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Posts posted by Oikawa

  1. House Name: Seijuro Manor
    LOCATION: Floor 21 | Underground Waterfalls


    Plot Size: Estate
    Room(s): [4/15 Rooms] [2/3 Yards] (Forge) | (Slime Farm) | (Dining Room) | (Bedroom) | (Bathroom) All assigned to Oikawa
    Room Upgrade(s): (Extended Forge) | (Mega Slime Farm) | (Dining Hall) All assigned to Oikawa
    Total Cost: 281,000



    "Rested" (-1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.)

    "Clean" (The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down).)

    "Hard Working" (+2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day.)

    "Advanced Training" (+2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month.)

    "Delicious" (Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.)


  2. Spoiler

    [129874] LD: 7 (4+3)

    Total Materials: 3 [Tier 3]

    Total Col: 3,780

    Other: 1 Rare Trinket [Tier 3]

    Slinking off, the snow leopard cub went off in search of more ores. A sigh escaped his lips as Oikawa un-equipped his spear to do the same.  Heading off in the opposite direction, he started by placing his hand along the cavern walls. He slowly inspected each crevice for anything that could be of use or signs of more materials to come. While several minerals lined the walls, only a few would make perfect specimens for the expert crafting he was known for. Knowing this Oikawa admittedly had to pass over more sub-par minerals than he cared to admit. Glancing over to King, it seemed the cub had even turned up empty handed for the part of the cave he had just finished exploring. Dusting his hands, Oikawa motioned for King to follow him towards another part of the cave. "Perhaps we'll have better luck over here my friend." King could only nod in agreement as he continued to follow Oikawa towards what seemed like the back of the cave.

  3. "Hmm, not nearly as strong as I used to be. MoBs like this used be one-shot-able. I suppose the ante might be higher given the tier these days. Since we are officially in tier three territory." Shifting his focus back to the Golem, Oikawa raised his spear to the creatures chest. The tip already begin to pierce through the hardened ores sticking from it chest. Six machine-gun like blows rattled off the creature before Oikawa knocked it back with the final hit of the chain. The sounds of rocks colliding and skittering echoed throughout the area. [Imperial Southern Cross] was more than enough to wipe the creature but due to the way his sword arts lined up he had to expend more energy than he anticipated for the fight. Nonetheless, the creature dissolved into polygons, leaving behind a nice amount of Col, some trinket and a couple materials. "Not as rusty as i thought," he mused internally.

    [Oikawa]: 1290/1290 [95/126] (-15 EN) [19 DMG x 14 = 266 DMG][36 Bleed DMG]

    [Obsidian Golem]: 0/630 | DMG: 189 [-302 HP*BLD (2/2)*


    (129869) BD: 7 | CD: 6 | LD: 9 | MD: 8

    Rewards: +3,780 Col, +2 Tier 3 Materials, & +1 Unidentified Tier 3 Rare Trinket

    Total Materials: 3 [Tier 3]

    Total Col: 3,780

    Other: 1 Rare Trinket [Tier 3]


  4. The cavern shook once more. Rocks tumbled about left and right as something zeroed in on them. He wasn't sure what, but Oikawa remained cautious of his surroundings. Suddenly bursting from the cavern wall, an obsidian covered golem roared out at him. "An <Obsidian Golem> hmm? Well let's see just how rusty I am."  [Charging] forward, Oikawa launched himself towards the creature before erupting into [Dimension Stampede].  Ripping into the golem, Oikawa darted back and forth puncturing the creature with successive blows to the chest. Chaining the final hit and channeling King's fighter trait, Oikawa leaped skyward before rotating into a drop kick slam, critically wounding the mob on impact. Dusting his spearing, Oikawa motioned for the creature to bring it on. "Surely the creatures of this cave are more of a threat than this," he mocked as the Golem buckled beneath paralysis and clutched at the bleeding hole in its chest.

