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Posts posted by Dazia

  1. She had only started on this whole trip, and already she wasn't in the best mood. Valna was the kind of person who usually meant well, but her...thirst could get ahead of her...way too often. Dazia shook her head. "It's not like she's gonna change, anyway. No one ever listens to the youngest..." She thought aloud.

    She checked the minimap she had on the slip of paper, and compared that to her actual map, marking potential spots or areas. She soon planned a route and she would be on her way to the first spot again. It wasn't long before she came across a snowy clearing in the floor's forests. "Looks like this is one of them..." She decided. She began to look around, wondering exactly why this place was the site of conflict. It was a clearing, so it wasn't very strategic unless there were particular reasons why... The fact that Dazia was currently coming up empty as to a potential answer did nothing good for her mood, but her mood didn't worsen, either.

  2. Yinangi was already tired of this. "Mom talked to me a few months before she died."

    Silence, accompanied by both Dazia and Valna just staring wide-eyed. "She apparently had been unwilling to tell me until I was much older, but since she acknowledged she might die, she told me anyway on the off chance that she didn't make it to tell me and I lived." Yinangi added. "It took adversity to get her to tell you at the right time?" Valna asked. "Smart woman, considering about the future..." Dazia remarked. Despite these comments, Dazia and Valna still had very surprised expressions on their faces.

    Valna's surprise transitioned into a comfortable smirk. "...So...she's had the talk after all...so that means I'm free to talk about-"

    "Absolutely not." Dazia interrupted. "Now let's not get off track, I have to do some investigation, if you'll excuse me..."

    Dazia left the two players, and began walking toward the first area she would be heading over to investigate.

  3. Dazia was not convinced. "I know you've got a cloak on, but seriously, you'd need extensive fortitude against this freezing environment if you're to avoid taking damage from hypothermia wearing something like...that." She remarked. "Oh, come on, what's wrong with looking hot? I've got the survival skill, I'll be fine." Valna noted. "You have a child with you, Hiraani." Dazia countered. "Touche." Came Valna's response.

    Yinangi did not look amused. "I'm not eight, nine or even ten, Dazia." She noted. "I was twelve when this game began. I might still look like I'm twelve, and have the physical traits of a twelve year old, but I'm not exactly twelve anymore." She said with her arms crossed.

    Dazia facepalmed and sighed. "But I'm pretty sure you're still too young and innocent for-"

    "You know that she's gonna know about it someday, Violet." Valna interrupted. "Why do you want her to not know?"

  4. Dazia would leave the tavern, it was now daylight, despite the fact that most of the floor seemed to be in an overcast. Valna and Yinangi followed after. "So, what's the plan?" Yinangi asked.

    Dazia looked over to the young white haired player. "This is a dangerous task, it involves investigating known locations of the floor where there was strife between players. I'm trying to find out why it's almost always this floor." She explained. She pulled out the small map, and let Yinangi and Valna take a look at it. "How about we split up to cover more ground?" Yinangi suggested. "That's a terrible idea, this floor is dangerous enough as it is. Besides, you'd need to be level twenty and not taking any quests to have a chance of holding your own out there against the toughest monsters." Dazia quickly responded. "She's level nineteen, so she's pretty close. If you're still that concerned, I can help her out a little longer, still able to cover some ground for you." Valna reassured.

  5. "So, these 'glacial depths'...I assume they are located in the cove?" Dazia asked. "Indeed. Many powerful enemies lurk within, but those who are above level twenty shouldn't have very much trouble delving in." Seline answered. "I won't stop you from going there, but if you happen to see a player named Ithena, please, at least let me know, she was a former guildmate of mine before she disappeared..."

    Dazia thought for a moment. Most informants take payments, so perhaps she could turn it into a favor...if this Ithena wasn't an issue to deal with. Chances were, having survived this long in a monster infested area would be quite a feat, and she wasn't dealing with a fool if she were to try and rescue this player. "I'll keep an eye out for this player if I go there." Dazia decided. With that, Dazia now had enough to go about her goal, as she was handed a slip of paper that was essentially a miniature, hand drawn map of the fourth floor, showing the locations of reported conflict.

