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[F2 - R5 Appraiser] Freyd Aspirations [Open]

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It'd been a handful of days since Elora and Freyd had seen each other, though her mind would rest easy knowing he'd been alive enough to respond to a few of her messages. She was used to seeing him like this. Something about preparing for combat wound him up so tightly that conking out became his only excuse for a break. Admittedly, it was a little concerning. Part of her still speculated that he found some sort of perverse enjoyment through all of it. Scraping a few unruly hairs from the top of his forehead, she planted a gentle kiss in its place. You need some rest. Thank you for preparing all of this for us., she thought before collecting her gear from a nearby table. A smile crossed her face as she regarded how each neatly-wrapped package seemed to contrast greatly with the piles of unsorted supplies surrounding them. Dingo seemed to interpret her amusement, returning the observation with a befuddled shrug. That's just Freyd, they both seemed to admit.



Elora recieves:


Defense Mechanism | T4 Demonic Light Armor | MIT 2, REC 2
Crafting ID: 213911
An armored set of obsidian-colored greaves, gauntlets, and breastplate. The smooth outer rims of each curvaceous segment are purposely interrupted by decorative spikes. Comparable to the thorns of a rose, they seem to suggest a level of care is to be taken before approaching its wearer.

Emerald | T4 Demonic Trinket | ACC III, EVA I 
Crafting ID: 214317-3
A small green gemstone symbolizing unity, compassion and unconditional love


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Venturing to Angel's Point on the outskirts of Floor Thirteen, Randal's curiosity surged as he stepped into the unknown. The journey had led him to a landscape of forgotten mystique, where a ramshackle series of tables, awnings, and tents emerged around the entrance of a ruined monastery. This was where he sought Quip and Dingo.

As Randal walked through the uneven terrain, the air seemed to hold a different flavor – one of secrets and untold stories. His gaze settled upon Quip, a stout young woman with intricate braids adorning her thick blonde hair, and keen green eyes that seemed to hold an entire forest within them. Beside her stood Dingo, an embodiment of contrasts with his tawny-haired mop of hair and a scrawny yet animated presence.

Observing the bustling enclave, Randal's thoughts danced with intrigue. The makeshift settlement pulsed with vibrant energy, revealing a microcosm of life teeming at the fringes. As he approached, he felt the pulse of camaraderie, woven together by shared tales and the allure of discovery. This was an uncharted territory of both people and place, where the pursuit of connection thrived amidst the relics of the past. With each step, Randal found himself drawn deeper, ready to unravel the stories that awaited within the heart of Angel's Point.

"Hello there! I would like to make a sale please."

With a few dings of the interface, tables around the area and visible surfaces start filling up with a sea of consumables.

*Attempting to sell T1E1 x 47 and T1E2 x 42*

47x T1E1
ID# 130748
ID# 130911-1, ID# 130911-2
ID# 130913

ID# 132751-1, ID# 132751-2
ID# 188433
ID# 188436
ID# 188733
ID# 188866
ID# 189025
ID# 189026
ID# 189027
ID# 189029
ID# 189217 
ID# 189220 

ID# 189221 
ID# 189486 
ID# 189933, ID# 189933-1
ID# 189935
ID# 190362, ID# 190362-1
ID# 190794, ID# 190794-1
ID# 190796
ID# 191203
ID# 191204, ID# 191204-1
ID# 191205, ID# 191205-1, ID# 191205-2
ID# 191207, ID# 191207-1
ID# 191310
ID# 191314ID# 191314-1, ID# 191314-2
ID# 191315, ID# 191315-1, ID# 191315-2
ID# 191472
ID# 191478
ID# 191479
ID# 191530
ID# 191531
ID# 191535

42x T1E2
ID# 188731
ID# 188859
ID# 188860-1, ID# 188860-2
ID# 189028
ID# 189030
ID# 189031
ID# 189216, ID# 189216-1
ID# 189485 
ID# 189488 
ID# 189492 
ID# 190360, ID# 190360-1, ID# 190360-2
ID# 190481, ID# 190481-1. ID# 190481-2
ID# 190484
ID# 190485, ID# 190485-1, ID# 190485-2
ID# 190486
ID# 190488, ID# 190488-1. ID# 190488-2
ID# 190793
ID# 190798
ID# 190799
ID# 191210
ID# 191307, ID# 191307-1
ID# 191308
ID# 191309, ID# 191309-1
ID# 191311
ID# 191471, ID# 191471-1, ID# 191471-2
ID# 191473
ID# 191474
ID# 191476



Edited by Randal
Adding IDs
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Freyd wandered to the counter himself, Dingo being busy hosting his visiting sister.  Quip had finally left the nest and settled out on her own, for which he was grateful on multiple levels.  If nothing else, his house and shop would be that much quieter.  Hardly could he get a word in before the patron pummeled his poor improvised counters with a mountain of consumables.  Freyd just laughed, having pulled the same trick on another shop owner recently himself. A quick swipe of his hand was all the system to recognize the decomposition command.  Confirmation was provided nearly as quickly and the col returned to the man's digital pockets.

