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Posts posted by Mari

  1. Mari pushed herself back off the ground. "It's almost dead." She breathed, sucking in a deep breath of cold air through her teeth. They stung from the bite of the cold, and her limbs were heavy with exhaustion. This weapon, this heavy and big-ass weapon was not something she was used to. Still, she'd continue to fight. "Right. Those not stunned let's destroy this motherf*cker whist he's down!" Mari called out as she managed to heft her warhammer up onto her shoulder with a big 'Oof' 

    Then charged toward the fallen Tree of ice. Her hammer came down hard across his face, as his lighted eyes darted around in sheer horror. Mari almost felt guilty for it. But then she remembered how the bastard pierced her heart, and how he refused to listen to reason. "What  goes around comes around." Mari muttered as she dragged the hammer off of his face. 

    Warhammer Attack 1: Deal 6 damge and paralyze one target >  Tree of Winter

    ID:155147  BD: 7 + 3 = HIT

  2. "Ugh Right!?" Mari said as she slicked back her hair, pulling the sweat from her forehead. "It's such a nasty floor, but I'd say I prefer it here then yanno...teetering on the side of an active volcano and strolling along a river of molten lava." 

    Mari pushed herself off of the tree branch with a 'Hup' and pulled out her weapon. Giving him a wide grin. "Looks like we both can AoE now - maybe after these dragons we should do another big ass loot thread. I need to fill my guilds coffers. Maybe get myself a kitchen upgrade in my home." Mari gave him a nudge. "Anything you lookin' to buy?" 

    Mari hefted her spear to lean on her shoulder, the damn thing was about the size of her, so she'd either use it as a walking stick or prop it against her. Otherwise she'd be dragging it around in the ground. "well, the location of the dragon should be just up ahead." Mari took a few steps forward then gestured for him to follow. "C'mon, let's walk and talk. How have you been keeping up. Kinda missed having you around." Mari began. 


  3. The fires flames began to dwindle as the four of them continued to banter. Mari, Andromeda, and Basuke. It felt...nice...relaxing. Mari normally didn't get to experience simple things like this. It felt nice. Even if her entrance to the group wasn't exactly the best - having tripped over into their gathering. Somehow, it all worked out. A small hand clenched over the material of her clothing, as though she were desperately clenching at her heart - wishing for the memories of this calm and serene feeling to stay. Willing away the unrelenting cold of the nightmares and her reality.

    Mari leaned forward and placed her empty cup gently into the grass. It sat nestled there; unassuming till it slowly began to deteriorate. It's use having been fulfilled. "Friends..." Mari said quietly as she released the grip on her clothing. "Yeh. Something like that." Then, the youth asked if Mari was lonely. Instead of verbalizing her feeling she gave him a small nod. She was. Then, realizing he wanted clarification Mari looked up at him. "Lonely, and lost. I still feel that way sometimes." She said with a forced laugh.

    With that Mari stood, as the final flames flickered away to glowing embers. "This...has been nice. Thank you." She said in appreciation to the group before her. 

    Maybe the four of them would meet again in the future; if they did, Mari hoped it would be just as pleasant as it had been here.

    Thread Rewards:

    All players receive 2SP

  4. Mari didn't move from her seated position when Baldur approached. He wore his usual smile, and it warmed her to see that it hadn't changed, despite what had transpired between the two of them. "Right." Mari said quietly as she turned her attention from him back to the sky. "I spend so much time on the lower floors, in the snow - in caves. I often forget how nice it is just to sorrta....sit here and feel the warmth of the sun every once in a while." 

    "So I guess you didn't get enough fishing in your system from before, now we need to go and find a bigger fish?"

     Mari snorted. Lifting a hand to cover her mouth. "The fishing is fine as long as I never see another Easter Egg...." There was a pause as she shivered. "Or giant peep ever again. I'm happy." Mari pushed herself off the ground, dusting the sand from her backside and shaking the water off from her feet. She almost wished she could sit there longer - maybe she'd ask him to join her after they fought off the quest boss. 

    Mari turned her gaze to Baldur, his pale skin heated by the gentle rays of the afternoon sun. Blue eyes reflecting the shimmering ocean around the two of them. Mari found herself staring, if but for a moment, and whilst she told herself she shouldn't, she couldn't help it. He made it hard, and he didn't even know it. "It looks like you're keeping well." Mari commented as she finally pulled her gaze from him. 

    "I've grabbed the 2H spear skill now. So no more floundering around with a dagger." Mari said with a grin. Jokes, they always made her feel better. "Now, shall we sea what we can both do against this fish?" 


  5. Mari blinked, seeing the familiar glow of the Sharpness skill, she hadn't expected it from Zandra. "Thanks." Mari said as she held out her dagger; soon. Soon she'd change it to something more...powerful. Something that would aid the frontlines rather than inhibit it. "We should get through this pretty quickly regardless though." Mari offered Zandra a small smile. "You kinda cleaved through that first one easily enough. I doubt this one would survive a single around with the both of us teamed up." 

    Mari turned from Zandra and shifted toward the spawn point of the Lich guy; as the two women drew closer to the river there was a loud rumble and a groan as four skeletal warriors climbed out of the blood red river. Mari winced. "Gross." She muttered. Their bones were stained green with decay and mold. Thick pieces of grey rotted flesh clung to their ribcages. There were four in total. 

    Just as her information had shown. "Right!" Mari said as she took on an offensive position, "You go in with an AoE, and I'll do cleanup, like we planned. We'll have this done quick smart!" 

    Her blue eyes shifted back to the warriors. Just behind them, the cloaked black figure of the Lich was seen bubbling out of the water; but neither of the women could hit him yet. The warriors health bars looked...small. "Wow...err maybe you'll get them all in a single hit if you're lucky. Look how small their health is!"

