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Status Updates posted by Oske

  1. Ahh! The new update! It looks beautiful <3

    1. Shark


      It sure does, doesn't it.

  2. All the single ladies, all the single ladies~ go to this thread! http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/6228-a-sword-through-the-heart-oskes-match-making-game-show/

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Kiru


      Wait, what if Kiru was dragged into the gameshow without wanting to participate?! XD Jk.

    3. XWuZHeAR


      *smh* look what you've started oske *sniffle* it's beautiful *graps popcorn*

    4. Elyth


      Darn it, I don't even have popcorn, I just have butter.

      Let's let Kiru use a whip in the gameshow so she participates.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  3. Aww man... "Life is Strange" is so intense. I LOVE IT!

  4. Back from work! :D

    1. Vesuvius


      Back from the dead

    2. Kiru


      Hello beffffffrand

  5. Been thinking about animating... too bad I don't have Flash.

    1. Fallen


      I can recommend some software for animating if you want?

    2. Daeron


      Blender is a great program for beginners. I used to be good at it, then i stopped animations.

  6. Can't say much, but something exciting is coming soon!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucifer


      Yeah, I believe with big revamps, players that already have the profession can switch to something else. However, if a player from a different profession wants the new one, they can switch over to only that. (i.e. A chef fan become a fisherman, a fisherman can become a chef or alchemist, but a chef can't suddenly become a blacksmith.)

    3. Lucifer


      Note: They can't do that, I meant to say I believe they should be allowed to.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. CLICK THE LINK in the Re-Evaluation Announcement. The thread for re-eval is NOT the same as grandfather items.

  8. Curse you, college program!

  9. Decided not to add Oske's quotes, because 90% the time she says stupid crap.

    1. Daeron


      Not what I can recall... she's crying for Daeron right now so.... that's NOT stupid, it's sentimental.

    2. Oske


      lol, but looking back at her older roleplays she stutters and is a total nerddd

    3. Daeron


      She's Adorkable as I would call it.

  10. Finally changed my avatar. Liking it so far... :)

    1. Sol


      You draw your own avatars? You're damn good at it!

  11. Finally found Oske's theme song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hZY8ibqKyA

    1. Oske


      You'll see if you look at some of my newer roleplays, including "escape"

    2. Kharn
    3. Baldur


      That's actually kinda catchy

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  12. Gah... the only roleplay I can reply to right now is a SP. Sad face.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Oske


      Aww, thanks Tyger <3 (I was actually poking at Mari with this update lol)

    3. Tyger


      Oikawa, at Oske :P Waiting on Baldur-butt who's locked into Banner Saga

    4. Azide


      Does Oske rhyme with Broskii?

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  13. Good morning, all! It seems another day has come to cry over the ending of an anime that wasn't even sad.

    1. Calrex


      Which anime is this?

  14. Got enhancement ideas? Let me know! <3

  15. Hey all! Check out the announcements <3

    1. Oske


      What do you mean?

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      I can't believe that people actually vote for blacksmiths to be able to do both types of armor:O

    3. Baldur


      I can't either, Ariel

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  16. Hey all! I'm sorry for not being on lately. I'm doing my best, but my situation is really... bad right now. Please link me to any threads or conversations I missed that you want me to see.

    1. Skylar


      It is okay. We have missed you though.

    2. Calrex


      No worries Oske! Hope your situation improves

  17. Hey all! Sorry for not being on at all, I was on vacation and working on a huge project. I should be home in like 10-12 hours :D

    1. Teayre


      *cheers* Did you go anywhere nice?

    2. Calrex


      Sounds like it was fun! XD

  18. Hey everybody, so I know there's other tailors in Aincrad, but we're all different! Order from Pepper and you get a custom drawing of your outfit!

    1. Him


      Ah, interesting. However, was this posted as intended?

    2. Oske


      Not quite sure what you mean.

    3. Baldur


      I'm not sure what he means either, Oske. But I might take you up on that! :D

  19. Hey guys, so I've been a little depressed lately. Nothing major. I’ll be online doing GM stuff, but social stuff and roleplay stuff will be slowing down.

    1. Azide


      Aw, feel better soon, Oske!

    2. Takneil


      *helps Calrex with the Pyre*

    3. Rusty


      Feel better! When I'm depressed, I just look at gifs or read the comic dogfort. Just find some adorable stuff. :3

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  20. Hey guys! After chatting about it in staff, I thought I'd let you know I'm on LOA (leave of absense). I will still be able to moderate, just at a slower rate. I'll be rejoining staff completely when life gets better. Thanks, I love you guys! <3

    1. Skylar


      Good luck. We will miss you. Take your time and come back to us when you can. ^_^

    2. Calrex


      No worries Oske, take all the time you need to get things in order! We'll see you when you get back!

  21. Hey, guys, I'm fine I swea--*pukes*

    1. Rusty


      Feel better really s- *sees puke* ok just feel better.

    2. Calrex


      Oh god! Hope you feel better! O_o

    3. Baldur


      Hugs. Get better

    1. Kosan


      Ugh.. Shark.. Were you drunk when you went at Superbowl ? .. Damn it..

    2. ___


      Shark got dem moves. Make way on the dance floor, we've got a bad shark coming through.

    3. Kiru


      Shark, we told you not to dance.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  22. Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that I am leaving staff. Please do not direct staff-related questions to me. I might be staff again one day, but until then, kisses! I had a wonderful time :)

    1. Golden
    2. Calrex


      No worries Oske! Enjoy being a regular player again!

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