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PP - F2 A Trip to the High Fields (Teayre) (Completed)

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As Teayre fell over Calrex looked over in surprise as she made a loud thump once connecting with the ground, "Teayre, are you alright?"


"He thinks I am perfect.... Purrrrfect..."


He was about to reach over to check and see if Teayre was hurt when her eyes opened, a warming smile coming on her face. As Calrex got a better look he saw her eyes were like the first night they stayed at the Hogsback Inn, focused on him and shining like diamonds. He felt his heart racing once again as he continued to look at her, "A-Are you ok?"


"I...I guess that's a good reaction. And I honestly meant what I said...I hope I didn't trip up somewhere."

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Rolling around in the grass, a bemused smile on her face she keeps muttering on about being perfect. Looking at Calrex, Teayre begins to blush a deep red before reaching her hand out towards his face she slowly strokes it.


"A-Are you ok?"


Letting out a giggle she rolls around some more, her eyes twinkling at the handsome boy before her.


"Handsome boy's asking me if I'm okay... I'm not okay though cause I'm puurrrrffect! Puuurrrrrfect."


Letting her cat like perfect roll of her tongue again, she bats her eyelids at Calrex before sitting up straight slowly leaning in to him and stopping before their noses touch.


"Hiii... I-I'm Teayre... Or Narlia Thar, you can call me which ever you like bluey,"

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Calrex felt a bead of sweat build on the side of his head as Teayre responded to his question...almost like she was drunk.


"Wait...what just happened here? All of a sudden now Teayre's giving accentuations like a cat and is..."


His train of thought was broken as he saw Teayre's face close in on his, coming less than an inch away. Her hair gently brushed his cheeks as she stopped, his face flushing red as the quick movement seemed to part some of the hair in front of his face.


"B-Bluey? Wait what? Wait...Thar...Narlia Thar, is that Teayre's full name? But she just said earlier that she didn't like her last name."


"U-Um...Teayre's just fine."


Calrex gave a smile as his face remained close to hers. Of course the way she had leaned in automatically caused her to be leaning over him as he supported himself up by keeping his arms back.


"I-I can't even maneuver myself around. Is this some new way of pinning me?"

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Letting out a giggle Teayre nudges Calrex's nose with her own, before poking her tongue out and licking the same spot that she'd nudged. Suddenly she leans in slightly further than she should have her balance going she falls over Calrex, their lips meeting as they fall.



Letting out a yelp as she falls on top of her blue haired partner she wraps her arms around his neck before burying her face into his neck.


"Why's his skin cold... It shouldn't be cold... Am I really burning up that much? Damn him, making me this... This embarrassed!"

"C... Callie! Why're you cold?"


SItting up her face was a deep crimson, wrapping her arms around her knees, she feels something boney underneath her.

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As Teayre fell on top of him Calrex felt the weight come down, but was immediately muffled as Teayre accidentally kissed him during the fall. His face was a deep red as Teayre continued to lay on top of him, nuzzling his neck. Feeling her soft skin made his face flush even more as he felt his heart racing.


"C... Callie! Why're you cold?"


"Cold? What do you mean? I think you're the one that's burning up, heh."


He kept his voice light-hearted as he gave a warm smile to Teayre. As she sat up he crossed his legs as he straightened himself as well, making sure he carefully extracted his leg out from underneath Teayre, since she was sitting on his shin, "You alright?"


He leaned in, putting his hand on her forehead while keeping his own close enough so that he could compare temperatures, "Geezes I don't think you can get sick in SAO, but if you were you're burning up right now."


He sat back, gazing into his girlfriend's eyes, keeping a warm smile on his face. As his eyes scanned casually his mind reminded him that Teayre was wearing the dress that he had picked out for her instead of the one she was wearing previously. The thought made his blush deepen as he gave a fake cough, looking away for a second, "By the way...you still look beautiful in that dress..."

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"I'm fine Callie... I'm as fine as I ever will beeeee"


Teayre had begun to seem almost childlike, accentuating different words and elongating them in silly ways and changing the pitch of her voice as she spoke. As she heard Calrex compliment her she blushed even more, trying to avoid the blue haired boy from seeing she leans backwards rolling over her shoulders and lies face down in the grass.


"I didn't h-hear you Cal, w-what did you say?"


Picking a few nearby daisies she holds them beneath her nose sniffing.


"Hmmmm these smell beautiful... What do you think bluey?"


Raising her hand she holds the flowers out towards Calrex, with her face still pressed close to the grass.


"They're pretty arn't they?"

