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Posts posted by Snow

  1. IMG_5962.thumb.JPEG.8634a069ecc4f60feec7c69e7f35bb9f.JPEGSnow paused in the entryway of the kitchen. Faint light poured out of it as the silhouette of some manner of creature or person crouched over the ingredients area. The blonde cocked her head in a mild confusion. In its hand was a vial of black pepper and she could have sworn it looked like the person-- fiend was about to consume its contents. Several thoughts went through her mind, the foremost being arming herself with a weapon and driving out the beast with the tip of her serrated spear. That would teach it to mess with Baldur's, and by extension of how much time she spent in it, Snow's kitchen. Although, before her hand raised the user interface, another eerie thought etched into her mind from a darker recess. Instead of a vial of pepper, Snow somehow envisioned the figure holding an empty coin purse, tightly clutched, and extreme anxiety on its face.

    "You..." she called out. "You're that guy..."

    The name, if it was ever given, eluded her in the moment. Silhouette or not, the figure reminded her of a desperate face in a crowd of onlookers the day she forced a duel against @Calrex. She blamed him for not protecting Last-Chance on the frontlines the day Daire's letters stopped coming. She blamed him for not using his renowned strength to save everyone. In a way, Snow blamed Calrex for Daire's death. It all seemed like a long time ago.

    Snow flushed in the cheeks at the memory and the embarrassment she felt once the blue haired gentleman revealed his unyielding kindness. In no way could such a man act selfishly when lives were on the line. Even now, Snow expected Calrex, her now guild mate, to be sequestered to some training area attempting to perfect himself as to never see another day of loss. To a degree, she felt sorry for imposing her own burden on someone who already carried so much weight on his shoulders.

    "What are you doing here?" Snow asked to the figure. She flipped on the switch that lit the rest of the kitchen in the warm glow of firelight. Stoves came alive, small interface menus appeared near common workstations, and the color of the intruder's face came into view. He looked to be about her age, short for a man, and just as creepy in the light as the dark. One thing looked apparent though: he seemed hungry and still held the faint look of desperation as to say, 'I don't know what I'm doing. I just want something to eat.'

    Snow propped her hands on her hips and chuckled.

    "Do you like sushi, miso, and fresh rice?" she asked with a smile.


  2. He could hear it now. Don't sweep the leg unless they won't see it coming or you are ready for them to jump. Takumi clenched his teeth. Bismuth leapt into the air, coiled like a snake. Takumi's leg only just returned to a stance he could barely call stable. In combat, a kick paled in comparison to a blade, but in this tournament, a hit was a hit. Who was the young samurai to decide whether or not a blow would lead to a fatal strike or not?

    Both arms raised to block his face. The kick connected and with the full weight of his airborne opponent behind it, sent Takumi rolling feet over head backwards. The tumble devolved into a roll. It took a conscious effort for the ferryman to keep his grip firm on his bokken. His body came to a stop near the edge of the map where Takumi could hear the soft gurgle of the water that surrounded them. On his knees and propped up by his blade, Takumi heaved a few breaths before looking to his opponent with frustration in his eyes.

    After all my training...

    Takumi thumped his bokken's tip into the mat in a display of his self loathing before he got to his feet. Then, with his chin up, the lad took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and looked to Bismuth with a familiar sense of calm. The air around the boy mirrored his mentor. With an fluid, practiced motion, Takumi slid his weapon into the belt at his side as though it were its scabbard.

    "I commend you for continuing despite the look of being out of your element." Takumi complimented. "You've fought well."

    The student samurai placed his hand on the grip of his weapon and his stance rooted. He had felt this a hundred times. He saw it time and time again. After his lessons, the boy would practice its motion with and without Cardinal. Into the late hours of the night, over and over, he rehearsed this move for its speed, precision, and simplicity.

    "Let's see you dodge this one..."

    Like lightning unfurled from the clouds, Takumi's weapon screamed from his makeshift sheath at his side. His arm tensed but moved as fluid as water. A single stroke-- a blur. Takumi's bokken tore a clean line through the air as his entire body leapt toward his foe.

    The art of the quick draw attack, Iajutsu.

    2/3 Takumi

    2/3 @Bismuth

  3. Quote

    Recipient: @Baldur
    Topic: Quest
    Hey, I know this might be out of the blue, but would you be willing to join me on the quest to unlock the fishing skill? I've seen you occasionally fish by yourself at the estate. Maybe you could teach a girl a thing or two? No pressure if you're too busy. I'll be here until around 10:00 am. Okay then. Talk to you later!


    The blonde tapped the icon to send the direct message off to her guild leader. Then, she closed out of all her menus. With a little research earlier in the day, she found out where the NPC that held the quest was located and journeyed off early in the morning. Snow liked to be up before the rest of the guild when she stayed over at Baldur's estate. It usually meant she could ready a kettle of tea or begin the batch of rice they could pull from for the rest of the day. As long as she accomplished something that would benefit someone, Snow felt accomplished. After prepping the tea and rice this morning, she made her way down to the first floor and left the Town of Beginnings for the nearby woods. A few minutes' hike lead her to a small pond surrounded by moss laden trees. At the water's edge stood a small hut and rickety wooden dock barely enough to tie down one small kayak or canoe.

    As Snow approached the shack, a figure peeped up from the water's edge partially hidden by the worn wooden supports of the shack. The man, more triangle than human, lifted a hand in greeting. His broad shoulders, build torso, but shockingly underwhelming legs came closer to Snow and he gave her an uncomfortable look over. Then, with a quick bow, he spoke.

    "Anthony Gill, at your service," he announced. "Let me guess, you were looking for someone old, with a long white beard, and a pipe?" Waggling his eyebrows, the man added, "Sorry to disappoint. Now, what can I do for you?"

    "Um..." Snow began with one step away from the NPC. "I'd like to learn how to fish?"

