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Posts posted by Mari

  1. Considering?  

    Mari bit her tongue. Tempted to say something, but - right. He was right. Considering the rumors, and her past. Calling him stupid, or saying he obviously had secrets was mild in comparison. Mari had to remember that people kinda didn't like being insulted. "Yeh, I'm a barrel of laughs, huh." Mari said, dry humour. Not her usual go-to of a pun, but still, it was right up her ally. 

    Mari fell silent as the two talked, she didn't agree with parts on both sides. Mari didn't agree that one person held the power to clear any names. No one person, nor organisation could, that was up to the guilty person alone. And only through their actions and attitude could they find the redemption they seek. Then there was Hidden, who was asking an awful lot of a stranger.

    "You know trust is hard to gain." Mari muttered quietly to Hidden. The fact the young girl was so ready to force someone else to trust her, whilst she didn't want to trust anyone else was...difficult to watch. Mari didn't expect anyone in this little tit-for-tat to trust anyone else, and that should have been fine. An amicable compromise and understanding, that's what they were here for right? Well, among other things. "Honestly, I don't think you can expect much more of a better answer than that." Mari said finally after Are's long winded speech. "But -" Mari paused, her eyes shifting back to the cloaked figure. 

    Something just wasn't right about him, Mari didn't like it.  The feeling in her gut. "If we're all exchanging names, Are." Mari placed emphasis on the word - she didn't believe it was his real name. She had no reason to question it, beyond the fact the name sounded stupid - and that he was hiding his face. Everything pointed to the fact that he was clearly trying to hide his identity. Mari didn't really care about his real name though, if he wanted to hide it that was fine with her. Let him call himself Are, Batman, or whatever else.   "Are you gonna remove that..." She twiddled her fingers, "Spooky smoke screen ya got going on there? Or do I have to look at someone who looks like they're a pack a day smoker the entire time?"

    @Hidden @Itzal

  2. "It does suck." Mari agreed as she pulled out her spear. It comprised of a long wooden handle, stained a deep shade of red - at the very tip was a tiny golden shield insignia - finally the blade. Well, blade. The tip looked like a hypodermic needle. Mari swung it around to stick the needle like point into the ground. She felt like she could be picking up rubbish along a highway or something.  She snorted at his assumption on how two handed weapons were inherently better. "Oh my dear, sweet, best friend Mac." Mari began. "I'm not saying that you're an idiot. But...you're an idiot."

    She nodded when he mentioned his house. "I keep having people over!" Mari said exasperated. "I don't even invite them!  I swear one time I went to return home and Crozeph was just casually napping in front of my door using a pile of snow as a pillow."  Mari shook her head. "N-Not that I guess I mind the company but...I mean..." Her grip on her spear tightened. "It's...a little overwhelming, having all those people over - it feels like a constant stream of people are seeking me out for one reason or another, and ...." Mari didn't voice the last of her thoughts.

    Why me?

    Mari turned to Macradon. "I still need to have you over at some point. How can my best friend of all people be the only person who hasn't come over yet?" She asked. "But - I guess I haven't seen your place either, right?" Mari offered him a toothy grin. "It's not in a safe zone or anything like that yeh? Maybe we could go there after?" 


  3. Mari's hands clasped up to her cheeks as she slapped them hard, her startling voice responding to Jomei in almost a panic. "WHAAAT! I'm not infecting you! If anyting YOU'RE infecting ME!" She retorted as she pointed at him with an accusatory finger. "I haven't sucked this much in ages, but the moment you show up its like Im cursed! It's probably because you're a soulless ginger"  The last part was more of a joke, since -well. Pot calling the kettle black. But Mari felt the two could do with some more lighthearted banter. "Just you watch!" She called out as she shifted her stance to attack the monkey that he just missed.

    NOt only will I hit it this time, but I'll hit the one YOU missed!" She charged forward, and in a few fancy pirouette moves using her <<Eternal Cyclone>> Sword Art - she had managed to narrow down the Elite gorilla into a mere sliver of health.


    Mari burst out into relieved and hysterical laughter, clapping her hands together as she watched the mangy monkey fall. "That's. More. Like. It." She said in unison with each clap. "FInally. Finally." She beamed as she turned to look at Jomei. "Lookit that, the poor thing is gonna straight up explode thanks to that sweet, sweet DoT." 

    ID: 157101  BD: 8 +4-1=11  HIT   BLEED/BURN ACTIVATE
    Charged Eternal Cyclone > Elite Monkey 2

    11+5 (charge) x13 Eternal Cyclone


    Passive +1 EN
    Jomei: 1530/1530 
    HP | 152/163 EN | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 4 EVA | 52 MIT | 2 Savvy | 77 B. Healing
    Mari  1090/1090 HP | 94/106 EN | 11 DMG | EVA 3 | MIT 43 | ACC 4  -11

    Elite Flying Monkey 1  220/220 HP |  90 DAM (45 MIN) | 35 MIT  -

    Elite Flying Monkey 2   32/220HP |  90 DAM (45 MIN) | 35 MIT 188    BURN 24/24 2 Turns  Bleed  24/24 2 Turns



  4. "Y-yeh. It was unexpected." Mari admitted. "I mean...I've run a guild before - with the Cerulean Silence and everything but...I dunno." Mari sighed. "When Shield approached me asking if I wanted to be one of the Guild Leaders-  I had my reservations I mean..." Mari shifted her gaze to Ariel. "I don't want my leadership or presence to be a detriment to those around me, yanno?" Mari rubbed her arm as they walked to their destination. "I mean - I'd rather take a step back from it all and have it flourish, than have it fall with me at the helm." Mari offered Ariel a wry smile. "Ahh, but if Shield heard me talking like that he'd probably slap me across the head or somethin' " Mari added with a nervous laugh. "He'd tell me half those people are there because of me - but..."

    Mari fell silent for a moment. "But...Seeing them all there, conversing among themselves. Laughing, eating..."  I don't deserve that.   Instead of voicing what she really felt Mari simply said. "It's...really nice - to be around people like that again."  Her smile softened when Ariel mentioned Baldur. "He...has a way to make anyone feel welcomed and safe. It's like his presence makes all those bad voices, the hurtful self doubting ones disappear. If even for a moment."   Those were the words that clued Shield into how Mari had felt about Baldur, so Mari knew it was a little dicey to just outright say them to Ariel. But - It's not like Ariel knew Mari all that well. So the ginger haired woman doubted Ariel would gleam any other information from that. 'Sides. Nothing would ever happen. Mari and Baldur - they were friends, nothing more. 

