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[F13-Appraiser] Freyd Edges [Open]

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Freyd Edges (Appraiser, Rank 5)
(Upgraded to 3.0.  Only converted characters can interact with this shop)


Little more than a ramshackle series of tables, awnings and tents cobbled together near the entrance to a ruined monastery on the outskirts of Angel's Point on Floor thirteen, the aptly named Freyd Edge's doesn't look like much.  A limited selection of fine artifacts are normally on display, under the watchful eye of the shop's two regular attendants. 

Quip is a stout young woman in her mid twenties with thick blonde hair worn in intricate braids and keen green eyes.  Curt and cranky, she normally man's the counter with the demeanor better suited to prison guard duty than customer service.  Normally dressed in peasant clothing commonly worn throughout the settlement, covered by a worn leather apron, she often busies herself checking inventory, keeping the wares clean of moisture from the ever-present fog, or sending people across the street to Quaestor's Fine Foods.  She deals with customers only out of necessity.

Her younger brother, Dingo, has the same emerald eyes, but is scrawny by comparison with a tawny-haired mop of hair that inevitably sweeps down over his eyes.  No one is quite sure what he does, other than whatever Quip yells and to ferry things back and forth without apparent purpose.  He's said to take keen interest in all things craft-related, despite having no apparent aptitudes of his own. 

Both Quip and Dingo have green player icons.

A recently added sign sits proudly on the main counter of the shop:  Have a fiery familiar?  Please ask one of our associates about our new marshmallow roasting kits, and special offers on our recently announced related insurance products!

Identification Services:

(Uniques on BD 10 & CD 7+; including +1 CD tool)


At listed costs in the tutorial +10%.

Standard Application Form


Item Name: -Name Here-
Item Acquisition ID: ######
Item Type: (weapon, food, trinket, etc)
Description: -Item Description-

Cash Conversions (a.k.a. Junking)

Freyd Edges typically charges 10% of the total junked value as its fee for service.  Friend and guild discounts may apply.  Inquire within.

Standard Wares (3.0-related change)

This shop no longer sells standard wares.

Can now be found here: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20786-general-merchant/?do=findComment&comment=637509

Item Re-Rolls:

A flat fee of 3,000 col is applied to any re-roll.  The owner is also responsible for the base re-roll cost and is expected to provide any gleaming scales they intend to have used in this process.


Edited by Freyd
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Katoka nervously entered the shop, announcing herself as she entered, "H-Hello? Freyd? I uh, came by to look at that trinket you were telling me about." she entered the shop and began to look around at the various odds and ends on the shelves. She was impressed with the stock and would definitely be back to purchase some must haves and she had the necessary col. "I believe it was a rabbit's foot or something like that?" she said again not really turning around to look for him as she continued to look at the crystals and bags that dotted the walls.

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A squat, stocky-looking woman in her late twenties popped up from behind a nearby set of partially-assembled cabinets.

"Eh?  Who?"  She had a fierce demeanor reinforced by stern green eyes beneath tightly braided blond hair.  Her apron was covered in dust and dirt from hearty and fastidious work.

"Oh!  You must be Katoka.  Freyd said you'd be by."  Her mood changed as suddenly as the wind, and suddenly became chipper and bright when she saw their first customer arrive.  She reached under the counter, rummaging about, throwing odds and ends all over the place in the process.  Katoka could easily guess why it might have taken Freyd so long to get this place open.  "DINGO!  Where's the thing, ...you know... fer' the lady!"

A scrawny-looking boy fell out of the loft with fright, slightly younger by his appearance.  "Quip!  You nearly scared me half to death!"

"Lunch scares you half to death, most days!  Where's the thing?!"

"It's in the workshop.  Give me a minute."   He wandered out of sight behind reinforced piles of clutter.  Quip smiled cheerily, making idle chit-chat while they waited.

"Here!  Got it."  He returned bearing a small, neatly wrapped package and handed it to Katoka.  The card attached read: On the house.  Best of luck.  -Freyd

Quip seemed thoroughly unimpressed by her boss' charity, her mirth fading the moment she saw the note and quickly replaced by a grimace.  "I don't suppose you also need a teleport crystal, or sumthin?"

@Katoka receives:

Rabbit’s Foot (T1 Perfect Trinket – ACC 2, LD 1)
Acquisition ID: #155937 | Identification ID: #159800, 159801, 159802
A small white rabbit’s foot with silver claws, said to bring good fortune to those who hunt elusive quarry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So this is Freyd's shop, eh? Looks a bit...run down. The decor seemed a bit out-of-place for his personality. Then again, she didn't really know what she'd been expecting. Something more, plain, maybe? Elora made her way into the establishment and began to look for her friend. He didn't seem to be around. In the meantime, I guess I'll just take a look around. She began to prod at some of the crafted knickknack on the shelves, accidentally knocking a few over and haphazardly having to catch them. "Huh? What's this?", a specific item gleamed, catching her attention. She interacted with it, prompting a description to appear:

Spyglass – (@ 880 col)
Item Type: Consumable [3 Charges]
Effect: Use to reduce the number of posts required to search for a dungeon or familiar by 5 posts. Effect lasts for one thread. Item is destroyed once all charges have been used.