    [Oikawa]: 1290/1290 [110/126] (-16 EN) [19 DMG + 2 CRIT DMG + 5 Charge DMG x 15 = 390 DMG][36 Bleed DMG][Paralytic Venom Activated]

    [Obsidian Golem]: 204/630 | DMG: 189 [-426 HP] *PAR**BLD (1/2)*


    (129806) BD: 10 | MD: 4


  5. Spoiler


    [129800] LD: 14 (11+3)

    Rewards: +1 Tier 3 Material

    Total Materials: 1 [Tier 3]


    Echoing a soft purr, King headed off too look for ores. Not all too worried about his furred companion, Oikawa began to search about the cave. Surely he would have some luck right? The cave emitted various glowing effects as crystals lined the cavern walls like lights at Christmas. Pushing further in he spotted a slight twinkle in the walls. Inspecting further, a sigh escaped him. It was nothing more than some critters shell. Panning over, he spotted the grey cub pawing at the walls. It seemed he had better luck than the brunette. Perhaps this may be a lot harder than we thought, mused the smith as he retrieved the ore from King. The ground suddenly shook around them. Looking around, Oikawa was unsure if this was normal for the cave he had only frequented a few times before.


    Turning towards the noise, Oikawa called upon his spear. "Hmm now that's interesting," he admitted as a sly smile snaked across his lips.

  6. Spoiler

    [129799] LD: 7 (4+3)

    The sound of water droplets rippling through the expanding pool echoed louder and louder as they neared their destination. King, being the curious cub that he is, sniffed and pawed around the entire area, consuming more time poking around than actually finding anything significant. As the path narrowed in on the mouth of the cave, Oikawa motioned for King to come along. The cub the face of dismay. If he was searching for ores, he must have not found any as the look of failure was evident as he returned to Oikawa's side. "Don't worry King. There should be plenty to be found up ahead. If we're lucky, we may find a chest or a dungeon, or even a labyrinth. But who knows," he explained with reassurance and a shrug. Nodding along, King followed his master blacksmith right through the entrance. The grandiose cavern expanded before them, revealing several places to search for materials.  "Keep your eyes peeled. This is where we look."


  7. Having made up his mind, the old man grumbled something incoherent before closing the shack door. Nodding in response the NPC, began to walk around the corner at a rather brisk pace. Following quickly behind, Oikawa just as quickly came to a halt. The man had stopped. A trembling finger rose and pointed to the far side of the falls. The mouth of a cave lined the walls just behind the falls. "I see", muttered the brunette. Returning to the hut, the old man echoed over his shoulder. "This quest is more for you rather than completion as it is repeatable. However, it is the most effective way to gather materials without investing in skills. Enjoy young man." Oikawa nodded in response before turning back to the falls. "King!" The cub suddenly materialized in a flash of pixelated light before him. "Let's go." The cub purred in agreement as the two moved towards the cascading waters.

  8. Approaching the shack, Oikawa dismissed King. He didn't want to cause any misunderstandings or come off as hostile to the NPC. His crystal alone would suffice for that. Placing a loose fist upon the wooden door, Oikawa rapped the oak a few times. Slowly, the door creaked open. Darkness lined the space between him and what awaited inside. Suddenly, an older man emerged from within, causing Oikawa to slightly stumble back to allow him room to exit the shack. The gray NPC glanced to the floating crystal above his head. Stroking his beard, he locked eyes with Oikawa. "I assume you're here to gather?" "Your assumption would be correct," Oikawa voiced. "Would you be able to tell me where I can make the most of my time collecting?" Twirling the gray wisps along his twin into a swirl, the old man thought for a moment. Oikawa wondered if it was for dramatic effect or if the NPC was truly hesitant in guiding the brunette to the right area.

  9. Steps echoed along the main road as the pair moved from the outskirts of their home into the less familiar area known as the <<Underground Waterfalls>>. This area seemed to be home to a plethora of vacation spots for most players; however, despite the outward appearance it was also home to the <<Cavern>>. The fabled area was supposedly housing several upon several materials used for smithing and other various professions. At least that is what Oikawa had heard. Pushing through the infamous falls, Oikawa and King reached a small shack like building. Just inside awaited what he hoped was the NPC to guide him in the right direction. The shack was covered in leaves, perhaps to persuade passerbys to not stop. Though it didn't do much to stop Oikawa from heading right on in. He did however pause at a peculiar sight. The wooden planks making up the walls of the shack seemed warped and out of place. "They should fix that when they get a chance. Cut wood doesn't fare to well against water."