    "So - he's definitely a good fit for a guild leader." 

    @Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  5. Mari couldn't help but snort -followed by an amused laugh at the almost disgusted look Hidden had given the floating Koi fish. "I know - right?" Mari said, her eyes watching as it disappeared over the rooftops. "It's almost ridiculous. Hilarious even. I talk a lotta sh*t about others, but here I am with a fish that swims through the air. I'm a hypocrite, right?" Mari sighed as she shifted her gaze back to the buildings. "Seems this Are person has a thing for parkour - seriously..." Mari sighed shaking her head. It was ridiculous. But, then again- she had an obstinately bright fish following him. Through the air so she couldn't really talk.

    "I think you put too much faith in how people remember you." Mari said as the two girls began to follow at a casual pace. Hidden had the coordinates - and Mari had her eye on her familiar. "You supposedly let out a dangerous criminal, I don't mean to trivialize that but -I've taken the lives of eight people." Mari added with a heavy emphasis. Her tone turning serious. She didn't want to make it sound like it was a joke. Those lives were valuable. "And people hardly seem to care anymore. So - I really doubt all that many people are going to care about you letting some messed up kid go. As for what was it? Laughing Coffin...." Mari trailed off - she really hadn't heard all too much about them. 

    "Why should that responsibility rely solely on you?" Mari asked. "You have information privvy to them - so sure, lets give it to this replacement. But what then?"  Mari knew she was probably being a little harsh with Hidden, hell - she was the same with Yuki. There had been multiple instances where Yuki had broke down - but Mari wasn't really one to mince words. "You can always teleport outta there. So this trap isn't really all that well...trap-like." 

    They had made their way to the forests; creeping tendrils and vines tightened around them as the space between the trees became smaller and smaller. It almost would have been considered mythical - or calming, if not for the heavy feeling in the air. Mari felt like she was perhaps being a little too cavalier - but she just didn't feel any real danger right now. She had faced countless adversary, from both players and monsters- and there was always a certain electricity in the air. That was absent now. 

    "I think we'll be fine." Mari said as she watched Hidden motion toward the small entrance.  

    Mari followed suit, grumbling as twigs and sticks tore at her clothing and skin. Mari bit her lower lip when she saw the man. Dressed fully in black - resting against a tree. Smoke covering his eyes. Whoa, he really is going a little over the top isn't he?

    "Well, someone has a sh*t load of secrets." Mari said as she gestured to his covering before holding out her arm - Kohaku - her literal floating koi fish returned to her side before flashing away - back into the safety of her inventory. Since, that also made total sense. 

    "Sorry." She quickly mumbled. He had given her the decency of a courteous introduction. "I assume you're...Are?"

    @Itzal @Hidden

  6. Mari gave an amused snort, raising a hand to cover her faux paux. "That...sounds kinda frustrating." Mari sympathized. "But..." Her voice trailed off as her eyes shifted to focus on the horizon behind Ariel, a soft sigh fell from her pursed lips. "But...I kinda miss stuff like that." Mari admitted quietly. "Crowds, people - even if they are NPCs that are relentlessly hounding you for a quest. That's the sorta stuff that you hate - but...it's isolating not experiencing that."

    Mari shook her head. It was no use getting all melodramatic now. That was not the point of this meeting. Although, I still am not entirely sure on what the point is.  Mari cleared her throat. "But - as sad as those thoughts are." She said, perking up. "It's humbling to know that I still have people around me I can trust and rely on. So long as I have those, I don't need any bumbling NPCs."  

    Mari returned Ariel's smile with a small one of her own. "Well, you are the party leader - so you'd know more than I." Mari said as she placed her hands on her hips. "I'm just here following you today. Honestly, as long as I'm not being chased by guards, or scaring players and NPC villagers I think I'll be okay." The question plaguing Mari would wait, Mari would find a right time to ask. Right now...there was only one question that needed to be said.

    "Where to?"
    @Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  7. Mari shrugged as they both turned away from the guards post - their slow steps slowly taking them away from the prison. "Honestly, I'm just glad we aren't in a safe zone." Mari said as she  smoothed out her scarf, continuously running her fingers through it to keep her hands busy. "It's not a waste of time." Mari said thoughtfully. "Think about it - we've really learned a great deal of information, right?" Mari offered as she turned to give Hidden a small smile.  The poor girl seemed so dejected. The least Mari could do was attempt to cheer her up.

    "We've learnt that the guards won't arrest two orange cursor players - one of whom they know very well. So if either of us need to return for more information, if we're civil. We know we should be safe." Mari said as she pointed her finger between the two of them.  "We've learned that Itzal is probably a dead end - for now - and that Hestia doesn't really concern herself with prison matters anymore. So - the only thing I can think of, if we wanna contact them is if I approach her during the frontline meeting, or the boss raid." Mari didn't really like the sound of that.  "Although...I'm not fond of bringing interpersonal matters to the table when there are other matters to discuss - if its said in passing. At least Hestia is aware, yeh?"

    Finally straightening her scarf Mari lifted her hand to run it through her hair. " I know ya wanna remove your bounty - but really - is that so important? It looks like they'll never follow through."  Mari was hoping her words didn't sound harsh. "And you're slowly working on redeeming yourself. That'll take time - speaking to Itzal or Hestia ... that isn't gonna change anything in the big scheme of things.  Was there another reason we needed to - "  Mari paused when she saw it.

    A suspicious crow that had flapped up and around Hidden. Practically shoving a letter into her hands. 
    "What the..." Where the hell had that come from? Someone had obviously followed them.

    "What's that all about?" Mari said, her attitude immediately shifting. She was cautious - and annoyed. "Gods sh*t like this annoys me..." She muttered under her breath. "Some bloody edgelord can't talk to you face to face? Well, two can play at this -"

    Mari placed two fingers in her mouth and gave a loud, shrill whistle. Her familiar, a large Koi fish materialized out of her inventory - its scales shimmered with shades of pristine white and bright orange. It swam around her as though the air itself was water. Mari motioned to the crow with her jaw. "Kohaku, follow that bird as it leaves." She muttered quietly.