    Mari    [H:0/0/0] - HP 1350/1350  | EN: 132/132 | DMG: 16 +3 for 2/2 turns| MIT: 43 | EVA:3 | ACC: 4  | BH: 67 | BRN: 24 |BLEED: 24 | FLAME AURA: 15 |
    Stygian Warrior 1  HP 100/100  | DMG 25  | MIT: 5 | ACC 1 | EVA: 0
    Stygian Warrior 2  HP 100/100  | DMG 25  | MIT: 5 | ACC 1 | EVA: 0
    Stygian Warrior 3  HP 100/100  | DMG 25  | MIT: 5 | ACC 1 | EVA: 0
    Stygian Warrior 4  HP 100/100  | DMG 25  | MIT: 5 | ACC 1 | EVA: 0


  6. "It's just a bed." Mari said with a snort. "It ain't gonna swallow you - I'd say by the sounds of it, you don't like how open a large bed is, but..you also fall asleep out in the open so..." Mari wasn't sure how to make him feel more at ease - there probably wasn't a way. "I get that though - waking up in the middle of the night. Probably nightmares, we all get them. You're not alone in that."

    The conversation shifted back to Yuki, as Crozeph admitted he liked her. "I think they are different, sure - but they can go hand in hand. Like I respect Shield - but I don't like the old bastard. I respect Baldur, and I do..." Mari paused. She shouldn't. He was taken. Still. Her point was made. "I do know her, I helped her out a few times...though...her brash nature can get on my nerves a bit." Mari said with a sigh. "She just runs head first into dangerous situations It's - as you said, reckless. But hey, maybe with you by her side she'll calm down."  Mari added with a lopsided grin.

    Crozeph seemed surprised that Mari also knew Hidden. "Aincrad seems like a big place - but really, it isn't. There aren't all that many people here. Alive at least." Mari said with a small sigh. "Hidden has....issues, anger issues mainly. But I find she's more bark than bite - well. Maybe a little bite. Just stand your ground with her."

    Mari pushed herself off the wall. "C'mon then Romeo - it's getting late. I'll lead you to a bed for the night." Mari made a large rectangle shape with her hands. "It's shaped like this and it's soft, just in case you forgot." She added with a cheeky grin before turning on her heel to lead him up the stairs and to the room.

    At least he'd be able to sleep off his concerns in a comfortable and safe place - althugh, if his words were anything to go by. Mari suspected he'd be finding other places, like Baldurs or Yuki's to rest soon instead.


  7. quest


    Mari wanted to see him again. Baldur was right, she was lonely. Even surrounded  by friends - and Mari didn't want to avoid him. Despite everything screaming at her to do so. They were guildmates. They were friends. They were all in this together to fight their way out of the game. Her admission to him had hurt her, but it wasn't like she loved him or anything of the sort. If anything, it was infatuation, admiration. And those things - probably wouldn't change - but they didn't need to. Mari knew now she had a friend. Someone she could rely on like Macradon. Someone who would hear her out when she was troubled. 

    And someone she wanted to know more. So Mari sat, with her HUD open, blinking cursor waiting.



    Mari sighed and typed in something;


    So I've done the first few quests for this but was wondering if you'd like to finish them with me? It'd be a fun bonding experience and - | 

    No. Too many words. Mari rarely, if ever used so many words with her messages. Why should she treat Baldur any differently?  With all the ferocity of a mighty keyboard warrior Mari slammed the backspace on her HUD and started again.


    Let's do some Scents of the Wild quests.
    If interested meet me on an Island to the West of Oceanus, coordinates below.


    Mari closed her HUD drawing in a deep breath, them promptly coughing. The small island was far enough away from the volcanic island of the mainland that she was spared the scents of sulfur and brimstone, but ash still lilted in the air. Even this far out. "I hate the heat..." Mari said with a sigh - the saving grace of the floor. The water. Mari sat on the edge of the grassy island. A small sparse of grassy knoll no bigger than a kilometre in diameter. Her pale freckled legs were dipped in the water which was pleasantly warm. Mari leaned back on her arms to stare at the sky. Mid afternoon. Perhaps she should have chosen a time where it would have been a little cooler, but with the quest...Mari wanted to be able to dry off easily if there was too much trouble.  She sat staring at the small island town of Oceanus. 

    A soft melody played beside her, in the form of a glimmering recording crystal. She...had planned on giving it to Baldur - but wasn't sure if she should anymore. Mari was thankful that she knew where she stood. Friends...it was nice to have someone like him as a friend. But such a present, perhaps it was too sentimental for a friendship like theirs. Still, it was a song Mari liked - a lilting and uplifting tune that suited the scene. The golden afternoon sun - the way it radiantly glowed, shattered light dancing upon the still waves that lapped at the shore. It felt...serene. It helped calm Mari's nerves.

    Too bad they were about to try and hunt a big ass fish.





    Level: 73 | HP: 1490  |Energy: 146

    Mari    [H:0/0/0] - HP 1490/1490  | EN: 146/146 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 43 | EVA:3 | ACC: 4  | BH: 72 | BRN: 24 |BLEED: 24 | FLAME AURA: 15 |

    Rank 5 Weapon (+5 DMG)
    -Weapon Mod: Precision (+1 ACC)
    -Weapon Mod: Ferocity (+1 DMG)
    Rank 5 Charge (+5 Damage -1 ACC)
    Charge Mod BULL RUSH: Successful charge stuns target 1 turn
    Rank 5 Light Armor (+25 MIT)
    Light Armor Mod Athletics -  Gain +1 base damage and +30 HP when wearing light armor
    Rank 5 Battle Healing (5% of total health rounded down start of each turn)
    Familiar Mastery Expert - +1 (*Tier) Damage - +9 Damage

    Bleeding Lance| Item Type: 2H Assault Spear Tier 3
    Bleed 2 | Damage 1
    'Bleed Damage of 24 for 2 turns on a roll of 8-10'
    'Burn Damage' of 24 for 2 turns on a roll of 8-10 - Unmitigated

    Name: Beacon Necklace | Item Type: Pendant | Tier 2
      +3 ACC 

    Infernal Shadow | Item Type: Light Armour | Tier 3
     +2 Eva | +1 Flame Aura
    'Effect: Prevent (6 per slot * Tier) damage per slot from successful attacks against you. Successful non-critical attacks against you deal (5 per slot * Tier) unmitigated burn damage to the attacking enemy.



