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Posts posted by Mari

  1. "Looting..eh?" Mari snorted, covering her amused grin with her hand. "Right - right reminds me of someone. He literally breaks his neck looking for loot. The way I see it snap around...but yeh, so you're going for a gatherer build?" Mari asked, they were heading back toward the city now - and Mari had to be mindful of how close they would get to the safe zone. She didn't want the guards to chase her and whilst her reputation was improving - it was never a good thing to have a Pker around the Town of Beginings.

    "So you would want the gatherer skill, that essentially increases your chances for finding materials, even doubling or tripling your yield. Then you'd hmm..." Mari tapped her lip. What was the skill that Shield suggested to her? "Hiding would be good - it has a lot of mods for it too. Then, if you like chests you want lock-picking. You'd be basically turning yourself into a support build, but honestly we need more of them around." Mari gave him a side ward smirk. "Sides ya got people like me to help ya out in the battling front."  Mari just had to keep telling herself to be good, be nice. Don't let her crabby mood or attitude scare away potential new players.  "Hell, I'd even be able to help with looting - ya want a sh*t tonne of col, right?"

    Mari paused her step abruptly as he drew his rapier - "Ahh.." Rapiers, slightly better than a dagger, still - not quite the best when it came to AoE but, he wouldn't need it with his build. "That's useful." Mari said. "I may have something in my reserves... let's see..."  Mari opened her inventory - scrolling through. Her face soured when she remembered.

    She had given her Unique demonic rapier to Mephisto - on good will, only for him to f**k off and disappear. "Nevermind." Mari muttered bitterly. "Some other asshole has it."


  2. "Congratulations, you completed the easiest quest in the game." Mari said with a lop-sided grin when he picked up the last material he needed. Mari held out her hand to the side - and materialized her weapon in it. "I call it, dagger duct-taped to a large stick' "  That of course, wasn't what the weapon was. The weapon was a two handed assault spear made of a polished dark wood, and its tip was akin to a large hydrophilic needle. "I focus on DoT damage." Mari said simply as she spun her weapon around, and dug it, pointed end into the ground and started using it as a makeshift walking stick. Almost comical, since the thing was about as tall as she was.  "If anything so much as flicks me, my armour -" Mari pointed to the leather harness she wore - and her finger tapped the cracks in it, ones that looked like literal lava flowed beneath the worn leather straps. "Will inflict burn damage on them. My spear is a bleed/burn build. I guess..." Mari shifted her gaze to her weapon. "I guess I just kinda started focusing on burning things." Both her armour and weapon held unique slots - but they weren't entirely impossible to get.

    "Why do ya ask?" Mari questioned, her tone being a little more pointed than she had meant. "What kinda build are you wanting to go for?" 


  3. "The not finding them says more about your skills than it does mine." Mari teased. As he made a rather pointed comment about his material hunt. Mari understood, it was rather...frustrating without buffs. "I get it though..." She said with a sigh. "Honestly without the buffs that food provides; finding materials is a real b**tch." Mari paused in their steps as she waited for him to inspect a leaf. He didn't complain about it, so assumed he was successful. 

    Mari's eyes flicked up to his head; where the absence of the crown was. Right. Right. He was a stranger. Was probably a stupid idea to give him a crown. Was Mari pushing this whole overly friendly thing too much? Maybe. She reached up to her own and pulled it off her head. Crinkling it in her hands. "I taught English overseas in Japan. I was on my way home when I kinda got...trapped here." She lifted her gaze back up to Adeux. "You know how sometimes the fancier airports have like f**king butterfly rooms and spas and sh*t? Yeh I was in one like that - I was on my second layover - cheaper flights that way - and had a few hours to kill. So wanted to try one of those -" Mari paused, she was overly chatty today wasn't she? Mari waved it off. "Look, doesn't matter how we all got here. Short answer, I taught English. Overseas, but am a - was  Primary teacher back home."


  4. "A-America?" Mari blinked. Did this guy think? "Honestly, surprised you didn't pick up my accent." Mari said with a laugh as she reached out and gave him a hearty slap across his back. "Thought you were smarter than that." She joked before taking a step back. "No, no - I get what you're saying. But, I'm Australian." When was the last time she said where she was from? Then again, when did anyone even talk about it, or ask her?

    Mari shrugged as she fiddled with her threaded flower chain, finally finishing it off and making a crown. Mari placed one on her own head and passed one to Adeux. "It ain't a gold star but hey, at least you can have a crown." 

    Without telling him why, Mari began to walk away, if he said there were no more materials there, then there was little reason to stay. She glanced over her shoulder at the man. "C'mon then, let's just see if we can find any along the path. Maybe there's some shiny rocks or mushrooms."