    @Hidden @Itzal

  8. Mari blinked as Ariel approached, breathing heavily. Why was she- Before Mari really had a chance to question her Ariel managed to explain herself somewhat. "You uh...really didn't have to run." Mari said as she pushed herself off the rock, sliding down to the ground with a small 'hup'   Mari patted down her clothing, removing any loose particles of dirt or dust. Ariel, at least the Ariel Mari had seen recently had always held herself with an air of dignity and poise. Mari in comparison was a potato. A very orange, very sour potato.

    "Err..." Mari glanced behind Ariel - there wasn't anything behind her. "Is...everything okay?" Mari asked, concern touching her tone of voice. The question of why Ariel wanted Mari to join her still lingered , but Mari felt it'd be rude to ask right now.

    Instead, Mari accepted the party invite from Ariel. Her eyes gleaming over the information that had been given to her. "So...we're looking for a literal Hidden Village.... Mmmmm..."  Mari rubbed her arm. "Is it okay to take me on something like this?" Mari asked. "I mean - orange cursors and villages don't exactly mix too well."

    @Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  9. "Oh...yeh." Mari said as she looked up. "At least there's only two of em. Well, no more monkey business."  Mari pulled out her dagger as the two beasts landed in front of them. "I don't want to paws our conversation, but - " Mari didn't finish, she charged forward - in an attempt to attack one of the monkeys, but instead of hitting it, she  tripped - the slopes were slippery and the rocks loose. "F**k." Mari hissed. feeling like crap. Mari sighed, placing a hand on her  forehead. She felt...a little useless. "I don't..." She sounded defeated. "I mean - I promise I'm not normally this bad..." Mari said as she looked down at her dagger. She shifted the blade to and fro so it'd glimmer in the sunlight. "I dunno...why I'm so bad today." Mari forced out a laugh. "Guess all that sh*t weighing me down is actually weighing me down." Mari said as she shifted her arms, acting like she was burdened with something heavy on her back. 

    Really....how could she miss so many times?


    ID:156764  BD:2-1=1+3=4 MISS
    Charged Eternal Cyclone > Elite Monkey 1

    11+5 (charge) x13 Eternal Cyclone

    Passive +1 EN
    Jomei: 1530/1530 
    HP | 153/163 EN | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 4 EVA | 52 MIT | 2 Savvy | 77 B. Healing
    Mari  1090/1090 HP | 105/106 EN | 11 DMG | EVA 3 | MIT 43 | ACC 4  

    Elite Flying Monkey 1  220/220 HP |  90 DAM (45 MIN) | 35 MIT 
    Elite Flying Monkey 2   220/220HP |  90 DAM (45 MIN) | 35 MIT 

  10. Mari's messages were always rather brief - she didn't like rambling and she didn't really like messaging. Maybe part of it was because so often they would go unanswered. Maybe another - was that she simply didn't feel the need to type an entire story into a text. Those sort of messages, those personal and meaningful messages were reserved for a select few.


    Okay. I'll meet you outside the safe zone by Tomika.



    Mari sighed, having replied only after arriving on the 21st floor - luckily. Hopefully Ariel wasn't left waiting for too long. Mari was visiting Baldur's estate, so the travel down to Floor 21 was short. Mari found a large, somewhat smooth rock and sat herself down. Rubbing her legs. Even in the digital world she felt the ache of her leg muscles.  Maybe it was psychological. Maybe it was programmed in. It didn't really matter to the ginger haired woman. 

    "Wonder why she wants to see me..." Mari mumbled to herself, pausing in her action. Wasn't it odd? Her and Ariel never exactly saw eye to eye. Mari didn't blame Ariel for that. How could she? Mari had killed 8 people. Her reputation was... terrible. The rumours that Zandra so readily believed. Who was to say that others had heard those same ones and taken them as truth? Mari bought her legs up so she could cross her legs. Cold fingers thrummed against her bare knees. Is she going to ask a bunch of questions? 

    Mari sucked her lip in, she was so tired of those questions - but she'd be amiss if she didn't answer them. Or did Ariel want to imprison Mari? Much like Bahr...no...Ariel hadn't shown any indication of that. Mari felt her nerves spin in the pit of her gut as she went through scenario after scenario. 

    @Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  11. Mari had to admit, she was a little disappointed that he didn't want to take the boat out onto the waters, but she could sea his point. She couldn't imagine the scale of difficulty it'd be. Just imagining either one of them falling into the water... Mari shifted her gaze to Baldur. Actually...maybe she shouldn't imagine a drenched Samurai. She didn't need her head swimming with such thoughts. Mari waved them away. Mari coughed into her hands. "Alright." She said at his suggestion to head to the docks.

    "Baldur-" Mari teased with a grin on her face. "With your knowledge of boats - you sound so..soFISHticated." The battle was only just getting started. Right now, it was difficult to determine who would be the shore victor - but Mari...somehow didn't care. She was spending time with him. And he made her smile. What more could she really ask for? Mari took a deep breath, enjoying the gentle scent that drifted upon the breeze. She enjoyed the smell of water -one of the few things she missed from home. 

    "There's so many people here..." Mari said, a little salty. She didn't do too well, especially with so many people - it felt like a large school of fish. 'I say we get something quick. It doesn't look like we have any time to mullet over. Else the fishin spots might be gone."

    Her eyes shifted to the restaurant. Sharing a meal with him... It...actually sounded really nice - Her brows furrowed as her cheeks flushed. No. No she shouldn't think like that. He had made it clear he had someone else. It'd be pretty crabby of her to get in the way of that. And she promised she wouldn't let her emotions ruin anything.  "A dive is an understatement, it just looks a lil' fishy to me." Mari added with a renewed grin.  In a lot of ways,  his friendship would be better anyway.

    Baldur exclaimed loudly, in a typical 'dad' fashion as he gestured toward the aptly named NPC. Mari couldn't help but snort, followed by a loud laugh she covered with her hand. "You'd think they would have scaled back the humor a bit. Eh?" Mari said with a grin. "I can almost guarantee it was for the halibut - I'd say they cod do batter - but hey, we gotta make do with what we have."

