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Posts posted by Nirvana

  1. She stuck her tongue out at the male player in a teasing fashion. "Silly, that was the point. I was calling you dumb." Anyone who listened to Kalesh ramble on continuously could easily recognize his passion to become a strong player, at this point Nirvana found it hard to believe he was doing this simply to be well known. She envied how dedicated he was to the game, and secretly wished she were the same. Maybe she would be if her love for video games were as strong, or even present in the first place. "I'm always here if you wanna quest, ya know. Once I get stronger I mean, right now I'm just a newb so there's nothing I can do." Her thoughts about the "beating up a rock quest" doubled, and oh boy was Nirvana hyped up for the time when she'd grow some balls and take the challenge head on. It'd be a blast for sure, she just knew it, and nothing in her head or anybody says could change that fact now. "I'll keep these things in mind." She adds, ensuring Kalesh that she's indeed listening to what he's saying.

    "Niiiceee~" Nirvana nods slowly, a large smirk covering the lower half of her face upon the comment spoken about crushing bones. If only she could attempt those actions, that'd make this day seem like the best she'd ever had in a long time. But for now, she had to stick to boring material collecting and adventuring on the sidelines in order not to get herself killed too soon, only material collecting for now. "You're no fun. Mr. Boring Boringston from Boringsville." She made fun of the male in hidden attempts to get the thought of a realistic Kalesh out of her mind along with the purple-haired one that she just knew would turn out to appear amazing. These images would only cause her to blush much like before, and that certainly was embarrassing. Luckily she'd played off the blush cooly, as if the reddening of her face hadn't affected her at all when the involuntary action of her expression truly had wrecked her conscience. "Hmm... yeah..." She muttered, so deep in thought that she hadn't even been listening to Kalesh from then on. In all of this she'd also forgotten to search for material like she should've been, and so there'd been no loot collection temporarily from a distracted young woman.

    "Hah, I'd look supa' fly! Kinda reminds me of my friends who dressed like that during a certain phase in High School. Ya know, I'm the type to just wear my sport clothes, I'm not one to change fashion styles so suddenly. Guess I need a change of dress..." She flashed a daring look in Kalesh's expression, feeling extra flirtatious today just because nobody had been around her since the beginning of the game for her to mess with. So really, today had been her first positive experience of SAO... and hopefully not the last, or else she would beg for death all over again. "Whatever floats your boat~ I'm able and willing over here. Just lemee know when you're ready. That is... if you can handle the experience..." Her focus hadn't been on the stats the armor would offer for her, though a few upgrades would be nice right about now, she only wanted to see what Kalesh's tastes were judging by what he picked out for the young woman to try on. "Pshh, yeah man. You'd better what it, you might jinx yourself. I'll mess you up."

    (ID #1: 34449 LD #1: 10 =No Loot)

  2. Jesus save me, I'm in love with this hell

    Murder, madness, can't escape from my-

    Her voice croaked and trailed off once Nirvana's ears, that'd been fixated on the sound of her own voice, picked up the sound of an instrument playing in the distance. Usually she'd continue singing without a care in the world, but this one had been playing along with her and only stopped when she had. This scared her so much, the fact that someone was listening to her without permission, that she became infuriated due to being so hot-headed naturally. "Who... Ugh!" She stomped on the ground more than once and stood from her spot on the concrete steps, cracking her knuckles. "Who is hiding in the [censored] dark!? Come out right now or I'll go hunting myself!" Nirvana's ugly mood turned for the worse, the young woman prepared to commit something heinous, forgetting she walk among the safe-zone where nobody could get hurt unless willing. Though the sound had been very appealing, oh so sweet and lovely to the ears, she was too angry to notice her heart yearned to know the player, and more so the instrument they'd played. What was that? ...A very familiar noise... the answer on the tip of her tongue, yet she failed to find the word. Sighing loudly, she paced back and forth hastily before adding, "If you come out now and show me what you were playing... maybe I'll spare you... Maybe." Remembering her counseling for anger issues Nirvana began deep inhaling and exhaling, but man oh man she really wanted to see the face behind the melody, and that thought calmed her down deep inside, even if she didn't want to believe that.