"Thaaat, could be useful" She lifted up the item to hold it, But, where do I go to pay for it?

@Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows

Edited by Elora
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"Oi!  No man-handling the goods, lady!"  a short, stocky-looking woman with thick, braided blond hair and bright green eyes wandered over, appearing from beneath one of the other tables.  "Ye wouldn't be Elworra, would ye?"  She pointed at her green hair and elfin ears.  "Freyd said ye might come around at some point, and that I wus to look after ya."  She grasped Elora's hand and shook it vigorously, nearly knocking the spyglass out of her other hand.  

"Ooo... careful, dearie.  Ye break it, ye bought it, eh?"  She winked at her, wiping her hand on her badly soiled apron notably after their handshake.  "I'm Quip.  This here's Dingo."  She grabbed a nearby broom, slamming it with surprising strength on the loft above them.  A startled yelp was heard above, just as a scrawny, brown-haired youth came crashing down into an adjacent hay bale.  

"Whatdya do that fer?"  He rubbed his eyes as if warding off sleep, or possibly urge it to return.  He had the same green eyes as Quip, suggesting that they might be kin. 

"Over here, lassie, and we'll get to business."  Quip's cheerful demeanor shone through, but Elora could see heavy careworn lines around her eyes.  Both of them notably had green icons over their heads, denoting their status as players.


Edited by Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
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Walking into the shop, she was tired of having to go to so many other stores just to get her work done. In any case, she would be needing special items for finding a familiar. One of such things was a spyglass. It was supposed to make the chances of finding such familiars increase by using it or something. She didn't know the whole nitty gritty, but whatever.

Walking up to the counter, she threw down the col in the exact amount and looked to the shop keep quietly. "I need a spy glass please." She said, folding her arms across her chest.


Purchasing a Spyglass 880 col


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Hearing that Freyd had a shop, Ruler didn't waste any time after her Earning a Living quest coming to him for a necessary item to level up in her craft faster. If she wanted to catch up to others that were already max rank crafters, then she would need everything to help her get there faster. She walked in to the shop and looked around for the item in question, a custom ambition tool. When she finally found it, she approached her guildmate behind the counter and placed there. "Good day, Freyd. This is all I will be needing for today. I just unlocked the Blacksmithing Skill and I need to level it up."


Purchasing Custom Ambition Tool - 880 Col


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Angel's Point. NIGHT could barely scratch the thought of making her way over to Demon's End with how close she was to the site. It was that and the urge to take on another rider of the apocalypse, to chip away at a quest's uncertainties and muddied details... But she came to the thirteenth for a different reason today, so she should get on with her business before possibly flitting to another personal excursion.

Freyd's store was a little tough to find -- the man wasn't present in the building, after all, two other players were instead. And whilst she'd expected less variety of merchandise from the newbie, she was pleasantly surprised to see his shelves stocked with all that she needed.

"Blank tier 3 maps and water canisters," she said, tossing a pouch of col onto the counter. "That's all."


Purchasing the following, sending col to @Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows:

4,000col = 400col * 10 | Blank Tier 3 Dungeon Map (10)
2,200col = 440col *   5 | Water Canister (5)
   300col =         300col | - - -

Total: 6,200col

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  • 3 weeks later...

There'd been multiple equipment pieces on display in Freyd's shop, as far as NIGHT could recall from the last time she'd visited it. Whilst her visit had been brief the other day, she decided that another visit down to his hideout wouldn't hurt. A quick gander was all she needed, out of curiosity and interest, and there was always the slightest chance that one of the pieces would fulfill the short shopping list she'd stored away at the back of her mind.

His wares didn't seem to disappoint. Three pieces of light armor, each marked with a case of Holy Blessing. How was his customer to choose? At the end of the day, NIGHT walked out with two of the pieces, plus an extra little trinket to boot.

@Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows


Purchasing the following:

  • Acid Rain Coat  (T3 Perfect Light Armor - REC 1, Light Momentum 1, Holy Blessing 1)
    Acquisition ID [165437a] | Roll ID: 165809, 165810, 165811
    A thickly woven wool coat that sustains its wearer under the very worst of conditions.

  • Weathered White Duster  (T3 Perfect Light Armor - LD 1, Light Momentum 1, Holy Blessing 1)
    Acquisition ID [165453a] | Roll ID: 165818, 165819, 165820
    A white leather duster favoured by eccentric treasure hunters with a knack for finding trouble.

  • Five Leaf Clover Necklace (T2 Rare Trinket – LD 1, Paralytic Immunity)
    Acquisition ID [158691] Roll ID: 164655, 164656
    Reputedly owned by only the most fortunate of the fortunate, this golden charm on a fine matching necklace is always warm and soothing to the touch.

