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[BR-F28] Paving the Way to Floor 29 [Team 2: Freyd]

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From the broken earth at their feet, a low hanging mist began to form, a cacophony of whispers and moans rising to meet them. Lost souls rose from the depths below once more. Tethered to this withering grove by some unknown power. Forced against whatever of their will remained to do the bidding of this corrupted creature. Without direction or much purpose, the spirits circled the grouping of players, creating their own tightrope between the realm of spirits and the physical world. Callisto was able to cross this threshold, becoming partially ethereal in the process. His form would blend with the other souls, his physical form blinking in and out of existence. Blades would phase through the cyan vortex of spirits as they attempted to pin Callisto's form down once more. Only with pinpoint precision could they cut the thread that the raging beast walked upon.

Round 9 has begun.
Players will have until 12/14/2024 | 11:59:59 PM (EST) to complete their post

[Countdown Timer]

Lair action Descriptions:
Blooming Decay | LD 1-5 | Callisto will regenerate 1% of his maximum hitpoints at the start of his next turn, when this occurs this effect ends. This buff can be removed before Callisto's turn if Burn is applied/refreshed by your party.
Nature's Fury | LD 6-10 | At the start of Callisto's next turn, all players are inflicted with bleed 2. If this would refresh an existing bleed, the entire damage is dealt before refreshing. This effect is removed when your party uses their post actions to make a culminative LD (Nimble + Evasion Modifier) roll of 30 to free themselves from their binds and assist their team.
Stride the Spirit Realm | LD 11-15 | While Callisto has this buff, his evasion is set to 10 and the first successful attack does not deal damage (Status effects will still apply). After the first successful attack, this buff is removed (i.e., successive attacks will deal damage and his evasion is reset to its normal amount). In addition, while under the effects of Stride the Spirit Realm, all activated Accuracy bonuses (Rally, Concentration, etc.) provide double the normal accuracy modifier during player's attacks.
Addled Memory | LD 16-20 | Harrowing sounds of old drown out deeper thoughts, your party can no longer use items until the start of Callisto's next turn. This effect is removed when your party uses their post action to make a culminative LD (Searching + Detect + Trinket + Food) roll of 30 to shake themselves out of this stupor. 

Lair Action Roll:

ID 238722 | LD 11 -> Stride the Spirit Realm

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Somehow, Freyd was back again. This was the second time the tank had faked him out, but last time he saw the man's HP bar go down to zero. What was going on? Was this like last time? Like Alkor? Was something changing and death was no longer on the table? Maybe there was some trick and no one had really died. Or maybe Freyd was in on it.

How else could people die and come back? It should be impossible, but there wasn't any explanation.

Speculation could wait though.

"A little heads up next time you need to go AFK to change your avatar."

Turning to face Callisto, Baldur watched its movements once more as spirits of the 'afterworld' reached up to them, clawing and grasping in the fog.

"Unlucky for you, I have a sword that cuts ethereal teathers."

With a flick of his wrist, <<Zanshin - Ethereal Teather>> cut a swath through the mist, clearing the air around them and leaving Callisto bear. In just as clean and swift of a motion, Baldur sheathed the sword and leapt at Callisto, drawing <<Muramasa>> once once more and bring the blade down. Again, he hit an invisible barrier, but this time he pushed through, and the fire and blight of the corrupted flames bit into the undead bear and burned part of it away.

"Come on, lets wrap this up before anyone really gets hurt!"

ID# 238777 BD10 CD7 (no ST-B), CRIT +2 DMG, Blight Proc 32 DMG, Burn Proc 56 DMG
ID# 238778 CD8 (Rec Proc +8 energy)

Pre-Post Action: Energy Regen+4, Horn +2, +58 BH
Post Action: Tech-A (Stun), Recovery Proc +8 Energy
TECH-A [x12](11 EN) | STUN |  0 dealt (Spirit Stride) +80 Unmit. Stun Applied



[16] Macradon | HP: 1115/1115 | EN: 66/130 | DMG: 25 | MIT:179 | ACC:7(+2) | PHASE | RHINO 2.6 (40%) [1/1] | F-SPIRIT | FR.AURA: 8 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | BH:61 | VAMP-O: 123 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[13] Wulfrin | HP: 611/829 | EN: 75/108 | DMG: 28 | MIT:92 | ACC:9(+2) | AA | EVA:1[+1, -1 (RH)] | BLD-IM (N) | BH:27 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3 | BIZ-DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | STNG [x1] | PROB:36 | SAND-A | JEWEL | HORN | Clean
[42] Freyd | HP: 1512/1512 | EN: 163/178 | DMG: 8| MIT: 315 | ACC:7(+2) | AA | TAUNT 3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | THORNS: 40 | BH: 83 | VAMP-D: 83 | VAMP-O: 166 | BLD: 96 | ENV-O: 32 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | PARA-V | LD:8  | PROB:48 | CAIN: 50 | HORN | Clean 
[10] Zandra | HP: 1082/1127 | EN: 95/130 | DMG: 18 | MIT:195 | ACC:3(+2) | FRZ-IM | PARA-IM | FL.AURA: 16 | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | DOTE: 1/3 | PROB:48 | HORN | Clean
[14] Baldur | HP: 913/1053 | EN: 94/128 | DMG: 28 | MIT:8 | ACC:8+1[+1](+2) | AA | KEEN: 1 | EVA:4 | THORNS:40 | BH:58 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BRN: 56 | BLT 32 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | DOTE: 1/3 | STNG [x1] | HORN
[6] Crozeph | HP: 646/840 | EN: 51/102 | DMG: 22 | MIT:104 | ACC: [3] 7(+2) | AA | PHASE | EVA: [-2] 2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 4 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD: [-3] 1 | HORN | [Blind 2] | [Madness I 12/3]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+200] | MIT: 65[-20] | ACC: -1[+4][-1] | EVA:0[-1] | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [4/6] | Iron Flesh | Shatter 1: [1/2] | [REND 56/1] | [BLD 96/1] | [BLI 64/1] | [BRN 112/1] | [FRB 80/1] | [STC 80/1] | [TXC-V 64/2] | [ENV-O 32/3] | [ENV-O 32/3]

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Wulfrin was still in laser focus mode, but he could have sworn he saw Freyd continuing to torment Callisto as if nothing had happened. The only explanation Wulfrin had was their shared shill Shades of the Gemini, but it's abilities were barred from events like raids. The whole situation made no sense, and so long as no one took notice, that would solidify that Freyd's "ghost" had just joined his ever-growing chorus of spectral incarnations of his sins.

Callisto was no longer playing around, it was desperate and looking for a chance to escape. Like the previous round it took a stance suggesting it was ready to dodge any attack that came its way and leave shortly after. Baldur would not allow this. As the samurai's blade carved through the bear's tainted hide, Wulfrin executed his follow up maneuver. His blade was close to missing, but his finely tuned weapon wasn't going to miss. The violet hue of his sword art struck Callisto as it had many times before.

"You're slipping," the same eerie whispers from before echoed. "At this rate all of these people will die. Do you want more blood on your shoulders?"

Wulfrin remained silent. Now was not the time to get in his own head. He'd leave the unpacking for after the raid, likely in a bar somewhere in a desperate attempt to get drunk in a game where you physically couldn't.