  3. "Damn. Only fists? That's gonna be a lot of hits... Ugh." Nirvana definitely was not pleased with the idea of having to work hard for something, but the thought of taking monsters head on with the glory of her own two fists... gosh, there really wasn't a reason not to try and go at the quest. She mentally noted to try and figure out when she should take it, obviously hoping for sometime soon. Probably at a higher level, now she was practically a toddler crawling amongst the experienced. "Really? An awesome quest like that and you take it for the SP? Kalesh, you must be a huge dork~" Nirvana edged her elbow into the side of his arm, attempting to shove the man to the side at least a little bit, for she felt being playful around him didn't really matter. Kalesh seemed the type that could adjust to anyone naturally, or so she thought by now. 

    "Hmm... Guess I'm pretty strange, huh? I started liking the sound whenever I began taking karate... Beating people to the ground with skill is always entertaining. You're lucky you're on my good side~" Rubbing her hands together, as if an evil villain, Nirvana emitted a menacing laugh to show her bad girl side off. Surely she had the intent to hurt most of the time, especially if angered, but Nirvana would most likely never PK here in Aincrad... not yet, at least. Returning to her natural laid-back expression, Nirvana sighed dramatically and groaned aloud afterwards. "I [censored] hate that. Sleeping is the worst, some night I just lay awake anyways. Alleys and rooftops are my go-to's." Eyes glued to the ground after conversation quieted down, Nirvana spotted an object on the ground much like her first time but ceased to squeal. Instead she bent down and scooped up the item to place in her already-growing inventory, lifting her head to take a look at the pictures Kalesh had decided to allow her to examine. "Hey," She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest while furrowing dark eyebrows. "I wanna see all of 'em. Whyyyyyy are you hiding thossee?" Nirvana demanded to know, bottom lip poking out. Though she was internally pleased to be able to witness an extremely gorgeous Kalesh with different features, ones that made her knees almost buckle to be quite honest, Nirvana's curiosity had hit her hard and now that was all her mind could think of. Though, she'd certainly remember that one picture for later on...

    A dark red blush burned her light face as Nirvana slipped into a dirty state of mind. "Gah~ Close it, close it! You're hot, dammit!" She moved her hands to chubby cheeks, slapping the cool, refreshing temperature of her palms against heated skin. "I like that. Flirting with friends... it's fun." Nirvana admitted, shrugging and slinking back cooly with thumbs hooked to her shorts as if she'd never reacted in an embarrassing way only moments ago. 

    She chuckled and ran a hand through unkempt hair, making a tough face. "Think I'd be hot as a Greaser chick, eh?" The thought of a Shaolin Monk, however, threw her off and she made a disgusted face before nodding her head to a fro quickly as a form of disagreement. Leaning forward slightly, Nirvana squished her large chest between her arms and easily placed an innocent expression on her face. "I was thinking... something sexy~ If you'll buy it for me, I'll try it on for you. Promise." Snapping back up at Kalesh's next comment, she stiffened up straight but decided not to care about her shirt situation at the moment. "You'd better not try anything. I'll do irreversible things to you... irre-ver-sible..."

    (ID #1: 34402 LD #1: 20 = Loot!)

  4. OOC: I thought 5 was max? Pshh, let's just go with it anyways ;)

    Ah. Weapons. The best part of a video game, or so she's caught on to believe, and Nirvana had all but forgotten about the necessity to killing and attacking things successfully. Her mind pushed aside all of the painful memories of the first day as she plucked through thoughts carefully, attempting to remember her weapon class selection. A light-bulb went off in her head, and she jumped as her face lit up before speaking. "War-Hammers. I liked how those little things looked like sledgehammers with spikes and whatever." Clearly, the young woman had no experience with weapons, let alone games or classes or skills... she was a complete mess as of now quite honestly. All that Nirvana happened to be concerned about, however, would be becoming wealthy just so she could flaunt it for entertainment. She wondered how many people would bow down to her if she were that rich. "Whaaaa???" Nirvana's eyes widened and she turned her head slowly in Kalesh's direction. "Y-You can?! That's totally amazing! I would be great with those. How do you do it? Tell meeeee." If she'd known all along fighting with fists was possible, well then she would've been out attacking predators among the wild long ago... but then again, she might've been dead if that was so.