  5. "Oh... Oh sh*t f**K." Mari said as she slapped her forehead. "I completely forgot that was the quest we were doing. I thought it was the ...what is it? That first lesson is free sorta quest thing. Yeh....Yeh...." Mari coughed, crap. what a faux paux. "I'm...an alchemist, although I don't really have a store anymore. I do but - I don't really sell to others, they don't buy from me. I only craft when I need to." She shifted her gaze off to the distance, Mari had essentially imprisoned himself in her store, so she rarely liked the idea of going into her store...bothered her. Mari knew it was all just in her mind but, wasn't everything around her right now? 

    "I'm...28 I think? 29? Sh*t...I don't really know how long we've been in here - I was 26 when I first logged on. And I think a few years have passed." Mari tilted her head curiously. It was...such an odd question, normally people didn't ask about life outside. "Yeh, I was - I married my highschool sweetheart." She spat out the last words with a venomous tone. "Not many ask about life outside here, yanno."


  6. "It's fine really." Mari said as she picked up her own slice of toast, slathering a thick sheet of butter on it. "You seem like a pretty capable person." Mari said before biting into the toast and chewing it carefully. In a way, it was true - he'd survived this long on his own - and he clearly had a sense of independence. And despite Mari's worries, she couldn't simply follow a child around. She swallowed. "So I'm not gonna follow you around or pester you, Aiko but..." Another bite. It gave her time to figure out how best to word her offer. She didn't want to scare him away.

    "But, if after a long day of questing or - whatever else it is that you do. You need a place to rest, and something to eat, my door will always be open for you." Mari offered him a small smile. It was the least she could do for him. She couldn't replace his mother, she wouldn't ever dream of it, but if last night was any indication the child needed some sort of grounding, but Mari knew kids, she knew if she pushed too hard he'd go in the other direction.

    "Waffles are one of the few things I like that are store bought." Mari mused as she made general conversation with him. "Normally I like cooking things." She sighed. That was something she missed. This place became more and more surreal as the days went by.

    "You know - you wouldn't have to deal with guards if you took the redemption quest. Is that something you'd be interested in doing?"


  7. Mari wasn't expecting the slew of compliments that came from the man, she cleared her throat and shifted her gaze to the ground - trying not to think anything of it. Subconsciously, her hand tugged at her hair, wrapping orange tendrils around her index finger. "I -uh. Okay. It's okay I mean." She shot him a tooth filled grin before immediately throwing her attention straight back down to the ground. "Your life sounds a lot like my ex husband - bastard of a man. That he is."

    Mari pushed herself up off the ground, dusting blades of grass off her bare legs. "Well, let's go check somewhere else then." Mari placed her hands on her hips, still holding onto the string of threaded flowers as she scouted the area, "Mmm, there's a small lake not too far from here, we could make our way to there...but...I feel like we'd probably get the required materials on the way..." Mari mumbled to herself. 

    "Eh?" She turned her attention back to Adeux. "Oh...err - I've never actually completed it myself. I was like level 30 when it came out, so I didn't need to do them - but the last time I helped someone with it, maybe a week ago?"


  8. Mari, of course, hadn't really slept - she managed to pass out for a few hours - but that was all she could really ask for. She was thankful nightmares didn't wake her up with screams. Or, if they did - that they didn't wake the sleeping child above. It was one of the reasons Mari had chosen to to sleep on a chair in the same room as him. The last thing he needed was watching someone probably thrice his age screaming and making a commotion in her sleep.

    Watching the sleepy visage of Aiko as his scruffy grey head peaked from around the corner caused Mari to grin. It was...nostalgic. "Mornin' Sunshine." Mari said cheerily. She was seated at the Kotatsu - in front of her a meager spread of food. Toast; butter; jam, and Aiko had another cup of hot chocolate sitting next to an empty plate at his 'place' on the Kotatsu.

    "Sorry it ain't much, but I don't normally have a stock of food on me. If you lemmie know in advance I'll have something more enticing for you. DO you like pancakes? Waffles?" Mari asked as she gestured to the seat beside her. "Did you sleep okay?"


  9. "C'mon." Mari said with a 'hup' as she lifted Aiko up, normally it'd be hard to carry someone who was almost half your size but normally, they weren't stuck in a game - one where Mari was almost at max level so could very, very easily carry peeps around. So,  carry the child she did. Mari was careful not to disturb Aiko - he grumbled in annoyance, or perhaps defiance. Mari image.png.5d5e8d8819e4fa9f2da11b288cd7a021.pngwasn't sure which. "Oh stop being such a child." She chastised gently as she carried him up the stairs. Aiko struck Mari as the kind of kid who wanted to be independant, and do things on his own.