  6. Time to ask. "I'm looking for the location of this floor said to be where most of the conflict between players is said to take place, I intend to investigate it and find out why." Dazia said, answering the woman's question. 

    "Ah, I see...you are not the first to question the nature of this floor, and it is unlikely that you will be the last. There are multiple locations on the floor that might answer your question...but beware of the glacial depths, not only has combat ensued there, but there had been a disappearance there. One who had spoken to me about that which you are investigating traveled there, but never returned. Her name still remains untouched on the monument, but no one has seen her for a long time..." The woman explained. "Are you willing to introduce yourself, though? I am Seline."

    Dazia was reluctant to answer, but if she was to be her informant, an exchange of names would be necessary. "My username is Dazia." She answered.

  7. Weeding out the weak, what a way to do it. Informants often traded intelligence to anyone, no matter how dumb, but this one seemed to be more...selective. Dazia knocked on the door, and there seemed to be a sequence of chimes being rang, as if someone had made wind chimes into a playable instrument. Was this a signal to enter? Dazia opened the door, and saw someone there. A female, with her head caught up in some notes, by the looks of it. She held a book in one hand, and her other hand had just placed down a stick. Near the newly free hand seemed to be a set of wind chimes, deliberately arranged to be played by something other than wind. This woman did not seem to fully acknowledge Dazia, so perhaps she was waiting for something...

    "Birds of all feathers flock back to the nest." Dazia said.

    The woman smiled. "Long have I waited to hear that phrase again..." She said before finally looking over to Dazia and putting her book down. She looked Dazia up and down, as if analyzing her silently. After some silence, she spoke again. "You don't seem to be those who I was originally seeking out, but you'll do just fine. You're here for intelligence, aren't you? You've passed what was meant to filter out everyone else, so you now have my attention. What is it you need to know?"


    The Informant:




  8. Yinangi smiled. "No problem!"

    Valna nodded, silently agreeing with Yinangi. Dazia would then leave that table, to seek out the other one. There were a fair number of cloaked individuals around this tavern, but it was admitted to her as preparation for contact began, that this other informant would be a challenge to find.

    The only clue was a phrase of sorts. "Birds of all fathers flock back to the nest". She looked around, it was difficult to see where anything linked to such a phrase would see...within this room. Maybe that was it, as plenty of taverns in this game had inns as well...Dazia's eyes turned towards the staircase that most likely led to the second story, where the rooms were. She made her way up, then looked around the hall. On one of the doors was some kind of decoration, defined by many feathers. "So one would need more than just half a brain to figure this one out..." Dazia remarked under her breath.

  9. Dazia would wander the town until she found the place she was looking for, The Frozen Owl's Perch. She would enter the tavern, and would look for the table she was supposed to meet one of the potential informants at. Upon finding it, she would find...two players, neither of who were the player Dazia was looking for, but both of whom Dazia recognized. "Hiraani...Yinangi...what are you both doing here?" She asked. Valna shrugged. "Got some information out of him, turns out he was a spy for your enemies. He's trapped in a snow mound now, right outside, in case you're wondering." She noted with a smirk. Dazia facepalmed. "Guess that means I'm already going to the other one, then...unless..." 

    "Don't worry, Dazia, Seline's cool. We had a nice chat with her." Yinangi reassured. "She's really smart."

    Well, it looked like the answer had already been made for her, so... "...Thanks, I guess..." Dazia said with a half smile.






  10. This floor...it was more than simply a land of endless winter. Many conflicts between players happened here in this floor. Dazia decided she was going to find out what exactly was going on. "Why here, of all places..." She thought out loud. The Town of Snowfrost wasn't like the harsh wilds of the floor. Blizzards were rare here, it seemed. She looked over to her left, then to her right. It was high time that she get herself an informant she could trust. There were two possibilities she knew of who were at this one tavern near the edge of the settlement, so that's where she was headed. There, she would seek out two leads for this mystery, and potentially figure out who her informant would be. Quite a few players have been getting ahead of her, or even outright trying to track her down, due to having informants. This time, she would get herself an advantage in intelligence.


