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Status Replies posted by Lessa

  1. Yet another beautiful chapter in my real-life romance novel just ended. Special thanks to: Real life for being a d**k

  2. I'm bored any video game suggestions

  3. I(Kyaba/Finnick/Arya/Cidney/Natsu/Brayden/Draterion), Alex, am turning fourteen! Whipee!

  4. Just can't seem to get happy. Gonna be a tough week.

  5. Looking for new Anime to watch... Suggestions?

  6. Worked sucked. Not a happy camper.

  7. Worked sucked. Not a happy camper.

  8. So is this for real or a joke?

  9. feel so very confused

  10. Looking for someone to start a Private Party with on the first floor while I wait for replies on my OP ^^

  11. Need some new RPs going while waiting on replies, anyone interested?

  12. Level 17 has been reached Hwohahaha

  13. Wanna know whats on my mind? Turtles.... No seriously it is.

  14. The amount of angst i have witnessed in the past hour literally just gave me indigestion. Not. Good.

  15. What is love~ Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me... no more. What is love.........

  16. So i might have i crush on a boy can any one give me advice so my face will stop transforming into a strawberry?

  17. #ZeroIsAdorableWhenPissed

  18. What Hogwarts house would everyone here be in? I'm interested. *waves Gryffindor flag proudly*

  19. Lessa is back :)

  20. Just re-watched Bolt for the first time in years. Still just as brilliant as it was in 2005.

  21. Would anyone like to do the avalanche quest with me?

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