  10. Swiping the air, the brunette manifested the menu. Scrolling through and array of options, he selected the item he was looking for. "Ahh the Gate of Babylon," he mused. Equipping the small trinket, he let the item rest within his cloak before turning to the cub that awaited him at the door. "I suppose you're ready to move out King?" Though the cub wouldn't answer verbally, the leopard nodded and pushed the door open. Exiting Seijuro Manor, the duo made there way to the <<Cavern>> where they would meet the NPC rumored to be giving information on exactly where he could acquire extra materials. He was in search of both ores and ingots alike. Depending on there sizes, they could even be used for more than one type of equipment. Not that he lacked any spare gear in his shop. All too often he never used or sold anything but perfects.

  11. Spoiler

    HP1310 | EN: 128 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 61 ACC: 1 |  EVA: 0 | LD: +3 | SR: +5

    Equipped Gear:

    The Mob-Stopper (Unique Perfect 2-Handed Assault Spear): +3 Damage | +1 Bleed | +1 Paralytic Venom

    Marauder's Cape (Perfect Light Armor): +27 Mitigation | +2 Evasion

    Gate of Babylon (Perfect Trinket): +3 Loot Dice 

    Skills & Mods:

    Utility Skills:

    Hiding [Rank 5]: Vanish (Mod) | Surprise Attack "Trickster" (Mod)

    Quick Change


    Combat Skills:

    Charge [Rank 5]

    Weapon Skills:

    Two-Handed Assault Spear [Rank 5]Precision (Mod) | Ferocity (Mod)

    Martial Arts [Inactive]

    Armor Skills:

    Light Armor [Rank 5]: Athletics (Mod)

    Extra Skills:



    Familiar Mastery: Fighter [Rank 3]

    Meditation [Inactive]

    Housing Buffs:
    Rested : -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.
    Clean : The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down).
    Delicious: Turn 3 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Feast. A Feast contains 6 portions of the food items sacrificed. Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.
    Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
    Advanced Training: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month

    The sun shimmered as usual. Its benevolent rays stretching across the grass fields of the twenty-first floor, or at least, that is what would be true if the floor was blanketed in constant darkness. Well not total darkness. Ores, minerals, and the vegetation adapted to the darkness by growing illuminating colors alongside their natural growth which helps with lack of light the floor provides. For some the view can be unseemly, but Oikawa having moved to the floor was far accustomed to it. He enjoyed it surprisingly. The doom and gloom setting seemed fitting for him but his past wouldn't be his focus today. He had some catching up to do to rejoin the front lines, he also need materials to trade for goods and place orders. Today he'd start with the minuscule task of collecting them first. "I wonder if the old water hole is still there? I haven't fished in a while but I can imagine that it will hold up just fine for loot."

  12. Drip.



    The rhythm unsurprisingly sounded all too natural these days. The tune of the of the cave if you will. Leather patted the ominous cavern floor as Oikawa strolled toward mid-day rays extending just beyond the mouth of the falls. Rushing water soon drowned out the cave's tune as he raised his hand to meet the sun in all of its glory. Its truly been too long, he admitted to himself as he trudged back to the only building within visual range of this side of the Underground Falls. His shop had stood alone for quite some time. Long forgotten in his absence and even more starved for his attention than the brunette cared to admit, the Grand Forge towered alone in the fields. His gaze took it all in. It had been months since he had last been home. Despite the capability of fast travel, Oikawa opted to enjoy the rather tedious task of floor by floor travel. Avoiding people and questions were all to easy given his limited access to towns and even the few souls he met along his way back noticed only his cursor before moving along; rightfully so he supposed. In this absence however, he had time to think.