* * *

Note: Fixed Baldur’s Hate he no longer has 114 hate just 14 XD. Also removed my plot armor potion (since it’s gone now)

Recovery?: ID 238791 | CD 6 | +0 EN
+4 En base
+2 EN horn
Wulfrin regains 6 EN and 27 HP

Post Action: [x17] Tech-B vs Callisto, The Tainted (16 EN) -2 stamina = 14 EN
Free Action(item): Imugi’s Inspiration (Mass Heal)
Mac: Full
Wulfrin: +82 HP
Freyd: Full
Zandra: +112 HP
Baldur: +105 HP
Crozeph: +84 HP

ID: 238792 | BD: 1(AA)+9+2=12 hit | CD: | 28 * 17 = 476 - 45 = 431 + 80 = 511 DMG to Callisto. Delay Applied


[16] Macradon | HP: 1115/1115 | EN: 66/130 | DMG: 25 | MIT:179 | ACC:7(+2) | PHASE | RHINO 2.6 (40%) [1/1] | F-SPIRIT | FR.AURA: 8 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | BH:61 | VAMP-O: 123 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[19] Wulfrin | HP: 720/829 | EN: 67/108 | DMG: 28 | MIT:92 | ACC:9(+2) | AA | EVA:1[+1, -1 (RH)] | BLD-IM (N) | BH:27 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3 | BIZ-DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | STNG [x1] | PROB:36 | JEWEL | HORN | Clean
[42] Freyd | HP: 1512/1512 | EN: 163/178 | DMG: 8| MIT: 315 | ACC:7(+2) | AA | TAUNT 3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | THORNS: 40 | BH: 83 | VAMP-D: 83 | VAMP-O: 166 | BLD: 96 | ENV-O: 32 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | PARA-V | LD:8  | PROB:48 | CAIN: 50 | HORN | Clean 
[10] Zandra | HP: 1127/1127 | EN: 95/130 | DMG: 18 | MIT:195 | ACC:3(+2) | FRZ-IM | PARA-IM | FL.AURA: 16 | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | DOTE: 1/3 | PROB:48 | HORN | Clean
[14] Baldur | HP: 1018/1053 | EN: 94/128 | DMG: 28 | MIT:8 | ACC:8+1[+1](+2) | AA | KEEN: 1 | EVA:4 | THORNS:40 | BH:58 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BRN: 56 | BLT 32 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | DOTE: 1/3 | STNG [x1] | HORN
[6] Crozeph | HP: 730/840 | EN: 51/102 | DMG: 22 | MIT:104 | ACC: [3] 7(+2) | AA | PHASE | EVA: [-2] 2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 4 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD: [-3] 1 | HORN | [Blind 2] | [Madness I 12/3]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+200] | MIT: 65[-20] | ACC: -1[+4][-1] | EVA:0[-1] | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [4/6] | Iron Flesh | Shatter 1: [1/2] | [REND 56/1] | [BLD 96/1] | [BLI 64/1] | [BRN 112/1] | [FRB 80/1] | [STC 80/1] | [TXC-V 64/2] | [ENV-O 32/3] | [ENV-O 32/3]

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The dust had just riled up, the frontlines rallied at the fall of Freyd, the warriors of Aincrad stormed the front, leaving no death as mere meaningless sacrifices, this one had to count, this one mattered. As if the frontlines weren’t already sprouting flurry of attacks one after another with lethal and murderous intent, the onslaught kept on pouring forward, attacks after attacks, strike after strike.

Then out of a sudden, another attack Macradon had not anticipated appeared. An apparition of Freyd’s last will manifested and struck upon the Ursine threat, the murderer! But wait! It wasn’t just an apparition, it wasn’t just the last will of Freyd fighting through the death … it was actually Freyd back in the flesh with a new flair over him.

“Nice beard!” Macradon complimented his dead teammate before suddenly realising what had happened “OK WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!” Macradon exclaimed in utter confusion, Freyd was … still there. Didn’t he just … die? How was he back, what happened? What the fuck actually happened? “Ayo, you gotta tell me your tricks, because this one is getting out of hand, the health bar, the shattering, everything, that’s so … weird …” he mumbled faintly at Freyd before turning around to face the rest of the frontlines again.

With a booming voice, Macradon nonchalantly announced Freyd’s reappearance Nevermind, everyone! Freyd got better!.

He would chuckle and tap his tank on the shoulder with a clenched fist “Good to have you back, long time no see.” he said before running up towards Callisto. He went into a low stance as he dragged his sword behind him like a tail. A quick spin would build up his momentum, his sword raising in height, his hands raising it over his shoulder and would build up even more power as his entire body turned around to deal a good blow at the bear.

“If this little cub can’t kill us, then there’s nothing to worry about! There’s nothing to fear!”


+4 EN
+2 EN [HORN]

ID: 238794 | CD: 2 -> No Recovery Proc

Post Action: ST-B vs Callisto
Free Action: N/A

ID: 238795 | BD: 4+7+2+1=14 -> Hit! | (20+3)x25-45 = 530 Damage to Callisto!
20+2-2 = 20 EN cost


[18] Macradon | HP: 1115/1115 | EN: 52/130 | DMG: 25 | MIT:179 | ACC:7(+2) | PHASE | RHINO 2.6 (40%) [1/1] | F-SPIRIT | FR.AURA: 8 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | BH:61 | VAMP-O: 123 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[19] Wulfrin | HP: 720/829 | EN: 67/108 | DMG: 28 | MIT:92 | ACC:9(+2) | AA | EVA:1[+1, -1 (RH)] | BLD-IM (N) | BH:27 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3 | BIZ-DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | STNG [x1] | PROB:36 | JEWEL | HORN | Clean
[42] Freyd | HP: 1512/1512 | EN: 163/178 | DMG: 8| MIT: 315 | ACC:7(+2) | AA | TAUNT 3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | THORNS: 40 | BH: 83 | VAMP-D: 83 | VAMP-O: 166 | BLD: 96 | ENV-O: 32 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | PARA-V | LD:8  | PROB:48 | CAIN: 50 | HORN | Clean 
[10] Zandra | HP: 1127/1127 | EN: 95/130 | DMG: 18 | MIT:195 | ACC:3(+2) | FRZ-IM | PARA-IM | FL.AURA: 16 | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | DOTE: 1/3 | PROB:48 | HORN | Clean
[14] Baldur | HP: 1018/1053 | EN: 94/128 | DMG: 28 | MIT:8 | ACC:8+1[+1](+2) | AA | KEEN: 1 | EVA:4 | THORNS:40 | BH:58 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BRN: 56 | BLT 32 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | DOTE: 1/3 | STNG [x1] | HORN
[6] Crozeph | HP: 730/840 | EN: 51/102 | DMG: 22 | MIT:104 | ACC: [3] 7(+2) | AA | PHASE | EVA: [-2] 2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 4 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD: [-3] 1 | HORN | [Blind 2] | [Madness I 12/3]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+200] | MIT: 65[-20] | ACC: -1[+4][-1] | EVA:0[-1] | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [4/6] | Iron Flesh | Shatter 1: [1/2] | [REND 56/1] | [BLD 96/1] | [BLI 64/1] | [BRN 112/1] | [FRB 80/1] | [STC 80/1] | [TXC-V 64/2] | [ENV-O 32/3] | [ENV-O 32/3]

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Freyd still had no idea what had just happened.  He'd reached out and accepted his fate, even felt like he'd touched that light at the end of the tunnel and closed his eyes at finding it out it was a bear-shaped train about to his him at full speed.  Whatever.  It had felt right, and still did, even if the outcome wasn't expected in the slightest.

"Why do you guys insist on poking the bear?"  Came his salty reply, as if a joke might assuage their own confusion and misgivings.  Weaving low, then sidestepping the same type of swipe that should have just killed him.  Had it, actually?  Things felt... different, though he couldn't quite place... white hairs?  Please tell me this isn't just some rabbit hole.  

The feel of fuzz about his chin had him especially worried, and everything ached more than it had a moment ago.  But if he had just perished...

Callisto wasn't willing to wait for him to sort out his issues, pressing her ravenous attacks with an outpouring of desperation at the raid dipped into her final health bar.

