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Status Replies posted by Lessa

  1. I'm planning a giveaway, remniscent of Kosan's from last year, unfortunately all the gear wont be perfect, but free nonetheless. Comment below if you guys would participate.

  2. You folks ready for what December brings on the site? No? Well too bad you'll have to live with it! Better be ready though, 'cause *drumroll* winter is coming...to SAO-RPG. Whether that's bad or good only time will tell.

  3. Does anyone or is anyone planning on buying a house?

  4. Join us in the festivities! If you're interested, Just comment below and get a santa hat to your faceclaim!

  5. Whoops, premature Chistmas-ing.

  6. I guess, 2 days became overnight. Hello once again Aincrad.

  7. Anyone may join to watch a Commandant get married! Those who hate churches can wait for the afterparty later.

  8. Good morning, Aincrad! I have a lot of time to write today, so if anyone is interested in knocking out a few quick threads, please let me know! :)

  9. Good morning, Aincrad! I have a lot of time to write today, so if anyone is interested in knocking out a few quick threads, please let me know! :)

  10. Good morning, Aincrad! I have a lot of time to write today, so if anyone is interested in knocking out a few quick threads, please let me know! :)

  11. My will to rp has been absent these past few days. But for anyone I owe replies to, I'll get on those soon.

  12. looking for people to rp with and rack up the SP stack who are free for the next hours or so.

  13. Well, i'm back to RP. Am I level 1 again? ;-;

  14. I hate highschool...

  15. Finaly approved...ME IS HAPPY

  16. Which professions are lacking in numbers?

  17. Now's official, as the Guardians disbanded..their last active member is now guildless. *cries*

  18. Would anyone care to proofread/give me advice on what should be done with my WIP Journal? PM me if you'd like to help me out. Thank you, salamat po.

  19. Posted a question in OOC! Feel free to chime in and give me your thoughts.

  20. Why does it seem like everyone's got a horrible history except for my character? 

  21. Ok, I'm gunna go crawl into my sleep hovel. See yah tomorrow peeps.

  22. Takao I see you're online...reply or I'll skin your lizard ok -_- XD

    1. Lessa


      You guys. I can't even keep up with your madness.

    2. (See 106 other replies to this status update)

  23. Takao I see you're online...reply or I'll skin your lizard ok -_- XD

    1. Lessa


      "Skin your lizard."

      I mean, that sounds a tad sexual.

    2. (See 106 other replies to this status update)

  24. APPROVED!!! Time to get DANGEROUS!!!

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