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Status Replies posted by Lessa

  1. Just came on to reply in the Boss event so i dont take damage. Ill come back for any other replies either later or after Christmas. Have a nice holiday everyone! 

  2. Scratch that. Still don't have the muse. *shrugs*

  3. Scratch that. Still don't have the muse. *shrugs*

  4. @Lessa Psst! Care to post on our thread?

  5. Scratch that. Still don't have the muse. *shrugs*

  6. @Lessa @Ssendom You both should totally post in our threads. *cough cough*

  7. Anyone want to start an RP?

  8. Well things just got interesting down in Freelia. *laughes evilly* 

  9. Why is floor 12 considered an intermediate floor? I'd think a floor like 35 would be one of the lowest mid floors, not 12..

  10. @Lessa I won't be posting right now, but will for sure be today. Also, what do we have planned for what's happening in our thread? I'm not exactly sure on what we will be doing.

  11. @Lessa I won't be posting right now, but will for sure be today. Also, what do we have planned for what's happening in our thread? I'm not exactly sure on what we will be doing.

  12. ALO thread anyone? :U

  13. This day is going soo slooowly

  14. This day is going soo slooowly

  15. This day is going soo slooowly

  16. Alright, let's give this ALO thing a try.

  17. how do i play the game ?

  18. anyone want a g.f.?

    1. Lessa


      A ginormous flounder? I don't think I have a tank that is big enough, sorry.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  19. My character profile is finally all finished. can't wait til I get to Rp with you all :-)

  20. Today in GGO people jumped to judgement.

  21. Good morning everyone! :3

  22. Please give me your opinion... Should my shops name be Pins and Needles, Sew Fine, Tailor Swift, No Ragrets, Make Amends, Quilty as Charged, or something else? lol I want something fun. :p

  23. Got approved! ^-^

  24. Uh, I think I'm going to need someone to answer something for me. It's like super duper old, but super duper relevant to what I planned on doing over the weekend. http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/6284-sp-f4-feeding-the-frosty-foe/

    @Tristan Delaney@Ssendom@Daeron

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