"Heh.  Nice.  I didn't recognize some of the older code on the items.  You must either have been out of circulation for a while or sitting on some very old caches."  The Whisper's keen eyes quickly scanned over and assessed the man's worn equipment.  "I can recommend some good craftsmen if you need some upgrades.  We're just re-organizing our own stock at the moment, but I'm always open to helping players upgrade their gear.  Just let me know what you need."

The telltale ping of deposited col rang through the air.  Transaction complete.


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Randal gave off a laugh! His shoulders and chest heaving with every exhale. He felt the shop keep's eyes scan him and immediately understand what he meant. Here he was, some cloth around his hands and legs, barely any other part of his body was covered. Admittedly, days spent in solitude crafting and gathering had left a little worse for wear in terms of social aptitude. Pebbles slithered up from his resting place on Randal's back and without any eyes whatsoever wiggled a little extension of its body towards Freyd seemingly greeting the man. Randal knew better though, Pebbles was almost certainly hungry,

"That'd be amazing but no thank you. It's been a pleasure." Randal was planning to go and take on rumors of a kidnapping on the third floor, but mayhaps he would return to take Freyd up on his offer. He looked back once more at the quaint and beautiful setting. Maybe he would move his food truck somewhere nicer in the future, if customer's weren't coming to him, he might as well explore the world, what's the point of a moving shop if he stayed in one place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quaestor tromped over to his neighbour's shop, having notices a deplorable drop in the standards of shambles usually associated with the place.  

"Freyd, this place looks terrible.  You need to get back on the road and leave Dingo to care for the place in your absence."

A single eyebrow raised in response, as if addressing the ludicrousness of such a proposal.

"I mean it!  And here, I brought you a small sampling from the shop to bring with you.  It common knowledge how much you stuff your gob before each and every one of these quests you go on.  Now, store these away and get out there.  For Miri's sake, if nothing else.  She's tired to you moping around the place."  Having said his peace, the big man sauntered sheepishly back across the road.  Miri's ghostly presence could be observed subtly watching the scene play out from an upstairs window.


Quaestor gives Freyd:


Stalwart's Stew | T4 Perfect Meal | MIT 3
A thick mixture of beef, broth, potatoes, onions, celery, peas and carrots guaranteed to stick to your ribs.
215248, 215248a, 215251, 215251a, 215312, 215312a, 215313, 215313a, 216152, 216706, 216707, 216708, 216709, 216710, 216711, 216712, 216713, 216714, 216715, 216716, 216717, 216718, 216719, 216720

Shrimp Gumbo | Tierless Perfect Meal | Overhealth 3
An aromatic mix of shrimp, stock, roux and assorted prices and fixings.

216721, 216722, 216723, 216724, 216725, 216726

Madlad Muffin | Tierless Rare Meal | EVA 2
Tasty and odiferous cinnamon muffins, served warm with a small pad of butter.
215161, 215226, 215232, 215234, 216698, 216699, 216700, 216701, 216702, 216703, 216704

Sweet and Sour Licorice Bites | Tierless Perfect Snack | Loot Die 3
Tiny morsels of strawberry cream flavoured licorice

215012, 215014, 215014a


Edited by Quaestor
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  • 5 months later...

"G'morning," Morningstar called, peeking his head inside the door to Freyd Edges. It was a homely little shop in a generally gloomy city. He eyed the various trinkets, odds and ends, admiring Freyd's collection. He realized he had never actually been to Freyd's shop before. The senior appraiser had always come directly to Star or left things with his blacksmith friend.

Without looking up from a curiously designed sword, he spoke. "I was wondering if I could snag some unidentified weapons of your hands. Got a bit of a difficult customer. They're looking for Frost and my luck's just not there. I can bring back some mystic essences when I'm finished?"

