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Everything posted by Morningstar

  1. The evil feeling did not pass, coursing from his blade and through his body, shaking his very soul. The swordsman did not despise it in the same way he did his previous sword. The other took away his control; from him, it stole his mind. This blade, however, worked with him. It was an otherworldly source of power, but asked nothing of him but to be wielded. And so, in return for its strength, he did wield it, and would continue to until their communion no longer served either of them a purpose. Today, they were one, sword and swordsman. An upward stroke took a portion of the treant's
  2. Zandra explained her history as a frontliner, sharing that her role and build had changed significantly over the years. "Healers are cool. I don't meet all that many," he told her. "I'm a DPS." The amusing conversation ended abruptly with the arrival of a wave of mobs. Their first encounter with the hell hounds was lackluster at best. The party made light work of the infernal trio, defeating them in a single rotation, ordered Freyd, Zandra, and then Morningstar. The blonde swooped in last, picking up the last hit on one of the hounds and feeling displeased with the lack of a loot dro
  3. The fight began immediately. A dozen more tentacle-like roots poked out of the ground, flying towards him like javelins. He deflected a few with his sword while dodging the remainder. The gap between them was closed with a lunge. The swordsman grappled with his opponent, clashing against the silver-blue blade the treant wielded. Their weapons flashed, sparks flinging off the metal with each hit. They traded blows, but none of their shallow wounds could keep either at bay. Many times before, he had found himself in that exact position with a variety of differing foes. Whether it was a mons
  4. Twisting roots threatened to tangle the swordsman, regrowing every time he cut them down. They spiraled around him, clinging to his arms and legs. His movements were restricted by the tightening roots. They crept up his body, fully engulfing him with their wrath. Enclosed in the heart of the forest, he suffocated slowly. Over and over, a single command repeated in his mind until a burst of red light cracked through his wooden cocoon. It ripped and tore through roots, exploding at the authority of the Forgotten King. The forest would obey him, or face death. The swordsman chopped, cut
  5. The tea shop was still setting up stock, but Kingsley had asked Morningstar to stop by sometime before opening day. For his assistance on floor one a few days prior, the old man had prepared a gift. Morningstar took a step inside the tea shop and was instantly greeted by the multitude of aromatic teas. It was a quaint little store, and cozy at that. Kingsley had done a fine job decorating and setting up the store's layout. "G'morning," Star called through the shop, unsure of where he might find the little old man. "Ah, you're here! One moment!" Kingsley called back, rummaging through some
  6. "Another happy landing," Morningstar quoted with a grin. He helped Nari to her feet, ignoring the obviously missing chunk of her health bar. She would heal it back up, eventually. "That was exciting. Skydiving's fun, yeah? We'll have to do it again sometime," he patted her on her plated shoulder. "C'mon. Let's go play heroes." Leaving her to follow, Morningstar jogged recklessly atop the midair ship. Near its back end was a way into the ship. Normally, it would have been sealed off during flight but whatever door was once there had been blown of its hinges. The blonde peaked inside.
  7. Name: Hearty Soup Your Profession: Appraiser Your Rank: Rank 5 Roll ID: 221350 Roll Result: 20 Item Type: Meal Tier: T4 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: OH III Description: A soup made with beef and various vegetables. Link: URL Acquisition ID: 220854b Name: Dewdrop Salve Your Profession: Appraiser Your Rank: Rank 5 Roll ID: 221352 Roll Result: 16 Item Type: Salve Tier: T4 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: HP Recovery III Description: A small vial filled with a clear liquid. It tastes like water, but with a hint of cherry. Link: URL Acquisition ID: 220854c Name: Zo
  8. 4/5/2024 fusions ids junk sale Total Cost: 150,240 - 17,300 = 132,940 col
  9. Morningstar thought he knew the black-haired swordswoman in reference, but the relevance was unclear to him, so he remained quiet. "If we're getting dinner, then the place better have karaoke. I want Nari to serenade us while we eat." Excluding Wulfrin made sense. He was probably the most broke of the four and they were grinding specifically to fund his short-term endeavors, not so they could bankrupt him with their poor eating habits. It likely wouldn't matter, though. Something told Morningstar that he would be the one paying. His luck was simply awful when it came to things like this.