    It had been so long since he had seen anyone he remotely knew and with the latest floor cleared he had expected more headway to transpire. Alas, he was wrong, the progress made had not nearly exceeded his expectations. In fact, it was worrisome. At this rate the floors won't be cleared anytime soon. Pushing through the lobby, a surprised King served the smith an earned look of disapproval.

    "I know. I know," Oikawa motioned. Settling back into his snooze, King paid the man no mind as he seated himself into one of the few chairs the shop had. His hand drafted through the air. The main menu materializing before him in typical fashion. His friends list beeped into view. Names of players he hadn't heard from nor reached out to since his last attempt to resurface. I suppose last time my resolve failed me with the disappearance of Kiru. And with the death of Opal. I only have one remaining goal. Death Adder...

    His crimson eyes settled back unto this list. Check-marking a few recipients, he clattered out a small message. A simple request really. Presence. He knew not what the frontlines held in store. Unaware of what friendships and bonds he still held, and further more he no longer knew the state of Aincrad nor who or what was leading them forward. Unless something has changed there are no longer any prominent guilds, and last I heard Calrex still maintained the highest level among known players. Where are we and what is our plan? Tracking down why this happened and how to speed up the process is my top priority. Death Adder is just a luxury, but should we cross paths; my wrath will know no bounds...

    Pressing send, Oikawa awaited the arrival of the party. Perhaps something can be made from the few friends he had left. Not to mention he'd need at least someone to carry back into top form.

  13. Though having only received a formal reply from Shield, Oikawa could only assume his S.C. brethren couldn't be far behind. Closing the window, the noirette swiped through a few menus before stopping as a certain feline materialized into view. The smokey grey cub sprawling his toes as if he had just awakened from a deep slumber. "Alas it has been some time King. Ready for some action?" The childish leopard raised a brow in confusion before executing a yawn and pawing off into the grassy field. Shifting his gaze, Oikawa begin to descend from the middle level of "The Coliseum". Along the horizon, specks bobbled in and out of view and Oikawa wondered if any of them resembled the party he had called for. Shouldn't be too much longer. Though it will be interesting trying to explain the reasoning for the gathering. Perhaps this might've been a bad idea.

  14. How long? How long has it been since I last heard from her... The faint memory of black and white hair nestled into his armor seemed all too familiar as the raven-haired man gazed out from his manor. His eyes closed. His mind reminisced on the times he spent with her., the ice queen. She was more than just a memory to him, yet only just that in the literal sense. It had been months since he had last seen her. Let alone speak to her.

    You just had to disappear again huh? Just like last time. You are never around when they need you most... First...Kotori... Now... Ki-

    He stopped himself. There was no point in furthering his own pity. Oikawa's eyes blinked open. The crimson orbs scanning the horizon as the sun began to lower behind it. This was no time to loathe. No, he needed answers. Looking down, he swiped up to draft the system menu. From it, he selected a few names and typed out a message. Selecting send, he sighed before dismissing the messenger HUD and returning his gaze to the now darkened window. With a small grin, Oikawa equipped his newly crafted spear, and prodded the window open.

    "Let's go find this... Vile"

    @Calrex @Baldur @Shield @Beat

  15. Items:


    Name: Heavy Epee
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 111354
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Rapier
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +9 Damage
    Description: A fencing sword with a stout, black steel blade. The tip, though not as narrow as many other dueling weapons, is lethally sharp. Rather than a basket hilt, it has a simple, thin cross guard.
    Post Link: Link

    Name: Ezel Noir
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 111355
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Two Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +9 Damage
    Description: A speared staff with a matte black pole and an black metal tip.
    Post Link: Link


  16. Metal sparked once more as the furnace roared to life. The usual sounds molten ores echoing in the chamber as the familiar hands of the blacksmith twitched with work. Oikawa's gaze settled on the remaining materials that lined his shelf. His confidence only lowering as the amount of failed attempts towered in the corner. Breathing yet another heavy sigh, the noirette continued to hammer away at the glowing item as he hoped his luck with crafting increased.

