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Posts posted by Kirbs

  1. Kirbs let out a low mumble as she tucked her hands into the pockets of her pants. She needed to think. But that was the only thing she’s been doing for the last damn week— cooped up in her damn shop with the blinds shut.

    It wasn’t healthy, thank God she knew that. She needed the fresh, virtual air. Too much has been on her mind, and it was at the point where it felt like her bloody head was going to friggin’ explode.

    So there she was, looking like some kind of high school student who just pulled a damn all-nighter— which is the equivalent to looking like doo doo. She wasn’t sure how long she had walked or where she was walking, but she walking at least. It was better than being dead.

    An unfamiliar shade of hair caught her eye. She’s seen bright hair, but damn, that’s the brightest hair she’s ever seen. She was sure that the player must’ve changed it during their time in the game— because that was definitely not natural hair. Kirbs squinted at the player before widening her eyes in surprise.


    @Dustin @Hydravion @Andromeda

  2. Kirbs let out a shrill shriek as a giant pine cone appeared from behind her. "Get back, you prickly monster!" She screeched, drawing her spear. 

    She let out a battle cry as she charged towards the living pine cone. Never in her seventeen years of life would she have thought that she would have come face to face with a living, breathing, giant, pine cone. She delivered the same kicks and slashes that she had previously applied to the Avalanche but this time... she felt a lot more stupid doing it. I mean, come on! It was a bloody, giant, angry pine cone. After depleting its health by a large sum, she dashed back and hid behind Bahr. "G-get that thing away from me!" She whispered loudly, covering her eyes. "It's so creepy looking! Why would Kayaba make such a thing?!" She cried dramatically, sobbing internally as she shielded herself with her party-mate.

    ID: 119447

    BD: 6+2=8

    8x6= 48

    Suspicious Pine Cone: HP: 80/160 | DMG: 48 | 

  3. "Really?" She asked, her eyes lighting up again as she held out her arms. The ball of fluff fell perfectly into them and she almost smiled. Almost. Damn, she had always wanted a little cat when she was little. Although, she was sure mother was allergic to them so she would never really be able to get one... shame. Scarfy let out an almost inaudible hiss when the cat got near him but he was silenced with a harsh glare from the redhead. 

    She nodded her head feverishly and let out a small sigh of relief. "Yes, I want to do that." 

    She needed to do that.

    "So..." She bit her lip, not really sure what to say in the silence. "What's been going on lately for you?" She asked, shrinking back a little bit. It felt like her social awkwardness had come out. She was so sure that she had gotten past that phase, but apparently not...


  4. Kirbs skid to a halt and nearly fell on her face, too. She let in a sharp breath as she looked at Bahr's healthbar from the corner of her eye. "Wow, you took quite the tumble there," she giggled, patting him on the back jokingly. "I don't think I've ever seen someone sustain so much damage like that..." she chimed, grinning. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone become a living snowball either-- but that's besides the point. Are okay? You certainly looked... bland while you were tumbling down here," she stifled another giggle as she searched his face for some kind of answer.

    Well, that certainly was interesting. She wasn't sure if they were lost, either. Good thing that Kayaba was completely stupid! She opened her menu and her fingers dashed across the menu before her map opened up. "We should get going before we get ambushed by some mob or something."

  5. "Okay," she whispered, blinking a few times. She wasn't sure if her eyes could be crusty or not, but damn, they felt like it. 

    Her tired eyes brightened just a little bit as the cat meowed. Cats were probably one of her favorite animals, after all. "It's a pretty name," she commented, smiling briefly. 

    She nodded her head slowly as she thought it over. This did offer some good EXP from her knowledge... so it wouldn't really be considered a waste of time, would it? It'll bring her one step closer-- even if its a tiny one-- to her goal. "Alright, I suppose I can help you. It shouldn't be too hard to kill it for me, anyway," she offered Kityuisa a small smile as she equipped Aftershock. "Go ahead and lead, but just..." she paused, furrowing her brows for a heartbeat. "... just don't die on me, please," she said, her voice cracking at the end. She couldn't risk someone else she knew dying, especially if she could've prevented it. "Let me take the damage. I can suck it up, but just try not to get hit."


  6. She nodded, “yeah, haha good! Meet new people and stuff.” Damn, now her life just got a whole hell lot more sadder. It seems like she was the only one not in a guild these days. She was completely fine with that, though. She was an independent young woman, after all! 