    Anthony flashed that million-watt smile. "I am honored you would come to me for help. Since we're friends, I'll let you in on a little secret." Reaching into his pocket, Anthony drew out a small tin, then offered it to Snow. "This is a special bait, because a local priest prays over it in a top-secret ceremony.  I'm the only one in the world who has it, so don't bother looking for it anywhere else. If you use it, you'll catch the rare any mysterious Rainbow Fish, which you can harvest for Gleaming Scales. Catch the fish, bring me a scale, and you'll know all there is to know about fishing."

    Snow held her hands out and he plopped it into the middle of her palm. With both of his hands, he wrapped her fingers over the tin and firmly squeezed. Then, without further ceremony, he nodded and ventured to the hut where he disappeared behind its only door. Snow's hand opened and she pinched the worn tin with a look of disgust. Whether the disgust was for the dirty tin, the man who awkwardly put it in her hand, or both... well it was both.

    "Um... What about a pole?" Her voice loudly questioned. Instead she heard snoring from the shack. "Are you kidding me...?"

    The blonde let out a long, tired sigh. It was going to be a day, especially if Baldur didn't show.




  4. "It looked like a lot to carry alone."

    Snow's lips curled into a faint smile and her eyes cast to the waters beside them. In its reflection, the light of day and its colors shone upon her with warmth. The heaviness of the morning felt lighter and the words she spoke this morning carried a slight jest to them. At their core, Baldur knew exactly what they meant now... and then. Her eyes still cast to the reflections of a new day, Snow nodded.

    It is... She thought to herself. But it's lighter now...

    When she felt the boat lurch and Baldur anchor them to the dock, she turned up her eyes to an open hand. A rose hue warmed her cheeks at the display of chivalry. The refinement and discipline she knew him for settled back into his bones despite the squall hidden in his eyes. She took his hand into hers and felt his strength pull her to the dock. Her wooden geta clacked against the warn dock.

    "Please..." Snow looked at him. "When it's just the two of us... please... call me Jason."

    His name.

    Snow felt a loss of words. She remembered learning how taboo the real world was from Shield. He made her swallow the memories of Alyssa Skyfeather and seal them behind the new reality of VR. It almost felt like reality was wrong and the only person on this world they lived in who knew anything of the real world was Daire. For the first time since coming to Sword Art Online and being trapped in a prison of zeros and ones, someone revealed to her their name. Their real name.

    "Alyssa." The name fell from her lips as if on its own. Her expression went from speechless awe to shock. She breathed in and placed her hand on her chest. A pause filled the air between then before her lips parted again. "Call me Alyssa..."

    Layers of pain and sorrow peeled away over the course of these early morning hours. In front of this man, in front of Jason, Alyssa finally felt the relief she vaguely remembered with her closest friend. This was real. Affirmation. Existence.

    "Welcome home."

    Glassy eyed, she nodded and smiled.


    Even though she had her abode on the fourth floor, she truly spent more time here than any other place on Aincrad. Much like the difference of a house and home, this place, with all their guild mates, was a home.

    Snow followed Baldur back onto the grounds as the sounds of life echoed through the halls. One of which being the grumble of Baldur's stomach. Snow giggled-- the first laugh after a heavy morning of reflection.

    "I'll whip something up," Snow replied, lips turned upward. "Why don't you check on the others? I'll make extra in case they want a little breakfast."

    With the respect and dignity of a subordinate to her superior and more, Snow bowed her head before she took her leave. Wooden shoes clacked against the hardwood as she vanished down the hall toward the kitchen. In the distance between them, Snow kept repeating his name in her head and the events of the morning. So many times she had watched him on his pilgrimage. So many times she watched him and the monument from a distance. Perhaps she genuinely needed his support to see Daire again. Perhaps he really needed hers to truly feel the weight of his tradition.

    "Jason," She repeated in a whisper as she walked. It felt strange, but something about it reminded her of their embrace. To share something so personal and unfettered by the false reality they were forced to comply with felt... good.

    Expression bright, stride strong, weight lifted, Snow vanished to her little nook of the compound where she could change into something a little less formal. Then, with haste, she ventured to the kitchen and busied away with her craft.

  5. Snow felt the warm embrace hold her together like so many fragile pieces ready to break. Like glass, clear and transparent, her raw emotions simmered to the surface. As did his. The depths of his eyes opened their gates and from Baldur's eyes flowed the storm that hide under calm waters. The warmth, his heart come to bare, the memories of those unable to share an embrace became too much for her to stifle. Her arms found themselves around him and pulled him close. An embrace she remembered fondly with Daire, Snow let herself become lost, exposed, and open to him. Was this what it felt like? She could hardly remember. It was needed. This was needed. A burden too heavy for one now shared by two.

    Life was funny in that it almost became less real alone. An experience, an event, a moment by itself, seen with only one pair of eyes seemed less real than one shared with another. Did this make those events any less meaningful? Did those events even happen? Would others even know the weight of it? How could they? Unless they were there. Life was funny in that it almost needed to be shared. Experiences, events, and moments forged in company seemed that much more real. An affirmation, a proof of reality. Existence. Life was funny that it meant more with others. It meant more right now. It was real. It was raw.

    Baldur pulled away, his body wracked with the storm held at bay so long by discipline, tradition, and isolation. His head pressed against hers and his mouth parted for words. He spoke none, but what needed to be said was heard. This was real, they were real, the memories were real, and the two of them sat their as proof of it all. Their burdens sat heavy on twin shoulders made lighter by the blossom of a new memory-- of new life. A connection. He was grateful, and the depths of his eyes now like clear waters spoke it in volumes. In Snow's, her pain still lingered but the fragile glass before him stayed together, stronger even. His hands dried her tears and her chest lifted with a single, clear breath.