    Crafts Attempted:


    [111346] Salvaged [BD: 3] [LD: 15] [+5 EXP]

    [111347] Rare [BD: 10] [+8 EXP]

    [111348] Uncommon [BD: 5] [+6 EXP]

    [111349] Rare [BD: 8] [+8 EXP]

    [111350] Uncommon [BD: 6] [+6 EXP]

    [111351] Uncommon [BD: 6] [+6 EXP]

    [111352] Rare [BD: 8] [+8 EXP]

    [111353] Rare [BD: 8] [+8 EXP]

    [111354] Perfect [BD: 12] [+11 EXP]

    [111355] Perfect [BD: 11] [+11 EXP]

    [111356] Uncommon [BD: 7] [+6 EXP]

    EXP Gained: +83 EXP ([2,910/5,120] to [2,993/5,120])

    Materials Used: x11 T3 Materials (x12 T3 Materials Remaining) 

    New Items:


    Name: Heavy Epee
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 111354
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Rapier
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +9 Damage
    Description: A fencing sword with a stout, black steel blade. The tip, though not as narrow as many other dueling weapons, is lethally sharp. Rather than a basket hilt, it has a simple, thin cross guard.
    Post Link: Link

    Name: Ezel Noir
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 111355
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Two Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +9 Damage
    Description: A speared staff with a matte black pole and an black metal tip.
    Post Link: Link


  17. Item:


    Name: War God's Blade
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 111152
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Katana
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +3 Accuracy
    Description: A simple katana blade with the designs along the blade like that of curling flames along the blade with the origin of the flames being a singular red ball fiery ball that make it seem the fire design is coming out from that point like flowing water.
    Post Link: Link


  18. Another day another craft they say here in Aincrad, thought the puzzled smith as he racked his brains for a solution. The noirette had turned up more and more requests and keeping up was quite the bit of work considering how out of practice he was. While most of his requests came in the form of tier 3, Oikawa knew that the experience wasn't dependent on the grade of the weapon. That being said, he should practice more with the surplus tier one materials he owned. Pushing that notion aside, he continued to work on the remaining two orders.

    @Mars Your order is complete!

    Crafts Attempted:


    [111152] Perfect [BD: 11] [+11 EXP]

    [111153] Not Salvaged [BD: 3] [LD: 8] [+5 EXP]

    [111154] Rare [BD: 9] [+8 EXP]

    [111155] Uncommon [BD: 7] [+6 EXP]

    [111156] Salvaged [BD: 3] [LD: 13] [+5 EXP]

    [111157] Rare [BD: 9] [+8 EXP]

    [111158] Uncommon [BD: 7] [+6 EXP]

    [111159] Uncommon [BD: 7] [+6 EXP]

    [111160] Rare [BD: 9] [+8 EXP]

    [111161] Rare [BD: 8] [+8 EXP]

    [111162] Salvaged [BD: 3] [LD: 19] [+5 EXP]

    EXP Gained: +76 EXP ([2,834/5,120] to [2,910/5,120])

    Materials Used: x10 T3 Materials & x1 T1 Materials (x23 T3 &  x75 T1 Materials Remaining) 

    New Items:


    Name: War God's Blade
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 111152
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Katana
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +3 Accuracy
    Description: A simple katana blade with the designs along the blade like that of curling flames along the blade with the origin of the flames being a singular red ball fiery ball that make it seem the fire design is coming out from that point like flowing water.
    Post Link: Link


  19. Items:


    Name: Armor of the Wild
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 110732
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Tier: 2
    Enhancements: +54 Mitigation
    Description: A Green heavy armor with gold into the mix. Two big shoulder pats with two horns on each side of the armor. The face of an Elk on the chest plate made of gold. A green cloth placed around the hips of the player.
    Post Link: Link

    Name: Sapphire Spear
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 110860
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Two-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +6 Damage
    Description: A blue rod with gold markings around it at the top sits a spear head that is a Blue Sapphire on the top. The sharp sides of the Sapphire are made to take more damage then normal metal.
    Post Link: Link


  20. "Another piece of garbage," muttered the noirette as he scrapped another "non-perfect" item. Grabbing another handful of sapphire ores, Oikawa's ears perked up at the sound of foot fall. Suddenly the door swung open as a man with similarly colored black hair entered. He offered Oikawa little more than a nod before hastily filling out an order request and placing it on the counter. Finding the nearest seat, the newcomer plopped down and awaited his item. "I'll get to this soon," Oikawa assured before returning to the forging flames.