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As Teayre picked some flowers and extended them towards him Calrex gave a smile as he leaned in and gave them a quick sniff, looking at them as Teayre brought them back closer to herself, "Yeah, they have a very unique smell."


He went over and slowly retrieved the daisies from Teayre's hand, looking at them before sitting down next to her, lying on his back so that his head was facing the same direction as hers. He held the daisies in one hand while his other hand gently reached over and brushed her hair, giving a smile, "So was there anything you wanted to see or do while we're up here? There's still a few more snacks in the basket, and it looks like we've still got a lot of time before the sun begins to set."

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Closing her eyes as Calrex brushed her hair to one side as he was almost done she raised her own hand to his holding it to her face. Smiling as she slowly let go of Calrex’s hand she lay down on her side one hand under her head her knees pulled up to her chest she watched the boy next to her in silence as she watched him looking up at the sky.


"So was there anything you wanted to see or do while we're up here? There's still a few more snacks in the basket, and it looks like we've still got a lot of time before the sun begins to set."


A giggle escaping her lips she moves herself perpendicular to him, resting her head on his chest she begins to gaze up at the sky pointing out various clouds that look all sort of different shades. Slowly her eyes began to droop, her arm dropping to her side her mouth forming a small circle as her breathing became very steady. Her head rolled to one side, as her eyes began to move rapidly underneath their lids.

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"I guess that's a fairly clear answer, heh. I guess today was fairly tiring after all."


Calrex gave a smile as he brushed Teayre's hair. From what he could tell she was for sure asleep. He pulled down his menu and made a few quick swipes as the picnic basket and all of the good they brought, save the blanket they were laying on, were stored back in his inventory.


"I guess I'll let her rest for a little bit before trying to wake her up. If nothing seems to stir her I might have to somehow put her into a piggyback position in order to get her back to the settlement."


With that he leaned his head all the way back so that he was looked up at the clouds, "They certainly are neat looking..." He took in the different shapes that seemed to be generated from real life, although a couple ones here and there did seem to stand out.


"I guess whatever algorithm the creators decided to use for the game is really complex. There's no natural way I can think of for them to achieve this kind of effect."

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As the sun began to cast an orange light over on the western horizon, Teayre began to stir. Her eyes slowly blinked open to reveal the waning light of the sky letting out a small sigh of satisfaction she rubbed her head against Calrex's chest before moving to be lying with her chest pressed against his Rob cage.

'C-Cal, h-how long did I sleep for?"

Letting out a long yawn her mouth stretched wide, small bags visible under her eyes Teayre draped an arm over Cal's body. Her eyes were wide as she looked up at his face before she ran a finger along his jaw line.

"It can't of been that long surely... Say how much food is left? Would you like to sleep here under the stars?"

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Unfortunately it seemed like the couple had traded places after Teayre awoke. It had been some time since she had fallen asleep, and since Calrex didn't want to disturb her he remained where he was. Since he hadn't moved his body decided to remind him of his exhaustion, causing to fall into a nap of his own.

He had turned his head to the side facing towards Teayre, his arms still where they were before. His mouth was partially open and the side of his face that was up wad partially covered by his bangs.


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Turning her head Teayre notice that her pillow had fallen asleep for himself, sitting up stretching her arms up high letting out a yawn she looks around raising a hand as a sort of sun shield.


"It's getting fairly late... I should probably wake him."


Looking down at her blue haired companion, she lets out a small sigh as she feels a warming sensation flood through her body. Slowly she moves herself close to him leaning on her elbow by his head she places her free hand on his cheek gently stroking, before leaning in and softly kissing him on the lips.


"I wonder if he'll wake up if I do this..."


Opening up her inventory she selects a pen and draws a few lines on Calrex's face after she finished she returns the pen to her inventory before kneeling and moving Calrex's head onto her lap so that he'd be much more comfortable, on of her hands beginning to gently stroke his forehead and trace the contours of his face.

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Calrex opened his eyes as he slowly woke from his nap, noticing that he was sleeping in a different position, "Huh..."


As his vision began to focus he felt a hand gently stroking his face as his eyes focused on Teayre's face. As he realized he was resting on her lap his face flushed, "Uh...did I fall asleep? Sorry Teayre."


He placed his hands up to his face as he quickly rubbed it to help wake himself up, "How long was I asleep for?"


"...and why does it feel like there's something stuck on my face?"


He rubbed his cheeks a few more times out of slight confusion as he turned to face Teayre, "Is there something stuck on my face? I'm getting weird sensation and I can't get it off."

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Teayre suddenly sits up unaturally straight as Calrex asks if anything is stuck on his face, a hurried "No." along with a small smirk was all he got in response. As her eyes darted about the place she gently stroked his forehead again with her thumb. After letting out a small sigh she seemed to relax a bit more.


