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Posts posted by Krysta

  1. The player seemed to still be embarrassed, especially still red in the face, and he responded suddenly as well. The player introduced himself as Buckstrap. He began wringing his hands nervously, and Krysta began to wonder if the players' presence was unwanted attention. Then again, Buckstrap had just been in an embarrassing mishap. Vigilon introduced himself, apparently mentioning a Guild that still had yet to start. What was the reason? "I don't mean to pry or anything, Vigilon, but why do you mention something that has yet to start? Are you trying to get word out or something?" She really wasn't trying to pry, she was just curious. Then she saw Veriost take flight and begin circling the player before landing on her master's shoulder. "Ah, look who's awake!" Krysta drew near to Veriost. "Hello there Veriost! good to see you again, and nice to know you're awake! You don't mind if I pet you, do you Veriost?"

    @Vigilon @Buckstrap

  2. Vigilon seemed perfectly fine with letting Krysta tag along with him, and even, in a way, admitted that he was thinking the same thing after all. Then he asked her if the recent events haven't been keeping her down as of late. "I would love to say that they were not, but the memories still roam in my head..." There was a sudden noise, like that of a pile of wooden objects falling down, and Krysta turned to see that someone had just wound up in a sort of accident. Vigilon guessed that the player who stumbled was the new person they would meet. "I sure hope he's alright..." She walked over to the player. "Are you alright?" She noticed that Vigilon took the same approach. It was nice to know that there were at least a good amount of players who were kind and considerate. "How do you do? I'm Krysta."

    @Vigilon @Buckstrap

  3. Krysta was preparing to head out of the safe zone, which she usually didn't do without someone else nearby. "I wonder if I will meet someone else today." She had already met some players, but it wouldn't hurt to find more potential friends and allies. She began humming a tune as she walked along towards the edge, hoping to find someone nearby. She spotted Vigilon looking from side to side. She walked over towards him. "Looking for someone to tag along, perhaps? I could come with. We could wait for anyone else if you'd like, I was hoping to meet someone new today." She wondered if he was thinking the same thing, but couldn't confirm it to herself. Of course, it didn't change the fact that she was hoping to meet someone new. She looked around her surroundings, wondering if anyone was nearby who wouldn't mind tagging along with two other players.

    @Vigilon @Buckstrap

  4. Krysta was outside, but also near the safe zone's edge, humming a tune. She was trying to keep positive lately, considering the recent events. She noticed Vigilon passing by, and thought for a minute before beginning to follow close by, and spark a conversation. "Hello again Vigilon! How we seem to encounter each other so randomly! Anyways, is there anything in particular you are hoping to accomplish today?" The boy had been there to comfort her when someone she cared for had died, and was also there when she began a search for someone. The recent events really had been haunting her like a skulking spider lately, and it had been hard to keep her mind off her hardships. She still needed to grow stronger, but...How? She would need to meet people she could befriend and trust, and fight alongside them. So far, Vigilon was a possible friend. She began to slow down a little, and twirl the end of her blonde hair nervously with her finger, suddenly thinking that she might be intruding on Vigilon's day.


  5. (OOC: I guess we'll just keep posting as we wait for Thorsten.)

    As long as she was safe, Krysta wouldn't be afraid of whatever the day might have in store for her. There was so much that she felt like she needed to do, but right now, she was so incapable of doing so. "If only I was strong enough...But right now, I can't accomplish anything alone, I must go out there with help." Two players came near, one she knew, the other she did not. "Not everything is alright, but for now, I need to get stronger. I feel that I have a lot to do, but I can't without leveling up, getting better gear and the like. Thus I was hoping on gathering and/or training, but I felt that in my current position, I would need some help..." She hoped that she'd managed to explain her dilemma fully. She turned to the player she didn't know. "My name is Krysta. Pleasure to meet you."

    @Jomei @Stryder

  6. Krysta noticed how Vale, who just introduced herself, had asked the others to give Krysta some space. Stryder punched the monument, then introduced himself afterward. Vigilon made a comment saying that she wasn't alone in the manner that she was feeling. He left for a short moment, but during this small moment in which she had some space, she got up, still crying, but she drew her weapon reacting to the thoughts in her head. "Hyaaaaaaa!!!" She swung her rapier at Dazia's name on the monument. The only thing that did was cause the words <<Immortal Object>> to appear in front of the monument. She dropped her weapon, and stopped herself, trying to breathe slowly and calmly, but she wasn't making much progress to that... She saw Vigilon return, and she had the strength to start speaking again soon after. "My apologies for not making any introductions as of late. My name is J-...Krysta. My name is Krysta." She'd almost said her real name aloud right there.

