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Status Updates posted by Grave

  1. I really should just go ahead and solo Long Live the Queen XD

  2. I'm calling bullshit on this Armadillo... out of five hits only one of its hits has been a non-Crit, so thorns has only activated once...

    1. Sinful




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        ~~~~~   ~~~~  ~~~~~  ~~~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~ ~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~  ~~~~ 

      This is bob

      Copy and paste bob so that we can rule the world!

    2. orhalimi


      does thorns effect by dmg mit? 

    3. Grave


      No, thorns pierces MIT

  3. I'm curious; how many people have received Disguise from Gemini?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Macradon


      I instakilled the Gemini, but chose not to for flavor. (also has Disguise)

    3. Grave


      I just wanted that Disguise and didn't wanna risk having to roll like 10 times more X3

    4. Ethereal


      I got it before the permaroller but I got Concentration ;_;

    5. Show next comments  3 more

    After a bowl of icecream I feel like posting :)

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Grave


      XD I just loved writing Grave overreacting.

    3. Xion



    4. Grave


      Um... dafuq? Where'd you gather that? Grave's preying hitting on Jevi.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  5. It pains me to say this but... I think I may finally declare permanent (at least for the foreseeable future)  from the site. I haven't been around for the past few months, and this isn't the first time either. I feel I lose my mojo far too quick and burn out too fast here, and until I can get my crap together and find some inspiration to continue Grave's chronicle or even begin anew, I believe I must, for the time being, bid the site adieu. I've made lots of memories and friends here, and I've enjoyed my time.

    However, I am not permanently leaving the World Seed as a whole. I am trying to work on ALO, and am part of the GGO dev team. If anyone would like to chat, or even add me on Discord or something along those lines, shoot me a message on my dev account, Kirae. Thanks for the memories, SAORP, and I hope some day I may return to make plenty more.

    1. Jomei


      Thanks for everything Grave. Going to miss having you around! Hope to see you pop in every once in awhile, maybe even enough to start here again!

    2. Macradon


      It will be nice not having you around anymore :^)



      Bro I'll miss yah.

      I hope I'm gonna see you here again, and don't worry, we won't have cleared the floors whenever you rejoin :^)))))))

      But you know, it was nice having you around, I really enjoyed your company, in guild or not, it was funzies :3


    3. Hirru


      It has been some time, huh.

      I remember the first thread that we did together.  Fighting off the Boulder in the old Breaking the Unbreakable quest, back when you didn't need to whittle down an HP bar.  No, you, Golden, and myself had to go through it in a much easier, but more creative fashion.  We started throwing things at it: trees, bears, and finally a bear cub, which did the trick.  Somehow.

      How our characters would have interacted changed from there.  That single thread led up to the starting of the Crimson Blades, by Mack.  You were one of the original members, if I remember right.  Mack, Beoreson, Xion, Abalaster, Lindow, and you, Grave.  Hirru was part of the guild, but unofficial to stay off of the radar.  The guild slowly gained a couple members, Teion and Lawfer, but only until...

      Lindow died, and we gained Opal in his place.  Oh, what chaos was to be set upon these adventurers now.  Still, the Crimson Blades moved on, even after we started to fall apart.  Mostly due to Mack's inactivity, as he was the leader and party planner.  I don't think I had many chances to post with you around this time, as everyone was losing their muse.

      However, there was a ray of hope for us, the departed Opal came back to ask the Crimson Blades to merge with the Knights of the Blood Oath.  Of course, Mack would sign the papers to do so, and I would have Hirru finally become an official member.  We got a redux of our first thread together to make you one of, if not the FIRST to Grandmaster Martial Arts.  Finally, we were a fully functioning guild....

      ...We all know what happened afterwards.  Betrayal.  Death.  Quite a story, to be sure.

      After some time, we're back to where we were the last time.  Everyone slowly losing their muse, or other.  It's only Mac and I now.

      So many people left.  Many had their characters die.  Others just lost the will to continue.  Some just couldn't continue due to their own life.

      I'm gonna miss ya.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. Just looking back at a thread where I mentored a Blades recruit, and I'm honestly laughing my ass off right now at the puns and jokes and other shenanigans that went on.

