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Posts posted by Nari-Lanreth

  1. The hand looking creatures had made a few dashes in attempt to escape, but Nari and Onora had managed to hem them back in, side stepping to stand across from one another and force the creatures to remain within striking distance. The two women had worked without comment, knowing exactly where the other was at all times and moving to intercept anything that had slipped through the reach of either one. Nari had taken her time, letting Onora push the second one towards her before she had considered her approach and attack.

    "Alright, let me try stunning these things. Should give us a bit of time at least!" She lunged forward, lashing out in a wide arc with the spear and slashing across the forms of the hand creatures with the edge of the blade, forcing both into a momentary pause as the stun effect took over. She stepped back, allowing Onora to get a strike in against one of them before nodding to the pair of creatures. "I think these are gilded hands. They drop a large sum of col and materials, but are quick to spook and run...so long as we can keep them in place long enough, we can maybe get a good payday out of this!"

    Onora's smile told Nari everything she needed to know, and she found herself almost as thrilled as her partner. While it wasn't necessarily what they had been looking for, it was nonetheless a lucky find. Even with Nari's previous trips to the garden, she'd never before come across the things - only hearing stories from other players. Now, however, she wanted more than anything to bring at least one of them down and earn the rewards that their demise brought about.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [93/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | -13 EN
    Gilded Hand 1 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | Stunned
    Gilded Hand 2 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | Stunned
    Knockdown Pro | On a natural 10, Gilded Hand applies a stun to their target, and attacks a second time.  This effect can only occur once per turn.
    Anxious | This mob only attacks every other turn, unless attacking multiple times in a row due to <<Knockdown Pro>>.
    Coward | Gilded Hand attempts to flee automatically when their health falls below half. Successfully escapes on a CD 12. <<Gilded Hands>> automatically flee if all players in the party are stunned.

    ID219224 | BD: 5+4-2 = 7 | <<Tech-F vs. Gilded Hand 1>> | Hit: 14x12 = 168 damage | Stunned
    ID219225 | BD: 7+4-2 = 9 | <<Tech-F vs. Gilded Hand 2>> | Hit: 14x12 = 168 damage | Stunned

  2. "Is that...a treasure chest? I've never actually seen one before...I hear they contain good stuff." Onora had slunk along behind Nari as she approached the thing half buried into the ground. Nari's eyes had scanned the area numerous times on her quick approach, but seeing no immediate danger she had considered them safe for the time being. Curiosity winning over her caution, she pulled a key from her inventory and grinned as she placed it into the keyhole of the chest, looking up at Onora with a sudden twinkle in her eye.

    "They're supposed to...I've never actually had one before, to be honest. What do you say we open it up and see what we find?" Onora gave a terse nod as Nari twisted the key, hearing the lock within click and the lid suddenly pop open. Nari felt herself recoil as a pair of oversized, hand shaped things sprung from the chest, leaping onto the ground and screeching at her and Onora. She was quick to recover, scrambling to her feet and readying herself even as Onora drew her longsword to hand.

    "Well, this should be...hey! Get back here!" Onora moved to intercept as one of the things attempted to dash away, her longsword driving it back. A sudden realisation clicked in Nari's mind, and she smiled as she recognised what these were, and what it meant for their find. Far from what she had been expecting to find, they were nonetheless still a worthwhile find, if they could bring them down quickly enough.

    ID219223 | LD: 3+2 = 5 | Searching Treasure Chest | Results: Two (2) Gilded Hands appear! 1,150 col, 2 materials, Uncommon Consumables (2).

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [106/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | -? EN
    Gilded Hand 1 | HP: 396/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 
    Gilded Hand 2 | HP: 396/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2
    Knockdown Pro | On a natural 10, Gilded Hand applies a stun to their target, and attacks a second time.  This effect can only occur once per turn.
    Anxious | This mob only attacks every other turn, unless attacking multiple times in a row due to <<Knockdown Pro>>.
    Coward | Gilded Hand attempts to flee automatically when their health falls below half. Successfully escapes on a CD 12. <<Gilded Hands>> automatically flee if all players in the party are stunned.

  3. Onora's eyes passed over the field, searching for something that was beyond Nari's comprehension. She saw the blonde's eyes hover over a collection of ponds for a brief moment, before passing on to another group of the Snapdragons. Further out Nari could see the wolf pack that had been eyeing them for a time before moving on, and she wondered if Onora still desired to chase it down. Before she could ask, however, the blonde had begun moving forwards. Content to follow for the time being, Nari stepped after her friend, her eyes glancing about even as she went.

    "I'm starting to see why you enjoy getting out and doing this. As nice as the shop can be...there's some freedom to be found here." Nari grinned at Onora's sudden commentary, wondering what had brought about the sudden change in attitude. The blonde side-eyed the knightess as they strode through the grasslands, likely confused as to Nari's silent acceptance of the comment, and the fact that Onora was directing their movements. She could see as Onora opened her mouth to say something, when her head suddenly snapped to the side. "What's that?

    Nari had spun, spear and shield raised suddenly to face whatever threat was approaching, only to find empty air before them. Her eyes cast about, looking for any signs of danger, before the confusion slipped through her lips in a single word. "Huh?"

    "That...over there. Looks kinda like a chest, no?" Nari's eyes scanned the ground for a few seconds before spotting the thing, and she found herself suddenly filled with both enthusiasm and skepticism, her eyes staring at it leerily, while she walked forwards to review it.

    ID219222 | LD: 18+3 = 21 |  Search for Chest | Success!

  4. Silence fell between the two for a time as Nari considered whether to try and comfort Onora. Numerous times she opened her mouth, words coming to the fore only to be pushed down as she realised they sounded condescending, disempowering, or otherwise unhelpful in the moment. She found herself lulled into silence, realising slowly that there was nothing to be said. She was too close to the truth, or her version of it, to argue with what Onora had said. She knew that neither of them would forget those who had come before, nor consider their actions a waste of time; an insult to their lives cut short. Yet the two couldn't help but consider whether there was a true purpose to their plight, their rush to leave this world behind.

    "In the moment, it had seemed...right. To stand up and fight back. To try and get revenge for being locked in here. Maybe it still is. Maybe this fight isn't about leaving this world in favour of the real. Maybe it's about...has always been about, not being trapped." Her voice was low, as if she were speaking a secret meant only for the two of them. She felt, rather than saw, Onora's agreeing nod, and found herself speaking more as she realised that she may be on the right path with her thoughts. "A fight against those who created this world and locked us away. A fight to regain the choice to be here, or there, as we desire. Maybe that's all it's ever been about...and we just lost sight of it."

    "Alright, enough of this. It's getting depressing. Let's go stab something." Onora suddenly leapt to her feet, stretching with her arms high into the air as she tried to break the sullen atmosphere that had been descending on the two of them without notice. Nari shook off the feeling, rising to her feet slowly after her companion, glancing around as she did so. For the first time, she spotted the red furred face of Onora's familiar peaking from the hood of her sweater - worn beneath the leather armour to keep off the chill that seemed to be creeping across the area. "What about those things?"

    Nari glanced over to where the pack of silvery creatures roamed in the distance, the elongated blades making her wince slightly in remembrance of her last encounter with them. She quickly shook her head, giving a soft hissing sound before acknowledging the question. "Nope. Noooo. Nope. Bad experience with those. Super sharp blades that cut like paper. Never again. Not if I can avoid them."

    Onora's gaze struck Nari as odd, an almost shocked and questioning look that seemed to not quite register the fact that the knightess was turning down an opponent. It brought a laugh to Nari's throat and lips, and she couldn't help but shake her head again, trying to clear away the laughter even as it bubbled out. When she had calmed, she gave a way over the field, smiling towards the blonde. "Look, there's an entire garden. There's bound to be something I don't like here."

  5. Silence followed Nari's commentary and question for a while. She glanced over at Onora a few times, noticing the troubled, thoughtful expression on the blonde's face. It seemed like Onora was trying to piece together the idea that the world may not have waited for them while they were in here, something Nari was certain that Onora had thought of before, but perhaps not to this depth. When she did eventually speak, the blonde seemed reluctant to say the words that had formed on mind and tongue.

