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About Mack

  • Birthday 06/23/1985

Guild Information

  • Guild Name
    Knights of the Blood Oath
  • Position
    Vice Commander

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    Kansas City, MO
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  1. What are all of the EXACT rules of the combat tournament?

    If this is an 80 HP thing, rather than a half HP thing then that's fine. But then I should have the chance to change my opening attack to a 12x attack that hits for 92 and accomplishes the same stated goal of ending the fight with a single blow. If I'm not supposed to use the BD roll from the same roll as I took my LD from and if I'm not supposed to attack in the opening post because I won the LD roll then that should be made clear.

    I don't mind losing, if indeed I do, but I and the other players that are new since the summer tournament deserve to have all the rules of the tournament made clear.

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    2. Kalesh



      If life doesn't one-hit kill me or do so after dropping me to half health I'm dropping out, that's really that :P The threshold for victory is more than I have HP, Kalesh is straight up dead by any and all forms of logic if he loses a fight. Soooo, if you are reading this Piera, I'll pay you back the money you bet on me.


    3. Calrex


      So...just for the record then people can still die in these duels if their base health matches or is less than the battle HP total? O_O

    4. Takao


      Yeah, they can. It's just a normal duel between two players, and that can go awry if you're not careful.

      so uh. you doing 80 damage to opal, who has a total of 80 health, probably isn't... a uh... good idea.

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