    Mari graciously accepted the fishing rod from the NPC - despite having her own.  "Markin's right Baldur - That could be one kriller fish. We shouldn't take it lightly." Mari set up her rod, hook, line, and sinker.  "Now, are you shore you're ready?" Mari asked Baldur - she already knew the answer, she just wanted to squeeze in another pun.

    She followed Baldur to an empty spot on the piers edge, she glanced down at the water- watching its waves gently lap to and fro. This...was nice. "Don't be laughin' yet - if we get too far ahead of ourselves we may be in for a krabby time." 

    Her eyes flashed as Baldur offered him a deal, grin as wide as loan shark - how could she possibly say no to that face? "Tch, okay - but don't clam up on me now! Mari cast out her line, and after a few minutes she got something,  pulling on the float - Mari jerked the rod then went to reel in her line. Sighing as she came up empty. "Well, that wasn't a reel good start, was it?"


    ID:168053  CD 3 + 2 (fishing) = 5 FAIL
    9 for success required

    Baldur's eyes were still wide as Marlin handed him a rod. Once Mari had hers, he walked her over to the edge. "Man, what a crab. He really feels defensive about this fish, I could see the anchor in his eyes. But if we alpha strike this thing to death, I'm going to eel over in laughter."

    He gestured for Mari to go first, "Shall we make a bet to seal the deal?" The bemused expression never left his face, "Whoever gets the killing blow gets bragging rights back at bass."


    *editing later*
    Baldur pun count :23

    Mari Pun count: 26

  12. Mari covered her mouth as Macradon turned to face her, practically screaming 'Chubby Bunny' into her face. Bits of melting peep slowly dripping from his mouth in a thick viscous trail of yellowed saliva. "Eurgh...err.." Mari held up her thumbs to give both him and Calrex a double thumbs up. "Yaaay!?" She could not hide the grotesque sarcasm from her voice. "I err...nice going, I guess?"  If she didn't know any better, she swear she saw chunks of strawberry.  How long has that been there?

    What happened next, would scar her forever - the amalgam blob burst out of Macradon's mouth, writhing as bubbling spit steamed off of it. It landed on the ground with a thick schlick  Then that pile, along with another that must have fallen out of Calrex's  mouth rolled together to reform a now slightly moist and malformed giant peep once more. 

    "I uh..." Mari shivered. "I guess I gotta go attack it." she muttered to herself. Mari primed her <<Charge Skill>> and darted forward to attack - she slashed at the peep and winced as what could only be a mixture of Calrex and Macradons oozing saliva splashed across her face. Then again and again before she fell back, wiping her face on her scarf. 

    "This is nasty!"

    The giant peep, being well - a stationary giant ass peep...simply fell over.


    Mari: Action > Charged Eternal Cyclone > Giant Peep   ID:156482   BD:7
    18+5=23 x 13= 299-150=149
    Giant PEEP:  MOB: 6-2=MISS

    Passive: +1 EN
    [H: 1] Mari
     - 1410/1410  | EN: 95/138 | DMG: 18 | MIT: 43 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 3 | BH: 67 | BRN: 24 | BLD: 24 | FLAME AURA: 15  -11 EN
    [H: 2] Macradon 1940/1940 | EN: 162/189 | DMG: 25 | MIT: 107 | 4 ACC | EVA: 2 | BHL: 97 | FTH: 36 (21) | FRZ: 6 | REC: 6 | HLY: 12 | PHS: 1 | VMP: 194 
    [H: 4] Calrex - 1530/1805 | EN: 120/176 EN | DMG: 16 | MIT: 116 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BHL: 88 | IMMO 30 | ACH: 0.5 

    The Giant Peep: 1527/2000 HP | 30 DMG | 3 ACC | 0 EVA | 150 MIT     -149  HP
    Ability: Every three turns, the Peep splits into smaller Peeps. Players then have the opportunity to play Chubby Bunny with the peeps by rolling a CD. The CD corresponds to the number of Peeps one can shove down their gullet and still speak. After the Chubby Bunny phase, the Giant Peep reforms and players gain bonuses equal to the amount of Peeps they ingested.
    1-3 Peeps - Phase
    4-6 Peeps - Apply Burn on a BD8
    7-9 Peeps - Holy Proc on the player’s next Critical.
    10-12 Peeps - Next successful attack procs double Fallen.

    @Macradon @Calrex

  13. "Hhaah..." Mari laughed dejectedly. "Careful now." She chided, "I may actually think someone's being genuinely nice to me." Mari joked as she waved a dagger in Jomei's direction. She wasn't used to such compliments so brushed them off the best she could.  Still, it was nice to hear that someone else would act the same. Mari always felt like she was some strange outlier, rarely anyone had negative emotions like she did - she felt like she was in some strange alternative land - then again, she was stuck in a video game.


    They were all stuck here.

    Mari clenched her hand tightly around her dagger and charged toward the final Monkey, activating her <<Eternal Cyclone>> Skill but instead of spinning on her heel to do more damage to the Monkey she cleaved it in half in a single swipe. 

    And suddnely; the two were met with silence. No more laughter.


    Passive: +1 En
    ID:156355  BD: 9 CRITICAL 
    Charged Eternal Cyclone > Monkey 4

    11+5 (charge) x13 Eternal Cyclone

    Jomei: 1530/1530 HP | 152/163 EN | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 4 EVA | 52 MIT | 2 Savvy | 77 B. Healing
    Mari  1090/1090 HP | 104/106 EN | 11 DMG | EVA 3 | MIT 43 | ACC 4  

    Flying Monkey 1  0/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT 
    Flying Monkey 2 0/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT 
    Flying Monkey 3 0/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 4 0/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT

  14. Pale freckled legs  were bought toward Mari as she hugged her legs tight to her chest. She hated this feeling. It felt like she was drowning. She found a sweet relief from it all as she pressed her forehead into her knees. Mari exhaled, picturing all the bad thoughts and energy leaving her in a thick miasma of of bloodied ochre. It sounded silly, and it was, but sometimes. It helped. Mari held her breath in that moment. Hearing the distant sounds of footsteps and doors opening and closing. Laughter. She should go there. She should join them.

    But do I belong there? 

    Mari knew she was being petty, stupid, childish. But parts of her couldn't help herself, she wished she didn't feel this way. It just hurt, knowing all this time she had been trying her best- but no matter what her best was just never good enough.  What would she tell one of the children she taught, if she saw them like this? She'd probably try telling them that the only way they can overcome this is by reaching out, slowly. No one would approach her like this. Hell. Few did even on her good days.

