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Posts posted by Dazia

  1. Current Level: 32
    Current SP: 107
    Link to SP Tracking: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/14985-dazias-journal/
    Item Upgrades:


    ITEM #1

    Item Name: Gettu the Chopper
    Item ID: 81771
    Item Tier: 1
    Item Type: One Handed Axe
    Item Rarity: Uncommon
    Item Enhancements: Fallen Damage
    Description:  An axe with a dark mahogany handle, and an even darker Obsidian head


    Item Name: Shadow Fury
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Two handed Straight Sword
    Item Enhancements: Fallen Damage
    Description: A deadly blade that is rumored to have partaken in the destruction of legions. Forged from a mysterious metal, and radiating an energy that is unsettling to most, it is difficult to deny this rumor.

    ITEM #2

    Item Name: Raven Shade
    Item ID: 165768
    Item Tier: 2
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Item Rarity: Perfect
    Item Enhancements: Mitigation(2), Evasion
    Description: A set of light armor with a cowl, black in color, aside from the dark blue accents here and there. Its appearance seems reminiscent of one who walks in the shadows, and its designs, upon detailed observation, seem to be inspired by the dark of the night itself, and perhaps ravens as well. It would seem to be dark and haunting to most who look upon it.


    Item Name: Raven Shade
    Item Tier: 4
    Item Type: Cloth Armor
    Item Enhancements: Mitigation, Evasion(2)
    Description: A set of Cloth Armor with a cowl, black in color, aside from the dark blue accents here and there. Its appearance seems reminiscent of one who walks in the shadows, and its designs, upon detailed observation, seem to be inspired by the dark of the night itself, and perhaps ravens as well. It would seem to be dark and haunting to most who look upon it.


  2. What an idiot.

    The red haired drunkard was really getting on Dazia's nerves now. She was tempted to draw her weapon, but she decided not to. The fool drawled, calling Sketch "A real saint", and then proceeded to say some words that really shouldn't have been said. "Weakling." The false thought echoed in her mind, her own take on this fool's words, summarized with a single one. Dazia's fists clenched, her left fist shook. She was really close, all it would take was a bit more, and she would be more than willing to forcefully show this punk the door. Hellish embers burned in her eyes, waiting to become ablaze if the drunkard was to cross the line... She lost all focus on the scenario around her, there was just her, this dumbass, and the warning within her eyes...

    This would go south if this idiot didn't stop. In fact, it would practically be inevitable at this rate...

  3. The player gave his answer to Dazia's question. It was actually a good answer. "Looks like you're better than the common rabble, it seems." Dazia remarked. "Still kind of a dumbass, though, words sometimes go in one of your ears and out the other." She muttered in a way she hoped was inaudible.

    The player noticed the wrath Dazia had...or, rather, a glimpse of it. He made a suggestion, but it wasn't like Dazia hadn't already tried that. If anything, she should appreciate the thought. The player would then ask if she knew of a tavern in the settlement that served something other than roasted duck. This player helped her get what she needed, and escorted her back to the safe zone. She might have had other plans for the day, but it would be simple to point this player in the right direction...better yet, lead him to it, in case his dumbassery made it difficult for him to follow directions on his own. Better safe than sorry. "I'm pretty sure The Frozen Owl's Perch has something up your alley." Dazia noted. "I'll lead you there."


    Dazia may have thought the rest of this day would be simple, without any further issues...but if only she knew that her actions had already been spotted, and her enemy was on her way...



    Dazia Receives: 400 EXP, 200 Col, and <<Essence of Steel>>

    @Crozeph receives: 600 EXP and 200 Col

  4. Turns out, Dazia had slightly muttered her thoughts, and this dumbass made a show of it. Agitated, she glared at him, hints of the infernal Wrath showing within. "I share no affinity with the element of water, unless it is a torrent that destroys. You think I haven't tried various methods? What you speak of may be foreign to me, but it changes nothing." She whispered to the player in a growling tone. She took a deep breath before listening to the next thing the player had to say.

    This Ariel person who the player spoke of seemed to be held in high regards from his opinion... Dazia raised an eyebrow and had a smirk on her face. "Quite the description you gave there...tell me...do you like her?" She asked, hoping for a reaction. As far as she knew, high opinions of women, coming from men, especially if appearance was complimented, often came from feelings towards those women. It wasn't always the case, but she wondered if it was with this player here.