    "Maybe...maybe with how long it's been, those who were waiting for us outside have given up. What if...what if it were better for us to just remain here?" The question would've stunned Nari, if the knightess hadn't already been considering the possibility and reality. There was so much that had passed, so many things that had occurred, and she wasn't sure anymore what the right decision was. Whether their push to escape this world, as staggered but continual as it was, was still the right decision. A soft shaking from beside her brought her back to the moment, and she heard Onora adding to her original question, as if clarification was needed. "I'm not saying I'd prefer to give up and just...live life here. But I can't help wondering what the point is. We all came to this world to escape the real one - for whatever reason - and now we're fighting against being trapped here, to go back to the world we escaped from. It seems...counterintuitive, doesn't it?"

    Nari could only shrug softly in response. She'd had these arguments in her mind already. The hypocrisy of the entire situation, and the idiocy that could be found when one looked between the lines. Was there a purpose to all their actions? If not, did that mean that all the lives lost were lost in vain? Was everything they accomplished thus far pointless? No. We can at least say that it wasn't pointless. Any of it. We've progressed, pushed forwards and onwards. If nothing else, we've done something. Maybe the reasoning behind it isn't as important anymore, but...it's not pointless. There's success to be found there - even if it's just the success of being good at a game. There's pride in that. Beside her, Nari heard Onora whisper words that matched her own train of thought, barely audible and clearly meant to calm her own mind. "I won't mourn those lost, we did the right thing. We fought against the world...even if it's just a game. Even if we were happier here, to a degree. We fought, and we're winning...slowly, step by step." 

  6. Their thoughts were clearly in alignment on the topic, and Nari found that she had little more to add to the conversation. Onora had always been the more thoughtful of the pair, and as much as Nari could understand and correspond to the thoughts and feelings of her friend, she found herself at a loss for anything meaningful to add to their conversing. Not that Onora seemed to mind; the blonde had a knack for saying exactly what Nari was thinking, so that the knightess didn't need to speak. Is that why we get along so well, because we know what the other is thinking and feeling? Or is that just pure coincidence that's developed over time? A shrug was all she had in response to the thought, realising how little the answer truly meant to her. It was a simple matter of fact and existence, and Nari found that reasoning was enough for her.

    "Those wolves are taunting you, you know." Nari's attention turned towards the pack, eyeing them up as Onora seemed to step forwards slightly. The knightess gave a simple shake of her head, turning away from the pack and moving a small distance away - a clear sign to the pack that she had no interest in them for the time being. "Let them be, for now. There's no need to go hunting things when we could use the rest. Besides, they'll wait for us...we can deal with them later if we really need to do so."

    Whether surprised by the response from Nari, or somewhat disappointed, Onora sheathed her longsword at her hip and made to follow the knightess as she moved towards a small pond. Nari found herself staring across the water in thought, wondering what she would even do if she were able to escape Aincrad. She couldn't help but think of all the things she'd done in life, looking for some sort of regrets that she could turn around and overcome, wrongs that she could make right. 

    "I can see you thinking." The statement was as close as Onora ever got to asking after Nari's brooding, and the knightess turned to her friend with a smile. The blonde hair seemed to shimmer in the sunlight, and for a moment she found herself content to simply stare at her friend, her thoughts collecting slower as she took in the frame of her face, and the gentle expression upon it.

    "I was just considering what I would even do after escaping Aincrad. Like you said, the world would be much different, and perhaps there'd be little for us to return to in earnest. Makes you wonder if there isn't a benefit to remaining in what's known and familiar." She waved a hand across the area, signalling to the garden and everything beyond it. "As much as I dislike the idea of remaining trapped here, at least it's familiar. I know what to expect of it. The real world...what if we've been in here so long that there's been major changes to society, or technology, or the world in entirety? How overwhelmed would we feel coming out of this, and into...I don't know, a dystopian time?"

  7. "It's getting harder to find those, isn't it? The positives, I mean." There was no distress or despair in Onora's voice, a simple statement of fact that Nari noticed was uncharacteristic for the otherwise positive woman. Her eyes passed over her friend's face, looking for any signs, and seeing nothing but a bland expression. She considered responding, wondering what she could say. She'd long ago thought the same things, that there was no hope for their future, nothing to look forwards to other than a slow death. She wondered if Onora had begun to head down that path, the slow realisation that there may not be an escape. "I can see you watching me. And no, to answer that unspoken question, I'm not suddenly breaking into a pit of despair that I'll never return from. I just know that things are changing. It's getting hard to remember the outside world. People are getting comfortable here...and there's fewer and fewer who are interested in fighting for freedom. It's...well, it kinda makes you wonder if this is how it ends."

    "I wouldn't complain, if this was my last days." Nari glanced back across the fields, realising that for the first time she meant it. She'd long hated Aincrad, furious with the world for trapping her here against her will, for not giving her the choice. Some time ago, that had changed however. Perhaps she had become complacent and careless, or comfortable. But she found that the urge to clear the world had lessened. Not entirely dead, but far from the forefront of importance for her. "I would love to return to the real world, our original world. But...what would it be like now? How long has passed since we entered Aincrad? How many people would have forgotten us? Would we have lives to return to - and if so, what about our lives in here? The experiences, the things that happened and the people we met and lost along the way?"

    Onora seemed to nod in understanding, her expression showing a connection with the concepts. A clear line of thinking that was shared between the two of them. "Would it all be meaningless? I don't think so...I think that would be unfair. This is as much a part of us as anything else that we experienced...although I don't think people who weren't here would understand that...it would just be another divide between gamers and reality. A divide that maybe we couldn't hope to traverse..."

  8. Nari let her shield lower slightly as the final pair of Snapdragons exploded into shards, the frosting that had coated them squeezing out the remainder of health. She eyed Onora quietly for a few seconds, considering the offer before nodding slightly. "Alright...next time I head into something that's not too dangerous, I'd love if you'd tag along. But - it's on my say so. If I think it's too much, you'll have to accept that, agreed? Otherwise this won't work."

    Much to Nari's surprise and content, Onora was quick to agree, giving two quick nods before leaving the discussion alone. She was surprised that the blonde had given no argument, and found herself staring after the other woman for a few breaths longer before she shook off the surprise. Moving to stand beside her friend, she glanced over the fields, taking in the sights and trying to figure out what would be best to do next. She was far from winded, her endurance having become tenfold what it would've been previously, but she knew that Onora would need a break or two, considering how much they'd already done. Content to wait upon the other, she remained silent as she observed the area.

    "It looks like Nemo's added a few minor things here and there, doesn't it? I don't remember seeing those last time." Onora had nodded towards a collection of flowers and bushes that were a striking orange, red and black in colouring that made them stand out against the otherwise greenery of the garden. She gave a nod in agreement, surprised she hadn't noticed them earlier, and admiring the odd beauty to them. "At least this place is still growing, imagine if it was entirely stagnant?"

    She didn't want to agree, but found that the idea of being trapped in a stagnant, repetitive world might somehow be worse. "At least it means our presence here is never boring? Positives, I guess?"

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [37/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN
    Snapdragon 1 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 1 0 | EVA: 1 | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 2/2]
    Snapdragon 4 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 2/2]

    Piercing Crunch | Gains <<Phase>> on a natural MD of 9 or 10.


    ID219106 | LD: 5+4+2 = 11 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Armour/Shield (1), Additional Col (4,752| [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable, 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+4 = 9 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+4 = 23 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 2,376 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+4 = 18 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+4 = 15 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219203 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219204 | LD: 17+4 = 21 | CD: 6 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219208 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 2 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219209 | LD: 10+4 = 14 | CD: 8 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 3,960 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584 + 396], 1 material

    Loot Totals
    Uncommon Consumable {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209
    Rare Trinket {2} | ID219111, 219208

    Rare Armour/Shield {4} | ID219106, 219114, 219123, 219125
    Rare Weapon {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209

    Rare Consumable {1} | ID219125
    Perfect Armour/Shield {1} | ID219204
    Perfect Consumable {2} | ID219124, 219204

    46,282 col
    40 materials
    Note: All previous roll charts are incorrect, as Paragon LD Bonus was forgotten. Numbers confirmed as of this post.