    Her heart beat for others now. Her life was plural, to be lived for those who could no longer. She took a moment to remember this, to seal away the torrent of memories both as Snow and Alyssa. Memories were a burden, a weakness, and also a strength. They motivated her and stilled her shaking hands. They gave power to her legs so she could stand. It gave her the courage to look at her leader in the eyes and nod. Together, they left their memories behind with the faint scent of incense. They left their loved ones and friends, and left their silence-- their peace.


    Silence meant solitude, but the Town of Beginnings filled with the sounds of good mornings. Fragrant aromas from the day's first meal lingered in the air. The risen sun burned away the dawn and lit the world in color. In this sea of life, the samurai turned to her. She smiled, eyes still tinged red. With a nod, they ventured back. To the gate, he brought them back to the 24th floor. They retraced their steps but the path felt lighter, more vibrant. Snow felt warm and relieved. They made it to the dock and Baldur took them across calm waters to the familiar gate that lead back to the home of Jacob's Ladder.

    "Baldur..." The name left her lips quietly, sincerely. "Thank you."

    In the light of the new day's sun, she turned her eyes up to him and gave him a peaceful, genuine smile. She wanted to say so much more, but another day. Today was a good day-- a day she wanted to live vibrantly, fully. She wanted to fill it with new memories, new connections, new roots.

    Today was a day of life, of endings...

    and beginnings...

  6. She followed closely behind him. Every step seemed to weave them carefully, purposefully through the crowds of the 24th floor. She noticed the quiet of their steps and the absence of voices. The NPCs stayed just out of range as if they were as specters through the land of the living. Practiced through many journeys, the experience of her first pilgrimage with the samurai began to eclipse her own weight of burden. The bundle of incense she clutched drew against her chest which slowly pounded. That sound of her own life force, a tether so real it still bound them to the outside, gave rhythm to the silence. Her geta resounding off stone and wood drowned off...

    Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

    This heart that beat within did not do so for her alone.

    At the crystal, she met her eyes to Baldur's. They spoke in that moment but not with words. They spoke an acceptance, an appreciation, and acknowledgement. His isolation wore so deeply in those lakes of his irises but the refraction of Snow's softened expression filled a void. Relief, she saw. She could only skim the surface of those waters, much like many things with the leader of Jacob's Ladder. She wondered for that brief moment, how deep his waters ran. She wondered to how many would he release the flood gates to and pour out their secrets.

    "The Town of Beginnings," he spoke.

    A town of memories, she thought.

    Like many things grown in life, love bares roots. These roots exist in places, in objects, smells, and sounds. They grow in places of fond memories, of beginnings, and endings. This town, its familiar sounds, scents, and sights, reminded Snow of her roots. This humble city, a place wrought with fear, disbelief, pain, and finally acceptance reminded Snow of the months spent with familiar faces. She remembered the children she cared after. She remembered the lonely nights. She remembered all the letters.

    The weight grew.

    Snow's sights came to rest on the long hallway and what waited for them at its end. Her chest tightened. In this moment, it was Baldur that served as her company-- as her support. His rehearsed steps stayed a pleasant cadence, one she focused on for herself. His step forward pulled her behind and carried her onward. His silent strength lifted her and encouraged her. His presence held her from collapsing at the sight of a single, solitary rose at the foot of the obelisk. Where she froze, Baldur continued, and her eyes began to well with tears.

    The burden of memories cannot be ignored. They are both precious and foul. Images of smiles which could be no longer, of laughter whose echoes fell silent, of letters from the front lines now stagnant in a quiet inbox all came to mind. No matter the number of times those memories flushed Snow's mind, their weight never seemed to lessen. But those same memories drove her forward both here and in her journey to the front lines.

    Snow knelt in front of the solitary rose as Baldur finished. The scent of sweet sake mixed with the smoke of incense both stung the nostrils and calmed the nerves. The half empty container clinked beside the blonde as her glassy eyes skimmed down the list of names in search for the ones from which her memories bled.

    Last Chance....



    Snow's hands tightened around the incense before she, like Baldur, placed them inside a small ceramic jar and lit them. She placed the jar beside the rose and took in a shaky breath. Her eyes closed, and two tears broke away and escaped down her cheeks. Like Baldur, she clasped her hands together.

    This life lived not for one. This heart beat not for Snow alone. A promise drove her forward, drove her to meet Shield of Jacob's Ladder and meet so many new faces she came to call family. A promise to live, to see Daire's parents, to be the social butterfly Daire wanted her to be, and to avoid the mistakes Opal confided in her. Snow lived for them, her heart beat as many, and their lives continued in her memories.

    Her eyes opened to the Rose she left for Daire the day the letters stopped coming into her inbox. That same, horrible day Last Chance had been crossed out. The day her room mate and best friend was taken by fate. Snow took up the sake and with two hands, carefully poured it at the base of the rose's stem. Then, the last of it at the base of the incense jar. A shame, Snow thought with a faint grin through reddened eyes, Opal would have loved to share this sake with them.

    Empty, the vessel of sake became shards in her hands. A hard omen to witness. How many times had he seen it?

    Snow turned her gaze to Baldur and swallowed the well of emotions that brewed within her.

  7. Love. The word used to describe an intangible and nearly indescribable feeling of connection to another person, a thing, a pet... Love is a word used only for the most important, the most dear, and the unforgotten. Unlike life, time, and memories, love lingers beyond. When hearts cease to beat, one will carry the weight of memory, of loss, and pain. Love is beautiful, but it also darkens the brightest of skies in its absence. A loss of light, of connection, and purpose remained when the cruel fate of reality intervenes in what should be an everlasting bliss. Yet, in that pitch black, those pained memories can crest the horizon and bleed light back into a darkened world. Through memory, love may linger and live.

