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Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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Status Replies posted by Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  1. Writers block (laziness) I promise Ill reply to everything tonight guys. I have no work tomorrow and I'll be active all day tomorrow. Gonne reply to a few things , go play basketball, then be up all night posting.

  2. If anyone has items to approve message me :) In the mood for doing stuff

  3. Yo, I won't get docked if I make my paragraphs about 150 words will I? a SP, so I don't see a reason to go all out.

  4. Nighty night guys, I'll catch all you lovely peoples tomorrow! Really sucks not being able to get stuck in D:

  5. man I feel lazy today...maybe seven spoons of sugar will help

  6. Whew, it took me too long to type 747 words. How much time do you guys think it took? I'm interested in knowing.

  7. so for earning like a living, I can nust have an npc merchant teach me his ways to sell then be done?

  8. Question, will Kiru remember her odd behavior when she recovers? If so, that will make my day so much better.

  9. Question, will Kiru remember her odd behavior when she recovers? If so, that will make my day so much better.

  10. Question, will Kiru remember her odd behavior when she recovers? If so, that will make my day so much better.

  11. Question, will Kiru remember her odd behavior when she recovers? If so, that will make my day so much better.

  12. Question, will Kiru remember her odd behavior when she recovers? If so, that will make my day so much better.

  13. I just realized something. When normal Kiru comes back, Aeternum is going to shart bricks.

  14. ...Darn it! I'm spinning the wheel of ideas! Someone stop it! O_O

  15. ...Darn it! I'm spinning the wheel of ideas! Someone stop it! O_O

  16. I just realized something. When normal Kiru comes back, Aeternum is going to shart bricks.

  17. Floor 10 boss sign ups are a-go be sure to apply and get your guild leader to give you permission. I am finally off to bed night yall

  18. Aye, eye, captain!

  19. I see that you need to finish 10 threads in one floor to get to the one above. My next question is whether a person could freely make threads over all the floors they have been to or if you need an item for it?

  20. Advice needed: how to break a .....rock?

  21. Advice needed: how to break a .....rock?

  22. Almost back to this site... I can't wait! So much stuff has been going on in the real world... What's been happening here, so far?

  23. So, as a beginning player, I wonder where I should start...

  24. Can Kiru be nice? :3 *nudge nudge wink* Potions are the answer.

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