  9. The Snapdragons had flashed forwards in an instant, attempting to overwhelm Nari's defences as they rushed towards her. She could see as one of them had peeled off towards Onora's form, and Nari had stabbed outwards with her spear - stabbing directly through the core of the thing and causing it to freeze in place as the ice slowly formed over and around it. Pulling the weapon backwards she had slammed the side of the blade into another of the creatures, watching as it suddenly locked up from the stun that spread over it. Her shield raised in response to the two others that had lunged forwards, the thorns within erupting and impaling the small dragons even as they clawed at Nari, barely able to scratch her behind her defence.

    "This'll be over quickly enough." She called out from behind the protection of the shield. She could already see that two of them were well whittled away, their health bars depleted from the spear strikes and Onora's follow up slashes against their unmoving forms. She pulled back behind her shield again as the two less harmed of the group made to assault her again, hearing as they slammed into the shield and were driven back by the force of it. She couldn't help but wonder at how much easier it was with the pair of them tearing through the creatures, thinking back to when she had done this alone.

    "Are you glad you brought me along this time? Much easier, isn't it?" Onora's words were like an echo of Nari's mind, and she couldn't help but nod her head in agreement. She'd long ago foregone the confusion of the blonde's ability to read her thoughts, giving it up to the way in which they seemed to know each other so well. "Maybe one of these days I'll join you on something a bit more challenging. Not quite a floor boss, or anything silly...but maybe a quest, or something more...well, challenging."

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [33/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN +51 HP | -17 EN
    Snapdragon 1 | HP: 12/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 1 0 | EVA: 1 | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    Snapdragon 2 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 1 0 | EVA: 1 | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 2/2]
    Snapdragon 3 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 1 0 | EVA: 1 | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    Snapdragon 4 | HP: 12/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    Piercing Crunch | Gains <<Phase>> on a natural MD of 9 or 10.

    ID219199 | BD: 10+4-1 = 13 | <<Tech-F vs. Snapdragon 1>> | Major Critical Hit: [(14+2)x16+40] = 296 damage | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    ID219200 | BD: 5+4-1 = 8 | <<Tech-F vs. Snapdragon 2>> | Major Critical Hit: [(14+2)x16+40] = 296 damage | Snapdragon 2 destroyed!
    ID219201 | BD: 8+4-1 = 11 | <<Tech-F vs. Snapdragon 3>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(14+1)x16+40] = 280 damage | Snapdragon 3 destroyed!
    ID219202 | BD: 10+4-1 = 13 | <<Tech-F vs. Snapdragon 4>> | Major Critical Hit: [(14+2)x16+40] = 296 damage | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]


    ID219106 | LD: 5+3+2 = 10 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,960| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+3 = 10 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+3 = 8 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+3 = 11 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+3 = 11 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+3 = 122 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Weapon (1), Additional Col (4,356 [1,584 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+3 = 17 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1) (3,564 [1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+3 = 14 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1) (2,772 [1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219203 | LD: 7+3 = 10 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219204 | LD: 17+3 = 20 | CD: 6 | Results:     Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1)(2,772 [1,584 + 1,188+792]), 3 material

    Loot Totals
    Rare Trinket {4}; ID219106, 219107, 219203
    Rare Armour/Shield {4}; ID219114, 219123, 219125, 219127
    Rare Consumable {2}; ID219125, 219127
    Perfect Weapon {1}; ID219124
    Perfect Armour/Shield {1}; 219204
    Perfect Trinket {1}; 219204

    38,808 col
    36 materials


  10. Nari stepped backwards as Onora stepped inwards and released a hard upward slash towards the creature that had become impaled on her shield. The thing seemed to glance backwards in a moment of sudden understanding as the shadow of Onora fell across it, as if realising that it had made a grave mistake. Nari shoved slightly to push the thing directly into the path of Onora's blade, letting the blonde's stroke cut fully through the form of the alien creature, and smiling as the thing shattered into shards. She rolled her shoulders slightly in response, loosening the muscles that had become taunt and tight as she had scrunched inwards to defend herself.

    "This is going a lot easier than before, at least. Seems like your lessons may not have been entirely in vain." Onora took a moment to look over her weapon and armour, eyeing up a few new scratch marks that had appeared in it due to the sudden wear and abuse it had been receiving. Nari knew that the equipment would need tending to later in the day, but for the time being it was still serviceable. She gave a soft sigh as she turned around, glancing over the field and taking in the pack of wolves that had drifted slightly away during the finality of their conflict. "Oh, don't worry about those...we have a new problem to face."

    Nari had spun around in response to the words, expecting another pack of wolves, or the alien creatures having approached from the side while she was distracted. Instead, she found a collection of small, baby dragon looking things that seemed to hover and float on the air in an almost jubilant way. She cocked her head sideways, eyeing the things over once before speaking. "Snapdragons. Surprisingly dangerous things, given the chance. They cut through armour with their teeth and claws as if it doesn't exist, if they get lucky."

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [938/940] | EN [46/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN +51 HP | -13 EN -2 HP
    Snapdragon 1 | HP: 308/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1
    Snapdragon 2 | HP: 100/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 1 0 | EVA: 1 | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    Snapdragon 3 | HP: 172/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 | Stunned
    Snapdragon 4 | HP: 308/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1
    Piercing Crunch | Gains <<Phase>> on a natural MD of 9 or 10.

    ID219195 | BD: 1+4-1 = 4 | <<Tech-F vs. Snapdragon 1>> | Critical Miss. | MOB: 5+1 = 6 | Hit: [132-139] = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage
    ID219196 | BD: 10+4-1 = 13 | <<Tech-F vs. Snapdragon 2>> | Hit: [(14+2)x16+40] = 296 damage | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    ID219197 | BD: 6+4-1 = 9 | <<Tech-F vs. Snapdragon 3>> | Hit: [14x16] = 224 damage | Stunned
    ID219198 | BD: 2+4-1 = 5 | <<Tech-F vs. Snapdragon 4>> | Miss. | MOB: 8+1 = 9 | Hit: [132-139] = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage


    ID219106 | LD: 5+3+2 = 10 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,960| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+3 = 10 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+3 = 8 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+3 = 11 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+3 = 11 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+3 = 122 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Weapon (1), Additional Col (4,356 [1,584 + 1,584 + 1,188), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+3 = 17 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1) (3,564 [1,584 + 1,188 + 792), 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+3 = 14 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1) (2,772 [1,584 + 1,188), 5 material

    Loot Totals
    Rare Trinket {3}; ID219106, 219107
    Rare Armour/Shield {4}; ID219114, 219123, 219125, 219127
    Rare Consumable {2}; ID219125, 219127
    Perfect Weapon {1}; ID219124

    32,868 col
    28 materials


  11. She'd been prepared for a fight, her weapon and shield armed and ready at her sides. She'd glanced sideways once, noticing the affirming nod from Freyd. He'd remained quiet during her direct confrontation with the queen and retinue, but she had the overwhelming feeling that he somehow not only approved, but agreed with her decision - as if he'd planned on taking a similar ending to the quest. She doubted he would've taken her exact approach to it, but she'd seen from his nod that he clearly supported her actions - if only by necessity. 

    It was, however, a surprise to Nari's ears when the queen spoke. She'd expected anger, frustration, perhaps a small amount of violence. What she received in return to her condemning - and likely treasonous had she been an Elf herself - words, was agreement. A determination that they were called upon because, the queen herself, had expected outsiders to do what the Elves would not, or could not do. A confirmation that the queen not only approved, but had somehow foreseen a merciful action from the players.

    The outcome brought a single word of response from Nari's mind as she tried to process everything that had just occurred. Even as she spoke, the confusion clear upon her face, she had glanced towards Freyd, as if to seek affirmation that she wasn't imagining everything. "What?"