    Since becoming a member of Jacob's Ladder, Snow learned much about her fellow guild mates through observation and the forging of new bonds. Calrex love his training, Shield loved his treasure, and Baldur... The leader of their guild was a man of simple complexity. Always calm, always compassionate, Baldur carried an air of respect around him to a degree of near nobility. His actions carried purpose and one such action occurred almost ritualistically. Curiosity caused her to follow him in the past. Each time, he gathered sake, incense, and orchids. Each time, he took a quiet, lonely journey across the water to the warp gate. Each time, he knelt in front of the black obelisk known as the Monument of Life. Others always left him be in that lonely solace. That silence. That isolation.

    Memories drove people to do many things. They drove Snow to wake early the day after news another floor had been cleared. It drove the young blonde to dress herself formally in a black kimono. Blue lotus patterns adorned the belt around her waist and her golden locks of hair remained in place due to a golden pin adorned with a sprig of blue sakura blossoms. Her feet slid into a pair of traditional geta and carried her toward wear she knew one man would have laid out a jug of fine sake, a stack of aromatic incense, and a bough of orchid blossoms. Memories carried Snow to where lilting notes of contemplation sounded and where a lonely samurai looked out over still waters.

    When he greeted her, she did not speak, only bowed. Much like the memories which haunted them both, she wished to be nothing more than a calming presence to this isolated ritual. And so she quietly followed him-- a different man than the one who carried his chest high and smiled softly to acknowledge those in passing. Once in the boat, he began to paddle across the shimmering water, lit ablaze by the cresting sun. He spoke again to thank her and again she nodded in silence. In her hand, she gripped tightly to a second stack of incense.

    When Baldur finally chuckled and a smile shone through the crack of his somber reflection, Snow lifted her cerulean gaze to his. She smiled.

    "It looked like a lot to carry alone," she stated cryptically. Did she mean the offerings? Or the weight so heavily seated on their shoulders?

    A light absorbed them as they both drifted through the portal and emerged on the other side.

  8. Despite his aggressive advance, Takumi's opponent remained a contestant through and through. The two points that loomed over his foe's head must have finally moved them into action. The thrust meant to finish the duel found only air. Through the corner of his gaze, Takumi watched his target sidestep. To his side, where his heels lacked the ability to pivot as freely as his other side, the swordsman felt a sense of impending dread.

    I won't be fast enough! Raced though his mind. He tried to turn, bring his blade up to block, but he only felt the shock of impact radiate from the crook of his neck and shoulder.

    Teeth clenched, eyes wide, the ferryman recalled a lesson from his mentor. There was confidence and arrogance. When taking the offensive, confidence carried strength and determination. Arrogance on the other hand carried weakness and opportunity.

    Takumi scowled. The faint simmer of frustration lingered at the back of his mind. To have the tides turn from his own arrogance-- the boy could only imagine the words Baldur would share with him. He stemmed his emotions with a deep breath.

    "Fair point," the boy commented, but the tinge of anger lingered on his words. Without further pause, the samurai adopted another lesson from his master: the swordsman is as much the weapon as the blade. Takumi dropped low and swept his leg out to catch his foe's. Takumi's heated gaze remained keen, ready to flow into a final strike at the faintest opportunity of lost footing.

    Takumi - 2/3

    @Bismuth- 1/3

  9. After sharing a word with Lessa, Snow served the few other patrons that wanted another cup of tea. She returned to the kitchen, filled with the familiar aroma of Cordelia's ramen, and prepped the kettle for another round later in the evening. As she cleaned, @Baldur's voice rang out. As it seemed, Takumi would be participating this match.

    "He's a good kid," Snow spoke aloud to herself.

    The blonde finished drying the kettle and cups then returned to her cushion near where Baldur had already perched himself to observe the second round. She swept her kimono under her as she knelt and lifted her tea to her lips. Cold. All warmth left her drink while she busied about, but a sense of familiar comfort came from the room temperature beverage. As she sipped it down, memories of her parents dwindled at the back of Alyssa's mind. Her dad always left his half finished tea or coffee on the counter when she was little. In an effort to be an adult like them, she always found a way to steal away a sip of the drink she wasn't supposed to have at that age. It was bitter then as it was now, but age changed many things.

    Snow smiled while she placed her cup back on the table. The warmth of her memories also cooled into a soft chill of sadness. She missed them. She hoped they weren't sick with worry.

    "Stop fucking with me!"

    The shout from the mat echoed into her skull and shook Snow from her thoughts. Blue eyes snapped to the source where @Alkor reeled from a self inflicted blow to the face.

    "What in the..." Snow's brows lowered in concern as @Lessa dropped her weapon. What was going on? This wasn't the pair that saved her from the sand worm.

    A few words exchanged between the two, lost to the cacophony of noise from the others. Anguish met concern until a revelation occurred and Lessa rearmed herself. Then, as though the channels of communication opened like a dam to a river, their blows exchanged one after the other. Snow did not watch a fight, no. This was a conversation. Something deeper than she could perceive or understand happened each time their weapons met. It forced Snow to tilt her head curiously. They finally looked like the pair that saved her.

    Then came the subtle, but decisive blow. Graceful, faint, but purposeful, Lessa claimed her victory. It seemed everything but celebratory. Baldur's quill scratched away beside her as Snow watched the two. She could not hear the words, but she felt enthralled by the expression between the two. Snow came to expect friendly or fierce competition. Their battle was everything but.

  10. The force of the blow against Bismuth echoed down the length of the weapon and through Takumi's hands. It spoke the gravity of impact delivered to his opponent and despite Baldur's teaching, the young man felt sympathy for his opponent. The tatami mats fell to the floor in shards. His opponent, on the other hand, continued to persist. Perhaps this is the same feeling Baldur felt when his bokken struck Takumi during their lessons? The youth recalled Baldur's calm, unflinching expression.

    No... Master Baldur-dono was beyond sympathy. I have to be better. The young swordsman thought to himself as his opponent's feet told him their next move-- distance.