  10. Pulling himself from the wreckage, Morningstar gave a half-hearted thumbs up. "Yeah," he groaned. "A-okay. How's your health bar?" His was perfect, under the circumstances. He did a quick scan of their surroundings. There was no world where the pirates on Span 17 managed to follow them, but who could say what new enemies were waiting for them on the ground below the sky port. "Excuse me," Morningstar called to a nearby NPC. "Where abouts are we?" The NPC alongside, alongside a few others who had gathered around the crash site, ignored the question. The growing group seemed far more f
  11. "Good," Morningstar grinned, steering his horse out of town. "Let's get going." The path they traveled was exactly as Morningstar had described. The bumpy plains outside of the Town of Beginnings stretched as far as the eye could see. They traversed them together, with Star in the lead. Eventually, Horunka came into view. Instead of stopping or passing through, they took a detour, circling around the settlement and passing it entirely. Along the way to the Stone Valley, they rode through three separate forests, and then one large one on the way into the valley. When they arrived at t
  12. Morningstar returned within thirty minutes, his bag about fifteen pounds heavier than it had been when he left. "You're quick," he laughed, stepping up to the counter to retrieve his sword. It looked even better than he had expected. Wulfrin was growing into quite the blacksmith. Star was impressed. "Nice twist with the bird," he said, in reference to the Sentinel Armaments logo engraved on the blade's guard. The vines matched the other item's he had ordered from NIGHT, as did the brass. It was a fine addition to his collection. "Thanks. Got a quest in mind with your name on it, by the wa
  13. "Nonsense. You'll be fine," Morningstar assured the girl. "I've been around the combat block a few times. If anything does show up, I'll take it out." Morningstar took the position of guide for the party. He knew the floor like the back of his hand and had done his research before showing up for the quest. He knew where the cave was located and the best route to get there. "If we go by horse it'll be quickest. It's not protected, but we should be safe along the road. We can ride past Horunka, towards the Stone Valley. The trip's not so bad. We'll cut through the forests; the cave isn't to
  14. The next point of his journey was Sentinel Armaments, the abode of Wulfrin. Morningstar entered through the front door and greeted his friend. At the counter, he filled out a custom order. He needed a straight sword, and rather than appraise his own, he thought it would be nice to commission someone else for a change. "Think you can do this?" He asked, listing the single enhancement that he needed. "I've got some more errands to run, so shoot me a message whenever you're finished. I'll watch my mail," he smiled, leaving Sentinel Armaments behind. He checked his list to see where his
  15. "Hi, NIGHT." He was dressed in a tan button down, probably made from linen. The top three buttons were left unused. A bag hung over his shoulder, full of what would appear to be random knickknacks to any onlookers. It was old-fashioned; he had an inventory, but sometimes he still liked to use bags. He took a short look over her wares before picking out an item. His choice was a bit feminine, but he wasn't one to care. He liked the brass and the leaves and the vines. "This and this," he said, sliding over a custom order and sending a small sum of col her way. *** Purchasing
  16. "Good to meet you, Zandra." Morningstar gently shook the glass. Ice cubes slammed against its walls, clinking as they bumped into each other. "You make a good point, Freyd. It's not very appetizing," he stole a portion of Gugnir's Shard and in quick succession consumed it and the amber liquid. It burned his throat on the way down. It was much worse than he expected and probably would not pass a health inspection. He slammed the glass back on the counter, and got up from his uncomfortable seat at the bar. "Okay, let's get to work. Cerbie's a tricky one," he explained to Zandra, "I've been
  17. "Intruders!" A guard shouted. "After them!" Came another. A small squadron of Fae worked on extinguishing the fire that Morningstar had strategically set. The two that could step away from the burning tree chased after him and Oji, who were racing to the large door that was now unguarded. Oji rushed through first, with Morningstar following from the rear. He shut the door behind him, drew his blade and used it to jam the handle. Oji was busy looking around at the room they had waltzed into. Organic tubes ran across the ceiling and upper walls, fitting neatly into large pods. The
