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Posts posted by Nari-Lanreth

  1. Silence fell over the field as the final wolf exploded into the shimmering shards that marked death in the world of Aincrad. Nari felt her breath release, the held air pushing out with a soft whistling sound that signified the stress she'd been holding inside her the last few seconds. Her eyes shifted towards Onora, confirming that the blonde was safe and alright following the conflict. She considered crossing the small distance to ensure the other's safety, but figured such actions were unnecessary, and would likely only bother the blonde more than appease. Instead, she turned her attention to the fields before them, considering what would take up the remainder of their time in the garden.

    "Well, we could just...take a few minutes to relax, rather than rushing into the next fight." Onora spoke from beside her, having stepped up to Nari's side at some point when her attention was elsewhere. Nodding slightly, Nari's own response was a simple hum of agreement as her eyes glanced over the flowing fields that seemed to reach out into the horizon. 

    "Yeah, just looking for what comes after. So that we can...you know, plan a bit." Onora's hand slapped the side of Nari's shoulder, pushing the knightess forwards ever so slightly. Shaking her head in response, ignoring the general taunting of Onora as she did so, Nari settled onto the grass and sighed slightly. "It is nice to just...settle, once in a while. Isn't it?"


  2. "NIGHT, to some degree, and Onora - another player that I've...that I currently live with." There was only the slightest hesitation in her explanation of Onora's relationship to herself. Out of the three, she knew that Onora had learnt the most about her, but somehow she was hesitant to place any sort of labelling upon their relationship. Shaking off the doubtfulness within her mind, she turned to raise an eyebrow at Freyd when he mentioned putting others of himself in the ground again, before nodding in response to the later conversation that may or may not occur. Instead, she turned to the next question with a sudden bark of laughter.

    "Formality was driven into me from a young age, actually. Perhaps it's a dying art among many portions of the world, but...well, to certain families it's upheld as a symbol of honour and respect." She gave a sudden shake of her head, the smile spreading more at the secondary question that had occurred. "Only through genetics. Japanese-Canadian, albeit raised in Canada. Father was Japanese, mother was Irish. It made for some...interesting family situations. For better or worse, it meant that I was taught two cultures of...formality."

    She thought back to her younger years, learning the foundational expectations of both higher echelons of society - a society that she had never really fit into either way. "I would harbour a guess that you, yourself, aren't Japanese. Or at least, not a native to Japan? Your voice doesn't carry the typical vocal patterns...there's something about it that just sounds more natural, in a way. As though it's not been pushed through a translator."

    She was taking a stab at her guess, and wasn't sure whether it would come back to bite her or not. Like Freyd, however, she'd noticed a large population of non-Japanese players. A clear contrast and difference from the information originally provided by the company's release. Not surprising, considering I got my hands on it though. I should be more surprised if I was the only non-native. She gave a nod towards the edge of the grove, smiling again. "Shall we go meet this...Nagja...Nakgajad....Nakkajori...Ned?"

  3. One of the wolves exploded into shards before it was given the chance to launch itself at Nari's form. She felt the impact as two others slammed into her shield, pushed off to the side even as she felt the third slam it's claws into the side of her head. She felt herself spin slightly to the side with the blow, her health bar barely reacting to the assault even though the force of it knocked her aside. She shook it off in time to see one of the wolves lash out at Onora, the blonde's longsword struck aside before the claws raked across her side, cutting a minimal amount of health from the bar in Nari's sight.

    "I'm alright, I'm alright. But let's maybe end this soon, yeah?" Onora called out before Nari could even attempt to get mad at the danger of the situation. The knightess found herself calming instantly; the voice of her friend having an effect on her mind that she would've otherwise stated was impossible. Nodding at the suggestion, Nari focused instead on closing the fight itself, realising that her own aggressive action would bring about the safest pathway for the two of them.

    "Alright. They're almost dead anyways. I think we can end this pretty easily." She gave a quick glance around, making sure the area was still relatively clear, before launching into her flurry of strikes, moving between the wolves as she watched for openings that could be used to their disadvantage.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [82/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4EN -15 EN -1 HP
    Mossy Wolf 2 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [2/3]
    Mossy Wolf 3 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [2/3]
    Mossy Wolf 4 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [2/3]

    Leeching Fang| On a natural MD of 9 or 10, this mob heals for 10% of the final damage dealt to its target.

    ID219416 | BD: 10+4 = 14 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 2>> | Major Critical Hit: [(14+2)x12+40] = 232 damage | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2] | Mossy Wolf 2 destroyed.
    ID219417 | BD: 3+4 = 7 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 3>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | Mossy Wolf 3 destroyed.
    ID219418 | BD: 8+4 = 12 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 4>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(14+1)x12+40] = 220 damage | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2] | MOB: 4+2 = 6 | [132-139] = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage | Mossy Wolf 4 destroyed.


    ID219106 | LD: 5+4+2 = 11 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Armour/Shield (1), Additional Col (4,752| [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable, 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+4 = 9 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+4 = 23 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 2,376 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+4 = 18 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+4 = 15 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219203 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219204 | LD: 17+4 = 21 | CD: 6 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219208 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 2 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219209 | LD: 10+4 = 14 | CD: 8 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 4,356 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219223 | LD: 3+2 = 5 | Searching Treasure Chest | Results: Two (2) Gilded Hands appear! 1,150 col, 2 materials, Uncommon Consumables (2).
    ID219230 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 3 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 7,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 4,000], 15 material [Bonus Col and Materials Gained from 1 Gilded Hand]
    ID219412 | LD: 4+4 = 8 | CD: 9 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional col (3,960 [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 396]), 3 material
    ID219419 | LD: 16+4 = 20 | CD: 2 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Rare Trinket (1), 4,356 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584], 1 material
    ID219420 | LD: 15+4 = 19 | CD: 4 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Rare Trinket (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219421 | LD: 15+4 = 19 | CD: 10 | Results: Perfect Weapon (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 1,584]), 3 material

    Loot Totals
    Uncommon Consumable {6} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209, 219223
    Rare Trinket {6} | ID219111, 219208, 219230, 219412, 219419, 219420

    Rare Armour/Shield {4} | ID219106, 219114, 219123, 219125
    Rare Weapon {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209

    Rare Consumable {1} | ID219125
    Perfect Armour/Shield {1} | ID219204
    Perfect Consumable {4} | ID219124, 219204, 219419, 219420
    Perfect Weapon {1} | ID219421

    78,970 col
    75 materials
    1 demonic shard


  4. All thoughts of Nemo's currently expressions were left behind as Nari entered the fight in truth, spinning in the air as she brought the spear around in a wide arc meant to dislodge and drive back any form of resistance that her initial strike may have missed. She found herself landing in the centre of the mob of wolves, her spear tip slashing across the noses of each in kind - enough of a connection to drive the stun effect into their body, and allow Onora to follow up with precisely timed strikes from their sides, before the pair fell back into a defensive posture.

    "I don't think they like us now." Onora smiled from beside Nari, the blonde's excitement clearly rising at the entry in battle and conflict once more. Nari could see the energy flowing through her friend, the adrenaline coursing stronger. She thought back to her early days of fighting, recognising some of the signs. 

    "I don't think so, no...but be on guard now. This is when it gets dangerous. They'll be able to retaliate momentarily...and trust me, they'll want to after that entry." Nari took up her typical defensive posture, preparing for the counter attacks that she knew would be coming momentarily.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [939/940] | EN [78/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4EN -15 EN -1 HP
    Mossy Wolf 1 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]
    Mossy Wolf 2 | HP: 176/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3] | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 2/2]
    Mossy Wolf 3 | HP: 61/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]
    Mossy Wolf 4 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]
    Leeching Fang| On a natural MD of 9 or 10, this mob heals for 10% of the final damage dealt to its target.