  8. (As per discussions on Discord - Oikawa is no longer able to participate)

    Mari turned to give Oikawa some words of encouragement, but when she looked...he...seemed distracted, distant. "Oikawa..." She breathed, concerned for him. She went to reach out to him, to talk to him. He seemed fine a minute ago- was the ramen bad? Did it upset his stomach? Could that even happen in this game?  

    Her concern however, was overshadowed by the boss - who gave out a large squeal. "W-what!?" Mari turned her attention to the giant peep, it looked like it was expanding. Mari heard of people putting those things in microwaves and how they'd turn into some strange abomination. "U-uhm...can someone explain what's-"


     The sound of the explosion echoed around them, and rang in Mari's ears.  "Ow....for f**ks sake..." Mari muttered as she stuck her finger in her ear, trying to alleviate the feedback. In the wake of the explosion an army of tiny peeps had erupted - Mari didn't like this. She hated sweets. A message displayed above

    <<Eat the Peeps>>

    "Oh hell no. Nuh uh- not happening." Mari said as she crossed her arms. "Mac - you eat the peeps. Because I refuse to eat some damn dirty pile of sugar that's been sittin in a dungeon soaking up dungeon musk."

    -Mari refused to eat any peeps and thus gets no bonuses next round- 
    @Macradon @Calrex

    Giant PEEP: ID: 154887  MOB: 2 +3= 5-2= MISS

    Passive: +1 EN
    [H: 1] Mari
     - 1410/1410  | EN: 105/138 | DMG: 18 | MIT: 43 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 3 | BH: 67 | BRN: 24 | BLD: 24 | FLAME AURA: 15  
    [H: 2] Macradon 1940/1940 | EN: 162/189 | DMG: 25 | MIT: 107 | 4 ACC | EVA: 2 | BHL: 97 | FTH: 36 (21) | FRZ: 6 | REC: 6 | HLY: 12 | PHS: 1 | VMP: 194 
    [H: 4] Calrex - 1530/1805 | EN: 120/176 EN | DMG: 16 | MIT: 116 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BHL: 88 | IMMO 30 | ACH: 0.5 

    The Giant Peep: 1676/2000 HP | 30 DMG | 3 ACC | 0 EVA | 150 MIT   
    Ability: Every three turns, the Peep splits into smaller Peeps. Players then have the opportunity to play Chubby Bunny with the peeps by rolling a CD. The CD corresponds to the number of Peeps one can shove down their gullet and still speak. After the Chubby Bunny phase, the Giant Peep reforms and players gain bonuses equal to the amount of Peeps they ingested.
    1-3 Peeps - Phase
    4-6 Peeps - Apply Burn on a BD8
    7-9 Peeps - Holy Proc on the player’s next Critical.
    10-12 Peeps - Next successful attack procs double Fallen.

  9. Finally Mari was able to move again, the vines loosened around her - and just as Mari was brushing herself off she was knocked right back down again. "Are you f**king kidding me!?" Mari called out, frustrated. At least everyone now knew if their bars emptied they'd be stunned for one turn and that was it. It didn't seem like all that big of a deal really. If anything it felt like the game was messing with them. "Well, sh*t." Mari said as she pushed herself back off the ground yet again.

    Hell, she may as well say that the floor and her were going steady. Half of Mari's face was covered in dirt. "Stupid ass winter tree..." Mari mumbled as she swung her heavy warhammer around and charged at the Tree, but a wave of vines, or whatever - ice? Ice tendrils? Mari gave up trying to figure it out - had knocked her back and the heavy momentum of the warhammer sent her straight back down to the floor.

    "I've decided I hate warhammers." Mari said exasperated as she stared up at the sky , on her back.

    Warhammer Attack 1: Deal 6 damge and paralyze one target >  Tree of Winter
    ID:154768 BD: 2 +3 =miss

  10. "OH SH*T!" Mari exclaimed as she stopped in the middle of the grassy knoll. She had completely forgotten to get his contact details. SHe was too busy trying not to mess things up and trying to not snap at him for being a total idiot. But that was the thing...wasn't it....Mari glanced back at the Town of Beginnings, it sat along the horizon of the expansive floor. He wasn't an idiot. Rather...the man seemed to know exactly what he was doing. But that begged the question, just what exactly did he have to gain from playing dumb? Information? Col? Items?

    Mari would have given these things freely if he had simply asked. Or was he the one testing her? Mari pursed her lips.

    Adeux was an odd man. Not completely insufferable either, if Mari saw him again she wouldn't complain. She could count her acquaintances on her fingers - and her friends - on one hand.

    Mari sighed as she pushed her hair back. Oh well, what were the chances she'd see him again.


    Mari:  3, SP, 400 Col
    Adeux:  4SP,  400 Col,  6 T1 Materials

  11. "Yeh, it does." Mari said to @Cordelia as she reached out and smoothed down some of the wrinkles around the shoulders of Cordelia's outfit. "I'm glad you're wearing it - rather...everyone." Mari said as her eyes swept across those who had already arrived. "It's...really nice to see, it's like an unspoken sign of kinship. Or...." Mari scratched her cheek, did that sound corny? Crap. "Or - er....yanno something like that..." Mari mumbled as she tugged on her hair. Her flustered demeanour only increased when @Baldur called her beautiful. Sure, the compliment was aimed at the both of them but. Really? You have to do that to me! Oblivious dingus of a samurai. Mari thought as she coughed and turned her flushed face away from him. Mari couldn't let him see that these comments got to her. She made a promise...that her feelings wouldn't get in the way of guild matters and Mari wanted terribly to keep to that promise.  Still, she almost couldn't help but blurt out to him. "Y-You're looking handsome as always!"

    Well, that went about as smooth as sandpaper.

