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Posts posted by Nari-Lanreth

  1. Like a true conflict of war between the four horsemen, the chaos of fighting erupted suddenly. The mounted riders moved to engage with the players as the four of them strode into the arena in earnest, and blades swung through the air in a deadly attempted to embrace their target. Nari could hear the general commotion of the others around her, but she refused to let it become a distraction. Her initial strike had sliced into the form of the horseman before her, rendering it immobile for a few seconds as the stun effect coursed through it. She knew better than to press the advantage however, one too many previous situations having taught her the benefit of patience over offense.

    Instead, she fell back and settled behind her shield, waiting for the horseman to begin moving once more. Her feet moved in a natural arc as she danced around the horse's form, dodging the stabs and slashes that attempted to connect with her and bring her momentum to a fault. Her eyes never left the form of Famine, keeping the thing in her sights at all times. She knew she had to trust the others, trust in their ability to maintain their ground against their own opponents - at least until she was done here, or they had come to her. "Alright, let's do this then...come at me, and see if you can't get passed this shield. You move like you've been hit by a famine though...so maybe I'll just keep dancing around you - the benefit of eating properly, by the way, is having energy."

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 54 | HP [865/940] | EN [98/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [9] | MIT [179] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | +4 EN-11 EN -75 HP
    Famine | HP: 544/900 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 1 [-1] | EVA: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3] | Frostbite [40 DMG | -1 ACC | 2/2]
    Famine (Passive): Buffs are made Ineffective for this battle. Debuffs still work.
    Corruption (Passive): Will always deal at least 100 DMG after MIT.
    Devil's Pierce: On a MD 9-10, deals double damage. 
    Hell Blast: On a CD 10-12, Blasts a black wave of energy, hitting the enemy player for 200 Unmitigatable DMG.
    Drought: The Player that defeats Famine earns the right to mount Drought, the White Horse. Drought’s Rider will gain the Devil’s Pierce and Hell Blast abilities.

    ID219812 | BD: 4+4-2 = 6 | <<Tech-C vs. Famine>> | Hit: [9x16-50] = 94 damage | Counter [-25% Damage] | Frostbite [40 DMG | -1 ACC | 2/2] | MOB: 7+1 = 8 | Hit: [150-179] = 100 damage - 25% = 75 damage| Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage | -222 HP 

    Edited by Nari because I'm dumb and forgot Thorns/F.Aura

  2. 20 hours ago, Wulfrin said:

    Shop Post:  

    Transaction Date: 3/2/24
    Cost: 1 Material (sent to banker)
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 1
    Item Name: Keen Longsword
    Tier: 1
    Rarity: Perfect
    Type: 1 handed straight sword
    Enhancements: Keen 2 | Damage 1
    Craft ID and Roll: 219789 | CD: 12
    An agile longsword designed to be more accurate on each successive swing by allowing the user to more efficiently use their momentum. Just above the cross guard is a phoenix with its wings outstretched, the signet of Sentinel Armaments.

    Approval Image.png

  3. On 2/28/2024 at 9:25 PM, Morningstar said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    junk sale revenue[42,050]-appraisal cost[30,400]=11,650 col profit

    Approval Image.png

  4. A soft wisp of breath left Nari's lips before she moved forwards in earnest to engage with the mounted feature before her. The thing seemed to shift it's attention towards her the moment she had called out, as if locking onto the player and target in response to the challenge. A quick glance thrown towards the others confirmed that they had moved forwards to confront their own foe, and Nari found herself shifting slightly away, pulling the rider towards the edge of the conflict zone in order to give herself some space and movement area, without hampering or being hampered by the other combatants. 

    Like a hound on a trail, the rider seemed to follow her movements, shifting it's steed and moving towards Nari at a leisurely pace that the knightess figured wouldn't last forever. She carefully kept her shield ahead of her, the spear leveled in a manner designed to allow her to lash out suddenly in response to any charges that the figure might attempt. Her feet gliding across the floor in a manner that led her in a tight circle, bringing her slowly closer and closer to the steed and rider, before she found herself within range of being able to stab outwards and hit the rider.

    Almost immediately, everything flashed into a flurry of movement, and Nari found herself ducking and swaying in attempts to dodge the assault of the rider, while reacting with attacks of her own. She quickly lost herself to the movements, her body flowing in response in a way that seemed unnaturally responsive considering the heavy armour she wore; a battle dance designed to balance defence alongside dextrous counter attacks.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 54 | HP [940/940] | EN [94/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [9] | MIT [179] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | -12 EN
    Famine | HP: 766/900 | DMG: 150 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 1 [-1] | EVA: 2 | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG | -1 ACC | 1/2]
    Famine (Passive): Buffs are made Ineffective for this battle. Debuffs still work.
    Corruption (Passive): Will always deal at least 100 DMG after MIT.
    Devil's Pierce: On a MD 9-10, deals double damage. 
    Hell Blast: On a CD 10-12, Blasts a black wave of energy, hitting the enemy player for 200 Unmitigatable DMG.
    Drought: The Player that defeats Famine earns the right to mount Drought, the White Horse. Drought’s Rider will gain the Devil’s Pierce and Hell Blast abilities.

    ID219747 | BD: 7+4-2 = 10 | <<Tech-A vs. Famine>> | Hit: [9x16-50] = 94 damage | Stunned | Frostbite [40 DMG | -1 ACC | 1/2] | -134 HP

  5. She'd fallen silent listening to Freyd's commentary and explanation. Much of it seemed to resonate in her mind to similar ideals, if not exact replicas of her own understanding of her purpose and the path she had chosen. The quote, along with the name given regarding a series she had heard of, but took little interest in, caused her to respond for the first time since he had begun speaking. The words were soft, barely more than a whisper as she spoke them, and yet she found them coming naturally after so long; a mantra of her own that she had been raised with, as long as she could remember. A mantra that had driven most, if not all, the choices in her life.

    "Fear not the outcomes of future, past and present, for they are in the arms of the Sisters Three, ever watchful of the fates twined." Her eyes shifted only slightly to look at the greatsword before returning to look at Freyd, watching the man's complexion and composure with a curiosity that could've been misconstrued with intense investigation, desire or interest. It took several seconds following his proclamation, and his returned question, before Nari found herself speaking again. Her voice, this time, was held at a natural volume, and carried a lint of humour to it, as if she found something oddly entertaining about the entire experience. "Yes, I do believe that it satisfies any concerns I may have had. I know all too well how easy it is to throw everything away in the pursuit of passion, desire and determination...whether that determination is inherently good or evil, as some would argue. As to whether it would be worthy of Evelyn...only the gods can judge that, and I will not try and become a goddess myself."

    She turned away from Freyd for the first time, looking over the area that they had entered. It had the air of a war camp, or at least one that had once been a war camp. The area was wholly deserted, long ago abandoned following whatever conflict had washed over it and driven inhabitant from tent and leisure, and yet Nari saw no signs of carnage that she would expect to find in such a place. Somehow, even with the atrocities that had likely befallen the area, it held an area of peacefulness over it. "I would, if you will allow me to be so brazen as to suggest so, say that we have similar goals with differing pathways leading to our finality. Perhaps there are different steps along the roads we take, and mayhaps our fates are not entirely aligned - yet I believe that they do, in some way, meet throughout and in eventuality. Whether that is alongside one another, in conflict, or in friendly competition...well, that's not for me to say."