    The girl sweat dropped and held her hands up defense. “No, no. I don’t do well with groups of people,” she said sheepishly— just before he started tumbling down the snowy hill like a snowball.

    ”Oh, my God,” She covered her mouth as she snickered for a few seconds. What? She was taking the advantage of something she’ll probably never see again! Plus, perfect blackmail material! After a few more seconds and silently watching him roll down the hill, she sighed and laughed to herself before she dashed down the hill after him. But what could she really do to help?  

  7. Kirbs gave a small laugh and nodded her head. "Sure, we can head back to Snowfrost if you want? I know a few nice shops and cafes there to get you warmed up!" She chimed, already starting the path back to the town. The cold didn't bother her much at all. Sure, it stung when it hit her face sometimes, but that was really it. To her, it seemed like a little chill! 

    "So," she started as she leaped over a small pile of snow, "how is life in Aincrad for you? You seem like you're doing well, so good things, I hope?" She asked, smiling to herself. At least, she hoped that he was doing well. He seems to be up and running and seems to be doing just fine on his own so far! He seems pretty independent too, so that's always a good trait! "Are you thinking about joining any guilds? Or are you going to be a solo player like yours truly?"

  8. God, was she really that awful to look at right now? Of course, even the damn sunlight hurts her eyes. When's the last time she even left her shop? She's been cooped up in the for days? Weeks? She lost count.

    "Some things have come up. I'm fine, though," she reassured her, forcing a small and thin smile on her face as she hugged her back. Damn, she really needed a hug. Thank God for Kityuisa.

    She didn't want to tell anyone about the murder. Best case scenario, they would only discourage her from going on a full out suicide run for revenge. Plus, she wasn't really looking for much emotional baggage at the moment. She really did like Kityuisa but it really wasn't the time to tell anyone, especially when she felt like actual [nonoword]. "No, no, there's... nothing you can do. It's nothing, though, don't worry," she reassured again. Her eyes widened at the sight of a cat peering at her from behind the pinkette's back. "I see you got a familiar. Congrats, girl," she said genuinely. "It's very cute." Her own familiar couldn't have picked a better time to lift it's head tiredly to meet the other familiar. At least something good has come out of this whole situation. The two have finally had a mutual understanding and it was a hell lot better than what their old relationship used to be.

    Kirbs gave her another tight smile and turned to look at the sky. The blazing heat wasn't so bad. Her Survival skill can certainly come in handy in a situation like this. Maybe if it were a few days ago, her old self would be complaining her face off about the heat. "So about this shark?" The redhead asked, turning back to the other player.

  9. "Sleep is for the weak," she muttered as she sat down at her counter with one arm supporting her head. She had probably been at the counter for hours. Thinking. Wishing. Loathing. Planning. A part of her wished she had never found out of Bell's death. It would've spared her the tears. But how could she wish that upon herself? She deserved to know that her best friend was murdered.


    She detested that word. It felt like her mouth got tainted every time she muttered that word. She couldn't believe that Bell was murderers either. Was Pinball even thinking when he murdered Bell? He was sweet... and kind. Why would someone want to murder him? It just doesn't make sense! Pinball wasn't the type to murder for fun. Did he finally go insane or something?! Kirbs ruffled her red hair and groaned. The facts don't add up. Who was Pinball anymore?


    - 3 SP

    - 400 Col

    - 1 Fish with +1 ACC snack (+1 BD for one Thread)

  10. Kirbs slowly arose from her spot and sat behind her counter. It was quiet. She normally hated it, but it felt... nice. She wanted her thoughts to herself. Most importantly, she wanted to be alone. She didn't know how long she was going to be like this, but she could tell that it wasn't going away anytime soon. She was tired-- so tired, yet she didn't want to sleep. At the same time, she wanted to. What if this was just some God awful dream? And when she woke up, Bell would be alive and well. And both of them would be at some cheap cafe, him sipping on his tea like a true English while she was there with her soda. They would be laughing. Talking. Reminiscing about their past. They would tell stories of her brothers and how they would terrorize him. They would tell stories of all of their struggles. They would be together.

    She knew deep inside, though, that those days were never going to come.

  11. Kirbs sighed as she leaned her head back on to the wall again. Perhaps... this is what she needed? Was this the universe's way of telling her to finally get off of her arse and to actually start doing something? Something that could benefit people. Something that could help others. Something that could save others. She laughed humorously to herself. There she went with her thoughts about why everything happens for a reason again. 