    "Always watch the feet," Takumi mumbled to himself as a reminder. Yet, his gaze never drifted from Bismuth's eyes. The lad focused on the eyes but kept his peripherals trained on the feet. Bismuth tried to create distance. His sword arm moved to the side and so did Takumi bring his blade to match. As Bismuth swung, the ferryman stepped into the blow, caught his opponent's weapon against his, and let the momentum slide along his bokken as he carried the strike high and over his head. Takumi moved his wrist to swat the movement clear from him while simultaneously snapping the length of his blade sharply against Bismuth's neck-- a clean riposte.

    Confidence now swelled within him. Takumi wanted to glance to his master and see what expression he wore, but his focus remained on his opponent. The match continued and to ignore your foe out of pride would be a great insult.

    Takumi stepped back from the blow but kept his blade high near his head. Instead of a sweeping strike, the apprentice samurai again stepped inward against Bismuth and thrust his blade square toward the middle of his foe's chest. Would this be the decisive attack?

    2/3 Takumi

    0/3 @Bismuth

  11. The attention from the crowd directed by Baldur's words plucked at Takumi's ribs. His posture remained tall, his expression held a confident but pleasant smile, and he kept his hand on the wooden sword slid through his belt. Once finished, the young man's eyes followed his mentor to where he would watch the matches. As Baldur sat, the weight of expectation settled on Takumi's shoulders. Both of his brows settled low and the fledgling samurai turned his attention toward his opponent. It felt unusual to be matched against one of the people he ferried to the island not too long ago. A part of him felt like he was about to assault a guest, but he remembered the teachings of his mentor. In combat, your enemy is not to be feared or hated, but respected. The way of the sword revolved around respect, discipline, and determination. Or at least that's what he remembered.

    Takumi formally bowed to @Bismuth.

    "I know we've met briefly, but it is my honor to share this duel with you." The young man straightened himself. His footing squared up against his opponent and slid about a shoulder's width apart. With his left hand against the belt which held the training sword in place, his right hand gripped the weapon high against the hilt and he drew it in a fluid, linear stroke.

    "May the best of us win." His left hand joined his right hand on the blade and it settled the weapon rigidly in front of him. Takumi took in a breath, locked eyes with Bismith, and his grip tightened.

    "On your guard!" Takumi bent at the knees, then lunged himself forward. The attack telegraphed cleanly. His blade rose high over his head then swung diagonally down like he remembered from so many tatami mats. Takumi thought of his mentor and hoped to meet Baldur's expectation with his practiced form above some of the fancier moves he tried alone. Speed and precision would let his strike land, but offered plenty of opportunity for his foe to act. Takumi hoped to glean some information from his opponent's reaction. Then, the fight would truly begin.





  12. Long after she finished her breakfast and let Lockne lick at the plate, Snow still found herself staring out the window as time ticked by. Her thoughts drifted to all those she met in her life in SAO and how many of them were no longer with them or missing. At least she still had Baldur, Calrex, and the rest of Jacob's Ladder. Hand against her head and propped up, Snow let out a long drawn sigh. Her mind slipped back into the reality of now and the list of chores she planned on completing today. All of which likely started with her getting herself dressed. She lifted her head off her hand and checked under her chair's legs for Lockne. Sure she wouldn't run over the little critter, Snow slid back in her chair and snagged her dish from the floor. She quickly ran it under the water until it became clean and stashed it away with the rest of the china.

    The blonde made her way to the bedroom and vanished into the walk in wardrobe. Menus pinged and swiped from inside until she stepped out in a modern set of attire she had tailored. It felt more like home to her.


  13. “I’ve got this,” Snow replied as encouragement to Tigress just as much as herself. She remembered how much she and Assassin struggled against these bats the first time. Being unable to see in the dark proved slightly difficult. With Snow’s thorns, she felt it easier to let them harm themselves on her armor and let her regen keep her topped up.

    203680   3   4   15   2   Snow  

    Howl vs Giant Bat

    Low Visibility Field <-1 ACC> to all Players
    [+1 EN]
    [-2 EN] Howl <+2 Hate>

    Hate: <4> Snow: 440/440HP 59/62 EN
    Hate: <0> Tigress: 120/120HP 30/30EN

    Giant Bat: 75/75 DMG: 35
    [MD 2] <Miss>

    As the bat made for a second pass, Snow ducked low and let it pass overhead. As it tried to recover in the air, Snow pressed her fingers to her lips and let loose another shrill whistle to draw the monster’s attention to her.

    ”Sounds like a plan.” Snow kept her eyes fixed on the giant critter as she spoke to Tigress. “I have a good hold on his attention. Now is your chance to bring him down.”

    Snow’s spear readied in anticipation of intercepting the beast for the third time or if Tigress put herself in peril. Last time, Snow lacked the ability to howl and pull aggro, this time, she felt more like a protector. Perhaps this time, only Snow would get hurt. 


  14. As Snow lead the way closer to the cave and their fist opponent, she thought about Tigress’s words. They held truth in that NPCs were just programming intended to be used by the players, but in a world where they looked no different than the players, the line of real and fake blurred. The expression of pain, the screams, the begging, all sounded just like a person’s. How could someone turn a blind eye to that kind of suffering? How could one witness the slaughter and not see the random programs as one of their friends, family, or loved one? If anything, NPCs could still return to life, but that luxury did not extend to the 10,000 players originally trapped in SAO. Some of the first had no warming. At least players like Snow and Tigress knew that their number of lives in this digital world remained at a cold, hard one.

    Tigress continued to warn her about Snow’s mannerisms and she too heard similar from Mari, the well known orange player. As the cave approached her view, Snow breathed a sigh of defeat. She knew her kindness was a weakness to be exploited. She knew that it could one day be the reason her heart ceased to beat. But just as Tigress stated, if more people were like her, the world wouldn’t be so unforgiving. Perhaps that sole reason drove Snow to continue her selfless actions. One day, just maybe, others might see the warmth and positivity and be moved to imitate it. 

    “We’re here,” Snow commented. She abruptly stopped and gripped her spear at the ready. “Don’t attack until I have it’s aggro.”