    ID219408 | BD: 10+4 = 14 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 1>> | Major Critical Hit: [(14+2)x12+40] = 232 damage | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    ID219409 | BD: 1+4 = 5 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 2>> | Miss. | MOB: 3+2 = 5 | Miss.
    ID219410 | BD: 5+4 = 9 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 3>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | MOB: 9+2 = 11 | Minor Critical Hit: [132+1-139] = 1 damage | +1 HP
    ID219411 | BD: 2+4 = 6 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 4>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | MOB: 2+2 = 4 | Miss.


    ID219106 | LD: 5+4+2 = 11 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Armour/Shield (1), Additional Col (4,752| [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable, 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+4 = 9 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+4 = 23 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 2,376 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+4 = 18 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+4 = 15 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219203 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219204 | LD: 17+4 = 21 | CD: 6 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219208 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 2 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219209 | LD: 10+4 = 14 | CD: 8 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 4,356 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219223 | LD: 3+2 = 5 | Searching Treasure Chest | Results: Two (2) Gilded Hands appear! 1,150 col, 2 materials, Uncommon Consumables (2).
    ID219230 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 3 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 7,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 4,000], 15 material [Bonus Col and Materials Gained from 1 Gilded Hand]
    ID219412 | LD: 4+4 = 8 | CD: 9 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional col (3,960[1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 396]), 3 material

    Loot Totals
    Uncommon Consumable {6} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209, 219223
    Rare Trinket {4} | ID219111, 219208, 219230, 219412

    Rare Armour/Shield {4} | ID219106, 219114, 219123, 219125
    Rare Weapon {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209

    Rare Consumable {1} | ID219125
    Perfect Armour/Shield {1} | ID219204
    Perfect Consumable {2} | ID219124, 219204

    65,902 col
    68 materials
    1 demonic shard


  5. Onora had already begun moving towards the small pack of wolves, even as Nari had pretended to recover from the shot to her ribs. Shaking her head and chasing after the blonde, Nari gave a quick glance over the area, making sure they weren't accidentally pulling in anything further during their travel between the two small areas. She could see a pair of Snapdragons in the distance, and a few of the large Knight creatures that carried razor sharp blades for hands. Her eyes shifted over Nemo, standing off by himself with a pleased look on his face, and Nari found herself pausing in step for a moment. Something about Nemo's entire figure caught her attention, and she found herself wondering - if just for the moment - at the humanity behind it all.

    "If you stare much longer I'm going to think I have competition." Onora's voice was beside her ear, and Nari jumped slightly in response as she turned towards the blonde. Somehow she'd missed the retracing of the blonde's steps whenever they had noticed Nari's momentary pause, and she couldn't help but chide herself for it. "He looks a bit lonely, doesn't he? In a weird way."

    Nari nodded before shaking off the feeling, heading over towards the wolf pack with renewed interest. Her mind lingered, if only for a moment, on the thought; the way in which Nemo seemed somehow, at his core, sad about his current situation. A situation that he was stuck within. Maybe we're not so different after all. She shook off the feeling as she turned towards the goal in mind, preparing herself for the coming conflict of combat that would encompass her very being for the moments it last.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [89/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | -17 EN
    Mossy Wolf 1 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned
    Mossy Wolf 2 | HP: 176/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    Mossy Wolf 3 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned
    Mossy Wolf 4 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned
    Leeching Fang| On a natural MD of 9 or 10, this mob heals for 10% of the final damage dealt to its target.

    ID219402 | BD: 3+4 = 7 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 1>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | Stunned 
    ID219403 | BD: 8+4 = 12 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 2>> | Minor Critical Hit: [14+1x12] = 180 damage | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG; -1 ACC | 1/2]
    ID219404 | BD: 6+4 = 10 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 3>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | Stunned 
    ID219405 | BD: 4+4 = 8 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 4>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | Stunned 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Morningstar said:


    Item Fusion #213489+219147a

      Hide contents

    Name: Wasp Queen's Sting +5
    Your Profession:  Appraiser
    Your Rank: Rank 5
    Roll ID: 219369, 219370, 219371
    Roll Result: 1, 12, 3 (Unique 219369 BD: 10 CD: 9)
    Item Type:  Straight Sword
    Tier: T4
    Quality:  Perfect
    Enhancements: Paralytic Venom, Bleed, ACC
    Description: An elegant silver sword that shines gold when touched by sunlight.
    Link: URL
    Acquisition ID: 213489+219147a

    Re-roll +1: [keen] ID #219372| LD: 1 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
    Re-roll +2: [keen] ID #219373 | LD: 18 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
    Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #219374 | LD: 12 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
    Re-roll +4: [bld] ID #219375 | LD: 20 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
    Re-roll +5: [ACC] ID #219376 | LD: 18 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)

    cost: 34,040 col


    Approval Image.png

  7. On 2/19/2024 at 9:49 AM, Morningstar said:


    Item #219216a

      Hide contents
    • Shop Post: Link
    • Transaction Date: 2/19/2024
    • Cost of Transaction: 3040 col
    • Crafter's Profession: Appraiser
    • Crafter's Rank: 4
    • Item Name: Red Longcoat
    • Item Tier: 4
    • Item Type: Cloth Armor
    • Item Rarity: Perfect
    • Item Enhancements: EVA II, REC I
    • Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls:
      ID: 219309 BD: CD: LD: 1 | EVASION or MITIGATION
      219310 BD: CD: LD: 11 | REGEN or RECOVERY
       219311 BD: 5 CD: LD: 5 | EVASION or MITIGATION
    • Item Description: The Red Longcoat is exactly as its name suggests. Crafted from fine materials, it offers both flair and functionality to the wearer.


      Hide contents

    Name: Vanishing Blade +5
    ID: 211018b
    Shop Post: Link
    Transaction Date: 2/19/2024
    Item Type: Straight Sword
    Tier: 4
    Quality: Perfect
    Original Enhancements: BLD I | KEEN I | PHASE
    New Enhancements: BLD I | ACC I| PHASE
    Roll: Reroll attempt 5 | ID: 219348 BD: 5 CD: 11 LD: 18
    -31,000 col


    Approval Image.png

  8. She'd expected argument, or perhaps placating words meant to bring her out of whatever depths of dreary thoughts she'd settled into in the past few moments of her explanation. Instead she was met with a simple statement that left her expressionless for a few breaths as her mind tried to catch up to what she was hearing. She found herself standing, staring with a slightly open mouth, as her tongue lulled uselessly inside, unable to move and produce the sounds required to communicate in the moment. When she finally came to, it was to state a simple word in response, before her mind was fully able to right itself. "Thanks."

    She turned slightly away from the other, as if trying to hide the confusion and uncertainty that had spread across her, shaking her head ever so slightly to try and shake off the feelings that had sprung up. Slowly, she found her words returning to her, and although her tone was calm and collected, the turmoil in her facial expressions and inside her mind were anything but. "We may not have known each other long...but I have not shared these thoughts with many others. Two, others, to be exact. I would prefer...I would prefer it not become common knowledge. Many would not understand, and the last thing I desire is pity. Or well wishers who desire to change my mind."

    In a sudden shift, she turned and gave a deep curtsy to Freyd, her head bowing and her eyes closing as she performed what was likely a far more impressive curtsy than should've been expected from the knightess. The movement was fluid, a sign of long-practiced routine, and a sombre expression standing over it all. "If there were more people like you in this world, I fear that it would've gone far different...I will not say perfect, as I think we can agree that horrors stand in both our pasts, and mistakes, but far different. Perhaps, in our small actions, we can make things better for others in the future."