    Whether her question went heard or not, an outburst from the young commander caught the queen's attention, pulling her eyes from the two players and onto the Elven man, until Nari was sure he would simply whittle away where he stood. She took the precious seconds to collect herself, before nodding slightly and pushing aside the doubt she'd felt - and still felt. "So, the Elves will seek treaty with the Treants then? If that...if that is the case, what further use can we be in developing a connection between the divide that has spread between the two of you?"

     "I do have another ask of you, should you be so willing as to assist." The queen's eyes had returned to Nari, and although the knightess had seen the Elves wither and kneel before it, she found it no more oppressing than a glance from any of the other people she had come across. She did, however, find herself listening intently as the queen's words continued, content to see how the situation would play out for herself - and possible for Freyd, as well. "The Treants do not trust us, Elves have rift apart any means of peace and connection over the time of this strife and war. Would we send an ambassador of Elven blood, it would likely be turned aside or killed on the spot, it's words falling on deaf ears. You who are uninvolved in the conflict may have a different opportunity. You are an outsider, one who has not been involved in the fighting and conflict that has claimed far too many. Were you to bring words of peace...perhaps they would listen to you, where they would ignore us."

    Nari sensed a desperation in the words - as much a desire to find a peaceful resolution as a desire for the knightess to agree to the proposition. She shot a quick glance towards Freyd's form, trying to find some answer in the cowl that hid any sign of agreement or disagreement. Instead, she found herself wondering what he thought of all of this, and how he reacted to it. A problem for another time. She nodded her head slowly, speaking softly and slowly in answer to the unspoken question. "I do not promise success, but I will speak with these Treants, to see if they will at least halt the conflict enough to begin peace talks between your two kind."

    She turned to look at Freyd, holding out a hand, the palm slightly upwards towards the sky. "While I have little to offer, I would enjoy if you would join me in such peace talks. It would be...well, it would be interesting to continue some of our earlier conversation. I feel as if there's much to talk about...and much that you could enlighten me to, given some-"

    She stopped suddenly as she realised she wasn't entirely sure what to say. Something about Freyd had made her think that he had answers, perhaps not entire answers but something hinting towards answers, for some of the things she'd been trying to solve within herself. She saw as much wisdom in him as reservation and mask, and she knew that if nothing else he would offer her some knowledge that would assist in finding the answers she needed.

  12. As the three creatures exploded into shards, joining their earlier brethren that Nari and Onora had already dealt with, the knightess turned her attention onto the final survivor. The thing showed little in the way of concern over it's current situation - a difference from the previous group that they had faced. Nari didn't waste time on sentiment, however, turning to look at Onora and nodding her head towards the thing. "Last one, then we can tackle those wolves. Should be relatively easy once we have this one down. So long as you're still up for it, that is."

    Onora returned her grin with a nod, grasping the longsword in a two-handed maneuver and driving the creature back towards Nari's shape. The knightess moved to intercept, stopping any chance of the creature from escaping the wedge that they were placing it into, the movement of the two almost natural. They had practiced the maneuver time and again, and Nari found that they'd entered a seamless momentum whenever they applied it now, the action coming almost naturally to the two of them.

    "Ready?" Onora called, preparing for the final drive. Nari gave no verbal response, instead setting her shield against herself and resting the spear on the top corner. With a few final swings, Onora drove the thing towards Nari's grasp, stepping back only once it was clear that it had no choice but to move towards the more well-armoured individual. In the same instance Nari shifted her own weight, making small adjustments to greet the creature with her weapon or shield as required, tracking it's progression with an intensity that would've displayed her battle prowess.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [939/940] | EN [55/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN | -13 EN
    Orchid Nymph 1 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2
    Venomous Claws | Crits cause paralysis and inflict Toxic Venom matching the player's tier for 2 turns.

    ID219126 | BD: 3+4 = 7 | <<Tech-G vs. Orchid Nymph 1>> | Hit: [14x16+56] = 280 damage | MOB: 6+2 = 8 | Hit: [132-139] = 1 damage | Burn [56 DMG | 1/2] | Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage


    ID219106 | LD: 5+3+2 = 10 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,960| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+3 = 10 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+3 = 8 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+3 = 11 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+3 = 11 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+3 = 122 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Weapon (1), Additional Col (4,356 [1,584 + 1,584 + 1,188), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+3 = 17 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1) (3,564 [1,584 + 1,188 + 792), 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+3 = 14 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1) (2,772 [1,584 + 1,188), 5 material

    Loot Totals
    Rare Trinket {3}; ID219106, 219107
    Rare Armour/Shield {4}; ID219114, 219123, 219125, 219127
    Rare Consumable {2}; ID219125, 219127
    Perfect Weapon {1}; ID219124

    32,868 col
    28 materials


  13. "Now, I'm no combat master, but don't you want to hit all of them with that attack?" Onora called out from the opposite side of the group of creatures, her own blade cutting slashes into one of the creature's that Nari had stunned, cutting down the health on it even further as it remained frozen in place. Nari couldn't help but grin at the commentary - as much a jest as it was a return for her earlier commentary about the girl's fighting skills. She considered returning the prod in kind, before deciding that it would be much easier to just let it slide and allow Onora to have a victory in this battle of wits. "After this lot, we should definitely hit up those wolves...they've been eyeing us for a while."

    Nari turned to look at the pack that Onora had tilted her head towards, the group of them prowling off to the side in what appeared to be preparation or consideration of an attack against Nari and Onora. She didn't like the way that they were staring at the two of them, and gave a nod of affirmation. For the time being there was nothing more to do than focus on the pack of alien creatures that they had already challenged, and hope the wolves held off until they were done. "Yeah, I think you're right to worry about them. Let's finish up this group and then focus on taking the wolves out. Should be easy enough to deal with."

    Turning her attention back to the fight at hand, Nari prepared herself to lunge into the crowd of creatures once more, eyeing the singular individual that she had missed on her last pass through the group. She'd managed to retaliate against it's successful hit due to her thorns and aura, but she had wanted to stun all four at once given the opportunity. "Alright, you come in as soon as I've landed the strike on the last one, got it?"

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [64/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN +51 HP | -15 EN
    Orchid Nymph 1 | HP: 308/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2
    Orchid Nymph 2 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3] |
    Orchid Nymph 3 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]
    Orchid Nymph 4 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3] |
    Venomous Claws | Crits cause paralysis and inflict Toxic Venom matching the player's tier for 2 turns.

    ID219119 | BD: 1+4 = 5 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 1>> | Miss.| MOB: 1+2 = 3 | Miss.
    ID219120 | BD: 8+4 = 12 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 2>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(14+1)x12+40] = 220 damage | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2] | MOB: 6+2-1 = 7 | Hit: [132-139] = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage | Orchid Nymph 2 destroyed!
    ID219121 | BD: 4+4 = 8 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 3>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | MOB: | MOB: 6+2-1 = 7 | Hit: [132-139] = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage | Orchid Nymph 3 destroyed!

    ID219122 | BD: 3+4 = 7 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 4>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(14+1)x12+40] = 220 damage | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 2/2] | | Orchid Nymph 4 destroyed!


    ID219106 | LD: 5+3+2 = 10 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,960| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+3 = 10 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+3 = 8 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+3 = 11 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+3 = 11 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+3 = 122 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Weapon (1), Additional Col (4,356 [1,584 + 1,584 + 1,188), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+3 = 17 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1) (3,564 [1,584 + 1,188 + 792), 3 material

    Loot Totals
    Rare Trinket {3}; ID219106, 219107
    Rare Armour/Shield {3}; ID219114, 219123, 219125
    Rare Consumable {1}; ID219125
    Perfect Weapon {1}; ID219124

    30,096 col
    23 materials



  14. The creature exploded into a collection of shards as Nari's spear impacted with it, matching the sudden strike of Onora's own outward slash. Between the two blades the alien like creature's health bar depleted itself, and the form shimmered before exploding outwards in the typical death shard manner. Nari threw a quick smile towards Onora, before motioning to a grassy spot a few metres away. The two made their way across the field unhindered as they let their muscles relax for a moment.