    @Stryder @Vigilon @Vale @Paglikha

  7. Krysta had been disgruntled at the very least over the events that transpired earlier. She now knew the identity of Wardege's killer. However, she had only her starter gear and her wits. and she didn't know what this Dazia even looked like. She began to look around the Town of Beginnings, looking for anyone who might at least know of Dazia's location. She looked around town, asking NPC's, and possibly, maybe, the occasional player. No results. Eventually, she came across an NPC who asked her why she was so driven at the moment. "Have you, perhaps, seen someone who goes by 'Dazia'?" The NPC thought for a minute, then responded with, "Well, I think I overheard someone in black introduce herself as Dazia to someone else. Last seen, from what I've heard, she'd left the town from the gate that leads to the path to Horunka." "Thanks, that's just what I needed to know!" She dashed off to the gate that was mentioned. Upon arriving at the gate, she stopped suddenly. She couldn't possibly make this search alone...

    @Vigilon @Moba

  8. Krysta noticed that two players had arrived at the unfolding scene. Throughout the continuing conversation, she listened carefully to the many words that were spoken by the players, responding to each one after it was spoken. "Wardege...His username was...Wardege..." After responding to Stryder's words, she responded to Vale's. "Yes, this act is...undoubtedly deplorable..." She responded to Paglikha's words next. "Be as it may, those words do nothing to ease our pain from loss..." Finally, she responded to Vigilon's words. "Do you know of this player?" She'd guessed that from the fact that he'd mentioned Dazia as a her. "I will not just remain here...I don't want Leif to have died in vain, and I'm sure he'd fought bravely... This act..." Her sentences were separated by her crying and sorrows. Slowly, her expressions turned from absolute sorrow...to half sorrow, and half...Anger. "...Is... Deplorable...Unforgivable....... Justice must be done...Dazia...Dazia must pay for her crimes..."

    @Vigilon @Vale @Stryder @Paglikha

  9. Krysta had plenty she needed to do. She had to become stronger and start taking on quests, she had to level up, and, last but never least, she had to figure out which skills she wanted. She also couldn't forget about seeking out proper gear. "Oh, dear... I still have yet to go farther than just outside the safe zone, but I shouldn't for the time being... I won't take a step outside...yet." She decided to wait for a player or two, maybe more to accompany her first. She was looking forward to leveling up and all, but the task might seem a little daunting at first. She had to do certain things, such as protect and save, at some point in her time in this terrible labyrinth of a castle that is known as Aincrad. There were players out there under harm, extreme danger, warlike circumstances, and suffering from the wrath of heartless killers...

    @Jomei @Thorsten @Stryder

  10. Krysta looked up as a player with feline attire came up to her, and from how it seemed, she was trying to comfort her with the fact that she wasn't alone. There were plenty of times where something seemed unusual, but... a female having a wife made no sense to Krysta. She then saw a boy draw near, asking if she was okay and what had happened. "No, I am not alright. Leif is dead! He was my cousin, and he was like a brother to me! Now he's gone..." She looked back to the name that was crossed out, and noticed some words under it. She read them softly. "'Killed in a total loss duel with Dazia'." She could hardly believe it. A player was the one responsible for his death. "Wh-who would even dare to have the audacity to murder him!?" At this rate, it wouldn't be long before she watered the ground directly under her with her own tears.

    @Vigilon @Vale

  11. Krysta was running quite fast throughout the Town Of Beginnings, headed for the Monument of Life. She couldn't bear the thought of loss that, sadly, was undoubtedly true. "No, no it can't be!" Tears began to fall off her face, which was struck with absolute disbelief. She found her way to the black iron palace, over to the room of resurrection, where she then ran towards the monument of life. She looked throughout the many names, and soon found the name, crossed out. "No...Leif... No, this isn't true..." She fell on her knees, her hands on her face, as she continued crying over this loss. Wardege was dead. She could hardly believe it at all. Right now, she was in tears and paid no attention to the name to notice the cause of Wardege's demise. She knew there were plenty of dangers in this death game, but she never guessed that Wardege would fall so soon.

  12. <<Krysta>>





    Age: 18-20
    Gender: Female
    Birthday: April 17
    Real Name: Jewel Alice Neilsen
    Height: 5’4”




               Jewel Alice Neilsen, Norweigan in nationality, did not necessarily have a standard childhood, though sometimes she wondered what it would have been like if she had one. Being born into royalty could potentially make one wonder such things, anyway. Her father was like a generous guardian, and her mother was like a nurturing mentor, for she really looked up to her mother. Young Jewel would love to listen to her mother sing, and she would try to sing, too. Her mother often told her many stories that intrigued her, and it would all begin to manifest in her mind, affecting her personality as she grew. 