    Judging from his words, he also didn't seem like the kind who wanted to show weakness. "It's not weak to rely on others like this sometimes." Mari said gently as they made their way up the corner, and into her bedroom.

    High wood ceilings with exposed beams are illuminated by paper lanterns, creating a flickering warm glow. The small bedroom has nothing more than a window to overlook the lake on the fair side and a roaring fireplace set in the cobblestone wall.  No light leaked in from outside; it had gotten so dark.

    The fireplace was burning with a small flame to keep the cozy room warm. The large queen size bed covered with thick and plush white duvets. Multiple layers of pillows and blankets cover the bed - along with varied animal skins. With the deftness and experience only a mother could have, Mari quite literally single-handedly threw back the covers and throws and animal skins all whilst keeping a firm hold on Aiko. Then, she shifted, and gently placed him into the bed. RIght in the center. "I think this would be much more comfortable than a tent floor. Don't you?"

    He didn't answer. Mari sighed as she sat on the edge of the bed. She reached out to gently shift his hair away from his face. So he was asleep then? At least he was able to fall asleep after all that. A part of Mari wished she found rest as easily as he had. "You know..." Mari said quietly, more to herself than to the sleeping Aiko. "My daughter loved it when I sang her to sleep, I suppose it doesn't count. but..." Mari coughed quietly, she felt awkward - always embarrassed of her voice, or her violin. They were things she usually hid from others, but - Aiko. He needed this now more than anything, so Mari sucked it up, drew in a deep breath, and gently sang to further lull him into sleep.

    IF he were to wake, he'd find himself alone in the dimly lit room - for Mari would have returned back to her place at the Kotatsu.



  10. "Work....mmm....You know I've only just recently started doing the quests? I guess I got most of my experience from events and floor boss raids." Mari didn't feel like she had put that much work into her build. She definitely didn't put that much thought into it. People like Shield and Beat, and even Yuki - all had their builds more or less planned out. But Mari? She just grabbed skills as she needed them, and tossed them as she no longer needed them. "I mean, it is high up there. Level wise, I'm probably...gosh I Dunno, top 20 maybe? It's not something I really pay that much attention to. I may be high level wise, but I'm sure someone with better strategy, skill and build would kick my ass." Mari said as she waved her hand dismissively. "I've only recently really started to care about pushing harder - beyond that I just kinda...." She gestured between himself and her. "Do this."

    Bouldering? "So you...." Mari tried to word it in a way that wouldn't upset him. "Climb rocks and hang upside down for err, fun?" Mari shrugged her shoulders. "To each their own.
     So - how's your material huntin' going?"


  11.  Mari snorted in amusement at the look that Adeux flashed her, as if to say the audacity  "Hey now~" Mari added in a jovial tone. "I'm just helping someone who doesn't know anything, right?" She asked. Tilting her head to the side offering him a grin. Mari couldn't know for sure, but - he seemed way more apt at collecting materials than someone who didn't know what they were doing at all. She had taught many new players, and he was either ridiculously smart, and caught on quick - or there was more to him than met the eye. Mari didn't question it though, she simply shrugged her bare shoulders. And changed the subject straight back to one he was clearly interested in.

    "You say that, but really - it's not. The economy is completely f**ked. If you ever get close to my level I'd offer to help you out buuut...you kinda got a long way to go on that one." Again, Mari paused with her chain. Her eyes studying him as he asked questions. What should she say? "I'm level 71." Mari said, there was no use in lying. "So I'm only a few levels off of the level cap." Mari shifted her gaze skyward.



    Did she even have any hobbies?

    "You know...." Mari said thoughtfully. "I don't know. It's been so long since I've focused on myself. I can't really say. I guess, I really enjoy playing the violin."


  12. "W-what?" Mari said, alarmed. "NO!" She didn't mean to shout at Snow, but Mari...she hated the idea of starting over, of pretending things didn't happen. "Snow-" Mari reached out to clasp her outstretched hand with both of her own, encasing it in a trembling warmth.  "I don't wanna start over I mean." Mari said as she stepped closer toward Snow.

    "What we went through, those misunderstandings, I don't wanna forget them, or pretend they didn't happen. Because, as awkward or bad as they were - they're part of our memories and -and..." Mari realized how corny she sounded. "and...I don't want to loose memories of people."