"She's not dropping fast enough to call this over.  Keep up the pressure.  Same routine as before!"

Resetting his defenses as best he could, Freyd knew he still had a job to do.  Did I just imagine it?  No, the others seem just as confused.

Mac's hand clasped his shoulder as the Imperial Topaz soared to cleave another chunk of bone off their foe's dwindling hide.  Baldur pinned its fleeting spirit, matching his jab with a jibe tossed back his way.  

"Sorry.  It's the bane of my existence," Freyd replied, flicking a few strands of grey over his ear with apparent surprise.  "I... uh.. can't do a thing with it?"

Keeping an eye on the rest of the team, his azure orbs kept timely watch on the back of his fellow Whisper's movements.  They'd likely need a good long fishing trip to sort this all out, once the fight was finally over.


Freyd regains +4 EN +2 HORN

Post Action | Consumes Antidote 3
Free Action [system] | Books upcoming therapy sessions


[18] Macradon | HP: 1115/1115 | EN: 52/130 | DMG: 25 | MIT:179 | ACC:7(+2) | PHASE | RHINO 2.6 (40%) [1/1] | F-SPIRIT | FR.AURA: 8 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | BH:61 | VAMP-O: 123 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[19] Wulfrin | HP: 720/829 | EN: 67/108 | DMG: 28 | MIT:92 | ACC:9(+2) | AA | EVA:1[+1, -1 (RH)] | BLD-IM (N) | BH:27 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3 | BIZ-DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | STNG [x1] | PROB:36 | JEWEL | HORN | Clean
[42] Freyd | HP: 1512/1512 | EN: 169/178 (163+6) | DMG: 8| MIT: 315 | ACC:7(+2) | AA | TAUNT 3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | THORNS: 40 | BH: 83 | VAMP-D: 83 | VAMP-O: 166 | BLD: 96 | ENV-O: 32 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | PARA-V | LD:8 | DOTE 3/3 | PROB:48 | CAIN: 50 | HORN | Clean
[10] Zandra | HP: 1127/1127 | EN: 95/130 | DMG: 18 | MIT:195 | ACC:3(+2) | FRZ-IM | PARA-IM | FL.AURA: 16 | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | DOTE: 1/3 | PROB:48 | HORN | Clean
[14] Baldur | HP: 1018/1053 | EN: 94/128 | DMG: 28 | MIT:8 | ACC:8+1[+1](+2) | AA | KEEN: 1 | EVA:4 | THORNS:40 | BH:58 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BRN: 56 | BLT 32 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | DOTE: 1/3 | STNG [x1] | HORN
[6] Crozeph | HP: 730/840 | EN: 51/102 | DMG: 22 | MIT:104 | ACC: [3] 7(+2) | AA | PHASE | EVA: [-2] 2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 4 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD: [-3] 1 | HORN | [Blind 2] | [Madness I 12/3]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+200] | MIT: 65[-20] | ACC: -1[+4][-1] | EVA:0[-1] | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [4/6] | Iron Flesh | Shatter 1: [1/2] | [REND 56/1] | [BLD 96/1] | [BLI 64/1] | [BRN 112/1] | [FRB 80/1] | [STC 80/1] | [TXC-V 64/2] | [ENV-O 32/3] | [ENV-O 32/3]

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Suddenly, stuff changed as quick as they have happened. The tank of the second team suddenly appeared again. Zandra glanced at the health bars, and it seemed none of them had reached zero. Zandras mind had got confused, had she only imagined it all? If so, why had she imagined it? There was no thing like this in the game they was all playing. Or is it something that have got introduced during the time she had been away from the frontlines? She tried to read the other players face to se if they had seen the same thing she had. There seem to be at least some confusion among the soldiers figthing the bear. Or… could this be a message to make her realise why she was there? Her role was to heal and support her party members, still she had more then once attacked the boss with her axe. She looked down at her open hands. These hands had swung her axe more times then she could count. How many mobs have fallen by her blade? But after all, was that really Sandra? No, it was actually not, and thanks to this strange outcome, she have gotten more insight what she wanted to do. She looked back at the warriors in her team as the accuracy buff she shared with them disappeared. Well, she would keep them stronger as much as she could. And would make sure they was all still there when the bear is not. She took yet another of her mass heal crystals and closed both her fists. She both healed them up as well as made sure they was surrounded by a heavy defence and shared dark blue glow with them.

Rally ends

Post Action: Barrier, -15+4(regen)+2(Horn)=-9 Energy, Damage taken by party reduced by 15%
Free Action: Mass heak crystal, +10%+2%(MEND)=+12% to party:

Macradon: +133-133(full)HP
Wulfrin: +99HP
Freyd: +181-181(full)HP
Zandra: +135-135(full)HP, +4Hate (Totem of the bear)
Baldur: +126-91(full)HP
Crozeph: +100HP


[18] Macradon | HP: 1115/1115 | EN: 52/130 | DMG: 25 | MIT:179 | ACC:7 | PHASE | RHINO 2.6 (40%) [1/1] | F-SPIRIT | FR.AURA: 8 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | BH:61 | VAMP-O: 123 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[19] Wulfrin | HP: 819/829 | EN: 67/108 | DMG: 28 | MIT:92 | ACC:9 | AA | EVA:1[+1, -1 (RH)] | BLD-IM (N) | BH:27 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3 | BIZ-DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | STNG [x1] | PROB:36 | JEWEL | HORN | Clean
[42] Freyd | HP: 1512/1512 | EN: 169/178 (163+6) | DMG: 8| MIT: 315 | ACC:7 | AA | TAUNT 3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | THORNS: 40 | BH: 83 | VAMP-D: 83 | VAMP-O: 166 | BLD: 96 | ENV-O: 32 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | PARA-V | LD:8 | DOTE 3/3 | PROB:48 | CAIN: 50 | HORN | Clean
[14] Zandra | HP: 1127/1127 | EN: 86/130 | DMG: 18 | MIT:195 | ACC:3 | FRZ-IM | PARA-IM | FL.AURA: 16 | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | DOTE: 1/3 | PROB:48 | HORN | Clean
[14] Baldur | HP: 1053/1053 | EN: 94/128 | DMG: 28 | MIT:8 | ACC:8+1[+1] | AA | KEEN: 1 | EVA:4 | THORNS:40 | BH:58 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BRN: 56 | BLT 32 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | DOTE: 1/3 | STNG [x1] | HORN
[6] Crozeph | HP: 830/840 | EN: 51/102 | DMG: 22 | MIT:104 | ACC: [3] 7 | AA | PHASE | EVA: [-2] 2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 4 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD: [-3] 1 | HORN | [Blind 2] | [Madness I 12/3]

Edited by Zandra
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CALLISTOHPBAR_R7.png.8317ace8d0dfbf99bc2bf89b5e90d92a.pngThe beast staggered forward, its massive form looming like a shadow cast over the dying land. Once a proud guardian of the forest, the bear now stood as a grotesque reflection of its former self, its fur matted and blackened with the corruption that seeped through its flesh. Deep, jagged wounds bled darkness rather than blood, oozing onto the cracked earth as though the forest itself were trying to purge its own sickness. Its breath came in ragged, guttural heaves, hot vapor curling from its maw like smoke from a smoldering pyre.

Around it, the forest crumbled. Towering oaks twisted into warped spirals, their bark flaking off in ashen sheets, disintegrating into the fetid air. The ground buckled and cracked beneath the bear’s weight, roots writhing as though trying to retreat from the corruption that poured from every step it took. Leaves that had once glistened in the dappled light of day now hung limp and gray, as if drained of their life. The world itself recoiled in silent agony.