         Her mother, during Jewel’s childhood, often spent time with those who she knew, though one day, she left to meet with a particular individual, but did not return. Jewel's mother was soon found dead, seemingly of a sudden health condition, from what could be guessed. Jewel was only ten years old, and she was now without her mother... This would lead to a problematic development, for while her mother was part of the royal family, her father was not, thus leaving Jewel with a choice to make. She could give up her royal title, and leave with her father, or she could keep her royal title and remain in the family, while her father left. Jewel may have been young, but she had been taught well thus far. What mattered more to young Jewel? As much as she loved her father, she had a duty to uphold...and what would the lives of herself and her father be, when weighed against the lives of multitudes? With difficulty, she made her choice, to remain in the royal family so that she may do her duty for her country if or when it would need her.

           With her choice, came its consequences. Her older sister, Catherine, born four years before Jewel and from a different father that Jewel had never known, would attempt to take charge over Jewel. There were clearly some related individuals like their uncle and three aunts who were old and capable enough to raise the two sisters, and yet, Catherine had the audacity to try taking charge like this, at only fourteen? Regardless of who truly raised Jewel for the next eight years, Jewel had some difficulty getting along with Catherine, both before and after this moment. Thankfully, while disagreements between the two were frequent, quarrels were uncommon and fights were considerably rare. putting up with Catherine wasn't nearly the only consequence of staying, however. As a Princess in the royal family, Jewel had a duty that she could potentially need to uphold one day, so there were many expectations for her, as well as much to prepare her for. Catherine had no desire to become a successor to the crown, and from how she acted, it was as though she was determined to be unfit, thus placing even more pressure on Jewel to prepare herself as a potential successor. Sometimes Jewel would wonder just how she was able to carry all that weight of expectation, yet she was not even very close in line.

             Throughout these troubling years of her life, she would sometimes seek personal refuge once all necessities of the day were taken care of. Her first refuge was reading, mainly the books that her mother used to read to her when she was younger. She did read other titles when she could, but nevertheless, it was both a source of nostalgia for her, and a small window for some peace of mind. When not seeking refuge, she would try to spend time with available family members in her free time, though on the times they had no intentions of spending any time with her, she at least was able to get in touch with her father over voice calls and video chats, and he was often available to talk when no one else was. Not always, of course, but often.

                 Jewel would take some time to learn about her cousin, Leif, during some of the times she got in touch with her father over video chat, and learned about his caring tendencies. He had a servant’s heart, and often expected nothing in return for his kindness. It would seem that seeing others being happy or helped was all that was needed to bring him joy. Surely, Jewel would hate to see him being used or abused for his kindness and willingness to serve the general populace around him. Leif was only her cousin from her father's side, however, so she was too far away to see him personally, either. Jewel only had two cousins on her mother's side, one older by two years, the other younger by one, and for either to be available or willing to spend any time with jewel was surprisingly uncommon. Fate was cruel, for the family member available to interact with in-person the most was her older sister Catherine, who she preferred to not give much of her attention to, resulting in Catherine initiating most of their interactions with each other.


            In her thirteenth year, she was introduced to gaming by a new friend she’d made who was around her age, a girl named Kimberly. Although she kept it in healthy moderation, mainly due to the expectations she would need to carry the weight of, Jewel began to like this new hobby, and considered it as a personal refuge like her hobby of reading, especially since it gave her a chance to live out many grand tales and save other worlds as a character...she wondered what it would all be like if it were more immersive. She introduced Leif to gaming over another video chat, and the two would participate in Co-op games over the internet on the occasions both of them had a shared spot of free time. She learned of how difficult competitive would be, when Catherine got involved. The two ended up embroiled in a rivalry that may have been awfully petty, but such is life when it comes to sibling relationships.

       She soon befriended Leon Hart, a boy around her age, though he was usually unavailable to speak with her in-person...not that it stopped him from wanting to keep in touch with Jewel, anyway, even if it couldn't be in-person. Jewel continued to grow, both in knowledge and her progress towards becoming a potential successor, as well as skill in her new hobby. While only one of Jewel's two cousins in the family joined in with her and Catherine on the Gaming hobby, the other was more into chess and fencing, in which Jewel would be encouraged to become his rival in both those aspects by her elders amidst the royal family. In all honesty, she was considering doing so, anyway. 