    The words from Snow’s lips lacked kindness. It almost seemed as though a new soul piloted her body. Although the blonde was still herself, a ferocity born of loss filled her actions and her words. She committed to help and at no cost would she let herself or her new acquaintance stare the fear of death in the eye.

    203648 5 7 10


    Terrrible formatitign to be resolved later. MD 3 MISS. Snow 2 Hate 440/400 HP 60/62 EN

    [-2 EN] Howl <+2 Hate>

    Hate: <2> Snow: 440/400HP 60/62EN
    Hate: <0> Tigress: 120/120HP 30/30EN

    Giant Bat: 75/75HP 35DMG
    [MD 3] <Miss>

    From the cave, sounds of wild fluttering resounded. Snow lowered the tip of her spear and with a deep breath, pursed her lips and loosed a shill whistle. The <Giant Bat> emerged and flew straight at Snow. With its clawed feet, it swept for the blonde to which Snow deftly jerked out of its way. It flew past and swiftly maneuvered for a second pass, oblivious of the Tigress among them.

  15. As she watched Calrex leave the kitchen with the tea, she turned her attention to the remaining tray. Steam softly lilted from the neck of the kettle and the scent of steeped leaves lingered like a floral bouquet. In the humid heat of the kitchen, Snow took just a moment longer to appreciate the silence. The presence of those like Calrex, Baldur, Cordelia, and the rest of Jacob's Ladder calmed the blonde. The slew of unfamiliar faces, although welcomed and overall pleasant, tugged at the strings in Snow's chest. The anxiety of being judged flared despite her posture and despite her relationship to the lord of the estate. She took a breath to focus on it, hold it tight, and stuff it deep into the dark recesses of her being.

    "Tea," she muttered. She then swept up the remaining tray and with a painted smile, returned to the busy hall filled with guests.

    Snow smirked to herself at the sight of @Calrex serving tea to a sizable group. She even noticed the intense eye contact from yet another girl (@Yona) in what seemed like a challenge or insult.  Perhaps he found himself a training partner sooner than Snow anticipated? The girl then turned around and left toward the dojo near the sand garden on the outer perimeter of Baldur's estate. Snow chuckled.

    Tea, she reminded herself.

    Of all the tenants, her sights landed on a familiar face that looked a touch flustered and just a little worn form her earlier match. Snow walked up to @Lessa, tea in hand and offered a slight curtsy in greeting.

    "Lovely match, Lessa," Snow commented. The last they saw each other was with @Alkor in the seventh floor where both of them displayed combat prowess to put show to shame against the giant sand worm. Speaking of... "I saw Alkor around here too, did the two of you decide to come together or just a coincidence?"

    The blonde quickly realized how informal she sounded. Afterall, they hardly knew one another aside from that one meeting, and Lessa looked a bit nervous.

    "I'm sorry. That was a bit forward. Can I offer you some tea? Take a moment to relax and refresh?" Snow gestured to the cast iron kettle with ornate designs and several ceramic mugs.

  16. "Eye dragger?"

    Snow looked at her weapon with a squint in her eyes. To her, the polearm seemed simple. Compared to some of the oversized, ornate, and impractical weapons wielded on the front-lines, this was a toothpick by comparison. She shrugged at the notion. It's beauty resided in the fine details one could only see up close. That either meant someone was close enough to inspect it or found themselves at its business end. Tigress continued and admittedly, the girl would look silly if she tried to use a weapon so much longer than she was tall. Snow stifled a smile.

    "For me?" responded the blonde. The answer was easy. "I made a promise..."

    Snow's words lingered and a weight settled into her chest. As much as she grieved, Snow still felt pained from the memories. She let the weight sink deep beneath, lifted her shoulders, and took a breath.

    "I promised a close friend I would help others. This fight is not one we can win alone. So if I can ease someone's burden, I will try."

    A glint of determination shone in the light of her blue eyes. It spoke of her honesty but her lack of belief in herself. Her strength was borrowed and her facade an armor to her fear. Still, she had a life to live for two. Three if you count Opal.

    "And it's okay if you can't pay me or return the favor. As long as I am useful, that's all that matters to me. Maybe you'll remember me when you get stronger? Maybe you'll ask me to help you out another time? Who knows."

    Snow recalled the twisted face of the NPC mother back in the town of Urbus. She recalled the players that brushed past her, Snow included.

    "And I just hate the look of that worried mother. So it'll be nice to ease her mind if only for a while." The blonde's fingers rose and summoned her HUD. Her fingers danced across the translucent menus until a small blinking icon flashed on a topographical map of the area. The cave they were looking for was only a few paces out of the way.

    "Shall we?" Snow gestured with her spear in the rough direction. Tall trees loomed overhead and a worn path led into the shadows of their canopy. "I'll lead."

    The self proclaimed Valkyrie started toward their objective and walked past Tigress, presenting her armored back to the stranger. The disregard for safety spoke to a degree of trust or a degree of ignorant bliss. Either way, the thought of the Tigress as a threat never neared Snow's mind.


  17. Snow felt curious about the girl’s choice to mention the cat like characteristics she chose to wear. When she returned to the shadows of her hood, Snow recalled the visage of Assassin. When they first met, it went just like this. The smaller of the two held such intensity and determination to be taken seriously. Assassin also preferred the confined of her hood to hide how young she was. Perhaps Tigress also had a reason for her behavior. Maybe she just liked cats. Who was Snow to judge?

    Ah, well I didn’t want to mention it, but I’ve met other players who have their own unique traits they’d prefer not to talk about all the time— someone you remind me a little of actually met me during that quest you just took.” Snow admitted. 

    As the girl looked her over in search of a weapon, Snow held out her palms. It was true she preferred not to travel in the safe zones armed, but the length of her spear proved a bit tricky to carry all the time. 