    Nodding in response to Kalesh's comments about bone cracking pleasure, she watched as he showed off his skills in the popping department with a grin. "I love that sound for some reason. I'mma weirdo~ But, really, what I do is a back-bend when my spine is too stiff. Today just seems to be my arms and legs though, dunno why. Guess I should consider different sleeping positions." Thoughts shifting to every night she's slept, Nirvana was surprised her spine didn't need a little movement here and there, after all she'd been curled up in a ball most of the time, somewhere dark and narrow. Her thoughts fell idle, however, with all the video game talk from Kalesh... not her favorite topic, honestly, but since she wanted to keep Kalesh around Nirvana tuned in just a bit every now and then to keep up with the story. During this time she searched for more materials though nothing truly special had caught her eyes. "Probably. Ya know, now I really wanna see you normally. The idea is tempting..." Smirking slightly, Nirvana lifted her head as the blue pools of her eyes began taking on a mischievous form, she was thinking of a handsome Kalesh. Her weakness fell in the category of dark-haired men. "Oh yeah!" She agreed, snapping out of her phase. "Gotta love them streaks. Or dyed hair in general, more people should try and be unique instead of wall-flowering all over the place. Sticking with the crowds is totally lame to me." She paused, chucking quietly before shaking her head. "You sure you weren't flirting with me?"

    Imagination running wild with images flashing quick before her eyes before switching to another, Nirvana thought of all the tattoo art she's seen in her life desiring to have her flesh, even if virtual, marked with colors and pictures to show off on her body. Her new companion seemed to be pleased with the topic, moving into a state of happiness as he named off ideas. "Either idea sounds neat to me. Hah, a warrior though. Man, I'd look awesome in that kind of armor. Dont'chya think?" Stopping for a second, Nirvana posed in a way that'd scare off people... if she were intimidating, that is. The idea of herself in fur-coated armor and leather straps, along with a large spear and deceased animals under her leg caused Nirvana to roll her own eyes at her silly thoughts. But she felt satisfied with the position, continuing to walk along with Kalesh once she was finishd, only for him to trip. Naturally quick reflexes assisted Nirvana with the catching of the material thrown her way, which she now held in the one hand she caught it with. Placing the item in her inventory, Nirvana nodded in thanks. "Good thing you saved yourself cause I ain't carrying you home, princess."

    (ID #1: 34348 LD #1: 7 = No Loot)

  5. Rolling her sapphire eyes ablaze with pure joy, Nirvana waved her hand in the air as if swatting at a bug. "No way! I'll totally kick ass without a doubt. Being scared is hardly in my agenda, you could say." She punched the air with both fists, not necessarily hitting anything but pretending as if she were competing again an opponent before her. After the burst of excitement, Nirvana hooked her thumbs to the insides of her shorts comfortably, eyes shifting back and forth frantically with her head following in pursuit. The world swiftly changed from pavement and building to a lush forest/jungle-like terrain that was much, much different than the Las Angeles surroundings she was used to. Such awe happened to be etched across the dainty face of the young woman, who seemed like a child in a play store.

    Nirvana obviously noticed the way Kalesh glued his eyes to the ground temporarily, and honesty she'd forgotten the fact that the two were out her because she was on a mission to find materials. Mentally face-palming, Nirvana too scanned the ground with squinted eyes and even bent down a little for she didn't want to seem like a slacker, or else Kalesh might leave her to pursue his own goals. As the satisfying sound of bones popping in place filled her ears, Nirvana turned her head and tilted her head while grinning lopsidedly. "Feels good, doesn't it? I just finished stretching earlier actually." Stretching both arms behind her head again, Nirvana curved her back and held the position to remedy those last few muscles she'd missed earlier, pulling down her top when she was finished. That always felt nice. 