    How should she say this, what should she say? Mari felt like no matter what -there may always be that fear from Snow, but...with who Mari was. What Mari was it was the best she could really ask for.  "So Snow -instead why don't we-"

    A large rumble interrupted Mari, followed by clashing and trees falling - and right in front of them Avalanche appeared - "Sh*t!" Mari's hold on Snow tightened, as she drew the blonde into her and spun on her heel - with less then a second to spare - as the Avalanche's icy body came crashing down. Missing the two girls by mere centimeters. Mari had used herself as a shield, protecting her - but in doing so. Had probably terrified her. "S-Sorry." Mari mumbled as she carefully released Snow from her hold.

    The woman had been so close - close enough for Mari to feel her breath tickling her neck, close enough for Mari to feel the erratic heartbeat of the other timid girl.

    Mari grit her teeth and pushed herself up - turning her back on Snow now. She drew out her Spear and aimed it at the ice beast. "You okay?" She called out.


    Avalanche |  HP: 100  | Damage per Attack: 40
    ID:153643  MD:2 MISS

    Mari  [H:0/0/0] - HP 1430/1430  | EN: 138/140 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 43 | EVA:3 | ACC: 4  | BH: 72 | BRN: 24 |BLEED: 24 | FLAME AURA: 15 |   -2 en
    ID:153644  BD:1 miss
    Action: Dimension Stampede > Avalanche


  13. Mari started to play around with the flowers around her, idle hands bothered her. She never knew what to do with them. Mari picked a handful of yellow windlowers and started to thread them together to form a small chain of flowers through their stems. "Mmmm...." Mari had half a mind to tell him he could do whatever the hell he bloody wanted, she wasn't his babysitter. Still... somehow hanging out with Adeux wasn't entirely bad. And it was helping her grim mood.

    "Honestly. That's up to you. If you have the spare materials, go nuts - but you'd be an idiot to not-" Wait. No, don't call the newbie player an idiot. Mari bit her tongue. "I mean to say..." Mari began, straightening her back - if it wasn't clear she was a teacher before it must have been now. She used that same tone they all had. That calm and caring tone, the slow droll tone of voice. She spoke from experience, and repetition. First hand knowledge of the world around her.

    "If you want to craft, do so. But I'd recommend having a stock of materials. Before going out to hunt them, I'd suggest grabbing some loot enhancing gear, and food buffs - then you can take the Natures Treasure quest to avoid accidentally running into overpowered mobs. Later, once you've got the fighting skills. Using that same quest, can net you a sh*t tonne-" Mari stopped threading her flowers, placing them in her lap as she leaned forward toward Adeux.

    "And I mean a f**king sh*t tonne- of Col. Seriously, I made like 100k in a single outting with max prospertity and loot buffs."

    Mari leaned back, picking her small flower chain back up again. "Beyond that - I'd recommend doing all the beginner quests. The chains are annoying but give you a quick experience boost, and if you level up past 15 you won't gain that boost so, take advantage of it whilst its there."


  14. 'I hope to make those relationships one day.'

    For a brief moment, Mari became somber, her cerulean eyes downcast - and she felt a chill despite the warm and pleasant weather of the first floor. "I unno about that. Sometimes, I feel like it's better to be on your own." Mari was thankful for everyone she had, but...she was terrified now, of loosing it all. Of saying or doing the wrong thing. Of them one day being sick of her and her crass nature, and walking away. "It's not so painful but...at the same time, I think - f**k I'm a hypocritical sh*t. At the same time I think those relationships are important." Despite her fears, Mari didn't want to loose them. Any of them. She honestly wouldn't know what she'd do if she lost any of the pillars. Baldur, Oikawa, Shield...they were probably the most important people in the world to Mari right now, at least, living.

    She was thankful the topic shifted back to that of the guilds.
    "Yeh, ya got the Aincrad Trading Post - which offers a decent amount of buffs but their leader Zandra? Yeh she's a frontliner but-" Mari tapped the side of her head. "She's f**king insane. I swear. Her anger is like a light switch, and I've seen and heard her completely disregard her team mates. Not just that but stab them." Mari held out her hands in exasperation. "Seriously! Who just stabs somebody?"

    Well, me, but that' not the point, and in the past.

    Mari shook her head. "Ah, but still - I imagine she's a capable guild leader, surely - considering she hasn't run it into the ground yet. A lotta traders and crafters join the guild purely for the bonuses. Then there's...ahhh....damn..." Mari scratched the side of her head, "There are a few others, but honestly, I don't remember them. Still if you wanna join an economic based guild, I'd go for the ATP. If not for anything but the bonuses."