    She paused only for a few seconds after her comment before turning back towards the path they had been following. In the distance she could see a break in the foliage, unnatural in appearance compared to the rest of the woodlands around them, and the sounds of movement reached her ears. "For the time being...what say you to harbouring a measure of hope in the temporary peace we hope to bring between two mighty...realms? Kingdoms? What would you even call a civilisation of Treants? Woodrealms?"

  9. There was a lightness to their air as the party walked towards what had become known as Demon's Rectum. Nari hadn't been able to contain the laughter that erupted from her at the juvenile joke, having to turn away from the group for a few moments as they continued onwards. She'd caught the conversation, but found herself incapable of providing any serious input, stifling the laughter taking the majority of her concentration. As she turned back around, the small spats over, and Freyd rubbing his side from something that had occurred when Nari hadn't been looking, she found herself shooting a lingering grin towards Freyd.

    "I hope you're not suggesting I face Famine due to some underlying comment about my weight." Beaming a smile that was as much filled with humorous intent as small warning, Nari turned to glance over the others, nodding to each of them as she made her way with the group. They were strong, capable fighters. She'd seen each of them on the frontlines in the last major boss battle, and she knew that she couldn't be in a better group of individuals - and yet, there was a worrisome note over the entire party, as if they were headed towards uncertain areas. 

    Demon's Rectum was, perhaps once, a large settlement that had housed a variety of people that could've been considered interesting. Now, however, it was a barren wasteland that had fallen to the corruption of the floor just like most other corners of it. Squelching undergrowth gave way beneath her feet, and Nari found herself moving more carefully in a determination not to fall flat before the group. "Lovely place. I can see why this was tourist destination of the century not too long ago. I'm shocked that people stopped coming here, truly."

    Whether her joke fell flat or not, Nari would never know. As she entered the core of the area, she spotted four mounted figures, standing as if waiting for their arrival. The collection of beasts - red, black, white and pale - seemed to paw at the ground impatiently, their riders sitting above them in an almost regal manner. Nari gave no hesitation, straightening herself and pulling up shield and spear, raising the weapon in her left in an odd salute even as she called out. "Hail, Famine! Corruptor of that which is consumed, one who consumes all! I challenge you. Face me if you dare, or fall before might forewarn!"

    Nari-Lanreth Challenges Famine

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 54 | HP [940/940] | EN [106/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [9] | MIT [179] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG]
    Famine | HP: 900/900 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2
    Famine (Passive): Buffs are made Ineffective for this battle. Debuffs still work.
    Corruption (Passive): Will always deal at least 100 DMG after MIT.
    Devil's Pierce: On a MD 9-10, deals double damage. 
    Hell Blast: On a CD 10-12, Blasts a black wave of energy, hitting the enemy player for 200 Unmitigatable DMG.
    Drought: The Player that defeats Famine earns the right to mount Drought, the White Horse. Drought’s Rider will gain the Devil’s Pierce and Hell Blast abilities.

  10. "I wish I was joking..." Nari couldn't keep back the slight snarl in her voice as she uttered the words, remembering all too vividly the friendships that had fallen apart because of the beliefs of those around her. There had been such rush, such joy in the occurrence, and Nari couldn't help but feel a wash of bitterness. It had been utterly stupid, in her eyes, a horrible joke that had played out to actuality. She shook her head, thinking back to the release of the book. "Thirteen. And like most thirteen year olds...yeah, I had a thing for the mystery and unique and...whatever. But not like those idiots. Would you believe one of them actually spent an entire week going out at night, hopping to find a vampire in the dark alley that would bite her and bring her back as some sort of thrall, or something?"

    She threw a casual look at Lilith, the collection of abnormal pixels howling into the void as it screamed with rage. Nari felt the emotion spark back into her, and found herself stepping forwards without noticing the first step. Scythe in hand, she moved towards the vampiress, raising the weapon to bring it around in a large arc, looking to score the strike against the form that she'd missed early. "And would you believe the main bitch was named Lilith? Ironic, isn't it?"

    NIGHT | HP: 1242/1242 | EN: 132/146 | DMG: 27 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 6 | LD: 4 | BH+HB: 122 | FLN/HLY: 16 | DOTE (3/3) | PRB: -18 DoT
    Nari-Lanreth HP: 860/860 | EN: 87/100 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 20 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 30 | B.Healing [+47] | L.Momentum: 1 | LD: 5 | Holy [+8] | Burn [56] | +4 EN -13 EN
    [2,2]Lilith the Undying | HP: 2,726/3,500 | DMG: 350 | MIT: 100 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 4 | Bloodclot | Burn [168 (56x3) damage | 1/2]
    Boss Room Effect | All players immediately regain full HP and EN at the beginning of this battle. Active cooldowns are unaffected.
    Undead | The Holy enhancement is twice as effective against this mob. Vampiric (Offensive and Defensive) enhancements are only half as effective in combat with this mob.
    Vampire | Suffers triple damage from Burn, Flame Aura, and Flame Thorns.
    Blood Frenzy | All foes in combat against Lilith, the Undying suffer a constant Bleed effect corresponding to their tier.
    Bloodbath | On MD rolls of 9-10, Lilith's attack becomes an AoE that automatically strikes all players, dealing 125 unmitigable damage and preventings Battle Healing from activating for two turns. This replaces her normal attack and is considered a bleed effect that triggers the benefits of Restorative Strike.
    Crazed | Immune to disabling effects of Stun, Paralyze, and Freeze. Lilith the Undying's EVA will reduce by 2 for 2 turns for every Disabling effect that hits her, to a minimum of 0.
    Undying | Cannot be reduced below 1 HP, except by a blow dealt using the <<Sanctified Sword>>. 
    Restorative Strike | Whenever any player suffers Bleed damage from Lilith's attacks and abilities, Lilith regains an equal number of HP

    ID219298 | BD: 8+2-4 = 6 | <<Tech-G vs. Lilith the Undying>> | Hit: [20x16-100] = 220 damage | Burn [168 (56x3) damage | 1/2]
    ID219299 | BD: 3+3-3 = 3 | <<Lilith the Undying vs. Nari-Lanreth>> | Miss.

  11. At some point during Freyd's dialogue, she had crossed her arms. An unconscious action that showed a true reflection of Nari's discomfort at the ideas. She didn't ignore them or reject them, instead she found discomfort in the reasonability behind them - a form of truth that she couldn't avoid. As his words came towards a close, she couldn't help but smirk in a non-humorous manner. The man spoke with such conviction and dedication that Nari couldn't help but respond in kind, to a degree. Perhaps this is why we can see the same paths, same intentions and goals. Of like minds and eyes. Arms still crossed, she shifted her left hand to point towards Freyd, bending it backwards in a way that may have looked uncomfortable, and yet Nari showed no sign of distress or pain at the movement.

    "You're right, you're no hero or leader." Nari gave pause as she let the words sink in, knowing that the agreement may not confuse someone like Freyd, who would be able to see that more was coming, or perhaps even foresee what she was about to say. The knowledge of such a thing didn't stop or hinder her, however, the nature of her own behaviours and actions far too engrained in her being. "And perhaps that's why you fit into the role so well. You don't desire heroism, nor leadership. You take it on because you must. You do what is required, so that others may survive and benefit."

    Her eyes shifted upwards towards the treetops suddenly, a semi-glazed look taking over her expression as she seemed to fall into thought. She considered where she'd been during the beginning of their time in Aincrad, and what had happened leading up to this day; everything that had led her to where she was now. "Would you believe that I never had ambition, in the beginning, to join the frontlines? I was too scared. Too worried about death and finality. Too fearful that I would fail. And I did. Fail. I lost someone because I wasn't able to protect them like I should've - because I was a coward."