  18. His blade fell upon a spectral looter with a heavy slam. The weight and shape of Bleeding Giant caused rough severing rather than clean slices. The looter crumbled away like dust in the wind. He must have taken down a bad looter because it dropped nothing of value. Maybe it was new to the hoarding hobby. His attention turned to Freyd. "The High Fields of Crossing are probably among my top ten places in the game. Beautiful place. I haven't been in forever," he droned off, reminded of the past. There were places he no longer visited for reasons he tried not to think about. The High Fie
  19. "Woah. You guys look cool. I'm just a smoke machine," Morningstar said, green mist spiraling his limbs. He didn't mention Kat's hair. It looked fine, but he preferred the blonde. He was most jealous of her bow. Sure, Death's scythe was the most wonderful thing he had ever held, but how many people could say they'd used a bow in game? There's always next time, he thought. No socialization time would be permitted, however, as Nari had begun their next fight: the Apocalypse, or something. Two Blightbound Monstrosities shot out of the ground, immediately stunned by the purple-haired knig
  20. An order for Wulfrin: Junking the following unids: T4 Uncommon Consumable | IDs: [220058] [219983] [219984b] T4 Rare Consumable | IDs: [219986a] T4 Perfect Consumable | IDs: [219988a] T4 Rare Armor/Shield | IDs: [220059] T4 Rare Trinket | IDs: [220042] [220043] [220045] [219988b] T4 Rare Weapon | IDs: [219984a] [219986b] T2 Rare Trinkets [220243] [220233b] [220231] [220439] T2 Perfect Consumable [220233a] T2 Rare Consumable [220443a] T2 Rare Weapon [220427c] T2 Rare Armor/Shield [220276] [220406b] [22044b] Return: 17,575 col Junking the following failed
  21. "Oh, hey," he said as a pile of unidentified items showed up at his doorstep. "So," he confirmed, "this pile is identification and this pile is junk sale? Okay. Give me three." His fingers danced away in his menu as he efficiently identified all of Wulfrin's loot. It ended up being a pile of junk, but it came with a single piece of gold. The Duergar Battle Plate was the sole unique in the batch. The red-coated swordsman was lucky to find himself a set of armor with Flame Thorns. "No good for you, I suppose, since you run light armor. But it would make a nice gift," Morningstar said w
  22. "What'll ya have?" "Something cold." With a nod, the bartender stepped to the shelf, grabbing two unlabeled bottles and combining the contents into a single, unhealthy looking drink. He slid Morningstar's "something cold" across the counter. Two ice cubes jangled in the golden liquid. Refreshing. "What is it, exactly?" "Whiskey and Yōgan Special. On the house." "I'm grateful, but what in the world is Yōgan Special." The bartender simply laughed and wandered off, replaced by the voice of his friend. Morningstar spun in his seat, pleased to see that Freyd had turned
  23. At first, Morningstar thought that the red thread had been some sort of insect that had buried its way in the jacket. It leaped so quick that he had hardly noticed it. The colour had given it away; crimson against an otherwise plain background. He didn't know what it was, but he had a feeling he had seen its effects before. Foyle sprung into action, relinquishing the tailor of his apron. The thread lunged from the backside of the falling apron to Henry's chest, where it slithered around. "Get it off him! Quick!" Decisively, Morningstar reached for the thread. It wove itself int
  24. Quest Morningstar hated the ninth floor. The combination of bad memories and infernal temperatures put him in a bad mood, exemplified by his attitude when ordering ice cream from a local shop. When the server got his order wrong, he scowled bitterly. He didn't have the energy to point it out, nor did he have a rude bone in his body, so he accepted it and left the shop without leaving a tip. It melted no more than a minute later, spilling down the cone and over his hand. A napkin would have solved his problem, but the server had forgotten to give him one of those as well. He tossed the con
  25. Thread Closing: Dungeon Wave #1 (Floor 24) = 48 mats per player Dungeon Wave #2 (1400*20) = 28,000 col per player Dungeon Wave #3 (2000*50) = 100,000 col / 1 players Dungeon Drop | ID220992 | ld5 | 100,000 col, 48 materials Morningstar receives: 7,106 EXP (Word Count (5,510/10*6*1] + Quest [2,000] + Dungeon [1,800]) 290,065 col (1 page [400] + Quest [5,000] Dungeon [228,000] + Loot [55,600] + 15% P5 Reward [1065]) 106 Materials (Dungeon [96] + Loot [10]) Rare Weapons [3]: 220946b, 220954a, 220991a Perfect Weapons [3]: 220948a, 220948b, 220948c Rare Armor/Shiel
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