    Mari clasped her hands together as Adeux failed to pluck another material. "Oh, hey that happens sometimes, try again. It's fine." Mari didn't mean to sound condescending, but she probably almost definitely sounded condescending.


  15. "Yeh, I get that - still." Mari pressed her finger further, jabbing it into his collarbone. "Maybe not do that to someone willing to help you. Especially if that someone has an orange crystal." She warned. Then, realizing how that sounded Mari quickly cleared her throat, her next words spoken with a hurried concern as she placed both hands up defensively. "Err, not me - I wouldn't...anymore... but - I just...general...I-In general...yanno? It's not....you don't know what some people are capable of." Mari said as she shuffled back to give him some space if he needed it, a little scoot-scoot back on the balls of her feet.  "I- uh." Mari exhaled. This...was going far more terribly than her last few meetings with other low leveled players. What had her so torn up?

    A lot of things....

    But that didn't mean she should take it out on him either. "I should apologize too, so...sorry."

    Mari watched as he plucked another flower from the ground. "Guilds...yeh. I'm actually in one, kinda one of the head honcho's of it. It's called Jacobs Ladder. It's...I guess its about helping people work towards their desired builds, and climbing the-" She held her hands up in air quotes.  " Ladder  outta this hell-hole. Honestly, name wasn't my idea - but I doubt my guild mates would let 'super best friends club' or 'get the f**k outta here club'  fly. Still-" 

    Mari allowed herself to roll off the balls of her heels, falling onto her butt with a soft 'ompf' as she bought a knee upward so she could prop her chin onto it. "The people in that guild...I'd die for them."


  16.  "Whoa." Mari pointed an accusatory finger toward him. "Don't forget you're the one who asked for help....buddy." She placed extra emphasis on the final word. Mari wanted to be nice. Kinda needed to be, right? To help the guild. For some insane reason the rest of the guild thought she was an asset. They thought she did well in these situations, just because she lucked out with helping a few people before. People like Yuki or Shye. And well, Yuki probably hated her now. Especially after the verbal lashing Mari gave her.

    Honestly, Mari had half a mind to push him over and watch him roll around to right himself back up. A small grin of amusement formed on her lips as she imagined Adeux rolling around like a crab or turtle on its back. "Damn right thank you..." Mari mumbled under her breath.

    No... no -deep breath. Dammit.

    "You're welcome." Mari said as she watched him sift through the flowers. "Do you have any other questions about materials, farming, professions? Other crap?



  17.  Mari caught his startled look, and the end of the boars life. She snorted - then managed a short laugh. "Snrk-Ha!" Mari pointed to the place where the boar once was. "I knew I was strong, didn't think my sneezes would bring down the mobs here though. Or maybe I just boar'd him to death."  She immediately regretted her words. It was either a terrible joke, or a show of power - and Mari wasn't too fond of people flouting their power in people's faces. Great, just great. So much for first impressions. He probably thought she was an absolute lunatic.

    Some crazy-ass ginger haired Pker running around the lower floors and - Oh....Ohh...

    "Uhm..." Mari began to run her hands down the length of her mangled black scarf. How should she broach the subject. 'oh hey I'm totally not going to kill you, teehee'  yeh, no...no matter what she would say, she'd sound suspicious. Maybe...it'd be best if she didn't broach the subject unless he asked.

    Mari cleared her throat and pointed to a small field of windflowers. "Hey, let's go check over there." Mari said - changing the subject from what she was going to ask. Without checking in on her partner in crime Mari began to walk toward the field, steadfast.

    "So, picking flowers kinda works the same way as acorns." Mari said, kneeling down among the splattering of white blossoms. "Let's see you do it again. How many did you need in total? Do you remember?"


  18. "Yeh, honestly. Materials are worth almost as much as Col - if not more." Mari said as she crossed her arms and leaned against the tree, watching him inspect the acorn. She wrinkled her nose, scrunching up a freckled face.  "At least in a player run economy. We use materials for crafts, so they're valuable. Most people on the frontlines don't usually have builds dedicated to gathering resources - so those who can gather, can earn massive bank by exchanging materials for crafts, items, or col." Mari explained. She wasn't sure if he knew about all this or if it were too much to start bombarding him with that sort of information already. But....despite him being clueless, he seemed like a capable adult.

    "I'm not going too fast, am I?" Mari asked in earnest as she tilted her head upward to get a better look at his expression. He needed help, right? That's why he asked for it...right?

    Mari drew in a sharp breath and sneezed -

    And somewhere, in the distance. A boar dropped dead then exploded in a flurry of data.