    Then, came a tumbling whirlwind of cotton candy. Mari had to admit, she was surprised to see Yuki at the meeting. Mari knew she was levelling quickly - but didn't think the pink haired tank had it in her to do a frontline battle. Maybe she had taken some time to have some inner reflec- oohhh  Mari hid an amused smirk as she practically bawled Crozeph over with an embrace from behind. That'd do it. So Mari's hunch was right, the two did like each other. At least they got all their misunderstandings out the way. Mari gave @Zajcica a small nod of acknowledgement, allowing her and Crozeph a small reprieve. After all, those precious moments...they were the most important. Blue eyes flickered down to her hands. She missed that - but - she knew she couldn't have that. Not now.

    "Err..lotta people gettin' together lately, huh?" Mari asked Cordelia as her eyes shifted toward  @Bahr who didn't look all too happy to see her. She couldn't blame him, and wondered if he was still gunning for her to be locked up. At least he'd have the respect to not tackle her to the ground in a guild meeting. RIght?  Mari jumped slightly when she met his bi-coloured gaze. He gave her a look as if to say I'm watching you before turning his attention to one of the other PKers present. A quiet and shy looking kid Mari didn't recognize. Well, at least he has someone. Mari thought to herself. Mari laughed awkwardly, seeing Cordelia on friendly terms with him. "Would you believe his boar stole my dagger once?" Mari said in a forced joking tone. She was trying to ease the flustered tension that was rising in her pale ass freckled form. Her eyes darted back over to Bahr and the loner kid. Mari didn't know who he was but she could tell Cord hated him. Whoa, if looks could kill. "Damn girl..." Mari muttered under her breath.

    Mari thought she saw @NIGHT dart in, she looked....uncomfortable. Mari shot her a concerned look. Was she okay? Did she not want to be here, or did she not know anyone here. Mari really only met her once - during an interview and....that probably didn't paint Mari in a very favorable light. Mari took a step forward, toward NIGHT to see if she could smooth things over, but was interrupted by Ariel.

    "Cursed Swords...." Mari murmured in thought as she turned to see what Ariel was showing Baldur. Then there was the wording she used. "So the boss wasn't defeated..." Mari said quietly, so that only Baldur and Ariel would hear. That was....concerning. It just let them escape? "So we'll be facing a version of it again no doubt..." She muttered to herself. Sure - the blade looked interesting, and it reminded her of her time in the void -where she heard the whispering voices that surrounded her. But, Mari wasn't too focused on that. It was a gift from Ariel to Baldur - well, to Crozeph. It was a thoughtful gesture, and the best Mari could Muster to @Ariel - The Crowned Lion was a "Thanks. I'm sure he'll appreciate it when the time comes. N-Nice outfit by the way."  Mari added in an attempt to smooth things over, she wanted to do better - she really did. Her head turned away, clearly embarrassed at complimenting Ariel. Mari wasn't good with that sort of thing.

    Lessa had approached now, with Bahr in tow - Mari had always looked up to the blonde woman, but had a strong feeling she probably didn't like Mari all too much. Mari couldn't blame Lessa. With how she acted in the past - it was a wonder anyone put up with her now. Mari felt a little awkward standing net to Baldur as Lessa introduced Bahr as her partner. "Y-You look nice." Mari said to @Lessa before shifting away. Allowing them to have their talk.

    Mari noticed Arabelle approaching
    oh thank f*ck for your timing you precious angel Mari excused herself from Ariel, Baldur, Lessa, and Bahr as she made sure to make @Arabelle feel welcome. "Hi Arabelle." Mari said with a small nod. "It's good to see you again." She had only met the girl once, by a campfire some time ago, but that time was pleasant. "I see you're familiar with Yuki and Crozeph." Mari smiled at the trio. "He'll be moving everyone into the meeting hall soon whilst the Pillars are greeting the others who are yet to arrive. If you need anything let someone from the guild know."

    Macradon, oh precious Macradon - he came barrelling into the crowd dripping wet and disheveled. If Mari didn't know better she'd say he would have swam there. Mari excused herself from Arabelle and stepped toward him, getting ready to straighten him back up again but Baldur beat her to it. Macradon turned to her with a wide grin, nudging her as he asked if she'd bring her 'veteran' skills to the group. "I dunno about that..." Mari muttered as she tugged at her hair. "I'm fairly sure that most people here want me killed or imprisoned, but..." Mari reached out to him, placing a reassuring hand on his upper arm. "Are you okay? You seem frustrated."

    Mari went to say more; but - Oscar arrived. With a damn Taco wagon. Mari face palmed. Normally, she'd chastise him, but she couldn't not when she saw the way Baldur react to it. He was like a puppy. Mari watched with a small grin as the man she adored flared his nostrils - head whipping back and forward. Eyes wide. "You'd think he hadn't eaten in months." Mari said with a light laugh as she patted Macradon in reassurance. "Crozeph is leading everyone into the guild meeting hall."

    Mari watched as @Crozeph was doing just that, as he passed her Mari gave him a small pat on the shoulder.
    "You're doing great." Mari said to Crozeph, he was no doubt nervous, he had told her he didn't do well with talking to people - but that was in part why Mari wanted him to lead them to the guild hall and its meeting area. That and he knew where it was - she didn't.

    "You know...." Mari began aloud. "This meeting feels different. There is a heavy air of whats to come but...everyone is getting along...it kinda...makes you hopeful, doesn't it?" She asked Macradon and Baldur.

  12. Quest

    Mari didn't exactly dislike the floor; but she couldn't say she liked it. The floor smelt like a wet clump of weeds and made you sweat like a lump of cheese that was left out on the bench too long. Still. She wanted to get back into the quest; finish the line - and both her and Macradon had a much needed break from the series of dragons. They got to grow, experience things - and in Macradon's case - eat giant chocolate event eggs.

    Still it was a bloody side better than a floor of active volcanoes and molten lava.

    Mari had already sent Macradon a message inviting him out. Now it was just a matter of waiting. She sat on a low hanging tree branch. Her orange attire sticking out like a sore thumb in the lush green landscape - Macradon also had the skill to find her; so Mari generally took advantage of that - being lazy with organizing meeting locations with her friend. But he wouldn't mind, right?