  5. Dazia? Calm as still waters? Like that's ever gonna happen.

    "Do you know what else is still and capable of showing a reflection? Ice." Dazia remarked. "Sharp spears of ice that can pierce those who think they can get past me, or destroy me." She thought, unwilling to speak the rest of her opinion on the matter. "Who was it that scolded you? I'm actually curious to know." She asked after hearing the player's next words. The player told her not to let herself be talked into agreements that make her end up losing something. She needed to not laugh at this. "Did you seriously think I had a say in that matter? My hand was moved to the accept button against my will. It didn't count as a violent action, but at some point, there's gonna need to be some form of mild payback..." She explained. Hopefully it was crystal clear in this player's head, and he wasn't too tired or stupid enough to misunderstand it.

  6. The player would give his opinion on Galen, even though Dazia had muttered those words, and hadn't told very much about him, either. "I don't know about that, but I'll say he's convinced himself that he's always tired...sleeping for two years, I never thought it was even possible..."

    When the battle began and Dazia missed, the player made several remarks that made no sense do Dazia. So many terms she'd never even heard of. He also had the nerve to steal Dazia's kill...but she could let that go since he held up his end of the deal by tossing the Essence of Steel over to her. "Now all that's left is to get back to the safe zone without running into any trouble." Dazia noted. "What was all that you were even saying, though? I was focused on planning my next move, so I didn't see any translations on whatever you were talking about." She added. She wasn't too knowledgeable on Japanese terminologies, anyway. She may be clever, but she didn't know that much.

  7. Dazia saw the skull in the distance, she knew what to do. The player Dazia was traveling with admitted that he'd been sleep-deprived for a few days, but blamed his environment. "Ugh, you almost sound like Galen." She muttered. The player seemed to remark on Dazia's Glare, but there was one thing he said almost inaudibly. Dazia didn't hear what he said, but she had a few guesses. "Were you about to call me short?" She inquired, her glare not fading. "You know what, forget it." She said as she turned around, and walked over to the bone and skull, proceeding to hit the skull with the bone, so hard that the bone shattered upon contact with the skull. Nevertheless, the target monster was awakened, and Dazia would draw her weapon, ready to fight. She charged up her sword art, and let loose her Sword Art, Over Radiation.

    She missed.


    ID# 186982 BD: 3+2=5(Miss)

    Dazia: HP: 640/640EN: 60/62 | DMG: 12 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2

    Crozeph | HP: 1150/1150 | EN: 106/106 | ACC: 4 | DMG: 19 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 45 I REC: 1 | BH: 30 | LD: 1 | FLN: 1


    Frost Beast: HP 250/250, 160 DMG, [Partial Phase]: <<Frost Beast>>'s attacks always deal a minimum of 24 DMG instead of a minimum of 1 DMG when calculating Mitigation. 

  8. "Are you hearing anything I'm saying?" Dazia asked, irritated. She was really tempted to slap this player, it might realign some of those scrambled brain cells. No, maybe slapping is too light, she should really punch this dumbass, but she didn't want to risk an unnecessary infraction. "Are you drunk? Sleep-deprived? Retarded?"

    It wasn't long after those words, when a monster showed up. The player eliminated the creature, but he pushed Dazia out of the way like she couldn't handle it. While the player suggested that the two get moving, which was the obvious course of action, Dazia got up from the snow, straightened her gear, and glared at the player. "You didn't have to push me away like that, I can handle the typical monsters of this floor easily. Just...don't make me regret asking you to come along."

    The frozen wastes were close now, so it wouldn't be long.

  9. Vigilon clearly wasn't too happy about what Dazia did, which, honestly, was kind of expected. "Listen, you did the one thing I didn't want you to do: let your crazy ass girlfriend try to kill me. I just returned the favor, simply because you clearly aren't interested in Koharu...or, at least, I don't think you are, but I do know for a fact that she is interested in you. Hell, if something happens to Krysta, and it's not my doing, I will personally support a relationship between you and Koharu." She responded.

    "Furthermore, you have got to learn how to say no. It'll be a weakness the ladies can exploit if you don't get that problem of yours fixed. I consider us quite even now, so please watch over your current girlfriend, and maybe I won't push you to having another. Got it? Alright, bye."

    And with that, Dazia would leave Vigilon standing there in the safe zone of Floor 5. There were better things for Dazia to do, now that the laughable dumpster fire was over...for now.



    Both Players receive: 3 SP(1 Page completed[1], Quest completed[1], Quarantine bonus[1]) and 200 Col
    Both players have unlocked the <<Survival>> Skill.