    "Neat! Don't know why you'd want to change that. Hmm..." She held up her fingers with both hands, creating a rectangle, as if she were an artist judging a painting. "you would look nice with dark features, I think." Deciding not to think about her state outside of this game, since she'd rather not bring herself down, Nirvana refrained from returning the comment about having long hair right about now and instead ignored it all together. Hearing about herself, her head perked up and Nirvana nodded quickly quite proud about the small quirk that distinguished her hair from others. "Yep! I dyed it when I joined my band as a Freshman. Kind of a trademark, been keepin' it since. Couldn't imagine myself with it." A light dust of pink covered her cheeks upon the compliment, though any type of words like that could get Nirvana blushing like a mad-man any day from anybody. "Gahhh~ Thanks. That's sweet, guess you're that type though."

    Pausing, she switched arm positions and moved back to crossing her arms over her chest. Nirvana had the tendency to move around a lot, even if only subtly like so. She searched the ground once more, desiring the thought of collecting something to just place in her inventory for the heck of it. "Oh. My. Gosh. Tattoos! That'd be amazing to get... What would you get?! I would get like... a music note or something cool like a freaking huge dragon on my back." Giggling like a child, Nirvana covered her both as her eyes now glowed with amusement. Especially when she found a shiny object on the ground and squealed. "Hell yeah baby!" She bent over and touched the object, accepting the option to place the item in her inventory for collection. "Our first success~"

    (ID #1: 34302 LD #1: 3 = No Loot)

    (ID #2: 34303 LD #2: 17 = Loot! :D :D)

  6. "Great!" Nirvana clapped her hands together, flashing white teeth as she exclaimed excitedly in response to the stranger's agreement. He seemed extremely generous to do so, especially since the two had only just met, but Nirvana had nearly missed these virtues due to only worrying about the task soon to be at hand. Her heart pumped quickly feeling as though the organ could leap out of her mouth and run all by itself as adrenaline surged through her body, boy was she giddy to take on the adventure of exploring a jaw-dropping world. Even if she did have a hatred deep down to the core for silly games like so. She winked in Kalesh's direction and poked his shoulder playfully before jumping back, a hand covering where her heart should be. "Gah!~ Oh, yeah, I'm Nirvana. Thanks for the scare." Nirvana shook her head before sighing, catching the breath that'd escaped from her lungs. Accepting the party invite graciously, Nirvana nodded her head forward as an indication that the two should start moving out towards the seemingly never-ending fields of Floor 1.

    Moving forward, Nirvana flipped her dark hair out of her face as a slight wind began to pick up which moved the short locks in front of her face, blocking her vision. Popping her knuckles with ease, letting out a faint sound of bones crackling, the young woman picked up her pace in a short matter of time. "So tell me, was your hair dyed before or after the game? Don't think I've ever heard of hair changing here though... not while I've been walkin' around at least." She traced her gaze to the flowing locks of Kalesh for a second before shifting her eyes to the distance they needed to cover before them. "You can tell the color isn't natural but... it's gorgeous."

  7. "Huh?" Nirvana turned her head quickly, moving into a stance that allowed her to be ready to defend herself from any attack if need be but quickly moved back into a natural position when she noticed it was just a player who'd come to her ultimate rescue. Sapphire eyes glowing delightfully, Nirvana tilted her head while curling the odd red strand of her bands around a finger curiously. She placed a hand on her bare hip, having a crop top that stopped only a few inches beneath her chest, breathing in once before resting her shoulders with a dramatic exhale. "Oh! Hello there~ Um, well... How do I put this?" Her eyes snapped to his own green ones, they were brilliant and obviously exaggerated but Nirvana enjoyed uniqueness for it proved individuality in others. "I was going to go out there but I could reaalllyyy use backup. And materials won't collect themselves, am-I-right?" 