    Mari sucked in a breath, as though she hadn't breathed in hours - as though her life depended on it, despite the fact she was never sure if one even needed to breathe in the game. Slowly, carefully, Mari unwound herself from her cocoon and pushed herself up off the floor. Head tilted toward the floor Mari made her way to the noises of merriment. Her fingers danced across the divots and bumps along the wooden walls till they gave way to the soft texture of the shoji doors beneath her fingertips.
     What would Oikawa say if he were here? He'd probably ruffle her hair and tell her 'You're being stupid Snowflower'  Shield? He'd probably give her a stern lecture on the ethics of friendship and magic. What would Beat say? He'd probably tell her she was overthinking things too. Too far into her own head. 

    Mari arrived at her destination; the smells of food wafting through the air. Ah. So they were in the kitchen? Mari paused at the crack in the door; seeing everyone there - smiling. Getting along. She felt like the outlier, peeking in on a happy family. Mari leaned against the doorframe for a moment, taking in the scene before she inevitably ruined it. A cautious look on her features as she tugged on her hair. There were people there she knew, people she didn't. And Snow.

    Poor sweet Snow... 

    Would Mari's presence annoy her? Maybe it'd be better if she just turned and left.

  15. Jomei was quick witted, throwing wordplay right back at Mari and she couldn't help but grin at it, her lips splitting to show her teeth. "Yeh I'm fine I'm just...flustered, I- I'm just used to doing yanno..." She averted her gaze. "Better. And I'm trying to work on things and...." Mari shook her head. Jomei didn't need to hear her sob story.  

    She turned on her heel and went to attack the next monkey. Only for the exact same thing to happen again.

    "Are you f**king kidding me!" Mari spat, her short temper getting the best of her as she threw her dagger into the ground. "These dumb ass bloody monkeys don't even have any bloody evasion and I can't even - right stupid dagger you are!" She hissed at the insidious weapon, its red blade glistening in the ground. Mari bit her tongue. Crap. Crap.

    Here she was trying to make a good impression and she just exploded. Mari would be lucky if she ever saw Jomei again. Mari looked up at him with a guilt ridden expression. "I-uh..." Her anger was quickly quelled by her embarrassment. "S-sorry I just...ugh...why do I even use a dagger anymore..." Mari muttered as she scrambled to grab her blade from the ground.

    The monkeys rolled over on their backs laughing at her. Who needed to attack when they could just point and laugh at such a useless adversary? 


    Passive: +1 En
    ID:156350  BD:1 MISS
    Charged Eternal Cyclone > Monkey 3

    Jomei: 1530/1530 
    HP | 152/163 EN | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 4 EVA | 52 MIT | 2 Savvy | 77 B. Healing
    Mari  1090/1090 HP | 103/106 EN | 11 DMG | EVA 3 | MIT 43 | ACC 4  -2 EN

    Flying Monkey 1  0/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 2 0/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT (-178)
    Flying Monkey 3 150/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT
    ID:156350 MOB: 2

    Flying Monkey 4 150/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT
    ID:156352 MOB: 2

  16. "Man this'd go so much quicker if one of us had something more than say..." Mari stared at her dagger and offered Jomei a wry smile  "Something better than butter knives." She gestured to his rapier. "At least yours is bigger." Jokes. Mari always fell back onto jokes to lighten her own mood. They were terrible, lame, and even dads would cringe at them - but they helped in times of self doubt. 

    Mari charged forward and attempted to attack one of the monkeys after Jomei had decimated the first; it chittered wildly and jumped up- landing on her head and using her as a springboard to dive forward to attack Jomei. "What the f**k!?" Mari called out as she ducked down and swatted it out of her hair. Instead of attacking the fellow ginger - the Monkey fell flat, face first into the ground. The other Monkeys, rather than attack, pointed and laughed at their fallen comrade. 

    Mari felt her cheeks heat in embarrassment. "Ugh...S-Sorry..." She muttered. "I didn't....like the feeling of its weird monkey claws all up in my hair."

    11+5 (charge) x13 Eternal Cyclone

    ID:156340  BD:1 MISS

    Jomei: 1530/1530 HP | 157/163 EN | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 4 EVA | 52 MIT | 2 Savvy | 77 B. Healing
    Mari  1090/1090 HP | 104/106 EN | 11 DMG | EVA 3 | MIT 43 | ACC 4  -2 EN

    Flying Monkey 1  0/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 2 150/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT
    ID:156340  MOB 7 - 3= MISS target: Jomei

    Flying Monkey 3 150/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT
    ID:156343 MOB 7 - 3= MISS target: Jomei

    Flying Monkey 4 150/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT
    ID:156345 MOB: 8 - 3= 5 MISS

  17. "You think so?" Mari asked quietly when Jomei ensured her that it was just what he needed to hear. Mari wasn't so sure herself. But.. why would he say otherwise? Why would he lie? "You're...welcome." The words fell softly from her lips, spoken in a way that if he had not listened for them, he would not have heard them. Mari wasn't sure how she - of all people could really help anyone. But hearing him thank her? It made some part of her, deep down in the festering blackness of her self loathing feel relief. 

    "What If's are more deadly than venom." Mari added thoughtfully as her cerulean eyes shifted to the sky above. "All we can do is live each day one step at a time." Mari wished she could take her own advice. She wished she had some weight or gravitas behind her words. But they didn't. Not to her. "Sure, let's do that." Mari said as her attention shifted back to Jomei. Mari managed to offer him the smallest of smiles that broke the dreary facade on her freckled face. "Let's make it a good fight, eh? Show that Witch karma's a b*tch."

    Jomei: 1530/1530 HP | 163/163 EN | 18 DMG | 4 ACC | 4 EVA | 52 MIT | 2 Savvy | 77 B. Healing
    Mari  1090/1090 HP | 106/106 EN | 11 DMG | EVA 3 | MIT 43 | ACC 4

    Flying Monkey 1 150/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT

    Flying Monkey 2 150/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 3 150/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 4 150/150HP |  70 DAM (35 MIN) | 20 MIT


  18. (I'm working backwards and will finish editing this post after, Sorry fam!)

