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Status Updates posted by Rain

  1. Today, I felt like the boulder from avatar. While typing out some of my posts... I actually wrote in third person, "The rain..." blah blah blah. ._.

    1. Baldur


      The Baldur is not amused! :P

    2. Rain
    3. Rain


      Ooooh!!! potion idea! "Compels the drinker to speak in 3rd person." >:)

  2. Uh.. I think you might be mistaken in something... You aren't allowed to double post unless it's an SP...

    1. Jazper


      Mind your business, Kekoa lol. Thanks Rain I will edit that.

  3. Welp... I guess werewolves can't fly... for now. >:)

  4. Woah, only me and one other person online. Whaaa :o

    1. Hirru


      Hmm, I wonder...

  5. WTB any amount of  T2 and T3 Materials. Offer Price.

    1. Kimi


      check out shields shop


    2. Macradon


      I'd sell some Mats for 850 for each T2 Mat, and 1400 for each T3 Mat

  6. Yo these 404s are driving me insane! Anyone else getting them?!

    1. Seul


      Doesn't seem like it.

    2. Helios


      I think it's just you.

  7. Yooo this thread is intense af! As I type that [censored] in the thread, I'm tripping [censored] trying to figure out what's gonna happen. O___________________O

  8. You finally shrunk your sig. :') I don't have to scroll a bunch now to get to the next post. #lifewithoutamouse

    1. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Yea. I had been debating on dropping it into a spoiler for a bit, but was always putting it off. Then Takneil messaged me about it and so I changed it, putting all but the basics in a spoiler.

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