The bear’s eyes glowed with a pale white stained with venomous ink, swirling like a storm caught behind glass. Madness danced within them, but deeper still lay a glimmer of something else—pain. This was not its war, not its hatred, but a curse it could no longer fight. With a shuddering roar that split the deadened air, it charged forward, each lumbering step shaking the earth. Its claws, now jagged obsidian talons, carved furrows into the soil as it swung at unseen foes. Every movement was met with the groaning of the forest, the very earth threatening to collapse into itself, as if trying to bury the beast and its torment forever.

Baldur | survival additional healing (from this round and last): 54 No change to HP as already full
Wulfrin | survival additional healing (from this round and last): +42 HP - Only needed 10. HP full.
Crozeph | Activity Strike 2/3

Lair Action Defense:
Baldur | Hit -> Stride of the Spirit Realm fades

Freyd |  Grappling Familiar refreshed
Zandra | Press The Attack refreshed
Baldur | Charge refreshed
Macradon | Parry [2/3]

[Delay] ACC -2 under rampage | -1 CD 
[Stunned] Ichorus Sweep Disabled (Team 2)
[Barrier] damage to party reduced by 15%

Wulfrin | 511 - delay applied
Freyd | 0
Baldur |  0 - Stride of The Spirit Realm, Stun applied
Macradon | 530
Zandra | 0
Crozeph | 0
Total: 592
Rampage Stacks | 3 ( +150 DMG. +3 ACC)

Totem of the Bear->Freyd's Hatred reduced by -1
Post Action Target -> Freyd
ID  293021 | BD 10 (Crit) | CD 6(-1)=5 | Critical Hit on Freyd. Ichorus Sweep Disabled. Deals 450-315=135 Damage to Freyd. Inflicts Blind 2 - Blocked by Antidote
->Cain: 50

[Stun] Fade
[Delay] Fade
Rampage reset to 0


[18] Macradon | HP: 1115/1115 | EN: 52/130 | DMG: 25 | MIT:179 | ACC:7 | PHASE | RHINO 2.6 (40%) [1/1] | F-SPIRIT | FR.AURA: 8 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | BH:61 | VAMP-O: 123 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[19] Wulfrin | HP: 829/829 | EN: 67/108 | DMG: 28 | MIT:92 | ACC:9 | AA | EVA:1[+1, -1 (RH)] | BLD-IM (N) | BH:27 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3 | BIZ-DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | STNG [x1] | PROB:36 | JEWEL | HORN | Clean
[41] Freyd | HP: 1377/1512 | EN: 169/178 | DMG: 8| MIT: 315 | ACC:7 | AA | TAUNT 3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | THORNS: 40 | BH: 83 | VAMP-D: 83 | VAMP-O: 166 | BLD: 96 | ENV-O: 32 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | PARA-V | LD:8 | DOTE 2/3 | PROB:48 | CAIN: 50 | HORN | Clean
[14] Zandra | HP: 1127/1127 | EN: 86/130 | DMG: 18 | MIT:195 | ACC:3 | FRZ-IM | PARA-IM | FL.AURA: 16 | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | DOTE: 1/3 | PROB:48 | HORN | Clean
[14] Baldur | HP: 1053/1053 | EN: 94/128 | DMG: 28 | MIT:8 | ACC:8+1[+1] | AA | KEEN: 1 | EVA:4 | THORNS:40 | BH:58 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BRN: 56 | BLT 32 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | DOTE: 1/3 | STNG [x1] | HORN
[6] Crozeph | HP: 830/840 | EN: 51/102 | DMG: 22 | MIT:104 | ACC: [3] 7 | AA | PHASE | EVA: [-2] 2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 4 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD: [-3] 1 | HORN | [Blind 2] | [Madness I 12/3]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+150] | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1[+3][-1] | EVA:0 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [3/6] | Iron Flesh | [TXC-V 64/1] | [ENV-O 32/2] | [ENV-O 32/2]

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A frenzy of mangled vines continued to rip and tear into the players. With intent to maim, crush, kill - all of Callisto's rage seeped into nature itself like a venomous poison. An extension of the deformed bear itself, the grove's champion now had extra reach to occupy the intruders. Sharpened barbs climb upon ankles and slink themselves through slips in armor with ease. An earthen smell and a puncture of the skin confirms they were about to be dragged to the ground, a wench to remove these wretched invaders from the strength to stand. The gentle ticks of bars as the near insignificant damage would foreshadow something much greater to come. Rooted by the very roots they had trampled upon, bundled and ready to be delivered to the overseer's waiting maw. Those players would have but a moment or two to see themselves free, else the teeth upon their skin would begin to chew.

Round 10 has begun.
Players will have until 12/19/2024 | 11:59:59 PM (EST) to complete their post

[Countdown Timer]

Lair action Descriptions:
Blooming Decay | LD 1-5 | Callisto will regenerate 1% of his maximum hitpoints at the start of his next turn, when this occurs this effect ends. This buff can be removed before Callisto's turn if Burn is applied/refreshed by your party.
Nature's Fury | LD 6-10 | At the start of Callisto's next turn, all players are inflicted with bleed 2. If this would refresh an existing bleed, the entire damage is dealt before refreshing. This effect is removed when your party uses their post actions to make a culminative LD (Nimble + Evasion Modifier) roll of 30 to free themselves from their binds and assist their team.
Stride the Spirit Realm | LD 11-15 | While Callisto has this buff, his evasion is set to 10 and the first successful attack does not deal damage (Status effects will still apply). After the first successful attack, this buff is removed (i.e., successive attacks will deal damage and his evasion is reset to its normal amount). In addition, while under the effects of Stride the Spirit Realm, all activated Accuracy bonuses (Rally, Concentration, etc.) provide double the normal accuracy modifier during player's attacks.
Addled Memory | LD 16-20 | Harrowing sounds of old drown out deeper thoughts, your party can no longer use items until the start of Callisto's next turn. This effect is removed when your party uses their post action to make a culminative LD (Searching + Detect + Trinket + Food) roll of 30 to shake themselves out of this stupor. 

Lair Action Roll:

ID 239205 | LD 9 -> Nature's Fury

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Zandra had her eyes focused on the bear. The pale white showing the players one thing, pain. She looked at the bear, seeing the wound covered fur. For just a few moments, her mind hesitated. Was it really the right thing to do? What Callisto did was just what she had been programmed to do by the developers of the game. But the hesitation lasted for less then half a second, this was not the time to be weak.

Her left fingers quickly grabbed another one of her crystals. She had probably used more of then today then all other boss fights together. Even still, off the ones she had brought, not even a third have been used so far. At the same time, her right hand painted a glyph in the air infront of her. She knew the healing would barely effect any health at all. But at least it would made six instead of four having their health bars up to full.

At the same time that the short green light healed Frayd and Crozeph, she shouted to the whole party from behind them.”Guys! Come on already! Why does the beast still have health left?! Just kill it already!” and with that, the dark blue glow she had protected them with a few seconds ago faded away, and got replaced by strengthening rainbow coloured light.

Barrier ends.

Post action: Press the attack, -10+4(regen)+2(Horn)=-4Energy, +4 DMG to other players in party
Free action: Mass heal crystal, +10%+2%(MEND)=+12% heal to party.