    "... Do you think it might be possible for it to possess a player?"

    voice cut through the crowded room, dire and dangerous words that needed to be said, she was the first courageous one to voice them. To mention that death sentence may be the only option. When her eyes darted over to Mari to confirm what she had said about the shadows Mari nodded. "As I said earlier, I've experienced a frontline battle in near darkness before- the only thing I'd be able to suggest to stop that would be flooding the arena with light - or having everyone here obtain Night Vision. And The latter doesn't seem likely. If need be I can, but I understand not everyone is in a position to do that. So our best bet is to have those special stone drops used in each group." Mari turned to @Baldur although she was addressing everyone who had been in that battle. "Do we know exactly how many of those stones we have?"

    The room began to go back and forth at that point, some people chiming in on Yuki's place within the battle. During this time Mari shifted her eyes to @Zajcica with a concerned expression. It was a little unfair to have her at the center of attention.

    Mari's eyes widened when she saw @Hidden enter the room - she hadn't expected to see her, especially since she looked- well nothing like she normally looked like. Were there potions that cound completely change how you looked? It seemed far-fetched, but then again there was Mr. Mc-Broody Pants sitting in the corner with his weird ass shadow mask. So, Mari supposed a potion that changed how you looked was within the realm of possibility too. In her typical fashion Hidden interjected - having only heard half the conversation. "Hi-" Mari paused, bit her tongue and quickly recovered. "Hi." She said sternly. "You've just arrived, please rather than insult everyone here I'd suggest taking a seat and being a little more civil." Mari paused. "Please." She added emphasis on the word. If Hidden didn't catch on that Mari could easily see through the disguise , since they were on each others friendlist, before - she would have by now. "We're moving on from Yuki's position. Really, it shouldn't need every single person here to interject."

    @Bahr spoke up, further giving Mari's earlier suggestion weight - about how they should have each member who had that special glowstone in a party. Mari bit her tongue. He wasn't being rude - but it was hard not to feel like his burning bi-coloured gaze was on her, or that he was trying to telepathically set her on fire. "You're right - but I think it's important we slowly work out what we need in each group as we plan. I can't really comment on Orgoth though."  The shadowy figure, @Itzal said a few words and Mari nodded. Jabbing a finger in his direction. "Creepy mask dude is right - we need to work on balancing energy consumption, and health. But that's kinda. The usual isn't it? Unless things have changed in my absence?"

    @Oscar came in, and had given a nice information dump on the group on who Orgoth was, Mari was thankful for that - because she seriously had no idea what the hell the others were talking about, besides him being some minotaur bull type guy.  @Crozeph followed shortly after and gave Yuki much needed support, in the terms of comfort and boyfriend-y goodness. Mari gave a small sigh of relief seeing that.

    Mari offered @Ariel - The Crowned Lion a weak smile, at least someone was listening to her; it felt all but everyone dismissed the groups suggestions regarding orgoth and planning in leui of pressing down on Yuki. Mari felt a little bad that she had a part to play in that, but she had kept mostly silent on a matter she'd otherwise have a lot to say about. Since Baldur did ask everyone to move on. Hell - even Shield had to interject again.  

    "A sacrifice." Mari said, breaking the heavy silence that followed Ariel's words. It had been a thought brewing in her mind ever since NIGHT made the suggestion that it could affect players.  Mari didn't want to bring it up straight away in fear that people would brush her off or think her suggestion heartless but it seemed that it was now the topic of discussion. "If the shadows of the boss can possess a player - " Mari lifted her eyes to address the solemn crowd in front of her. "And there are multiple accounts of bosses affecting a players psyche before, I have to wonder..." Her fingers thrummed nervously against the small wooden table she sat at. She felt cold and alone, in a room full of people - her heart pounded hard against her chest. She never really said things that people liked to hear. "If we can somehow coheres it to possess certain players - as a sacrifice. It'd be easier to control that way. We'd be able to make a plan for detaining the players. But- there are always inherent risks."  Her eyes shifted back to Ariel. "That removal may not just mean teleportation, but death." There were a few nods of acknowledgement from the room - a somber reality that NIGHT had touched on earlier. "I understand the gravitas of such a suggestion - and for making it. I want to be the first one to offer myself as one of those people. But in saying that..."  Mari knew there'd be pushback, that people would probably throw her ideas out the window. Tell her she was wrong or stupid - but...she had to admit she felt a little better voicing them. 

    "If we can't control where or who the shadows possess if that is a possibility we'd need a contingency placed in each group. Something like ensuring someone has the ability to paralyse the other. So we'd need to look again -" Mari flashed Bahr a look as she shifted the topic back to groups. "At what kind of groupings we'd have, since that is very much a part of planning. So far we can safely say we want two tanks per group, one to two support - and I want to add an addition of someone who has paralytic or stunning abilities within the group too. Things like Bull Rush would be useful to knock back a possessed player. Finally, we want to have each group to have that unique drop from the lab boss- I think counting those, would be a good way to see how many groups we need and we can work from there."

  19. "They don't? Typical." Mari turned to Hidden and offered her a smile after Hiddens nervous whisper. "It's fine. It was worth a try, you came here - with your head held high, and you tried to seek something out. That's more than many can say." 

    Mari turned to the guards, her tone changing. "You're a fricken guard you should know that orange crystals very well appear for minor offences too, and repeated minor offences. Gods - I'm trying to be nice but ya'll making it really hard." Mari offered the guards a lop-sided grin. They asked her if she thought they were stupid. "Honestly, yeh. I do hope you don't treat everyone who seeks aid with such hostility. C'mon." Mari said, on purposefully avoiding using Hidden's name. "Let's go."  

    Mari turned to leave, pausing only at the gnarly drawl of a deep voice. He told the guards to show her some respect, and Mari - with her typical foot in mouth syndrome had chosen to interject. "Honestly - being a frontliner alone doesn't demand respect. I'd imagine anyone who comes here to seek help should deserve some iota of respect. Regardless of their crystals. If you're the captain I'd suggest telling them that." Mari said, pointing and waving a finger in the direction of the two guards. "Although..." The bitter tone in her voice faded as she drew in a breath of warm air. Stop being defensive. Stop being this person. You're not that anymore.