    Stats and Equipment:


    Level:  30
    HP:  620(Base[600], Athletics[20])
    EN:  60
    DMG:  12(One Handed Rapier Rank 5[+5], Shadowdance[+4], Athletics[+1], Rapier Ferocity[+1])

    MIT: 48(Raven Shade, Light Armor rank 3)

    ACC: 2(Shadowdance, Corvid's Eye)

    EVA: 2(Raven Shade, Corvid's Eye)



    [T2]Shadowdance(2 DMG, 1 ACC)

    [T2]Raven Shade(2 MIT, 1 EVA)

    [Tierless]Corvid's Eye(1 ACC, 1 EVA)



    Teleport Crystal x1



    One handed Rapier Rank 5

    Light Armor Rank 3(+12 Mitigation)



    Athletics(+20 HP, +1 DMG)

    Rapier Ferocity(+1 Base Damage when using Rapier)


  11. Dazia grew more irritated when one player snapped at her. Her left fist was clenched, but she resisted the urge to draw her weapon. The fool looked sleepy and half-drunk(not that a player could actually get drunk in this game, maybe he was trying so hard and ended up with a self-induced placebo effect), anyway. However, that didn't stop her from having some stern words for him. She stared daggers at the fool. "Listen here, you sleepy drunkard," She began. "I was only adding to a conversation I was directly involved in. If you aren't interested or involved, there's no need for you to hear it. Besides, that outlook you seem to have with all that you've said and I've heard isn't really optimistic, either. Now why don't you go back to drinking yourself into a stupor, or better yet, get a rationally thinking brain, before someone grows tired of you and leaves you bleeding out on the field."



    Sketch would shrug at what Dazia had told him, and respond by saying he's heard that she's a "fairly good duelist". Dazia warily made eye contact with Sketch, but said nothing. Sketch continued by speaking of an unidentified blonde, and a player named Calrex, and a skirmish between them. He then spoke of how quickly rumors spread about duels, especially full-loss duels, based on what he'd hinted. Dazia sighed almost inaudibly. "I take it you've seen the monument." She noted. "I often give my side of the story when it comes up, but in crowded places, some things are just better left unsaid..."


  12. This was getting to be far more than wanted, expected, or even possibly anticipated. The man who dared to headpat Dazia returned her threat with a counter, revealing a glimpse of his own wrath within for a brief moment as he did so.

    This was new.

    Some mild shock fell upon Dazia's expression, despite what she did to repress it. "I thought...that I was the only one..." She thought amidst this confusion. She simply stood there in that position, bewildered at this revelation. Guess that was something they apparently had in common.

    Dazia snapped back into reality right when the man who first found her began to speak to her, with a narrowed look in his eyes. "So you've heard of me, but from who?" Dazia questioned. The man's gaze was like steel, despite his grin. "It was Princess, wasn't it? Otherwise you wouldn't have had a change in the way you looked at me upon hearing my name..." Dazia thought and assumed.

    The man introduced himself as Sketch, and, as Astralin did, invited her to the conversation. He also remarked about her getting chased around town, too. "Self-righteous thugs is more like it." She muttered. "The guards don't give a damn if it's green players inside the safe zone, they only repel orange players, but if green ones get into fights or 'crimes' inside the safe zone, aside from theft? No, they don't think it matters." She remarked in a more audible tone. "Pretty sure they would have tried to drag me outside the safe zone, and kill me there." She added.

    @Raidou @SketchSkirmish @Astralin @Corvo @Koga

  13. Not long after Dazia was forced to come out of hiding, the server came over to her, bringing her a root beer float. The man who initially first spotted her gave a casual salute. Guess that was one good thing so far. She hesitated before accepting, but she took what was offered to her, nevertheless.

    As anticipated, Astralin addressed Dazia by her username. Hopefully none of these players around heard those rumors... The blonde said that this was a safe environment, that she had nothing to worry about. " 'Safe place' my ass, I got chased all over this damn town by a trio of idiots tipped off by Princess's rumors." She retorted. Krysta was always a problem for Dazia since the two first met, but she'd become far more troublesome by now.

    A man who was in the tavern since the players arrived...dared to place his hand on Dazia's head. He gave his thoughts on the ongoing conversation of blacksmithing, then he placed a bag of materials on the table, and slid his hand off of Dazia's head. Dazia grabbed the man's wrist, glaring at him with a hint of the infernal wrath deep within her faintly burning in her eyes. "If you f***ing pat my head again, you'll regret it even if you survive." She whispered to the man, with a bit of a growling tone. With the warning done, she released her grip on his wrist, and the man would proceed to leave, though the pinkette who exposed Dazia approached the man, offering him a slice of the cake she offered the others earlier.