    Shifting her tone to a higher-pitch Nirvana used plenty of hand motions ending with her hands clasping together in front of her as she softened her gaze towards the individual. She hardly had to lift her head to get an ideal view of the male, but he certainly wasn't bad looking. Not that she wanted to be acquainted with him, or even desired romance at the moment, but she still had the mind of a girl and that meant she was going to think such dumb things. "Really? I mean... that'd be great but... Dont'chya wanna help out a newbie? It'll be awesome I promise! Real quick too, c'mon man~" Relentless she pounded the stranger with tons of questions and the begging you'd expect from a three-year-old. Quite honestly, Nirvana had no problem with her persistence if it meant she could be even just a tad bit lazier than needed before. If this didn't work she could easily move to someone else, maybe use her appearance to lure a different person the next time. Whatever works.

  8. The worst thing about SAO was that... that there happened to be no music! At least so far Nirvana's demanding ears hadn't picked up the sweet tune of a familiar tune, or even any sound of music at all. Music happened to be her heart and soul, the one thing that Nirvana could constantly depend on being that type of person without any worries. Without the beautiful noise, the most amazing invention in the world, what on Earth (more like Aincrad) would she do?! Her heart ached for a melody to hum along with or perhaps a guitar to strum idly while staring at the sky like she used to back home. Even if music reminded her of rather unpleasant memories it also sent a shooting feeling throughout her whole body that could never be explained sanely, covering up all the imperfections of life with something more meaningful and worth remembering. Without music Nirvana truly believed she'd be non-existent, as if it were the reason her very origin was made. Curse whoever made this game, curse her bad luck, curse everything in the damned universe for allowing her to enter a place so lacking of soul and feelings and love.

    Her bad thoughts had put a damper in Nirvana's mood but she wouldn't allow that to stop her from trying to lift her own spirits though she was used to others doing that for her. Being sometime late at night, possibly the darkest hour in Aincrad since all lights outside and outside had been turned off along with the fact that the sky happened to be a pitch black. If not for the natural shine of the moon she knew was only made up of coding, Nirvana would be completely lost and confused as to where she was. She remained in the Starting City, legs pulled up to her chest while she sat on the top of cold, hard, stone stairs that led to a higher level of the usual chaotic city. Nirvana had become accustomed to nights alone, but she wasn't used to seeing such serenity where turmoil and sadness often took over. The feeling was a bliss one full of such tranquility it was impossible not to relax at this very moment. And she might as well now because come break of dawn all of this peace would be shattered once more for another full day, and who knew when a night like this would ever occur again.

    Nirvana could sing alright but not in front of people. This is why she played instruments publicly instead, she'd always have stage-fright or feel embarrassed if anyone were to hear her natural voice. The sound was raw and untrained but pleasant to the ears nonetheless. She began:

    Judge me, jury if I'm wrong or right
    I've got secrets and lies that would blow your mind
    You're the one who taught me not to love
    I'm the one who taught you to say 'No'

    Away I go
    Away I go
    I am a ghost

    OOC: Song is Witness by 30 Seconds to Mars :)

  9. Yes, she was most certainly doing this. Going out into the promising world of Aincrad that the creator wasted his life on, one so beautiful that it blinded players of the dangers lying ahead. Would this be a foolish move among countless others in the end? There happened to be no more time for thinking but only action by a young woman with so much curiosity and courage that waiting to risk the dangers of adventure proved to be pointless now that she honestly couldn't resist just jumping out there for the absolute entertainment. Ainsley, no she wasn't that woman anymore. Correction. Nirvana stretched both arms behind her back which worked her stomach muscles as well, boy did that feel amazing to the woman now letting out a loud breath that came out as more of a shudder. Now came the actual moment she'd been waiting for other than that bliss moment of pleasure that ran down her spine from much-needed stretching, to go out and explore the surroundings of this world like there was no tomorrow... not because there might not be one, but because Nirvana had contained excitement that needed to be released or else she might explode. Literally. 