    "I should apologize for reacting harshly. I get how stressful doing something like this would be." Mari said softly, closing her eyes and letting her shoulders fall as she exhaled. "If my companion wishes to leave, we can., my business here is as ...her friend and guardian Nothing more." Mari looked to Hidden. Wouldn't it be worth talking to the captain? All they had to do was erase the bounty on Hidden right? If they weren't going to arrest Mari of all people on sight, wouldn't that show they wouldn't just outright arrest or kill Hidden?



  20. Mari placed a reassuring hand on Hiddens shoulder before stepping in front of her; Mari knew the risks. She made a promise - she promised she'd help Hidden - and she wouldn't back down from that. The guards were, well on guard as to be expected. They had two people approach the prison with glimmering orange crystals above their heads - and the guards had no real way to tell if the sign of sin was due to petty theft - or murder. "Whatever you do." Mari said quietly to Hidden, so that only she would hear. "Do not draw your weapon, don't show aggression. Even if I do, you don't."

    Mari turned back to the guards. "Bold of you to assume we are turning ourselves in." Mari said with a confident tone. These men didn't scare her - she could easily take them on, but she wasn't going to. Rather, Mari planned to never draw a weapon against a player again. Even if they wanted to retaliate with violence. She had a teleport crystal ready - and would use that to get Hidden out of here if need be. "You see our crystals, and immediately go to draw weapons." Mari shrugged. "Sure, I get it - you are guards. But- aren't you also a police force? If someone comes here peacefully, are you really going to arrest them without a thought? Without due process? Tch. No wonder half of Aincrad think you're a joke."  Did Mari need to add that part? No. It probably made things worse, but Mari was never really good with controlling what she said. She sighed and bit her tongue. Drawing a deep breath.

    "If it were just me - I'd fully accept how you're acting." Mari began, her voice softening. "However-" Her eyes darted to Hidden. "This girl clearly just wants to talk to someone, she's clearly afraid. She's clearly wishing to have nothing more than a discussion. Yet is met with hostility. Aren't the protectors of Aincrad meant to protect everyone who comes to seek help from them? Regardless of who they are?" Mari asked.  "What if a child came to you, alone and scared- with an orange crystal above their head, would they be met with that same hostility from the very people they sought help from? Or would they be locked away, afraid and alone?" Mari didn't mean to, but she sounded annoyed. Was this how the so-called police force acted? Hell - even Bahr was willing to listen to her, of course -when he found out who she was reason went out the window. Mari expected that of people, of her reputation, and of the wild rumors that surrounded her. But of someone like Hidden? What if Aiko had come here? Their aggression pissed her off.

    "I'm Mari." That admission was bound to have a few bladed aimed at her throat. But Mari was ready for that. "Frontliner, and Guild Leader of Jacobs ladder, I'm here to ensure her safety. I don't want any violence. If Itzal and Hestia are not here, would you kindly tell us where they are?" Using her name was a gamble, but Mari didn't believe in being manipulative, besides she was terrible at lying. If the rumours of her past were terrible so be it, there were beginning to be an equal amount of rumours about her doing good - it really depended on how they'd react.

    Either way, Mari was not going to leave Hidden.

    @Hidden @Itzal

  21. Mari pushed herself off the rock, a little surprised to see Hidden well, not so hidden. "Ah." Mari exclaimed as she approached. "No edgy cloak today?" Mari asked with a wry grin. "I think it's a step in the right direction." Mari said with a small nod, "Although if I were being picky I'd tell you to straighten your back, pull your head up. You're..." Mari folded her arms as she regarded the long haired girl. She looked so timid and closed off. "From what I hear, you've been quite the brash and outspoken girl." Mari teased. She had heard about Hidden from Yuki and Crozeph. 

    "So why should that change when you're not wearing your cloak?" Mari paused. She was probably being hypocritical. Mari was always a little more nervous when she was wearing something different; her gala dress for starters - she almost hated the idea of others seeing her in it. "I get that its hard." Mari said sympathetically. "But - you're trying, and that's all anyone can really ask, right?" Mari reached out and gave Hidden a small squeeze on her bare shoulder. "No one said the path to redemption would be an easy one. You're gonna have people denying you every step forward you take. You're gonna have people who will always wanna put you away - who will believe you can never be redeemed. But you're trying. Remember that. Yeh?"

    Mari pulled her hand away and placed them on her hips. "So, where's this place you're meant to be taking us?"


  22.  Baldur's grin widened. His eyes crinkling as his smile reached them. A large heartwarming, albeit shit-eating grin. One that only came from years of unrelenting puns and jokes, but he hadn't had a lot of time with Mari. He didn't know that she could dish it out just as much. Jokes, those terrible cringy jokes - and puns - oh the puns she used to live for them. Thrive on them, and it had been too long since she was able to unleash that wave. "Having the guild is certainly a reel  good experience..." Mari rubbed her arm. "I'm not used to dealing with the scale of people that comes with it. But...I'm currently enjoying where things are."

    Mari turned her eyes back toward the ocean. "Speaking of fishing, that's how we're gonna do this." Mari exclaimed, casually placing her hands on her hips. "We can either walk to a nearby dock and fish from there - or take a boat out. Our goal is to try and fish up Mōretsuna - Oh -" Mari turned over her shoulder to give Baldur a cheeky grin. "And those of us who have the fishing skill get a bonus." Mari turned on her heel so she was facing Baldur. "I say we take the boat out, it'll be a great opper-TUNA-ty. To relax. Get to know each other a little Betta."

    Mari threw them right back at him, one after the other. Without missing a beat. She enjoyed it. This was nice. These lighthearted interactions, the kind smile of another. She wasn't used to these sort of things, and didn't realize how much she really missed them. Mari stepped forward to Baldur, reaching out to give him a light pat on his arm.  "Thanks, for this. So- shell we go?"

    Baldur pun count :3
    Mari Pun count: 5


  23.  Mari knew that orange players had a tendency to blatantly ignore the fact they were unwelcome in towns. Mari disliked it greatly, but couldn't  exactly fault them. Many Pkers didn't have a way to eat or travel. Mari however - just sucked it up. She refused to go into towns. Refused to go into safe zones. She committed an irreversible sin. She deserved that exile. Why should a murderer live with the same luxuries as the innocent?

    So, with that knowledge; Mari wrote a reply to Hidden.



    I'll be outside the safe zone, there's a large boulder beneath a tall tree along the path out of the Town of Beginnings. I'll be waiting there.