        With all of the expectations, lessons, and personal preparation that were training Jewel up as a potential successor, alongside these other things she began doing as she grew, she found herself with little room for occasional differences from routine. Not that she hated routines, but having a slight positive variable occur would be nice. At least when all else failed, even within her family, there was one who was always willing to help. A maid by the name Eirdis, who was first hired during Jewel's fourteenth year. Despite the eight year difference between Jewel and Eirdis, Jewel considered her a friend by her fifteenth year, and Eirdis was always willing to hear her out if she needed to get something off her chest. At first, people were skeptical about the friendship that formed between Jewel and Eirdis, but after several months, there seemed to be no issues found, and Eirdis was even appointed as Jewel's attendant later on. Out of the people she knew, she considered Kimberly, Leon, and Eirdis to be her true friends, and among her peers of the royal family, she'd been like a friend to the younger cousin, while the elder cousin was a rival in expected practices, and Catherine was a rival in the hobby of gaming. Jewel had a mild impression that this would be her life, that she would spend most of her time being prepared as a successor. It was the choice she made to hod a duty to the people, and by all means, she would refuse to give up or give in to all that pressure, no matter how hard it built up.


               Jewel would find that she was wrong in her belief that the process of being raised as a potential successor would not become much harder than it was while she was an adolescent, for when she came of age, there was much more that she would need to learn and be ready for. Despite that, there was not very much other change, aside from the new "adult responsibilities" that she would need to handle, though somehow Catherine had managed to make a profession for herself out of the hobby they shared. Jewel had a great weight upon her shoulders, the weight of that choice she'd made eight years ago...but as she'd told herself time and again, she'd chosen to stay so she could do her duty to the people when or if they needed her. However, she couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if she had a different life. It was merely a curiosity, she wouldn't purposefully throw herself into a new life, for what was one life, when weighed against the future of multitudes?

               Fate has a cruel, cruel sense of humor. She began to hear of Sword Art Online, and of its highly immersive nature...perhaps it was worth giving a try, it might possibly become a harmless answer to her question. She would even speak with Eirdis about possibly pre-ordering the game. However, when that fated day came, she put on the set of NerveGear, and realize too late that it had the potential of being a one way trip, that the game was a trap, and those who died within it would die in reality. She was forcefully thrown into another reality, in which only slaying all the horrors that reigned over or terrorized all one hundred floors, would open the path to freedom for all trapped within...

    Would her experiences be worth the trouble that she’d gotten herself into? Only time will tell, for she was now Krysta, a Princess lost in Aincrad.





    Krysta is a sweet young woman(Most of the time). She is also an amazing singer with a beautiful voice, although she doesn’t sing very often. She happens to be adept at tailoring, and has made her own garments on occasion. She is the sort of individual who does what she can in situations minor or major, depending on what she is capable of. She is kindhearted, determined and justified, but she is also vengeful, emotional, and stubbornly driven. She also happens to have a...“Mild” fear of spiders.





    "Deep down, there's a light that never goes out."


    Kindhearted: Krysta is caring and empathetic, and she enjoys having friends and family in her life. Due to the circumstances of this game, she prefers to stay close to someone she knows and trusts. Whether her family is family, a makeshift family made up of friends, or even a Guild family, that works for her. Part of what drives her is all the innocent lives she feels like she is saving or protecting, and she is more than willing to help them.

    Determined: Krysta is strong willed and will refuse to quit a possible goal. She will press on, and even encourage others to do the same. She can do many things she sets her mind to. However, it can occasionally be seen as a flaw, if the goal is a rash decision or a vow of vengeance…

    Justified: Krysta hates to see people suffer from evil, and the effects of it. She is willing to help others, and knowing she can fight in this game, it pleases her to bring justice, whether to save players from problems like tough monsters or PKers, or to open the road to freedom from Aincrad. She does happen to find some pleasure in bringing some justice to a place like this, and she will do her best to play her part to protect and save, as well as thwart any threats she can stop.







    Vendetta: Krysta cares deeply for others, especially friends and family, so she will not take a loss lightly. Should she be capable of doing so, she will not rest and let someone else do it, she will kill the murderer herself, otherwise she will hope justice is brought to the killer, occasionally pressing one to do it if she can’t. If someone tricks her into a vengeful rage, and she finds out, that person is sure to be next on her mental “Most Wanted” list.

    Emotional: Krysta has strong, powerful feelings, and often reacts strongly, for better or for worse. This can be viewed as both a virtue and a flaw, seeing as she can feel bright as the sun, yet can be found crying like a child when something terrible happens, or even angered to a degree that could even make one believe that “Her eyes were ablaze!” She is also emotionally sensitive, and there are many situations that can bring out her feelings.

    Stubbornly Driven: Just because she is determined doesn’t mean she can’t become…driven. When completely, utterly, or solely focused on something, for better or for worse, it will take more than a serious discussion or two in order to discourage her from it. She may be driven to the point where she may push you or your words aside to deal with what’s on her mind, though this is considerably uncommon. However, if she is driven to such a point, her emotional state could worsen the matter.


    [Rebirth Character(Wardege)]

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