    Dazia walked over to the table where the others were, as the bag of materials had also been placed there. "Might as well grab my share, you don't need very many artisan materials, do you?" She said as she collected a fair number of the materials from the bag. She then looked over to the cake that was offered to the players present in the tavern, and, well, it was offered to everyone, even her, so she might as well have a piece of this, too. She sat down near the table the others were at, as it looked a bit full at this point, but she was close enough to their table in case they actually were willing to accept her...without any malignant reason as to why. She knew she could trust Astralin, but she didn't know about the others just yet.

    -Accepted the 28 T1 Mats offered by @Raidou

    @Astralin @SketchSkirmish @Koga @Lishuu @Koga 

  14. This tavern went from calm and quiet to noisy real quick, and even then, Dazia's slip up wasn't drowned out by the conversations.

    Dazia kept her eyes on the players, unsure of what might happen. The one who first saw her whispered something to the server at his table, pointing over in Dazia's direction. That couldn't be good. The other male among those players then managed to see Dazia, looking over where the first had pointed. Soon Astralin pulled a book out of her inventory as she spoke, then she put that one away and pulled out another, and it was an unusual one, what was it? A pink haired player gleefully approached those players and offered them some sweets, but then...

    "You can all try a piece! Even you hiding in the shadows!~ Everyone can try if they want!"

    Dazia's expression was filled with shock, then it became a scowl. "F***, that naive little sh*t just exposed me to the whole damn tavern!" She thought.

    No use hiding anymore, but did she have anything that could conceal her face while also hiding her identity? She hastily checked her inventory, but no, surely anyone who had heard those rumors spread by Princess would recognize her in the only ones she had, the cowls which were part of her two sets of light armor. Astralin had seen Dazia's face, and would be sure to recognize her...

    She slowly left her hiding spot and got up. "There, happy?" She said to the players in an irritated tone.

    @SketchSkirmish @Blueberry @Koga @Astralin @Lishuu

  15. The players she'd passed entered the building, and Dazia did what she could to not make a sound. She kept a watchful gaze on the players, and then a male with long hair looked over in her direction somewhat, and with the actions he was taking, he seemed to be aware of something...and that would only mean one thing if it was true.

    She'd been found.

    She remained still, but a half-grimace formed on her expression as she began to silently worry about what the man intended to do. For the time being, however, she looked at the various players with him. There was the male player with black hair, who opened the door for the group, there was a blue-haired young woman, and then a blonde with familiar apparel...wait, she knew this one. "...Astralin?" She thought. She realized a bit late that one of her limbs shifted somewhat, causing said limb to bump into the table itself. Hopefully everyone was too busy to notice...

    This was not a time or place to be discovered, as far as she knew.

    ID# 183587 LD: 9

    -Dazia is still in stealth and requires a LD roll of 9 or higher to be found.

  16. "There she is, get her!"

    "Damn it."

    Always those three. Ever since Princess tipped them off, they'd been chasing Dazia all around Aincrad. Dazia knew that in the Town of Beginnings, one easy way to escape from sight was among other players and NPCs. She traveled from crowd to crowd, then found a secure but temporary hiding spot as to swap her attire from combat gear to some casual, black clothing, hoping to throw them off her trail. She then quickly darted away, seeking some more helpful shelter until she could assure herself that the three who were chasing her gave up again.

    She soon saw someone opening up a door to a tavern for others, maybe she could hide inside...

    She quickly rushed into the building, and then she found a table in one of the tavern's darker corners. She went under the table and holed herself up there in the shadowed area below this corner table, while some of the others around might be a bit confused...chances were, someone who the player at the entrance was holding the door open for might have seen her, and might be willing to track her down in here...

    She hoped that wouldn't happen.

    ID# 183468 LD: 18

    -Dazia has entered stealth and requires a roll of 18 or higher to be found.