> Since no prices have been provided for each of them, the following item will be offered for the trade, alongside three (3) favours from NIGHT.

  • Frosted Necklace
    -- [ Life Mending I | +10% healing applied to other targets. ]
    -- [ Recovery II | In combat, +6 EN on a natural roll of CD6+. Activates once per turn. ]

    Obtained from a special dungeon, made available from the Easter Event, Apr 2020. | Acquisition ID: #157007 | >>
    [T3E3-TRINKET]: undefined.
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Junking Trash: (99,150 col & 130 Merchant EXP)


T1 Armor (3 Rare, 2 Perfect)


Dog Training Outfit (T1 Rare Light Armor: Regen 1, Light Momentum 1)
Acquisition ID: #153018 | Identification ID: #153317, 153318
A heavily padded brown cloth suit with multiple patches from prior repairs.  It is often handed out to unfortunate militia recruits during hazings.

Dog Training Outfit (T1 Rare Light Armor: Regen 1, Light Momentum 1)
Acquisition ID: #153018 | Identification ID: #153317, 153318
A heavily padded brown cloth suit with multiple patches from prior repairs.  It is often handed out to unfortunate militia recruits during hazings.

Dog Training Outfit (T1 Rare Light Armor: Regen 1, Light Momentum 1)
Acquisition ID: #155630 | Identification ID: #159798, 159799
A heavily padded brown cloth suit with multiple patches from prior repairs.  It is often handed out to unfortunate militia recruits during hazings.

Enduring Guile (T1 Perfect Light Armor – MIT 1 | REC 1 | SAV 1)
Acquisition ID: #152242 | Identification ID: #152535, #152536, #152537
A tightly woven black wool cassock with reinforced stitching and cut for ease and range of movement. It shimmers slightly under the sun, without reflection as if absorbing the light. 

Uneven Capri Pants (T1 Perfect Light Armor - EVA 1, LD 1, Light Momentum 1)
Acquisition ID: #155937 | Identification ID: #159803, 159804, 159805
A poorly tailored set of capri pants with one leg shorter than the other.  No one knows why.

T2 Armor (6 Rare, 5 Perfect)


Dog Training Outfit (T2 Rare Light Armor – REG 1, Light Momentum 1)
Acquisition ID [158234] Roll ID: 164689, 164690
A heavily padded brown cloth suit with multiple patches from prior repairs.  It is often handed out to unfortunate militia recruits during hazings.

Endless Supply Pack (T2 Rare Light Armor) – REC 2)
Acquisition ID: #153722 | Identification ID: #163935, 163936
A mundane-looking leather satchel that invariably has whatever you need to keep going.

Green Beret (T2 Rare Light Armor) – Light Momentum 1, EVA 1)
Acquisition ID: #156526 | Identification ID: #163937, 163938
Smooth green wool beret with the name ‘Sadler’ written inside.  Helps to make you untouchable as you relentlessly push forward.

Shock Trooper Garb (T2 Rare Light Armor – Light Momentum 2)
Acquisition ID [156527] Roll ID: 164681, 164682
Light leather armor worn by front line troops meant to press the advance at any cost.

Corduroy Suit (T2 Rare Light Armor – REC 1, EVA 1)
Acquisition ID [158231] Roll ID: 164683, 164684
A brown corduroy suit so ugly that mobs actively try not to make contact.

Loot Lackey’s Cloak (T2 Rare Light Armor – EVA 1, LD 1)
Acquisition ID [158688] Roll ID: 164691, 164692
Light weight travel clothes under a large waterproof cloak all equipped with very deep pockets.  Meant to be worn by loot carrying companions.

Gambler’s Tuxedo (T2 Perfect Light Armor – REC 1, EVA 2)
Acquisition ID [158725] Roll ID: 164678, 164679, 164680
A perfectly tailored black tuxedo with starched white shirt, simply cut and fitted to any wearer.  It keeps its wearer alert and two steps ahead of any potential rivals.

Risk and Reward (T2 Perfect Light Armor – MIT 2, LD 1)
Acquisition ID: #154523 | Identification ID: #156211, #156212, #156213
A comfortable, breathable matching set of tan shirt and pants suitable  for travel through any environment. Pairs well with fedora and whip.

Sinfully Red Sari (T2 Perfect Light Armor – EVA 2, REC 1)
Acquisition ID [156840] Roll ID: 164664, 164665, 164666
An exquisite, bright red, fire elemental silk sari dress, designed and cut to ensure that the wearer is the focal point of any party while keeping her one step ahead of all potential suitors. 

Risk and Reward (T2 Perfect Light Armor – MIT 2, LD 1)
Acquisition ID: #154523 | Identification ID: #156211, #156212, #156213
A comfortable, breathable matching set of tan shirt and pants suitable  for travel through any environment. Pairs well with fedora and whip.

Uneven Capri Pants (T2 Perfect Light Armor – Light Momentum 1, EVA 1, LD 1)
Acquisition ID [158722] Roll ID: 164675, 164676, 164677
A poorly tailored set of capri pants with one leg shorter than the other.  No one knows why.