    She looked back at Freyd suddenly, the glazed look disappearing as her expression hardened, returning to the conversation at hand as memories seemed to recede into the past. There was a hint of pain in her eyes, trauma that was still clearly making it's way through her very core; trauma that would likely never leave. "I failed, due to cowardice. But I didn't overcome it. I didn't find courage in my darkest moments. Despair and distraught were my companions, and on many occasions I considered ending it. A single leap would bring clarity and finality; everyone on the First knew that. Leap from the edge of the town, and all your problems are gone. But I was too cowardly to even do that."

    She shifted, her arms finally uncrossing as they fell to her side, hanging in an obviously uncomfortable manner, yet unable to find a proper resting place. The thumb of her left hand seemed to twitch, a muscle response to everything that was falling from her tongue, now released as she let the words flow. "I'm not new to death. But the one I lost...people say that a single individual is their whole world. She was mine. When I lost her, I lost everything - even the will to carry on. It took a long time to see what that would do to her memory; leaping after her."

    A flinch of pain crossed her expression, and for a single second her eyes cast down towards the ground beneath Freyd's feet. She forced herself to look back up, to meet his eyes. "I let cowardice and fear take hold of me, and if I'm being truthful it still stands on the edge of who I am. I'm no hero, no leader. I won't be the one to rush into a fight through courage or brave valors. But I will rush in...because I found a reason to push forwards. I don't know how many thousands remain, but so long as a single reason remains...I'll keep pushing forwards."

    "You ask me if I had to choose, would I remain or return?" She turned, waving a hand towards the world around them, a sad smile on her face even as she looked back at Freyd's eyes. "I don't need to choose. I won't remain, and I won't return. Aincrad will be my final resting place, I've known that since the day I fell to cowardice. The day we fell to my cowardice. Until that time, I'll keep pushing forwards, so that all those reasons I fight on have a chance at the choice I don't have."

  12. A snort of laughter escaped from Nari Freyd feigned checking his watch, clearly displaying the lack of any such instrument designed to tell time or keep his schedule organised. The laughter was only invigorated by the further jest, confirming that he had some time to spend. It only died down when Freyd continued speaking, beginning what would become a lengthy explanation of his understanding of the world around them, at least to a small degree. Nari was quiet for most of it, refusing to interject and break the continuous flow of information and insight that she was being gifted with - and she wasn't foolish enough to think it was anything less than a gift.

    "Yeah...that resetting is...well, spirit killing sometimes." She'd mumbled the words, thinking back on some of the achievements she'd made in the past. Conflicts that had been overcome, things that had been hunted down and villages saved - all for it to revert for the next player to arrive. She understood the necessity of it, there was no mass multiplayer game world such as Sword Art Online without such a reset, but there was a part of her that wished their actions were more impactful. More everlasting, when it came to some of their engagement and involvement with the world. "Wouldn't it be nice if it were impactful...if it were consistently changing?"

    She shook her head and stopped her mumbling in order to listen to the rest of Freyd's insight. She gave a soft gasp at the mention of recruiting the Elves to their cause. She'd already been aware of the loss of players, the impact it was having upon their ability to push forwards. It was distressing, to say the least, when she looked at it clearly. There was progress made, and yet Nari couldn't help but wonder if they were coming towards a final stalemate. No longer able to pull together the required strength to go forwards, yet unwilling to give up on the chance at escape. Her face twisted in thought and distaste, even as Freyd's hand came up to stop her movement. Her eyes hovered over the collection of deer, watching them and yet seeming to see through them, her mind filled with the turmoil of the ever growing situation that she'd already noticed.

    "Optimistic, maybe. I would prefer to call it realistic. We barely managed to pull together three assault groups for the previous fight. What if in the future...there's no one else? What if we run out of those willing - or capable - of putting their lives at risk in order to gain freedom." It was more a statement than it was a question. Nari shook her head, a slight humourless laugh escaping her as she looked back at Freyd, a sudden harshness and seriousness in her eyes. "I've found myself wondering of late...what's the point? Why are we fighting for freedom so hard? We're angry that we're trapped here, sure. I understand that. We want out because of the basic statement; we don't want to be trapped. And yet, how many of us came to this world to escape the one we left behind? How many of us came here because the real world wasn't for us; too harsh, too unforgiving, too unwelcoming. Why are we fighting to return to that, if this world was everything we wanted? Is Aincrad so horrible? Do we not have more possibilities here to be something, rather than the nothing we may have been in the past?"

    There was no bitterness in her voice. She'd been among those, and still was, who had fought ferociously in order to escape. Sure, she'd joined the fight later than most, but she'd eventually found herself rushing to the front. Now, however, she couldn't help but question why. "There may be those who have something to return to, but I doubt it's many. I would suggest that, perhaps, a good majority of those originally trapped here had little to return to...and only fought so hard because they felt it was what they should do. Whether it be through fear of death, entrapment, or...whatever other feelings they may have had."

    Her eyes roamed over the path before them, and not for the first time Nari wondered how different the NPCs and their own lives were. "Everything here is made by Cardinal...you say some NPCs show varying signs of intellect to them...but what if it's not a matter of who is more advanced, but rather a simple question of why hasn't Cardinal made them all as intelligent as itself yet?"

  13. "Starting to get tired yet?" Onora's head had begun to sink slowly, a sign that they had been settled for far too long. They'd been here for longer than Nari had originally planned, and she found that she was mimicking the blonde's sentiment. Giving a slight nod towards the wolves, Onora added to her original question. "Should we go say hello before maybe heading home entirely? I know that you and they have been eyeing each other up the entire time we've been here, figured maybe you would want to get some time together."

    Nari's eyes shifted over the wolves, and she considered the possibility. They'd come to do some serious grinding for gear, and although they'd found a fair bit so far, she couldn't help but think there was still more to be found. Giving a nod, she rose to her feet and stretched out her tired muscles. They'd already begun to settle into place with the resting they'd had, and she could feel the complaints against the sudden movement, the desire to remain seated fighting against her desire to get up and move.

    "Yeah, I'm up for it if you're not too exhausted. I mean, we wouldn't want to push you past your limi-" The rough strike cut off Nari's jesting, and she stumbled backwards in feigned pain, groaning slightly. Onora simply shook her head, well aware that she didn't have the strength or skill to seriously harm Nari - yet.

    ID219281 | LD: 13+4 = 17 | CD: 11+1 = 12 | Result: 5 materials, 3,000 col, demonic shard.


    ID219106 | LD: 5+4+2 = 11 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Armour/Shield (1), Additional Col (4,752| [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable, 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+4 = 9 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+4 = 23 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 2,376 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+4 = 18 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+4 = 15 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219203 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219204 | LD: 17+4 = 21 | CD: 6 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219208 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 2 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219209 | LD: 10+4 = 14 | CD: 8 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 3,960 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584 + 396], 1 material
    ID219223 | LD: 3+2 = 5 | Searching Treasure Chest | Results: Two (2) Gilded Hands appear! 1,150 col, 2 materials, Uncommon Consumables (2).
    ID219230 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 3 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 7,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 4,000], 15 material [Bonus Col and Materials Gained from 1 Gilded Hand]

    Loot Totals
    Uncommon Consumable {6} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209, 219223
    Rare Trinket {3} | ID219111, 219208, 219230

    Rare Armour/Shield {4} | ID219106, 219114, 219123, 219125
    Rare Weapon {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209

    Rare Consumable {1} | ID219125
    Perfect Armour/Shield {1} | ID219204
    Perfect Consumable {2} | ID219124, 219204

    58,496 col
    65 materials
    1 demonic shard


  14. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" The question caught Nari off guard, and she found her eyes flitting around as if trying to figure out whether it truly was a nice day or not, her mind slowly catching up with the words even as she realised the simplicity in the query. Onora, who had seen the stunned response, shook with laughter as Nari slowly felt her face flush, punching the blonde softly in the shoulder as she settled back into her subconscious gathering attempts. She'd found little in the way of success so far, but that wasn't going to stop her from making attempts, at least. "It's always fun to throw you off your game, it's like...I don't know, childlike in a way? I'm just having fun, though. There's no need to look so serious."