"There's nothing on your head, it's almost night time, the sun's just setting would you like to watch the sunset with me? How much food do we have left?"


Looking down at his face she lets out a giggle again.


"Don't be sorry either Callie, I like it like this... Besides... You're cute when you sleep."


As she finished speaking her face turned a bright red, moving her hands to her face she tries to hide whilst beginning to giggle more and more as she occasionally peeks through her fingers.

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"Something seems off...but I don't have a mirror so I guess I really shouldn't worry about it."


"There's nothing on your head, it's almost night time, the sun's just setting would you like to watch the sunset with me? How much food do we have left?"


"Wow, it's already that late?"


Calrex sat up as he looked around the field. As Teayre said previously, it looked like the area was beginning to be tinted with a yellow-ish orange glow as the sun began to descend back towards the horizon. He turned to face Teayre, seeing that the glow seemed to bring out and compliment the redness of her dress. He felt a warmth rush to his face as his heart began to race. He gave a smile as he nodded, "Sure, this place is considered a safe zone, so that would be perfectly fine."


Upon hearing Teayre call his sleeping face cute he felt his cheeks flush, even more so when she reacted by covering her face with her hands as she giggled. He gave a friendly smirk as he leaned in, "Sure, I'm the cute one huh? Looks who's talking."


He reached up and brushed the back of her hair as he shifted to sit next to her.

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"Sure, I'm the cute one huh? Looks who's talking."


Teayre began to giggle a lot as Calrex complimented her, moving her hands from her face she leans down and rubs her nose against him.


"Silly, the boy with the whiskers is the cutest one one."


As she finished speaking she claps a hand over her mouth as she finishes speaking, her face going even redder.  Rolling to one side she lies down next to Calrex before stretching out and nuzzling into the crook of his arm, making sure he can only see from her eyes upwards. Slowly she begins to shake her head.


"I swear there is -nothing- on your face Callie..."

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Calrex's face flushed as he heard Teayre sneakily let slip that she drew whiskers on his face. He reached up with his fingers and matched the sensation on his cheeks with the feeling on his fingers. Teayre had certainly drawn on his face while he was asleep. He looked over at her, responding to the situation by giving a mischievous grin.

"Heh, I'm gonna get you back for that, just you wait."

With that he leaned in and have her a quick kiss as he continued to keep himself suspended over her by his arms, keeping his face inches away from hers without actually moving an inch, gazing into her eyes.

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Letting out a mousey squeal as Calrex suddenly leans over her and then kisses her, her eyes wide, arms laying down straight by her sides. A sudden stillness radiating throughout her body.




As Calrex continued to maintain eye-contact with her Teayre began to feel her body going limp, a slow warmth began to slowly come up throughout her body causing another bout of redness in her cheeks.


"W-Why does he do this to me? Surely it can't be... It... it probably is though..."


"C-Cal... I love you."

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As Teayre once again muttered that she loved him Calrex's face flushed. There was no way he could continue to keep eye contact and remain leaning after hearing those words. His face turned really red and his ears looked like they would start steaming if someone were to pour water on them. He scooted himself closer before wrapping his arms around her and bringing her close.


"Silly, and I love you too...Narlia..."


He smiled as he continued to hug Teayre. At this point the sun began to touch the edge of the horizon as the two continued to remain seated on the blanket. Calrex could feel his heart beating faster and faster as his thoughts seemed to go blank. He closed his eyes as he breathed in Teayre's scent and gently brushed her hair.

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As the orange sky faded to black Teayre felt Calrex lean in and brush her hair, her heart beating so fast that she could feel it in her ears. As she took a small breath in from her nose she could smell a faint salty tang in the air instantly recalling memories of the cry of a seagull, hot sunny days at the beach with ice cream and the cool feel of sun tan lotion. Her eyes flickering open she noticed that Calrex had shifted so that he was even closer to her than before.


"C... Cal..."


Rubbing her legs together she begins to blush, as this overpowering scent coming from the man she loves wafted to her. As she tried to sit up straight she found herself leaning in towards the body next to her, as she tried to steady her breathing it just simply became more erratic. Finally after what felt like a few hours to Teayre when in fact only a few moments had passed and the moon was just beginning to bless the night sky she let out one final sigh before rolling on top of Calrex. Running a finger slowly down his chest.


"How much do you think a house will be? I know we're a way off but I... I... I really want to have a place that's special between us Calnus... A place only for the two of us."


As she finished speaking the familiar sparkling eyes and tell tale redness returned.

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