    She threw a smile towards Freyd as she paused, holding up her left hand with her index finger pointing towards the man. "What I will say, and you'll have to tolerate the correlation and assumptions behind it, is that you and I may not be so different. We're both broken individuals, who have reasons to continue onwards...reasons which may be gloriously inglorious in facet and factuality. They give us purpose, and reason to live...but we cannot allow them to consume us to the point that we are no longer human. Our purposes may be heroic, idealistic, or simply required...but we are people still, and that means that although we have a finality, a fate, we are still required to carry on our lives during the pathway to that fate. Part of that means being there for those we care for, and protecting them from the eventuality we may face...as hard as that may be for all."

    She closed her eyes suddenly, thinking back on the phrase that she had inscribed once, her voice taking on a monotone, remembrance tone as she spoke it from memory. "The fates give, so that we may understand that which is lost, for only in loss can you understand that which you have held."

  6. Stretching her arms upwards and outwards, Nari couldn't help but notice the popping sounds that the muscles made in response to the sudden movement. It still amazed her, even after all this time, just how realistic the game was in some senses. Far more than she thought it should be, all things considered - but that made it as enjoyable as it did damning, in a way. Well, I guess it could be a lot worse. Imagine if we were stuck in some early game design that was all 2D animation and lack of movement... She knew, logically, it was impossible, but the thought gave her a giggle regardless.

    "Hey, I'm headed out for the day! Find something to entertain yourself that keeps you out of my treats." Nari gave a wave and smile in response to Onora's commentary, before bringing up the menu and glancing over the quests she still had to complete. The list was, slowly perhaps, growing smaller and smaller with each passing day. A fact that she wasn't entirely upset about, but that made her realise just how long she'd been in this world. In the continuous drag that was trying to clear it all. Shrugging it aside, she opened up her messaging system, scrolling and finding the name of her most recent acquaintance. 

    To: Wulfrin
    From: Nari-Lanreth
    Hey, just wanted to see if you were up for following up with the secondary quest line for that <<Scents of the Wild>> quest we had started. Looks like part two is tracking down Kumatetsu...which should be fun!

    Anyways, let me know if you want to go, I'll be on Floor 8 all day today, somewhere near the main waterways in Ellesmera.


    She hit the send button and closed the application, leaning back and closing her eyes for a singular moment before deciding that it was time to head off, knowing that she would feel bad if the boy had been wandering around looking for her in a location that she specified, when she wasn't even there. Pushing herself to her feet, she called to the small kitsune that had been resting beside the fireplace, waking it from it's otherwise well-deserved rest. "Come on Mio, let's get going. Things to do, and all that...and Onora will be mad if we laze about all day again..."







    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 58 | HP [940/940] | EN [106/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [9] | MIT [179] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG]
    Tier 4 | Tier 10 [Laurel Wreath]


    • Póg Deiridh
      [One-Handed Assault Spear | Tier 4]
      Enhancement: Frostbite [2 Slots]
      Enhancement: Accuracy [2 Slots] 
    • Glacadh Morríghan 
      [H. Armour | Tier 4]
      Enhancement: Frost Aura [2 Slots]
      Enhancement: Heavy Momentum [1 Slot]
    • Póg an Gheimhridh
      Tier 4 | Heater Shield]

      Enhancement: Paralyse [1 Slot]
      Enhancement: Taunt [1 Slot]
      Enhancement: Thorns [2 Slots]


    battle-ready inventory

    • Dimensional Backpack (+1 Battle-Ready Inventory)
    • Teleport Crystal {3}
    • Starter Healing Potions {4} | Heals 50 HP
    • Siúil a Rún {5} | Tier 3 | Support Song | HP Recovery III
    • Sí do Mhaimeo Í {2} | Tier 4 | Support Song | Monsters’ Fortune I [Instant]
    • Níl Sé'n Lá {1} | Tier 4 | Support Song | Monsters’ Favor III
    • Immolation Potions {10} | Tier 4  | [40 DMG]



    Utility Skills

    Combat Skills
    Battle Healing [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: While in combat, recover 1% per rank of your maximum HP (rounded down) at the beginning of your turn.]
    Fighting Spirit [Active: Passive. Effect: Attacking and using Howl or Focused Howl generates +1 additional Hate. (Ex. Generate 1/2/3 Hate on a Miss/Hit/Critical attack. Generate 5 Hate when using Focused Howl.)]
    Howl [Active: Post Action. Energy: 2 EN. Cooldown: 2 turns. Effect: Adds +2 Hate each against up to 4 targets.]

    [Howl Add-on] Focused Howl [Active: Post Action. Energy: 4 EN. Cooldown: 4 turns. Effect: Adds +4 Hate against a single target.]

    Weapon Skills
    Polearm [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: +7 DMG]
    [Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Stamina [Active: Passive. Effect: Reduces EN of all attacks by 2.]
    [Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Precision [Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 ACC.]
    [Rank 5 Weapon Addon] <<Weapon Type>> Focus [Active: Passive. Effect: Decreases minor critical threshold by 1. Also reduces DoT thresholds by 1. Players cannot use Focus and Ferocity at the same time for the same Weapon Type.]
    [Rank 5 Shift] TECH Specialist [Active: Passive. Effect: For TECH Sword Arts, +4 to multipliers, +3 to EN cost. No other Shifts may be taken.]

    Armour Skills
    Heavy Armour [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: 35 MIT. Evasion is capped at 1 slot; -5 Stealth Rating.]
    [Heavy Armour Mod] Impetus [Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 base Damage.]
    [Heavy Armour Add-on] Iron Skin [Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +15 Mitigation and +15 x Tier HP.]

    Active Extra Skills
    Assault Mode [Active: Free Action. Energy Cost: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 Turns. Effect: As a free action, switch your accuracy and evasion values until the start of your next turn.]
    Block [Active: Passive. Effect: Requires an equipped shield. User’s evasion cannot be greater than 0 (can still be negative). Grants additional mitigation: 25 MIT.]
    [Rank 3 Block Mod] Shield Bash [Active: Post Action. Energy: 6 EN. Cooldown: 2 Turns. Effect: Make an attack with an equipped shield. On a hit, deals (Base * 10) damage, stuns the enemy for one turn, and applies status and thorns (and variants)  enhancements present on the shield. Note: When calculating Base Damage for Shield Bash, Weapon Skills do not apply.]
    [Rank 5 Block Addon] Rampart [Active: Free Action. Energy: 10 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Reduce final damage that would be dealt to you by 25% (rounded down). Effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.]
    Brawler [Active: Free Action. Energy Cost: 5 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Increase mitigation by 10*tier until the start of your next turn.]
    Concentration [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 5 turns. Effect: As a free action, gain Absolute Accuracy on your next attack. In the case Absolute Accuracy is already present, increase your Accuracy by 1 instead. Effect lasts until the start of next turn.]
    Meditation [Active: Post Action. Cooldown: 3 turns. Effect: Recover an additional (4 * Tier) energy.]
    Survival [Active: Passive. Effect: Increases Healing effects received from all sources by 10%. Grants immunity to all damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.]