    "I see you've remember almost every thing I taught you. Although that hack and slash towards the end was...well, less than professional. Still, you did good." The snide smile that Onora threw back made it clear what she thought of Nari's words - and although she found herself laughing in response, she knew that Onora was at least taking gratitude in Nari's acknowledgement of her skill. Still, Nari wanted to make a note of the things she had noticed while stuck waiting for the venom to wear off. "You do need to keep an eye on your allies as much as your enemies. If you had, you would've noticed how little damage I was taking, and how easily I was regaining health...and as such, how I wasn't really in danger."

    The flush on Onora's face told Nari the lesson was being learnt, and she decided to turn her attention towards another group of creatures nearby. Although she was hesitant to approach the venom striking things once more, they appeared to be one of the more populace creatures - if only for the time being, and Nari made her decision quickly. Nodding her head towards the group, she gave a soft smile and low words before moving towards them. "How about we try these ones out, and see how much better you do?"

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [939/940] | EN [75/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN | -15 EN -1 HP
    Orchid Nymph 1 | HP: 308/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2
    Orchid Nymph 2 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned
    Orchid Nymph 3 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned
    Orchid Nymph 4 | HP: 176/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    Venomous Claws | Crits cause paralysis and inflict Toxic Venom matching the player's tier for 2 turns.

    ID219115 | BD: 1+4 = 5 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 1>> | Miss.| MOB: 5+2 = 7 | Hit: (132-139) = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage
    ID219116 | BD: 4+4 = 8 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 2>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | Stunned
    ID219117 | BD: 7+4 = 11 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 3>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | Stunned
    ID219118 | BD: 9+4 = 13 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 4>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(14+1)x12+40] = 220 damage | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]


    ID219106 | LD: 5+3+2 = 10 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,960| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+3 = 10 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+3 = 8 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+3 = 11 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584), 1 material

    Loot Totals
    Rare Trinket {3}; ID219106, 219107
    16,236 col
    14 materials


  15. Her limbs released slowly, the venom seemingly flowing away in a manner that allowed her to move piece by piece. The moment Nari had felt it begin, she'd opened her eyes and smiled towards Onora - the blonde thankfully noticing the change and backing off to get some respite from her continued, unrelenting assault against the creature's form. As soon as she was able to, Nari had brought her shield up and spear outwards, forcing the creature back and away from her. It had scrambled backwards to avoid the attack, apparently taken by surprise with the sudden movement that had come from the previously statue that had been Nari's entire physique.

    "Have I ever mentioned that I hate being under a paralysis effect? It's so much more frustrating than simply being beating. It's like, you can see these futile attacks coming at you, and can't do anything beyond...waiting." Onora threw her a single finger in response, the look of worry still on the edges of her eyes. Nari shook off the remainder of the paralysis, loosening her muscles as she glanced towards Onora, suddenly serious. "Thank you for watching out for me. Although, I will admit we need to go over your form and some tiny notes after..."

    Nari knew that if they hadn't been in combat, and if Onora had anything aside from the longsword at hand, she'd likely have been hit by something. Thankfully, their attention was pulled away as the creature suddenly gave a cry and rushed towards Nari, forcing the knightess into movement to intercept and return the attacks of the creature in kind.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [86/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN +51 HP-10 EN
    Orchid Nymph 3 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2
    Venomous Claws | Crits cause paralysis and inflict Toxic Venom matching the player's tier for 2 turns.

    ID219113 | BD: 5+4 = 9 | <<ST-I vs. Orchid Nymph 3>> | [14x12] = 168 damage | Orchid Nymph 3 destroyed!


    ID219106 | LD: 5+3+2 = 10 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,960| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+3 = 10 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168| [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+3 = 8 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+3 = 11 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584), 1 material

    Loot Totals
    Rare Trinket {3}; ID219106, 219107
    16,236 col
    14 materials


  16. Another of the creatures had exploded into shards following the impalement of Nari's thorns into it's form, and although she felt a bit safer with the defeat of the creature, she could see Onora's concern growing as Nari's form remained frozen in time. The blonde had been hacking away at the alien creatures with a previous fury, but as the blonde's body began to tire, Nari saw the swings become less frequent and far, far less powerful. Clearly someone needs to lay off the snacks and focus more on cardio work. She s[censored]ed internally at the thought before feeling a moment of distaste at the comment. Shaking off the feeling, she decided to look at the situation in a different light.

    The creature - still uninterested in the blonde that had failed to do more than sting it's side - continued to hack and slash at Nari's form, apparently hopeful to land a killing blow on her form even as her own battle healing replenished what little health was torn away from it's attacks. Sighing internally, Nari closed her eyes and focused on the few sparing seconds that were passing, knowing that soon enough she'd be released from the hold that the venom had over her. She wasn't sure if the creature would impale itself to death before she was free, or if Onora would land a killing blow on it, but she prepared herself for the moment her muscles could move, when she could lash out and finish the fight in a quick movement of surprise.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [908/940] | EN [92/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN +51 HP-32 HP | Toxic Venom [32 DMG | 2/2] | Paralysis [2/2]
    Orchid Nymph 3 | HP: 40/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2
    Venomous Claws | Crits cause paralysis and inflict Toxic Venom matching the player's tier for 2 turns.

    ID219112 | MOB: 3+2 = 5 | <<Orchid Nymph 3 & 4 vs. Nari-Lanreth>> | Miss.


    ID219106 | LD: 5+3+2 = 10 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (1,980 | [396 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+3 = 10 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (1,980 | [396 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+3 = 8 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (1,980 | [396 + 1,584]), 1 material

    Loot Totals
    Rare Trinket {3}; ID219106, 219107
    5,940 col
    3 materials


  17. As the assault struck her again and Nari saw the timer restart, she felt herself frown ever so slightly. A bare shift of her lips as she considered the annoyance of the pair of creatures managing yet another successful strike against her form. She knew that there was little chance of them continuing to get as lucky as they'd gotten thus far, and that it was only a matter of time before her reactive armour kicked in to protect her. With little else to do in the meantime, she focused her attention on watching Onora's movements and strikes, silently critiquing the blonde's form as she lashed out - less than successfully - at the creatures that were attacking Nari. I am going to have to remind her to focus on her stances. She's way too wide on that one - and that slash was half-handed, she'll never get the power she needs with that.

    Her eyes flicked around, making sure that their on-going conflict wasn't accidentally drawing in any further creatures. Although Nari was confident in her ability to outlast anything that arrived, she couldn't say quite the same for Onora. The swordswoman was skilled enough to defend herself against a couple of the creatures, but Nari had no doubt that a horde would become extremely dangerous should she get caught without Nari's support. Need to remind her to run if things get too dangerous. I can always catch up later. And not taking any arguments on that. She was well aware the blonde would likely push back, unwilling to leave her friend alone - but Nari also knew the danger in her remaining in such a situation. Something she wouldn't be able to live with, even knowing what she was asking of the other in such a situation.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [906/940] | EN [88/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN +51 HP-34 HP | Toxic Venom [32 DMG | 1/2] | Paralysis [1/2]
    Orchid Nymph 3 | HP: 40/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2
    Orchid Nymph 4 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2
    Venomous Claws | Crits cause paralysis and inflict Toxic Venom matching the player's tier for 2 turns.

    ID219110 | MOB: 8+2 = 10 | <<Orchid Nymph 3 & 4 vs. Nari-Lanreth>> | Hit: [(132+2)-139] = 2 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F. Aura: 16 damage | Orchid Nymph 4 is defeated!


    ID219106 | LD: 5+3+2 = 10 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (1,980 | [396 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+3 = 10 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (1,980 | [396 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+3 = 8 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (1,980 | [396 + 1,584]), 1 material

    Loot Totals
    Rare Trinket {3}; ID219106, 219107
    5,940 col
    3 materials


  18. Nari cocked her head as the first two exploded, her health dipping only slightly in retaliation for the damage she'd carved into the group of things. She felt, suddenly as the effect took over her and locked her body into place. The venom from the last creature's cut had made it's way past her defences and into her body, forcing her to remain in place even as the toxins tore through her body. She felt a single second of concern before noticing how little damage the venom itself was doing, realising that she'd be free and clear of the effect long before it became a concern.

