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Everything posted by Macradon

  1. The girl left the shop and Macradon would get to some crafting for today. He had a lot to do and he was about to get a lot of more requests. The waves of non stopping customers weren't always a pretty sight, it meant money for Macradon, but mostly a ton of work for him to do. It was tiring to say the least, but he would keep on fighting. All he needed to do was to make items for customers, but when customers come and order 3 items, and it's 4 players who do that, the amount of items he needed to make was out of this world, and it was getting really difficult to keep up the work. Rank 8: 1
  2. Macradon was soon to finish everything he was supposed to make, all those requests. A girl walked into his shop as he was prepared to go down for another request run. "Welcome to the Blazing Typhoon, what can I help you with?" he would ask the new customer. It was quite rare to have customers that didn't want requests, but he wouldn't mind people not getting custom orders as their first purchase, or as their only purchase at him. "The dagger, of course!" he would say and walk over to the glass pane cabinet with the dagger in it "It'll be 800 Col!" he said with a big smile as he would hand over
  3. So apparently Shr/ek is censored without the slash ...

    1. Samriel


      *jaw drops* .....well that's just not fair....

    2. Macradon


      *tries it*

    3. Seul


      You broke the system Macradon.

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  4. Husky came to pay and take his requests, as well did others. He handed over the items to Husky "I hope you like them" he said. Macradon was overwhelmed by customers once again, but it did not bother him having some customers once in a while. He would go back to crafting, he was soon done with his requests, just as a boy entered his shop. He would sigh before he would go and greet the boy with a smile and positive attitude. "Hello and welcome to the Blazing Typhoon, what can I help you with?" he would ask. The boy's mood swing caught Macradon by surprise, but he knew it wasn't about him or his
  5. I somewhat enjoy having full health at a boss raid.


  6. Snow would received the items she asked for and would leave again with her equipment. It was nice that newer players would be able to take care of themselves now, at least of the gear they are able to get through who they know. Money wasn't an issue for fellow guild members, as Macradon's stock on Mats was tremendous and would only expand with all the adventures he would go on, which would be a lot. He would sigh as he greeted the girl farewell and would go down into his smithy to work once again. Rank 8: 1495/2560 ID: 52062 CD: 11+1=12, Perfect item. +8 Exp. ID: 52063 CD: 6
  7. Sometimes I cry when I see another person order in my shop. It's not that I dislike customers, it's just that the amount of requests compared to my rolls make me feel bad for doing such a bad job ...

    1. Grave


      *hugs Mac* I know the feeling very well bro... *glares at Zandra's 20 Perfect request*

    2. Sinful


      Oh ****.

      Sorry bud, just made an order in your shop.

    3. Macradon


      It's OK. I just received some great rolls, so just stay there and I'll work on it

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  8. Hunger Games; Frontlines!

    Here's the roster!


    1. Calrex


      You see, this is why I don't use indirect methods XD

    2. Hikoru


      *whistles* Just finally saw this, and 4th place isn't bad

    3. Zandra



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  9. Macradon was prepared to work harder today. He would ready everything and await the furnace to get to the desired heat he wanted for this. The amount of items he suddenly had to craft was getting out of hand. 4 Perfect items for him to work on, 3 days has past and he's only made 2 by now, it wasn't going too great, but he would just work hard and go on with everything. 2 perfect items was better than nothing, and the rest of his items would just be able to sit there as he wasn't really selling anything of that sort, nor would anyone want that unless they were poor. Rank 8: 1443/2560
  10. Another person entered his shop. Macradon would emerge from his smithy, up the stairs and through the door to get to the shop part of his smithy. "Welcome to the Blazing Typhoon! What can I help you with?" he would greet and ask the man who just entered. Macradon would look at the man "I usually first take the payment after the work has been done" Macradon would say with a smile "Though some of my patrons give me the pay beforehand, but if you're comfortable with paying when seeing the work, I'll gladly do that" he would say and take the requests down into his smithy. Rank 8: 1401/2560
  11. Even though @Hirru has still  stolen done it. 
    I'm gonna do it anyways!


    1. Zandra


      Yay, same district as Jomei :D

    2. Hirru


      I was bored, and thought about throwing one together while waiting for you.

      Unfortunately, I'm an impatient person (IC and OOC)

  12. Someone entered his shop, it was Husky, the person he once met on the streets of the first floor. "Welcome to the Blazing Typhoon!" Macradon greeted the man. "What can I help you with?" he asked and would receive the requests. 3 Perfect items. It was a big handful, but he was sure that he would get them done in no time, like he usually did. What he wasn't sure of that his coming days weren't going as planned. "I'll get right at it" he would say with a comfortable smile and would enter his smithy to begin work. Rank 8: 1367/2560 ID: 51535 CD: 2+1=3, Bad item. +1 Exp. ID: 51006
  13. The SAO Hunger Games Roster is now full! I will insert everything into the simulator.

    "And may the force be ever in your prosper, Harry!"
    - He who shall not be Gandalf.

    1. Hirru


      Alright, doing it in another Status so everyone that's curious can see.

    2. Macradon



      If I'm going to die a stupid way, I'm taking you with me!

    3. Seul


      I don't even get a cool death, like beimg eaten by wolverines or something. -_-

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  14. "Oh hey, Snow, right?" he would ask as the girl would enter his shop. He had had something commissioned ready for her, the equipment she needed. Macradon would go back down to his smithy and grab the items. A spear and a circlet, something that would fit the girl's needs. "This should be it" he said with a smile and would present the items for the girl. This would help the girl advance through the levels and become a top tier frontliner one day, Macradon hoped so as he wasn't sure what would be going on on the frontliens by now ... it was a hectic chaos. - Gwendolyn's Wings - Sif's Need
  15. This video, i liked it


  16. @Rohk grabbed me ...
    All I could think of was 


    1. Guest


      Did you tell @Rohk that 'No means no?' Worth a shot...

    2. Sinful


      @Rohk Is love

      Rohk is life

  17. A new guild member had joined his guild and she was in need of help to get her equipment done. Both Mack and Macradon were on a quick march to their shops to craft the items. Mack sent Macradon a message that he only crafted one perfect item today. Macradon would sigh and get to work, preparing his furnace and materials, he would begin to forge the items. It was a circlet and a spear, that it seems. Macradon would try to get those two items done as well as seeing if he could get something great out of his other crafts. Rank 8: 1338/2560 ID: 51005 CD: 2+1=3, Bad item. +1 Exp. LD:
  18. Unknown appeared!

    I called it!


    1. Amira


      Ahem. I quote. ' I called it! '. You admit it!

    2. Macradon
    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      *high fives Mac* Team effort big guy.

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  19. Macradon ran into Zandra's shop after hearing about the new special deal she was having. Even though it wouldn't touch Macradon too much, he would get in and have a big bag of materials ready. "Gimme all your +4 damage potions!" he said and would put a bag with 18 materials in them. Buying 10 damage enhancing potions for the price of 9! Macradon wouldn't let that opportunity jump away from him. Even though they weren't +6 damage, +4 damage were still great and quite strong. - 18 Mats.
  20. [OOC: NP, I do that for weapons] "No problem, hope to see you again!" he would say with a wide smile as the girl would leave his shop. Today had been a good day so he would just sit back in his chair and take a short nap for now, unless his day would be interrupted by more customers with more money for him, which he wouldn't mind at all. He would just accept all the money and craft, it was his job after all. He would sigh as he made the chair rock more violently and faster and put his arms behind his head like a good cushion. - Bloody Claws - Woodpecker
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