  17. Quite the question she'd need to consider. She was more than ready to begin speaking of the things that had happened, but the proper setting had to be found first. Benjamin listed a few possibilities that the two passed by, and also what he saw up ahead. Three salad joints, a generic burger stand...? A Waffle Hut? How did that one get there? Was it really becoming that popular of a place that it would begin appearing all over the floors of Aincrad? Had to be a player's doing, that's for sure. Dazia couldn't confirm if players could franchise their shops, but it was definitely possible in real life, so it could have been possible here...but that would lead to plenty of other players and NPCs being hired for that...

    Dazia got her mind off of that and back on track. She needed to see what both she and Benjamin were fine with, and if the place had a low enough crowd so that there would be fewer chances that someone who had heard of the rumors would spot Dazia, regardless of descriptions...no doubt that Princess had probably explained what else she knew, allowing for some to identify her anyway...but enough of that, she didn't come here specifically to hide, she came along to relax...and possibly hide.

    She thought of the various possibilities, but for the moment she had no definitive answer. "As of the moment, not yet. I'm still considering some of those, but is there anything else up ahead? I only want to make sure there's nothing else around before making my decision..." She admitted. Would being taller allow one to see farther? That would definitely be Benjamin's advantage in this moment if it were true.

    @Benjamin Bookworm

  18. Dazia may have been feeling emotionally better about herself, and the past weighed down on her less, but she still had her wrath, and her present problems. Guess that was always a given...she remembered the words of her Father, how he asked her to tame her wrath and be its master...well, she did seem to be, back in The Nevermore. She knew that there would always be pain, there would always be strife...but maybe she might do better from here on out. Maybe one day she could convince Princess of the truth, and that she could be comfortable with herself when others want to get to know her...but could she? "I still have so much to live for..." She thought aloud. "I will continue walking in my chosen path. To survive, by any means necessary." She got up from where she had sat down, and began the journey home.

    She would be the same, Nevermore...


    Dazia receives:

    7 SP(4 Pages completed[+4], Quest completed[+2], Quarantine Bonus[+1])

    1600 Col(4 Pages completed)

    Unlocked Extra Skill: Meditation

  19. Dazia opened her menu, and to her surprise and relief, the screenshots she'd taken were still there... Such perfect inspirations to paint from, she'd keep this data with her as long as she needed to. She walked into the safe zone at last, and it was all over. She would have to return to her shop soon, but first, a breather, this was quite a trip she'd just been on. She was back in the world of pain and suffering, back where danger was always seeking her... It was actually kind of sad that Dazia wasn't able to stay in The Nevermore, it was such a beautiful place... She remembered its unique creatures, and the fact that she probably hadn't seen them all. She recalled the figures she saw, and how they revealed different aspects and sides of herself. She reminisced the experiences of exploring the isles, of resting in the sands as she watched the void... She sighed. "I already miss The Nevermore..."

  20. The sound of rushing water could be heard, and Dazia opened her eyes. She was on Aincrad again, at the Waterfall of The Sage. A message appeared before her:

    [Completed: Calming The Soul]

    A quest...Dazia smiled at the craziness that just occurred. She had never been through anything like this. Ever. She stumbled off the stone, and looked around her surroundings. There wasn't much to be seen, hardly anything had changed...wait, what was the time and date displayed on her HUD? A slightly shocked expression appeared on Dazia's face. She had been in her mind for three days.

    "I've been...gone for three days...how...am I still alive?" She wondered aloud. Well, there was no time to waste, she had to get back to the safe zone, and quickly. She tided herself over with some rations so she wouldn't collapse as she made her way to safety. What a wild ride this had all been for her...


    ID# 182096 LD: 5(nothing found)

  21. The happy one had something to say. "Before you go, I've got something to help you with. There may be times where you need an extra boost in the heat of battle...but there's actually a way to come here halfway! We'll be ready to give you the determination you need!" She would walk over to Dazia, and help her practice with some demonstrations. Dazia then received a game message.

    <<New Skill available: Meditation>>

    She was unsure if she would need it, but it felt nice knowing that The Nevermore was more than willing to have her back. Dazia smiled, and said, "Thank you all, and I'll see you again...someway, somehow." Dazia closed her eyes, and she felt herself moving through the dark void. "Bye, Violet, see you later!" The voice echoed. "I'll help you regardless of your decision. You decide, I suggest. It will be so, as you have chosen." She heard Luxalba's voice state. 