Macradon: +133-133(full)=0HP
Wulfrin: +99-99(full)+42-42(survival/full)=0HP
Freyd: +181-46(full)=135HP
Zandra: +135-135(full)=0HP, +4Hate (Totem of the bear)
Baldur: +126-126(full)+54-54(survival/full)=0HP
Crozeph: +100-90(full)=10HP


[18] Macradon | HP: 1115/1115 | EN: 52/130 | DMG: 25+(4) | MIT:179 | ACC:7 | PHASE | RHINO 2.6 (40%) [1/1] | F-SPIRIT | FR.AURA: 8 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | BH:61 | VAMP-O: 123 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[19] Wulfrin | HP: 829/829 | EN: 67/108 | DMG: 28+(4) | MIT:92 | ACC:9 | AA | EVA:1[+1, -1 (RH)] | BLD-IM (N) | BH:27 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3 | BIZ-DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | STNG [x1] | PROB:36 | JEWEL | HORN | Clean
[41] Freyd | HP: 1512/1512 | EN: 169/178 | DMG: 8+(4)| MIT: 315 | ACC:7 | AA | TAUNT 3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | THORNS: 40 | BH: 83 | VAMP-D: 83 | VAMP-O: 166 | BLD: 96 | ENV-O: 32 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | PARA-V | LD:8 | DOTE 2/3 | PROB:48 | CAIN: 50 | HORN | Clean
[18] Zandra | HP: 1127/1127 | EN: 86/130 | DMG: 18 | MIT:195 | ACC:3 | FRZ-IM | PARA-IM | FL.AURA: 16 | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | DOTE: 1/3 | PROB:48 | HORN | Clean
[14] Baldur | HP: 1053/1053 | EN: 94/128 | DMG: 28+(4) | MIT:8 | ACC:8+1[+1] | AA | KEEN: 1 | EVA:4 | THORNS:40 | BH:58 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BRN: 56 | BLT 32 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | DOTE: 1/3 | STNG [x1] | HORN
[6] Crozeph | HP: 840/840 | EN: 51/102 | DMG: 22+(4) | MIT:104 | ACC: [3] 7 | AA | PHASE | EVA: [-2] 2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 4 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD: [-3] 1 | HORN | [Blind 2] | [Madness I 12/3]

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Half a bar was left on their tainted foe, and Wulfrin remained lazer focused on the task at hand. The end was within the raid party's grasp. One final push and it would all be over. Zandra's words echoed in his mind. To Wulfrin, it was like a spit in the face, once final laugh by the bear and by extension, Cardinal.

"I'd unload," Wulfrin sighed under his breath. "But it seems my luck is fading."

That left one tactic, continue as if the bear still had plenty of life to cut through. Wulfrin leveled his blade at Callisto before charging forward, closing any distance the bear had gained. A series of cuts and slashes raked across the tainted flesh of Callisto. He remained silent with each strike,  is residual rage still palpable around him from Icingdeath. If Mac was right and Freyd did survive his sacrifice for Wulfrin, there was no way to confirm it here. The custom skill that held the answer remained locked behind the oppressive game mechanics.

"Boss disabled!" Wulfrin shouted over the chaos around him. "Strike hard! Strike true! Pave our way forward!"

* * *

Recovery?: ID 239055 | CD 1 | +0 EN
+4 Base
+2 Horn
Wulfrin regains 6 EN 

Post Action: [x17] Tech-A (16 EN) -2 Stamina = 14 EN vs Callisto the tainted
Free Action: none

ID: 239056 | BD: 1(AA)+9=10 hit | CD: 7 | 28+4=32*17=544-65=479+80=559 DMG to Callisto The Tainted

[18] Macradon | HP: 1115/1115 | EN: 52/130 | DMG: 25+(4) | MIT:179 | ACC:7 | PHASE | RHINO 2.6 (40%) [1/1] | F-SPIRIT | FR.AURA: 8 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | BH:61 | VAMP-O: 123 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[20] Wulfrin | HP: 829/829 | EN: 59/108 | DMG: 28+(4) | MIT:92 | ACC:9 | AA | EVA:1[+1, -1 (RH)] | BLD-IM (N) | BH:27 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3 | BIZ-DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | STNG [x1] | PROB:36 | JEWEL | HORN | Clean
[41] Freyd | HP: 1512/1512 | EN: 169/178 | DMG: 8+(4)| MIT: 315 | ACC:7 | AA | TAUNT 3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | THORNS: 40 | BH: 83 | VAMP-D: 83 | VAMP-O: 166 | BLD: 96 | ENV-O: 32 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | PARA-V | LD:8 | DOTE 2/3 | PROB:48 | CAIN: 50 | HORN | Clean
[18] Zandra | HP: 1127/1127 | EN: 86/130 | DMG: 18 | MIT:195 | ACC:3 | FRZ-IM | PARA-IM | FL.AURA: 16 | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | DOTE: 1/3 | PROB:48 | HORN | Clean
[14] Baldur | HP: 1053/1053 | EN: 94/128 | DMG: 28+(4) | MIT:8 | ACC:8+1[+1] | AA | KEEN: 1 | EVA:4 | THORNS:40 | BH:58 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BRN: 56 | BLT 32 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | DOTE: 1/3 | STNG [x1] | HORN
[6] Crozeph | HP: 840/840 | EN: 51/102 | DMG: 22+(4) | MIT:104 | ACC: [3] 7 | AA | PHASE | EVA: [-2] 2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 4 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD: [-3] 1 | HORN | [Blind 2] | [Madness I 12/3]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+150] | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1[+3][-1] | EVA:0 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [3/6] | Iron Flesh | [TXC-V 64/1] | [ENV-O 32/2] | [ENV-O 32/2]

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Macradon looked frantically from side to side, it was buzzing all around him, and he just didn’t keep up with everything. His mind wasn’t fast enough, so much was going on. He sighed after all the rallying and shouting, and just went in. He lowered himself and got ready for an attack, a quick uppercut towards the ursine threat would be enough to leave a small dent into its massive hull of a health bar. They were getting close, victory could be tasted in the air, they just had to push it the last stretch, less than half a health bar left, they could do  this, they could finish it off here and now, they all just had to push through and let their determination drive them towards greatness. Macradon felt the toll of not being at boss raids frequently, his energy reserves were under half, and he might not make it if the bear had a few more health bars … something didn’t feel right with how much energy he was spending with every attack. He would shrug the thought off for now and just … hit the bear until it died.


+4 EN
+2 EN [HORN]

ID: 239060 | CD: 6 -> No Recovery.

Post action: ST-I vs. Callisto
Free action: N/A

ID: 239061 | CD: 9 -> ST-B Unlocked! | BD: 6+7=13 -> Hit! | (12+3)x(25+4)-65 = 370 Damage
EN: 12-2+2=12 EN spent

[20] Macradon | HP: 1115/1115 | EN: 46/130 | DMG: 25+(4) | MIT:179 | ACC:7 | PHASE | RHINO 2.6 (40%) [1/1] | F-SPIRIT | FR.AURA: 8 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | BH:61 | VAMP-O: 123 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[20] Wulfrin | HP: 829/829 | EN: 67/108 | DMG: 28+(4) | MIT:92 | ACC:9 | AA | EVA:1[+1, -1 (RH)] | BLD-IM (N) | BH:27 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3 | BIZ-DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | STNG [x1] | PROB:36 | JEWEL | HORN | Clean
[41] Freyd | HP: 1512/1512 | EN: 169/178 | DMG: 8+(4)| MIT: 315 | ACC:7 | AA | TAUNT 3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | THORNS: 40 | BH: 83 | VAMP-D: 83 | VAMP-O: 166 | BLD: 96 | ENV-O: 32 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | PARA-V | LD:8 | DOTE 2/3 | PROB:48 | CAIN: 50 | HORN | Clean
[18] Zandra | HP: 1127/1127 | EN: 86/130 | DMG: 18 | MIT:195 | ACC:3 | FRZ-IM | PARA-IM | FL.AURA: 16 | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | DOTE: 1/3 | PROB:48 | HORN | Clean
[14] Baldur | HP: 1053/1053 | EN: 94/128 | DMG: 28+(4) | MIT:8 | ACC:8+1[+1] | AA | KEEN: 1 | EVA:4 | THORNS:40 | BH:58 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BRN: 56 | BLT 32 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | DOTE: 1/3 | STNG [x1] | HORN
[6] Crozeph | HP: 840/840 | EN: 51/102 | DMG: 22+(4) | MIT:104 | ACC: [3] 7 | AA | PHASE | EVA: [-2] 2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 4 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD: [-3] 1 | HORN | [Blind 2] | [Madness I 12/3]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+150] | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1[+3][-1] | EVA:0 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [3/6] | Iron Flesh | [TXC-V 64/1] | [ENV-O 32/2] | [ENV-O 32/2]

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Callisto's claws raked across his upper arm, drawing a string of parallel red gashes that would surely have led to fatal infection if not outright blood loss in a different world.  Fortunately, their berserker healer had his back - all of theirs, really.  The wounds closed nearly as soon as they opened, thanks to Zandra's ongoing and watchful efforts.