T3 Armor (10 Perfect)


Adventurer’s Garb (T3 Perfect Light Armor – REC 1, MIT 1, LD 1)
Acquisition ID [159451] | Roll ID: 165781, 165782, 165783
Tan-coloured leather armor with padding and lots of pockets.  Good for all seasons and locations.

Artemis Cloak (T3 Perfect Light Armor - REC 2, EVA 1)
Acquisition ID [159463] | Roll ID: 165784, 165785, 165786
Favoured by hunters, this extremely light, tightly woven green wool cloak blends perfectly into its surroundings.

Artemis Cloak (T3 Perfect Light Armor - REC 2, EVA 1)
Acquisition ID [162076a] | Roll ID: 165695, 165696, 165697
Favoured by hunters, this extremely light, tightly woven green wool cloak blends perfectly into its surroundings.

Sinful Red Sari (T3 Perfect Light Armor - REC 1, EVA 2)
Acquisition ID [162095a] | Roll ID: 165793, 165794, 165796
An exquisite, bright red, fire elemental silk sari dress, designed and cut to ensure that the wearer is the focal point of any party while keeping her one step ahead of all potential suitors. 

Looter’s Mandate (T3 Perfect Light Armor - Light Momentum 1, LD 2)
Acquisition ID [162076a] | Roll ID: 165797, 165798, 165799
Loose-flowing ebonweave travelling clothes with large deep pockets for collecting what others leave behind.

Dancing Clothes (T3 Perfect Light Armor - REC 1, Light Momentum 1, EVA 1)
Acquisition ID [165424c] | Roll ID: 165803, 165804, 165805
An outfit of loose-fitting, easily adjustable casual clothes meant to keep you on the move.

Gold Track Suit  (T3 Perfect Light Armor - REC 2, LD 1)
Acquisition ID [165424d] | Roll ID: 165806, 165807, 165808
A shiny golden polyester track suit with three white stripes along each side.

Dancing Clothes  (T3 Perfect Light Armor - REC 1, Light Momentum 1, EVA 1)
Acquisition ID [165439a] | Roll ID: 165812, 165813, 165814
An outfit of loose-fitting, easily adjustable casual clothes meant to keep you on the move.

Invictus Cloak  (T3 Perfect Light Armor - REC 2, Light Momentum 1)
Acquisition ID [165451a] | Roll ID: 165815, 165816, 165817
A white wool cloak that never stains or discolours and imbues its wearer to persist through any challenge.

Uneven Capri Pants  (T3 Perfect Light Armor - Light Momentum 1, EVA 1, LD 1)
Acquisition ID [165464a] | Roll ID: 165821, 165822, 165823
A poorly tailored set of capri pants with one leg shorter than the other.  No one knows why.

T1 Weapons (1 Uncommon, 1 Rare)


T1SS - DMG I (T1 Uncommon weapon: DMG 1)
Quest reward from <<The second lesson is also free>>

Grand Respite (T1 Rare 2HSS: ACC 1, PARA 1)
Acquisition ID: #152222 | Identification ID: #152734 & #152735
A single-edged iron blade, nearly five feet long, that gives a slight tingle to the touch, but charges with motion.  The hilt is heavily insulated to protect the wielder

T2 Weapons (3 Rare, 11 Perfect)


One Thousand Cuts (T2 Rare 2HSS: ACC 1, Bleed 1)
Acquisition ID: #156839 | Identification ID: #161005, 161006
A crude, heavy steel zweihander with pronounced parrying hooks and a simple unadorned crossguard.  It is a plain but brutal blade meant to maim, then subdue.

Silent Vigil (T2 Rare 2HSS: Taunt, Bleed 1)
Acquisition ID: #156863 | Identification ID: #161007, 161008
This ornate weapon looks ceremonial, at a glance, with a fully engraved, highly polished steel blade.  Meant for flash and intended to garner attention, its function is to draw attention.

Sentinel’s Ward (T2 Rare 2HSS: Keen 1, Taunt)
Acquisition ID: #158732 | Identification ID: #161009, 161010
These unadorned silver blades were common amongst the guardians of the lost peoples of the thirteenth floor, who sacrificed themselves to protect the few struggling survivors beset by the plagued monstrosities that still attempt to wipe them out.

Bloodletter (T2 Perfect Weapon (2HSS) – Keen 2, Bleed 1)
Acquisition ID: #156838a | Identification ID: #163904, 163905, 163906
Essentially an oversized saber, its thin steel blade cuts deep and is most suitable for deep thrusts.

Grunt’s Blade (T2 Perfect Weapon (2HSS) – Keen 1, Bleed 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID: #156593 | Identification ID: #163913, 163914, 163915
An unadorned heavy iron blade commonly salvaged from humanoid warrior mobs.

