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Status Replies posted by Beatbox

  1. Last call for the boss fight! Join and sign up to a team ASAP I'll be placing my hand on the door and opening it soon!!!!

  2. Confused about accuracy. It says it costs 1 slot and can have a max of 3... is each slot another +1 to BD? 

  3. I'm putting together a team to investigate a haunted town. Expect ghosts, monsters, and all sorts of Halloween goodness. Please let me know if you would be interested.

  4. Today has been a Monday for the record books. Heavy drinking to follow.

  5. Random question:  If you could live anywhere in the entire world, where would you like to live?

    My eyes are set on New Zealand

  6. OMG the best anime character ever has a birthday today! Like, teenage hacker, super gamer, ladies man in one! He has like the best personality too! And to think the government specifically asks for his help in solving mysteries! Happy Birthday James Bond Jr.!

  7. >mfw when I am still waiting for my party member to be online to resume epic adventure 


  8. I have just made the WORST roll EVER. ID: 69090 - BD: 1 - CD: 12 - LD: 1 - MD: 1

  9. I have just made the WORST roll EVER. ID: 69090 - BD: 1 - CD: 12 - LD: 1 - MD: 1

  10. Am I the only one that thinks of Earthbound when someone mentions PK?

  11. Am I the only one that thinks of Earthbound when someone mentions PK?

  12. Slowly playing catch up

  13. CAH-SAO-RPG in a nutshell

    @Lowenthal, Lowenthongs, and a lot of inappropriate language ...

  14. If you plan to participate in the floor 18 boss fight, make sure you're currently assigned to a group! Remember, the rules of how the boss fights work have changed, so make sure you're familiar with them.

    If you have any questions, let me know!

  15. I just had the most delicious bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit.

    Don't judge me.

  16. I really wish I could change my profession.

  17. I really wish I could change my profession.

  18. I really wish I could change my profession.

  19. I really wish I could change my profession.

  20. Sorry to those I owe posts to, I have been caught up playing Stardew Valley again.

  21. Sorry to those I owe posts to, I have been caught up playing Stardew Valley again.

  22. Sorry to those I owe posts to, I have been caught up playing Stardew Valley again.

  23. Okay. Not only am I trying to get a familiar, but I go to roll... and Lowenthal and Itzal rolls a 20, and I get a 16. ...I need your two guy's luck.

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