Still struggling to find and keep his bearings, Freyd's eyes scanned over adjacent groups as well as his own.  Senses still discombobulated, some things didn't feel quite right.  It was like part of him was missing, left behind and fumbling around in some miasmic void.  With all the time he's spent navigating through shadows, they had become as if second nature to him.  

Parrying several more blows, he managed to do little more than inflict a mix of superficial wounds upon their foe, it's bony carapace littered with bright orange gashes and punctures as players piled on the hurt.  

"Not much left of its mesh, or its last health bar.  Keep it up!"

Stabbing aches in his chest grit his teeth with pain that shouldn't be possible, yet he pushed through.  All I need to do is keep it mad at me.  i can do that.  If not much else, I can always do that...


Freyd regains +4 EN +2 HORN

Post Action | TECH-B (x12, 12 EN): 12 EN - (Stamina) = 10 EN.  
Free Action | None

ID #239062 | BD: 7+7=14 (hit).  DMG (12*12=144-65=79) vs Callisto.  Delay applied. | CD 11 | ST-B unlocked

[20] Macradon | HP: 1115/1115 | EN: 46/130 | DMG: 25+(4) | MIT:179 | ACC:7 | PHASE | RHINO 2.6 (40%) [1/1] | F-SPIRIT | FR.AURA: 8 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | BH:61 | VAMP-O: 123 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[20] Wulfrin | HP: 829/829 | EN: 67/108 | DMG: 28+(4) | MIT:92 | ACC:9 | AA | EVA:1[+1, -1 (RH)] | BLD-IM (N) | BH:27 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3 | BIZ-DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | STNG [x1] | PROB:36 | JEWEL | HORN | Clean
[46] Freyd | HP: 1512/1512 | EN: 163/178 (169+4-10) | DMG: 8+(4)| MIT: 315 | ACC:7 | AA | TAUNT 3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | THORNS: 40 | BH: 83 | VAMP-D: 83 | VAMP-O: 166 | BLD: 96 | ENV-O: 32 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | PARA-V | LD:8 | DOTE 2/3 | PROB:48 | CAIN: 50 | HORN | Clean
[18] Zandra | HP: 1127/1127 | EN: 86/130 | DMG: 18 | MIT:195 | ACC:3 | FRZ-IM | PARA-IM | FL.AURA: 16 | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | DOTE: 1/3 | PROB:48 | HORN | Clean
[14] Baldur | HP: 1053/1053 | EN: 94/128 | DMG: 28+(4) | MIT:8 | ACC:8+1[+1] | AA | KEEN: 1 | EVA:4 | THORNS:40 | BH:58 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BRN: 56 | BLT 32 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | DOTE: 1/3 | STNG [x1] | HORN
[6] Crozeph | HP: 840/840 | EN: 51/102 | DMG: 22+(4) | MIT:104 | ACC: [3] 7 | AA | PHASE | EVA: [-2] 2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 4 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD: [-3] 1 | HORN | [Blind 2] | [Madness I 12/3]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+150] | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1[+3][-1] | EVA:0 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [3/6] | Iron Flesh | [TXC-V 64/1] | [ENV-O 32/2] | [ENV-O 32/2]

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Thorny vines erupted form the ground and tried to grab Baldur and the party. He saw the icon showing the bleed effect appear and then disappear as his antidote worked its purpose. He struck at the vines holding him down to regain his freedom of movement, and then he felt the rainbow glow of Zandra's power fill him.

She was right, it was time to end this.

Baldur spun with his blade, and the arc of the sword art left him and sailed a short distance across the field of battle to strike the boss, but Baldur didn't turn back to look at it. Facing the rest of his party, he began to sheath his sword as was his tradition, and tried to time it so that the boss died at the same time his sword clicked home.

If he timed it right, it would be dramatic as hell. But this is what he practiced for.

Upkeep: Energy Regen: +4 EN, Horn +2 EN, Recovery +8 (ID:239069 CD: 8)
Post Action: ST-I [x16](10 EN) 28+4+3=35x16=560 RAW + 80 Unmit
ID#239070 BD: 4+10=14 (hit)

[20] Macradon | HP: 1115/1115 | EN: 46/130 | DMG: 25+(4) | MIT:179 | ACC:7 | PHASE | RHINO 2.6 (40%) [1/1] | F-SPIRIT | FR.AURA: 8 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | BH:61 | VAMP-O: 123 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[20] Wulfrin | HP: 829/829 | EN: 67/108 | DMG: 28+(4) | MIT:92 | ACC:9 | AA | EVA:1[+1, -1 (RH)] | BLD-IM (N) | BH:27 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3 | BIZ-DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | STNG [x1] | PROB:36 | JEWEL | HORN | Clean
[46] Freyd | HP: 1512/1512 | EN: 163/178 (169+4-10) | DMG: 8+(4)| MIT: 315 | ACC:7 | AA | TAUNT 3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | THORNS: 40 | BH: 83 | VAMP-D: 83 | VAMP-O: 166 | BLD: 96 | ENV-O: 32 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | PARA-V | LD:8 | DOTE 2/3 | PROB:48 | CAIN: 50 | HORN | Clean
[18] Zandra | HP: 1127/1127 | EN: 86/130 | DMG: 18 | MIT:195 | ACC:3 | FRZ-IM | PARA-IM | FL.AURA: 16 | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | DOTE: 1/3 | PROB:48 | HORN | Clean
[15] Baldur | HP: 1053/1053 | EN: 98/128 | DMG: 28+(4) | MIT:8 | ACC:8+1[+1] | AA | KEEN: 1 | EVA:4 | THORNS:40 | BH:58 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BRN: 56 | BLT 32 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | DOTE: 1/3 | STNG [x1] | HORN
[6] Crozeph | HP: 840/840 | EN: 51/102 | DMG: 22+(4) | MIT:104 | ACC: [3] 7 | AA | PHASE | EVA: [-2] 2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 4 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD: [-3] 1 | HORN | [Blind 2] | [Madness I 12/3]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+150] | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1[+3][-1] | EVA:0 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [3/6] | Iron Flesh | [TXC-V 64/1] | [ENV-O 32/2] | [ENV-O 32/2]

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"Blade Demon 1st Form: Roaring Sunder" 

Once again the amorphous liquid that kept on splashing and spilling out of his katana hardened on contact with the enemy, this time the attack seems to be deep enough to sink in the tough hide of the bear; resilience be damned. "Thanks for the buff @Zandra he said as he continued to strafe at Callisto, he may not be the hardest hitting bozo around but he'll rain down cuts like he's got a year long supply of it. Everyone also seems to be trying to process what is going on, he may have a momentary lapse of judgment and observation but Crozeph knew it.

"You don't fuck with Freyd! he's got that boar in him!" 