    “I use spears, but they’re a bit cumbersome to always walk around with.” Snow opened her menus and navigated to the weapons tab where she selected and equipped Sif’s Needle. The spear’s polished white shaft materialized in her hand and the golden, ornately designed blade shone brightly at its tip. Snow lifted it up a bit and rotated its length enough for the sunlight to catch the mini serrations along the head’s edge. While somewhat plain, the blade’s design ripped and tore away at targets so the wounds would bleed heavily.

    Snow set her weapon down beside her and leaned onto it slightly as she cocked her hips. 

    “Nice to meet you, Tigress. Say, I know this is sudden, but if you’d like some help on your quest, I could tag along. I remember the layout and I’m built for support. I know you might not trust me, and we don’t even need to formally party. I can just pull the aggrieved for you.”

    Snow didn’t expect a positive response given the rest of their current conversation, but the short redhead reminded her so much of assassin. Snow always wanted to help others and be of use to someone, why not a stranger? Judging by her stature and green cursor, Tigress seemed unlikely to be one of those killers. Even then, Snow’s closest friends are and were known PKers. Not all orange cursors are bad people.


  18. A small figure spent some time by the woman and the expression of worry transfigured into gratefulness. Snow smiled. Perhaps people still took the quest after all. Smile quickly turned to confusion as the figure shed its hood to reveal a pair of cat ears. That same pair of ears turned tail and marched on up to Snow. Now, the blonde stood eye to eye with the other player and at the end of some crass words. Snow held her hands up innocently.

    "No, no!" Snow waived her armored hands peacefully and defensively. "I'm just grateful is all."

    Snow's soft Czech accent hung on her words.

    "I didn't mean to stare, it's just I didn't expect anyone to accept the poor woman's quest. I did it a long time ago, but it's still so sad to see her beg. I also can't help but worry for the little girl either. Even if they're NPCs, they still feel like people, don't you think so?"

    Snow lowered her hands to her side and took a step back from the girl who now stood much closer than the blonde expected. She then slightly bowed her head.

    "I'm sorry." Lifting her head, Snow smiled. "I'm Snow, by the way. You are?"


  19. The town of Urbus paled in comparison to the Town of Beginnings but held a similar, circular layout. The innermost rings contained the most traffic and the outermost rings contained residences, dark alleys, and obscure shops. Compared to the Town of Begginings, Urbus excelled in one area- mineral selection. Thanks to the topography of the floor, the mountainous expanse became home to hundreds of small mines. Caves were commonplace and many adventurers sought treasure in their dark expanses. One needed to be careful, for many of the caves became home to hoards of monsters.

    Snow found herself on the second floor on a journey for enjoyment. She loved to shop the stands of various minerals and crystals. While she did not work as an artificer, Snow felt that something about raw crystals were just mesmerizing. Of all the ones she saw, the blonde preferred translucent ones with a blue color. They reminded her of sapphire or aquamarine. As she perused the wares of various merchants, she dreamed about owning one of the stones as a necklace or ring -- something subtle but enough to catch the eye. As a self proclaimed protector, maybe she'd have it enhanced to help her heal? She heard that such rare pieces of equipment did exist, but only at the cost of extreme peril.

    As the thought of peril lingered in her mind, Snow overheard a panicked cry of a woman. Something about the voice seemed familiar.

     "Pl-please," Snow overheard, "I've been trying to find someone to help me all day. My child--"

    A pause cut her off as one player ignored her as they walked by. The woman turned her attention to another player, and pressed her hands together in front of them.

    "She-- she was playing in one of the caverns in the mountains with her friend. I-I told her not to go but she didn't listen to me!" The woman began to cry. "Her friend came back to me just this moment a-and said that they were attacked by monsters! T-the beast is still in there with her, please, I don't know how long my Koko can last in a place like that!"

    Snow inhaled sharply when her memory jogged. A long while ago she helped a small girl ironically named Assassin complete that quest. The experience weighed heavily on Assassin and Snow learned much about her fellow player. To see players ignore the woman seemed so sad, but Snow understood. Many of the others already completed the quest and not many new players branched out from the Town of Beginnings. Snow would be shocked to see someone accept the quest, but a part of her would also be a little relieved. NPC or not, it pained her to see others suffer.





  20. Tiktok Fake Window Trend (Your Name) (Anime) (Wind Ambience) - YouTube

    From the window beside the sitting table, Snow looked out the the vivid colors of the third floor. Every day, the colors shone vibrantly. On rainy days or the few weeks of snow, the floor still held a semblance of its color. In fact, the winter month yielded special berries similar to a cross between cranberries and pomegranates. Thankfully, her estate offered her plenty of privacy. No one would be peeping in on her in her nightgown, not that it was particularly revealing or anything. To be seen in your nightwear is reserved for close friends or partners.

    Snow sighed.

    "I miss you..." she softly mumbled. Snow held her fork to the window and looked past it until the shape blurred away. In a way, the faint silhouette almost looked like a person. She missed her best friend and even though Snow knew her name laid etched out on the Monument of Life, she still felt like Daire would walk through those doors at any moment.

    "I wonder what Mari is up to...?" It had been ages since her other friend that looked a bit like Daire had contacted her. She hoped all was well. At the same time, her chest tightened with the thoughts of worse fates.

    Lost in thought, Snow quietly munched on her breakfast while Lockne gnawed on the leg of her chair.

  21. Snow shook her head.

    I doubt it had to do with your skills,” she replied to @Calrex. “Those aren’t in question. If anything, it has to do with your movements versus your foe’s. You’re leagues above myself, but that doesn’t mean you’re invincible nor can you predict the unpredictable.

    The blonde cast her eyes to the floor for a moment. The words that left her lips took to the air with a personal weight. She looked back up to him with an ounce of cheer missing from her eyes.

    But you know that every time you and the others face a floor boss.

    The air soured from Snow’s rough interjection of reality into the lightness of the festivities. She straightened her posture, lifted her chin, and resumed a smile.