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Freyd was actually in his shop for a change, doing the unthinkable and sorting through the vast assortment of miscellaneous junk he'd accumulated over years of grinding and questing across every imaginable corner of Aincrad, and then back again.  Dingo had been given the day off, mostly to keep him from interfering.  The kid meant well, but was so lazy that sloths looked like hyper-caffeinated squirrels by comparison.

"Spare weapons?!  Pfft.  You'd be doing me a favour.  Here," he added, calling into existence a massive pile of mishappen objects, each of which held the potential to injure someone.  "See what you can do with those.  They should... uh..."  He tilted his head, as if that was somehow meant to provide additional insight.  "Yeah... they should all be tier four, maybe... probably... I think.  Just bring me back a handful of mystic essence at some point and we'll call it even."


Freyd gives Morningstar 30x T4 UNID Perfect Weapons:

[202575b] [202575c] [202586a] [202586a] [202592a] [202592b] [202592c] [202601a] [202601b] [202601c]
[213804c] [213804d] [213290b] [214161a] [214162] [216163c][214163d] [214381b] [214410a] [214410b]
[214410c] [214978a] [214978b] [214978c] [214978d] [214978e] [214979a] [214979b] [214979c] [214979d]

Edited by Freyd
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  • 4 weeks later...

Morningstar stumbled back into Freyd's shop a while later, after all of the pointy objects (and more) had been appraised. Most of the lot was tossed aside, worthless to him; however, a few gems had been dug up. The uniques that he did not have use for were converted to mystic essence, the one material that all appraisers dreamed of. "A handful of it," as Freyd had put it, was to be offered as payment for the collection of items that Morningstar had been loaned.

"Hello," the blonde called into Freyd Edges. The main lobby was clear of people, but the sign said open so he figured it was alright to come in. "I come bearing gifts. Well, payment, really."


Morningstar gives 6x Mystic Essence to Freyd:

[219722b] [219203] [219106] [219486] [219442] [219545]

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"You really need to start pacing yourself," Quaestor joked, dropping off yet another bulk order at his spoopy neighbour's doorstep, if you could call it that.  Freyd's shop was little more than a collection of wooden boards stacked on sawhorses and piled with all sorts of junk in what his friend assured him was some sort of logical order.  He couldn't see it, but his adventuring days were largely behind him now.  If his cooking could support the efforts of others, that would be good enough.  "Try not to eat them all for one quest, hmm?  I'll get another batch ready soon, just in case."


Quaestor gives Freyd:


Shrimp Gumbo | Tierless Perfect Meal | Overhealth 3
An aromatic mix of shrimp, stock, roux and assorted prices and fixings.
220091a, 220091b, 220091c, 220091d, 220091e, 220091f. 220091g. 220091h. 220091i. 220091j

Madlad Muffin | Tierless Rare Meal | EVA 2
Tasty and odiferous cinnamon muffins, served warm with a small pad of butter.
220090a, 220090b, 220090c, 220090d, 220090e, 220090f. 220090g. 220090h. 220090i. 220090j


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"Oh, and here you go.  Miri was helping me out to get these ready and forgot to send them with the rest."  Another pair of large parcels full of foodstuffs thumped their way onto the rickety surface of Freyd's storefront, the wood planks immediately groaning under their weight.  "Personally, I think she just keeps dreaming up excuses to get me out of the house."  Grabbing a nearby stool, the hefty cook settled in for a bit of a chat.  If he was going to be ushered out of his own kitchen, he damned well planned to make a day of it.


Quaestor gives Freyd:


Flavoured Yogurt Shot | T4 Perfect Snack | Probiotics 3
A thick, strawberry-flavoured yogurt mixture.
217008, 217008-1, 217008-2, 217720, 217726, 217728, 222664, 222664-1, 222664-2, 222666


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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

It was not very often that Katoka slipped into the "shop" that Freyd ran. No matter how many times she saw it she wasn't used to the tents and tables that were cobbled together. Glancing around she didn't notice her friend around and nodded, sure that he was more than likely at home with Elora. "Good." she thought.

With a soft sigh she stepped up to a semi empty area and open her inventory, scrolling through and selecting as many items as she could before spawning them all at once with a clang. She promptly summoned a sheet of paper and writing utensil and began to leave a note.

"Freyd, I know you said I'm plenty strong and all that but deep there's still something I'm missing. I know deep down you're right but until I figure out what it is I'm lacking i won't be satisfied. I figure what better place to start than with my sword, think you can find something that hits like a truck in all this junk I've been collecting? Let me know what I owe you when you can."

With that she tucked the note in a spot that was visible and turned to step away but stopped. She turned back around and took the note back up toe write something else.

