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About Vigilon

  • Birthday 10/16/1998

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    Solo Player

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  1. Since I was wondering about something, and wanted to get other people's opinions about it...

    Is it possible for typical players like myself to start Poll-type threads in SAO(OOC) subforum to get other players' opinions on something?

    1. Hirru


      If you have the option, then you should be able to.

      I've seen quite a few people put up their own with ideas.

      Please give us your thoughts.

    2. Vigilon



      Well, from what you're saying, I think I haven't given the context...so I will do so now, 'cause better late than never.

      Basically, I have found myself in a specific roadblock. I have been considering getting Vigilon into GGORPG, but unlike with SAORPG, I ended up finding about four potential avatar choices and I can't seem to figure out which one to go with. Thus, I considered possibly letting the players around share their thoughts on which one should be the avatar Vigilon ends up with. Besides, all I could come up with on asking for the players' opinions kind of comes in like a multiple choice question that would be easier to track by going with the poll setup. I also didn't see a "GGO(OOC)" subforum anywhere in the world seed, and last time I checked, discord is still not an option for me. And yes, the Poll option does appear for me when I prepare to start a thread.

      So...does my context change the answer, or can I still ask for players' thoughts?

    3. Stryder


      @Vigilon If you need anything Gun Gale Online wise, i'm running that project so i can help you in that regard :) As for there being no OOC subform, that is something we really should get on, thanks for bringing that to my attention :)

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