    Inactive Extra Skills 
    Frozen Hide [Active: Free Action. Energy Cost: 5 EN. Cooldown: 4 Turns. Effect: As a free action, apply one slot of Frost Aura and one slot of Frost Thorns equal to your tier to yourself until the start of your next turn.]
    Lady Luck [Active: Free Action. Energy Cost: 5 EN. Cooldown: 5 Turns. Effect: Replace a single enhancement slot on your weapon with a random enhancement using the Appraiser’s Identification roll until the start of your next turn.]

    Combat Mastery
    Mitigation [Rank: 3. Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +6*tier Mitigation per rank. Ranks of this Skill obey Mitigation enhancement caps.]

    Familiar Skills
    Protector Familiar [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 3 Posts; Effect: The next time you would take damage, your familiar rushes to your aid, reducing the final damage by 10%.]


    sword arts


    [x12] ST-I (12 10 EN) | A single-target sword art.
    [x15] ST-II (15 13 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
    [x20] ST-B (20 18 EN) | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.
    [x11] AOE-I (11 9 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
    [x14] AOE-II (14 12 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
    [x16] TECH-A (16 14 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
    [x16] TECH-B (15 13 EN) | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a status condition that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.
    [x16] TECH-C (15 13 EN) | COUNTER | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, places [Counter] around the player. [Counter] reduces the final damage taken by its user by 25% (rounded down) for one turn.
    [x16] TECH-D (15 13 EN) | SHATTER | A single-target sword art that applies [Shatter] to an enemy for 3 turns. [Shatter] is a debuff that can stack up to a cap of 3. Each stack of [Shatter] removes -20 MIT from an enemy, down to 0, if it has MIT.
    [x12] TECH-F (11 9 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE STUN | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. All struck targets are stunned for one turn.
    [x16] TECH-G (15 13 EN) | BURN | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Burn] on the enemy. [Burn] is a DoT ailment that deals [14 * Player Tier] unmitigated Burn damage for 2 turns.




    Estate Buffs
    Bedroom [-1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.]
    Living Room [Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.]
    Storage Closet [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]
    Basement [
    Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.]
    Extended Workshop [
    +2 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt & +1 crafting attempt per day
    Greenhouse [
    +2 Gathering EXP per Attempt and additional +1 LD & CD to gathering attempts.




  7. She'd received the ping earlier in the day, however time had been less than co-operative, and it wasn't until later in the afternoon that Nari had finally made her way into the shop itself. As always, the area was clean, welcoming and exactly as you would expect from a merchant. She nodded at the man who greeted her, giving a slight smile as she pulled up her own inventory in preparation for the pick up and drop off that she had planned. "Hey, thanks for this. I've been looking everywhere...oh, and I found these while out hunting...figured you would have more use for them than I would. Feel free to junk them, sell them, or hold on to them if you find anything interesting...hopefully there's a good thing or two in there for you!"

    Nari Picks Up
    Siondhe | [Fusion ID #219685] | TIER 4 PERFECT POLEARM | FRZ II, ENV
    [desc.]: A warscythe designed with a twisting blue and violet colouring, it appears to have a singular layer of frosting along it's length.

    Nari Drops Off
    Uncommon Consumable {7} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209, 219223, 219723
    Rare Trinket {6} | ID219111, 219208, 219230, 219412, 219419, 219420
    Rare Armour/Shield {5} | ID219106, 219114, 219123, 219125, 219726
    Rare Weapon {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209
    Rare Consumable {2} | ID219125, 219726
    Perfect Armour/Shield {2} | ID219204, 219722
    Perfect Consumable {4} | ID219124, 219204, 219419, 219420
    Perfect Weapon {2} | ID219421, 219722

  8. 15 hours ago, Rencesvals said:

    Item #1

      Hide contents

    Fusing 2x T2 Rare Weapon (SS) ID 212987 & 212988 to create T2 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Fusion ID #219736

    Name: Wolf's Fang Longsword
    Fusion ID: 219736
    Roll: n/a
    Item Type: Weapon (1HSS)
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements:  DMG 3
    Description: A longsword crafted form tempered steel. It's blade cuts clean and punctures foes with the ferocity of a Wolf's fang.
    Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r7-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=678131

    Item #2

      Hide contents

    Fusing 2x T2 Rare Weapon (SS) ID 219730 & 219731 to create T2 Perfect Weapon (SS) | Fusion ID #219737

    Name: Hunter's Coat
    Fusion ID: 219737
    Roll: n/a
    Item Type: Armro (LA)
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements:  MIT II, REC I
    Description: A leather coat with attached armored plates at the shoulders and forearms. It's design offers plenty of protection while sacrificing very little of the wearer's mobility.
    Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r7-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=678131

    Material costs were paid to banker during crafting of component items.

    Approval Image.png

  9. 19 hours ago, Morningstar said:

    a few ids:

    Name: Protein Pancakes
    Your Profession:  Appraiser
    Your Rank: Rank 5
    Roll ID: 219693
    Roll Result: 18 (no unique)
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: T1
    Quality:  Rare
    Enhancements: Protein II
    Description: They're a little dry but they do the trick.
    Link: URL
    Acquisition ID: 219428a

    Name: Phoenix Down
    Your Profession:  Appraiser
    Your Rank: Rank 5
    Roll ID: 219694, 219695
    Roll Result: 5, 2 (unique found! BD: 10 CD: 10)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: T1
    Quality:  Rare
    Enhancements: Fireproof, Regen
    Description: A set of simple leather armor that has woven patterns of flames. It is said that it carries the protective and regenerative properties of a phoenix.
    Link: URL
    Acquisition ID: 219428b

    Name: Blighted Fang
    Your Profession:  Appraiser
    Your Rank: Rank 5
    Roll ID: 219711, 219712, 219713
    Roll Result: 16, 1, 2 (unique found! BD: 10 CD: 9)
    Item Type: Straight Sword
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Damage, Keen, Blight
    Description: A longsword crafted from metal coated in the sap of a blighted maple tree. Its necromantic properties leave lasting wounds that are hard to recover from.
    Link: URL
    Acquisition ID: 219398b

    Approval Image.png

  10. Onora gave no response to the words, instead simply hugging Nari tighter. There was no need to say anything as the two of them embraced. She wasn't sure how long they stood there, but when they did eventually break apart it appeared to Nari as if the sun had shifted in the sky. Silently, the two came to the agreement to head home for the day. They made their way towards the gate that signalled the entrance from the garden, taking time to say their goodbyes and thanks to Nemo for their time spent in the garden. The man, as always, seemed sad to have them leave, but placed no attempts to resist their departure. Nari couldn't help but notice the difference from her first visit, and found herself almost feeling bad for the man. 

    Leaving promises to return, the two made their way back out onto the main floor of the world, taking in the difference between the garden and the floor itself. They still had a few hours travel time ahead of them, and although they fell into small talk, Nari couldn't help but feel like the comfort of the garden had been left behind. Sighing slightly, she turned her attention towards home, grinning as she thought of what to have for dinner, what their next adventures would be, and what the future still held in store for them. She had no doubt that they'd return, but also that they'd find new things to take up their time and bring their bond even closer together.