    Onora's words were still punctured with soft laughter as she tried to console the knightess, and Nari found herself smiling back in spite of her small annoyance at being called childlike. She glanced over the fields once more, taking in the picturesque environment that lay before them, and smiling slightly wider in response. "You're right. It is a beautiful day. Perfect for spending with a beautiful woman."

    There was a sucking sound from Onora as the blonde took her turn to show surprise, and Nari couldn't help but stick her tongue out in response, taking pleasure in the reaction and the way in which she had caught Onora by surprise. It wasn't often that she had the upper hand on their little game, and she found herself taking an immense pleasure in her sudden success.

    ID219280 | LD: 9+4 = 13 | CD: 6+1 = 7 | Result: 4 materials, 2,500 col.


    ID219106 | LD: 5+4+2 = 11 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Armour/Shield (1), Additional Col (4,752| [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable, 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+4 = 9 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+4 = 23 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 2,376 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+4 = 18 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+4 = 15 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219203 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219204 | LD: 17+4 = 21 | CD: 6 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219208 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 2 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219209 | LD: 10+4 = 14 | CD: 8 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 3,960 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584 + 396], 1 material
    ID219223 | LD: 3+2 = 5 | Searching Treasure Chest | Results: Two (2) Gilded Hands appear! 1,150 col, 2 materials, Uncommon Consumables (2).
    ID219230 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 3 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 7,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 4,000], 15 material [Bonus Col and Materials Gained from 1 Gilded Hand]

    Loot Totals
    Uncommon Consumable {6} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209, 219223
    Rare Trinket {3} | ID219111, 219208, 219230

    Rare Armour/Shield {4} | ID219106, 219114, 219123, 219125
    Rare Weapon {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209

    Rare Consumable {1} | ID219125
    Perfect Armour/Shield {1} | ID219204
    Perfect Consumable {2} | ID219124, 219204

    58,496 col
    65 materials


  15. "Tolerate...that's certainly a word that could be used. I would've leaned more towards taken an interest, but tolerated works too." She gave a flash of a smirk towards Freyd even as she considered everything she'd just learn in the last few moments. She'd known, since first meeting him, that there was more to Freyd than a simple gamer. The man had an aura to him, one that seemed to be shrouded in mystery and allure. One which had caught her attention, but had always remained more question than answer. Now, she found that she had the possibility towards some answers - and she'd already received some. "If you don't have anything more pressing than helping me solve a war, then you're welcome to come along."

    She stepped off and lead the way out into the city proper, picking her pace up ever so slightly so that her shorter frame placed itself before the other. Based upon the information available in her mini map, Nari knew that there was some distance to go before they would reach their destination, and she entirely expected to take the time to focus on asking the questions she had, and getting as many answers as she could. Not that she expected to receive any clear indication of what was right or wrong, but she knew that every little bit helped.

    "Gemini...I remember that quest. It was...well, I wouldn't be remise in stating that it was an experience. I doubt many people come out of it with extra skills, though." The nod wasn't necessary, and yet she found herself doing it in order to point towards the court they had left behind. She'd been sure, for a moment, that the player had been an elf - and while she would love to admit otherwise, she knew it would be a lie to state that she was able to see through the deceit. "How...did you even come to have such relations with the Elves? And would it be incorrect to assume there's relations elsewhere like this? Perhaps with the Treants themselves? Or on other floors, where there's been whispers of a shadow passing through, leaving behind no trace of it's origins?"

    She'd chosen her words somewhat carefully, although she knew they were far from the subtly that could be expected in a high court of royals and mysteries. Subterfuge was far from her skillset, and although she was capable of noticing things that seemed out of place, she was far from perfect in catching the lies before her. She knew that wouldn't stop her from trying, however, and she found herself glancing back at Freyd's form as they walked and spoke, looking for any sign of tension or hesitation, ready to pounce on any forms of deceit that appeared.


    Treant Spared





    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 57 | HP [940/940] | EN [106/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [9] | MIT [179] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG]
    Tier 4 | Tier 10 [Laurel Wreath]


    • Póg Deiridh
      [One-Handed Assault Spear | Tier 4]
      Enhancement: Frostbite [2 Slots]
      Enhancement: Accuracy [2 Slots] 
    • Glacadh Morríghan 
      [H. Armour | Tier 4]
      Enhancement: Frost Aura [2 Slots]
      Enhancement: Heavy Momentum [1 Slot]
    • Póg an Gheimhridh
      Tier 4 | Heater Shield]

      Enhancement: Paralyse [1 Slot]
      Enhancement: Taunt [1 Slot]
      Enhancement: Thorns [2 Slots]


    battle-ready inventory

    • Dimensional Backpack (+1 Battle-Ready Inventory)
    • Teleport Crystal {3}
    • Starter Healing Potions {4} | Heals 50 HP
    • Siúil a Rún {5} | Tier 3 | Support Song | HP Recovery III
    • Sí do Mhaimeo Í {2} | Tier 4 | Support Song | Monsters’ Fortune I [Instant]
    • Níl Sé'n Lá {1} | Tier 4 | Support Song | Monsters’ Favor III
    • Immolation Potions {10} | Tier 4  | [40 DMG]



    Utility Skills

    Combat Skills
    Battle Healing [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: While in combat, recover 1% per rank of your maximum HP (rounded down) at the beginning of your turn.]
    Fighting Spirit [Active: Passive. Effect: Attacking and using Howl or Focused Howl generates +1 additional Hate. (Ex. Generate 1/2/3 Hate on a Miss/Hit/Critical attack. Generate 5 Hate when using Focused Howl.)]
    Howl [Active: Post Action. Energy: 2 EN. Cooldown: 2 turns. Effect: Adds +2 Hate each against up to 4 targets.]

    [Howl Add-on] Focused Howl [Active: Post Action. Energy: 4 EN. Cooldown: 4 turns. Effect: Adds +4 Hate against a single target.]

    Weapon Skills
    Polearm [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: +7 DMG]
    [Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Stamina [Active: Passive. Effect: Reduces EN of all attacks by 2.]
    [Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Precision [Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 ACC.]
    [Rank 5 Weapon Addon] <<Weapon Type>> Focus [Active: Passive. Effect: Decreases minor critical threshold by 1. Also reduces DoT thresholds by 1. Players cannot use Focus and Ferocity at the same time for the same Weapon Type.]
    [Rank 5 Shift] TECH Specialist [Active: Passive. Effect: For TECH Sword Arts, +4 to multipliers, +3 to EN cost. No other Shifts may be taken.]

    Armour Skills
    Heavy Armour [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: 35 MIT. Evasion is capped at 1 slot; -5 Stealth Rating.]
    [Heavy Armour Mod] Impetus [Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 base Damage.]
    [Heavy Armour Add-on] Iron Skin [Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +15 Mitigation and +15 x Tier HP.]

