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Tristan Delaney

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About Tristan Delaney

  • Birthday 12/22/1995

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    United Kingdom, UK
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    Roller derby, Fencing, cycling, Medieval combat reenactment, videogaming, software development, reading manga, boozing, loving my partner & listening to music.
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  1. Parry has been changed from damaging for half to a possible stun if you roll a hit.

    Be aware changes will continue until the staff are happy with the system at its current state, at which point the boss releases.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Teayre


      Hmmm I see your point, That does make sense. Gah I dunno *scratches head* TRISTAN, clarify please <3

    3. Calrex


      I believe what Teayre said is correct, but Tristan can clarify. This situation actually occurred when Oikawa and I were dueling, as his shield and my sword had Paralyze. I scored a critical hit on him, but since his shield triggered on a 9-10, it was a "simultaneous" paralyze effect. So that time a "round" went by with neither of us taking an attack, similar to this where a Paralyze weapon triggers on a Parry.

      If that is the case, then Parry would function similar to the Paralyze enhancement on a shield, where it triggers on a hit. If that is the case, then the attack would be stunned for his next post, giving a evasion free attack for the defender on their post immediately following the Parry. In terms of Paralyze, I normally RP it as ending on the post of the trigger...er (If I Paralyze an opponent, then the effect ends effectively on my turn). So then in this case, weirdly, the attacker is the triggerer, so the effect ends effectively on their turn:

      P2 Parries -> P1 Attacks and is Stunned (Effect "Starts") -> P2 Attacks / No EVA for P1 -> P1 foregoes turn (Effect "Ends") -> P2 Attacks Normally

      Note: Seeing that flow can be a bit confusing, as it doesn't trigger in a fashion that has happened in the past, because it effectively doesn't trigger on your "turn." However, I think people that had Paralyze on their shields in the past probably had a similar scenario.

    4. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Calrex explained it well enough.

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