    Thread Summary

    Word Count: 13,002
    EXP: 14,300 [Total EXP] | 13,002/10x11x1 [Thread Progression]
    Uncommon Consumable {7} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209, 219223, 219723
    Rare Trinket {6} | ID219111, 219208, 219230, 219412, 219419, 219420
    Rare Armour/Shield {5} | ID219106, 219114, 219123, 219125, 219726
    Rare Weapon {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209
    Rare Consumable {2} | ID219125, 219726
    Perfect Armour/Shield {2} | ID219204, 219722
    Perfect Consumable {4} | ID219124, 219204, 219419, 219420
    Perfect Weapon {2} | ID219421, 219722

    95,379 col| 92,434 [Loot] + 800 [Thread Progression] + 2,145 [Laurel Wreath]
    89 materials
    1 demonic shard
  11. The final shards of the wolf disappeared into the sky, and Nari found herself letting a sigh of relief escape her. Her eyes hovered over the area the wolf had stood mere seconds ago, before turning to face Onora. The blonde was breathing heavily - the rush of the conflict and the amount of effort that they'd been putting in clearly more than Onora was used to in her daily work - and Nari found herself grinning again. Her voice, when she spoke, was filled with a level of sarcastic humour as she poked at the friend. "You know, if you spent more time out here exercising, you'd be in better shape..."

    A statement that they both knew was irrelevant, seeing as their forms and capabilities were entirely dependant on their levels, rather than their physical capabilities. Still, Nari saw the hovering edge of a smile on Onora's face, and awaited the rebuttal that she knew was coming. "You should help me work on that then. Spend more time exercising with me, and less time playing with yourself."

    Several seconds passed before each of them broke out into a fit of laughter, their immature humour taking over when neither could hold it in any longer. Nari felt herself shaking from the laughter, a collection of tears leaving her eyes to roll down the side of her face. Moments passed before she finally managed to push back the laughter, looking around at the garden and trying to figure out where to go from here. Sighing, she moved over towards Onora and gave the woman a hug, bringing a soft sigh of confusion from the blonde.

    "Don't leave me."

  12. A trio of wolves exploded as Nari passed through, glancing back to notice as Onora gave a finishing blow to one of the creatures, the others having died from Nari's own strikes. The remaining wolf had attempted to slash it's claws out towards the knightess, but the attack had been easily turned aside by Nari's shield, forcing the thing to back off as Onora rushed to join the knightess and press the final attack that would bring the creature down. Nari gave a quick flash of a grin towards Onora, seeing the same excitement and rush of adrenaline in the blonde as coursed through her own form.

    "Almost too easy nowadays, isn't it?" Nari spoke casually, her breath calm and her outward appearance controlled. Although the fight was far from difficult, she still felt a rush of sensations knowing that it was quickly coming to a close, and that they'd be free to range once more through the fields. She wasn't sure that she wanted it to end so soon - there was a certain part of her that enjoyed watching Onora's engagement in the fighting, a side of her that enjoyed seeing the movements and forms that showed her progress in the task at hand. Still, she knew it must come to an end at some point, and felt a moment of pride in the change of the other's skills in such a short time.

    "Well, don't be staring at my ass then...let's finish this." Nari broke out in laughter at the comment, and shook her head softly before stepping towards the wolf. The thing seemed to realise the danger it was in, and worked to back away from the pair, it's eyes looking for any weakness in the defence that Nari placed between itself and them.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [70/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN +51 HP | -10 EN
    Mossy Wolf 4 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [2/3]
    Leeching Fang| On a natural MD of 9 or 10, this mob heals for 10% of the final damage dealt to its target.

    ID219725 | BD: 2+4 = 6 | <<ST-I vs. Mossy Wolf 4>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | -168 HP


    ID219106 | LD: 5+4+2 = 11 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Armour/Shield (1), Additional Col (4,752| [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable, 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+4 = 9 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+4 = 23 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 2,376 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+4 = 18 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+4 = 15 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219203 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219204 | LD: 17+4 = 21 | CD: 6 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219208 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 2 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219209 | LD: 10+4 = 14 | CD: 8 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 4,356 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219223 | LD: 3+2 = 5 | Searching Treasure Chest | Results: Two (2) Gilded Hands appear! 1,150 col, 2 materials, Uncommon Consumables (2).
    ID219230 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 3 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 7,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 4,000], 15 material [Bonus Col and Materials Gained from 1 Gilded Hand]
    ID219412 | LD: 4+4 = 8 | CD: 9 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional col (3,960 [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 396]), 3 material
    ID219419 | LD: 16+4 = 20 | CD: 2 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Rare Trinket (1), 4,356 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584], 1 material
    ID219420 | LD: 15+4 = 19 | CD: 4 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Rare Trinket (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219421 | LD: 15+4 = 19 | CD: 10 | Results: Perfect Weapon (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 1,584]), 3 material
    ID219722 | LD: 18+4 = 22 | CD: 3 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Weapon (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219723 | LD: 5+4 = 9 | CD: 1 | Results: Uncommon Consumable (1)
     2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219724 | LD: 15+4 = 19 | CD: 7 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219726 | LD: 12+4 = 16 | CD: 8 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1), 4,356 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material

    Loot Totals
    Uncommon Consumable {7} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209, 219223, 219723
    Rare Trinket {6} | ID219111, 219208, 219230, 219412, 219419, 219420

    Rare Armour/Shield {5} | ID219106, 219114, 219123, 219125, 219726
    Rare Weapon {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209

    Rare Consumable {2} | ID219125, 219726
    Perfect Armour/Shield {2} | ID219204, 219722
    Perfect Consumable {4} | ID219124, 219204, 219419, 219420
    Perfect Weapon {2} | ID219421, 219722

    92,434 col
    89 materials
    1 demonic shard


  13. She felt as each of the strikes of the spear connected with some form of the wolves' body, causing them to lock in place as her own steps carried her through and beyond the pack of wolves, out onto the opposite side and clear of the follow-up strikes that Onora released against the creatures. Nari couldn't help but smile as she watched over the blonde's form, the range of motions slightly wider than a perfect stance, but a far cry of improvement compared to when she had first met her. She glanced over the wolves, shifting her position as she waited for them to overcome the freezing status that held them in place temporarily, taking refuge in the momentary pause of the conflict.

    "Nicely done. You've improved a lot, you know." Nari kept her eyes on the wolves even as she complimented Onora. She could see out of the corner of her eyes the way that the blonde's face reddened ever so slightly in response, but both kept from commenting any further. Instead, they awaited the next round of conflict that was about to occur, Nari keeping an eye for the opening she would need to unleash her second collection of strikes against the creatures. 

    She released the breath she'd been holding as she saw the opportunity present itself, moving to slash and stab with the spear even as the wolves came together in a manner likely meant to prevent any strike from getting too close - and yet providing the perfect opportunity for Nari to force her way through their ranks once more.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [937/940] | EN [76/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | +4 EN | -17 EN -3 HP
    Mossy Wolf 1 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]
    Mossy Wolf 2 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]
    Mossy Wolf 3 | HP: 0/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]

    Mossy Wolf 4 | HP: 60/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stun Immunity [1/3]
    Leeching Fang| On a natural MD of 9 or 10, this mob heals for 10% of the final damage dealt to its target.