  7. Lay eyes upon the first PK in GGO Beta. Thank you for the awesome fight, Curiousity!


    1. Grave


      Crap sniper, that's all there is to it XD

    2. Jomei


      Im just waiting for @Seul to accept my item purchase, then Im gonna aim towards my first one as well hehehehe

    3. Curiousity


      I would have killed you, if I was able to reload my gun properly in the fight :P

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. Next chance I have to get a Good Quality item from a mob drop, I'm getting myself a badass mask.

    1. Grave


      @Opal Let me guess; Aura Potion = Super Saiyan?

    2. Opal


      Not necessarily. I can concoct any sort of aura. :D @Macradon maybe not a million, but enough to behold as such. XP

    3. Grave


      I'd love to check it out XD I reckon Grave could do with an aura, hell, maybe give him a bunch so he can use them to represent different situations XD

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. O. M. F. G. I managed to get all my due posts done. I am so proud.

  10. Oh, I see your Lich thread there. I'm sorry to say that no matter how deep you dig, you're not gonna find me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grave


      XD *leaves by kidnapping*

    3. Macradon


      *waves goodbye*

    4. Grave


      *waves back*

      *wonders why he's still posting in this status if he supposedly left*


    5. Show next comments  3 more
  11. One Crafting Day.

    3 Crafter's Respites.

    Three Crit Fails.

    One Perfect.

    1. Rain


      Don't wanna be that guy but yesterday I got some nice rolls. :3 3 perfects and 2 rares from 9 crafts.

      But.. I know that feeling... that happened to me when I used 2 crafter's respites not too long ago...

  12. Please. Check out my shop. Be advised to never come to me. My rolls advise it :(

    1. Lowenthal


      "Come to my shop, but don't come to my shop."
      ~Literal translation as provided by LemonCorps

    2. Grave


      OOC: Check out my shop

      IC: I advise you not to come

      Better? XD

    3. Lowenthal


      I thought it was good before xD

  13. Reposting this because I pulled a dumb-dumb and forgot it contained a bad word >.>


    1. Rain


      Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha twas a grave mistake...

  14. Right, I will try and get one more post up tomorrow morning before I leave, then I will be REALLY busy on Wed trying to get homework done. Hopefully, come the five-day weekend, I'll be free to get a ton done, maybe even have time to get Lia running a little again!

  15. Seven hits and one normal Crit... this is no fun.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Hirru


      Looking through your fight, I'm reminded why I use +2 DMG potions.  To get the full capabilities of my arts, until lvl 25 when I get tier 2.

    3. Grave


      The thing is, I wasn't expecting to finish my Gemini fight so early, so I wanted to fight something bigger and stronger... I think I went too big and too strong XD

    4. Hirru


      Nah, I think you're good.

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  17. TFW you wait for ages to attack a Dungeon boss... and you miss ;-;

    1. Opal


      I hope you missed with style at least. XP

  18. TFW you're told EVA and ACC aren't modified by tiers.

    I might just stick with a MIT build instead of dual build now...

    1. Hirru


      All bases are covered!

    2. Takao


      evasion and accuracy tiers don't really work too well when the scale only goes up to 10.

    3. Baldur


      ^ Yea, stuff isn't getting harder to hit by tier, so ACC doesn't need to increase by tier.

  19. That feeling when you only have 9 posts in your Gemini thread and you killed the Gemini on your 6th ;-;

    1. Beoreson


      Kill everything else!

    2. Grave


      I just did and still have 10 more posts to go ;-;

    3. Beoreson


      Kill, maim, destroy and burn things!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  20. That feeling when you're so nervous about something that you resort to nomming on your own crafts for extra buffs...

  21. That moment when some shared personality trait between you and your character is set off and you need to fulfil it ;-;

  22. That moment when you realise that all your skill slots are free because your only two skills are extras, including your weapon skill.

    1. Seul
    2. Grave


      And even now I only know of 4 skills I particularly want X3

  23. There are times when I really feel like getting Eulalia active, but Grave fills my schedule up enough as is ;-;

    1. Hirru


      This is why I don't have an alt.  I don't have the time to roleplay more people anymore than I have to.

    2. Grave


      I used to have the time, until I went inactive for a while and now the new school year's started.

    3. Jomei


      Tell me about it

  24. This is the payment you offered;



    "I will pay the 1000 Col now, and when I have gained the materials I need, and after using the created snacks, I will return to buy more with materials. After the first five, if you had them ready and waiting, I would be willing to add two extra materials on the price of the five when I return to buy more."

    You already payed off the 1000 Col.



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