    Level: 73 | HP: 1490  |Energy: 146

    Mari    [H:0/0/0] - HP 1490/1490  | EN: 146/146 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 43 | EVA:3 | ACC: 4  | BH: 72 | BRN: 24 |BLEED: 24 | FLAME AURA: 15 |

    Rank 5 Weapon (+5 DMG)
    -Weapon Mod: Precision (+1 ACC)
    -Weapon Mod: Ferocity (+1 DMG)
    Rank 5 Charge (+5 Damage -1 ACC)
    Charge Mod BULL RUSH: Successful charge stuns target 1 turn
    Rank 5 Light Armor (+25 MIT)
    Light Armor Mod Athletics -  Gain +1 base damage and +30 HP when wearing light armor
    Rank 5 Battle Healing (5% of total health rounded down start of each turn)
    Familiar Mastery Expert - +1 (*Tier) Damage - +9 Damage

    Bleeding Lance| Item Type: 2H Assault Spear Tier 3
    Bleed 2 | Damage 1
    'Bleed Damage of 24 for 2 turns on a roll of 8-10'
    'Burn Damage' of 24 for 2 turns on a roll of 8-10 - Unmitigated

    Name: Beacon Necklace | Item Type: Pendant | Tier 2
      +3 ACC 

    Infernal Shadow | Item Type: Light Armour | Tier 3
     +2 Eva | +1 Flame Aura
    'Effect: Prevent (6 per slot * Tier) damage per slot from successful attacks against you. Successful non-critical attacks against you deal (5 per slot * Tier) unmitigated burn damage to the attacking enemy.



  13. Cordelia arrived next. Mari pulled her hand away from the small fishing pond and straightened herself, wiping her hands down on her kimono, a genuine smile on her face. Mari was happy to see someone she was familiar, and friendly with arrive first. "Oh. No- we didn't have to dress up I just thought it was...I unno, thematic - and I figured I may be less threatening if I'm wearing something I couldn't really maneuver around in." Mari said as she lifted up her arms, folded material of her sleeve draping down to billow in the soft afternoon wind.

    @Cordelia seemed flustered as she started to go through her HUD, Mari stood back and watched with an amused grin, which turned into a greater one of amazement - "Oh Whoa. Cord-" Mari began as she approached her friend, gushing over the heavy black silk. "This really suits you. You look amazing." Mari turned to look at Baldur. "Doesn't it suit her?" Mari asked him.

    Then, it was Ariel and...a child to arrive. Mari couldn't hid the raised eyebrow as she glanced down at the kid. Who the hell brings a child to a frontline meeting?  Mari bit her tongue though. Her guild was hosting the meeting and she had to be hospitable. " @Ariel - The Crowned Lion , welcome." Mari said to her, ignoring the condescending grin and remark from the other woman. If that was how Ariel wanted to be, Mari wouldn't blame her,  couldn't blame her. Not with the....speckled past that the ginger had.  Ariel asked Baldur for a moment alone. "If it's something pertaining to guild matters-" Mari began. "Surely you can speak with the Pillars present, if it's not-" Mari wasn't able to finish.

    Another rocked up; interrupting them. This was a little startling for Mari. Not because of his cursor - but the realization that there were gonna be a lot of people here. Mari glanced over her shoulder to look at the devilishly handsome gaijin samurai, shooting him a look as if to ask just how many people did you invite?  Back when she had run the meetings; generally it was a few guild leaders - and other players who attended. Keeping the meetings short, and concise - just how much had changed over the years during her absence?

    As the nervous @Morgenstern walked up to the group Mari stepped up to introduce herself. "I'm Mari. Member of Jacobs Ladder, Baldur and I are two of four of the pillars. The others should arrive soon if you need anything please let me know." The small wooden walkway they stood on felt crowded. Still Mari offered the blonde the best smile she could muster. Her eyes shifted to the dragon on his shoulder. Flashbacks to the gala, and being blasted in the face by a dumb rogue familiar flashed in her mind and Mari glanced to Cordelia. She was probably having flashbacks too. Still. It wasn't him, nor was it his familiar.

    Mari held out a friendly hand toward him. "Everyone is welcome here. Even if here is quickly becoming cramped." Mari couldn't help but add the last part. "You've yet to miss anything important. Uh...maybe just stand to the side - I swear we gonna have to have people start to stand on pond stones and -"

    Before Mari could get any more frazzled @Shield arrived. "Shield." Mari said exasperated, clearly relieved that there was another pillar here - now all they needed was Oikawa. But...he had been oddly silent lately. "Last I checked we could only teleport to the towns." Mari said to him with a grin and a jab into his side with an elbow. "Are you just tryin' to make me buy more? What a shrewd businessman you are." Mari taunted. Her eyes shifted over all the people gathering on the boardwalk. "Shield...we really need to start ushering people into the meeting hall."  If any more rocked up; they'd begin to have a space issue.

    And of course more people rocked up

    Luckily one of those people were @Crozeph, Mari ignored the fact that he looked like he just crawled out of bed. "Cro - perhaps we should get our guests seated before offering them drinks." She mused. "Good to see you, sleepyhead."

    Then, another player. @Pinball This one Mari hadn't met or even seen before. Much like her, there was an orange crystal floating above his head. Wary eyes regarded her and the others. Mari guessed he kept to himself a lot - a youth of few words. She couldn't blame him, if the roles were reversed Mari wouldn't be bothering talking to even half the people here. She gave him a small nod of acknowledgement.

    A pink haired lady in a stunning orange Kimono arrived, and Mari offered her a smile. "Welcome. I do like your..." Mari gestured toward @tricolor_mina outfit. "Kimono but...and forgive me if it seems rude..." Mari said as she tapped her lips. "But perhaps the requests to take Baldur away can wait till after the meeting." Her eyes shifted from Ariel to the pink haired woman she was not familiar with. "I'm sure if it was urgent you would have contacted him before the day his guild was hosting a meeting, and waiting till just before the meeting starts to ask. So surely, it can wait. More pressing matters, yanno?" Mari said as she gestured to the group of people standing around; they almost all didn't fit. Someone would have to start ushering them around soon. 