  10. Dazia, Koharu and Arnemis would lay down the cargo they gathered before the NPC. It would seem that both parties managed to gather all the goods. It made sense that the goods all had duplicates, as there were two parties seeking it out anyway. Arnemis simply nodded her head in response to her party members' farewells, and she would then leave the vicinity.

    Then there was Koharu.

    She was happy with the results of this trip, and here in the safe zone again, there was only a warm yet pleasant breeze blowing through her hair. She looked over to Vigilon. "Thank you so much for letting me take the quest with you. I also can't wait to meet Krysta. Can you keep me posted on what she thinks? I won't mind if you say no...but if the answer is yes, just let me know and I can start suggesting great ideas for dates!" She said happily, before pulling Vigilon in for a quick kiss. She would then have to be on her way. "Goodbye Dazia, I hope our next duel will be better than the last! Goodbye, Alex-kun, daisuki~!"

    After Koharu had left, Dazia looked to Vigilon with a smirk on her face. "I so enjoyed this quest. You and Koharu would make a nice couple, you know." She remarked. "I listened to every word, and my, is this something I'd like to hear more about sometime."

  11. Arnemis and Dazia would go right to gathering the Cargo, as they did not want any of it to be lost in the sands forever. Koharu would help as well, but she'd stick by Vigilon as she did so. Dazia was strong-ish, but she found herself more capable of trying to pull or dig the cargo out of the sand instead. Must have been a height thing...she'll get strong enough at some point, and her height couldn't change a thing...but she still hated the fact that she was short, despite its usefulness. She just thought it made her feel weaker, and she was once bullied for her height...but that's enough short storytime for now.

    Dazia looked around the area, and it would seem that most of the Cargo had been reclaimed. "I think that's everything, ready to go back?" Dazia asked. The sandstorm was still raging on, but it could get worse if the players didn't get moving.

    ID# 186306 CD: 3(Dazia does not take Sandstorm Damage)

  12. Dazia thought it couldn't get better than this, and Vigilon replied with, "You say that like I wouldn't miss a good friend, Dazia. Of course I missed her." Oh, this was bound to get better now.

    Koharu seemed to really like what was said. "Alex-kun, I missed you too~" She replied sweetly. Dazia was unable to contain a chuckle at how hilariously mushy this was becoming. "Aw, how sweet..." Dazia remarked with a smile on her face. She was in a much better mood now, and Vigilon had then fallen into a bit of a disaster that was sure to make things worse for him, but better for Dazia. Vigilon's foot got stuck in the sand, and he fell, while Koharu was still holding onto him. Vigilon's first course of action from here would be to ask if Koharu was alright. Koharu looked deeply into Vigilon's eyes, and saw the genuine concern he showed, and it was a sign that he cared for her...and the only thing that Koharu would mutter out as she blushed was, "Ara ara, Alex-kun...how chivalrous of you..." She pulled herself together, and continued. "I'm fine, thank you for caring." She managed to answer.

    Dazia tried to get over her own chuckling and snickering at this scene, but then she realized what Vigilon had really stepped in...was that cloth? "Ok you two, I know this is such a sweet moment, one that I support, but I think we found the cargo." Dazia noted, as she pointed to the other signs of the cargo, slowly being buried by the sand of the sandstorm.

    ID# 186298 CD: 2(Dazia takes no Sandstorm Damage)

  13. Vigilon was being fairly encouraging to Koharu, and this just made it all better for Dazia. Besides, if something were to happen to Krysta, well...he always had the loving Koharu to spend his days with...and due to the enmity between Krysta and Dazia...it was a given at this point that she was now supporting this humorous, one-sided union of Vigilon and Koharu. "So Vigilon, since you said you were happy to see Koharu again, did you miss her dearly all the years you were separated?" Dazia asked. She really wanted to know the touching tale of Vigilon and Koharu, and how they met, possibly even the time when Koharu first loved him...primarily because she wanted a good laugh to keep her going through this storm. "It can't get better than this." She thought.

    Koharu took Vigilon's encouraging words very well. "In that case, I can't wait to meet her, Alex-kun." She decided.

    ID# 186296 CD: 10(Dazia takes no Sandstorm Damage)

  14. Arnemis decided to pull out her weapon, as to handle any monsters, or to settle any disputes between her party members. Their conversation seemed to become a bit heated, but it wasn't disastrous as of yet. Her eyes scanned the horizon, seeing no immediate threats for the moment.