    Active Extra Skills
    Assault Mode [Active: Free Action. Energy Cost: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 Turns. Effect: As a free action, switch your accuracy and evasion values until the start of your next turn.]
    Block [Active: Passive. Effect: Requires an equipped shield. User’s evasion cannot be greater than 0 (can still be negative). Grants additional mitigation: 25 MIT.]
    [Rank 3 Block Mod] Shield Bash [Active: Post Action. Energy: 6 EN. Cooldown: 2 Turns. Effect: Make an attack with an equipped shield. On a hit, deals (Base * 10) damage, stuns the enemy for one turn, and applies status and thorns (and variants)  enhancements present on the shield. Note: When calculating Base Damage for Shield Bash, Weapon Skills do not apply.]
    [Rank 5 Block Addon] Rampart [Active: Free Action. Energy: 10 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Reduce final damage that would be dealt to you by 25% (rounded down). Effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.]
    Brawler [Active: Free Action. Energy Cost: 5 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Increase mitigation by 10*tier until the start of your next turn.]
    Concentration [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 5 turns. Effect: As a free action, gain Absolute Accuracy on your next attack. In the case Absolute Accuracy is already present, increase your Accuracy by 1 instead. Effect lasts until the start of next turn.]
    Meditation [Active: Post Action. Cooldown: 3 turns. Effect: Recover an additional (4 * Tier) energy.]
    Survival [Active: Passive. Effect: Increases Healing effects received from all sources by 10%. Grants immunity to all damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.]

    Inactive Extra Skills 
    Frozen Hide [Active: Free Action. Energy Cost: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 Turns. Effect: As a free action, apply one slot of Frost Aura and one slot of Frost Thorns equal to your tier to yourself until the start of your next turn.]
    Lady Luck [Active: Free Action. Energy Cost: 5 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Replace a single enhancement slot on your weapon with a random enhancement using the Appraiser’s Identification roll until the start of your next turn.]

    Combat Mastery
    Mitigation [Rank: 3. Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +6*tier Mitigation per rank. Ranks of this Skill obey Mitigation enhancement caps.]

    Familiar Skills
    Protector Familiar [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 3 Posts; Effect: The next time you would take damage, your familiar rushes to your aid, reducing the final damage by 10%.]


    sword arts


    [x12] ST-I (12 10 EN) | A single-target sword art.
    [x15] ST-II (15 13 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
    [x20] ST-B (20 18 EN) | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.
    [x11] AOE-I (11 9 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
    [x14] AOE-II (14 12 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
    [x16] TECH-A (16 14 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
    [x16] TECH-B (15 13 EN) | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a status condition that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.
    [x16] TECH-C (15 13 EN) | COUNTER | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, places [Counter] around the player. [Counter] reduces the final damage taken by its user by 25% (rounded down) for one turn.
    [x16] TECH-D (15 13 EN) | SHATTER | A single-target sword art that applies [Shatter] to an enemy for 3 turns. [Shatter] is a debuff that can stack up to a cap of 3. Each stack of [Shatter] removes -20 MIT from an enemy, down to 0, if it has MIT.
    [x12] TECH-F (11 9 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE STUN | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. All struck targets are stunned for one turn.
    [x16] TECH-G (15 13 EN) | BURN | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Burn] on the enemy. [Burn] is a DoT ailment that deals [14 * Player Tier] unmitigated Burn damage for 2 turns.




    Estate Buffs
    Bedroom [-1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.]
    Living Room [Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.]
    Storage Closet [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]
    Basement [
    Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.]
    Extended Workshop [
    +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day
    Greenhouse [
    +2 Gathering EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to gathering attempts.




  16. Her face took on a sour appearance as she glanced between Lilith's newly risen form, and NIGHT's calmness. She found herself shaking her head as the other commented on the resurgence - something Nari had noticed as well, albeit for differing reasons most likely. When she spoke, there was a tinge of distaste in her voice, a way in which the words almost felt whiplash, as if trying to cut the topic to shreds without harming the speaker or listener. "I'd heard about the resurgence as well, but...no...that book cost me some friendships. All because some idiots actually believed it."

    She turned to face Lilith as NIGHT had rushed forwards, watching as the more agile and capable fighter leapt into the fray and began slicing into the newly arrived creature. Nari waited for her opening, circling to the left of Lilith's form even as she glanced between monster and companion. She still couldn't bring herself to use the term friend with NIGHT - she knew they likely were, but the blood between them hadn't quite settled for Nari yet. She doubted that it would remain at such animosity for long, but there was still emotion there. Scarred, broken and despairing, but emotion nonetheless. 

    The shift in motion from Lilith drew Nari's attention, and she found herself rushing forwards to confront the vampiress even before she'd acknowledged the movement. Her scythe came upwards, looking to block claw and tear into flesh; meeting to rise the irk before it.

    NIGHT | HP: 1242/1242 | EN: 119/146 | DMG: 27 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 6 | LD: 4 | BH+HB: 122 | FLN/HLY: 16 | DOTE (3/3) | PRB: -18 DoT
    Nari-Lanreth HP: 860/860 | EN: 98/100 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 20 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 30 | B.Healing [+47] | L.Momentum: 1 | LD: 5 | Holy [+8] | Burn [56] | +4 EN -2 EN
    [2,0]Lilith the Undying | HP: 3,114/3,500 | DMG: 350 | MIT: 100 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 4 | Bloodclot
    Boss Room Effect | All players immediately regain full HP and EN at the beginning of this battle. Active cooldowns are unaffected.
    Undead | The Holy enhancement is twice as effective against this mob. Vampiric (Offensive and Defensive) enhancements are only half as effective in combat with this mob.
    Vampire | Suffers triple damage from Burn, Flame Aura, and Flame Thorns.
    Blood Frenzy | All foes in combat against Lilith, the Undying suffer a constant Bleed effect corresponding to their tier.
    Bloodbath | On MD rolls of 9-10, Lilith's attack becomes an AoE that automatically strikes all players, dealing 125 unmitigable damage and preventings Battle Healing from activating for two turns. This replaces her normal attack and is considered a bleed effect that triggers the benefits of Restorative Strike.
    Crazed | Immune to disabling effects of Stun, Paralyze, and Freeze. Lilith the Undying's EVA will reduce by 2 for 2 turns for every Disabling effect that hits her, to a minimum of 0.
    Undying | Cannot be reduced below 1 HP, except by a blow dealt using the <<Sanctified Sword>>. 
    Restorative Strike | Whenever any player suffers Bleed damage from Lilith's attacks and abilities, Lilith regains an equal number of HP

    ID219276 | BD: 6+2-4 = 4 | <<Tech-G vs. Lilith the Undying>> | Miss. [-2 EN]
    ID219277 | BD: 3+3-6 = 0 | <<Lilith the Undying vs. NIGHT>> | Miss.
    Ignore roller, thought I was going to hit and draw hate.

  17. 38 minutes ago, Morningstar said:


    Item #211012c

      Hide contents
    • Shop Post: Link
    • Transaction Date: 2/18/2024
    • Cost of Transaction: 3040 col
    • Crafter's Profession: Appraiser
    • Crafter's Rank: 4
    • Item Name: Vanishing Blade
    • Item Tier: 4
    • Item Type: Straight Sword
    • Item Rarity: Perfect
    • Item Enhancements: Keen I, Phase I, Bleed I
    • Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls:
      ID: 219257 BD: 6 CD: LD: 4 | TAUNT or KEEN
      219258 BD: 10 CD: 12 LD: 15 | ABSOLUTE ACCURACY or PHASE
      ID: 219259 BD: 1 CD: LD: 11 | BLEED or PARALYZE
    • Item Description: A weapon with the peculiar ability to phase through objects at random. It communicates the activation of its ability by vibrating gently.