    She touched her throat with the tips of her fingers. Her laugh... it wasn't what it used to be. It was raspy, and nothing was laced in it. Didn't her laughs used to be so full of joy and excitement? How could someone change so quickly in such a short amount of time like she had? Was it even possible? Had people experienced like she had? She was sure there were others like her-- and she quietly sent a prayer to all of them.

  12. Change can be a good thing, right? Was she experiencing a good change? Was this for the better?

    She sure as hell hoped so.

    Kirbs stared at the message in front of her. It was from Kityuisa, of all people. The redhead smiled briefly as she thought about all of the adventures the two have had previously. She was a nice person a learned quickly, far faster than Kirbs herself has, surprisingly. Her dull eyes scanned across the message. Yes, she had heard of this quest before. It was one of the quests she was too over-leveled for... yet again. A lump formed in her throat as she went into deep thought again. 

    These were quests she had neglected. She could be so much higher in levels if she had done these so much sooner. If she had been stronger-- maybe, just maybe-- he would be alive. Her Bell would be alive.

    Her daze was quickly broken when she realized that the other player was still awaiting for her answer.


    To: @Kityuisa

    Sure thing. I'll be up there soon.

    Soon was an understatement. It only took her about a minute to find herself a teleport gate and poof herself on to the fifth floor. 

    And oh boy, she looked like a train wreck. Her hair was in shambles and if it were possible to even have bags under her eyes, she was sure she had them. She wasn't even sure the last time she even slept. Too many thoughts. She didn't want nightmares to happen.


    LVL: 17 | HP: 340 | EN: 34 | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 PAR | 1 Bleed | 2 REC


    > T1 Light Armor Skill: 5 MIT

    > T2 Fighter Familiar Skill: 2 DMG

    > Survival Skill: Increases out of combat health regeneration to [15xTier] per post. Grants immunity to most damage dealing with environmental attacks/effects

    > R3 2H Assault Spear Skill: 6 DMG


    > T1- Aftershock: 1 Bleed, 2 PAR

    > T1- Coat of Eulogies: 2 Recovery, 9 MIT

    > T1- Turning Medallion: 2 ACC, 1 EVA


    > 5 Starter Healing Potions: Heals 50 HP


  13. She craved it. She needed it. She didn't care what other people said. The blood of her best friend was on the filthy hands of that murderer, and she was going to avenge him. She was never really one to care about her own safety, but that feeling went out straight out the window five minutes ago. She couldn't get anything else out of her mind apart from a few thoughts... and I suppose you could guess on what they were about.

    Revenge. Pinball. Murderer. 

    She did not care if she got hurt. She did not care if she died in the process. She never really had a purpose in this damn game, and now she finally found one. She was going to find that filthy bastard and make him pay. Pay for killing her best friend. Pay for all the bull he had put her through. Pay for making her feel like this. And pay for making her lose herself.

  14. The girl exchanged a blank stare with her familiar as she leaned her head against the wall. She felt... so dead. No one she really ever knew has ever really died in Aincrad, neither did anyone she was close to die in the real world? Is this what mourning felt like? She didn't like it. She wanted it to disappear. She wanted all of these negative feelings to just disappear! She wanted that thought to be out of her head. It was disgusting. 

    A shift of movement in front of her stirred her back to reality. Right. Reality. That's where she was, right? Her eyes followed the familiar shape of her familiar's. He didn't look like he cared, but did she really expect him to? But she felt like they bonded more than they've ever had in the past minute. They both were... blank. Emotionally blank. A few emotions were caught in the girl's head, though. One of them was clear as day;


  15. Kirbs stumbled into her shop; her only safe haven. She wanted to deny the fact so much-- so damn much. She missed him. She missed him so damn much. It couldn't have been two months since the last time she saw him, but it hurt. I hurt her that the last time she saw him-- there was so much hurt in his eyes. He looked dejected. Defeated. That's what she looked like right now, huh? Kirbs let out a shrill laugh as her back hit against the corner walls. 

    She had completely forgotten about her own familiar, too. Scarfy had just barely slithered off of her shoulders when she fell backwards. How dense was her damn head? 

    The redhead silently slid down the wall and hugged her legs closer. She didn't know what to do. Revenge? Mourn? Nothing? All of her previous thoughts had almost vanished from her mind. She felt so blank, now. She was so happy just less than an hour ago, right?