  22. Unable to figure out how to leave, she stayed in the Shadow Palace for what felt like several hours.

    She walked into the throne room of the Shadow Palace, and it wasn't more than it needed to be. The room had many ravens flying to and from certain positions, and there was a space behind the throne for something huge...Umbra-ira, perhaps. Dazia sat on the throne, it was hers anyway. As she sat on it, she could feel all of The Nevermore's energies...this world...perhaps it was uniquely beautiful because it was hers, because it reflected her. She was impressed with the work that the Cardinal had put into this. A whispy violet figure materialized before her. "Are you ready to return to Aincrad? Don't worry, it is possible to return here." The figure spoke. Three others came into the room. The happy and brave ones, and Niguine, were ready to see Dazia. Niguine was back in her previous form. She looked proud of Dazia. "So, happy you've cleared your head, so to speak?" Niguine asked. The brave one remarked, "We'll be here whenever you return, we can promise you that."

  23. Dazia dismounted in front of the timid figure. She was trembling before the beast. "Th-th-the beast...the beast..." She muttered. She looked like she was about to faint. The second figure she met walked up to the two. "So you made it! Did you figure anything out? What were your answers?" She asked. The brave soul jumped into the scene. "Damn, I wish I could've seen you kick ass back there, I don't even know what just happened!" She remarked. Dazia noticed that these figures...they were living traits. There was a reason they all looked similar to Dazia... "Happy, Timid, Brave...Oh, for the love of...how did I not realize this sooner?"

    The Nevermore...it belonged to Dazia this whole entire time. She wasn't in some alternate dimension, this was a world constructed from an inner self. This was The Cardinal's impression of her mind. So...that would mean that the beast was Umbra-ira, her Right Hand...how fitting, it was the incarnation of her wrath. It was no wonder Luxalba wanted her restrained...

  24. The Sands continued to fall, but the large beast returned. It was a horrific creature, like a cross between an eldritch raven and a demonic dragon. It stared at Dazia with its four burning red eyes. "The deed is done. I am satisfied. I eagerly await my next calling. Come, I will take you to the Shadow Palace." The creature said. The Shadow Palace...well, it was time to get out of this falling isle anyway. Dazia hopped onto the grotesque creature, and it took flight. Niguine followed closely, flying with her own wings.

    Dazia was taken high enough to see all of The Nevermore. It was indeed a mass of isles in a dark void...and yet it was beautiful. "Wow..." She breathed out. "Great view, isn't it? We do what we must for it, always. Now, the Shadow Palace..."

    Dazia held on tight as the creature dove through the air, and down to the Main Isle of The Nevermore. It landed in front of a Palace made from a dark metal Dazia did not recognize. Whatever the case, it was a grand one.

  25. The Collective grew more arms. It wasn't giving up without a real fight...perfect...this is just the perfect scenario to get this all to end. Dazia must conquer it at its worst. The monster Let loose more shockwaves, and Niguine stopped it with a well timed interception. "Now, Violet, finish them, now's your chance!" Niguine called out. Dazia roared out as she attacked again. The Collective screamed out, all voices in unison, and suddenly it split into a legion of whispy shadows. The sands of this empty isle began to sink down, but the sands under Dazia revealed a stone as they fell. Dazia stayed on the solid ground as the loose sands followed the laws of gravity and began falling into the abyss below, as the isle was now away from the main isle. the whispy figures all began to panic as the sands began to take said figures down with them. Each one was sent down screaming into the abyss. One grabbed Dazia's leg, and looked at her with a pleading expression. The face rematerialized to reveal it was the woman who expelled her. "Have mercy on me, please! I don't- I'm not ready for eternity, please give me another chance!"

    Dazia looked down to her. "I will show you the same mercy as you showed me, even though all I did was stand up for myself, and everyone else they tormented..." She kicked the woman's arm off her leg, and the woman was claimed by the falling sands and sent screaming into the abyss. At last, revenge was complete...

    70 Dark Points have been added to Dazia's Journal.

              Dazia [                          ] [                         ]

              Niguine Sangrum [                                                    ]




             <<The Collective>>

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