He knew the man isn't going down without a fight, a sacrifice? Freyd would sacrifice his enemy to win in the eyes of Crozeph. Callisto is nearing the end but the death throes are nowhere to be seen. "for fucks sake, I don't wanna hear latin chants if this bear goes down."


ID: 239104 BD:9 [critical]
[Phase proc] ignore half of enemy MIT

12 + 1 + 4 = 17 x 24 =408 - 32 = 376 damage to Callisto
-12 EN, +4 EN

[20] Macradon | HP: 1115/1115 | EN: 46/130 | DMG: 25+(4) | MIT:179 | ACC:7 | PHASE | RHINO 2.6 (40%) [1/1] | F-SPIRIT | FR.AURA: 8 | FR.THORNS: 8/16 | BH:61 | VAMP-O: 123 | REC: 4 | HLY: 16 | LD:5 | PROB:36 | HORN 
[20] Wulfrin | HP: 829/829 | EN: 67/108 | DMG: 28+(4) | MIT:92 | ACC:9 | AA | EVA:1[+1, -1 (RH)] | BLD-IM (N) | BH:27 | REC: 8 | FRB: 40 | TXC-V: 32 | FRZ: 64 | LD:3 | BIZ-DOTE: 1/3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | STNG [x1] | PROB:36 | JEWEL | HORN | Clean
[46] Freyd | HP: 1512/1512 | EN: 163/178 (169+4-10) | DMG: 8+(4)| MIT: 315 | ACC:7 | AA | TAUNT 3 | F-SPIRIT | EVA:4 | THORNS: 40 | BH: 83 | VAMP-D: 83 | VAMP-O: 166 | BLD: 96 | ENV-O: 32 | FRB: 40 | FRZ: 64 | PARA-V | LD:8 | DOTE 2/3 | PROB:48 | CAIN: 50 | HORN | Clean
[18] Zandra | HP: 1127/1127 | EN: 86/130 | DMG: 18 | MIT:195 | ACC:3 | FRZ-IM | PARA-IM | FL.AURA: 16 | MENDING: 2 | FLN: 16 | BRN: 56 | DOTE: 1/3 | PROB:48 | HORN | Clean
[15] Baldur | HP: 1053/1053 | EN: 98/128 | DMG: 28+(4) | MIT:8 | ACC:8+1[+1] | AA | KEEN: 1 | EVA:4 | THORNS:40 | BH:58 | REC: 8 | FLN: 8 | BRN: 56 | BLT 32 | LD:3 | HELLSTORM: 80 | DOTE: 1/3 | STNG [x1] | HORN
[7] Crozeph | HP: 840/840 | EN: 43/102 | DMG: 22+(4) | MIT:104 | ACC: [3] 7 | AA | PHASE | EVA: [-2] 2 | PARA-IM | BH:46 | REC: 4 | RISK: 8 | FLN: 16 | LD: [-3] 1 | HORN | [Blind 2] | [Madness I 12/3]

Callisto the Tainted | DMG: 300[+150] | MIT: 65 | ACC: -1[+3][-1] | EVA:0 | BLIND 2 (8-10) | RAMPAGE [3/6] | Iron Flesh | [TXC-V 64/1] | [ENV-O 32/2] | [ENV-O 32/2]

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They swarmed Callisto like angry insects, a dark mockery of the honeybee and grumpy bear trope. Light in a kaleidoscope of colors burst like fireworks as Players fell on the dying Floor Boss, weapons of various shapes and sizes piercing its tough hide. The display was hauntingly beautiful against the blood reds and dark shadows of the creature’s lair. Callisto roared its protest, but in its final moments of life, some of the fight seemed to leak away. Did it simply accept its own demise? Was it so discouraged by its failure that it gave up completely? Or were the memories of another life slowly navigating the red haze of rage that clouded its mind? Of a simpler time, when its thoughts were consumed by fish, berries, and long, uninterrupted rests? When the humans simply existed at the edges of his consciousness, as he posed no threat to him, nor they to him. When had that changed? What had lit the fire of all-consuming hatred at its core, and what had continued to stoke the flames until it lost all sense of self? All sense of control?

As the last of its strength drained away, Callisto’s legs buckled, and its enormous mass crashed to the ground with enough force to send Players stumbling. Eyes glazed with pain and confusion the once magnificent guardian of the woods turned its gaze to the heavens. Rather than the stars, diamonds strewn across black velvet, it found only an oily, otherworldly purple smog. That is wrong, was Callisto’s final thought, before it burst into shimmering slivers of data.

With its protector felled, the door to worlds yet unexplored stood silent and waiting. Yet as the Players approached, the door creaked open on its own - had it done that before? - and though the gesture was one of welcome, a strange sense of foreboding fell upon the gathered Frontliners. Perhaps it was the unnerving creak of the door swinging on its hinges, or the relentless drum of rain that could be heard even before crossing the threshold. Or something else entirely.

Undaunted, the bravest among them forged ahead, and emerged into the aforementioned storm. They found themselves in the center of a city, the flickering light from lanterns reflecting off the wet bricks that lined the road. Ducking through open doorways to escape the pelting rain revealed homes and businesses hurriedly abandoned, as rotted food rested on tables, and children's toys lay forgotten on floors. Shutters clung crookedly from broken windows, and the blackened fingers of mold spread across waterlogged walls.

Each building checked held the same - nothing. No NPCs, no answers, and perhaps most disturbing…

“Wait a second,” one Player called out, pausing as her companions gathered around her in the center of town. She jabbed with one finger, directing their attention across the rain-slicked central plaza. “The Teleport Gate is right there, so this has to be the main settlement. But… unless I’m missing something, we’re not in a safe zone. Is that right? Is something broken? Or, God, what is the chance that there are no safe zones here?"

As if in answer, a sound unlike any they had ever heard filled the empty city. The unearthly bellow seemed to invade their very minds, and even as some Players clapped their hands over their ears, all eyes turned toward the source. As lightning forked across the dark sky, it illuminated the behemoth that towered above them.


Welcome, Frontliners, to the twenty ninth floor.


Activity Strikes:

  • Crozeph | 2
  • Morningstar | 1
  • Oscar | 2
  • Alkor | 3 -> Removed from Raid
  • Cordelia | 1
  • NIGHT | 1

Total Word Count:

  • Raid Prep: 14,464
  • Team 1: 15,794
  • Team 2: 18,374
  • Team 3: 15,255
  • Team 4: 19,126
  • Staff: 5,386
  • Total: 88,399


Player True Tier Exp Multiplier* Staff Rewards** Final Exp Laurel Wreath
Macradon 10 1   44199 6629
Wulfrin 5 1.1 2154 27559 4133
Morningstar 7 1 2154 33093 4963
Freyd 18 1.1   87515 13127
NIGHT 16 1.1 2154 80160 12024
Hirru 10 1   44199 6629
Jomei 11 1 2154 50773 7615
Zandra 11 1.1   53481 8022
Crozeph 8 1   35359 5303
Baldur 10 1.1   48619 7292
Acanthus 6 1   26519 3977
Arabelle 4 1   17679 2651
Oscar 9 1   39779 5966
Alkor 9 1 2154 2154 323

Katoka 6 1.1   29171 4375
Cordelia 7 1   30939 4640
tricolor_mina 6 1.1   29171 4375
Koga 10 1.1   48619 7292
Pinball 9 1   39779 5966
Bahr 9 1   39779 5966
Lessa 9 1.1 2154 46126 6918
Zajcica 7 1.1   34033 5104
Ariel-The Crowned Lion 10 1.1   48619 7292
Astralin 5 1   22099 3314

* from slime farm. please notify staff if your slime farm was active but missed.
** Staff rewards based on the average participating tier of 8


Raid Rewards | Choose two (2) of the following items:

  • Callisto Claw: (Unique Material); Removes one enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with [Envenom Offensive]. (This effect cannot override the Envenom Offensive enhancement cap. Consumed on use.)