  16. How long?

    How long has Bell been dead? Kirbs sobbed even more when she realized that she hasn't heard from him in weeks. What kind of person was she?! She didn't even try to go after him when he left! His birthday. That was the last damn time she even saw him. What if he died on his birthday? Could he have died right after he had left her? He left her, right? Was this his fault, then? He left her! Was he responsible for his own death?

    Kirbs hunched her back as she gripped the sides of her head in agony. What the hell was wrong with her? Was she really blaming Bell of all people? She let out a cry of agony as the dozens of thoughts whirled in her head. This can't be real. He can't be dead. I mean, it wasn't even sure that he would die in the real world, right? Oh, who was she fooling? Kayaba showed us the articles that day. Of course this was real.

  17. The girl wobbled over to a small bench that wasn't too far away from the stone. Was she just as guilty as Pinball himself? Was she a murderer, too? 

    The tears streaming down her cheeks were falling even harder now. Was she to blame for her best friend's death? 


    It was his fault. That bastard. The psychopath. The murderer. He was the one who took Bell away from her. He was the one who made her whole world crumble beneath her feet. Who knows what he might do next if she doesn't do something? Who would he kill? Bahr? Kityuisa? Maybe even Sey? 


    She couldn't let anymore people she loved get hurt by this murderer. Murderer. Murderer. Murderer. She repeated in her head that word constantly. Because that's what he was, right? A murderer scum who took away her best friend, right? Murderers shouldn't deserve anything. She's given him too many chances and this was her last damn straw.

  18. Bell is dead.

    Bell is dead.

    That statement couldn't leave her damn mind! He was gone. He wouldn't be in her world anymore. Not in SAO, and not in the real world. They were supposed to leave together. They were supposed to make it out together. Why did he leave? Why did he have to take him from her? She was right. She's always been right! No one ever bloody listened to her! She should've reported him when she had the chance, now Bell is dead because of her! She could've saved him. She could've prevented this. What the hell was wrong with her? 

    Kirbs weakly lifted herself off of the ground, using the stone for help. She didn't want to touch it. She didn't want to be bloody reminded that her best friend was dead! He was gone, gone, gone... And he wasn't coming back. Why did he have to leave her here all alone? 

  19. "No..." she whispered, her hand retracting to cover her mouth.

    No. No. No!

    This wasn't real. It couldn't be real. Right? Bell can't be dead, right? He couldn't be dead! Her eyes widened as looked under his name. 'Killed by Pinball'.

    Kirbs felt her hands start to tremble as she stared at the name. The name she thought would leave her alone. The name that she wanted nothing to do with. "Pinball?" She whispered, her voice cracking a little bit. He killed Bell? Her Bell? 

    Before she could stop them, tears started to stream down her cheeks as she silently sobbed for her lost friend. They could've been something more. So much more. He loved her. Did she love him? She did, right? 

    She fell to her knees and let out an agonizing wail, though the spectators weren't very phased. It was a common sight to see in front of the Monument of Life, after all.

  20. She didn't know why she was here. But she eventually found herself in an unfamiliar place-- right in front of the Monument of Life, in fact. It kind of saddened her that she has never once checked this place before. She hasn't even come to respect the thousands of lives lost in this game. Her fingers trailed across the thousands of crossed out names on the stone tablet. She sighed as she backed away from the large stone. 

    There were too many.

    Far too many.

    How lucky was she? She was one of the few thousand people who have actually survived the game so far. Did she really deserve to be here? How many of these names were front-liners who died in battle? 

    What has she been doing for the last three years? Make trinkets and eat food? Disgusting. 

    Her thoughts were immediately cut off when her hand trailed over a certain name. A very certain name.



  21. Kirbs yelled a triumphic screech as her boat drifted slowly into the dock. "Here's your damn fish!" She screeched, throwing the fish at Pete's face. "Okay, bye, Pete! Don't ask why I know your name but I just do!" She gave him a thumbs up and rushed out of the area. 

    She was free! Free from that blasted quest line. Forever! Hooray for her! Kirbs let out a happy scream as she hopped back into town. A few looks of random strangers told her to tone down just a tiny bit, though! She laughed nervously a couple times before tucking her head down. She shoved her hands in her pockets and whistled a couple of happy notes. What was she going to do today? So many choices! She could go hunting again. She could go gathering! Oh, so many things! Perhaps she could go exploring the town? She hasn't really explored the Town of Beginnings very well. 