    Item #211018b

      Hide contents
    • Shop Post: Link
    • Transaction Date: 2/18/2024
    • Cost of Transaction: 3040 col
    • Crafter's Profession: Appraiser
    • Crafter's Rank: 4
    • Item Name: Bleeding Giant
    • Item Tier: 4
    • Item Type: Straight Sword
    • Item Rarity: Perfect
    • Item Enhancements: Bleed I, Accuracy I, Frostbite I
    • Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls:
      ID: 219263 BD: 9 CD: LD: 12 | BLEED or PARALYZE
      219264 BD: CD: LD: 15 | DAMAGE or ACCURACY
       219265 BD: 10 CD: LD: 19 | FROSTBITE or STATIC
    • Item Description: Bleeding Giant is a sleek, silver greatsword with a blade that gleams like ice under moonlight. The hilt is adorned with blood red rubies and intricate patterns designed to look like ice crystals.


    Approval Image.png

  18. Nari was silent for a few seconds as she considered Onora's words. They were such an echo to her own thoughts that she couldn't help but wonder if Onora was reading her mind, saying aloud what Nari had been worried to admit to from the beginning. She wondered, for a brief moment, if the other was little more than Cardinal projecting some imagery of a person upon her - but that was dismissed as she realised the impossible. Instead, she found herself considering how alike the two of them were. When she did reply, her voice was soft and subdued. "Why shouldn't we take some enjoyment from it, then? Who's to say we need to destroy it all, any more than we need to? Why can't we find lives here, while still pushing to escape it's enthralment?"

    Whatever response Nari was expecting, Onora didn't give it. The blonde was quiet, refusing to say what they both knew their answers would be. There was nothing to stop them from having lives, enjoying their time in the game as much as they could. Now that the initial fear had faded, they could take some time to really find peace, or a degree of it, in the chaos that was Aincrad. Even as Nari's hands continued to search the area, she found herself glancing towards Onora, knowing that she had already found a measure of peace and happiness in the death game that was Sword Art Online. If these are to be our last days, why should they be filled with fear, horror and anger? Why wouldn't we look to find some sort of peace, happiness...fond memories to carry us to that final moment before everything is gone?

    She found no immediate answer to her question. Rather than worry her, it instead seemed to calm something within her. She realised, perhaps for the first time since entering the game, that she wasn't at a loss. She wasn't necessarily in control, but she could make decisions for herself. She could choose to fight, or to relax, or to take time for herself. The realisation brought a smile to her face, and she found herself more relaxed than she had been in some time.

    ID219245 | LD: 4+4 = 8 | CD: 2+1 = 3 | Result: Nix.


    ID219106 | LD: 5+4+2 = 11 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Armour/Shield (1), Additional Col (4,752| [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable, 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+4 = 9 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+4 = 23 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 2,376 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+4 = 18 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+4 = 15 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219203 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219204 | LD: 17+4 = 21 | CD: 6 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219208 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 2 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219209 | LD: 10+4 = 14 | CD: 8 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 3,960 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584 + 396], 1 material
    ID219223 | LD: 3+2 = 5 | Searching Treasure Chest | Results: Two (2) Gilded Hands appear! 1,150 col, 2 materials, Uncommon Consumables (2).
    ID219230 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 3 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 7,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 4,000], 15 material [Bonus Col and Materials Gained from 1 Gilded Hand]

    Loot Totals
    Uncommon Consumable {6} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209, 219223
    Rare Trinket {3} | ID219111, 219208, 219230

    Rare Armour/Shield {4} | ID219106, 219114, 219123, 219125
    Rare Weapon {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209

    Rare Consumable {1} | ID219125
    Perfect Armour/Shield {1} | ID219204
    Perfect Consumable {2} | ID219124, 219204

    55,996 col
    61 materials


  19. The hand creature exploded, leaving Nari and Onora staring at one another over the short distance between them. Nari was the first to start laughing, realising how intense the two had become in the last few moments. They'd worked together as an excellent team, driving the creature towards it's doom with barely any words between them to direct their actions. She felt a sense of pride in their capabilities, and a sign of how close they had become as of late. Shaking off the feeling of tenseness that had built in her shoulders, Nari found a nearby piece of garden to settle into, her fingers naturally combing through the area as her gathering skills took over subconsciously. 

    "You know...it's amazing, in a way. Isn't it? This entire world, when you stop and look at it. I know that we should hate it..." Her words dropped off as she realised that she'd spoken something that, prior to now, she would never have uttered aloud to another individual. Somehow, though, it felt right to say it now. Especially considering the topic the two had broached earlier, and the ways in which their commentary had seemed so aligned. Nari couldn't help but wonder if Onora felt the same as her in that sense. 

    "...because it trapped us here, and we should feel spite and ire towards it, until it releases us from this hellhole that has become our lives?" Onora finished the thought as a question, having settled down beside Nari. The blonde took some time to look over her gear, making a few minor adjustments to the pieces using a collection of field repair kits that she'd produced. Her eyes remained on the equipment, not looking up as she continued her commentary. "I supposed we could. We could scream at the sky, the walls, the rivers...but why? It's not the fault of this world - or even Cardinal, in some ways - that we're stuck here. It didn't lure us in and lock the door. It didn't envelope us and close any escape. If anything, we should be mad at Kayaba and his team that created this world, but not the world itself...the world has done nothing wrong - other than exist. Can you hate something just because it exists as it's designed to do? Or do you take pity upon it, and love it regardless...?"

    ID219241 | LD: 14+4 = 15 | CD: 3+1 =  4| Result: 4 materials | 1,000 col


    ID219106 | LD: 5+4+2 = 11 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Armour/Shield (1), Additional Col (4,752| [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable, 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+4 = 9 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+4 = 23 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 2,376 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+4 = 18 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+4 = 15 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219203 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219204 | LD: 17+4 = 21 | CD: 6 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219208 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 2 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219209 | LD: 10+4 = 14 | CD: 8 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 3,960 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584 + 396], 1 material
    ID219223 | LD: 3+2 = 5 | Searching Treasure Chest | Results: Two (2) Gilded Hands appear! 1,150 col, 2 materials, Uncommon Consumables (2).
    ID219230 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 3 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 7,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 4,000], 15 material [Bonus Col and Materials Gained from 1 Gilded Hand]

    Loot Totals
    Uncommon Consumable {6} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209, 219223
    Rare Trinket {3} | ID219111, 219208, 219230

    Rare Armour/Shield {4} | ID219106, 219114, 219123, 219125
    Rare Weapon {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209

    Rare Consumable {1} | ID219125
    Perfect Armour/Shield {1} | ID219204
    Perfect Consumable {2} | ID219124, 219204

    55,996 col
    61 materials



    The idea of a kitchen in the wilderness had caught Nari's attention the moment she had heard about it, and she found herself needing to visit the locale at least once in her time on the floor. Surrounded by lush trees that seemed as welcoming as the individual who manned the kitchen's counter, Nari had to admit the place was charming in it's own way. Her eyes glanced around the displayed items, wondering for a moment how it was possible to move such a thing so often - she'd heard the locale moved floor to floor, never stationary aside from the hours it was open.

    "Alright, let me see what you've got...oh, that looks interesting. And that...and that...that smells weird though...do you recommend it?"

    popcorn. | TIER 4 SNACK | VITALITY II
    round. light. fluffy. tasteless.
    Total: 10
    Cost: 30 materials (sent)

    bingsu. | TIER 4 DESSERT | MIT III 
    shaved ice. chopped fruits. syrup and milk. tasteless.
    Total: 10
    Cost: 50 materials (sent)

    Total Cost: 80 materials (sent).