    "Nari!" Onora, however, appeared far more worried about her friend. Unable to immediately cross to her side, Nari could do nothing more than watch in some surprise as the blonde tore through the other creatures, slashing and cutting where she could in an attempt to reach the knightess. Were her face not frozen by the toxin's paralysis effect, Nari might've smiled at the situation. Instead, she watched in simple amusement as another was forced to come to her rescue, whether that rescue was required or not. 

    She's definitely gonna kill me later. The thought brought even more humour to the situation as Nari realised just how inexperienced Onora was. Capable, in her own way, but far from the battle worn veteran that Nari had become during her time in Aincrad. The fact that the blonde hadn't quite realised that the knightess was, for the most part, safe from any real danger spoke to the difference in their capabilities and experience - something Nari made a note of to pass on to the other player.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [906/940] | EN [84/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN +51 HP-34 HP | Toxic Venom [32 DMG | 1/2] | Paralysis [1/2]
    Orchid Nymph 3 | HP: 128/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2
    Orchid Nymph 4 | HP: 48/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]
    Venomous Claws | Crits cause paralysis and inflict Toxic Venom matching the player's tier for 2 turns.

    ID219108 | MOB: 10+2 = 12 | <<Orchid Nymph 3 & 4 vs. Nari-Lanreth>> | Major Critical Hit: [(132+2)-139] = 2 damage | Toxic Venom [32 DMG | 0/2] | Paralysis [0/2]


    ID219106 | LD: 5+3+2 = 10 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (1,980 | [396 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+3 = 10 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (1,980 | [396 + 1,584]), 1 material

    Loot Totals
    Rare Trinket {2}; ID219106, 219107
    3,960 col
    2 materials


  19. Her first explosive rush into combat had been a success, and while her own strike had stunned each of the creatures in a nearly perfect manner, Nari had held off following up her assault. Instead, she let Onora rush in and slash her own path through the creatures, smiling in a mixture of happiness and pride as the blonde displayed a more advanced motion with the longsword in her hand. She'd come to Nari a while ago requesting assistance and practice with the blade, and while Nari had been far from the best teacher for the sword that Onora had wielded, she'd taught the blonde nearly everything she knew about how to handle combat in the game. The results were displayed before her now, as obvious in change as if they'd developed a mastery of some cooking form or leatherworking skill. 

    "Nice score! This is going to be a lot easier with you around...usually I have to just kinda sit and wait for them to kill themselves through my defences...but with you here we're going to mop through this in no time." The words weren't anywhere near as hollow as they may have seemed, and although she could see the other trying to resist it they'd had the effect Nari wanted - a boost in confidence that caused Onora to stand just a slight bit straighter. Nari had learnt long ago that confidence was a small portion of success, but it helped to hear that you were making progress on the task at hand - and it was no lie on her part.

    "Is this your way of telling me you're expecting me to do all the heavy lifting?" The tone behind the question was filled with a level of humour that Nari had become familiar with, and as she turned to face the other she let her spear stab outwards, attempting to slash through the creatures once more before pulling it back in towards herself.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [937/940] | EN [80/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN-15 EN -3 HP | Toxic Venom [32 DMG | 0/2] | Paralysis [0/2]
    Orchid Nymph 1 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3] | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    Orchid Nymph 2 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]

    Orchid Nymph 3 | HP: 128/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2
    Orchid Nymph 4 | HP: 48/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]
    Venomous Claws | Crits cause paralysis and inflict Toxic Venom matching the player's tier for 2 turns.

    ID219102 | BD: 8+4 = 12 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 1>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(14+1)x12] = 180 damage | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2] | Orchid Nymph 1 destroyed!
    ID219103 | BD: 10+4 = 14 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 2>> | Major Critical Hit: [(14+2)x12] = 192 damage | MOB: 4+2 = 6 | Hit: [132-139] = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F. Aura: 16 damage | Orchid Nymph 2 destroyed!
    ID219104 | BD: 1+4 = 5 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 3>> | Miss | MOB: 6+2 = 8 | Hit: [132-139] = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F. Aura: 16 damage
    ID219105 | BD: 7+4 = 11 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 4>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | MOB: 10+2 = 12 | Major Critical Hit: [(100+2)-139] = 1 damage | Venomous Claws [Paralysis | Toxic Venom [32 DMG | 0/2]


    ID219106 | LD: 5+3+2 = 10 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (1,980 | [396 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+3 = 10 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (1,980 | [396 + 1,584]), 1 material

    Loot Totals
    Rare Trinket {2}; ID219106, 219107
    3,960 col
    2 materials


  20. "Hey! I can be flexible and unique and different!" Nari's eyes passed over the area, looking for something else to draw her attention away from the wolves she'd spotted just before Onora had spoken. It vexed her that the woman knew exactly what she was going to suggest, before she suggested it. It also vexed her that she knew Onora had already foreseen what was about to occur, because she knew the knightess well enough to figure out her plan of action. "Aha! How about those?"

    Onora followed the pointed finger, her eyes locking onto the tall, insectoid alien looking things in the distance that seemed to be walking calmly in a predetermined path. Nari grinned widely as the blonde's nose wrinkled in response to the sight of them, grabbing Onora's arm and leading her towards them. "Just remember this is your fault. We could've been playing with the snappy unfriendly doggos, but no, you wanted to have change. So now you get towering alien things from hell that are clearly someone's idea of a horror film gone wrong."

    From the side of her eye, Nari could see Onora's tongue sticking out in response to the jesting, and a slight smile pulling at the side of her lips. Not willing to give any sort of victory to the blonde, Nari rushed forwards, dragging the other along as she bolted straight for the creatures with a determination in her stride. She gave one last flashing smile towards Onora before releasing the woman's arm and thrusting her way into the centre of the horde, determined to draw the attention towards herself even as the blonde moved to circle around the creatures.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [91/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | -15 EN
    Orchid Nymph 1 | HP: 176/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    Orchid Nymph 2 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned
    Orchid Nymph 3 | HP: 396/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2
    Orchid Nymph 4 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned
    Venomous Claws | Crits cause paralysis and inflict Toxic Venom matching the player's tier for 2 turns.

    ID219098 | BD: 9+4 = 13 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 1>> | Minor Critical Hit: (14+1)x12 = 180 damage | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    ID219099 | BD: 5+4 = 9 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 2>> | Hit: 14x12 = 168 damage | Stunned
    ID219100 | BD: 3+4 = 7 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 3>> | Miss | MOB: 1+2 = 3 | Miss.
    ID219101 | BD: 6+4 = 10 | <<Tech-F vs. Orchid Nymph 4>> | Hit: 14x12 = 168 damage | Stunned

  21. Whatever argument may have been voiced next was lost at the sound of Nemo's voice cutting in, his typical happy-go-lucky tone signifying their arrival to the garden. "We're here! I hope you enjoy what you find inside. I've collected a large number of creatures, plants and assorted items that I think will be appealing to everyone!"

    Nari turned to the NPC, her smile honest. "Thank you for inviting us Nemo, it's always a pleasure to come visit you and your garden of collections...I don't know if you remember our history, but...well, I appreciate your welcoming form in the present. It's...it's refreshing, in this world."

    The man seemed to blush slightly in response, nodding his head before disappearing behind a collection of large shrubs. Nari paused only long enough to allow Onora to lead the way in, slipping through the brushwork and into what was clearly an entirely different world. The garden stretched out before her, grasslands and ponds breaking the horizon only to be sectioned and quartered by small groupings of trees that grew in tight formations. Among it all were the various creatures that roamed free within the area, somehow both in harmony and comfort with one another even though they would be natural enemies beyond this small pocket of paradise.