    "But - that's entirely up to Baldur if he chooses to step away." Mari added with a smile. She wasn't going to just but on in and tell people they couldn't talk to him, just wanted to kinda let them know that timing...was important. "Right now the Pillars will be greeting guests."

    As @Zandra arrived Mari decided enough was enough. "Zandra." Mari added acknowledging the red cloaked woman. She may have been rude enough to not acknowledge Mari, but Mari was a host, and wasn't going to extend that same attitude toward Zandra.

    "Okay." Mari said, louder now as she clasped her hands together. "Can everyone please make their way inside, and find some seating, so we can make room for the other arrivals." Mari gestured toward the entrance to their side. "If you follow Crozeph-" Mari added, dragging the poor sleepy boi to her side. "I'm sure he will make sure you are all comfortable and provide you with refreshments."

    sleepy Mari gave a small sigh of relief now that people were going to be directed to another place, leaving her Shield and @Baldur to be able to greet the next wave of guests. Mari turned to Baldur and gave him an endearing smile as she stood beside him and Shield. "I'm happy you're here. Both of you...err doing this meeting with you...yanno. it's nice to be back. "


     Terrifying but nice.

  14. "That's the thing.." Mari muttered. "The thing wasn't even at half health she just..." Mari shook her head and sighed. "I'm not surprised honestly, people go nuts over sh*t like that. Honestly, if I don't need it I just throw it into guild storage so whoever wants it can take it." Mari said with a small shrug. If items weren't useful to her, why bother using them? Or hoarding them. Let others have them. It left a sour taste in her mouth as it reminded her of the Azure Brigade and how they handled things. 

    "Huh?" Mari blinked, realizing Adeux was wishing her the best, in a form of a goodbye. Sh*t. She hadn't been paying attention to what he said? What would he have talked about? Mari cleared her throat, making an assumption at best. "No worries. Just let me know if you need more help." She called out to him with a wave. That sounded right, right?

    Yeh. That'll do Mari, that'll do.


  15. Below you will find a list of professions; members of the guild who wish to have their shop listed below please message Mari so the list can be updated.


    Mari |  Alchemic Contagion | Rank 7 | PK Accessible
    Shye | Perfect Perfumes | Rank 1 | PK Accessible


    Galilea | Antediluvian Antiques | Rank 6 | PK Accessible


    The Grand Forge of Seijuro Manor | Rank 10 | PK Accessible


    Beats Eats |  Rank 7 | Safe Zone
    Snow | Snow's Rotating Sushi Bar | Rank 5 | Safe Zone


    Shield | Everyday Miracles | Rank 5 | Safe Zone
    Crozeph | The Nights Watch | Rank 2 |  Safe Zone
    Baldur | Catfish Sundries | Rank 5 | Safe Zone



  16. Mari was seated on the floor, back against the wooden wall. The fiery dress lay around her like a glimmering golden pool. "f**king stupid." Mari muttered to herself. She could hear the sounds of voices and merriment not too far off - and figured that's where everyone was currently congregating. Mari found what she was looking for, and replaced her gala dress with her regular clothing. "Good move Mari. Great way to make amends." She muttered to herself.

    Why was Ariel there?  Maybe Shield was trying to work on public relations with the guild. That was good. Still.... Mari sighed as she glanced up at the ceiling, cerulean eyes traveling along the bare wooden beams. It was kinda nice to sit here and listen to the sounds of civilisation. Mari forgot how much she missed it. The sounds of people, of living. For so long she was used to silence, and whilst she had come to find a calm within that it was oddly pleasant to hear the sounds of talking around her. But...Her presence within the guild really was an issue, wasn't it?

    Mari wished Beat or Oikawa were around.

  17. It wasn't hard to spot him; he looked like a walking blanket burrito. Mari laughed to herself. She honestly wasn't expecting him to actually agree to joining her on the fourth floor. She asked partly because she knew he hated it - and partly because it was where her favorite ramen place was. And it was run by Cordelia; so any extra business given to her was a win in Mari's eyes. Unlike Shield, Mari didn't have all those extra layers, she simply wore a white fluffy jacket over her usual orange attire. Her freckled legs were still bare - but  Mari liked the cold.

    "Hey there." Mari said as she gave him a light punch to his arm. "You stick out like a sore thumb dressed like that." Mari said with a faint smile. She was glad he was here, Mari knew it wasn't...exactly fair of her to lump this sort of thing on him. She honestly had half a mind to call the whole thing off, the only reason she hadn't was that he was already there.  Mari wasn't going to make him endure the cold of the floor only to be like 'haha just kidding, calling it off'  "C'mon. Let's get you someplace warm." Mari said as she gestured for Shield to follow her before shoving her hands into the pockets of her trench coat.

    Mari shoved her hands into the pockets of her jackets as they began the short trek to Cord's noodle hut; it was outside the safe zone - allowing Mari to come and go as she pleased. There was a silence that hung between the two Pillars as they walked and Mari was normally one to welcome it. Unneeded words; they were a bother. So was small talk, even so, the woman felt she needed to break that barrier.

    "I just...wanted to say thanks for coming. I know how much you hate this floor."


  18.  The 24th floor was a place Mari had only visited once before - when she went to visit Shield in Baldur’s dojo. A part of her questioned why she didn’t come here more often, perhaps it was because it was so very high up and the trek from the fourth floor was an adventure in and of itself. Or perhaps she was still punishing herself. Even so, as Mari made the walk toward Baldurs estate she couldn’t help but feel a childlike sense of wonderment. The expanse of the floor - it felt more open than any other below.

    Mari came to a stop; frowning, her feet touching the mirror-like surface of the water. Now, how the f**k do I get to Baldur’s from here again?  As if answering her question, a small player wearing a haori very similar to the Shinsengumi tapped her shoulder.

    “M-miss Mari?”

    Mari blinked, turning her full attention to him, “Yeh? Who’s asking?” Mari asked with a tilt of her head. He beamed up at her and gestured toward a small wooden boat. “I’m to ferry people across to the estate.”