    Koharu hadn't been holding on too tightly, until the winds of the sandstorm began getting worse. She awaited Vigilon's answer eagerly, and, well...it wasn't necessarily a no. In fact, it sounded like a maybe, and he'd wanted to check with his other lover first. "I don't have many doubts there, I bet she's a lot of fun, knowing you!" Koharu remarked. "Oh, she's lots of fun, all right, as long as she's not trying to put your head on a pike..." Dazia added, muttering the second half of the sentence. "I'm sorry, what was that?" Koharu asked, wondering what Dazia was muttering. "Nothing, just this sandstorm." She lied.

    ID# 186293 CD: 5(Dazia takes no Sandstorm Damage)

  15. Dazia hadn't encountered any kind of resistance yet, but that was a good thing. She continued on to the Starglades, and her intention was to spend some of this evening in this unguarded safe zone, then take the long way back, as her enemy might be taking the quickest way here. Dazia knew that Krysta had her sources every now and then. They didn't always prove dangerous in terms of how useful they were, but it was better safe than sorry, so Dazia would be on the assumption that her enemies would soon know her location. She now had a plan. To stick around the Starglades for a bit, then she would take the long way back to the settlement as to avoid running into Princess or her allies...

    "This evening would have been much more peaceful if Princess didn't come to ruin it...when this is over, I'm gonna need to have a talk with Vigilon..." Dazia thought aloud. She really was looking forward to this little respite...


    Meanwhile, Valna and Yinangi looked at their captive, who claimed that they couldn't keep him locked up forever. "Well, we're gonna keep you here until you're not a threat." Yinangi responded. "Dazia saved my life, so it's both the right thing to do, and being a good friend, to help save hers." Valna looked over to Yinangi. "Can you handle keeping him here on your own? I should probably see if I can find any hostiles outside." She asked the young white haired player. Yinangi smiled. "You bet!"

  16. If there was a reason for joining Vigilon and Koharu on this one, it would definitely be the one-sided crush that was clearly not going to change very much...and Dazia would take it upon herself to make remarks as to prolong this sh*t for as long as she possibly could. This wasn't just a simple punishment anymore, and this quest was going to be a pain in the ass...so damn it, she was going to make the journey enjoyable by watching Koharu continue to chase down, pursue, and cling to Vigilon. Even if she looked like a "Third wheel" in this party, she was going to make this last, and she was going to have fun with it. Arnemis began speaking with her two party members, but that wasn't important for the time being. "So, Vigilon, do you think you can accept another lover?" She asked, knowing she was going to fluster him.

    ID# 186172 CD: 11(Dazia takes no Sandstorm Damage)

  17. To say things were going off the deep end, well...that was still in question, as Dazia had no clue how to answer it.

    Vigilon agreed to let Koharu tag along, though he was oblivious to the fact that he was blushing. It was hilariously adorable, in Dazia's opinion. Koharu looked like she was about to say "Kawaii" or something along those lines. "Alex-kun, you can count on me!" She said upon Vigilon's reply.

    Auranika wasn't too pleased at Dazia's words. "Your words fall on deaf ears if they don't prove mine." Dazia responded.

    Victor Falcon would be finished with laughing at the situation, and would reveal to Koharu that Vigilon was a taken man. The response would be quite shocking. "So what? Is there a reason we can't both have him?"

    "Pffffff, what?" Came Dazia's reaction to what Koharu had just said.

    Arnemis stood there for a short moment and then interrupted with, "I see that only three have even said anything to help form the parties. Vigilon and Koharu had agreed to go together, and Dazia has refused to go with Auranika. Anything you can say that might help?" 

    Dazia smirked. "I'll keep an eye on Koharu and Vigilon." She decided. She was going to have some fun with this... "Then it's settled. One party will consist of Vigilon, Koharu and Dazia. The other will have Auranika, Ind0minus, and myself." Arnemis declared.

  18. Koharu looked happy to know that her crush, or maybe even Senpai, was doing well, and willing to ask her how she was, too. "I've been doing great, I'm so glad you asked~!" She answered with glee. "Are you taking a quest? I'd love to do it with you, if you'll have me!" Koharu asked, before noticing Vigilon's expression. "Are you blushing?" She asked as she smiled sweetly.

    Turns out that April didn't recognize Dazia. Must have been the cowl. Figures, she had many titles for herself, including that classic "Lady April". Who does she think she is? "Bitch it is, then." Came Dazia's response as she took off her cowl. "Long time no see...and clearly you're just as self-centered as ever." She added.