    "It's always so interesting coming here. The way that it just seems so...out of place, in a way. Like a treasure that has been protected from the world beyond." Nari nodded at Onora's words, understanding them entirely. Still, she knew they were here for a purpose - and while sightseeing and relaxation sounded inviting, she knew there was work to be done. Pulling up here menu, she began retrieving various items and goods used in the various experiences that she was going to encounter. Her hands moved deftly, and she offered a few of the goods towards Onora even as she consumed a few of them herself, eyes raking over the land before her as she considered her options. "Wolves first, always. You're typical in that..."

    Nari-Lanreth Consumes
    Sí do Mhaimeo Í {1} | Tier 4; Rare; Support Song | Monsters’ Fortune II
    Níl Sé'n Lá {1} | Tier 4; Perfect; Masterpiece Support Song | Monsters’ Favor III [Instant]
    Percephonius Pyratius {1} | Tier 4; Perfect Potion | Damage III
    Cheesecake {1} | Tier 4; Perfect Dessert | Loot Dice III
    Caribou Stew {1} | Tier 4; Rare Meal | Protein II

    Updated Statblock
    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [106/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3

  22. Nari poked Onora, the woman having fallen silent once more during their casual pace behind Nemo. They'd fallen back once the NPC had begun to lead them in earnest, putting a single step distance between them and him. He had continued to narrate stories that had long ago been told to both the women, and having no further interest in them they had feigned an awareness to the words, when in actuality they had fallen back to discuss other topics of interest. Most recently had been Nari's prodding of Onora's recent development of a new clothing line in Aincrad's lower levels - an involvement that Onora had previously denied.

    "You want me to believe that an entire industry of clothing that appears to have your imagery and handiwork directly in it's design - so obvious that even noticed it - is not something that you were involved with to any degree of measure? That's what you're telling me?" Nari had locked eyes with the blonde in an attempt to force the truth out of her, but her plan had been less than successful in truth. Onora had, regardless of how much Nari pried and poked, refused to accept the obvious in the questions being directed towards her. "I don't believe you for a single second. I will find proof that it's your line, no matter how long it takes me...nor how much col I need to spend on it."

    The sound of Onora's laugh caused Nari to smile, the harsh air that had been growing - as false as it may have been - broken in an instant as the other gave in to the teasing ever so slightly. "That just means that you'll be dumping col into clothing you'll never wear. I've seen your outfits, remember? And besides, don't you think if this whole new fashion trend was my doing that I would've tested it on you first, of all things?"

    A scowl broke across Nari's face as she recognised the truth in the other's words. If Onora had created an entire fashion line - not that Nari had given up on her involvement in it to some degree - she would've tested the clothing on Nari first for sure. It was a habit that had formed between the two of them, regardless of Nari's consistent complaints and outcry at the happenstances. Although she'd argued, both women knew that it was nothing more than a façade, the purple-haired knightess secretly pleased just to be involved in the process, no matter how little that involvement may be.

  23. Nemo's greeting had been enthusiastic to say the least. The man had almost leapt at being approached, and Nari had found herself sharing a glance with Onora as the two wondered just how sparing his visits had been as of late. Smiling to herself, and trying to show some interest in the stories that the man had started sharing almost immediately, Nari had fallen in alongside Nemo as he began to lead the two towards his garden. Beside her she'd felt Onora press close, her words lowered so that the NPC would be less likely to hear them, although Nari doubted the man-dragon would care about anything they had to say.

    "Does he seem...different to you, somehow? As if he's lonelier, in a way? I never would've thought that possible for NPCs." Nari's eyes flitted towards Nemo as her friend mentioned the change in behaviour. It was as much confirmation as she required in order to know that Onora had seen what Nari herself had noticed; an entire change in behaviour for the NPC that seemed to be effecting him in near human ways. It made her brow furrow as she considered the implications, and her response was slow.

    "I thought I was imagining things, but maybe the NPCs are feeling the strain of the sparse player base lately as well? I mean, how many players are out visiting Nemo now...most of the frontliners have the gear they require, and fewer and fewer new players are appearing...is it possible that an NPC can feel lonely and abandoned?" Nari didn't like voicing the question. It felt like bringing to light a possibility that had been, until now, impossible to consider. The moment she spoke the words however, she knew there would be no going back. Now she would have to consider whether the NPCs were more than just computerised programs designed to respond and act to the inputs completed by the players. "This could change everything..."

    Onora gave a nod of her head, her own face filled with thought as she considered the situation and Nari's words. She wanted nothing more than to change the topic, to brush it all under the hypothetical carpet within her mind and forget that it had ever come up. She knew that would be impossible though; little more than a desire among fallacies. Instead, she walked in silence for a while, letting Onora's form and breath become her focus as she waited for the other to speak.

    "You're awfully quiet. Am I boring you that much?" Nari's laughter must've caught the two of guard, because both Nemo and Onora seemed to jump slightly. She gave a soft shake of her head, waving towards the direction they'd been heading in order to continue their march.

    "Not at all, I just didn't want to disturb your thoughts. But if that's an invitation..."

  24. "Listen, all I'm saying is that there's no reason to not add chocolate to everything, right? I mean, obviously it's not going to go with somethings, but in general-"

    "In general it's going to taste disgusting." Onora's voice cut off the argument Nari was making, her voice harsh and almost condescending, but the smile on her face clearly telling Nari that the woman wasn't being entirely serious about the commentary. Nari gave a heavy sigh and groan of frustration, pushing herself off the counter and tossing a marshmallow at the other, the piece dropping far short of the blonde's form and being snapped up by the kitsune that had been waiting on the floor below.

    "It's not my fault you were born without any taste. I mean sure, obviously it's going to go better with some things." She waved a hand towards the marshmallow that had been consumed already, before continuing her lecture. "But there's nothing saying you can't do more with it. I mean, who's to say that chocolate covered pasta is bad?"

    "Me." Onora rose from the table, moving to wash and put away the dishes she'd been using for her morning meal. For once Nari had risen before the blonde, and although her attempts at breakfast had been questionable, the blonde did seem to enjoy the attention being given. "So, what is it you want? You never get up before me unless you're dragging me somewhere for the day, whether I want to go or not."

    A soft hissing escaped Nari's lips and she mocked grasping at her chest in pain. "Is that really all you think of me? That I would be so selfish as to...drag you to Nemo's garden once more for a bit of toiling about and hunting for materials...in order to eventually get what I need to make a new weapon?"

    The eyeroll in response was all Nari needed in answer. Although Onora may had pretended to be upset, she knew that the blonde was as excited about a day together as Nari herself was. The two had become close - extremely close as of late - and these rare times together were enjoyable for both beyond measure. As much as they enjoyed their roles in helping to clear this world, they enjoyed their time alone more, as sparse as it was.

    The hum of the teleporter had left a ringing in Nari's ears as it always did, a side effect that she'd found didn't necessarily effect everyone the same, or in some cases at all. It would be just my luck that I'm special enough to have it. Onora's hand had found her own, and the blonde was already pulling her towards the edge of town where Nemo was supposed to be waiting. It had become ever increasingly easy to find the man - thanks in part to the lack of players searching him out as of late - and Nari was quickly to point out the familiar face waiting for anyone to approach.

    "Hey, Nemo. I hear you've got your garden up here today? Nari gave a soft wave as they approached, her attempt at being welcoming and friendly a change since her first encounters with the man-dragon. She'd long ago found hatred in his presence, but thanks to Onora and a few others, she'd found a way to overcome - if only to a degree - the feelings she'd originally had for the man. Now, understanding his loneliness, she felt only a mixture of pity and sadness for him, and found herself often looking to ease his pain in small ways.