    Mari snorted in amusement as she followed the nameless boy, his mop of brown shaggy hair lead her into the boat and with a heavy grunt, they were pushed off the land, and now floating gently in the waters.
    “This...is nice…” Mari said to herself as she dipped her hand into the water; the afternoon sun warmed her freckled skin - tickling her with its rays. And the air smelt so clean and crisp. There was a light tone to the whole floor - which was a vast difference to the heavy solitude of her snowy home. There was no haze of discontent here she felt like she could breathe.

    The kid, who didn’t have a name so Mari decided to dub him ‘mop-head’ was quiet. And in a way, Mari appreciated that. She would have hated to try and make small talk with a stranger like that - especially one who was just ferrying her across the way.

    Mari shifted her gaze to the large Tori gate that protruded from the water, and the sight made her smile. It was the symbol she had created for the guild - and it meant she was close to her destination. With that warm swell of pride came the cold realization that she'd be attending her first meeting since she was kicked out of the frontlines. Well chased out more like.

    Then there was Baldur - Mari had really wanted to meet up with him sooner than this. To ease the tension. She...she still had feelings for him. But knew they would never be reciprocated and she was truly at peace with that. Baldur was a kind and caring comrade who brought her a wealth of warmth. Nothing would change that. They passed fully underneath the gate now.

    The transition from the living into the sacred world.

    Water lapped at the boat as they landed. "Thanks." Mari said; as she stepped out of the boat she realized that her regular attire, may not exactly fit the theme of her destination. So with a flourish and a wave goodbye to sweet, ol' mop-head Mari changed out of her regular orange attire; and into something more...fitting. Less threatening.

    image.thumb.png.ed86ded58315a63b4c0a224c2b42c594.pngMari now donned her Yukata, which she usually reserved for wearing within her home. The other Pillars had seen her like this before. Simple hues of blue wrapped around her in thick silk- adorned with an image of a Koi fish - and her hair, normally nestled messily around her shoulders had been placed up and out of her face. "Right." Mari said as she thumped her chest with a small fist. "You got this Mari. You Got this." She said to herself in affirmation.

    Now she was here...it felt more and more real. Her footsteps clacked against the wooden bridge that connected the shore to the main estate; and it was here - out front of it. That she saw Baldur.

    Serene eyes, deep with wisdom stared down at a small pond beside him. Haori of white and blue, as if plucked from the sky adorned him. Swaying gently in the afternoon breeze. Whites like a budding flame - ready to envelop him whole, yet the serene wash of cerulean to keep it at bay. His stance was tall, and his hair a little messy. Was he frazzled? Or was it nothing more than the wind?

    He made it hard not to feel something for him, and the foolish gaijin samurai didn't even know it. Did he seriously not know the affect he had on other people? Mari thought for a moment, and realized. Yes. He seriously had no clue, and was most definitely the kind of person who'd be completely oblivious. The thought eased Mari. She laughed to herself before making herself known.

    "Baldur!" Mari called out, quickening her pace to reach him. She was thankful that he couldn't feel hear how her heart raced, nor the thrum of it in his ears. "H-How are you?" Mari asked with flushed cheeks. A mixture of emotion and nerves evident on her freckled features.

    "Your..." Blue eyes shifted to the small trickling pond he stood by. "Place is stunning." Mari finished. "It's a shame you couldn't have your welcome party before this." Mari paused and adjusted her Obi, fiddling around with things to help calm her feeling of restlessness.

    "You know..." Mari began with a small snort, her tone teetering between jovial and sarcastic. "The last time I was at the head of one of these meetings...a certain guild declared they'd take no part!" Mari slapped her hands together for emphasis - "And yet, even with that renounce - we successfully completed a floor boss battle with no casualties."

    Her smile faded as she turned her attention back to the water. Mari took a few steps toward it and dipped her fingers into it. A gentle smile tugging at plush orange lips as she felt the tickle of inquisitive fish nibble at the pads of her fingertips. "I hope - that things go smoothly today. So-" Mari turned to look at Baldur over her shoulder.

    What do you need help with? Shall I help prep a meeting room?"


  19. Mari began to doubt the legitimacy of this battle.

    "Heh." Mari snuffed her nose with the tip of her thumb. "Well Macradon - if we're gonna dine in hell tonight. I'm mighty glad I'm dining with you." She swung her spear to rest up on her shoulder. Re-reading his message so she was sure that she had gotten the right context from it. At that point he had disappeared after his insanely loud and ear piercing battle cry. Mari partly wished he had warned her - because damn she was almost too close to that.

    Welp, looks like she was charging at the Rain Minion again; even though there was an odd status ailment stating flexing would not work on him but hey; they weren't flexing at him - but this time...at the crowd.  Around a dozen players had flexed last time, this time? Let's double it!


    Mari shouted as she twisted her body, sliding to a stop just in front of the blind Rain Minion 12 - she turned to face the crowd of players, jutting an exposed leg up, muscles taught and shimmering with the rays of hope and dreams. The unyielding joy of Za Warudo. Sweat dripped from her forehead like a swift coursing river - but she flexed with the strength of a great typhoon. Her determination, the strength of a raging fire. And finally, the pose. As mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

    And Mac, joined her.  Lights, like ten million fireflies...sparkling lights shimmered off the duo's body as Macradon joined Mari at her side; a vogue pose with a rippling cascade of supple and taught flesh. Flexing.

    FOrevEr FleXinG





  20. "I get that." Mari said to Crozeph in response to his comment about beds. She still hadn't brought herself into sleeping with one. But Mari wanted to help Crozeph and she doubted her own insecurities and hangups would help. Instead, she gave him a wry grin. "Well, you fall asleep on laps easily enough - just imagine what a bed could do you. Being peaceful enough to fall asleep so easily - it's...it's honestly a gift Cro, I'm kinda envious of it."