    @Hazado Your order is complete!

    Crafts Attempted:


    [110855] Uncommon [BD: 6] [+6 EXP]

    [110856] Not Salvaged [BD: 6] [LD: 9] [+5 EXP]

    [110857] Rare [BD: 9] [+8 EXP]

    [110858] Rare [BD: 8] [+8 EXP]

    [110859] Not Salvaged [BD: 2] [LD: 2] [+5 EXP]

    [110860] Perfect [BD: 11] [+11 EXP]

    [110861] Rare [BD: 8] [+8 EXP]

    [110862] Rare [BD: 8] [+8 EXP]

    [110863] Uncommon [BD: 7] [+6 EXP]

    [110864] Rare [BD: 8] [+8 EXP]

    [110865] Uncommon [BD: 7] [+6 EXP]

    EXP Gained: +79 EXP ([2,755/5,120] to [2,834/5,120])

    Materials Used: x6 T2 Materials & x5 T1 Materials (x5 T2 &  x76 T1 Materials Remaining) 

    New Items:


    Name: Sapphire Spear
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 110860
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Two-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +6 Damage
    Description: A blue rod with gold markings around it at the top sits a spear head that is a Blue Sapphire on the top. The sharp sides of the Sapphire are made to take more damage then normal metal.
    Post Link: Link


  21. After having messaged the merchant, Oikawa had returned for the second time in a month to retrieve some wares. This time however, he needed materials. With his shop requiring a strange influx of orders, the raven-haired smith realized just how out of stock and practice he was. Pushing through the front doors, he nodded to Shield before depositing the Col and awaiting the materials.

    "Sorry for the short notice, it seems I'm popular this week."



    x10 Tier 2 Materials (660 ea.)

    x10 Tier 3 Materials (990 ea.)

    Col Sent: 16, 500


  22. Sparks scattered with each blow of the raven-haired smith's hammer as he continued to work on his orders. The sudden interest in his shop intrigued him. So suddenly I have orders. It has been a long time since I was a relevant blacksmith, he mused. Finishing up the final touches on a piece of heavy armor he began eyeing the next set of materials he would use for the accompanying weapon. Perhaps some onyx will work for this. Looking over the request he chuckle. Hmm I guess sapphire it is...

    Crafts Attempted:

    • ID: 110725
      • CD: 4
      • LD: 1
      • Quality: Not Salvaged
      • EXP: 5 (2 + 3)
    • ID: 110726
      • CD: 5
      • Quality: Uncommon
      • EXP: 6 (3 + 3)
    • ID: 110727
      • CD: 6
      • Quality: Uncommon
      • EXP: 6 (3 + 3)
    • ID: 110728
      • CD: 4
      • LD: 7
      • Quality: Not Salvaged
      • EXP: 5 (2 + 3)
    • ID: 110729
      • CD: 1
      • Quality: Critical Fail
      • EXP: 4 (1 + 3)
    • ID: 110730
      • CD: 5
      • Quality: Uncommon
      • EXP: 6 (3 + 3)
    • ID: 110731
      • CD: 3
      • LD: 11
      • Quality: Not Salvaged
      • EXP: 5 (2 + 3)
    • 110732
      • CD: 11
      • Quality: Perfect
      • EXP: 11 (8 + 3)
    • ID: 110733
      • CD: 1
      • Quality: Critical Fail
      • EXP: 4 (1 + 3)
    • ID: 110734
      • CD: 5
      • Quality: Uncommon
      • EXP: 6 (3 + 3)
    • ID: 110735
      • CD: 2
      • LD: 12
      • Quality: Not Salvaged
      • EXP: 5 (2 + 3)
    • Totals:
      • EXP Earned: +63 (2,755/5,120 to 2,818/5,120)
      • Mats Used: 11 T2 Materials (Sent to Banker. 1 T2 Mat remaining.)

