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Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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Status Replies posted by Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  1. Looking for a Partner in crime to help me farm some SP

  2. Named him King and will going with +1 Thorns as his trait.

  3. Updated my journal :3

  4. Friendly reminder that your picture has to be of a person. It cannot be a symbol of any kind.

  5. Friendly reminder that your picture has to be of a person. It cannot be a symbol of any kind.

  6. Hey guys, Haven't been on in over 5+ months whats up/new

  7. Umm....My avatar disappeared, what the heck?

  8. Ariels gettin' angry~ XD (I'm loving this rp)

  9. streaming now everybody go watch twitch Joshsomarvelous

  10. hey guys watch Joshsomarvelous on twitch tonight. he is so awesome

  11. I hope you all were prepared. The new profession guides and quest are up.

  12. I hope you all were prepared. The new profession guides and quest are up.

  13. Two perfect tailor made items awaiting for the lucky first 2 clients at 'The Lion's Den'..just rolled them without actually having a order:))

  14. Prepare yourselves.

  15. Does the Katana Skill stack with the Curved Sword Skill?

  16. Don't forget to jump.. Jump/

  17. It seems like every time I have something to do, everyone magically replies to all the topics.

  18. rolled a 1 on BD.. at cupid.. feck. guess I'm gonna remain paralyzed for life now..

  19. In the end the <> quest turned into a material hunt..after the shark was defeated in 5 posts... that's what I get for adopting a DPS build..

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