTHER ITEM DROP!

  18. Hey! I will (hopefully) be back tommorow or tuesday.

  19. Anyone want to RP?

  20. Pretty calm day today. 

  21. That moment where you accidentally put the link in your name and your name in the link for the permaroller. Oops.

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