    ID219718 | BD: 4+4 = 8 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 1>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | MOB: 4+2 = 6 | Hit: [132-139] = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage | -256 HP
    ID219719 | BD: 9+4 = 13 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 2>> | Minor Critical Hit: [(14+1)x12] = 180 damage | Frostbite [40 DMG | -1 ACC | 1/2] | MOB: 8+2 = 10 | Hit: [132-139] = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage | -308 HP
    ID219720 | BD: 4+4 = 8 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 3>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | MOB: 8+2 = 10 | Hit: [132-139] = 1 damage | Thorns: 72 damage | F.Aura: 16 damage | -256 HP
    ID219721 | BD: 4+4 = 8 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 4>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | MOB: 1+2 = 3 | Miss. -168 HP


    ID219106 | LD: 5+4+2 = 11 | CD: 10+3 = 13 | Results: Rare Armour/Shield (1), Additional Col (4,752| [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219107 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable, 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219111 | LD: 5+4 = 9 | CD: 5 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional Col (3,168 | [396 + 1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219114 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 10 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219123 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 12 | Results: Rare Armor/Shield (1), Additional Col (5,940 [792 + 1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219124 | LD: 19+4 = 23 | CD: 9 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 2,376 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219125 | LD: 14+4 = 18 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Consumable (1), Rare Armor/Shield (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219127 | LD: 11+4 = 15 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219203 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 7 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188], 5 material
    ID219204 | LD: 17+4 = 21 | CD: 6 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Consumable (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219208 | LD: 7+4 = 11 | CD: 2 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219209 | LD: 10+4 = 14 | CD: 8 | Results: Rare Weapon (1), Uncommon Consumable (1), 4,356 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584]), 1 material
    ID219223 | LD: 3+2 = 5 | Searching Treasure Chest | Results: Two (2) Gilded Hands appear! 1,150 col, 2 materials, Uncommon Consumables (2).
    ID219230 | LD: 8+4 = 12 | CD: 3 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), 7,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 4,000], 15 material [Bonus Col and Materials Gained from 1 Gilded Hand]
    ID219412 | LD: 4+4 = 8 | CD: 9 | Results: Rare Trinket (1), Additional col (3,960 [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 396]), 3 material
    ID219419 | LD: 16+4 = 20 | CD: 2 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Rare Trinket (1), 4,356 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 1,584], 1 material
    ID219420 | LD: 15+4 = 19 | CD: 4 | Results: Perfect Consumable (1), Rare Trinket (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792], 3 material
    ID219421 | LD: 15+4 = 19 | CD: 10 | Results: Perfect Weapon (1), Additional Col (5,148 [1,584 + 1,188 + 792 + 1,584]), 3 material
    ID219722 | LD: 18+4 = 22 | CD: 3 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Weapon (1), 3,564 col [1,584 + 1,188 + 792]), 3 material
    ID219723 | LD: 5+4 = 9 | CD: 1 | Results: Uncommon Consumable (1)
     2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material
    ID219724 | LD: 15+4 = 19 | CD: 7 | Results: Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1), 2,772 col [1,584 + 1,188]), 5 material

    Loot Totals
    Uncommon Consumable {7} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209, 219223, 219723
    Rare Trinket {6} | ID219111, 219208, 219230, 219412, 219419, 219420

    Rare Armour/Shield {4} | ID219106, 219114, 219123, 219125
    Rare Weapon {4} | ID219107, 219127, 219203, 219209

    Rare Consumable {1} | ID219125
    Perfect Armour/Shield {2} | ID219204, 219722
    Perfect Consumable {4} | ID219124, 219204, 219419, 219420
    Perfect Weapon {2} | ID219421, 219722

    88,078 col
    88 materials
    1 demonic shard


  14. "Wolves." Onora gave a nod in the direction she'd been staring, and Nari finally turned her attention towards the wolf pack that Onora had indicated and chosen. She felt a small smile touch the corner of her lips, and she gave a soft laugh in response. Onora seemed to be beaming, her expression held back, barely, in a manner that would keep it visible from all but Nari's eyes. She'd come to understand the expressions and appearances of the woman too easily, and could see the brimming excitement behind the mask. "I know how much you love them."

    The two took off towards the wolf pack, closing the distance quickly and fanning out to surround the animals. Although they were outnumbered by the wolves, Nari found it all too easy to herd and corral them into a location that allowed the two a near pincer like movement against their flanks, the weapons and shouts thrown at the creatures driving them back in on one another in confusion. Nari kept her gaze fixed on the animals, trusting Onora to lead the other two towards the two that the knightess was prodding into place, her shield raised in preparation for the coming counterattack that the creatures would eventually release against them.

    "Set!" Onora called out from the other side of the forms, confirming that she'd managed to push the pack together into a form that would allow Nari free range with her stun attack. Pushing off, she flung herself towards the wolves, slashing and jabbing with the weapon in a manner that would allow her to unleash a strike against each of the creatures in turn, focusing on speed rather than accuracy in a manner that was befitting the area based attack.

    Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 33 | P. 56 | HP [940/940] | EN [89/106] | ACC [4] | DMG [14] | MIT [139] | F.AURA [32 MIT; 16 DMG] B.Healing [+51] | STEALTH [-5] |  FRSTBT [40 DMG; -1 ACC] | THORNS [72] | PARA [8+] | HM [+4 B.DMG] | LD: 3 | -17 EN
    Mossy Wolf 1 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned
    Mossy Wolf 2 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned
    Mossy Wolf 3 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned
    Mossy Wolf 4 | HP: 228/396 | DMG: 132 | ACC: 2 | Stunned
    Leeching Fang| On a natural MD of 9 or 10, this mob heals for 10% of the final damage dealt to its target.

    ID219714 | BD: 6+4 = 10 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 1>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | Stunned 
    ID219715 | BD: 6+4 = 10 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 2>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | Stunned 
    ID219716 | BD: 3+4 = 7 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 3>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | Stunned 
    ID219717 | BD: 5+4 = 9 | <<Tech-F vs. Mossy Wolf 4>> | Hit: [14x12] = 168 damage | Stunned 

  15. The silence had stretched beyond Nari's comfort, and she was beginning to wonder if they would simply spend the rest of the day staring off over the fields, no further words passed between them. She found herself opening her mouth to speak on numerous occasions, but no words came out. Nothing to break the stretch that was reaching further and further. She was saved from the conundrum of everlasting quiet, however, when Onora suddenly stood up and reached a hand down towards her. 

    "Come on, one last little fight before we head off for the day, yeah?" The blonde wore a simple smile, one which was both reassuring and welcoming to Nari's otherwise hesitant mind. There was no judgement, no condemnation, no restraint behind the blonde's eyes, and Nari found herself nodding in response. Taking Onora's hand, she pulled herself to her feet with the other's help, shaking off the delirium and fatigue that had begun to wash over her body from the inactivity.