    New Item:


    Name: Armor of the Wild
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 110732
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +54 Mitigation
    Description: A green heavy armor with gold into the mix. Two big shoulder pats with two horns on each side of the armor. The face of an Elk on the chest plate made of gold. A green cloth placed around the hips of the player.
    Post Link: Link


  23. Items 3, 4, & 5:


    Name: Kiṅs pēṉ
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 110547
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +2 Bleed & +1 Paralysis
    Description: Link
    Post Link: Link

    Name: Nītipati
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 110548
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +2 Bleed & +1 Keen
    Description: Link
    Post Link: Link

    Name: Guilty Thorn
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 110557
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: One-Handed Rapier
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +2 Bleed & +1 Keen
    Description: Link
    Post Link: Link


  24. Flames licked at the edge of the furnace as metals sparked and glowed with each entry and exit from the fire. Oikawa looked up as the bell chimed, signifying yet another customer entry. His gaze settled on the intruder. A smile creasing his features as he nodded to the familiar face. As Calrex mentioned the changes in Oikawa's appearance, the noirette materialized <Grand Skypiercer> in response. King excitedly purred at the return of his feathered friend he sat perched upon a ledge before swooping down and landing next to the cub. 

    "Yeah, as they say new year new me. This just seemed more fitting I suppose." Oikawa noticed a small furrow in the bluenette's brow. Somethings not right. But Calrex never mentioned it and instead chimed he needed to test the weapon out.

    "I have a few more orders to handle here, once they're complete; quest, we shall." Waving each other off, Oikawa turned to restart on his orders when the bell chimed again. This time a very unfamiliar face approached his counter. Seemingly friendly enough, Oikawa waved a soft hello in response to the young lads greeting. Looking over his request, Oikawa responded. "I should have this complete soon enough. I'll Pm you upon completion and approval." With that Oikawa took the payment and began working.

    Crafts Attempted:

    • ID: 110547
      • CD: 11
      • Quality: Perfect
      • EXP: 11 (8 + 3)
    • ID: 110548
      • CD: 12
      • Quality: Perfect
      • EXP: 11 (8 + 3)
    • ID: 110549
      • CD: 4
      • LD: 10
      • Quality: Not Salvaged
      • EXP: 5 (2 + 3)
    • ID: 110550
      • CD: 7
      • Quality: Uncommon
      • EXP: 6 (3 + 3)
    • ID: 110551
      • CD: 6
      • Quality: Uncommon
      • EXP: 6 (3 + 3)
    • ID: 110552
      • CD: 8
      • Quality: Rare
      • EXP: 8 (5 + 3)
    • ID: 110553
      • CD: 2
      • LD: 14
      • Quality: Salvaged
      • EXP: 5 (2 + 3)
    • ID: 110554
      • CD: 6
      • Quality: Uncommon
      • EXP: 6 (3 + 3)
    • ID: 110555
      • CD: 10
      • Quality: Rare
      • EXP: 8 (5 + 3)
    • ID: 110556
      • CD: 10
      • Quality: Rare
      • EXP: 8 (5 + 3)
    • ID: 110557
      • CD: 12
      • Quality: Perfect
      • EXP: 11 (8 + 3)
    • Totals:
      • EXP Earned: +85 (2,755/5,120)
      • Mats Used: 1 T3 Material & 10 T1 Materials (Sent to Banker. 15 T3 Mats and 75 T1 Mats remaining.)

    New Items:


    Name: Kiṅs pēṉ
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 110547
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +2 Bleed & +1 Paralysis
    Description: Link
    Post Link: Link

    Name: Nītipati
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 110548
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +2 Bleed & +1 Keen
    Description: Link
    Post Link: Link

    Name: Guilty Thorn
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 9
    ID: 110557
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: One-Handed Rapier
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +2 Bleed & +1 Keen
    Description: Link
    Post Link: Link

    @Itzal @tricolor_mina [Your Items are ready for pick up]

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