  • Bear Trap: (T4/Consumable - Free Action/Reusable); Once per combat as a free action can reduce a targets EVA to 0. Effect ends at the start of the user's next turn.

  • Bottled Darkness: (T4/Consumable); A salve that applies [Blind] to a weapon for a single thread.

  • Tainted Hide: (T4/Consumable); Lasts for one thread. DoTs inflicted on the user deal half as much damage.

  • Maddening Hex: (Unique Material); Removes an enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with [Madness]. (This cannot override the Madness enhancement cap. Consumed on use.)


New Enhancements:

Cost: 3 Slots
Cap: 1 Slot
Effect: Natural Critical Attack Rolls of 9-10 reduce the target's Accuracy, Evasion, and Loot Die by 2 for 2 turns. Does not stack but can be refreshed.
Applicable to: Salves

Cost: 1 Slot
Cap: 2 Slots
Effect: Natural Critiacal Attacks rolls of 9-10 (one slot) or natural succcessful attack rolls of 8-10 (two slots) deal (3 * Tier) unmitigated Psychic damage each enemy turn for 4 turns on a Non-Boss enemy. Additional applications increase the stacks by 1. This does not increase the damage, but instead once a target has sustained [Madness 3] the target's next turn is decided by the inflictor of [Madness 3]. This cannot cause an enemy to do anything harmful to itself, but it does treat the inflictor and party members as an ally.
Applicable to: Weapons 




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Feeling as though he might never quite escape the lingering sensations burning across his chest and back, memory of claws and bite fester just as vividly as the 'real' ones had.  He very inevitably felt drawn towards one particular reward.  Drained by their recent experiences, Freyd's shoulders slumped despite his best efforts to the contrary as he made his way to the portal arch.  Someone had to test and ensure that it actually worked.  

"Fortaleza."  A gush of warm wind accompanied his disembodiment, only to remanifest a moment later, already covered in a light haze of reddish desert dust.  "Safe zone or not, the portal works, though I don't relish how obvious an ambush point this place might become."

A quick scan of the others still coming to terms with the raid's end and he made ready to depart.  He needed to be elsewhere, and whatever horrors waited in abundant nooks and crannies could linger a while longer. 

"Zandra," he began,  "Your efforts pulled us through.  I'm glad you chose to stick with healing.  It saved us all today."

"Cro.  You stepped up and kept your cool, even when loved ones were in danger elsewhere on the field.  That's not easy, and you held the line when it mattered most."

Eyes drifting to the Imperial Topaz and Gaijin Samurai, Freyd nodded with gratitude to the two veteran examplars.  "Mac, Baldur, thank you both, especially for being at the ready when things went... sideways.  I'm still not quite sure what happened there, and need some time to untangle it all in my head."

His closest friend he'd saved for last, unsure how to approach things.

"Wulfrin?  Brother.  If you need to talk..?  Maybe.  Maybe we both do?"  Brow furrowed beneath a shock white tuft of hair laced with strands of greying black, his features older and more worn than they were not long ago, Freyd chose to save conversations with others for another time.

Turning to call his frolicking familiar to his side, his breath died before the words could form.  Pursed lips and a clench jaw failing to mask a difficult truth to swallow.  

"I'll catch you all later.  Call me when you need me.  I'll be there."  Dark gauntlet meeting the arch, he paused to lean against it for a moment.


Then he was gone.


Freyd chooses:

2x Bear Trap | 4/Consumable | Free Action [item] | Reusable (Once per combat) | Reduce a targets EVA to 0 until the start of your next turn.
Tag ID 239174a | 239174b

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Baldur watched Freyd go. He appeared to be a man haunted, but Baldur had watched him die and then get better. It was beyond suspicious. He had seen too many people die not to wonder why Freyd got a second chance when so many others didn't.

That's not entirely fair, some of them did get a second chance.

That fight, at least, seemed to have a context that made sense. The one and only thing Baldur could count on for Kayaba Akihiko was that he made rules for his game and stuck with them. They were fair in the same ways that gravity was fair. He wasn't capricious with his death game more than obvious conceit.

So what did that make Freyd? Someone to be watched, no doubt.

Could Freyd BE Kayaba? Or perhaps a plant to make sure things go the way he wants them to go?

It was something that Baldur may need to consider.

Turning to the new doorway, Baldur moved through it and up to the 29th Floor. 

Baldur Chooses:

239178a - Bear Trap | 4/Consumable | Free Action [item] | Reusable (Once per combat) | Reduce a targets EVA to 0 until the start of your next turn.

239178b - Tainted Hide | (T4/Consumable); Lasts for one thread. DoTs inflicted on the user deal half as much damage.


**Note to Staff** Baldur used a Mass Heal crystal in this thread. It is ID# 143737-2

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The usage of a teleport gate signified to Wulfrin that Freyd wasn't just some freakish activation of their shared Custom Skill. Gemini couldn't use them to travel between floors. Or could they? Regardless of the current circumstance, Wulfrin only stood in guilt stricken horror as the dark ruins of the floor lay out before the party. The place gave him the chills. Something wasn't right. No safe zones, no NPCs, just the unnatural feeling that something was trying to claw its way in. Perhaps Callisto was just the beginning, or worse a warning that whatever is happening here may be spreading. Deep down Wulfrin knew he was going to have his work cut out for him.

The offer to talk from his Brother in Shadows, weighed heavy on him.

"Yeah," Wulfrin muttered as he looked at his blackened and scarred left hand. "We'll meet up later. Go see Elora." The Whisper was already gone before he could finish his sentence.

* * *

Wulfrin claims:

2x Bear Trap | (T4/Consumable - Free Action(item)/Reusable); Once per combat as a free action can reduce a targets EVA to 0. Effect ends at the start of the user's next turn.
ID: 239179a |

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The bear fell as would its kin when hunted in caves with spears and knives. Ereshkigal thrummed, it acted as if it was reveling at the realization of victory. He sheathed his katana, a trusty companion he's been entwined with for a good while now. "Well, that settles it, bears should wear protection next time or their cubs will grow like this Yogi bear" he said.

Freyd uttered words, he seemed to have found Crozeph's rationality in times of pressure a good thing. Crozeph hadn't thought of that, he simply aimed for the results he wanted. Maybe tailor his moves to land in a patch green, lush luck. "That's how we do things unknowingly Freyd, our situation is already absurd-" he scratched his head and gave @Freyd a faint smile "no need to add another variable of uncertainty."

Whatever happened to Freyd is definitely out of ordinary but Crozeph knew there'd be answers someday. He picked up his rewards and started to make his way to Yuki, a much awaited reunion is within his grasp.


Crozeph received:

Maddening Hex x1 [239192-1]
Bear Trap x1 [239192-2]

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Macradon sighed in relief as he saw the bear would tumble to the ground and shatter on death. They had defeated the foe, they had cleared the 28th floor and the 29th was open for them to venture into. The Imperial Topaz sheathed his sword and stretched his body after the exhilarating fight, it had been quite the experience getting to see such a formidable tank just face every danger straight on, while also dying, but not actually. There was so much to unpack, there was so much to think about, but that was of no concern for the knight as he accepted the raid loot and turned away from the entrance to the next floor “Exploration isn’t really my bag right now … cya guys later. Thanks for everything.” he said and walked back home. It was weird, something so exhausting and straining was over, done in a few minutes while it felt like eons.


Macradon claims:

Bear Trap | ID: 239481

Maddening Hex | ID: 239482

Edited by Macradon
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