"P.S. I'm leaving a couple things off to the side here. I'll tell whoever else it here not to touch them until you check them out. I had a run in with.... some scary shit in the woods on floor 28. Try not to let the things touch you, or each other. Let me know if this is something we should be worried about"

She returned the note to the top of the stack and pulled two more items from her inventory and placed them on the table nearby, one was a jar of dull red crystals labeled <<Sundered Embers>>, the other was a small vial of viscous black liquid labelled <<Brew of Blighted Pheromones>>. The pheromones had the mark of an item crafted by a player in its item window. The blonde turned her head and pointed to the two extra items on the table, "Hey! Don't mess with these ones, they're nasty. Oh, and leave this whole pile for Freyd, I'm sure he'll appreciate the work." She grinned and left quickly before there were any objections.


Katoka leave the following loot for Freyd:


T4 Perfect Weapon [213804a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [213804b]
T4 Perfect Weapon [217889b]
T4 Perfect Weapon [217889c]
T4 Perfect Weapon [217986a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [217986b]
T4 Perfect Weapon [218395a]
T4 Perfect Weapon [218395b]
T4 Perfect Weapon with one guaranteed Unique Enhancement [220389a]


Edited by Katoka
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Rank 5 Appraiser (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day)
+1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale
+2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day)
+2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day)
+1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16)



...and loot from assorted threads.


26x T4 Perfect Items (@3040 col) = 79,040 col
+390,000 col for re-rolls. (26 * 15,000 for 4 rerolls apiece)

Total Cost: 469,090 col


8x T4 Perfect Item (@1900) = 15,200 col

Total Value of Junking: 15,200 col

Net Cost to Banker:  453,890 col 

Items #1-13


Item #1 - KEEP

Name: tbd +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  223283, 223284, 223285
Roll Result: 8, 8, 17 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, ACC, Frostbite/Static
Description: tbd
Acquisition ID: 213804a

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #223286| LD: 5 - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Taunt] ID #223287| LD: 11 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Para] ID #223288| LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #223289| LD: 19 - becomes [Frostbite/Static] - (BD 10, CD 7+1=8 | Unique)

Item #2 - SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223290, 223291, 223292
Roll Result: 8, 6, 5 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed, Keen, Taunt
Acquisition ID: 213804b

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223293 | LD: 19 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223294 | LD: 4 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223295 | LD: 17 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223296 | LD: 8 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #3 - KEEP

Name: tbd +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223297, 223298, 223299
Roll Result: 13, 6, 8 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, Taunt, PVO/Blight
Description: tbd
Acquisition ID: 217889b

Re-roll +1: [Taunt] ID #223300 | LD: 2 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Keen] ID #223301 | LD: 12 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Para] ID #223302 | LD: 15 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #223303 | LD: 3 - becomes [PVO/Blight] - (BD 10, CD 11+1=12 | Unique)

Item #4 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223304, 223305, 223306
Roll Result: 13, 17, 3 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed, ACC, Keen 
Acquisition ID: 217889c

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223307 | LD: 10 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223308 | LD: 3 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223309 | LD: 13 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223310 | LD: 7 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #5 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223311, 223312, 223313
Roll Result: 10, 15, 12 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, ACC
Acquisition ID: 217986a

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223314 | LD: 7 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223315 | LD: 9 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223316| LD: 11 - becomes [X] - (No Unique) - accidentally labeled rolling for item 317976a (typo)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223317 | LD: 7 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #6 - KEEP

Name: tbd +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223318, 223319, 223320
Roll Result: 14, 2, 8 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Taunt, Para, ACC, Holy/Fallen
Description: tbd
Acquisition ID: 217986b

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #223321 | LD: 9 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Para] ID #223322 | LD: 4 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Keen] ID #223323 | LD: 11 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [Para] ID #223324| LD: 5 - becomes [Holy/Fallen] - (BD 10, CD 7+1=8 | Unique)

Item #7 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223325, 223326, 223327
Roll Result: 1, 15, 14 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Keen, ACC 2
Acquisition ID: 218395a

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223328 | LD: 13 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223329 | LD: 15 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223330 | LD: 14 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223331 | LD: 6 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #8 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  223332, 223333, 223334
Roll Result: 3, 18, 7 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements:  Taunt, ACC, Para
Acquisition ID: 218395b

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223335 | LD: 14 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223336 | LD: 14 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223337 | LD: 8 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223338 | LD: 15 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #9 - KEEP

