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[CA-F3] A Load of Initiations (CA Paladins and Sentinels, Ariel, Zandra, Hakai, Seul)

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It was a bright day, a perfect day for an initiation and it was about time that the Celestial Ascendants did this. This was probably one of the most significant moments of the guild's short history. It wasn't as if this was an important initiation, since all initiations are weighed the same to the guild and everyone is welcomed to join the guild and be valued as a person and player the same as players even higher leveled than them. No, it wasn't that. It was the fact that four front liners will be joining the guild on the same day, a significant moment that shows how far the Celestial Ascendants had come since they first started. Kasier nodded in satisfaction as she awoke from her shop for one of the last times ever before the place gets taken down. There's no way we are doing this in my shop. I can't even stand up without stepping on something. I'm sure Hikoru said that we could do it over at his shop. Kasier thought, shrugging as she stood up and sent out a massive amount of private messaging to the players that will be joining the guild as well as the Ascendant Paladins. I'm kind of nervous, I hope everything goes along smoothly. Kasier thought, gulping and typing up the message that she shall soon send.

The message reads:



To Celestial Ascendant Paladins, Sentinels, and potential future guild members,

  Today is a day of utmost importance because the initiation for the following members will occur: Ariel, Zandra, Hakai, and Seul. The initiation will take place in Hikoru's shop at one o'clock PM exactly. That gives you about three hours to prepare and get ready for the initiation in the shop on the third floor. I hope everything goes well and I hope for cheers and festivities at the end of the initiation.


(Times are for RP fluff.)

@Hikoru @Itzal @Morgenstern @Beatbox @Ariel - The Crowned Lion @Seul @Zandra @Hakai

Edited by Kasier
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Jonathan stood on the thirteenth floor. It as his new place to train and chillax. He took a sigh and prepared to head out when he got a beep. He stopped in his tracks and sheathed his weapon. He moved through his menu and noticed that it was Kasier that sent something to him. Most likely Business. She most likely would not message me for something else. Jonathan opened the message and noticed that it was for initiations. Not for one person though. For a ton of people. Four to be in fact. Jonathan went wide eyed. Why would they have four, all in on setting. He hoped Kasier knew exactly where she was going. He closed the message walking to the teleported. From there he went dead. He closed his eyes before going berserk. "WHERE THE F*%#  IS HIK'S SHOP?" Calming down a bit, Joanthan opened his messenger and kindly sent a small message. 


To: Kasier

          Where is Hik's shop exactly?


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