    Tea,” she stated. “If you’d like to help, follow me. I could use another pair of arms to carry the sets.

    Without further pause, Snow bowed to @Baldur and dismissed herself toward the guild kitchen where @Cordelia slaved away to make all the ramen for the day. The rich aroma of handmade stock and tonkotsu pork thickened the air as she approached. She offered a nod to Baldur’s protege as she slipped past to the several sets of cast iron kettles and ceramic cups. With hot water already prepared thanks to Cordelia’s labors, Snow ceremoniously prepped the tea. She took extra care to hold her sleeves as to not get them wet with tea or water.

    Once prepped, she set hot kettles filled with the brew of loose green tea leaves and stacks of traditional ceramic cups on two trays— one for Calrex, the other for her.

    All set,” she remarked. She lifted one and presented it to the partially clothed bluenette. “Here you go. Just make some rounds and see if anyone needs some tea. It’d be a good way for you to introduce yourself to some of the other contestants. Maybe you’ll find a sparring partner for the evening.

    Snow chuckled. She knew how much time Calrex spent in the dojo and how much he would not turn down the opportunity to spar.


  22. Why Lockne liked egg shells, Snow didn’t know, but it seemed mimics practically ate whatever you gave them. Non-food items they just liked to keep inside likely to entice something to reach in. Snow lost count how many times Lockne took a nip at someone’s fingers. Still, the mimic did a great job of protecting Snow’s little trinkets and valuables. Even when feeding, somehow Lockne kept the food and Snow’s things separate from one another. I’m short, mimics must be scavenger monsters. Whatever food they could find, they ate. So, for Snow, Lockne was the best little scrap cleaner she could ask for.


    Eggs sizzled, bacon crackled, and the whole house filled with the savory aromas. Food nearly ready, Snow pressed a few buttons on the stove’s UI to cut the heat. From another cupboard, she grabbed a square plate and served her breakfast on it. Before she could go sit down at her small sitting table near the front window, Snow put one of the three pieces of bacon in her mouth. Bacon dangling, she walked over and took a seat, Lockne in tow.

  23. With a wry smile, Snow set the eggs down and searched the cabinets for her cast iron pan. She used the stove's UI to light a flame and let the surface get to temp. While she waited, Snow used her trusty Sushi Knife she had made for her cooking profession to slice off a few pieces of bacon from the slab. When the pieces hit the pan, they crackled and sizzled like music to her and Lockne's ears. Do mimics even have ears? Snow shrugged at the thought and wrapped up the slab of bacon. She placed it back in the ice box and grabbed the two eggs yet again. Lockne chattered. Snow smiled.

    "Reeaaadddy?~" Snow teased again. Lockne hopped and threatened to nip at Snow's ankle only to illicit a laugh from the girl. "Okay! Okay!"


    With that, Snow cracked both eggs into the pan where the bacon had begun to render. Then, she tossed the two shells to Lockne who caught them mid-air with a series of crunches.

  24. 10 Episode kitchens ideas | kitchen background, episode interactive  backgrounds, anime house

    Once in the kitchen, Snow swung open the door to the ice box and much like before this death game, she stared at its contents blankly. She knew what was in it, but a force of habit encouraged her to simply gloss over all of the ingredients and leftovers within as though she was seeing it for the first time. Lockne took this time to squeeze between Snow's feet and join her like the mimic she was in looking over its contents. Unlike Snow, Lockne would have been content eating any of it. The little mimic's chatter broke Snow from her leisurely trance and she settled on a classic breakfast: eggs and bacon. As Snow removed the ingredients, Lockne followed her hands with intense focus. Her familiar knew what to expect just as Snow knew just what to do to make the little creature happy.

    "You ready, Lockne?" Snow teased, holding two eggs above the mimic with a slight shake. In reply, her familiar hopped and chattered its lid.

  25. The tournament raged on as Snow watched intently from her perch beside Baldur. Compared to combat in the field, these skirmishes were far shorter and to the point. Snow even physically reeled back the moment @Alkor's training weapon became a mess of splinters. Her pale, blue eyes traced him from the tournament floor and off to some unknown corner of the estate after his victory. Of all the participants to watch, Snow felt Alkor would not disappoint. @Calrex on the other hand fell just shy of his victory versus a blonde similar to Snow herself. The sight alone versus such a renown player and member of their guild forced Snow into a slight chuckle. Her memory hearkened back to the day she challenged the bluenette to a duel and bested him under the strict constraints she placed on him. As he left the tournament grounds and approached, Snow lightly clapped her hands.

    "You didn't have to let her win that one like you did with me," Snow teased.

    She joked, but Snow knew Calrex didn't like the idea of throwing a match. He was a kind man, but of all things, she knew he respected competition. As he looked on at the continuing fights, it only cemented her assessment of the man. His heart was in the field and that's where it lived.

    "Why don't you sit?" Snow gestured to the other end of the table. "I can fetch you some tea."

    While she spoke, another fight caught the blonde's eye. She recognized yet another familiar face, one she met with Alkor-- @Lessa. As she watched the woman's blows bat around her opponent, Snow almost felt bad for them. She remembered how confident and strong Lessa was. Each swing of her weapon connected with purpose and followed through with conviction. Lessa stood tall and proud. Of all the combatants on the field, Snow conceded that she admired Lessa the most. The warrior was everything Snow strived to be. Well... maybe a little less intimidating.

    She chuckled to herself and took another sip of tea.

    "One day..." she mumbled under her breath.

    All in all, the first round of combatants drew to a close. Many of the contestants finished their matches and mingled back into the onlookers. This meant another round of tea needed brewing. She looked to @Baldur with an expression that said it was "that time" before pushing herself back on the tatami and carefully lifting herself from the floor. Her hands smoothed out any wrinkles on her floral kimono and she lifted her chest with a sharp breath.

    "So," she began, eyes on Calrex. "About that tea?"

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