    "S-Sorry." Mari said as she rubbed the back of her wrist on her nose. Mari...really didn't wanna be here. But, at least he was being fairly hospitable. Perhaps today wouldn't be so bad after all.


  19. "You...seriously...don't know how to...." Mari bit her lip, stopping the incredulous question. No. No. Don't chastise him. Everyone starts from somewhere. "Sorry.." Mari said in earnest as she rubbed her forehead. "I'm kinda tryin' to work on my people skills and it's been a ...it's been an interesting few days. If I seem snippy just - tell me to shut the hell up. Yeh?" Mari offered him a small grin as she jumped off the rock, immediately loosing a head of height.

    "Right." Mari said as she clasped her hands together. "Cooks are good, the frontlines need them right now - I'm an alchemist myself but...material gathering is always the same no matter the profession. Essentially, mostly anything could be a material." Mari gestured to the rock. "An odd coloured pebble, a flower, even tree sap." Mari said as she pointed to the various things around them. Granted, she had assumed he didn't know how to collect materials from his question, and may not need to be showing him these things; but Mari was both a teacher and a mother. So, she slipped into that mode quite quickly, almost seamlessly.

    "C'mon then Adeux." Mari said as she waved for him to follow her to the nearby tree.  "Now, normally, I'd suggest something that would buff your loot rolls. Make it easier. But this is a beginner quest. So, a part of me would also say there's no point in wasting them on this. It's not like you're in any danger."

    Mari offered him a cocky grin. "Ya got me to protect ya against the boars after all."

    Mari slapped the tree with her palm. "Lessie... I can see three things that would be considered materials on this here tree. What do you think they are?"

    LD: 3 - FAIL


  20. "That's not-" Mari sighed as she rubbed her temples. "You're missing my point again."  Mari shook her head. "I was tryna compliment you, why do you have to twist everything into somethin' negative. Am I really that sh**ty of a person?" Mari asked Yuki. "That you just constantly assume I'm thinkin or doing or sayin' the worst?" Mari had about enough of this. She didn't come here today to walk around on eggshells. She came here today because she genuinely thought Yuki wanted to hang out with her. But no. It was down to this same old crap again. "I actually wanted to hang out with you, to see how you were." Mari said. "But the moment you approach me you act like I'm going to gut you."

    I get enough of that from everyone else, I dont need it from you too

    "You say you aren't a delicate flower, then stop bloody acting like one. You say Shield is teaching you, then listen to him. I"m sure he isn't teaching you to stammer and second guess yourself in battle. He's the type of person who would tell you to literally scream with everything you have. A mighty roar."

    Mari threw her hands up in the air. "Fine." She said. "Fine. Whatever."  It was clear Yuki wasn't understanding, nor would ever understand it. Mari was proud of her. Mari was just simply saying that Yuki had proven Mari's point through her own actions, and had learned from them.

    Mari turned on her heel. "Congratulations, then." It was also clear Yuki  didn't need Mari anymore. Not that she ever really needed her in the first place. Of course not. Yuki had always been headstrong in that way.

    Mari paused in her steps away from Yuki. "And for the f**king record, since you don't seem to get it. I was proud. You worked hard."

    And with that, Mari continued to leave. She knew when she was done.


  21. Mari blinked as she turned to look at the man. He towered over her small seated frame, shielding her from the sun. His hair was dark and straight, cropped close to his face. Angled eyes stared down at her, they looked to be green but may have been hazel, little hard to tell from where Mari sat. He wore what looked like some strange military inspired uniform, complete with cape draped over his shoulders. Heh. He'd probably get along with Oikawa. Though- Oikawa always walked around topless. At least this man was well dressed.

    "Adeux..." Mari said as she tapped her lips. It sounded like he had an American accent, but Mari couldn't be sure. She wasn't from there herself. "Hi, yeh." Mari stood up on the rock- she still didn't quite match his height. "I'm Mari." She said as she jutted out her hand to greet him. Just smile, smile and offer him a warm hello.

    Mari offered him an awkward looking smile, and an even more awkward, "H-Hello. So you help. NEed. Sorry. You needed help, right?"


  22. Mari had almost forgotten about her message on the Player Request Board - the one offering help for new players. Or one who needed help in general. In all honesty...if she had remembered it...maybe she would have deleted it by now. There was so much weighing down on her at the moment that Mari felt like she couldn't breathe. Still. The message was there, and Mari couldn't exactly say no. After all, she was a Pillar of Light.

    Mari wasn't sure what happened to Shield...or Oikawa... but - for now, she had to hold things together. Even if she herself felt like she was crumbling at the seams. So, with a small exhale, Mari responded to the message.