Name: tbd +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223339 (free unique), 223340, 223341
Roll Result: 14, 11, 3 (Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: AA/Phase, Para, Keen, Bleed
Description: tbd
Acquisition ID: 220389a (one guaranteed unique enhancement)

Re-roll +1: [Keen] ID #223342 | LD: 13 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Para] ID #223343 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #223344 | LD: 1 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [Keen] ID #223345 | LD: 11 - becomes [Bleed] - (No Unique)

Item #10 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223346, 223347, 223348
Roll Result: 19, 8, 5 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: ACC, Para, Keen
Acquisition ID: 214979e

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223349 | LD: 7 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223350 | LD: 8 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223351 | LD: 20 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223352 | LD: 16 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #11 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223353, 223354, 223355
Roll Result: 13, 11, 16 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, ACC
Acquisition ID: 214980a

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223356 | LD: 16 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223357 | LD: 18 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223358 | LD: 18 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223359 | LD: 9 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #12 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223360, 223361, 223362
Roll Result: 14, 10, 14 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: ACC 2, Para
Acquisition ID: 214980b

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223363 | LD: 9 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223364 | LD: 12 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223365 | LD: 6 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223366 | LD: 12 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #13 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223367, 223368, 223369
Roll Result: 15, 15, 5 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: ACC 2, Keen
Acquisition ID: 214980c

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223370 | LD:20  - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223371 | LD: 2 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223372 | LD: 19 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223373 | LD: 12 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Items #14-26
Crafting Respite: Dragon's Breath | 174610


Item #14 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223374, 223375, 223376
Roll Result: 9, 10, 19 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, ACC
Acquisition ID: 214980d

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223377 | LD: 2 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223378 | LD: 18 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223379 | LD: 13 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223380 | LD: 16 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #15 - KEEP

Name: tbd +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223381, 223382, 223383
Roll Result: 13*, 14, 12 (*Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: VO/Env(O), Bleed 2, ACC
Description: tbd
Acquisition ID: 214980e

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #223384 | LD: 16 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [ACC] ID #223385 | LD: 19 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #223386 | LD: 17 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #223387 | LD: 8 - becomes [Bleed] - (No Unique)

Item #16 - KEEP

Name: tbd +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223388, 223389, 223390
Roll Result: 17, 11, 16 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: ACC 2, Para, AA/Phase, Taunt
Description: tbd
Acquisition ID: 214981a

Re-roll +1: [Para] ID #223391 | LD: 10 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Para] ID #223392 | LD: 11 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Para] ID #223393 | LD: 15 - becomes [AA/Phase] - (BD 10, CD 10+1=11 | Unique)
Re-roll +4: [ACC] ID #223394 | LD: 3  - becomes [Taunt] - (No Unique)

Item #17 - KEEP

Name: tbd +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223395, 223396, 223397
Roll Result: 7*, 4, 16  (*Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Freeze/Burn. Taunt, ACC, Para
Description: tbd
Acquisition ID: 214981b

Re-roll +1: [ACC] ID #223398 | LD: 9 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Para] ID #223399 | LD: 4 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [Keen] ID #223400 | LD: 5 - becomes [Keen] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [Keen] ID #223401 | LD: 9 - becomes [Para] - (No Unique)

Item #18 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223402, 223403, 223404
Roll Result: 4, 3, 8 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Keen 2, Para
Acquisition ID: 214981c

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223405 | LD: 2 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223406 | LD: 7 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223407 | LD: 15 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223408 | LD: 8 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #19 - KEEP

Name: tbd +4
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223409, 223410, 223411
Roll Result: 13, 6, 8 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Para, Bleed, Taunt, Freeze/Burn
Description: tbd
Acquisition ID: 214460

Re-roll +1: [Taunt] ID #223412 | LD: 7 - becomes [Freeze/Burn] - (BD 10, CD 9+1=10 | Unique)
Re-roll +2: [Bleed] ID #223413 | LD: 14 - becomes [ACC] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [ACC] ID #223414 | LD: 8 - becomes [Bleed] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [Bleed] ID #223415 | LD: 9 - becomes [Bleed] - (No Unique)

Item #20 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223416, 223417, 223418
Roll Result: 7, 9, 19 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, ACC
Acquisition ID: 215133a

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223419 | LD: 19 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223420 | LD: 11 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223421 | LD: 15 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223422 | LD: 7 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #21 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223423, 223424, 223425
Roll Result: 3, 8, 6 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Taunt, Bleed 2
Acquisition ID: 215133b

