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Status Updates posted by Oske

  1. Hi guys! I'm sorry for my massive absence. I went through a drastic medical problem and I will be a little slow, but fine.

    1. Calrex


      Oh no! Hope you're alright, take your time O_o

    2. Oikawa


      Just Glad to hear you're alright! Take your time!!

    3. XWuZHeAR


      Yay Oske's back

  2. Hmm. Let's play, "Do You Know Oske?" This one is for the oldies... Who was Oske's first romantic interest and why did he reject her?

  3. Hmm... I like Mari's little... potion ideas for all her threads. Thinking about what potion to slip Oske.

  4. Holy crud. I rolled 2 perfects, 1 rare, and 1 uncommon. IN A ROW.

    1. Calrex
    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Just by reading the descriptions of your items makes my mouth watery *wipes drools off with her sleeve* Dammit I don't have sleeves!

    3. Kiru


      Dice gods love Oske

  5. Huh. I've been looking through shops all over, and it seems that all the alchemists/merchants are inactive... and I need some healing potions! D:

    1. Baldur


      I noticed that as well. We have lots of smiths, but no alchemists. I might have to pick up merchanteering just so I can buy my own stuff :P

    2. Natsu


      Ya. Sucks you have to pay for your own stuff! And you own the only merchant shop, so you can sell the prices for as high as you want to and people couldn't do a thing about it!

    3. Azide


      Haha, there will be no driving up prices for potions once I get approved as an Alchemist.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. I apologize again for the delay on the enhancement guide. It'll be out soon, vacation is almost over...

    1. Niklaus


      I hope so because I'd hate to be limited to something that people rarely use. Especially since Blacksmith and Tailor can add the same CD/LD/EXP enhancements that Artisans can.

    2. Mari
    3. Niklaus


      Noted, as for now though my question still remains unanswered.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  7. I have a +1 crafting attempt item in my store! Check it out (Butterfly Bakery)

    1. Mari


      If only Mari liked sweet things... That'd be useful today

  8. I have returned from my shift at work... man, my feet hurt.

    1. Teayre


      Nooo, get a foot rub from someone :D

    2. Skylar


      Welcome home! ^_^

  9. I have some cheesecake in my shop now <3 (It's kiwi strawberry)

    1. Oikawa


      \O/ Yay Cheesecake! I will purchase here in a bit!

  10. I have the day off! I'll be working on GM stuff when I get home <3

  11. I hope you all were prepared. The new profession guides and quest are up.

    1. Oske


      Yep, those items are just suggestions

    2. XWuZHeAR


      Wait how can monsters have a -1 BD? Because for the attraction to happen they need a -1 but I thought nothing could Change a natural roll of 1

    3. Baldur


      X, it means they have have -1 to whatever they roll.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  12. I just counted... Oske has had 5 romantic relationships (including the current one, Ranpu). Oske is a player, literally :P

    1. Oske


      Lol, having Oske have so many relationships was never in my agenda XD

    2. Clarence
    3. Kiru


      Stop being a player Oske~

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  13. I like to keep my site filled with kindness and respect. If anyone is taking this away from your SAO experience, let a staff member know.

  14. I made toffee again... I swear... It was here five seconds ago *burp*

    1. Rolland


      The toffee fairy took it, lol.

  15. I see Ren online! No way!

  16. I suppose I should start drawing commissions... Ugh.

    1. Calrex


      Do you have an online portfolio Oske? I'm curious as to other art you've done O_o

      (OMG I can't believe I used the wrong name earlier! *faceslam into desk*)

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      search for catglade? on deviantart. Idk for sure if that's her account but still.

  17. I undercooked my pie crust and now I'm sick :(

    1. Grougaloragran


      Just like Cookie Dough, never eat it raw. Unless its Cookie Dough ice cream. Then eat the mess out of it. Sorry to hear that Oske.

    2. Teayre


      Awwwww no Oske D: *gives burnt pie to compensate* :D

    3. Calrex


      Uh oh, hope you feel better

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  18. I'm feeling warm and fuzzy. Hey! Shark, Mari, Baldur, Celes, Tyger, Ranpu, Zero, Daeron, and others that may have slipped my mind… I love you guys! <3

  19. I'm going to make a super pretty outfit for Tyger, solely using materials out of bug parts :P

  20. I'm sorry everybody, I'm not in the best place right now so I'll be slow on roleplay replies... then again, I'm not in many anyway.

    1. Kiru


      It's oskay, I hope things get better!

  21. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I must be a bad kid~ ((also I'll get back to roleplaying soon <3))

    1. Calrex


      Why a bad kid? O_o

  22. I'm still the shortest in my family... I'm still the shortest guy I know!

  23. If you guys have any questions about the new professions guides, PM me rather than asking them in status updates <3

  24. If you have questions about the enhancement guide, PM me rather than asking in status updates. Thank you <3

  25. In the future, please PM me questions rather than asking them in status updates. Thanks guys <3

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