    Unfortunately a problem that would be at hand in the fields would most likely hold her back from acting out as much as she pleased. This would be the fact that Nirvan was only going to be hunting for materials, the resource that everyone needed or desperately wanted it seemed. So much that these players would willingly give away their COL in trade of these important game items, not that Nirvana understood she only wanted money in the leather pouch resting upon her waist. The "clink clink" noise of money was an enjoyable one, but oh how she despised any work at all no matter what. Honestly, she'd rather just give up on the material search and just waste the day running around even if that was a waste of valuable time. If you counted being stuck in a horrendous situation among boring people "valuable time". Hah, Nirvana chuckled while holding her head back for a few seconds before returning to walking towards her destination, now this idea of looking around for useless things in the real world seemed rather idiotic on her side. Had the adventurous side of herself blinded her?

    "Gosh dammit!" Nirvana stomped the grass beneath her that crunched upon impact, planting both feet into the ground effectively. She crossed both arms over her chest and squeezed them together tightly as if she were a toddler throwing a temper tantrum all over again. "I could use some help! I'll never make it alone." Pulling out her bottom lip that would always work against her parents, Nirvana bowed her head after a loud outcry demanding not only attention but assistance from another players that'd be kind enough to walk over and ask what she needed. This dependent side of Nirvana could come out very quickly and if she didn't get what she wanted soon than the young woman would have to pull something more effective of course.

  10. 561423fe51047.jpg


    Wild Dance Rank #1 

    Total: +1 Damage with Claw-based Weapons

    Skill Points: 5 Used, 1 In Storage


    Primal Burst - 1x1 - AoE - (2 Energy) - A forward charge which sweeps out both arms outwards, much like a swimming breaststroke.

    Organ Pierce - 1x2 - Stun - (5 Energy) - A step which lowers the body height, then delivers a powerful clawed gut punch.




    ~ Crop-top, shorts, boots - Vanity Item(s) - Equipped

    ~ 10 Bread and 15 Water - Vanity Item(s)

    ~ Tekko-Kagi - Weapon - Equipped




    » [private w/ Kalesh] An Atlas or Two - 1 SP
    » [private w/ Seul] Roots - in progress
    » [open w/ Elul, Hirru, and Aphrodite] Relieving Boredom - 1 SP
    » [private w/ Opal] Origins... A Life Time Ago - in progress
    » [private w/ Grave] A Different Kind of Enlightenment - in progress
    » [private w/ Asami] Familiarity - in progress
    » [private w/ Emerath and Flints] Dim Alleyways, Grumpy Friends - in progress
    » [private w/ Vasth] A Awkward Meeting - in progress
    » [private w/ party guests] An All Hallows Eve - in progress
    » [private w/ Adelyn] Escape - in progress
    » [private w/ Vayrin] Untraveled Road - in progress
    » [private w/ Koumori] About a Girl - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)




    +100 COL from Relieving Boredom

    +200 COL from An Atlas or Two

    +8 materials from An Atlas or Two

  11. tumblr_n6ljdg8feR1rjwa86o1_500.gif


    Appearance: Ainsley is petite in stature and has a rather slim body. The only part of her that seems to have developed is her well-endowed chest, the rest of her body being classified as flat or under-developed. She has long legs while the rest of her could be considered short in comparison such as her stubby arms or short torso. Though she's petite Ainsley has quite the muscular build that can be obviously seen when she flexes or moves about. Her eyes are large and a brilliant bright sapphire color that glow when she's feeling extreme emotions. Ainsley's hair is short and black, usually kept unkempt, with one simple red streak accenting the front part of her bangs. For a style of dress Ainsley tends to keep things to a tomboyish levels with baggy shorts and jerseys but she always has skin showing since she enjoys showing off what she's got.