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223426 | LD: 11 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223427 | LD: 10 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223428 | LD: 9 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223429 | LD: 20 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #22 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223430, 223431, 223432
Roll Result: 17, 18, 20 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: ACC 3
Acquisition ID: 215133c

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223433 | LD: 6 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223434 | LD: 16 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223435 | LD: 2 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223436 | LD: 20 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #23 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223437, 223438, 223439
Roll Result: 14, 6, 11 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: ACC, Keen, Para
Acquisition ID: 215653a

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223440 | LD:  - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223441 | LD:  - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223442 | LD:  - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223443 | LD:  - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #24 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223444, 223445, 223446
Roll Result: 9, 9, 2 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, Keen
Acquisition ID: 215653b

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223447 | LD: 15 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223448 | LD: 18 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223449 | LD: 5 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223450 | LD: 9 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #25 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223451, 223452, 223453
Roll Result: 11, 4, 20 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Taunt, Para, ACC
Acquisition ID: 215463b

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223454 | LD: 13 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223455 | LD: 6 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223456 | LD: 9 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223457 | LD: 10 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)

Item #26 -SCRAP

Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID: 223458, 223459, 223460
Roll Result: 19, 3, 20 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: ACC 2, Keen
Acquisition ID: 215466a

Re-roll +1: [X] ID #223461 | LD: 18 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +2: [X] ID #223462 | LD: 3 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +3: [X] ID #223463 | LD: 1 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)
Re-roll +4: [X] ID #223464 | LD: 16 - becomes [X] - (No Unique)


Edited by Freyd
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Posted (edited)

Rank 5 Appraiser (Base: BD 10, CD 8+ for unique, 10 identifications per day)
+1 to CD from Hermes’ Scale
+2 EXP: Hard Working (also +1 IDs per day)
+2 EXP: Lucrative (Firm Anima) (also +2 IDs per day)
+1 EXP: Custom Ambition Tool (bought from own shop 2020-07-16)


2x T4 Perfect Items (@3040 col) = 6,080 col

Total Cost: 6,080 col

Net Cost to Banker:  6,080 col 

Items #1 - #2


Item #1 - KEEP

Using 3x Mystic Essence (219722b, 219203, 219106) to select Holy for first enhancement

Name: tbd
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223478, 223479
Roll Result: 7, 9 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Holy, Para 2 
Description: tbd
Acquisition ID: 215466b

Item #2 - KEEP

Using 3x Mystic Essence (219486, 219442, 219545) to select Fallen for first enhancement

Name: tbd
Your Profession:  Appraiser
Your Rank: Rank 5
Roll ID:  [Mystic Essence], 223480, 223481
Roll Result: 19, 14 (No Unique)
Item Type:  Weapon (tbd)
Tier: T4
Quality:  Perfect
Enhancements: Fallen, ACC 2
Description: tbd
Acquisition ID: 215466c


Edited by Freyd
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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

It had been too long since Freyd had actually travelled to Angel's Point and visited the paltry arrangement of derelict furniture that passed itself off as Freyd Edges.  Honestly, he might have renamed it as Dingo Nap Nook, if the boy hadn't actually taken better to his duties since his sister's departure.  Sorting through the carefully crafted mess that was his piling system, something soon caught the Whisper's eye as out of place.

"What's this?"  A furrowed brow and burgeoning consternation mixed with potential for alarm to form a noxious and deadly concoction.  The name alone merited concern.  "Sundered... goddamn it."  Pinching his nose, as if that might somehow delay the inevitably headaches his mind inevitably conjured to be on the horizon, he turned his appraiser's eyes upon the crystals.  They were both familiar and not, stray veins of brackish black corruption coursed their way through the translucent crystals.  "Corrupted corruption?  Yeah... because that always leads to better things."  Persi's head poked up, eyes alight with curiosity.  She sniffed at the air around Lummox's (re: Freyd's) head before settling on the vial of tainted pheromones. 

"Hell no," he quickly interrupted, snatching the vial before the excessively curious shadow mongoose to down it unfriendly-looking contents.  "There's no way you're getting into that."  The vial, instantly banished to the backwaters of his inventory, was reserved for later consideration. 

Glancing at the pile of other items left by the diminutive blonde captain, he picked one awkwardly balanced piece and melted the rest down to slag with a wave of his hand.  "This one's not bad.  Gonna need to dip into my stocks to find other pieces to make it decent."  He might as well have volunteered to foray into the Black Iron Dungeon for Spring cleaning, given the magnitude of materials collecting dust in his vaults.  