Grunt’s Blade (T2 Perfect Weapon (2HSS) – Keen 1, Bleed 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID: #156866 | Identification ID: #163919, 163920, 163921
Favoured by barbarians throughout Aincrad, this six-foot crude steel blade has no guard and only a cloth-wrapped hilt.  Most who wield these don’t last long.

Gutrender (T2 Perfect Weapon (2HSS) – Keen 2, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID: #156529 | Identification ID: #163916 163917, 163918
Favoured by barbarians throughout Aincrad, this six-foot crude steel blade has no guard and only a cloth-wrapped hilt.  Most who wield these don’t last long.

Marshal’s First Mandate (T2 Perfect 2HSS: Taunt, DMG 2)
Acquisition ID: #156588 | Identification ID: #161011, 161012, 161013
The weapon of a front line commander, the brilliant red blade serves as both battle standard and bearer of its wielder’s will, calling upon its foes to fall before its inevitable advance.

Gormiggard's Bearing (T2 Perfect 2HSS: ACC 2, Bleed 1)
Acquisition ID: #156588 | Identification ID: #161017, 161018, 161019
Highly effective at both piercing and slashing attacks, this wide black blade has an extended hilt with a heavier pommel to more effectively thrust through hardened defenses.  

Grunt’s Blade (T2 Perfect Weapon (2HSS) – Keen 1, Bleed 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID: #158725 | Identification ID: #163922 163923, 163924
An unadorned heavy iron blade commonly salvaged from humanoid warrior mobs.

Scion’s Blade (T2 Perfect Weapon (2HSS) – Keen 1, DMG 2)
Acquisition ID: #156840a | Identification ID: #163907, 163908, 163909
An ornate, ceremonial blade decorates with the heraldric markings of a long lost noble house.

Flashy Slashy (T2 Perfect Weapon (2HSS) – Keen 2, Taunt)
Acquisition ID: #156840b | Identification ID: #163910, 163911, 163912
An unadorned heavy iron blade commonly salvaged from humanoid warrior mobs.

Bloodletter (T2 Perfect Weapon (2HSS) – Keen 2, Bleed 1)
Acquisition ID: #156838b | Identification ID: #163901, 163902, 163903
Essentially an oversized saber, its thin steel blade cuts deep and is most suitable for deep thrusts.

Vanguard Blade (T2 Perfect 2HSS: Keen 2, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID: #156588 | Identification ID: #161014, 161015, 161016
A common weapon among the shock troops of any first wave, it is an honored symbol of those who make and press onto the breach.

T3 Weapons (6 Rare)


Blunt Carver (T3 Rare Weapon (2HSS) – DMG 2)
Acquisition ID [165368a] | Roll ID: 165824, 165825
A crude, flat-bladed sword with a dull edge.  It relies on its heavy weight to cleave through its target.

One Thousand Cuts (T3 Rare Weapon (2HSS) - Bleed 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID [165448a] | Roll ID: 165834, 165835
A crude, heavy steel zweihander with pronounced parrying hooks and a simple unadorned crossguard.  It is a plain but brutal blade meant to maim, then subdue.

Wooden Training Sword (T3 Rare Weapon (2HSS) - Keen 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID [160050] Roll ID: 165647, 165648
Provided to new recruits to the front lines.  Effective enough to hurt the enemy without them hurting themselves (or their fellows) in the process.

Shock Trooper Shard (T3 Rare (2HSS) – Keen 2)
Acquisition ID [160051] Roll ID: 165649, 165650
A blue crystalline blade of surprising durability whose sharpness increases with use.

Executioner’s Blade (T3 Rare Weapon (2HSS) - Keen 1, Bleed 1)
Acquisition ID [162079a] | Roll ID: 165653, 165654
A broad and heavy blade without a pointed tip, used primarily for dirty deeds.

Grand Colichemarde (T3 Rare Weapon (2HSS) – Bleed 2)
Acquisition ID [162057a] | Roll ID: 165655, 165656
A three-sided blade poorly suited to the more common fighting styles of most greatsword fighter, but absolutely brutal in its ability to puncture.

T1 Trinkets (6 Rare)


Flawed Dowsing Rods (T1 Rare Trinket: ACC 1, LD 1)
Acquisition ID: #152309 | Identification ID: #153020, 153021
A pair of 12” long copper dowsing rods rumoured to be capable of finding anything except water.

Gladiator’s Harness (T1 Rare Trinket: ACC 1, REC 1)
Acquisition ID: #152371 | Identification ID: #153022, 153023
A supportive harness made of thin leather and stretchable fabrics.  It can be worn under or over armor to reduce strain on a wielder’s limbs during combat.

Tag and Release Kit (T1 Rare Trinket – Taunt 1, LD 1)
Acquisition ID: #155587 | Identification ID: #159795, #159796
A small satchel including various bits of bait, fishing lures, scent tags and other similar accessories, along with crude metal tags with preset serial numbers.