    "Last fight, then we head home. Sounds good...but what do we feel like hitting?" Her eyes ranged over the fields, taking in the assortment of creatures. She considered making suggestions at first, before deciding to let the blonde pick their target, curious to see what Onora would choose. She could see the blonde's eyes following her own, looking over the areas that Nari had glanced past, before settling on a single location in the distance. Nari refrained from looking, waiting instead to hear what the blonde would suggest.

  16. 20 hours ago, Rencesvals said:

    Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/39174-f21-r7-blacksmith-the-knight-shift-open/?do=findComment&comment=678101

    Item Fusion #1:

      Hide contents

    Bleeding Giant | [#211018b] | TIER 4 PERFECT STRAIGHT SWORD | BLD, ACC, FB
    [desc.]: A sleek, silver greatsword with a blade that gleams like ice under moonlight. The hilt is adorned with blood red rubies and intricate patterns designed to look like ice crystals.

    Balefrost | [#214163d] | TIER 4 PERFECT STRAIGHT SWORD | BLD, ACC, FB
    [desc.]: A greatsword of immense weight. It was once wielded by Kelvin, the Frost Giant.

    final result:

    Bleeding Giant | [Fusion ID #219684] | TIER 4 DEMONIC STRAIGHT SWORD | BLD II, FB II
    [desc.]: A sleek, silver greatsword with a blade that gleams like ice under moonlight. The hilt is adorned with blood red rubies and intricate patterns designed to look like ice crystals. The name "Kelvin" is etched into the hilt.

    cost: 1 gleaming scale, 1 demonic shard

    Item Fusion #2:

      Hide contents


    Siondhe | [#202586a] | TIER 4 PERFECT POLEARM | ACC, FRZ, ENV
    [desc.]: A warscythe designed with a twisting blue and violet colouring, it appears to have a singular layer of frosting along it's length.

    Winter Crescent | [#214410b] | TIER 4 PERFECT POLEARM | FRZ, BLD, ACC
    [desc.]: An ice blue warscythe with inscriptions of an ancient language along the blade.

    final result:

    Siondhe | [Fusion ID #219685] | TIER 4 PERFECT POLEARM | FRZ II, ENV
    [desc.]: A warscythe designed with a twisting blue and violet colouring, it appears to have a singular layer of frosting along it's length.

    cost: 1 gleaming scale


    Approval Image.png

  17. 2 minutes ago, Morningstar said:

    bunch of unique identifications, all paid for.

      Hide contents

    Name: Thorn Necklace
    Your Profession:  Appraiser
    Your Rank: Rank 5
    Roll ID: 219568, 219569
    Roll Result: 8, 10 (Unique found! BD: 10 CD: 12)
    Item Type:  Trinket
    Tier: T4
    Quality:  Rare
    Enhancements: Recovery, Bloodclot
    Description: A necklace with a rose pendant. It is blood red and covered in small spiky thorns.
    Link: URL
    Acquisition ID: 207085

    Name: Guardian Angel
    Your Profession:  Appraiser
    Your Rank: Rank 5
    Roll ID: 219570, 219571
    Roll Result: 20, 14 (Unique found! BD: 10 CD: 12)
    Item Type:  Trinket
    Tier: T4
    Quality:  Rare
    Enhancements: Accuracy, Holy Blessing
    Description: A pearl necklace that glows gold when a threat is near.
    Link: URL
    Acquisition ID: 210853

    Name: Siondhe +5
    Your Profession:  Appraiser
    Your Rank: Rank 5
    Roll ID: 219618, 219619, 219620
    Roll Result: 3, 16, 11 (unique found! BD: 10 CD: 10)
    Item Type: Polearm
    Tier: T4
    Quality:  Perfect
    Original Enhancements: Keen, ACC, Envenom
    Rerolled Enhancements: Accuracy, Freeze, Envenom
    Description: A warscythe designed with a twisting blue and violet colouring, it appears to have a singular layer of frosting along it's length.
    Link: URL
    Acquisition ID: 202586a

    Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #219647| LD: 7 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
    Re-roll +2: [bld] ID #219648 | LD: 3 - becomes [keen] - (No Unique)
    Re-roll +3: [keen] ID #219649 | LD: 9 - becomes [bld] - (No Unique)
    Re-roll +4: [bld] ID #219650 | LD: 7 - becomes [frz] - (UNIQUE FOUND! BD: 10 CD: 8)
    Re-roll +5: [keen] ID #219651 | LD: 18 - becomes [acc] - No Unique

    Name: Balefrost
    Your Profession:  Appraiser
    Your Rank: Rank 5
    Roll ID: 219670, 219671, 219672
    Roll Result: 10, 17, 18 (unique found! BD: 10 CD: 9)
    Item Type: Straight Sword
    Tier: T4
    Quality:  Perfect
    Enhancements: Bld, Acc, Frostbite
    Description: A greatsword of immense weight. It was once wielded by Kelvin, the Frost Giant.
    Acquisition ID: 214163d

    Name: Winter Crescent
    Your Profession:  Appraiser
    Your Rank: Rank 5
    USING MYSTIC ESSENCE FOR UNID SLOT 1: 211018b, 213489, 211033
    Roll ID: 219680, 219681
    Roll Result: 7, 15 (no unique)
    Item Type: Polearm
    Tier: T4
    Quality:  Perfect
    Enhancements: FRZ, BLD, ACC
    Description: An ice blue warscythe with inscriptions of an ancient language along the blade.
    Acquisition ID: 214410b


    Approval Image.png

  18. She didn't grin in response to his kindness, the words clearly spoken from a level of his heart - or where one would find a heart, in a being such as themselves - in an earnest attempt to show his warmth towards Nari. The knightess found the words somehow more welcoming than the many placating, half-false attempts that others had made, and the corner of her mouth twitched towards smiling as she cocked her head to the left. Without breaking stride, her hands reaching down and tugging slightly at the small purple skirt that surrounded the upper layers of her armoured legs, she gave what could only be described as a somehow messy, and yet perplexingly well-handled curtsey. 

    "Most people simply attempt to appease the idea of caring for another, and the idea of eventually moving onwards. Thank you." She fell silent and listened as he continued, coming to a stop at the same time as he did. She ignored the waving hand, keeping her eyes on Freyd as the man spoke of the truth behind his fears - different, and yet aligned with what Nari had first concluded. She waited until she was certain he was finished, letting the silence flow for a few seconds before following after him, stretching her step in order to align herself beside the shadow-surrounded figure. When she eventually spoke again, her voice was calm and levelled, although soft, as though to keep anyone in the distance from listening into what she had to say. She kept her eyes ahead, not looking at Freyd as she spoke, but there was no emotion in her features that would suggest any sign of fear or discontent with the man, instead an almost understanding look had entered her eyes.

    "We are all monsters, Freyd. Whether we know it or not...we are monsters, to some degree. Whether it be through action or inaction, it doesn't matter - and anyone who tells you otherwise, or acts as if they aren't..." She let the sentence fade away. There was no need to bring voice to the ideology that they both would understand even if it were left empty on the wind. Instead, she carried on with another thought, one parallel to the original she'd been making. "You say that you're afraid of what you may do. That, in itself, is a fear of loss...the loss that you create through what you call necessity. Necessity of whatever action was given to you, the charge and agreement that you came to...but the amount of that loss is up to you."