  22. "Oh, that's good," she nodded her head. That was definitely good. She wasn't really sure what level this guy really was but he seemed good enough, if not higher than her-- which he probably was, let's face it. "Oh, it's this old Nintendo character named Kirby," she chuckled, scratching the back of her neck sheepishly. She didn't really want to spill the details of one of her favorite Nintendo characters. Honestly, she found it a bit embarrassing that she named herself after a pink blob that inhales everything-- and when she said everything, she meant everything. She was snapped back to reality when he started examining her familiar. "Yup! I actually named him after another character from the video game I based my username off of," she grinned sheepishly. 

    "He is so cute!" She squealed, placing her hands on the side of her face as she looked at the baby bear. 

  23. The girl clapped her hands together happily as she watched him lower the creature's health all the way to almost nothingness. "Pretty stylish yourself," she replied, laughing. "Yeah, I can do it." She bounded over to the almost defeated elemental and sighed. Honestly, she felt kind of bad. It looked so defeated and it kind of broke her heart seeing it like that. 

    She patted it's lower leg with a small smile as she took out her spear. "Sorry, old bud. You'll be back for the next people who do this quest soon," she said reassuringly before retreating her hand away from it. Gripping her spear in both hands, she did a simple basic attack. Sparks flew from her spear as it scraped against the hard ice of the creature, finally sending it off to its end. The golem let out an earsplitting screech before it dispersed into dozens of red shards. 

    She turned back to Bahr with a grin. "Awe, I felt kind of bad for that guy, but we got the quest, done, yay!" Just as she finished, the quest rewards popped up in front of her. "Only a potion for all that trouble, yeesh, come up with some better rewards," she muttered as she scanned through the rewards briefly before closing the tab. "Well, it's still pretty early in the day. What do you want to do?"


    ID: 119344

    BD: 8, Success

    4-8= 0 HP

    Kirbs: 1 | HP: 320 | EN: 27/32

    Bahr: 0 | HP: 240/240 | EN: 14

    Avalanche: HP: 0/100 | DMG: 40  DED


  24. The redhead rolled her eyes when he looked away with a pink face. What was his problem? Was it so cold that his pinks were turning red? Oh boy, she hated when that happened. Her face practically got to the same color as her bloody hair!

    As the wind whirled around them, Kirbs couldn't help but have a smile form on her face. Kirbs giggled as she watched the giant frost golem emerge. It's stats were pretty weak considering how big it was, to be honest, so this wasn't going to be hard at all!

    "Yeah, he's pretty tall," Kirbs commented back as she looked up at the creature. The girl gave him a sideways glance and pouted. "Are you implying that I'm short, mister?" Darn, it wasn't her fault that she was average height! Kirbs rested the butt of her spear against the ground as she held the shaft with her dominant hand. "Yeah, just about. Let's see how much damage you do, Bahr!" The girl teased, watching him leap into the air, landing a solid hit on the ice giant. It knocked down it's health by a solid chunk-- almost down three fourths, even! 

    As she charged up her sword art, she felt a reassuring squeeze from her familiar who was already wrapped around her arm. Awe, he does care!

    "Alright! Now it's my turn!" She sang, dashing off. Using her gained strength in her arm and with the bottom of her spear, she launched herself into the air, just about the same height as the Avalanche itself. The hyperactive girl let out a shrill laugh as she slashed at the creature, landing slash and kick after slash and kick. The Avalanche swung its hand at her, which she dodged easily, although only missing by a tiny hair-- and thank God that this thing had giant shoulders because she would've fell to the ground if she hadn't landed on it. 

    Ah, but it was time to conclude this show, sadly! Kirbs let out one last fit of giggles before launching herself off of the shoulders of the ice elemental. While in midair, she thrust her spear into the large chest area of the creature and using the last of her remaining time on the sword art, she kicked herself off of the chest of the creature, landing soundlessly next to Bahr with a grin. 


    ID: 119340

    BD: 4+2= 6, Success

    MD: 2-1=1, Miss

    <<Dancing Spear>> 8x6= 48 DMG

    Kirbs: 1 | HP: 320 | EN: 27/32

    Bahr: 0 | HP: 240/240 | EN: 20

    Avalanche: HP: 28/100 | DMG: 40 



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