  21. Purchasing the following items
    Dimensional Backpack | [5,000col]
    Adds +1 to Battle Ready inventory. This item does not take up a Battle Ready inventory slot. A player may only have one Dimensional Backpack at any time.
    Immolation Potion
    When used, successful non-critical attacks against you deal (10 * Tier) unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Must be of the appropriate tier to use. Effect lasts for one thread. Tier 4 | [x20] [24,000 | 1200col]

    Total Expenditure: 29,000 col

  22. As if to clear the confusion that had come across Nari's mind suddenly, the queen herself had stepped in and brought forth the words that Nari had stumbled over, directing them towards the cowl covered man with a familiarity that seemed uncommon to Nari's experience. She felt her gaze shift to the queen, an odd look on the woman's face. Nari would've sworn that a smile was being held back, if she didn't know better. She felt her eyes narrow in response, trying to figure out what made the queen so different from some of the other figures she'd come across in the past, before turning in response to Freyd's own words of acceptance.

    Smiling slightly, she felt a measure of unease pass through her as she realised that his tone had changed. A formal manner had entered it that hadn't quite been there before, similar in general mannerisms, and yet somehow different. Her confusion was only accented as the cowl was pulled back and the face revealed, somehow far younger than Nari had been expecting. Her eyes ranged over it, passing by the dark hair that stood atop the head, moving over the ears and down to the small smile that played across his lips. He was far from what she had been picturing in her mind, and as she found herself facing the truth behind the cowl, she couldn't help but snicker slightly at the less than wise appearance-

    "Hold up, you're an Elf?" The surprise had taken over her entire mind, and she found herself staring dumbfounded at the man before her, different in more ways than Nari had imagined. Her eyes had widened slightly in shock, and she found her head cocking to the left slightly, taking into consideration everything he had stated earlier. Things seemed to align, an awareness of the culture and people around her that had escaped previous notice. Slowly, shaking off the delirium as if waking from a deep sleep, she found her voice again. "That...explains a lot, actually. Surprising, still...but explains a lot. I feel like you and I are going to have some very, very interesting conversations going forwards..."

    She turned suddenly, realising that they'd been dismissed from the presence of the court that made up the leadership of the Elves. Not wanting to stay due to the excitement of the questions bubbling at the edge of her tongue, Nari found herself stepping forwards to lead the way out of the courtroom and back into the city proper, turning to look back as she did so and speaking directly to the figure of Freyd. "I should warn you...those who have come to know me say that I talk a lot, especially once I've been...opened up, so to speak. I hope those ears of yours don't fall off from too many words. Nor your tongue lock itself in place, afeared to interrupt my own. You've revealed something of interest, and while I'm not entirely sure what I've seen...I know that it's likely not a secret handed out to every passing body. Consider my interest a repayment to that, however you care to look at it." 

  23. The small creatures were far more agile and nimble than Nari could've expected, and as she felt them leap onto her shield and bounce off it, she watched as the spear came around empty - missing both by a wide margin. Surprised by the sudden movement of the things, she watched as one slipped by her reach, disappearing into the distance as Nari leapt after the other, pushing it back and forcing it to remain within their small cordon.

    "Dammit! One of them got away..." The words were like a growl, and she looked across to see Onora shaking her head in slight disappointment. Neither blamed the other for the happenstance, although both were equally upset by the loss. Sighing, Nari turned her attention to the remaining creature, deciding that capturing one would at least give her some satisfaction. Bringing the spear down, she forced it further back, into a spot where it would be perfectly trapped between the two of them, while also placing Onora out of harms way of any missed stabs with Nari's spear.

    "Slippery little bastards, aren't they?" Onora said, driving the thing back into place with her longsword as it attempted to make a dash past her. Seeing the opportunity for what it was, Nari brought the spear back slightly before stabbing forward with it, aiming for the creature's centre of mass even as it realised it's mistake.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [86/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN +51 HP-13 EN
    Gilded Hand 1 | HP: 224/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]

    ID219229 | BD: 4+4-2 = 6 | <<Tech-G vs. Gilded Hand 1>> | Hit: [14x16] = 224 damage | Gilded Hand 1 destroyed!


    ID219106 | LD: 5+4+2 = 11 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Armour/Shield (1), Additional Col (4,752| [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable, 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+4 = 9 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+4 = 23 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 2,376 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+4 = 18 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+4 = 15 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219203 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219204 | LD: 17+4 = 21 | CD: 6 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219208 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 2 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219209 | LD: 10+4 = 14 | CD: 8 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 3,960 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584 + 396], 1 material
    ID219223 | LD: 3+2 = 5 | Searching Treasure Chest | Results: Two (2) Gilded Hands appear! 1,150 col, 2 materials, Uncommon Consumables (2).
    ID219230 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 3 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 7,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 4,000], 15 material [Bonus Col and Materials Gained from 1 Gilded Hand]

    Loot Totals
    Uncommon Consumable {6} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209, 219223
    Rare Trinket {3} | ID219111, 219208, 219230

    Rare Armour/Shield {4} | ID219106, 219114, 219123, 219125
    Rare Weapon {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209

    Rare Consumable {1} | ID219125
    Perfect Armour/Shield {1} | ID219204
    Perfect Consumable {2} | ID219124, 219204

    54,996 col
    57 materials


  24. Nari's attention was pulled back to the fight fully as the two creatures began to move, the stun wearing off and their oddly shaped forms shifting in preparation for another mad dash. Onora had already begun to move before Nari called out, and she smiled as she realised that the blonde was truly beginning to get the concept around basic battle planning and reactionary skills. Her lessons, as limited as they may have been, appeared to have given Onora at least a bit of knowledge that allowed her to change from the scared, hesitant fighter she had been previously. 

    "Coming your way!" Nari nodded as Onora took a large, wide sweep at the hands, driving them towards Nari. The attack had been little more than a driving feint, meant to scare them off rather than connect with the pair, pushing them towards the higher level player in the hopes that Nari's own sweeping strike would be able to catch the two in a quick, well-timed and more powerful arc. She shifted her form and placed the shield before her, ready to drive back any assault the creatures may attempt against her even as she brought the spear out and slightly to the side, readying the same wide area attack she'd used just moments before. She'd come to enjoy her technical skills over anything else, and while it's stun effect may have limitations, Nari found the attack versatile and useful - boosted and more powerful than any of her other capabilities and skills.

    "I got them. This one won't stun them, so be prepared to leap in after me!" Onora gave a nod to Nari's direction, already moving in closer so as to hem in the pair of creatures. Nari waited until the last second before stepping forwards and bringing the spear around, looking to connect with the two just as they reached her form, giving them little to nowhere to rush off to in reaction to her sudden push forward.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [938/940] | EN [95/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN-2 EN -2 HP
    Gilded Hand 1 | HP: 140/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]
    Gilded Hand 2 | HP: 140/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]
    Knockdown Pro | On a natural 10, Gilded Hand applies a stun to their target, and attacks a second time.  This effect can only occur once per turn.
    Anxious | This mob only attacks every other turn, unless attacking multiple times in a row due to <<Knockdown Pro>>.
    Coward | Gilded Hand attempts to flee automatically when their health falls below half. Successfully escapes on a CD 12. <<Gilded Hands>> automatically flee if all players in the party are stunned.

    ID219227 | BD: 3+4-2 = 5 | <<Tech-F vs. Gilded Hand 1>> | Miss [-2 EN] | MOB: 7+2 = 9 | Hit: [132-139] = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage
    ID219228 | BD: 2+4-2 = 4 | <<Tech-F vs. Gilded Hand 2>> | Miss | MOB: 8+2 = 10 | Hit: [132-139] = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage | Gilded Hand 2 escapes!

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