Several hours later, Katoka received a familiar ping from her UI.

From: Freyd
To: Katoka

Cobbled something for you out the pile of crap you left on my other piles of crap.  Saw the special bonus gifts too.  Swing by, when you have a moment.  We need to talk.


Freyd gives @Katoka

Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana) | Holy 2 | Fallen 2 
Fusion ID: 223484
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, look to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=681155

Edited by Freyd
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The samurai wished she could it was a pleasure to pick up any goods from her close friend, sadly that would be a lie. Freyd Edges was in desperate need of a makeover, and some tidying, and hell Freyd could probably burn it down and rebuild faster than the time it would take to fix the place up. However there was also something still welcoming about it. Katoka wasn't sure if it was because she was so close to the Whisper, or if she had just gotten used to the "organized chaos" that he referred to, but she still felt a smile touch her face when she managed to find the weapon he had left behind for her without having to look for too long.

Katoka gave it a once over before equipping it, feeling a sense of power roll though her. She didn't know if it was a placebo effect, or the actual weapon at her side. With a nod she turned to leave, making a mental note to message Freyd about a meet up spot.


Katoka Recieves:


Muramasa's Legacy +4 | T4 Demonic Weapon (Katana) | Holy 2 | Fallen 2 
Fusion ID: 223484
Description: A weapon forged by the legendary swordsmith, this blade brings death and destruction to all those who meet it's edge. Those who wield it are said to be cursed to wander from battle to battle, looking to quench their thirst for blood. It's Tsuka are an alternating white and black, the white added by a priest in an attempt to protect the wielder, the black there to increase their power.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=681155


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  • 1 month later...

It probably would have been easier to stop into a cook's shop, and Kana would have felt less foolish doing so. Of course, she realized this seconds after entering the appraiser's shop. To cover the sudden doubt, the young woman pumped more energy into her stride, a confident swagger carrying her up to the front counter. She draped an arm lazily over the edge, then peered deeper into the shop, before calling out, "Hey there, I heard through the grapevine that you had a couple of low-level snacks lying around? My friend and I could use them." Fishing a handful of starting materials from her inventory, she let them spill onto Freyd's counter. "Hopefully this should cover it?"

Kana receives:


Artisan Chocolate Bar - T1 Perfect Dessert | Mitigation III (x4)
A hand-crafted chocolate bar wrapped in a glossy pink wrapper.
[195493a, 195522a, 195523c, 195537a]


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Posted (edited)

To: Tricolor_Mina
From: Freyd

Cobbled together a little something I thought you might appreciate in advance of the next raid.  Swing by my shop in Angel's Point, when you have a moment.  We can share a cup of coffee and catch up.  Call it a 'thank you' for your ongoing efforts.  You don't easily give up on people.  That matters - a lot.  If this trifling gift can provide you with some sense of how much what you do truly matter, all the better.

Your friend.


It had taken him hours and dozens of drafts to properly preparing, purging out all the jargon and technobabble to distill the message down to what mattered most.  Without Mina's persistence, he'd still be trapped in his own head terrorized by twisted perceptions of a world out to get him.  Looking out the picture window in his new home, feeling treasured beyond anything imaginable, it felt right to return the favour in some tiny way.

"Thank you, Violet."



Freyd leaves the following item for @tricolor_mina:

Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Demonic Weapon (WH) - Abs.Acc., Phase, Holy 2
Fusion ID: 224208
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=683139

Edited by Freyd
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Violet looked at the message with a smile on her face. Freyd had changed so much since she'd first met him, and it was wonderful to watch him blossom into someone who seemed so full of life. It was a far cry from the snarky shadow that he'd been at their first meeting, and it had been delightful to be a first-hand witness to it. As she entered his store, he'd see a gentle, genuine smile on her face as she waved to him. "You know I'd happily join you for some coffee any time, Freyd." she gratefully accepted the package from him, plopping it right into her inventory. "Or maybe even a fishing trip? That sand shark still has me wondering if we can fish something out of the sand sea after all~"


Mina claims the following from freyd :3c
Trial by Fire +4 (T4 Demonic Weapon (WH) - Abs.Acc., Phase, Holy 2
Fusion ID: 224208
A redwood staff shod with brass at both ends, the haft glows with crimson light when wielded in battle.
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19579-freyds-evaluations/?do=findComment&comment=683139

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Ariel stepped into Freyd Edge's, the modest shop situated near the ruined monastery on the outskirts of Angel's Point. The place had a certain charm despite its ramshackle appearance, with tables and tents creating a makeshift yet functional display area for artefacts. She took a second to remines on long forgotten times when this floor was the 'frontline' and her adventures here at the time.