    After some conversation initiated, Arnemis decided to make a point to the other five players aside from her. "We need to form parties. If we're all taking the quest, we will need to form two parties of three, or three parties of two." She stated. "So, who do you all want to be party members with?" She asked.

    "Definitely not her." Dazia began, gesturing to Auranika.

  19. Alright, now Dazia knew the pink haired player's real name, based on how Vigilon addressed her. Ayaka, hm? "Hey Vigilon, her username's Koharu, for your information." Dazia noted. The poor fool's expression was a priceless sight, and he even felt the need to mouth the words "Help me". "No, I don't think I will." She muttered, a smirk on her face. "In fact, I'd like to see where this goes..." This was a fair punishment for letting Krysta get away with another attempt to kill her, she thought. Even Arnemis was suppressing a smile. This whole thing was just too funny.

    "I just knew you'd be happy to see me too, Alex~" Koharu mused. "How have you been? You look so handsome since I last saw you!" She asked Vigilon. While Koharu loosened her grip, she didn't necessarily release Vigilon from her embrace.

    Dazia was trying so hard to hide her amusement.

  20. Dazia didn't know how to answer Vigilon there. Her grimace was somewhat hidden by her cowl, and she once again considered the grim possibilities... "Benjamin...he knows that I might have to kill again, but he hasn't seen the worst of my hate. He got upset when I stopped that redhead from clinging to him, though I'd admit that was my fault...but...it doesn't change the fact that he might not actually know me for who or what I really am. He hasn't even seen The Nevermore...that reminds me, I should probably get to painting from those screenshots..." She thought. Soon an NPC came up to Vigilon. Perfect timing. As the NPC was talking, two players who Vigilon seemed to know walked up. So...that face, the name he was addressed as...was this really Victor Falcon, the prestigious yet pretentious son of Adelram Falcon? To think that an idiot like Vigilon would know him... Then there was that one who Dazia recognized on sight. April Darren...what an egotistical bitch. Was that armor surfaced with gold? Ridiculous.

    It wasn't long before two others arrived on the scene as the Quest Giving NPC left. Arnemis seemed to be analyzing the players in sight, aside from Dazia. Koharu, however, seemed to recognize Vigilon...

    "Ara ara, Alex-kun! It's so good to see you again~"

    Oh...would this be troublesome, or laughable? Dazia watched as Koharu proceeded to glomp Vigilon and hold tightly. Dazia couldn't keep herself from snickering at the sight.


    The NPC Players:











  21. Dazia really didn't like how the sun was relentless on this floor. Made her want to get the skill even more now... She'd been in the freezing cold of the fourth floor for a while now, and this sudden temperature flip wasn't doing her any favors. She was also tired of all that she went through prior to this. First there was the failed search, then there was the need to be escorted through the floor, and then she was hunted...that floor was probably cursed, that had to be the source of its conflict. Whatever the case, it was a new day, and Dazia was going to get a skill that would make nature less of a nuisance to her. When she approached the settlement's gate, she saw someone familiar... She walked up to Vigilon, and was tempted to punch him in the shoulder. "You. We need to talk about your damn girlfriend."


    Stats and Equipment:


    Level:  31
    HP:  640(Base[620], Athletics[20])
    EN:  62
    DMG:  12(One Handed Rapier Rank 5[+5], Shadowdance[+4], Athletics[+1], Rapier Ferocity[+1])

    MIT: 48(Raven Shade, Light Armor rank 3)

    ACC: 2(Shadowdance, Corvid's Eye)

    EVA: 2(Raven Shade, Corvid's Eye)



    [T2]Shadowdance(2 DMG, 1 ACC)

    [T2]Raven Shade(2 MIT, 1 EVA)

    [Tierless]Corvid's Eye(1 ACC, 1 EVA)



    Teleport Crystal x1



    One handed Rapier Rank 5

    Light Armor Rank 3(+12 Mitigation)



    Athletics(+20 HP, +1 DMG)

    Rapier Ferocity(+1 Base Damage when using Rapier)


  22. "Dazia." She repeated, once the player got her name wrong. Did this mean he hadn't heard of her? Well, this could be good...until he hears those damn rumors. The player showed Dazia his Katana, and explained it in fair detail.

