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Status Replies posted by Opal

  1. Where is @Opal for my challenge against the Knights of Blood?

  2. Where is @Opal for my challenge against the Knights of Blood?

  3. Where is @Opal for my challenge against the Knights of Blood?

  4. Where is @Opal for my challenge against the Knights of Blood?

  5. Wait, Whaaaaat? No More Treasure Chests QQ

  6. Looking to meet some new players. Any newbies want to do some quests?

  7. Looking to meet some new players. Any newbies want to do some quests?

  8. Piera

    Piera    Opal

    *cackles gleefully*  How do you like being sparkly & pretty Opal~?

  9. I hope you guys are enjoying the festival rp that I myself have not even had the time to reply to much xD

  10. I hope you guys are enjoying the festival rp that I myself have not even had the time to reply to much xD

  11. Aincrad's Spring Festival is now Open Early! Enjoy the festivities and have fun! ((Make sure to read the rules first!)


  12. Opal

    Opal    Piera

    Your PM box is full? Cant send you a message. ;_; 

  13. Opal

    Opal    Hirru

    Woa...300 Mats, good luck!! :D 

  14. Opal

    Opal    Hirru

    Woa...300 Mats, good luck!! :D 

  15. Opal

    Opal    Hirru

    Woa...300 Mats, good luck!! :D 

  16. I am considering putting up an OOC thread to show off my awesome board breaking...

  17. Soooo,I'm going to be PKing a disposable alt someone no longer wanted. It'll be a pretty dark read I think, so I may have to UR it. Anyway, to those who like things that are not pleasant I will see you in the thread "Counting Bodies Like Sheep"


    Your favorite GM, Zero-sama

  18. Floor 14 Meeting up, Make sure to read that OOC at the bottom



  19. Now let's see if Avarious has another "final form"

  20. Now let's see if Avarious has another "final form"

  21. Now let's see if Avarious has another "final form"

  22. TFW you wait for ages to attack a Dungeon boss... and you miss ;-;

  23. I'll get to any replies I need to do later tonight. Been really busy with work and I'm hoping I'll have time to relax tonight. 

  24. The weekend is over. Ready to do this? ;)

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