    She took a few quick steps and spun to face Freyd, forcing the man to stop in his tracks through her sheer, short presence alone. Staring up into his face, her eyes hardened and set with a determination that had shown when she spoke to the queen and the Treants earlier, she spread her hands wide on either side of her form. "You say that you swore to do whatever it takes, in order to reach your goal. I do not pretend to know this goal - I may guess it's intent and meaning, but I do not know. However, if it's anything like the promise I made, then I would say only this; remember that a goal, a promise, an oath are only as worthy as the finality."

    Still staring up into his face, her expression shifted slightly into a look of pain as she made a sudden decision. A single tear touched the edge of her left eye, hovering in existence at the memories. "I swore to Evelyn - the one I lost - that I would do anything to free everyone from this world, because it's my fault we're all here. I promised I would do anything, including the sacrifice of my own life, upon her dying breath, in order to fulfill that goal. I will uphold that oath, promise...whatever you wish to call it...but I remember one thing about it - I made that promise to save all those around me, through whatever self-sacrifice need be made. But that promise...that death wish fails if my actions bring the death of another."

    She took a soft breath, the tear wiped away with a sudden shift of her left hand towards her face, and a strand of hair pushed aside. "I do not know if your promise is similar, identical or entirely different, but I do know you have a choice over your actions, at least to some degree. You say you care for this person - do you care enough to find any solution within your grasp to save them, given the chance, and still fulfill your promise? If you do...keep them close, because they may become a part of that promise...not a hindrance, but a resolution. We walk a lonely road, but we don't have to...not if we realise the actions we can, and cannot, take."

    She waited, not moving, staring up into Freyd's eyes. She knew that he would answer, but how much he would give her was still to be seen.

  19. Nari threw a quizzical glance towards Freyd as he explained the fact that all of the Treants had been Ned, following the revelation with a horrible pun that made her shake her head and laugh. "Really? Really? Rooting? An entire plethora of commentary and possible connections, and you come up with rooting? I swear if I didn't know better I'd say you were a father..."

    She followed along behind him as he began leading the way towards the waypoint, his words coming in a change of tone that stirred something within Nari's heart and mind. Somehow it felt more vulnerable than when he'd previously spoken, and it took her a few seconds to realise that he was being far more open, far more revealing, than he had been earlier. A fact that Nari realised meant something so much more than could be put into words, and something she knew she would not abuse. Quietly, listening to each word and syllable, she followed the man into the depths of his mind and heart.

    She came to a sudden stop however, as he reached the pinnacle of his explanation. Her face held an expression mixed into wonder, amazement and pure shock as she stared - mouth slightly agape - at the man who suddenly made a lot of sense in her mind. Calmly, slowly, and without any judgement to her voice, she spoke in response to his queries, her words slipping out without consideration as she felt herself slip into the conversation again. "You're afraid. Of loss...of vulnerability...of...yes, it makes sense. I felt that way with Onora, at first. The feeling of wanting to be close, and knowing the danger that closeness can bring...the way in which you worry every moment you're away, wondering if they're safe. If they'll be there when you return, or if their name will become another-"

    She stopped suddenly, her face twisting in a motion of agony. Even after all this time, it's still painful. Slowly, with a calmness and determination, she steadied herself and continued her words, switching the topic ever so slightly while looking away into the distance. "That worry will never go away. No matter what you do...no matter what happens. The only solace I can give...from experience, is that eventually it either works out, or you get past it. But..."

    She turned and looked at him again, a seriousness in her face that seemed to be similar to when she'd spoken to the the queen and Treants earlier. "...if you have those feelings, don't ignore them. It will only tear you apart. You must decide for yourself if they're worth it. And if they are...no matter the worry that you may feel, you have to realise that if you mean as much to them as they do to you, they likely feel the same. In the end...in the end it's a risk, one that may hurt. No matter what you choose, there's the possibility you lose something dear to you...and sometimes...sometimes choosing to give up is more painful than choosing to embrace, even if that embrace ends in agony."

    She wasn't sure if what she said made sense, but she hoped that the emotion behind it, if nothing else, would reach the man. The experiences of the past written plainly on her face, she'd tried to share a measure of the things she'd learnt, the things that she'd gone through, and how they had defined her. A plethora of pain, suffering, joy, depression, excitement, and even fear seemed to sit behind her eyes; all held down by a determination. "The only regrets we can have in life, are those times we chose a path we knew to be wrong, no matter the signs we saw."

  20. She could feel herself blink slowly as she watched Freyd's sudden outburst. An obvious ploy, she realised slowly, in order to detract the path of aggressive diplomacy that Nari had been taking in the moment, and one that she - eventually - realised was likely to be more successful than her own stance against the Treants. Whether through some measure of wisdom, understanding of Freyd's plans and intents, or pure dumbstruck reaction, Nari found herself remaining silent as Freyd continued to drive his overexaggerated excitement home. 

    "Shut... up."

    The simple words were sudden, and yet slowly, given in response to the maniac beside her. She stifled the laugh that arose in response, a small crack of a grin giving way the battle within herself as the Treant seemed to stare at the Shadow with a mixture of confusion and contempt. Slowly, with a speed that would make a snail jealous, the Treant explained the request of the King - a being which Nari still wasn't sure whether it was the being before them, or another within the grove speaking through the voice of the messenger sent to deliver the proposition.

    "Ned proclaims...retrieve the Cypher...Rune of Wood...then...talks of peace...only then..." Without another word the Treant turned to move off, taking steps that were only a fraction of a step faster than the speed with which it had spoken. Slowly, as if something had been decided, the other Treants began retreating back into the grove as well, leaving Nari and Freyd standing and staring after them. A sudden shiver ran down her form, and Nari turned to look at Freyd with a confused gaze.

    "That...seemed easy?" She glanced up at the mini map in her peripheral, realising that a point had been added as the next step of the quest. She squinted at it, sudden confusion in her face as she tried to discern something. "What was that bit about relationships being new to you?"

  21. "Somehow the word planning coming from you just sounds...weird." Onora stuck her tongue out as Nari threw a pinecone towards her, the piece lifted from the ground without thought and lobbed with a soft overarm throw. It landed well wide of the other player, rolling away into the grass and disappearing from sight. The jest had been expected as soon as Nari had stated the words, and she felt no real agitation at the joke thrown out towards her, but she knew that the reaction would be expected as much as the words. Instead of playing into it further, however, Nari turned her attention back to the fields stretching out before them, letting her mind wander to thoughts that she had pushed down earlier.

    After some time, she found the question reaching her ears as she spoke it aloud without realising, the thought bubbling upwards and outwards towards Onora with a disregard for the concern it could bring to either party. "Do you ever think that maybe we deserve to be in here...for things we did in the past? Maybe this is a punishment for...our histories?"

    The hand that laid across Nari's face was gentler than she would've expected. Placed, rather than struck, it forced the knightess to look the blonde in the eyes, the emotion behind the stare evident even to her. She tried to shake off the glare, the message behind it, but was unable to pull herself away. When Onora spoke, it was slow, calm and low; void of anger or pity, filled instead with a tone of caring that Nari felt was unreasonable in the circumstances. "I know where that line of thought goes, and where it comes from. You don't need to do that to yourself. Ever. Take comfort in the knowledge that you are not being punished for what you did...and that what you did was right, in the moment. I'll say and hear no more of it, is that understood?"