She was greeted by Quip, who was hunched over the counter, meticulously polishing a set of old relics. Her green eyes flicked up from her work, clearly unimpressed by the interruption but professionally courteous nonetheless. Ariel approached, her arms full of recent finds—including the mysterious items from the treasure chest she had discovered by her estate.

Excuse me!” Ariel said, placing the items on the counter. “I need these appraised. Can you assist with that?


  • 3x T4 Unid. Perfect Weapon# (223742, 223742-1, 223745)
  • 2x T4 Unid. Perfect Armor/Shield# (223726, 223745)
  • 2x T4 Unid. Perfect Consumable# (223745, 223745-1)
  • 5x T4 Unid. Rare Weapon# (223724, 223724-1, 223728, 223728-1, 223742)
  • 1x T4 Unid. Rare Armor/Shield# 223726
  • 4x T4 Unid. Rare Consumables# (223724, 223724-1, 223728, 223728-1)

Total Payment = 38544 Col



3 x 3040 = 9120
2 x 3040 = 6080
2 x 1440 = 2880
5 x 2080 = 10400
1 x 2080 = 2080
4 x 1120 = 4480

+10% = 3504



Edited by Ariel - The Crowned Lion
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

"DINGO!"  The sudden barked caused a hefty clang and thump to follow from around one of the ruin walls, sounding suspiciously like someone falling out of a hammock. 

"You've got a punter, ye lazy lout.  Git yer butt oot 'ere 'n' deal wi' a' this stuff. Ah juist finished sorting freyd's ridiculous 'piling system' while ye napped th' efternoon awa'. Sae ye git tae deal wi' th' customers!"   Nearly frothing at the mouth as she terrorized her brother back into a waking semi-functional state, her temper vanished just as suddenly as she beamed up at Ariel, admiring her impressive garb and regalia. "Those ur mighty braw hings ye'v git thare, m'lady.  Hopefully we kin fin' something suitably among thae ither doo-dads tae add tae yer collection." 

Unwilling to risk his sister's recurring wrath, Dingo, the shop owner's apprentice soon had the order filled and suitable items returned to Ariel for use.



"You've got a customer, you lazy lout.  Get your butt out here and deal with all this stuff. I just finished sorting Freyd's ridiculous 'piling system' while you napped the afternoon away.  So you get to deal with the customers!" 

"Those are mighty fine things you've got there, m'lady.  Hopefully we can find something suitably among these other doo-dads to add to your collection."


Ariel is provided with:

Indiscretion | T4 Rare Weapon (Katana) | Paralytic Venom (Offensive) | ACC I
Closer to the size of a wakizashi, this diminutive katana has a habit of making appearances where it shouldn't.
Acquisition ID: 223724-1 | Appraisal IDs: 224357, 224358

Aphrodite's Panties | T4 Rare Armor (Cloth) | Holy Blessing | REC I
Ever fresh and ready for whatever might come next.
Acquisition ID: 223726 | 
Appraisal IDs: 224365, 224366

Mega-Duper Anti-Everything Sauce | Tierless Perfect Consumable (Salve) | Antidote III
A small container of golden coloured goo that soothes the nostrils, mind, and provides a panacea of any ailment. Smells like angel farts.
Acquisition ID: 
223745 | Appraisal ID 224353

Pure Unadulterated Rage | T4 Perfect Consumable (Meal) | Mitigation III
If you're angry enough, nothing can get through to affect you.
Acquisition ID: 223745-1 | Appraisal ID: 224354

Concentrated Joy | T4 Rare Consumable (Snack) | Vitality II
Sickly-sweet sticks of super-sappy happy goodness that just makes everything better.
Acquisition ID: 223724 | Appraisal ID: 224367

Scroogey Snacks | T4 Rare Consumable (Snack) | Prosperity II
Small tasty treats that resemble dog biscuits at first glance, but are shaped like a duck’s head with a top hat.
Acquisition ID: 223728 | Appraisal ID: 224369

2x Red Velvet Meringue | Tierless Rare Consumable (Snack) | EVA II
A super-rich, chocolatey treat that spreads warmth and comfort within anyone who eats it, taking them to their emotional happy place and rendering them untouchable to lesser slights.
Acquisition ID: 223724-1 | Appraisal ID 224368
Acquisition ID: 223728-1 | Appraisal ID 224370


Edited by Freyd
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