    Hello Adeux,

    Please meet me outside the safe zone in the Town of Beginings. There is a large rock near a field of flowers, I'll be sitting on it. Orange hair and clothing.

    And with that message she sighe and slapped her cheeks. She'd have to be happy wouldn't she? Offer the player a friendly and warm smile as she talked about the higher floors, right? Mari's heart just wasn't in it today. Still. Today wasn't about her. No day was. She made a promise, and she was willing to keep it. Mari wanted to work hard to help the other players out to help everyone get out of this game. To help Baldur find his partner, and Aiko his mother.

    Mari shifted her gaze to the sky. Right... Mari would be the pillar everyone would need.





    Mari    [H:0/0/0] - HP 1430/1430  | EN: 140/140 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 43 | EVA:3 | ACC: 4  | BH: 72 | BRN: 24 |BLEED: 24 | FLAME AURA: 15 |

    Rank 5 Weapon (+5 DMG)
    -Weapon Mod: Precision (+1 ACC)
    -Weapon Mod: Ferocity (+1 DMG)
    Rank 5 Charge (+5 Damage -1 ACC)
    Charge Mod BULL RUSH: Successful charge stuns target 1 turn
    Rank 5 Light Armor (+25 MIT)
    Light Armor Mod Athletics -  Gain +1 base damage and +30 HP when wearing light armor
    Rank 5 Battle Healing (5% of total health rounded down start of each turn)
    Familiar Mastery Expert - +1 (*Tier) Damage - +9 Damage

    Bleeding Lance| Item Type: 2H Assault Spear Tier 3
    Bleed 2 | Damage 1
    'Bleed Damage of 24 for 2 turns on a roll of 8-10'
    'Burn Damage' of 24 for 2 turns on a roll of 8-10 - Unmitigated

    Name: Beacon Necklace | Item Type: Pendant | Tier 2
      +3 ACC 

    Infernal Shadow | Item Type: Light Armour | Tier 3
     +2 Eva | +1 Flame Aura
    'Effect: Prevent (6 per slot * Tier) damage per slot from successful attacks against you. Successful non-critical attacks against you deal (5 per slot * Tier) unmitigated burn damage to the attacking enemy.



  23. Mari gently ran her hands through his hair. "I'm not scared, no offense kid - but I'm one of the strongest players in Aincrad. Probably around top 10 or 20. You'd fall asleep from exhaustion before making a dent in my health." She joked. Mari omitted the part where he'd probably be dead from her Flame Aura - but, it wasn't like he'd outright attack her, and talking about dying, it was the last thing she or he needed right now.  "I'm angry at the situation, not at you. It's something that never should have happened."

    Mari didn't tell Aiko not to cry, she didn't hush him. She let him. She let him cough and wheeze and cry out all his emotions into her. Mari didn't flinch when she felt the wet of his tears soak through her clothes. "You won't die." Mari offered him. Words that meant very little in a world where you could die just for falling asleep in the wrong area or around the wrong people. Sleep PKing was a thing, Mari had never seen it, but heard of it. And of course- with someone like him - an orange crystal player - it was more dangerous. 

    "I can't take you home." Mari said softly as she finally pulled him away from her, with just enough space between them for her to gently run her thumbs under her eyes. "But I promise you, I'll fight tooth and nail to get you out of here. And that you will always have a safe place here. Are you tired? Did you need anything right now?"


  24. "So." Mari began. She was hoping that Crozeph would have said a name by now but either by accident or on purpose, he was avoiding any forms of identification whatsoever. No name, not even an eye colour or hair colour. Hell, he didn't even tell Mari what quest they were going on. Was... he doing this because he didn't trust her? Maybe... still, Mari would chance asking him. "Does this girl have a name?"  Mari literally slapped her face in a face palm when Crozeph said he'd be using a sleeping bag. "You numpty." Mari said with a groan. "You know Baldur would provide you bedding. He isn't gonna give you an empty room."

    "I have to admit..." Mari began, shifting her gaze away from him to glance to the falling snow outside. "I really am not a fan of this whole 'mysterious pronoun' game of yours. I don't mind you keeping players identities hidden if you think they'd prefer that but... it just adds this weird extra narrative layer.  You say you've met a player like myself and..." Mari paused. She hadn't heard from Oikawa for a while now. She missed him. "And Oikawa..." Mari said softly as she shifted her eyes back to Crozeph. "What did this mystery unnamed person do?" Mari asked. She shifted closer, standing by Crozeph, but leaning against the wall instead of sitting beneath the kotatsu again.  "Did they hurt you?"