Voracious Ambitions (T1 Rare trinket: Keen 1, LD 1)
Acquisition ID: #152698 | Identification ID: #153319, 153320
A very large golden medallion with the word "WINNER" engraved in its centre, supported by an equally oversized golden chain.  You can't miss it.

Justicar’s Vambraces (T1 Rare Trinket – Keen 1 | ACC 1)
Acquisition ID: #152240 | Identification ID: #152538, #152539
A pair of hardened steel vambraces each engraved in minute script with the first one hundred names on the Monument of Life.

Rabbit Medallion (T1 Rare Trinket: REC 2)
Acquisition ID: #152554 | Identification ID: #153321, 153322
A stylish metal pendant of a pink bunny wearing sunglasses and holding a drum supported by a harness over both shoulders.

T2 Trinkets (12 Rare, 2 Perfect)


Gladiator’s Harness (T2 Rare Trinket – REC 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID [156592] Roll ID: 164640, 164642
A supportive harness made of thin leather and stretchable fabrics.  It can be worn under or over armor to reduce strain on a wielder’s limbs during combat.

Motivational Bracelet (T2 Rare Trinket – Keen 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID: #154436 | Identification ID: #156219, #156220
A common gift to new arrivals in Aincrad, this cheap brass bracelet is engraved with an assortment of positive motivational quips to brighten up anyone’s day during those early lesson grinds.

Motivational Bracelet  (T2 Rare Trinket – Keen 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID [154450] Roll ID: 164638, 164639
A common gift to new arrivals in Aincrad, this cheap brass bracelet is engraved with an assortment of positive motivational quips to brighten up anyone’s day during those early lesson grinds.

Motivational Bracelet (T2 Rare Trinket – Keen 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID [156841] Roll ID: 164645, 164646
A common gift to new arrivals in Aincrad, this cheap brass bracelet is engraved with an assortment of positive motivational quips to brighten up anyone’s day during those early lesson grinds.

Motivational Bracelet  (T2 Rare Trinket – Keen 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID [158724a] Roll ID: 164657, 164658
A common gift to new arrivals in Aincrad, this cheap brass bracelet is engraved with an assortment of positive motivational quips to brighten up anyone’s day during those early lesson grinds. 

Flawed Dowsing Rods (T2 Rare Trinket – LD 1, ACC 1]
Acquisition ID [158689] Roll ID: 164653, 164654
A pair of 12” long copper dowsing rods rumoured to be capable of finding anything except water.

Pirate’s Eye Patch (T2 Rare Trinket – Keen 1, LD 1)
Acquisition ID [156865] Roll ID: 164649, 164650
A small black leather eye patch and thongs taken from one of Aincrad’s many pirates.

Rose-Coloured Spectacles (T2 Rare Trinket – REC 1, LD 1)
Acquisition ID [156528] Roll ID: 164643, 164644
Small wire-framed glasses with pink-tinted round lenses that make everything the wearer sees just a little bit more pleasant.

Crude Headguard (T2 Rare Trinket – Keen 1, Taunt)
Acquisition ID: #154429 | Identification ID: #156217, #156218
A padded red leather helmet often mounted to training dummies.  Anyone crazy enough to wear it is sure to attract attention.

Jade Hair Sticks (T2 Rare Trinket – Keen 1, REC 1)
Acquisition ID [156864] Roll ID: 164647, 164648
A pair of finely crafted jade hair sticks that glow with an encouraging aura when the wearer becomes more audacious.

Weighted Bracers (T2 Rare Trinket – Keen 2)
Acquisition ID #158249 Roll ID: 164651, 164652
Normally used as exercise equipment, these weighted leather bracers can help maintain momentum on subsequent strikes.

Adventurer’s Signet (T2 Perfect Trinket – REC 2, LD 1)
Acquisition ID [158252] Roll ID: 164632, 164633, 164634
A simple brass ring with the letters N, E, S, and W engraved upon its outer face at equidistant points.

Missed Opportunity (T2 Perfect Trinket – REC 1, LD 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID [156590] Roll ID: 164635, 164636, 164637
A small aluminum bracelet said to provide good luck in all things.

T3 Trinkets (2 Rare, 7 Perfect)


Gladiator’s Harness (T3 Rare trinket: ACC 1, REC 1)
Acquisition ID: #161131a | Identification ID: #162625, 162626
A supportive harness made of thin leather and stretchable fabrics.  It can be worn under or over armor to reduce strain on a wielder’s limbs during combat.

Gladiator’s Harness (T3 Rare trinket: ACC 1, REC 1)
Acquisition ID: #161129a | Identification ID: #162623, 162624
A supportive harness made of thin leather and stretchable fabrics.  It can be worn under or over armor to reduce strain on a wielder’s limbs during combat.
Missed Opportunity (T3 Perfect Trinket - REC 1, LD 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID [160001] | Roll ID: 165660, 165661, 165662
A small aluminum bracelet said to provide good luck in all things.
Optimist’s Charm (T3 Perfect Trinket – Keen 2, LD 1)
Acquisition ID [165427a] | Roll ID: 165687, 165688, 165689
A small pair of linked golden dice on a silver chain, often claimed to have belonged to someone else before the current owner.