    With nothing else to do other than nod, Nari's face was released and she found herself staring back over the fields of the garden. Hushed into silence, she found herself remaining quiet in response to the reaction from Onora, considering what the woman had said and it's deeper meaning.

  22. 2 minutes ago, Wulfrin said:
    Shop Post
    Transaction Date 2/22/24
    Cost of Transaction free for <<Earning a Living: Blacksmith>>
    Crafter's Profession <<Earning a Living: Blacksmith>>
    Crafter's Rank 0
    Item Name Simple Rapier
    Item Tier T1
    Item Type Saber(Rapier)
    Item Rarity Uncommon
    Item Enhancements Accuracy I
    Craft ID and Rolls ID: 219565 | CD: 10 | LD:14
    Item Description A simple reliable rapier. It's no different than one that a player would receive when they are first starting out. At the base of the blade, just above the handguard is Wulfrin's signature, a front facing phoenix with wings outstretched.


    Approval Image.png

  23. On 2/21/2024 at 10:02 AM, Morningstar said:


    ID# 211033

      Hide contents

    Name: Fire Dragon Battle Armor
    Your Profession:  Appraiser
    Your Rank: Rank 5
    Roll ID: 219500, 219501
    Roll Result: 20, 15 (Unique found! ID #219501 BD: 10 CD: 12)
    Item Type:  Heavy Armor
    Tier: T4
    Quality:  Rare
    Enhancements: Mitigation, Flame Thorns
    Description: Battle armor made from Fire Dragon scales, one of the strongest substances this world has ever seen.
    Link: URL
    Acquisition ID: 211033


    Approval Image.png

  24. "Huh...? No I meant in the group of gir-" She ducked under a wide swing from Lilith, her look of surprise and confusion as much targeted towards NIGHT's commentary as Lilith's flailing assault attempts. The confusion had, at least for the moment, broken any of the residing anger and frustration that Nari had been feeling. She found herself breaking out into laughter as she ducked around another flurry of swipes and slashes. "Gods I'd forgotten what the character names were. No...I meant the idiots who thought they were vampires. Ironic, because...this thing."

    She'd waved at the creature with her scythe even as a claw lashed out to knock it from her hand, Nari swinging around it and dancing backwards to give some space. She felt herself smiling broadly like an idiot as she glanced over towards NIGHT. "Can you even imagine what those idiots would've done if any of them shared the names of the...gods that would've been intolerable. I might've actually killed..."

    Her voice suddenly caught itself and cut off as she considered what she'd been about to say. Memories rushed up in her mind, and she found herself shaking in a sudden mixture of emotion. Pushing it all aside, for the time being, she turned her attention back to the fight. When she spoke again, she sounded bland, devoid of any amusement or anger. "Let's just...finish this..."

    NIGHT | HP: 1242/1242 | EN: 132/146 | DMG: 27 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 6 | LD: 4 | BH+HB: 122 | FLN/HLY: 16 | DOTE (3/3) | PRB: -18 DoT
    Nari-Lanreth HP: 858/860 | EN: 89/100 | ACC: 2 | DMG: 20 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 30 | B.Healing [+47] | L.Momentum: 1 | LD: 5 | Holy [+8] | Burn [56] | +4 EN -2 EN -48 HP
    [5,3]Lilith the Undying | HP: 2,253/3,500 | DMG: 350 | MIT: 100 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 4 | Bloodclot | Burn [168 (56x3) damage | 2/2]
    Boss Room Effect | All players immediately regain full HP and EN at the beginning of this battle. Active cooldowns are unaffected.
    Undead | The Holy enhancement is twice as effective against this mob. Vampiric (Offensive and Defensive) enhancements are only half as effective in combat with this mob.
    Vampire | Suffers triple damage from Burn, Flame Aura, and Flame Thorns.
    Blood Frenzy | All foes in combat against Lilith, the Undying suffer a constant Bleed effect corresponding to their tier.
    Bloodbath | On MD rolls of 9-10, Lilith's attack becomes an AoE that automatically strikes all players, dealing 125 unmitigable damage and preventings Battle Healing from activating for two turns. This replaces her normal attack and is considered a bleed effect that triggers the benefits of Restorative Strike.
    Crazed | Immune to disabling effects of Stun, Paralyze, and Freeze. Lilith the Undying's EVA will reduce by 2 for 2 turns for every Disabling effect that hits her, to a minimum of 0.
    Undying | Cannot be reduced below 1 HP, except by a blow dealt using the <<Sanctified Sword>>. 
    Restorative Strike | Whenever any player suffers Bleed damage from Lilith's attacks and abilities, Lilith regains an equal number of HP

    ID219566 | BD: 4+2-4 = 4 | <<Tech-G vs. Lilith the Undying>> | Miss [-2 EN]| Burn [168 (56x3) damage | 2/2]
    ID219567 | BD: 6+3-6 = 3 | <<Lilith the Undying vs. NIGHT>> | Miss.

    PST Note: Damage for Bleed effect adjusted; Nari is only down 2 HP due to BH coverage on previous rounds. NIGHT unaffected because special.

  25. Nari considered the question calmly before responding, knowing that she would be doing something that she'd thus far refused to do. When she did speak, her voice was soft, and there was an obvious hesitation to the answer she gave, although there appeared to be no embarrassment of the topic at hand. "We...started out as roommates, I guess. Met on one of the lower floors, back when...when we were lonely. It's evolved...since then. Although what we are now...I cannot really say."

    She gave a soft shrug at the end of the sentence, realising that she wasn't entirely sure where the two of them stood. Perhaps something to question later on, when there's more time. She filed the commentary and question away for another time, her face taking on a look of surprise and shock at the sudden tone that took over Freyd's voice. It took her a few moments to recognise the joke within the stereotypical words, and when she'd - barely - recovered, she couldn't help but shake her head and laugh.

    "We're not that far away from each other, originally...My parents ow-I'm from Ladysmith, just south of Nanaimo." She quickly glanced away, looking at anything but Freyd as she tried to ignore the slip of the tongue. She'd hated her family situation for a long time, and refused to acknowledge it even now. Instead, she turned her attention towards the approaching Treants, her brow furrowing as they took an almost aggressive stance immediately upon their arrival to the area. Barely containing the anger in her voice as she responded, Nari stared down the Treant that had spoken first, and last, deciding that it would be the main point of contact among the small group of interceptors that had come to meet them.

    "I see that the Treants are far from welcoming, a sad portrayal of a once grand populace. One would think that a culture such as yours would adhere to the traditions of welcoming, rather than the aggression of younger, less respectful things." She provided a curtsey to the creatures, even as she spoke in an almost venomous tone, her hand rising at the tail end of the curtsey to pull back her hair and display her left ear. "We come to speak with Ned, King of Treants - and hopefully more inclined towards proper respect of those seeking council and talks. Unless you prefer to feel his, and our wrath, I would advise you do what is best suited for you; remove yourselves from our path, and show us to one who can truly take on the required counselling of those who bring words of peace and prosperity."

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