    Mari turned her gaze to the window as she pondered his previous question. What would have happened. "Mmm. I don't think that's a healthy way of thinking." Mari said honestly. "We can't live our lives on what-ifs. Or what could have been. We should focus on what we have now, and who are around us now. Hypocritical of me, I guess. Because I often find myself wandering what or where I'd be if it weren't for people like Macradon, or Baldur, or Oikawa. But - I don't think anyone would like that answer. So -" Mari turned back to Crozeph.

    "I'm just thankful to have you all here, and now."


  25. Others continued their onslaught, everyone attacking everything - no real plan nor coordination. Mari even saw someone trip another player, her anger flared at seeing @Dazia trip another payer, wasn't that the same girl who caused all that trouble at the ball. "Tch." Mari muttered to herself. "Selfish ass brat." People like that annoyed Mari. Selfish and immature people who cared about nothing but themselves. If they weren't in the middle of a fight, Mari'd have gone over there and given the girl a solid talking to - but - Mari knew better than that. Since yanno, she had more than half a brain. (And that said something because Mari was not exactly smart)

    Instead of stewing Mari turned her attention away, back to @Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows who seemed to be taking her commands - despite him not knowing her. As he fell back in line with her Mari offered him a small smile. "We should talk...after...er..." Her eyes shifted across the battlefield. She flinched when she thought she saw two people being trampled. That looked...terrible.   "All...of this. Is over and done wtih."

    @Crozephdidn't seem too happy about them being nigh invincible to every conceivable damage debuff. "Hey..." Mari placed a hand on his shoulder. "You're never useless. You're here. You are a part of our guild. There are no useless people. Go, attack. And when we need that health, you'll be there to heal us." Mari said with a smile as she patted his back - Crozeph fought valiantly, even going as far as to drag Shiina back to the players. GOod. And he thought he was useless? Mari clicked her toungue in disapproval. Crozeph was looking out for others, he was keeping an eye on them. That meant more than anything, especially when you had people like that other girl- just blatantly tripping others over.

    @Bistro addressed Mari, telling her that she'd be out of her hair. Mari shook her head and gave the bi-coloured woman a lop-sided grin. "You're fine. You're honestly helping, that's all anyone can ask for. Just don't go tripping other players...or maybe shoving them into the ground and you're fine in my books."

    Mari was distracted by a flurry of gold - @Snow pushed aside everything and gave an all out offensive toward the three muscular memes. Mari felt a swell of pride well within her. "SNOW!" Mari called out to her. "I"m proud of you!" Mari  felt like Snow needed to hear those words. "Kick them in their PECTORALS!"


    The two beasts - the Boar and the ...goblin guy - again were obliterated. And were recovered by the Rain Minion guy. "Hmmm...." Mari paused. Normally, she'd go for an outright attack again, but something didn't seem...right.  "You know...." Mari thought aloud. "They're not...attacking - maybe they're just defending themselves. I mean - it's..." Mari thought back to the smoke, the lights - the sounds.

    It's like a performance.

    "Maybe...we don't need to attack...maybe...we need to

    It was then that @Macradon told her she should pose. Mari covered her mouth as she gave a loud snort, followed by a laugh. "Geez..." She shook her head. "You know, I was thinking the same thing...I'll uhh.. ok I'll flex at the Rain Minion -" She turned over at the others who were in their area; Freyd, Cordelia - Snow, and Crozeph. "Hey - we should all pose, like some sort of Sentai rangers, right? This isn't a normal battle so we need to start trying things that we never normally would. Now.." Mari held out her spear. She needed height for this.

    Mari darted forward toward the Rain Minion, and wtih a mighty battle cry she dug her spear pointy end into the ground and with a few fancy acrobatics, she managed to wind herself up to the top of the spear.  It was a sure fire way for the King to see her - above the players nad the cultists. Then, she drew a deep breath. Feeling utterly stupid and ridiculous - but hey, she had done stupider things. This was Mari.

    She had swum in the Stygian River
    Drunk from the Stygian River...
    T-posed her way down a questionable void

    Testing the game, and its limits - what it could and couldn't do? That was in Mari's repitore. If she didn't test this and rule it out, she'd be kicking herself later.

    So, Mari drew a deep breath and FLEXED, twisting her body into a pose to mimic that of the mighty meme beasts before her. Face red with embarrassment, chest heaving from the constant debuffs.

    ID: 153384

    Passive: +1 EN
    @Mari: HP: 392/392 196/196 | EN: 109/140 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 88 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 3 | BRN: 24 | BLD: 48 | THNS: 45 | BH: 72 | Burn DoT: -50%


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