Clarion’s Call (T3 Perfect Trinket: Keen 1, REC 1, ACC 1)
Acquisition ID: #161284a | Identification ID: #161870, 161871, 161872
A small brass bugle suitable for cavalry charges or summoning players to morning PT.

Generalist’s Tunic (T3 Perfect Trinket: Keen 1, REC 1, LD 1)
Acquisition ID: #160572a | Identification ID: #161876, 161877, 161878
Provides a little bit of everything, and a whole lot of nothing useful.  The tag reads ‘stop pulling this out of the junk pile!’

Optimist’s Charm (T3 Perfect Trinket: Keen 2, LD 1)
Acquisition ID: #160437a | Identification ID: #161873, 161874, 161875
A small pair of linked golden dice on a silver chain, often claimed to have belonged to someone else before the current owner.

Specialist’s Surcoat (T3 Perfect Trinket – Keen 1, LD 2)
Acquisition ID [159463] | Roll ID: 165657, 165658, 165659
Valued by treasure hunters and scouts on the cutting edge, this khaki-coloured harness is equipped with innumerable pockets in which tools and finds alike can be carried or concealed.

Unrelenting Ring (T3 Perfect Trinket – REC 1, LD 2)
Acquisition ID [162038b] | Roll ID: 165666, 165667, 165668
A wide platinum band engraved on the inner face with the date on which Akihiko Kayaba sprung his trap.


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Holy crap on a cracker. Oscar couldn't remember the last time he'd ever been this inundated with unidentified equipment. It was far too much for him to offload on a single merchant. He would need to expand his network if he hoped to do anything with the sheer volume of equipment that had landed in his lap. Luckily ol' Freyd wasn't the only one able to gather intel. Oscar would have loved to pretend that he'd been all cloak and dagger with it. But honestly, it was just that it was super hard to hide a brand new merchant shop just appearing from thin air on Floor 13. As to how Oscar knew it was Freyd's? He didn't really. But for the purposes of word count, I'm just tryna get to my value here dawg.

The door swung open as Oscar carried in a large pile of armors of various shapes and sizes. They all looked nondescript, as if their unknown enhancements are what gave them their flavor. He slapped those puppies down on the counter with a grunt. Following that, Oscar dropped a sack of Col next to it and leaned against the wall while he caught his breath? Why had he lugged that stuff all the way here instead of keeping it in his inventory? Because he was a dumb dummy.

30,000 Col Transferred to Freyd


Item Name: Pending
Item ID: 154754B
Item Type: Light Armor
Slots: -Leave Blank-
Cost: 2000(1000)
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Description: Pending

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Item ID: 166459A
Item Type: Light Armor
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Item Type: Light Armor
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Cost: 2000(1000)
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Item ID: 166468A
Item Type: Light Armor
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Cost: 2000(1000)
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Item ID: 166468B
Item Type: Light Armor
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Cost: 2000(1000)
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Item ID: 166481A
Item Type: Light Armor
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Cost: 2000(1000)
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Item ID: 166481B
Item Type: Light Armor
Slots: -Leave Blank-
Cost: 2000(1000)
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Item Name: Pending
Item ID: 166506A
Item Type: Light Armor
Slots: -Leave Blank-
Cost: 2000(1000)
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Item ID: 166516A
Item Type: Light Armor
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Cost: 2000(1000)
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Item ID: 166516B
Item Type: Light Armor
Slots: -Leave Blank-
Cost: 2000(1000)
Post Link: -Leave Blank-
Description: Pending

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A stout, ornery looking woman with blonde hair and green eyes approached the counter.  She looked at the stack of gear with a practical eye and nodded to acknowledge the request, touching the bag to absorb it into the shop's coffers.  She grunted back at Oscar, telling him it might take a few minutes.


"Aye!  We've been through yer junk and found, well... it's all junk.  Sorry pal, no earth-shattering discoveries this time around.  Per your instructions, we've liquidated the lot."  She seemed like a fiesty lass, yet completely oblivious to the double entendre in her statement.  A UI reminder window popped up beside her head, causing her eyes to roll upward before she continued in a robotic, monotone voice that clearly expressed her disinterest in its contest.

"We regret that today's round of identification did not yield the results you were seeking.  We appreciate your business.  Please come again."  She'd barely finished reading the message before she tore towards the workshop in the back screaming at her co-worker.  "Dingo!  I told ya ter get rid of them damnable reminders!  Now git to it, or yer mannin' the counter for the next week!"