    With that message sent Mari sighed. Seated upon the rock she used to meet countless others. Why do people always insist on trying to get her into safe zones? Still... this message meant that Hidden was working in the right direction. Mari had heard from Crozeph that she still had her temper. But No one could change overnight, hell even Mari still had a bit of a temper. But at least Mari had stopped pushing others away. Had began to learn to trust them again. Sure - it may be her downfall. But Mari was trying.

    She propped her legs up onto the rock, shifting into a cross-legged position. All she had to do was wait.


    Level: 73 | HP: 1490  |Energy: 146

    Mari    [H:0/0/0] - HP 1490/1490  | EN: 146/146 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 43 | EVA:3 | ACC: 4  | BH: 72 | BRN: 24 |BLEED: 24 | FLAME AURA: 15 |

    Rank 5 Weapon (+5 DMG)
    -Weapon Mod: Precision (+1 ACC)
    -Weapon Mod: Ferocity (+1 DMG)
    Rank 5 Charge (+5 Damage -1 ACC)
    Charge Mod BULL RUSH: Successful charge stuns target 1 turn
    Rank 5 Light Armor (+25 MIT)
    Light Armor Mod Athletics -  Gain +1 base damage and +30 HP when wearing light armor
    Rank 5 Battle Healing (5% of total health rounded down start of each turn)
    Familiar Mastery Expert - +1 (*Tier) Damage - +9 Damage

    Bleeding Lance| Item Type: 2H Assault Spear Tier 3
    Bleed 2 | Damage 1
    'Bleed Damage of 24 for 2 turns on a roll of 8-10'
    'Burn Damage' of 24 for 2 turns on a roll of 8-10 - Unmitigated

    Name: Beacon Necklace | Item Type: Pendant | Tier 2
      +3 ACC 

    Infernal Shadow | Item Type: Light Armour | Tier 3
     +2 Eva | +1 Flame Aura
    'Effect: Prevent (6 per slot * Tier) damage per slot from successful attacks against you. Successful non-critical attacks against you deal (5 per slot * Tier) unmitigated burn damage to the attacking enemy.



    @Hidden @Itzal

  24. With pleasantries out of the way, Mari Shield and Baldur finished ushering everyone into the guild meeting hall Shoji doors and tatami mats surrounded the large gathering. Mari drew in a deep breath. Despite Japan not being her home. The smell of these things, it reminded her of it. Gave her a sense of familiarity. The place image.png.108e0a5a4e6f7131e94efb21c694cb5d.pngwas unlike other meeting halls, instead of one big table, each player had their own smaller table and cushion to sit on. It felt more homely that way. Less crowded. Less sterile. 

    Along one of the walls, sat four tables, this is where the Pillars would sit. Baldur took his seat, and Shield on one side of him - Mari sat beside Baldur and glanced at the empty seat beside her. Oikawa was still missing. Still... now was not the time to worry about that. Once Baldur addressed the room Mari took her chance to interject. Standing to address everyone.

    "Most of you know me, for those that don't. I'm Mari. A fellow leader of Jacobs ladder. I'll be dealing damage; but am also offering materials and col to those who need it." She paused. Should she address the issues at hand? Her orange cursor? Her spotted past? "I Understand that some of you may...have their reservations about me, and I respect that. I am willing to do whats best to have a clean run of the boss. To get everyone else one step closer to going home. If anyone has concerns I'm willing to discuss them at length after the meeting."  She was rambling, wasn't she? Mari bit her tongue and promptly sat down.

    Addressing the few issues that had already arisen. "Yuki ...." Mari began as she stared at @Zajcica with a sympathetic gaze. "I admire your willingness to come into this battle. However; I'm concerned about-" Mari was interrupted by Shield. Although he voiced what she had wanted to say. Mari added to that. "But you're reckless, and whilst that may have improved somewhat I worry that you don't quite understand the gravity of this. You came into this meeting with the goal to sit in and listen, with no intention to join this frontline battle right?" Mari asked. Showing that she had been listening to the conversations that were happening around her during her time greeting everyone. "I'd be more willing to have you with the fight if others can testify that you've grown more." Mari knew her words were harsh, they always were with Yuki. But Yuki had been close to death multiple times. IF she continued that way in the boss battle - it'd end badly.

    Mari listened to Bahr, and his suggestions with interest; if she were being honest - she admired his suggestions. It's a shame he was wanting her imprisoned. If not for that maybe they'd have gotten along. "Mmm....but don't lights make shadows...bigger....?" Mari said thoughtfully. "We'd need a heck of a lotta glowstones to alleviate that. Again, I'm willing to help on that front, along with Shield." 

    Mari was thankful that @Ariel - The Crowned Lionhad given more information in regards to the boss; it affirmed her offhanded comment about lights and shadows. "I remember the last floor raid I was in....the Orochi - I begged everyone to have a source of light, or Night VIsion. However when the battle came, only one had listened... I'd hope we don't have a repeat of that."  Her comment did little to add to the conversation and she wished she had kept that to herself. SHe didn't mean to complain. 

    Mari cleared her throat, shifting her train of thought. "We should look at numbers and groups  We need to figure out groups. How many will be in each group. If we take on Ariels suggestion we would want two tanks in a group - I'd also say that ideally we'd want two damage dealers - and two support players. Giving us 6 players to a group...." Mari tapped her fingers against the table.

    "And... what of the chance that hate mechanics won't work against the boss? We gotta consider these things too. From what we've heard - people could be 'marked for death' So we need support ready to help those players who may be marked again."

    Mari felt like she was adding very little to the conversation. She had lead meetings like this before - had information and knowledge and experience, but she had been away from the meetings for such a long time...that she was doubting herself. She could feel wary eyes on her. And part of her questioned if she should even be here. Mari wanted a distraction. And as if on cue; Mari received a message from  Oikawa.


    Hey Snowflower,

    I'm not gonna make it, try not to be too sad.
    Give the others my apologies


    Mari frowned. She stared at the message as Baldur addressed the room. Try not to be too sad? The hell was his problem? Mari pursed her lips and nudged Baldur once he sat back down.  "Hey, @Baldur Oikawa isn't coming." Mari whispered in a dejected tone. "I'm not sure what's going on with him lately....I'm...worried." Mari shifted her eyes away as she closed up her HUD. She'd have to reply to Oikawa later.

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