    Mari scoffed when Crozeph said something about Baldur and her blushing. "Tch...look just because I like someone, doesn't mean you can't talk to me about them or that-" Mari paused when Crozeph admitted who he was talking about. Yuki.  Wasn't Yuki gushing over him too. "Ahh...." Mari saw what was happening. Though, Mari couldn't recall if Yuki ever told her her last name. Mari sighed. "Cro, you shouldn't give people someone's entire name. Just Yuki would have been fine. And-" Mari tapped the table. Of course it had to be Yuki of all people. The girl probably hated Mari at this point. "Knowing this, I honestly think you like her, suffice to say she may feel the same way about you. The way she gushes about ya."

    The conversation shifted to the orange player, and funnily enough - it was another name Mari recognized. What a small world. "Ahh yes... Hidden." Mari closed her eyes witha sigh.  "It's not your fault. She's got a bit of an anger issue - tried to stab me through once because I was in the way. Heh." Mari lifted her gaze back to Crozeph. "But, I think she has a lotta walls up...." Mari trailed off when Crozeph mentioned the topic of taking his own life. "But that's changed now, right?" Mari asked sympathetically as she walked over to him. "You have us, me, Oikawa, the guild - and Yuki."


  21. You could be nice but you're not

    Yuki's words rang through Mari's head. Yuki could have used them against her, could have used some words intended to hurt Mari. Instead; the pinkette somehow spun them into a compliment. Mari crossed her arms and watched as Yuki literally turned and ran, back to the safe zone - probably. Mari wasn't sure, because she disappeared within the treeline. Mari sighed. Man I really f**ked that up didn't I?   Mari sighed. She was hoping today would have gone well. Maybe she should have done something else, said something else. She guessed she still had a lot of hangups from her past.

    Mari pushed most people away with behavior like that. Mari knew it wasn't exactly the best way to be, but it was better than the past, right? Right?

    Mari released her arms and sighed; bringing up her HUD - she wanted to send a message; reach out to someone else for once.

    To: @Oikawa
    From: Mari

    Hey. Let's catch up sometime.


    With a deep trembling breath Mari closed out the HUD and began to walk back to her house; Oikawa was someone she had been avoiding because of his admission; and because of what Baldur had said; about her being lonely. Mari didn't want to cause any more trouble; but avoiding one of the few people she genuinely liked? That wasn't the way to go about it either.

    Hopefully, Yuki would have better luck than her...

    Thread Closed

    Mari and Yuki receive

    Yuki receives: Essence of Steel
    200 COl

  22. "People are too invested in the 'glory' of the final kill, the thrill or the rush and the might of the frontlines." Mari scoffed. Clearly bitter about the entire thing. "It's idiotic, its f**king stupid." Mari threw her hands up, exasperated. "You know, this one time I saw this entitled brat trip another player in a fight- because she wanted claim to the boss. And guess what, it did nothing she didn't get the final hit, she didn't do anything but make herself look like a brat and inconvenience another player." Mari didn't get it. She didn't like the idea of it all. There was no point to the glory of it. There was none there. People were selfish. She hated it.

    "Oh. Yeh." Mari said, blinking when he bought up that they'd have to part ways here. "Can't do much more on my end, all I really did was follow you around and teach you how to pick materials." Mari gave Adeux a small wave. "You weren't completely bad to hang around. If you need more help sing out, yeh?"


  23. "Just be mindful of the frontlines when you do. The frontlines are a great goal to have but they aren't all sunshine." Mari picked up her tea and took a deep drink from it. She paused, staring into her cup. "There's a lot of infighting - there's been death there too. Not from the boss - but player on player fighting." Mari put her cup down and sighed. "I Don't wanna stop you, just to let you know to be careful. Yeh?" Mari said with a smile. "I wanna see you at the frontlines one day."

    It was half true; Mari wanted to see him again; and wanted to see his ambition come to fruition but she couldn't help but worry. Someone so seemingly sweet and innocent in the frontlines? She wasn't so sure about that. But...with people like Baldur and Oikawa by her side, and in the frontlines - and people like Macradon...maybe just maybe it'd be fine. So Mari pushed down that fear and offered him a smile.

    "If it's fun you should do it; just keep safe." Mari said simply to his admission. "I spent the last few years sleeping on the floor of my shop tent." Mari omitted the fact that she had self isolated after being relentlessly hunted. "You can stay here whenever you need Aiko." Mari said as she opened up her HUD. She pulled out a duplicate Key to her home - she had planned on giving it to Crozeph, but she had a feeling he'd be cozying up to Yuki and wouldn't need it. Now he had a place at Baldur's too.  Mari put it on the table and slid it over to Aiko. "I may not always be here, so let yourself in whenever you like."

    Mari's smile faltered as he said he did the calculations and simulations, that...wait how old was he? Mari couldn't pick the age.  "Redemption is designed for you to take it with a party. I'd be able to help you find a group of people I'd trust. And Aiko- you...don't have to steal. If you need anything - food, col, materials. Ask me. There's a difference to being independent and being stup- being silly."  Mari shook her head. "And that's...not a healthy way of thinking. You're not alone anymore."

    Mari couldn't agree with him when he said the cursor had a benefit, to her - it had none. All she could do was offer AIko a sad smile as she shook her head in disagreement.


  24. "For the f**king record what?" Mari snapped as she spun around, easily pulling Yuki's hand from her arm.  "What? You want me to say more? You expect too much of me Yuki. I'm proud of you, take it or leave it." Mari took a step away. It looked like Yuki had more to say, but at least she had the brains to not continue.  Mari stayed silent as Yuki apologized. Mari didn't quite feel ready to accept the apology, but she wasn't about to go and say that. It was clear there was still a lot of resentment from Yuki. Apologizing wasn't going to change that.

    "If you're stressed you should go find Crozeph, or NIGHT." Mari said quietly. "Find people who put you at ease. People you can confide in and enjoy your time with."  Mari didn't ask why Yuki was stressed, it was not her place. "Often when we are stressed we are pushing ourselves too hard, so take a break - enjoy some good food with good people."

    Mari pushed her hair back and out of her eyes, exhaling - steam on her breath.
    "But. I'm not a good person, so I cannot do that for you. I'm sorry Yuki, but I'm really not in the mood to 'hang out' right now. Later, possibly - but not right now."


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