Eval results: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&amp;comment=621653


Edited by Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
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 Astralin would soon realize it would be more difficult to find a merchant shop than she first expected. Whatever the case, it wasn't stopping her, and she was going to get herself some essential preparations, on the off chance that things would ever go from bad to worse. Floor after floor, she looked around the safe zones, seeking out a place that could potentially have one. Eventually, she stumbled upon a place with a bit of an unusual setup. She would look around the area, and figure out that this was indeed a merchant shop that was open, despite the appearance suggesting otherwise at first glance. She would look around for what she needed, then walk over to the counter to make the purchases. "I'd like to purchase these two items here." She said as she placed both the items she was purchasing, and a sack of col covering the costs, onto the counter.

-Purchased Teleport Crystal and Immolation Potion, paid total cost of  1230 col to @Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows

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In need of a teleport Crystal again, due to having ran out, Dazia made her way over to various merchant shops, only to find that they were not open at this time. However, she would eventually stumble upon a different kind of mercantile setup when her search brought her to floor thirteen. It was definitely an odd sort, and it was manned by two people, it seemed. Whether or not there was another, that had yet to be seen. Whatever the case, Dazia needed to get straight to business. Get in, purchase the teleport crystal, get out. Simple as that.She would find a teleport crystal, bring it over to the counter, and place it on the counter, along with a sack of col to pay for it. "I'll be purchasing this teleport crystal."

-Purchased Teleport Crystal, sent payment of 880 col to @Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows

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Guess who's back, back again. Guess who's back, tell a friend.

It's Oscar. Oscar was back. Despite his better judgement. But the allure of the slots was just too powerful. The clarion call of gambling away his hard-earned Col and loot threatened to drive him mad. An endless treadmill, ceaseless quest for loot. There was no endgame. Just amassing the most rare shit he could hope to find. He had another pile of armor and weapons to that were slapped on the counter. Beside it, another bag of Col. Part to cover the costs to identify and the other to pay the Merchant for their time. "You'd think I'd be about done by now, but I'm not. We're not even close to running me out of equipment to ID."


54,760 Col transferred to @Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
<<Energy Shot>> Transferred to @Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows

Item Name:
Item ID: 166470
Item Type: Light Armor
Slots: -Leave Blank-
Cost: 1440(1000)
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Item ID: 166535
Item Type: Light Armor
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Item ID: 166518A
Item Type: Light Armor
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Identification results can be found here:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&amp;comment=622578

Thank you for your business @Oscar


A sharp female voice can be heard in the background.  "Why do these always smell like hot dog water?!"  It is promptly followed by the sound of a trash bin being emptied, followed by something akin to the horrid grind of a wood chipper-shredder.  The last thing that can be heard is the cranking of an arm followed by the distant clatter of a deluge of coins.

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"OH YOU THOUGHT I WAS DONE?!" The fury in Oscar's voice was palapable as he kicked in the door. He dropped another pile of gear and another sack of Col on the counter and looked over the weapons that had been waiting on him. He hefted the Two-Handed Straight Sword and looked it over. Nice enhancements, but it was a Two-Handed Straight Sword. Fucking. Ew. "Boss man can keep this one," he said as he sheathed it and slid it back across the countertop. Oscar added the other two to his inventory and gestured to the pile he'd brought with him. "I can do this all day dawg."



26,640 Col Transferred to @Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows

Item Name: Pending
Item ID: 157861
Item Type: Light Armor
Slots: -Leave Blank-
Cost: 1440(1000)
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Item ID: 159901
Item Type: Light Armor
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Cost: 1440(1000)
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Item ID: 159986
Item Type: Light Armor
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Cost: 1440(1000)
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Item ID: 157831A
Item Type: 2HBA
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Cost: 2000(1000)
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Item ID: 157833B
Item Type: 2HBA
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Cost: 2000(1000)
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Item Name: Pending
Item ID: 157862
Item Type: 2HBA
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Cost: 2000(1000)
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Item Name: Pending
Item ID: 159938A
Item Type: 2HBA
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Cost: 2000(1000)
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Description: Pending

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Item ID: 156097
Item Type: 2HBA
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Cost: 1440(1000)
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Item Name: Pending
Item ID: 166534
Item Type: 2HBA
Slots: -Leave Blank-
Cost: 1440(1000)
Post Link: -Leave Blank-
Description: Pending


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  • 3 weeks later...

Vera skimmed the prerequisites of the quest she aimed to take next. For a lack of better words, it was an absolute drag. With her power amounting to the might of an inanimate peanut, she was useless beyond words. If there was any hope of putting food on the table, she had to get creative. Picking herbs as a main source of income was decent enough to get by, but she needed the extra shove. The redhead stepped into the shop and pushed her hood off her shoulders. The light was practically scorching her eyes here. She squinted and rubbed her eyes.

A shelf of mysterious tonics and potions caught her eye. A quick skim of them and her attention landed on a particular jar, a red viscous solution with a glowing essence of fire collected at the bottom. This was exactly what she needed! Vera made her way over to the counter and cleared her throat. "May I have two of those?" She gestured at the bottle in name.


Immolation Potion – (@ 350 col) x 2
Item Type: Potion
Effect: When used, successful non-critical attacks against you deal 10 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Effect lasts for one thread.

700 COL sent.

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