    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [106/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [9] | MIT [179] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG]
    Tier 4 | Tier 11 [Laurel Wreath]


    • Póg Deiridh
      [One-Handed Assault Spear; Tier 4 Daemonic]
      Enhancement: Frostbite [2 Slots]
      Enhancement: Accuracy [2 Slots] 
    • Glacadh Morríghan 
      [Heavy Armour; Tier 4 Perfect]
      Enhancement: Frost Aura [2 Slots]
      Enhancement: Heavy Momentum [1 Slot]
    • Póg an Gheimhridh
      Tier 4 Daemonic Heater Shield]

      Enhancement: Paralyse [1 Slot]
      Enhancement: Taunt [1 Slot]
      Enhancement: Thorns [2 Slots]


    battle-ready inventory

    • Teleport Crystal {3}
    • Starter Healing Potions {4} | Heals 50 HP
    • Siúil a Rún {5} | Tier 3; Perfect Support Song | HP Recovery III
    • Sí do Mhaimeo Í {1} | Tier 4; Rare; Support Song | Monsters’ Fortune II
    • Níl Sé'n Lá {1} | Tier 4; Perfect; Masterpiece Support Song | Monsters’ Favor III [Instant]



    Utility Skills

    Combat Skills
    Battle Healing [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: While in combat, recover 1% per rank of your maximum HP (rounded down) at the beginning of your turn.]
    Fighting Spirit [Active: Passive. Effect: Attacking and using Howl or Focused Howl generates +1 additional Hate. (Ex. Generate 1/2/3 Hate on a Miss/Hit/Critical attack. Generate 5 Hate when using Focused Howl.)]
    Howl [Active: Post Action. Energy: 2 EN. Cooldown: 2 turns. Effect: Adds +2 Hate each against up to 4 targets.]

    [Howl Add-on] Focused Howl [Active: Post Action. Energy: 4 EN. Cooldown: 4 turns. Effect: Adds +4 Hate against a single target.]

    Weapon Skills
    Polearm [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: +7 DMG]
    [Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Stamina [Active: Passive. Effect: Reduces EN of all attacks by 2.]
    [Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Precision [Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 ACC.]
    [Rank 5 Weapon Addon] <<Weapon Type>> Focus [Active: Passive. Effect: Decreases minor critical threshold by 1. Also reduces DoT thresholds by 1. Players cannot use Focus and Ferocity at the same time for the same Weapon Type.]
    [Rank 5 Shift] TECH Specialist [Active: Passive. Effect: For TECH Sword Arts, +4 to multipliers, +3 to EN cost. No other Shifts may be taken.]

    Armour Skills
    Heavy Armour [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: 35 MIT. Evasion is capped at 1 slot; -5 Stealth Rating.]
    [Heavy Armour Mod] Impetus [Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 base Damage.]
    [Heavy Armour Add-on] Iron Skin [Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +15 Mitigation and +15 x Tier HP.]

    Active Extra Skills
    Assault Mode [Active: Free Action. Energy Cost: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 Turns. Effect: As a free action, switch your accuracy and evasion values until the start of your next turn.]
    Block [Active: Passive. Effect: Requires an equipped shield. User’s evasion cannot be greater than 0 (can still be negative). Grants additional mitigation: 25 MIT.]
    [Rank 3 Block Mod] Shield Bash [Active: Post Action. Energy: 6 EN. Cooldown: 2 Turns. Effect: Make an attack with an equipped shield. On a hit, deals (Base * 10) damage, stuns the enemy for one turn, and applies status and thorns (and variants)  enhancements present on the shield. Note: When calculating Base Damage for Shield Bash, Weapon Skills do not apply.]
    [Rank 5 Block Addon] Rampart [Active: Free Action. Energy: 10 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Reduce final damage that would be dealt to you by 25% (rounded down). Effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.]
    Brawler [Active: Free Action. Energy Cost: 5 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Increase mitigation by 10*tier until the start of your next turn.]
    Concentration [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 5 turns. Effect: As a free action, gain Absolute Accuracy on your next attack. In the case Absolute Accuracy is already present, increase your Accuracy by 1 instead. Effect lasts until the start of next turn.]
    Meditation [Active: Post Action. Cooldown: 3 turns. Effect: Recover an additional (4 * Tier) energy.]
    Survival [Active: Passive. Effect: Increases Healing effects received from all sources by 10%. Grants immunity to all damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.]

    Inactive Extra Skills 
    Frozen Hide [Active: Free Action. Energy Cost: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 Turns. Effect: As a free action, apply one slot of Frost Aura and one slot of Frost Thorns equal to your tier to yourself until the start of your next turn.]
    Lady Luck [Active: Free Action. Energy Cost: 5 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Replace a single enhancement slot on your weapon with a random enhancement using the Appraiser’s Identification roll until the start of your next turn.]

    Combat Mastery
    Mitigation [Rank: 3. Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +6*tier Mitigation per rank. Ranks of this Skill obey Mitigation enhancement caps.]

    Familiar Skills
    Protector Familiar [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 3 Posts; Effect: The next time you would take damage, your familiar rushes to your aid, reducing the final damage by 10%.]


    sword arts


    [x12] ST-I (12 10 EN) | A single-target sword art.
    [x15] ST-II (15 13 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
    [x20] ST-B (20 18 EN) | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.
    [x11] AOE-I (11 9 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
    [x14] AOE-II (14 12 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
    [x16] TECH-A (16 14 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
    [x16] TECH-B (15 13 EN) | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a status condition that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.
    [x16] TECH-C (15 13 EN) | COUNTER | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, places [Counter] around the player. [Counter] reduces the final damage taken by its user by 25% (rounded down) for one turn.
    [x16] TECH-D (15 13 EN) | SHATTER | A single-target sword art that applies [Shatter] to an enemy for 3 turns. [Shatter] is a debuff that can stack up to a cap of 3. Each stack of [Shatter] removes -20 MIT from an enemy, down to 0, if it has MIT.
    [x12] TECH-F (11 9 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE STUN | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. All struck targets are stunned for one turn.
    [x16] TECH-G (15 13 EN) | BURN | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Burn] on the enemy. [Burn] is a DoT ailment that deals [14 * Player Tier] unmitigated Burn damage for 2 turns.




    Estate Buffs
    Bedroom [-1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.]
    Living Room [Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.]
    Storage Closet [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]
    Basement [
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  25. So, you did know love?Nari felt herself recoil at the words, her mind repeating them over and over again even as the flow of conversation reached a hiatus, and eventually end. She hadn't expected the revelation, the statement catching her entirely unaware and off guard. She wasn't sure what to make of it, and yet somehow she felt it was important. Perhaps not damning or judgemental in nature, but the way that the other player had stated it left her feeling as if she'd faced some test, some unknown review to determine her place. She wasn't sure whether she had passed, failed, or if it had been entirely irrelevant. More importantly, she wasn't sure what to make of the way in which Freyd seemed to come to a decision, and one that had left her entirely in the dark.

    "Not frighten you...I wish I could hold your views on it..." She mumbled to herself, uncertain if the other player would even hear the words as he passed through the entryway and into the queen's domain once more. Nari was curious to see what the queen would have to say, although it took a moment for her to remember that she wasn't the prisoner in question, and that their capture lay from beyond the walls itself. Quietly she moved towards the inner keep, following Freyd in a more reserved manner than she had previously as she found her thoughts leading inwards. She wasn't sure what was to come of their decision to spare the Treant, but Nari knew one thing for sure. "I won't be the one who puts it down, if the queen decides to reject it."

    As she approached the waiting queen and retinue - the young commander apparently having returned far faster than humanly - Elfenly? - possible from his task, Nari found herself casting a glance around the room. She would've been content with allowing Freyd to handle the negotiations, to allow him to discuss the decision they had made regarding the Treant and the overall end to their quest. Something in their faces, however, caused Nari to step forwards, a sudden burst of anger and frustration released as she spoke up. "We have chosen to spare the Treant's life, as prisoner of war it is under our protection and I will not suffer any who wish to bring it harm."

    Defiantly she stared up towards the queen and her collection of Elfen brethren, realising again just how young they looked now that her eyes had been opened to the concept. She wondered if it was like this across Aincrad, things that she had missed that would now be so obvious. Shaking away the thoughts and feelings - a problem she would have to deal with later - she opened her ears and waited for the response she knew would be coming, her hand gripping the spear ever so slightly tighter in preparation as the shield rose millimetres at a time. She didn't look towards Freyd - she knew she wouldn't be able to stop him if he decided that her stance here was wrong and she needed to be removed, but she also knew that she wasn't going to remain quiet, not now.

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