    This player laughed at Dazia's story, primarily because of the wannabe mage, it seemed. "...Astralin is a girl." Dazia corrected. "Though, I wonder... Merlin...Astralin...they both...end with the same three letters." She realized. She then had a short laugh and said, "You know, in that case I actually think it would be hilarious if she had a Morgana to face." 

    The player then made his suggestion. "Don't get me wrong, Astralin was trying to be peaceful, despite her mistake. I'm pretty sure I would have been able to keep the Essence if Princess hadn't shown up." Dazia responded. "She wants to kill me, after all. Not Astralin, Krysta...the girl I referred to as Princess. Ever since I fought for my life, she's blamed me for the death of her cousin and wanted me dead. Honestly, her cousin was long gone before I even tore apart that senseless husk."

  23. The enemy would probably come from the settlement first, so maybe starting with the unguarded safe zone would be the better choice. Thus, she would be continuing on to the Starglades. "So Princess knows a bit on my whereabouts...so what? I'll just go where she's unlikely to find me...if I was to go for the settlement, there's a pretty large chance I'll run into her. The further I am from her, the better." She thought aloud before she got moving again. She knew she needed to return to the main settlement in the end, though. How would she escape this floor, and therefore get herself away from a traceable trail without using up her crystal otherwise? Auren was clearly not being of any help, Ithena was probably busy with Seline, Koharu and Arnemis had other things to attend to, and it was likely that Valna and Yinangi were trying to find a way to capture or restrain the spy who alerted Krysta to Dazia's presence on the floor...As of the current moment, she had no backup in the current vicinity.

  24. "I'm sorry, WHAT???"

    "You heard me, Violet. They caught that guy again, sending messages, probably to you know who. Well, I've gotta go, and I can't exactly escort you back, either..." Auren explained to Dazia. "Aurellius, don't! If what you mean is that Princess is on her way for an aggressive encounter, then I'm going to need some backup!" Dazia exclaimed. "I made a promise...to your other sister. I know you can handle yourself, you can do it. Good luck, and remember why you got that teleport crystal in your inventory." Auren admitted, before leaving Dazia in the forested tundra. "Damn...why now? Just when I thought this long day was finally over...this happens." Dazia muttered. She was headed back to the Starglades to see why it was such a popular safe zone during the night, but now she'd have to potentially reconsider. She was the same distance away from there and from the Settlement of Snowfrost. She'd have to pick a location and get moving.

    Her life might depend on it.


    Stats and Equipment:


    Level:  31
    HP:  640(Base[620], Athletics[20])
    EN:  62
    DMG:  12(One Handed Rapier Rank 5[+5], Shadowdance[+4], Athletics[+1], Rapier Ferocity[+1])

    MIT: 48(Raven Shade, Light Armor rank 3)

    ACC: 2(Shadowdance, Corvid's Eye)

    EVA: 2(Raven Shade, Corvid's Eye)



    [T2]Shadowdance(2 DMG, 1 ACC)

    [T2]Raven Shade(2 MIT, 1 EVA)

    [Tierless]Corvid's Eye(1 ACC, 1 EVA)



    Teleport Crystal x1



    One handed Rapier Rank 5

    Light Armor Rank 3(+12 Mitigation)



    Athletics(+20 HP, +1 DMG)

    Rapier Ferocity(+1 Base Damage when using Rapier)


  25. This player seemed to be willing to let her have the Essence. Good. "I'll be making sure you're holding to your word when the battle's over..." She warned, in case he had any funny business planned. The player remarked that he hated walking in the snow at night. Well, Dazia hated having to fight at night, it messed with her vision, so the two were at an agreement...of sorts. 

    This player would lead the way, and Dazia let that slide for the time being. After all, being the youngest in a family often led to being all the way in the back fairly often...so she would have been willing to tolerate this anyway, as she was used to it...enough. The player then asked for Dazia's name. She hesitated. "I don't see why knowing my name would be so important...unless you're just making conversation...ok, fine, it's Dazia." 

    The player would also remark about how players rarely lose an item drop after a boss fight, then suggested that she "be more careful with her items next time". Dazia's left hand shook a bit. "Being careful was my intention, but of course, there was that vengeful Princess, and then that blonde wannabe mage let a half-loss duel be the deciding factor of who got to keep the item, because it was 'fair'...honestly, letting me keep what I got from the boss would have been fair." She ranted. "And I had to hold my end of the bargain so Princess would spare my life." She growled. She then took a deep breath, she really didn't need to make her mood more bitter than it already was.

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