    History: Always a star of something, Ainsley really was a special little girl. She loved to sing and dance and happened to be a wild child who wanted to take on everything she could. This was normal for a kid but this special personality remained throughout her whole life much to her parents surprise though they were always supporting their youngest child by giving her anything she wanted, paying for those expensive classes or sports that would probably be dropped by next week. They didn't care at all since the first two children, their eldest boy twins, were only focused on technology dubbing themselves hardcore "otakus", not that anyone else in their family knew what that meant...

    Ainsley finally grew out of wanting to do everything when she settled on being a rock-star, but she'd received skills in the long run that did her body, health and mind something good. When she began playing instruments Ainsley was a natural much like she was in every other thing seemingly. Her one true love was an electric guitar but that didn't stop her from mastering any other instrument in sight. Focused on creating a band of her own to go on tours, which could be easy due to the fact that she lived in a booming Las Angeles, Ainsley hung around with a different crowd around high-school that didn't do anything good for her at all due to being bad influences. Still Ainsley perfected that dream of joining a band and had things going on, practicing in the garage until late hours of the night with a bunch of kids that'd formed a group with her. Her parents warned her but Ainsley knew that if things went wrong she could protect herself due to martial arts practice that she kept up after school.

    One night before a huge gig that would be the amazing ending of her high-school years Ainsley got phoned and was told the rest of her band were a no show to the event so she simply stayed at home and grieved. She'd written a song, gave every member their very own instrument, and it wasn't until now that Ainsley realized they used her to gain their own fame. She felt dumb and was feeling a lot of hatred. When her parents left home to pick their brothers up from a graduation party, Ainsley passed by their bedroom door and noticed a strange device on their bed. A note reading "DON'T TOUCH THIS FREAK" which was obviously for her had been taped to it but Ainsley crumbed it up and pulled on the gear when she figured out exactly how the strange technology worked. Being an angry young woman she didn't think of the consequences and only wanted to forget what'd happened until the morning which is when she would deal with everything in her own way. Soon enough she'd find worse things to be angry at.




    ~ Adventurous ~ "Are you daring me to jump off that roof over there? Heck yeah! I got this." Ainsley isn't afraid of any challenge society throws at her always ready to give the world all she's got. There's no dare or obstacle that can beat her down because she'll only come back up kicking and screaming over and over again until she's accomplished what needs to be done. Big risks to Ainsley are what eating that potato chip off the ground is to you.

    ~ Courage ~ "Don't you worry, I can do this." Facing her fears head on comes naturally to Ainsley whom has a realistic view on the world, she knows how bad it can be to people. There's no escaping what's in the dark so you must embrace whatever it is and become the predator or so Ainsley believes. Maybe it's all those scary movies she watches...

    ~ Martial Artist ~ "Name any Martial Art you can think of and I bet I've taken it." Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Judo, and Kung Fu. Though she isn't a master in all of these as Ainsley would like to think she is very good at what she does due to practicing every day after since the day she left Junior High. Boxing and wrestling are also a form of fighting she's experienced in but Ainsley doesn't care for them as much as she does the forms of Martial Arts. This gives her a high form of undying vitality and experience when it comes to fighting hand-to-hand with others.



    ~ Impatient ~ "Oh. My. Gosh. Hurry it up already will ya?!" Ainsley is one easily annoyed person that cannot tolerate waiting for someone else just because they're a slowpoke. Being a face-paced, exciting, fun-seeking girl you know Ainsley just feels like she doesn't have enough time to spend standing around.

    ~ Hot-head ~ "Don't you take one more step towards more or else..." Little things that sting Ainsley's heart by offending her in any way will make her a very angry player. Once she's angry she won't hesitate to lash back or yell until her lungs burst just because she won't let anyone get the best of her. Not like her anger is controllable anyways.

    ~ Dependent ~ "Aww. Couldn't you please just give me a few MATs? Pleeeeaaassseeee?" Being raised by parents who gave her anything she wanted by the snap of a finger, Ainsley could basically be compared to a pretty little pampered princess who needs others to do things for her. She's willing to beg and plead if need be or will latch onto your leg until she gets what she wants.







    ~ Username - description

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